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I went and used heat to soften the tissue of my penis prior and while  doing Traction with RestoreX.
It takes a minute or the for penis to adjust.
I'm back on the PMP though for the time being
Something I've noticed is by going up too many notches too soon and releasing the tension causes slight pain and slippage.

The way to do it is to go up enough notches so the white lines are buried.

I was being ambitious and going up too soon.

By going slow this way your glands doesn't slip and sits comfortably in the clamp.
Smoking negatively impacts the development and progression of Peyronie's disease due to several harmful mechanisms triggered by tobacco use:

1. Impaired Blood Flow: Smoking causes blood vessels to constrict, reducing blood flow. This affects the small vessels in the penis, making it harder for the body to heal micro-injuries. Poor circulation can lead to the formation of scar tissue, which is a hallmark of Peyronie's disease and contributes to the curvature of the penis.

2. Oxidative Stress: Smoking increases oxidative stress in the body, leading to the accumulation of free radicals. These free radicals can damage tissue and exacerbate inflammation, increasing the likelihood of scar tissue formation that can cause Peyronie's disease.
Pro-inflammatory Effects: Smoking promotes systemic inflammation, which can contribute to the development of fibrotic (scar-like) plaques in the penis. These plaques are characteristic of Peyronie's disease and lead to penile curvature and deformity.

3. Impaired Wound Healing: The chemicals in cigarettes can significantly impair the body's ability to heal wounds. Since Peyronie's disease often results from injuries to the penile tissue, poor wound healing can promote the disease's progression.

4. Worsening Erectile Function: Smoking is a known risk factor for erectile dysfunction (ED). Weaker erections can increase mechanical stress on penile tissue, raising the risk of developing Peyronie's disease and worsening its progression.

In summary, smoking contributes to the development and worsening of Peyronie's disease by causing poor blood flow, increased inflammation, delayed wound healing, and overall tissue damage. Quitting smoking can reduce the risk of developing the disease and positively influence its course.
Maybe this could help?
If you would like to support my work, I´ll set up a Patreon account in Sept 24. Here anyone can financially support valuable work. Since I have been working on the Peyronies Disease-workbooks around the clock for many months and will continue to do so in the future (with pleasure) and since a maximum of 1$ per book reaches the author when sold in bookstores, a small financial cushion could help.

Especially because I would like to use this and my own funds to financially support Peyronie's sufferers who cannot afford, for example, 300 bucks for a suitable medical aid. 1000 thanks in advance.
Update: my second session today I felt a slight sting where my newest scar is.. I don't think I can risk trying again anytime soon. I have even been using my hand to slowly guide the traction release to where it's comfortable starting out so it isn't full traction. I might have to put RestoreX aside for now and try light traction with PMP. My penis just keeps wanting to shrivel up with RestoreX. Really bummed about this. Hoping I didn't make the scar worse.
Well, I decided to give PMP another go.

More later. Many I'll even write up a own journal like others
When you guys started out with RestoreX, did you ever experience any issues with any part of the shaft stinging at random times when approaching full stretch in the device? I've been very careful and slow so far. This happened to me towards the end of a 10 minute beginning session, and I stopped immediately. The pain didn't linger. It was a very quick moment towards the end of treatment on the left side of the shaft about 1/4 of the way up from the base. Maybe because the penis stretches more easily as time goes on during treatment? I'm hoping that didn't cause an injury to my penis. I applied heat right away, but the pain was super quick and didn't continue. Attached picture of the same session just to verify that I am doing this correctly. My penis has slowly been stretching more with each treatment. Wondering if it is safe to continue treatment as long as I am not in pain.
Alternative Treatments of Peyronie's Disease / Heat Therapy Options
Last post by Groovymix - August 27, 2024, 05:15:25 PM
Hey guys, I'm looking for better heat therapy options than just using a rice sock. While it works, I always feel uneasy about not knowing what the exact temperature is. I always err on the side of caution as to how hot I make it. I'd rather have a temperature controlled device/heat pad/whatever that is consistent and shows the exact temperature. Any recommendations?
Causes of Peyronies Disease / Re: Cock rings.....
Last post by Axel_PD_Workbook - August 27, 2024, 12:39:48 PM
In addition to healthy precautions during sex, there are little things that we would never have thought could help prevent Peyronie's disease. For example, the active use of cute little rings called cock rings.
Using cock rings during intercourse can help maintain erections and reduce the risk of trauma or injury to the penis. In other words, it reduces the risk of bruising that can result from a "semi-erection" and an unconditional desire for penetration. Of course, the same applies here: Use with caution. From my point of view, I would always use rubber penis rings and not steel. No need to explain why.
Doesn't work. I bought it.