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Do you know what surgeon will be performing the surgery?
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My deformity is the same, do you have any advice for the best stretches?
I will do my best to bring positive results to the group.

I won't get into my Verapamil experience much here, as I know this is a Traction related feed, but really feel disappointed and misled by my urologist.
He told me repeatedly that 2/3 of men will have their curvature improved with 6-12 injections. He wasn't really interested when I kept reporting no improvements.
In Canada, as you know, there is no coverage for the injections, and surprisingly to me, my extended healthcare plan also denied any coverage towards the injections. But now I think I know why!! They were smarter than me, and knew they were a waste of money!!

Anyway, onward and hopefully not so much upward we go

Been there, try a good therapist.
Injections for Erectile Dysfunction / Re: Trimix question
Last post by Brad84 - May 27, 2024, 04:24:56 AM
Hello IwillbeatPD,

I see you're having to make some tough decisions about your treatment options. It's great that you're seeking advice and information from others who have experience with similar situations. Here are some insights based on your questions:

1. Starting with a lower dose of trimix, as advised by your doctor, is a prudent approach to gauge how your body responds and minimize the risk of prolonged erections. While some individuals combine trimix with tadalafil, it's essential to follow your doctor's recommendations regarding medication interactions.

2. Regarding the timeframe for seeking medical attention if you experience a prolonged erection, it's typically recommended to head to the ER if you're unable to resolve it within 3-4 hours. If your nearest ER is 30 minutes away, consider leaving for medical assistance around the 3-hour mark.

3. Natural methods to reduce an erection include ice, masturbation, and physical activity. Your prescribed antidote should be used as directed by your doctor, typically if you're still erect after a certain timeframe or unable to resolve it naturally.

4. Finding the right dose of trimix involves a balance between achieving sufficient rigidity for intercourse while minimizing the risk of adverse effects. Your doctor's guidance on reaching 60-70% hardness with trimix is a good starting point, and adjustments can be made based on your individual response.

5. It's important to follow the storage instructions for trimix to maintain its effectiveness. Generally, once mixed, the solution should be refrigerated to prolong its shelf life. However, it's worth consulting with your healthcare provider about the feasibility of pre-loading a syringe for discreet use, as they can provide tailored advice based on your specific situation.

It's commendable that you're taking proactive steps to address your concerns and explore treatment options that work best for you. Remember to communicate openly with your healthcare provider throughout this process to ensure you're receiving personalized care and support. Wishing you all the best on your journey towards resolution and improved quality of life.
Firstly, combining tadalafil with a vacuum erection device (VED) may not necessarily be dangerous if done correctly and under medical supervision. However, it's crucial to follow the specific protocol to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Regarding the urologist's caution about using tadalafil with the VED, it's essential to understand the reasoning behind the advice. Sometimes, certain medications or treatments can interact in unexpected ways, potentially leading to adverse effects. However, if you're already on a low dose of tadalafil and your doctor hasn't raised any concerns before, it might be worth seeking a second opinion or discussing this further with your healthcare provider.

Your health and well-being are paramount, so it's essential to make informed decisions based on reliable information and guidance from qualified experts.
Quote from: bent_narsil on February 18, 2024, 12:34:38 PMQuestion for both of you, does using a VED change how your penis is while flaccid. Basically are you walking around with more of a chub and elongated penis given how it stretches and fills it? I think its the right approach for me, as opposed to RestoreX which looks like it will cause more harm than good, but I have never seen one in person or seen it used so I have no idea what to expect.

Using a vacuum erection device (VED) or penis pump for penile rehabilitation after issues like erectile dysfunction or surgery is a common approach recommended by many healthcare professionals.

Your urologist's concern about potential damage to your penis is valid, as improper use or excessive pressure with a VED could potentially cause issues like scar tissue or fibrosis. However, when used correctly and under professional guidance, many men find VEDs to be safe and effective tools for improving penile health and function.

Regarding your concern about changes to the flaccid state of your penis with VED use, it's possible that regular use could lead to temporary changes in flaccid size due to increased blood flow and stretching of tissues. However, these effects are usually reversible and shouldn't cause any long-term issues.
Hey there,

I've experimented with a few different options in the past, and I understand your dilemma. Quality and safety are paramount when it comes to something like this. I haven't tried the specific models you mentioned, but I can offer some insights.

The electronic automatic pump from "Zenhanger" seems intriguing, especially with its features and price point. However, it's crucial to consider factors like comfort, durability, and most importantly, safety. Make sure to read reviews thoroughly and maybe even reach out to the company for more information on how it's designed to prevent over-pumping.

As for Amazon options, there are indeed several available, but again, be vigilant about quality and safety. Look for pumps with good reviews, preferably from verified purchasers, and pay attention to any mentions of durability and ease of use.

Personally, I've found that investing in a pump with a gauge, like the one you mentioned from La Pump, can provide better control over pressure and reduce the risk of overdoing it. Plus, the glass cylinder sounds like a solid choice in terms of durability and ease of cleaning.

In the end, it's all about finding what works best for you, both in terms of effectiveness and peace of mind. Happy pumping, and remember to prioritize safety above all else!
It seems like you're struggling with balancing your erectile dysfunction treatment and managing your tinnitus. It's tough to pinpoint which supplement or medication is causing the tinnitus without medical advice. Here are some suggestions:

Identify the cause of tinnitus. Talk to a doctor who specializes in urology and ear, nose, and throat to figure out what's triggering your tinnitus.

Try alternatives. Consider lifestyle changes like exercise, a balanced diet, and stress reduction. Some herbal supplements or traditional Chinese medicine might help too, but check with a doctor first.

Adjust Cialis usage, You could try taking Cialis every other day instead of daily to see if it helps with your tinnitus.

Be Cautious with L-Citrulline, while it might help with erectile function, it could also worsen tinnitus. Talk to your doctor before trying it.

Keep in touch with your doctor. Track your symptoms and stay in touch with your doctor to find the best treatment plan for you.

Remember, everyone's body reacts differently, so it's essential to find what works best for you with the help of a healthcare professional.
Sure, I'm familiar with Ray Peat's teachings. His approach to nutrition indeed focuses on reducing estrogen levels in the body, as he believes that excess estrogen can contribute to various health issues, including fibrosis.

Several key foods and strategies to reduce estrogen levels:

  • Aspirin: Peat claims that aspirin has anti-estrogenic properties and can help reduce inflammation and fibrosis.
  • Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice: Orange juice is rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants, which can support overall health and reduce stress levels in the body, indirectly affecting estrogen levels.
  • Carrots: Peat suggests that raw carrots can help eliminate estrogen from the body due to their high content of insoluble fiber, which promotes gut detoxification.

Additionally, he advises avoiding foods that can increase estrogen levels, such as soy products and certain vegetable oils. Peat also recommends incorporating more animal-based products like dairy and meat into the diet, as they may help balance hormones.

Ray Peat's ideas are quite interesting and have gained a dedicated following. His emphasis on reducing estrogen through specific dietary choices is unique. However, it's important to approach any nutritional philosophy with a critical eye and consider individual differences. While some may find benefits in Peat's recommendations, others might not experience the same results. Consulting with a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes is always a good idea to ensure they suit your personal health needs.