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Other Peyronies Disease Discussion Boards => Open Questions or General Comments (that won't fit under any other topics) => Topic started by: bent_narsil on January 25, 2024, 12:05:07 PM

Title: Oral Minoxidil
Post by: bent_narsil on January 25, 2024, 12:05:07 PM
Hi Everyone,

I was prescribed oral minoxidil 2.5mg for hairless. I know that finasteride can cause penile and sexual issues and seems like a no-no for us. But what about oral Minoxidil? The derm who prescribed it said it has not sexual impact and the urologist I've been seeing says the same. I am taking Wellbutrin for depression and anxiety so the derm said to half my dosage to 1.25mg while I'm on Wellbutrin. I'm lucky I still have a full head of long curly dark hair at 32, but I am noticing thinning and seeing through to my scalp. I'm wanting to get ahead of this before its too late, but would rather choose my dick over my hair if there is any impact on penile and sexual dysfunction the way there is with finasteride. From my understanding minoxidil is a vasodilator, which promotes growth factors, and may have some anti-inflammatory properties. This video does a better job than I can: Oral Minoxidil Information ( What are your thoughts and experience? You think its safe? May have a compounding effect with tadalafil since its a vasodilator?