Stepone's Implant Journal

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Those that pay Dr. Eid out of pocket pay about $20,000 for the surgeon, hosp, anesthesia, everything.  I think.  I am sure Pfract has the exact figures.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Is 70,000 the stated charges or what the insurance company actually paid (usually much less).
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


The hospital hasn't been paid yet. I have only seen that the surgeon was paid which was about $5000.00. Dr. Eids charges are similar to Dr. Kramer in Baltimore. I think it's outrageous to
Pay $20k out of pocket, when mine was under $2k, including the anesthesia.
I am so thankful to have a good Medicare plan.  
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


20K is the entire charge out of pocket with NO insurance.  Usually, men coming in from out of the country.

With insurance and Medicare, I paid nothing for Dr. Eid.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


It's nearly 90 days since my implant.
I will take some pics soon, when the color improves, after a recent bruising.
But my overall opinion is, I wished I had known about implants prior to my Nesbit surgery and I would not have lost 1.5 inches because of the Nesbit.
So my thought is stop getting Nesbit surgery and go immediately to an implant.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


I never had prior surgery because my bend never got that severe in one direction but I would have to agree with your conclusion.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Yes, I agree, Stepone. Certainly in my case I wish I had jumped straight to implant and i'd have saved over an inch in length. I do feel a real sense of sympathy for those who feel that an implant is a final solution they'd sooner avoid until they have to - keeping their erections as natural as possible, or hope of erections, maybe. I just know that, when all is said and done, and having had great sex now with an implant, I wish I'd known about having an inflatable implant when my curvature and peyronies was as bad as it was over the last 3-4 years. There's a stigma about the implant process that is fully understandable but really unfair and actually quite ignorant. It would have saved me so much stress if I'd known about it and got it done 3-4 years ago. An erection on demand, rock hard, perfectly straight, stays hard after ejaculation, and is within your own skin and so hides the bionics that lie underneath. It's the same as the best silicone boobs that money can buy for a woman with a flat chest - no cheap short cut but the very best. Enhances psychological state of mind 100 fold. When my exsicion and grafting failed and the surgeon said "afraid we're going to have to now move to an implant solution" I could only think "well, yeah, bring it one. I just want a dick I can use with my wife so please can we do this, like, now?"
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Plus one to that response. I wish I had done it when ed started. I would be packing my 7 inches still. Happy where I am. It could have been a lot worse. At least I can pump up to over 6 and girth is back.

We use it quite a bit all things considered with my wife's health issues. Either way we are both happy. Something happens to either of us we have have a good 4.5 months.  Sex at 3 weeks after implant. First couple no sex but no big deal. Nothing worth having is easy. No idea what her upcoming surgeries will bring up. We were farther apart before implant. Now we are closer again.

I know some will say, I might be superficial with sex. Nope, we just enjoyed it, when it stopped we were more like close friends. She thought I did not find her attractive. Nope, still want to rip her clothes off. Before implant, I just could do not much about it. I would do oral on her and she could orgasm. She would try on me and I was always soft. Thought it was her.

She has no problem with me pumping up at all. I tell her I want to be buried in her. That is what she wants to hear. This implant is the bomb. We both love it. We do not use it as much as either likes. Health issues suck but when the stars line up and we use it. It is fin amazing.

Oh. In answer to earlier question. Ins got billed for over 70,000, after everything was paid cost were right at 30,000. So about 40,000 got written off by insurance.

Sorry to hijack your thread a bit stepone. I will update mine soon.
Dealt with ED, Peyronies, & venous leak for 3 yrs.
implant on March 7, 2019 w/ a Titan 18 cm plus 1cm RTE
Revision after hernia surgery. Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY
Removed Titan and put in LGX 18 cm plus 2 RTE's, 20 cm total.


It's been about 100 days since my Implant surgery, I had my 3 month check up this week and I went over a few things with Dr. Lentz in Raleigh, NC about my "new" penis, such as pumping, etc. He assured me that my penis would only get better as time goes on. He said most men say, their new penis reaches maximum size and satisfaction at about a year.
My overall feeling about penile implants is that they need to be talked about more, particularly to prevent loss of length and girth in Peyronies Disease patients.
I had a penile fracture in 2014. I lived near a major metropolitan area, but it took me five urologists to find a urologist that was experienced with Peyronies Disease enough to really understand what I needed to improve my sex life, and even that urologist was not trained enough to recommend a penile implant vs. the Nesbit straightening which is what I received in 2015. The urologist that performed my Nesbit did a good job of straightening it and actually adding a slight upward bend, but at a cost of losing length and girth.
I truly believe had the urologists discussed an implant, I would have gone with the implant instead of the Nesbit which stole almost 1.5 inches from my length and .5 inches from my girth. Urologists need to be educated first in Peyronies Disease and then secondly on implants. Implants preserve and actually can add to the length and girth of a penis.
I had my Titan Implant "installed" in April 2019, the doctor was great and the overnight care was wonderful. No problems obtaining refills for pain pills, and always the opportunity to communicate with my physician or staff when I needed. I had my procedure at Duke Hospital in Raleigh NC by Dr. Lentz. Last year he performed over 145 implants, not sure what he will be doing this year.
When I first had my implant "installed", I thought what have I done. It's not an easy surgery to recover from, even though some guys will say, Oh I was fine after 30 days. I honestly feel it was very tough, lots of manageable pain, lots of embarrassing situations of trying to hide the "new" penis in my pants. Lots of discomfort and just a lot of work. Even the second month was tough, with lots of underwear malfunctions, pain at the pump site when I sat, and just an overall discomfort of the pump fighting my testicles in my scrotum.
But magically as each day went by, there was less pain, and at +90 days, there is only minor discomfort upon occasion.
The most important thing is that sex is back to 100 percent satisfaction. I no longer wonder if I can get an erection. I no longer worry that once I get an erection, how long will it work? Will I lose my erection before I pop? Will I satisfy my spouse?
I can ejaculate and still stay hard. I can stay hard for how ever long it takes to bring both of us to a wonderful enjoyable ecstasy. The awkwardness of pumping grows smaller, while my penis grows larger.
After my Nesbit surgery, my penis shrunk In length and girth. Coincidentally my testosterone levels dropped too, but even after I started TRT, I still couldn't always maintain an erection. Even though the urologists tested for leakage, they thought it could be managed with Viagra and then injections into the penis. What a disaster, because after almost a year of sex being at about 50% successful, it was a lot of work which hammered at my sexual well being. Even though I had been on the Peyronies website and read a lot, I thought penile implants were for only last resorts and wow was I wrong. I only wished I had known about implants prior to my Nesbit and 3 years of suffering and a loss of length would have never happened. I am happy now, this new penis works like a charm, LOL.
But it is what it is, I can't change the past.
You can search back to some of my pics after before my Nesbit surgery and after.
I have included the most recent penis shots. One shows my penis soft and the other erect.
My measurements after Nesbit and before the Titan implant were.
Before Nesbit Erect Length 7.75, girth at base 5.25, Middle 5.0, glans 6.25
After Nesbit Erect Length 6.25, girth at base 4.5, Middle 4.25, glans 5.50
After Titan Implant Erect Length 6.50, girth at base 5.25, Middle 5.25, glans 6.0
As you can see, I have a little more length than after the Nesbit. My girth is now back to pre-Nesbit and strong, and my glans is slightly larger.
Needless to say I am happy and so is my spouse. The girth restoration really makes the difference, but I do miss that extra length, but the spouse is more than pleased.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Thanks for a great update there, Stepone. Very good of you to let everyone into your experiences over the last 100 days in such detail. This level of detail is very useful to all new implantees and can only serve as a terrific reference point to allay worries and stresses for newbies and relatively experienced alike. Great pictures you've shared there for everyone too. I must say that being circumcised clearly makes your glans appear quite large - lucky guy! Clearly the inflated photo shows what can only be described as a very healthy looking penis. Again, you're very lucky with that outcome. Not only does it look like a magnificent beast LOL but your wife is delighted with it too. Isn't it great having stress free sex again. A rock hard penis for as long as you like!

I like how you describe those first 4 weeks as simply hell. There can be no getting away from that for sure, and like you, I went through hell till week 4, but like you say, it's only right that others get to hear that all of it comes good. The pain gets lighter until one day you just stop worrying about it. In fact, it's not like that. You don't stop thinking about it as such, it's more that your body slowly heals and you find yourself starting to do little things every day that you thought you'd never imagine having the ability to do again. Before you know it, life is pretty much normal again by 6 weeks and by 8 weeks there's not really anything you cannot do. The underwear experience is a laugh isn't it? I've still got no idea what underwear I want to wear cos none of it seems to suit. So much so I now, and have done for weeks, just sleep without any. Much easier to manoeuvre by 'semi' around during the night.

Delighted to hear you're having such a good, fulfilling sex life again with your wife. "Fill your boots" as my surgeon told me and after 2 years without meaningful sex, my wife and I are back into our old, enjoyable ways together. And you know what? We were making love the other night and I was the most relaxed I've ever been. No worries about when I was gonna ejaculate and it would all be over much to my wife's disappointment. I just lay back and let her do her thing. I came, she never knew, and we just kept going. Amazing, bionic, sex.

Great to hear from you, Stepone.

Take care.

Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


I love these updates from you guys (or Y'all if you are from the south).  Not only does it do my heart good to know another brother, and often a couple are back to stress-free intimacy, I love it that thousands of others that have no clue where to turn for help will find the answers they desperately seek when they read your journals.  Intimacy is the mortar that holds relationships together.  It helps us through the tough times and keeps people interested in life.  While you can have intimacy without intercourse and have intercourse without much intimacy, the two together just cannot be beaten.

We all need to keep in mind that there are more than a few men (unlike us whimps) that go through this and never take anything but Tylenol. Unfortunately, I was determined I was going to be one of those but I was quickly humbled.  

One concluding thought.  While I never had a Nesbit or a graft, I am coming to think they are seldom the answer.  I tread carefully because maybe there are situations where they are the best solution but I increasingly hate to see men go that route.  I continue to bite my tongue and leave to you brothers who have been down that road to voice your views.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Roddy, you have shared a lot and posted your pics, so I couldn't help but try to meet your standards, lol.
But in regards to my glans, I have found that everyone always wants what others have. I personally wished I was uncut. I have always heard that uncut men have greater sensitivity in their glans. I also heard that uncut men can cum quicker. Sometimes I wear out the mrs. She can be a quick climaxer, but we always work it out, lol.
Sex is such an intimate thing, and in reality each couple seems to
Learn what works best.
Another thing, when I reached puberty, my penis would hurt when it was hard. I remember putting cream on it to stretch the skin. I think they cut too much off, when I was an infant. Lol
Hawk, thanks again for being the man for this site. You are helping a lot of men.
I know you can't really take a position on some things, but I think Nesbit and other similar surgeries should be last step, not the first.
I also think, patients should be informed of all available surgeries, not just what that doctor is using. Not one of the 5 urologists I met with ever mentioned an implant. It was this website that educated me. It was st gust point, that I started my quest for a good implant surgeon. I am again thankful for Dr. Lentz.
And always best regards for you too Mr. Hawk.  
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Stepone, I am probably one of the few here that were cut at birth by the butcher and have tried foreskin restoration. I also have friends who have tried it too with much more success. Having tried both ways, cut and covered, I have to say a covered glans IS much more sensitive. If I could keep it that way, I would and it does have to be covered a long time to regain that level of sensitivity. This is not something that happens in a week though a month will give a hint at it. If they are still around, there is an organization that goes by the acronym NORM that can provide more information for those that are curious. Cheers.  
Milam 1/13/16-LGX 21cm - BAD service & surgical outcome Hated infrapubic.
Kramer revision 3/1/17 Titan 22cm + 1.5 cm extenders


Stepone, for some reason unread posts put me back to March when you were trying to get the insurance to pay. Fast forward to here and it is like you have stepped into a wonderful new world. Your explanation why doctors should be better versed on options for treating is excellent.  I am very pleased you've had this great outcome and hope your willie does not have to go through the slaw shredder ever again. Thankyou for naming your doctor AND explaining your concerns to him.  SOMETIMES that makes a difference. I had one that I had a discussion with about H.I.V. 9 years ago. He was so touched by what some of us have gone through that he went back to school and got a specialty degree to better assist in treatment. Recently an employee of his was also sent back to school for a specialty degree too. For the record, this is a tiny segment of his practice, but he was so touched by the poor and inadequate treatment so many of us received that he thought he would improve it.  Nothing more than a simple conversation over the counter while we were killing time one day made the difference.   Cheers.  
Milam 1/13/16-LGX 21cm - BAD service & surgical outcome Hated infrapubic.
Kramer revision 3/1/17 Titan 22cm + 1.5 cm extenders


Well, I think it's been about 5 months a few days since I had my Titan Implant.
Regrets, I wish I had it 5 years ago, as it would have saved me length, and no sex, and depression.
BUT, I had it and it is great.
Sure, it's not perfect, but it is GREAT!
My new measurements are leveling out.
Good news is I managed to gain .25 inches in length.
I am now 6.75" long bone pressed.
My girth has leveled off at 5.25" from glans going towards base and 5.75" girth at the base.
My girth gains have been great, I love this new penis of mine.
My wife loves it, as do I, it's the weapon of choice, LOL.
So yes, I still have a little tenderness sometimes, but rock hard is amazing.
After I reach my climax, I can still keep going for however long it takes to bring the mrs to her climax.
I am on TRT too, as I have had low testosterone for years, so that helps for sure with my libido.
But when we start things up, I am like a little kid in a candy store.
So yes, it was rough for me at first, everyone is a little different, but things continue to get better and I cannot emphasize enough how this implant has changed my life for the better.
Oh yeah, most important, I never worry anymore if I can maintain an erection. I just pump it up and ready to go, my worries are gone. Goodbye to pills and injections and disappointment.
Wishing everyone well and I will stay in touch.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Thank you for sharing this with us stepone. Glad to see you are doing well. I hope members that are on the brink of it read it and feel motivated to go forth.


Great update, Stepone. So many things to be thankful for. You sound as though you're having a great time again, with all that amazing sex and erections on demand. Unless you've experienced it first hand it's difficult to explain. No regrets and no negative thoughts to share. Well done and keep enjoying your new lease of life.  
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Things are going well, but a few observations that I would like comments on please.
I have noticed a noise coming from my pump. It like creaks when I pump it. Anyone experience this?
I have also noticed that I pump maybe 20+ times, most times. It seems like I am pumping more.
When I pump I pump big squeezes, I used to pump half squeezes as the pump is becoming more pliable.
Also after I squeeze the deflate button, which is still pretty hard, I have a backflow every time and I have to give the pump a short squeeze to stop the gradual semi inflation.
I can't measure now, but I will, but it seems my penis has grown a little more in length and girth. I will follow up with my measurements over the next few days.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Hi Stepone

Happy New Year to you. I haven't experienced any noises from my pump when I squeeze so can't offer any advice for you on that front, sorry. Like you, I currently maybe only need to squeeze around 10 times and each squeeze results in a significant increase in my erection. I don't know why you now need to squeeze 20 odd times. Hopefully your pump is not defective in any kind of way? Should you seek guidance from Coloplast themselves and see what they say?

Good luck my friend.  
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.



Thanks for your reply.
So I counted the number of pumps this morning and it is now 33 pumps.
The pumps makes a low pitch grinding noise every time I pump.
I looked online and saw several other people have reported it, but there were no mentions of other problems.
I called my surgeon and am awaiting a call from him.
I will let you know what he says.
In the meantime, it still gets very hard and works well.
My measurements are  starting from the the head and working back are 5.25, 5, 5.50 in girth. My length is 6.75.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Hey step. Unfortunately, I have not read anything about this. Hopefully your doctor gets back to you and it is nothing wrong with your implant. Good luck!


StepOne-  for whatever it is worth I had a coloplast Titan implanted last March.  Every now and again I do hear a noise when inflating... it is basically the sound of the pump compressing but isn't too loud to the point my partner would notice.  Also, it takes me quite a few pumps to get fully erect.  I attribute this to my calcified plaque.  I can fully pump approx 10 times and then my pumps are partial half pumps.  It is as if I pump in fluid and it stretches the cylinders against the calcified plaque and a small amount of backflow into the pump takes place to where I will give another half pump.  I remain with a 20 degree bend upwards but have regained past length to approx 14 - 14.5 cm.  It is difficult to measure exactly because of the upward curve.  My hourglassing has disappeared which is great.

I did reach out to Dr Eid on the remaining curve and he said that given the calcified plaque I may never be 100% straight but going from 90 degrees to 20 degrees was a great improvement.  My wife doesn't seem to mind the curve and while I wish it was 100% straight she says she prefers the slight curve upward so if I can get it closer to 10-15 degrees over time that would be great.

51 yrs old; diagnosed 3.5 yrs ago; 90 degree upward bend
But I had no ED
tried all pills, VED, traction, Xiaflex PRP, ESWT, H-100 & stem cells; IF diet. implant surgery with Dr. Eid 3/28/19
to correct deformity - 20 CM Titan 2cm RTE / 1 cm RTE


There have been times that my Titan pump has made a somewhat audible noise.  As stated, it is nothing another person would notice but since I am pumping and since I feel a corresponding vibration for lack of a better word, I am aware of the noise.  It is somewhat of a low pitched squeak or gurgle and it is not consistently there.  

In the beginning, I used to hear men mention "wall to wall" pumps.  I used to wonder if that was an expression or exaggeration since I could not imagine depressing the pump enough to totally collapse it due to pump stiffness and sensitivity in the scrotum.  Now I often do literal wall to wall pumps with no problem.  If you are doing 30 wall to wall pumps 30 seems very high.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


my surgeon got back to me.
He said number of pumps can increase over time and noises from the pump are not uncommon. I searched out a few websites and saw the same comments.
So I am good.
My penis pumps hard and brings great pleasure to me and the spouse.
Check out the Titan site, for interesting tips.
Make sure you read the last page. There are tips for increasing size!
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


I am a little over 2 months from the one-year anniversary of my implant of a Titan 22cm
Sometimes when I am in bed at night, I guess I am like most men and position my penis for sleep. Sometimes I still get a little freaked when I feel the tubing thinking what is that?
But I could not be happier with the performance of the Titan.
I suffered for years with wanting sex so bad, but thinking am I going to be able to perform? It was a psychological nightmare! I would be all interested in sex, making out and then when it was time to penetrate, I would get nervous, is it going to be hard enough, will it last, its too soft, I am just struggling, trying to get my brain in control of the entire sex thing, but my mind was all mixed up with worries. I just hated those years when it came to sex. Something that had been so fun, was now so stressful.
We start making out, rubbing, kissing hugging, tasting, smelling, and my mind is 100 percent on enjoyment. No more fears. I squeeze my pump from time to time and as I penetrate there are no worries, just 100 percent satisfaction. Sometimes I just want to play all afternoon, pull out for a while, and tasting some more, it's just an amazing event now. I can make it go as long as the spouse can take it. And if I finish first, it's no big deal, because I am still rock hard for however long the spouse needs me to be.
Side effects have been increased girth and increased length. LOL
I can get a little sore if I go to long, but it's always worth it and looking forward to even more fun times as I have heard it just keeps getting better.
I still have some phantom pain every now and then and sometimes if I sit wrong or bend wrong if I have tight pants on, I can hit the pump which will cause me a moment of pain, but I could not be happier at this point in my life.
Thanks again for all the contributors that stayed with me in my dark times and early recovery, it is a little scary at times. BUT ALL WORTH IT.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Great post, Stepone. Thanks for updating. What do you mean by your opening line tho when you say "2 months from implant"? You're almost a year now are you not?  
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Ok, so as of today, I am 2 months from my 1 year anniversary of my implant.

I am still learning how to get the most from my implant....and as many of you know I am still learning on the best way to deflate, LOL.

So this is where I am with it.
This is the most successful surgery I have ever had.
I wished I had the surgery sooner 5 years ago.
I still have numbness on portions of the ventral side of my shaft, but it does not prevent me from pleasure.
I inflate my penis 1 to 2 hours a day, every day. If I am having sex, I count sex as one of those sessions.
After I have fully pumped my penis, I can usually get in another squeeze or two a little later, sometimes several times.
And I have regained nearly all of my girth. The thinnest part of my penis is 5" and the thickest is 5.75".This is appreciated by my spouse and me.
I have also increased my length, not to where I was before my Nesbit surgery which was 7.75", but I am now up to 7". This is incredible! After my Nesbit surgery, my penis shrank and my erections were semi-hard. This Titan is too wonderful in restoring my penis to what it was. I don't know if I can ever gain more length at this time. But perhaps a little over 7" would cool.
Thanks to everyone and all their sharing on this website. Sharing of information is so important.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Another great report.  I love to read these.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


problem posting pics, I keep receiving error messages.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


hey Stepone. Which errors do you get? how do you try to post the pictures?


photos celebrating my new/old penis and its ability to stay rock hard for however long I need it.
it's now been 1 year since I had a Titan implant
7" long
5 3/4 girth
works great
wished I had it installed 5 years ago!


Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Over the past two months, I have been having increased trouble on deflating. It's like the button does not want to click open. I am able to deflate by squeezing the button and my penis. But if I fail to give an extra squeeze to the bulb after I have deflated, my penis gradually inflates to be a chubby.
Sometimes I am unable to lock the device even with the extra squeeze. It does not want to work properly.
It's almost like I have to continue holding the deflate button and squeeze the button at same time to deflate.
Also, when i have squeezed to maximum and am having sex, after i have gotten the last few pumps in there, it seems like I get a slight leak and after about 10 minutes, I have to pump a few more pumps.
It takes me about 25 pumps to get all the way to maximum, sometimes more.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Hi Stepone. Good to hear from you. I cannot really comment on the mechanics of the pump/release etc. What I do know is that I've never really mastered the one touch release button for deflation. I'm quite comfortable when sex is over to simply press my deflate button with my left hand forefinger and gently squeeze my shaft with my right hand. This always leads to a good deflation. I find that if I place my left thumb around the back of the pump ball (my third ball) this gives good grip to allow me to press the deflate button with my left forefinger (I'm right handed by the way). However, I'd keep your eye on that accidental flow back out in case it worsens.  
Aged 52 congenital curvature and then Peyronies onset, excision and grafting not successful,
Coloplast Titan implant on June 3rd, 2019 (aged 47) to correct a 90 degree bend
Dr. Mike Fraser - Glasgow, Scotland.


Thanks, yeah, it doesn't seem right with the pump release not working right.
As I said this has been getting worse in the last two or so months.
Not sure if this means the pump is about to fail.....or do I need to go see the surgeon about a lube job, etc. LOL.
I have no problem pressing on the pump, the release just doesn't want to work right.
Sometimes, when i try to pump, I have to play around a little with it, it's like it's not really pumping. So I press the release button again and I can usually free it up that way.
Sex is still great, it's just the pump, ugh
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


I too have no real idea.  I never got mine to lock open for 6 month.  I always had to squeeze the button and squeeze my dick with the other hand.  Finally it started working but still takes a very deliberate maximum squeeze to lock it open then I usually give a squeeze on the pump bulb to double lock it and be ready to pump.

I have seen a few trouble-shooting tips by Coloplast and they are posted here somewhere.  I'oo glace around.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk, thanks for your help.
I found the trouble shooting area by Colorplast.
I have tried them a few times. But perhaps I need to do them again.
So I guess it's just sort of like a reboot. LOL.
I just had sex, afternoon delight for sure.
I am left handed most the time, so I held the button in with my left hand, while I squeezed my penis with the right hand. It seems to be miss or hit with the deflate, but I managed to get it squeezed out all the way, and then tried to give it a squeeze the bulb to double lock. Again, it seems to be a hit or miss and then I get that perfect squeeze, that actually gives the pump, the others are like pushes, but no actual squeeze of the pump, and I feel it lock, but it always wants to still fill a little too much into my penis for a small woody.
Hell, it's not a big deal, fully pumped it works great.
Thanks, I will reread the helpful hints.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Roddy I just read in a technical part of the manual where if that happens you are supposed to have your wife (or partner) slam the front door on your penis while you hold down on the pump.  That will reboot it. They recommend the front door since some interior doors are hollow.  :o ;D :o
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


47 yrs old, 3 yrs diagnosed
Xiaflex w/original uro resulted in a fracture
Excision/grafting by Dr Faysal Yafi 3/26/19
Implanted by Dr Yafi 8/11/20, Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE


I am about 17 months in from implant surgery.
Life is great, sex is great.
I am still having problems with pump, but not enough to prevent sex, so I am
Living with it.
How long do I need to continue pumping my penis everyday?
I am not gaining any more length or width.
I experience no pain at all, when it's pumped to it's maximum.
Can I pump every other day or twice a week or ?
I don't want to lose any of my gains and I want to keep my penis healthy.

Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


By 8 months I cycled only for sex.  In fact I started slacking up a little before that when I concluded my gains were over, based on:
1. No pain or discomfort being inflated for an hour
2. Gains over the previous 3 months were very minimal
3. If I use two hands I can pump hard enough that I totally run out of solution and my pump bulb remains partially flat.

There are no losses when you stop cycling probably in part because the implant never allow full contraction when deflated.

If you experience any 2 of those 3 criteria listed above I think cycling is just unproductive wear and tear on your implant and a waste of your time.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks, for the info.

Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


 I found this great YOUTUBE video on post op implants

Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Know what's crazy Step?  I've watched any and all videos on YouTube in relation to an implant.  It's a pretty small group of videos, minus all the India ones, but I've watched em all.  That is why I felt I needed to do one with UCI.  Need more of us implantees on the web to share our stories.  I know it wipes away any anonymity, but unless you are specifically searching for it I don't see how you would even see it.  I sure as heck never knew of any of these three years ago
47 yrs old, 3 yrs diagnosed
Xiaflex w/original uro resulted in a fracture
Excision/grafting by Dr Faysal Yafi 3/26/19
Implanted by Dr Yafi 8/11/20, Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE


Well if they want anyone else to talk about it. Mention my willingness to help. I am an open book.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


Reach out to your surgeon.  They will be more than happy to promote themselves😂.  Also, check out MTP (Perito), erection connection (Christine), and wiener Wednesday (Kramer).  Of course there are all of Eid's and the Mayo Clinic ones as well as many discussions with Wilson
47 yrs old, 3 yrs diagnosed
Xiaflex w/original uro resulted in a fracture
Excision/grafting by Dr Faysal Yafi 3/26/19
Implanted by Dr Yafi 8/11/20, Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE


Bad news is that I hurt my back 6 weeks ago and have been on opioids and Lyrica.
The good news is that on Monday i got a new doctor and he diagnosed the problem as a ruptured disk and I now have surgery scheduled in 3 weeks.
I haven't been able to have sex for about a month.
I have inflated twice a week. Should I be inflating more frequently?
Yesterday when I felt a few moments of low pain, I attempted to have sex.  We both were into it, I did all my usual moves, but when we actually doing the deed, I could not feel my cock. I was pumping fast and slow, shallow and deep, but my cock had no feeling. We tried various positions, but the feeling was gone.
I have very little feeling of my penis.
I am thinking it was the opioids and the Lyrica which is supposed to reduce nerve feelings.
Anyone else experience this?
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


I would caution you about rushing into surgery. I know you will make the right decision for you but a brief of my herniated disc story.
I had a history of severe back attacks that would disable me a few days a year.  In between times, I was fine.
I had a history of a couple of significant injuries/accidents
Years after the accidents I was teaching at a college, standing and bending over at desks helping students. Over a period of a week, I developed severe back and leg pain down to my knee.  I also had numbness on my inner thigh.  Lost 60% strength in the left leg.
So severe I was on crutches, opioids, extreme hot soaks to block break-through pain. The pain was enough to mess with my sanity.
After 6 weeks, I was beginning to wonder if I would be permanently disabled.
MRI showed significant herniation, but by that time (8 weeks), I felt 10 - 15% improvement
The surgeon sent me to physical therapy, traction, massage
I improved about 15% per month, and he held off surgery - within 6 or 7 months, it was 100% normal.
For the last 10 years, it is like it never happened.  -  I am so glad I gave it time

I don't think you have to inflate any more than that or even that much.  If you gained all your size back, I do not think you can lose.  Even deflated, your penis cannot retract, so it always has very mild tension 24/7.

I think your lack of feeling is back-related.  My inner thigh was so numb it felt to me like I was laying my hand on someone else's thigh.  It was not like my leg.  A friend had to be catheterized for over a month because of a disc. He could not urinate, and his bladder would almost burst.  I have been on HIGN DOSE opioids for a month with kidney stone pain.  It did nothing to penile sensitivity.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 70 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks Hawk for your reply.
I should have been more careful and expansive in my back issue.
I have been dealing with back pain for over 38 years, but never had my left leg shrink.
I mistyped my disk, I have a ruptured disk and the disk is actually oozing and damaging the nerve.
My left leg is 1" less at calf snd 1.2" less at thigh.
I have no reflex on left leg at all.
I can't walk but about 2 minutes nor sit.
I have been lying on the floor for 6 weeks.
I've been to the ER 3 times because the pain was so bad.
I have been seeing a chiropractor 2 - 3 times a week, but even the chiropractor said, it's time.
But my big thing is about my no feeling penis.
I think it must be the Lyrica.
But I will ask the surgeon if the nerve could be also creating issues for penis.
Oh, even my left ankle is thinner. My left leg skin is loose and floppy.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC


So I am loving my new tool. Sex continues to get better every time we do it. But I have had increased problems with deflating. Since I have been implanted, I have only felt the valve button click a few times. It is difficult to deflate, as sometimes I have to press the button several times before it will deflate. Then it becomes difficult to squeeze to reset the bulb. I can live with it, but am wondering if I should consider talking to doctor or someone else?
I have tried the cycling and still no change. It just makes my ball sac sore from all the squeezing.
Nesbit surgery 2015, 66 years young, Titan Implant 4/25/19, 22cm, Dr. Lentz, Duke University NC