
Welcome to the Peyronies Forum

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Introduce Yourself / Introduction
Last post by bill57 - Yesterday at 09:58:48 AM
I'm a 67yo male.  My husband and I have been together 41 years.

My first symptom started 5+ years ago as a slight hourglass indention that disappeared with a full erection.  This didn't bother me.

About a year ago I tried sildenafil for the first (and only) time.  A 40-45 degree bend appeared and didn't go away.  It's occurred with every erection since then.

This is my dilemma. I'm 67 years old and in a 41-year monogamous relationship. Everything still works and the change in shape does not bother my husband. However, the bend in my erection freaks me out.  If I were young, I'd do anything to treat it, but at my age and relationship status I don't know if I should bother.  Are any of you in a similar situation?  How did you handle it?

I have been thinking about using VED and I am looking for a good quality product that is not too expensive.

I started thinking about VED when I came across a youtube channel by Caitin V. which discusses sex therapy topics, especially for men.  She had a video on erectile dysfunction and recommended a penis pump that Dr. Joel Kaplan sells.  The one she recommends is expensive, $300.  Is there another product that men have found to be effective that is more affordable?  Or is this a good price for a quality product?

A little about me.  I developed peyronies in 2021 and it went from 6 inches to 4 1/2 inches and was very bent, but not painful.  After using castor oil and a heating pad a couple times/week for about 10 months I was able to get it to straighten out with about a 50% improvement, but there was no improvement in the length.  
Penile Implants / Re: Made the decision to have ...
Last post by Jackfromwa - November 12, 2024, 10:21:57 PM
Surgery is over. I was implanted with a Titan 22 cm with one RT Dr. Clavell said my case was interesting and not typical because of the plaque in indenting but he's very optimistic and said he's looking forward to a picture in a few months.

I did let him do some fill-in grafting as I told him to simply do what he would do for himself. That included the choice of the implant, the pump, and whether or not to do anything cosmetic.

My initial research suggested I wanted an LGX 700 and I ended up with a Titan with the classic pump. But I trust Dr. Clavell more than my research online. He has been great.

I'm going to sleep now. I'm in more discomfort than acute pain, but I don't do well with anesthesia chemicals and I'm still nauseous.
Progression of Peyronies Disease / Re: Peyronies returned after y...
Last post by LWillisjr - November 12, 2024, 07:32:46 PM
The risk with cowgirl position, is that you don't have much control over depth. And injury can occur if you slip out and ram her pubic bone trying to get back in. The ramming action can cause your erection to buckle which can cause the peyronies injury.

My wife and I have avoided this position at all costs since contracting this in 2007. We find other fun positions.  ;D
General Discussion About Erectile Dysfunction / Re: Cock rings
Last post by LWillisjr - November 12, 2024, 07:25:55 PM
I've never used a VED for erectile dysfunction. But my understanding is that you pump up to achieve an erection, and then slide on something like a thick rubber band. I don't think this is similar to a cock ring. But I know you leave the band on to hold the erection all the way through to ejaculation.
Introduce Yourself / I’m new here
Last post by UosdwisRDewoh - November 12, 2024, 01:52:26 PM
Age: 34

What did your medical doctor conclude: I was diagnosed with Peyronies Disease two years ago by a urologist. He didn't suggest any particular treatment, only that I keep an eye on it.

How long have you had symptoms: I first noticed two lentil-sized lumps i side my shaft which have since apparently resolved. I have occasionally experienced intense pain if my partner pushes the full weight of her body directly onto my penis during sex.

What are your symptoms: difficulty getting and maintaining natural erections and occasional pain.

What treatments have you tried and what were the results: I've been taking vitamin E supplements since my diagnosis, avoided triggering sexual positions. I take sildenafil before sex and also recently began using a VED nearly once a day.

Do you have insurance or means to get medical treatment: Yes

where are you in dealing with the psychological aspects of Peyronies Disease: Anxiety about my condition getting worse. My dad was diagnosed some time ago and had to receive some kind of serious medical treatment, although I don't know what kind.

Are you in a relationship: I'm married and my wife has been extremely helpful and supportive throughout.
General Discussion About Erectile Dysfunction / Cock rings
Last post by Legacy - November 12, 2024, 10:47:35 AM
Talk to me about cock rings, I can get an erection, but it doesn't last that long.

This might sound funny, but will an 'o' ring do the job?

I guess you don't want it to be too tight? Or leave it on too long?

I guess you remove it before ejaculating?
I haven't used oral steroids myself, but I've heard from others that they can help with inflammation pretty quickly. A friend of mine had success with a similar approach. He was dealing with some tough joint issues and decided to check out Commercial link removed by admin for some oral options. He said the methylprednisolone worked well for him, reducing his pain and inflammation in just a week.

It's great that you're considering this early on to potentially halt things in their tracks. I totally get the hesitation around injections, especially in sensitive areas. It sounds like you're doing your homework and being proactive, which is awesome.
Introduce Yourself / Hello Introduction
Last post by marcelsyder - November 12, 2024, 04:10:30 AM
Hello, About 5 days ago I woke up and noticed that my penis was slightly bent and had no sensation. This is the first time I have had this problem and when I looked it up online it was Peyronie's disease.

However I have an appointment with a urologist to get it checked out and to get a conclusion. Hopefully everything will be fine for me.
Been going about 3 weeks now with Restorex. Been using a similar tape which is cohesive but had a lot of discomfort under tension with the shaft skin around the edge of the glans pulling on the tape. Am circumcised and found it sharp to start with and at the moments when increasing tension. I haven't tried the pads but did put a small amount of silicon lubricant on the shaft and the rim of the glans with the tape still adhering to the clamped head. Made a huge difference with the skin not pulling under the tape. I'm interested to try the makeup pads without tape? That seems to work based on the info here? Thanks for sharing gents!