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Penile Implants / Thrombosis/enlarged veins
Last post by Del28 - Today at 07:44:20 AM
Hello all

So as I've explained in posts prior, I'm at the point where my only option is an implant with potentially some plaque incision/grafting. I was misled and left without any kind of treatment by an incompetent andrologist who I now know doesn't even specialise in peyronies. Ego.

So I'm off to the UK to see an actual expert at the end of this month.

So today my concern is with large swollen circumflex veins and severe urinary obstruction and discomfort. I feel like I'm getting ahead of myself anticipating an implant before I investigate and potentially treat these issues?

Has anyone undergone an implant surgery with similar complaints or addressed these issues prior and managed to be implanted after?

I'm inclined to think the swelling of the veins may be connected to my urinary issues, with the circumflex veins being connected to the spongiosum? Any opinions here would be extremely helpful.

I've about a 80/90 degree upward curve at the base with bending and twisting to the left, this could surely disturb urination? I mean half my girth has been lost on the left side which feels so bumpy and severely lost elasticity.

I'm freaking out a little, all my issues were severely exacerbated on my last andro visit. I mean how can he rationalise extreme rough physical examination after years without any scans or investigation of any kind.

Anyone in Ireland suffering from similar issues... run like hell to the UK. Don't waste any time

Yes. Lots of us here do.

You have to accept it and learn to live with it.

There are traction, VED and Tadalafil as treatments which help stabilise the disease, improve it and stops it progressing.

Lots of men on here have a far worse condition than this.

Having curvature to one side with no pain and being able to have sex easily is something to be grateful for.

The key here is to do the preventive treatments listed to stabilise the condition.

It's accepting that your penis will never be the same as it once was. You may be able to improve things to some extent.
Does anyone else have a semi-erect curvature and survive? :(

Thank you all for the help and advice. I've been able to somewhat comfortably use the Restorex for 30 minutes, starting with lengthening and then switching to curvature correction, two clicks down!

It's not pleasant but not unbearable. The big difference was overcoming anxiety around using enough clamping pressure. It seems like it would cause bruising and more scar tissue but after the first few seconds the pain goes away.

Fingers crossed that this will make a difference.
Oral Treatments for Peyronie's Disease / Re: CBD oil
Last post by shaddyK - October 03, 2024, 07:31:09 AM
I take CBD oil from this clinic (I'm subscribed to them), and so far, the symptoms are not as painful as they were. I'm convinced to go on with this treatment.
Introduce Yourself / Re: Greetings, where should I ...
Last post by Mikerey - October 03, 2024, 06:47:19 AM
Hi epictetus008. How is your cylindrical sheath/ the tunica albuginea? Most uros told me they can zip up in that organ within a month or two naturally so I've been told. I'm kinda in the situation, sex injury, except I was flying solo, by myself when it happened.

I once had a Doppler/ MRI or ultrasound whichever one I mean. It was years after the injury maybe even a decade, he said my organs were still intact. Meaning= whatever the definition of intact is.

So if you're gonna try alleviating it on your own, unfortunately because of uros dismissing it, try a few of these:

Try sleeping a lot, because nocturnal erections are good for healing. Sleep with a sheet not a blanket as to not constrict your erections.

Abstinence, try not to touch your penis, masturbate, or play rough house sports. Only that plus time can hopefully help.

Good diet, lots of exercise. The more you walk, the better off you will feel. Endorphins, and good for the natural testosterone boosting through way of daily exercise. I'm not implying you have low testosterone, I am just quoting what the pelvic floor therapist told me: she said I should even throw in some bench press if I was brave.

Anyway don't pull hairs from down there. I know kinda weird statement but that is a thing called trichotillomania that some people seriously do have, an ocd imbalance.

Try not to watch porn or Racey material. You may need to stay out of harm's way while it's healing.

Stress levels: minimize stress. Easier said than done.

Be around positive people, people you trust or have similarities with you. Just going to the gym to walk the track with a buddy is funner than feeling stuck in life.

My uro told me too, that if I'm ready to use the equipment down there, to not stroke it vigorously because that would cause a relapse.

When I was cooking up a storm I used to eat a lot of raw onion. Imo it helps with the body's ability to heal jmo. Lots of fresh juices, milk calcium, etc.

Most of this stuff was told to me from urologist, pelvic floor specialist and holistic nurse. I pray that helps man.
Coping with the pain caused by Peyronies / Re: Help!!!
Last post by Mikel7 - October 03, 2024, 06:06:46 AM
Welcome to the forum Mikerey and thank you for filling out your signature line. It sounds like you have definitely been through a lot and I am sorry. Penile injuries and peyronies affects each man differently. The one thing we all share is the mental/worrying that accompanies this disease. The other thing that we share is this community that offers support and comfort and information.

I don't understand how the medical field operates where you live so I don't know just how many qualified Dr's you can choose from. If it were me I would still try to see another Dr until I got some correct answers. Have you have looked into traction and VED
therapy? I don't know if it would help you or hurt you though from what you have described. I can say adopting a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and exercise will help you in the long run. Even just walking is a good start.

Have any of your Dr's suggested Cialis or similar drugs for erections and healing? Heat therapy also works wonders for eliminating penile pain. Study the forum and get a grip on your worrying. Just being here can be a big mental boost!  :)

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello - New to Forum and P...
Last post by FrankPD - October 02, 2024, 03:41:30 PM

Stick to this forum, it's a great group. Tremendous support and advice.

Hang in there.
I had rock hard erections (normal for me) within days of the PEG procedure It was so stiff, it pulled out suture under the frenulum. The Doc told me it is unusual to get erections within the first month or so after the procedure. Within a month or so they began becoming not so stiff. I was disappointed with the hardness and the ability to maintain as long as usual. I tried everything from pills,to devices to that Eddy thing(doesn't work. Don't waste your money). Suddenly, about a year and a half after the surgery everything turned back to normal again. I know this is anecdotal but, maybe it will give some hope to others that experience some decrease in rigidity after surgery.
I've been on a sugar-free, low-carb diet for a while now, and I've found it pretty manageable. Honestly, cutting out sugar and carbs has been a game-changer for me. I've felt more energetic and less bloated. Instead of the usual bread and sweets, I stick to whole foods like fresh veggies, lean meats, and nuts. They help keep me full and satisfied. If you're thinking of diving in, try focusing on nature foods. They're not only delicious but also super nutritious. It's all about finding what works for you and sticking with it.