
With great sadness we report the passing of Old Man - Obit here

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Thank you for the reply! I will take a look at the Survival Guide as well.

And yes it seems difficult to get treatment here in Japan, they don't do injection treatments and it seems RestoreX is not available here either so I feel quite limited in my options. I'll try seeing a different doctor and ask them about some of the other treatments and about trying daily Cialis.

I am probably also going to go to a mental health clinic about anxiety and depression, I've had depression in the past but stopped taking medication for it last year, but I feel like all of this is really taking a toll on me mentally as well. I also had varicocele surgery last year so between that and having ED for 8+ years and now Peyronie's it's all very frustrating, all the doctors keep telling me that these are all rare for someone my age and yet I'm getting hit with them all at once.

Anyway sorry to rant, I will look into some of the things you suggested, thank you again!
Welcome Darthman to the forum and thank you for filling out your signature line. Please now download and study our survival guide -->Survival Guide . This will give you a comprehensive list of peyronies and it's different treatments.

It is sad to say that most urologists are uneducated and untrained when it comes to peyronies. You almost need to be better informed and educated yourself first.

Cialis will help you with healing and inflammation as well as bringing in fresh oxygen. Getting a plan of action in order now can save you from possibly loosing length and girth in your penis. Using traction and VED is usually what is used to help combat peyronies in the beginning. Vitamins and supplements can only help your body nutritionally in the area of reducing inflammation. Living where you do though can be a challenge when it comes to the proper health care and getting any devices to help you combat this.

Get a hold on your worrying and anxiety as these will hinder your healing process. We have all been down this road of worrying about this disease and how it affects our manhood. Welcome   :)


Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello
Last post by Mikel7 - Yesterday at 05:46:56 PM
Welcome Johncb63 to the forum. Please fill out your signature line --> Signature Line . This gives a quick snapshot of your history. Then you can download and study our survival guide -->Survival Guide . This will give you a comprehensive list about peyronies and it's different treatments.

So your urologist did not perform an ultrasound? That is typical. You said that it is painless for you other than the deformity that formed later. The procedure that your Dr wants to do is called a Nesbit and it shortens your penis to one degree or another.

It is good that you are taking Tadalafl but maybe you need a lower dosage around 2.5mg. Yes back pain is a mild side effect that usually dissipates when you body adjusts. I would say you could look into our VED guide and also trying some light traction for your curvatures? If you are not in pain and can live with a small deformity but everything works fine, then leave things alone. Traction does work but is a time investment and so does VED to a certain degree. One thing that really helped me through the pain was using heat therapy daily. I believe it also accelerates internal healing in your penis.   

This is a large forum and there are no dumb questions. It is best for you to educate yourself on this disease as you will find out that there are few who do in the medical field, it is not a $$  maker.      Welcome   :)


Xiaflex Injections / Re: Effective treatment from A...
Last post by BentKnob - Yesterday at 01:52:13 PM
I've looked into these Xiapex injections.

They are the same as Xiaflex which are offered in Europe

It's carried out by Dr Amr Raheem at the International Andrology clinic in London.

Can you please share more of your about your experience?

I head one injection of Xiapex is £1,900
Are there any recommended alternatives for RestoreX for traction therapy or are they not worth the money? I live in Japan and RestoreX is not available here. I was reading Dr. Trost's replies to some questions in the Q&A thread and it sounded it is the only one recommended and with studies supporting its results, but are there any alternatives that seems to have good results from other users? It looks like PeniMaster Pro is available here but it's expensive so I'm wondering if it's worth it or not.

And is traction generally recommended during acute Peyronies Disease or not until chronic? I'm having trouble keeping track of all the information out there
I apologize if this isn't the right place for this but I'm looking for advice and an not sure where to go. I came across this forum which seems like a great resource.

I started having erection pain around 6 months ago so I went to see a urologist and was diagnosed with Peyronie's. They prescribed me Rizaben but after 4 months my symptoms are still getting worse (pain is worse, curve of penis is getting worse, and can hardly get erections from ED). I had another followup today and they added another medication which is essentially Vitamin E. For context, I'm living in Japan so I think both Rizaben and this Vitamin E medication are Japan-only medications.

From everything I've read about Peyronie's these don't seem to be common treatments, and it seems like early action is important for trying to minimize damage and impact but I am at a loss for what to do or where to go. Does my treatment seem reasonable or should I be doing more or trying to seek another opinion? I wanted to ask my doctor more questions today but was rushed out and told there was no more time and to ask at my next appointment which is in 2 months... My Japanese is not good enough so I rely on a translator here, and have had a lot of bad health care experiences here so I'm concerned that I might not be getting optimal treatment as they never even mentioned any of the treatments I've been reading about and didn't really provide me with any information about the disease or what I should do/avoid doing, they just told me I have Peyronie's and prescribed me medication.
My curve is not severe yet but I am worried it's going to keep getting worse and want to try and do whatever I can to minimize that before it's too late.

I've heard that daily Cialis can also be beneficial but have also seen other posts on Reddit saying that erections should be avoided during acute phase, and I haven't been able to find much solid information one way or another so I am just confused and unsure what to do. Is it safe and recommended to use during acute Peyronies Disease or is it only recommended for chronic Peyronies Disease?

I'm just looking for any general advice as I'm feeling very lost and stressed and not sure what to do at this point. Any thoughts or advice would be much appreciated.
Hello friends, I had my surgery 2 weeks ago.
My question is, I knew it would shorten, but my doctor sent me the videos before and after the surgery and said there was no shortening. At most, a shortening of 0.5 cm is seen.
My penis is very straight and points straight ahead, it feels great. I also have an incredibly hard erection. It still hurts a little.
But my penis looks so small, it looks like there is 8 cm missing.
Have any of you experienced this before? This situation ruined my psychology.
Alternative Treatments of Peyronie's Disease / Re: How to use DMSO?
Last post by olowshinenine - February 16, 2025, 10:18:33 PM
Quote from: Peypt on January 07, 2025, 11:04:56 AMI am a physician and a chemist. I had peyronies and I have DMSO. I do not suggest using it. DMSO has anti-inflammatory properties. It is much safer to take ibuprofen etc. and it gets to the needed area better. DMSO is carcinogenic. If DMSO is to get to the plaque (dorsal) in most peyronies, it would have to pass the nerve and blood supply to the glans. What effect would it have on it? Will it  damage the nerve? I didn't chance it.

Where is the literature stating it's carcinogenic. I have never seen this
Alternative Treatments of Peyronie's Disease / Re: How to use DMSO?
Last post by olowshinenine - February 16, 2025, 10:17:48 PM
I have been using one part dmso one part nascent iodine 10 parts water in my mixture. I experience no pain or dryness. My penis seems to be much fuller flaccid. It's hanging better. I also have had almost daily morning erections since using it.
I am currently using one part dmso one part nascent iodine and ten parts water in my mixture. I experience no pain and no drying. my penis hangs very nicely. flaccid seems more full. No improvement to my curve yet. I havent used my weekly Cialis dose because my penis has been so full and I have been getting daily morning wood so frequently.