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Other Peyronies Disease Discussion Boards => Psychological Component - Seeking and discussing solutions => Topic started by: Rafael on January 08, 2015, 05:46:01 PM

Title: Rational Emotive Theraphy on Peyronies
Post by: Rafael on January 08, 2015, 05:46:01 PM
Psychology over the Years  =====================================================

       In this short writing I will reveal two historical figures who made a change in how we understand Human Psychology today.
Before the second half of the 19th century there was little known about the different mental issues or disturbances that people had to confront. Those individuals were mostly considered outcasts and usually received immoral treatment. But in 1856, in a small Moravian town of Freiberg, a jewish child was born. His name was Sigmund Freud. From early childhood he developed an unusual hobby, he wrote down all his dreams. and kept them in a journal. After he finished his studies at the medical university of Vienna, young Sigmund continued his research on methods to threat nevrosis. He experimented with all kinds of treatment options, including hypnosis, but those didn't show any relevant results on the patients. And yet he made an interesting discovery when he let one of his patients speak about their inner problems. This new technique was called the talking cure. In its initial phase this new method seemed rather undeveloped. So Freud had to dig even further. He was the first to discover the unconscious part of the mind. As you might know already, the conscious part of the mind holds the thoughts and ideas that are processed in this very moment while certain feelings are stored in the unconscious mind. Freud began to use free association and dream interpretation with his patients. During the victorian age, dreams were considered to be the royal way to the unconscious mind. He wrote about 3 new concepts : the Id, Ego and Super-Ego. And so his new theories and ideas were bundled together in a new kind of science which he later on called Psychoanalysis. So Freud is considered to be the founder and father of this new approach in treating neural diseases. However some of his ideas which were related to the well known Oedipus Complex ( from which I also suffered in my early childhood, being very honest ), were rejected by society. Sigmund formed a community of trained psychoanalysts to work around his ideas and to spread them in the world. In no time, this therapy option reached even the USA. However one of his colleagues, Carl Gustav Jung, concluded that Psychoanalysis ( today better known under Psychodynamics ) can only reveal the disturbances of the patients, but cannot heal them. Also Freud was trapped into an extreme with his ideas about repressed sexuality and sexual gratification that during World War II his books were burned entirely.
The End of Psychoanalysis - Albert Ellis  =====================================================

       In 1938 Sigmund Freud has died of mouth cancer and with his death, Psychodynamics seemed to reach the edge of his lifespan. It was time that someone would rise and bring a fresh air to the field of Psychology. Albert Ellis was born to a Jewish family in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, in 1913. Till the late 40's he practiced Psychoanalysis on patients and has realized that only brings relief to a certain extend.
       During 1953 he developed Rational Emotive Behavioural Theraphy. He was 100 % sure now that Psychodynamics was non-effective because the patient was the only one who talked during the theraphy and the psychoanalyst was only standing there and taking eventual notes, making observations. It turned out to be more like a monologue.
       So Ellis was convinced that the way people think contributes to their disturbances and maintains them. He also stated that our beliefs influences our behaviour. The idea of the unconscious mind seemed to be eradicated by his new theories, which were actually lot easier to understand, because they were logical. However Ellis renamed the unconscious the subconscious. It's the part of consciousness that is not currently in focal awareness. So the human brain is divided into these 2 vital areas.
      Albert Ellis was very succesfull with REBT and his patients were actually feeling a lot better. Ellis became very famous with his Cognitive Behavioural Theraphy also, and he was also known as a love and sex researcher.

Peyronies and REBT =================================================================

      Men, suffering of Peyronies, have sometimes a low self-esteem. We might be not always aware but this disease can lead to serious psychological issues in some cases. We also have to take this into consideration : our depression is produced by a physical cause which means that removing the cause will make us feel better. However in life not all things can be fixed right away so we have to deal with the psychological component of Peyronies. The disturbances have even deeper roots that we might expect, in the subconscious male mind. This is the area where men have common thoughts and feelings about this disease, like ,, I dont feel worthy anymore ", ,, I loose my mind ", ,, Why does it have to be me " and so on ... and so on. By exploring our inner thoughts we can get better control on them. Having suicidal thoughts ( every man has this in his life ) is not the same as having a suicidal attempt ( which is a lot more serious ). So to fight Peyronies you have to monitor your thoughts which are related to this directly. This might be a little bit tricky at first but with time you will get used and will identify the negative disfunctional thoughts in no time.
     I really hope this short article has helped you to understand the power of our beliefs. if you have any observations, opinions, write them down. Have a nice day !
Title: Re: Rational Emotive Theraphy on Peyronies
Post by: NeoV on January 09, 2015, 12:31:38 AM
Thanks Rafael,

The amount of resources available now on personal development and managing your own psychology is amazing. Peyronie's is certainly one of the most challenging things to strike a man's mind, but we live in an age where we can accurately attack it with a lot of tools!

I was very lucky to have a father who is a psychologist, but more over loving and extremely emotionally intelligent (mom too). I cannot imagine living with this without my parents.
Title: Re: Rational Emotive Theraphy on Peyronies
Post by: Rafael on January 26, 2015, 04:43:35 AM
Youre welcome NeoV,

Yes you're right, nowadays we have all the instruments we need to fight this psychological war with Peyronies. Its very challenging indeed even for the good psychoteraphists.
I am glad to hear that you have supportive parents, especially because your father is a psychologist. Its interesting that you mentioned that you mentioned that your mother is emotionally intelligent. There is actually a book called ,, Emotional Inteligence" written by Daniel Goleman. It became a bestseller in the USA and also spread over the World quickly.