
With great sadness we report the passing of Old Man - Obit here

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I am selling my gently used Restorex. I worked well for me and I really don't need it anymore. I can send pictures.
Introduce Yourself / Hello
Last post by Johncb63 - Today at 04:10:11 PM
Hello all been following this forum for a few weeks and find it very helpful and supportive
I am 61yrs old and living in Scotland uk
About 12-18 mths ago I found a small painless lump on shaft of penis.   After procrastinating for a few months I went to GP and was referred to Urology.  Thankfully only had to wait about 6-8 weeks.  However the appointment with urologist was brief.  I was in and out within 10 mins.  A quick examination and told it was not cancer but was Peyronnies.  Asked if any curving, which I said yes only very slightly, the Dr said "well it will get worse, if gets painful come back and we can put a stitch in other side to offset the curve". With that consultation was over.  No information or advice.
Since the the curving (to left ) now at about 11 o'clock and in last few weeks also noticed upward bend too.
Long story short my wife is on meds for neurological condition and knocks her out at night but when we go somewhere warm she doesn't need her meds and we "make up for lost time". However since diagnosis of Peyronies Disease this affected my confidence.   I bought some 5mg tadalafil online and these certainly boosted my confidence, however after a week I developed dull ache in lower back/ pelvis area and also intense heartburn.    I am considering asking my gp if can go on 3 month trial of tadalafil and hope can get over the side effects.  Can anyone give any advice on this?
Penile Implants / Re: T.E.P (tunica expansion me...
Last post by Arthur - Today at 02:58:53 PM
Hell yeah, brother! Keep it up (no pun intended 😉 👍)!

I just love these success stories sooo much, they fill me with a ray of hope!

Keep us updated!
Have completed 12 weeks treatment today.

I have had no improvement in curvature which is disappointing.
Penile Implants / Re: T.E.P (tunica expansion me...
Last post by jj21 - Today at 12:59:36 AM
Sex Update

Had some great sex and was really able to test the implant out.

Discreet Pumping

I pumped to probably 50% and kept it that way under my clothes while I was there. Probably 10 mins into foreplay (kissing, cuddling, caressing), I excused myself to the bathroom and pumped up. I probably pumped to about 84-90%. I prefer it at this level, it's very hard, also very thick, at the thickest point about 6 inches in girth. It doesn't get to steel rod thick, more like a natural erection on viagra. A woman would just think it was a strong erection and that you were very attracted to her (this can really turn her on).


She struggled during the blowjob as deepthroating was difficult, the penis is wide and oval shaped making it difficult for her to fully swallow lol. I am not sure if her mouth was small or my penis is just very wide now, probbaly a bit of both. No issue here, some tubing at the base, but she didn't notice a thing (her mouth didn't get that far down either).


She did caress my balls, didn't say anything re the pump. She may or may not have noticed, either way, women are just so use to different shaped and sizes of penises/balls etc, they don't seem to know or think that its anything unusual. She also didn't play with them that much. I had prepared to say it was just from a surgery after an accident - but was completely unecessary.


I took my clothes off and she really liked the hard erection (she assumed it was from her and the foreplay, which part of it was). We continued with foreplay and oral for a while then I went to penetrate her in missionary. She was very very wet, but it was a struggle getting inside her. I dont know if this is due to her being tight or that just below my glans has become the girthiest part of my penis, so it could be both. She loved the feeling of my inside her during missionary and kept commenting how "it feels so amazing". I could tell she was really into it as she kept kissing me and rubbing her hands over my body and her eyes were rolling to the back of her head at times. I kept the pace slow as I wanted to test things.

Eventually we switched to doggy, she got even wetter and this is when I came very quick. I stayed hard and kept pounding her until she came. At this point we were both tired and I deflated while she cleaned herself up in the bathroom.

My pump does make a loud honk, I did pump 2 pumps when she switched to doggy and as there was music playing the sound wasn't noticeable.

Circumcised sex v uncircumcised.

If I could go back, I probably would have preferred to stay uncircumcised. The foreplay was different, she couldnt just play with my dick as she would require lube or spit. The sex wasn't too much different, that gliding feeling is gone and its more of a tight feeling of something wrapped around your dick; kind of hard to explain. It's not too bad, but I think slightly less sensitive.

I think the trade off may have been that although I got circumcised, the surgeon performed some girth enhancements in the tunica by degloving the penis, and the top part of my penis is 6 inches in girth (maybe slightly more with engorgement).

I don't recommend circumcision at all, but sex isn't really worse or better just different. I do have some less sensitivity but it could also be that my pump is in an awkward position and I still have a little bit of numbness on the shaft as well, and some minor pain/discomfort in glans - these discomforts and numbness can affect overall sensitivity and enjoyment.


I still use Viagra/Cialis, I used Cialis this time. The penis was nice, oval but round, hard but not abnormally hard. Glans was well engorged.

Overall Experience

She messaged me back the next day telling me my dick was fire and she wants to do it again and I can come over any time. I also felt really good about the whole experience. If I had peyronies, there's no way I would have been able to do this, and also the signifcant narrowing would have caused more issues and also the girth I have now is quite pleasurable to the female.

It's a nice feeling just being hard as and not worrying about anything, having sex for as long as you want and pleasuring your partner. These are all things that have been taken away from us from peyronies and we can now have them back.

I also found out I was iron deficient and probably have been for a while. I am now on iron supplements. This may have affected my healing journey.

Final Implant thoughts

If you have peyronies or ED and pills aren't working - go for the implant. But, go for a high volume doctor. If you are young and unmarried, and you plant on having a lot of casual sex like me and dont want to disclose that you have an implant - AMS may be more suitable. The pump does not honk and is silent as far as I know. If you don't have severe peyronies, this may be a better option. Although my pump honks, I usually pump it up in the bathroom, but it would be much easier to just pump it during sex quickly. I still can, just have to be very slow to keep it from honking.

I am finally very happy with everything. I had quite a slow healing journey and I don't know if this was due to TEP, a subcoronal incisiion and being left inflated for 5 weeks, or if my body just healed slowly (maybe iron deficiency adding to that).

It's such a nice confident feeling knowing I can just start dating and having sex.

Wishing everyone the best, I might update again in a few weeks when I have sex again and try out some different positions. 

Are you able to do small increases in traction?? Or do you have to jump straightaway from 700g to 1150g? The units I am familiar you can twist the rods to slowly increase the traction until you have to insert a new rod.
Okey, now after a week I have like 500-700 grams. That does not feel to much, and i do not feel any pain or something like that. So, maybe I shall stay with that, and not go up to 1150g.

It is difficult to set the device exact, it changes when I move around, and in different positions and so on.

yes it's verapamil, because I live in Indonesia, there was nothing here, I had to go to Singapore to get the Verapamil injections.... Xiaflex is not available outside of the USA.

But my question is very much about the anesthetic.. how come it loses effectiveness? after only few shots...
It's a quality unit, but I'd sell mine because it hasn't worked for me.