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Other Peyronies Disease Discussion Boards => Open Questions or General Comments (that won't fit under any other topics) => Topic started by: peyronny on July 03, 2016, 09:19:49 AM

Title: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 03, 2016, 09:19:49 AM
I have set a date---September 21st. There's something happening that day I do not want to miss. If the doctors are unable to help me on my next appointment, it's over. It is no longer bearable and I'm not gonna live the rest of my life like this and watch things get even worse. I'm tried of being alone. I'm tired of sexual frustration. I'm tired of giving everything I have and getting nothing in return. I have no future or anything worthwhile going on for me. My family will be relieved, and that's the truth. They hate me.

I'm thankful to those who have offered help and support through this. The truth is there is nothing that can be said to make the situation better. I lost and it's time throw in the towel.

If my July 25th appointment, I get some help---real help. I won't go through with it. But if I'm told there's nothing that can be done and I have to just deal with it best I can, nope. I'm tired of dealing.

It's funny to think this time a year ago, even with my Peyronies which was minor at the time, I was so hopeful. I fell in love for first time of my life. My confidence was much improved, and my weightloss was really kicking off. Now I know it was for nothing and I should've just enjoyed eating like I did before. I didn't lose weight to get healthy. I lost weight to get a girlfriend, to be loved, and to make love. My goals in life are now impossible. I don't care about money. I would only care in relation to being able to provide. I don't care about anything else in life really. My own hobbies are not enough to get me by knowing I will be alone the rest of my life, and I don't want to be in a sexless relationship. For me they go hand in hand. I don't think I could even feel romantic love without being able to be aroused, and at this point I no longer can.

I'm scared, I'm not sure what's going to happen. But at least I have a chance at peace. I have no chance at that in this life. If things continue to get worse, and they do literally every day, my penis is basically just mush now, may decide to do it sooner. 1 day seems like 10 years.

There is one person I would love to talk to before it happens, but she doesn't care about me and don't have any means of contacting her now. LIfe doesn't even seem real anymore, it's all a bad dream I need to wake up from. But I guess it's for the best because I don't want to make her think she's somehow responsible. If I just left it alone, avoided masturbation for  a while longer maybe things would've been different. I think smoke contributed as well.

What exactly are they gonna tell me? I already know I'm not a candidate for surgery...Xiaflex doesn't seem to be worth it. Been on Pentox for a while now to no result. It''s literally gotten worse in the past 24 hours.

I have my issues with religion but I do believe in God. I've tried praying, begging. I've tried getting saved. But I can't change my personal views on things. I still have hope that we are reunited with everyone after death and we will have complete understanding. Sometimes I wonder if God is testing me. Well, if he is, I failed. This isn't my only issue in life. If everything else was okay, maybe I could handle this. But I do have a breaking point. I've had a terrible life even before Peyronies.

I have new injuries just about every day. I will never be able to even get out of the "active phase." I have at least 15 different injures since I've got this. And my penis is tiny. I had a new one last week when I choked on water taking my pills. 

I keep rambling on about this like a madman and nobody wants to listen. But it's the only way I can cope. I literally get even more depressed if I see an attractive woman.

They should throw me in the California river, I could end the drought.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: kuaka on July 03, 2016, 03:39:05 PM
Don't give up.  Advances all the time in medicine.  Someone you may not have met yet will miss you if you go.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 03, 2016, 05:55:55 PM
I just can't live like this anymore. I'm far past the point of caring about what effect it will have on other people, but I think it would have a positive impact on my family. I only have internet friends, but they are not close.

I no longer enjoy anything. I'm floating through life aimlessly. I have around the clock pain that is worsened from doing any physical activity or moving in certain ways. I'm unable to wear pants without intense pain from the contact. I intentionally cut a whole in my pajama pants so I can wear it sleeping. I can't get comfortable in bed because any way I lay seems to put pressure on the plaques. Just laying in bed makes the plaques bigger. It's hopeless and there's no positive way to skew this. I would rather lose an eye, go deaf, lose my legs, have cancer, etc. than live like this. At least with these things people get support from people. When I talk about this people say I'm disgusting.

This is not what life is meant to be like, on any level. I am in constant agony and nobody can help me.

I'm gonna see what the results are of my appointment, and it there is no improvement by then or at least something the doctors can do that will help the suffering has to end. I dont want to belittle it for anyone, but I know my peyronies is worst than most people here due to other complications. I actually think I may have the worst case in history cause I've never heard of people getting new injuries as often as I do on this forum or anywhere else.

Advances seem pretty rare or minimal to me to be honest. Very few things have been completely cured. The only option I would have is a transplant which has only been done on one person, and how many years down the line would that be available to peyronies sufferers? I'll probably die of natural causes before that time comes.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: popopo on July 03, 2016, 08:36:58 PM
Hello peyronny,

Reading the title of your post made my heart skip a beat. I feel the same way as you and it's becomming harder and harder to cope. Right now I'm in a very bad place, having no job, not being able to see friends because of anxiety, living with my grandmother and addicted to weed.

I think about suicide everyday, but I don't believe in god. I believe in nature and think killing myself would mean eternal darkness and nothing more than that. I want to continue. I can't control myself right now and I know that. I hope people will understand and see that I'm trying. I'm going to rehab for my addiction and mental issues in a few weeks and I allready know most of my problems won't be solved.

I actually doubt if there will be light at the end of the tunnel, but what if there is?? I don't know how old you are, but I'm 21 and if I just work really hard now I might enjoy a nice sexlife when I'm older.. 10 years is a long time for science to improve and I'll still be pretty young then. think about it .. society is changing. How is there no way to enlarge the penis anyway? Most smaller men would want to and this is a time where things like that should be at least an option for people that have the money for it. And whatr about erectile dysfunction? I doubt many men are able to cope with it while it actually happens MORE than we think. I think if all these men stood up right now and started raising awareness and being open to their doctors about it, there WILL be a change. This generation was raised with porn, hollywood and social media. There is no way men similar to us will just "fade away".

Maybe I'm wrong, but I see people become more superficial and that's bad.. but maybe not if it makes people more inclined to fix problems that where percieved as "unneccessary" or even "vain" before. I talk to family about this and even doctors and while lot's of 'em try to cheer me up with no succes by using Cognitive behaviour stuff on me, they do genuinly understand why this is the end of a big part of my life for me and some even understand that just talking won't fix me up no matter how hard I meditate.

Anyway, there is still hope. I believe it will be possible to print ourselves a new penis from our own cells one day. might be expensive, but I will find a way once it's there. Dr. Atala is still researching how to replace (parts) of the penis and it will be a 100 percent cure if he succeeds.

I hope you manage and will be able to enjoy the functioning parts of your life because there must be something that keeps you from dropping dead. If it was your time to leave, you would've left allready, but you're still here and what can you do? Death isn't much fun I imagine and for me smoking a joint is still enjoyable and while it's not a good thing, it makes me remember that at least I still enjoy SOME things in life.

Also, if one day it really gets horrible you can allways kill yourself later, but you're breathing, right? You've been able to deal with it so far, so why not in the future? Could you really forgive yourself if maybe you kill yourself now and the cure will be available next year? Hope to hear from you man, I don't want to see members leaving here UNLESS they're healed.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: NeoV on July 03, 2016, 11:48:26 PM
It's unfortunate how pain can cause one to head in the entirely wrong direction, over and over until it's too late.

If you care about this girl truly, you will have no need to talk with her whatsoever. You have to rid yourself of all desire to receive anything from anyone, since eventually you'll learn that you can never truly receive anything ever anyway. True receiving is giving, through expression and self love, not love of another.

If the people you are with call you disgusting, you have an interesting riddle before you, one that needs deep introspection and solving, not avoidance. Looking to external sources of value for answers in family, friends, or god, is wrong, and will lead you to your end. I had women call me disgusting until I realized that it was my own self who created these responses, not the topic at all. I went from being called disgusting to being adored for my Peyronie's, or even lack of sexual abilities. Pain, while real in every way, is mostly selfish. Even a man with no penis could be adored and sexually loved more than any man with a penis, given he loves himself and offers value to those around him.

It's as if our default state is that of a vortex of pain, desperate for stimulation and acceptance. Stay in this state long enough, and you find that it can only create more pain, and the answer was literally in the opposite direction. There were several moments when I felt like you do now, many maybe. I remember feeling numb and derealized, unable to move. I felt absolute terror for hours until finally reaching a state of silence in my mind. I realized then and there, as you must have, that suicide was the only result of the direction I was headed. There was nothing gained from my state of being. In fact, the more intense my pain, the less I received from the world and others. Luckily for me, I was able to identify my emotional pain, which I've developed since I was a child, as being a process of closing off and shutting down, and not that of "love" and "caring."

The problem is that society, friends and family, label emotional pain in a positive fashion. We are told that "love" and "caring" are of utmost importance, when these are usually just justifications for pain. We are told that confidence is "superficial," and that one cannot be happy and free without being an "idiot" or "a$$hole." Here in Japan, this is even worse, where creativity is stomped out, and people are made to submit all freedom in order to be one with the tribe. The default state in Japan is quiet, depressed, reserved. Worse is that our minds tend do split and moralize these things. One can never be confident, funny, and deep and caring. Logically we know it's possible, but part of our subconscious mind does not want this to be true. We want to feel pain, it feels good. Even your posting this here on the forums is a way for you to feel good.  There is nothing wrong with this, but it should be understood.

I urge you to take your time to think this through. Go deeper into what makes you feel pain, why you are called disgusting, and why the girl won't talk with you anymore. There are answers, I promise you this, and there is a way out that does not involve suicide that feels better than you've ever felt. It may be hard, but leave this world or stay, I'll be here for you and everyone till the very end.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 04, 2016, 09:21:13 AM
They think it's disgusting for me to discuss Peyronies at all since it's a sexual issue. But the pain has become the worst part. I still live with my parents. There are things I simply can't do because of this, they assume it's laziness. I have to rely on them to get to appointments and everything, so it's not possible to avoid the topic entirely. But also, I need to vent in order to cope, to just get through the day.

I don't truly enjoy anything. Nothing. Because this issue is ever present and effects every facet of life. It is starting to effect my mobility in the sense that walking increases pain and in some cases worsens the injuries. There are things I do just to get by, talking to my online friends, Big Brother this Summer.  I'm a fan of the show Big Brother and I watch the live feeds every year. It's always nice to reconnect with friends in the chat room there every year. But even that, one of my favorite things in the world is no longer enjoyable. I use it as sort of an escape, because people there don't know about all my issues and I can pretend to be normal. But I did tell a few people about Peyronies. I still don't feel happy doing my old hobbies and interests. I sleep as much as possible from taking Bennadryl, Melatonin, etc. If I could sleep 24 hrs I would.

This isn't my only healthy issue. I have very bad asthma,  and always have crud in my lungs year round. I'm unable to cough it out because if I cough too hard, it seems to make the Peyronies issue worse. Anything that puts any sort of pressure on my body doesn't seem good. Coughing, choking, pushing hard to use bathroom, etc. My eyes are getting bad, even when I wear my glasses. Honesly, my life was pretty cruddy *before* I had peyronies. But I could still deal with it and being content. I'm not asking for much and I have low standards for what I want in life. But I can't be content with this.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: QuackAttack on July 04, 2016, 10:36:12 PM

Do an elimination diet for your asthma. Specifically get rid of milk products, cheese too and Gluten, Barley, Wheat, Rye and Oats. Yes I know Oats are suppose to be gluten free, but the protein in oats is gleadin and it works on the gut exactly the same as gluten.  Keep off the gluten and milk for three weeks and see how well your asthma is going. After that time, add milk back into your diet for a few days and actually load up on it. If you react poorly you know milk is a problem. If you don't milk is OK. Then do the same for gluten. There is a good likelihood that you could have a gluten intolerance. Look for other signs of a gluten intolerance, bowel issues, rosacea and other skin issues. Getting off the gluten has been a huge benefit for me.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: kuaka on July 05, 2016, 09:14:53 AM
There are many things you can do to improve your overall health.  Diet is a huge one.  Our modern "foods" are laced with toxins and devoid of nutritional value.  Consider doing a major cleansing fast, then embarking on a healthy eating journey.  Consider adding a good Magnesium supplement as well (not Oxide) as ALL fibrosis conditions seem to have Magnesium deficiency as a factor.

I am currently dealing with "this" issue as well, and even though I make good money working for my clients, I spend every last dime and then some on medicine for my daughter.  She has been hanging on the edge of death for over two years now, and every time we seem to make progress it is followed by a setback.  The latest thing is that she desperately needs a car with A/C.  The heat made her have seizures the last trip to the hospital.  She has insurance, but it won't pay for an extended stay, so it is back and forth every day...twice a day...  I live where I can pick up a cheap car with A/C for less than two day's pay, but don't have it available due to how much it takes just to keep her alive right now.

Mind you I haven't had sex with my wife but once since the onset of "this", and it has been a few years already.  It was painful and so hasn't happened since.  I am doing what I can "on the cheap", but with the expected minimal results.  My condition appears to have is not getting worse at this point...except that it seems to have impacted my ability to urinate recently.

I am increasing my commitment to daily VED as I had slacked off due to my inability to purchase Pentox/Daily Cialis so I don't know that VED is doing much.  I am now doing daily Absorbine Jr. wrap for 30 minutes or so followed by a VED session...we'll see where that goes. 

Talk with your folks about the issue.  They cannot help if they don't know how bad it really is.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 05, 2016, 10:31:57 AM
I'm not a fan of milk anyways. I use almond milk most of the time. I've already been avoiding dairy for the most part. I can completely take away milk products, but I only use milk or dairy once a week tops, if I'm out of almond milk.

I'll try getting rid of oats and grains too. I've been eating oatmeal with blueberries in the morning. And some days I'll have egg whites/egg beaters. Like eggs but with no cholesterol and lower calories.

I did splurge last night, said screw it, and ate basically what I want for 4th of July since I've seen no progress from improving diet.

I used to basically just eat junk. I've overhauled my diet and while I've seen improvement in weight, haven't for my penis. In fact it's gotten a lot worse.

Most nights I have salad, with no dressing for dinner. Green mix, spinach, kale, etc.

Snack on fruits.

I'll snack on junk from time to time, but try to keep it at very small amounts. I'll

Last night I figured food is only thing i can enjoy, wh not, I'm getting a burger and some BBQ chicken. I majorly overate last night on meats. But I just don't see why it matters now.

My penis was actually in better shape when I ate whatever I wanted. I think I caused many of these injures to worsen myself from checking them, and touching them so much in the past. But I stopped doing that and it still is getting worse.

My folks don't care. They are tired of me talking about it.

I'll try magnesium. What's the preferable kind to take?

Title: Re: I give up
Post by: kuaka on July 05, 2016, 01:26:02 PM
I take a Magnesium Chloride tablet.  It is I think the second best by a small margin.  Brand "Slow-Mag" at wally world...very affordable.

Unfortunately, this is a marathon...not a sprint.  There is hope, but not if you give up.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: popopo on July 05, 2016, 01:58:20 PM
I totally get why you're not motivated to get in shape. I stopped working out too and I'm eating junkfood too, but honestly.. working out made me feel physically stronger and mentally in a slightly better place. Of course peyronie's is a dent in your ego and it's only natural to cheat your diet and skip the gym sometimes, but in the long run you'll feel better if you treat your body better. I know how hard it is, but you have to keep in mind all the positive things it will do to you in the long run no matter if you had peyronies or not. It's very hard, but if you truly want to get better you have to take proper care of yourself first. Life will still be hard, but you DON'T want to die either. Nobody ever really does and your situation might not be ideal even with hard work, but there just is no better alternative. I'm still figuring out how to live with this myself, but in my heart I want to continue no matter what. Death is just so boring...
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 05, 2016, 03:17:01 PM
My dad ran to the store, and I hate asking them for things but I'm completely broke and asked if he could pick up some magnesium. Only money I currently make is through Amazon surveys. Usually a couple bucks a day.  He said all of them just say "Magnesium"

So I'm not sure if it's right kind, but it's better than nothing I guess.

It's very difficult to keep track of all the supplements on and they never last very long. I have to order through Amazon using the credit i make there. And by the time I earn some money I'm already running out of my supplements.  I don't want to cut anything, because they may be doing something, and I figure they can't hurt much. But I just can't keep up with everything I'm on anymore. I know there are better sites than Amazon I'm actually closing my bank account because I can't even keep up with the monthly bank fees.

I'm at a time in my life I should be settling down with a carreer at the very least. But I can't focus on anything else with something like this going on.

I just think improvement though in sexual function is essentially impossible at this point. You'd have to really see and feel my penis to have a good idea of how it is. It is rapidly getting worse and now I can't get it up at all due to the plaques. I still feel aroused often though and it is very frustrating. I am still a very sexual person and feel like I've lost a part of myself. It's visibly much worse than the photos I posted previously. At least then I could get it up. Now the plaques are becoming so large/tight it's impeding my penis from expanding at all during arousal. If my scar tissue was to somehow removed, I would just be castrated. The entire thing is scar tissue that is all actively still progressing. And the smallest things seem to cause more injuries.

Early on I may have caused more from continuing to masturbate. I know I made some plaques worse by touching them too much.  I think even some of the doctors could have made it worse doing check ups. Coughing, choking, etc cause intense pain in penis that can lead to new formations.

But I can't figure out exactly why in the past year it's gotten so much worse or why it's so sensitive now.. This time last year it was at least stable and although lumpy, was no curve. I wasn't taking *anything* at all besides vit. E. Could some of these supplements be making it worse? I was significantly more overweight then than I am now. My BP and sugars were much more high and unstable. My overall health seemingly, is improved at least if you didn't know any better. But I'd rather be my old weight than have my penis ruined.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: kuaka on July 05, 2016, 03:52:54 PM
Brand name "Slow Mag" at walmart is Magnesium Chloride.  Look at the back.  If it says Magensium Oxide, it isn't worth bothering with.  The "Ingredients" will list the substance from which the Magnesium is derived.

Yes, it is difficult to focus on anything but "this".  All I can say is hang in there.  Advances happen in medicine frequently.  Adult stem cells have promise, and surgical techniques are improving all the time. 

If you focus on putting yourself in a position where you can take advantage of an advance when it comes, or go the implant route if necessary, you can have a realistic goal. 

Goals are important.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: NeoV on July 05, 2016, 09:27:41 PM
Cheating on your diet is alright at times but you do want to really be careful doing it. Make sure you get enough good carbs that you don't binge eat. I have to constantly eat oatmeal and brown rice just to not have my blood sugar crash. If I don't eat enough I end up getting very tired and weak and crave sugar, then go straight for chocolate or cheap crap. Usually though, I eat completely clean. There's hardly any logic in when and why Peyronie's starts and gets worse, but every small things does count.

I wonder what options will work for you. Have you tried traction at all? I'm not knowledgable about insurance and Peyronie's, but I'm wondering how someone in your position could see a specialist or if it's nearly impossible.

Let me say this again, YOUR GOAL IS STILL POSSIBLE. Even with a f'~c<+d up dick. If I could take your place and show you for a day I would. Think as long term ahead as possible, there is a place for you and you can still find sex and love. Get back on the weight loss, lift weights, develop yourself in every way and someday you'll get what you wanted.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 06, 2016, 12:00:48 AM
Haven't tried traction, and due to my weight not entirely sure if it's possible. Flaccid, my penis is pretty much invisible.

Any touching it at all seems to aggravate things, I have difficulty even going to the bathroom.

The curve itself is probably least of what I"m worried about. It's the extreme pain levels, dents and painful lumps, loss of flexibility of skin and now unable to achieve full erections.

I'm convinced I have the worse case of this condition in history, honestly. I've never heard anyone here even have it on this level of magnitude. Not curve, but the amount of plaques and injures and how often they happen for the smallest of reasons.

I have an appointment the 25th to get doppler. It was set up some weeks back but they cancelled on me. Its Dr. Shiriandhi(sp?) in Chattanooga. He seemed to doubt rather I have peyronies at all. The plaques were softer then however. They are visible to the eye though, a few of them. I can see the lumps when I look in the mirror.

He's not one of the Peyronies specialists listed here but he seems at least somewhat knowledgable about it. He talked about Pentox, but I was already on that.

I'm seriously considering looking into having it removed completely. At least then pain would be gone. If I'm unable to get the Peyronies issue fixed, and unable to find a doctor willing to remove my penis, I just can't do it anymore.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: kuaka on July 06, 2016, 11:12:59 PM
With those issues, an implant may be the appropriate direction.  You have that as an available option.  If you make a goal of researching all you can on that approach, and getting yourself into a position financially to afford it, it will give you motivation to go on...

Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 06, 2016, 11:26:52 PM
Does implant get rid of pain? Or is it just for ED/curvature?
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: NeoV on July 07, 2016, 03:16:28 AM
An implant could help with pain eventually, but I imagine things would feel pretty strange for a while. Scarring can continue even with an implant, but at least it offers a way to expand the scar tissue to a consistent degree. It is a good option, and they work well. Now days you can even get quite large ones that are expandable!

It could be said that being overweight is a bigger problem than Peyronie's. Ask yourself this, would you rather sleep with an obese woman, or with a woman in great shape whose vagina is damaged from female circumcision? One study showed that people would rather sleep with an attractive person with an STD  than an unattractive person without one. Again, what matters is who you are in total, not just your penis. I know many guys would say they would rather be overweight than have Peyronie's, so I am not saying this as some final statement, but rather as a way to make you question all of this.

Before you decide to check out from this world, consider going on a two week water fast or do alternate day fasting. You have to be severe on yourself. I am not criticizing you, I am just telling you the honest and brutal truth. For myself included, Peyronie's forced me to do things like lift weights, eat clean and even fast to clean my system out. It can push you towards self development, you can rise above it, I truly believe this.
Title: Re: I give up *pictures of deformity added*
Post by: peyronny on July 07, 2016, 01:30:49 PM
But does it really matter?

Sex is not an option at this point and may never be. It's literally impossible.

A more relevant question would be would you rather have sex with an obese woman or a woman whose vagina is completely sewn shut? If I wanted sex, I wouldn't care how unattractive the woman is compared the person who can't at all.

I can't even really masturbate. My skin does not move back at all. The plaques are too hard and tight to move or stroke the skin because it's lost all elasticity.

There would be no way to get friction going, even with lube. To masturbate what I've been doing (about once a month) is lightly rubbing the back side of my penis, just near the top, I can not do any sort of stroking sensation. I can't imagine inserting the entire length of my penis into any sort of opening. It's not even feasible.

It's completely ruined. If I can't stroke my penis to masturbate how on earth would I be able to penetrate anyways?

All my plaques are actively getting worse and every little movement seems to aggravate things. Getting dressed for instance when I lift my legs up always ends up irritating plaques.

I realize being more attractive in general would help women liking me. But on my end it's impossible anyways.

I wish you could all just see and feel how damaged it is in person.

I managed to get erections last night. I can still get them, just isn't as fun. But penetration is completely off the table, short of getting a complete penile transplant. If all my plaques were removed, my entire penis would be removed.

Oral could be possible, but not enjoyable in the least. Everytime I ejaculate it worsens things anyways.

I've had some hook up opportunities but I've  had to turn them down and make excuses for why I couldn't. I can't even go on a date due to pain levels. I wear pants so baggy they fall down because if it touches me it's unbearable. There's no way I can sit on a restaurant seat. It hurts to sit on a COUCH. I have to lay in bed with my legs spread eagle just praying this will at least stabilize again. Before this got THIS bad I was trying to just hook up with someone randmly just to test it and see if it even functions. Now, I know it doesn't. I want love, and I don't want to be alone. But sexually, I am destroyed. And it sucks because I'm young and still think about it all the time.

Yes, I'm still very fat. But I was at nearly 500 pounds before, and I wold always go for bigger women  anyways.  I'm 280(ish) now.  I'm still losing weight but from improved diet. I go on short walks occasionally and that takes everything I have to do that and everytime I do I end up setting off pain in all the plaques and they get larger or harder

Here's what it currently looks like as of last night anyways. This is *erect* Warning it's pretty nasty looking:

Just look at the texture..and they are all still developing. I don't know if you can tell in this photo but I have downward curve. When erect much of my doesn't actually lift up it just stays flat on my scrowtum area.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: nemo on July 07, 2016, 03:39:56 PM
I seriously think you should consider and talk to a doctor about an implant. There are plenty of younger men who have them and, frankly, rave about them. The pain will go away - I've never heard of a case of Peyronies Disease where the pain lasted forever, and no, I don't believe you're the worst case in history. I think you've probably convinced yourself of that for other reasons.

Investigate the implant and its many benefits. It would be tragic if you did something to harm yourself when there is technology available that would make you 100% functional. 

Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 07, 2016, 07:28:14 PM
I'll ask the doc about it at the appointment.

I'm gonna see first though what the results are of this doppler before considering anything.

What I'm most curious about with implant is, from what I understand most people lose the ability to form a natural erection at all after this surgery. So do you not feel arousal at all. Prior to having sex? As in foreplay. Because right now I could enjoy foreplay, until turns to sexual frustration of being unable to have sex.

Right now I'm in financial disaster. And now my parents are having financial issues so they are not able to provide things I need anymore beyond just place to live. So, I don't know if I could afford it or have the means to get one of the better surgeons for that operation. I wouldn't want to do it unless it's one of the best, with the risks involved. The biggest issue right now is pain. The pain is also devestating to because when I feel it I'm assuming the degree of deformity is also getting worse. THat's the reason I'm reluctant to do much exercising besides walking bow-legged with very loose clothing or anythign else that increases pain levels.

As far as worst case I don't mean as far as curvature. But in terms of the number of plaques. The texture of my penis is what bothers me more than the curve. I don't know how visible the lumps are.

All the photos of peyronies I've seen online, while there is a curve sometimes more sharp than mine, the texture of the skin itself looks much more smooth. My entire penis is full of plaques, some of which are only as new as a few weeks ago so are still developing.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: Pfract on July 07, 2016, 10:07:21 PM
Bro... The amount of confusion in your posts is amazing and unsettling. Do some better research, and research again and read carefully while you are at it then come back.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: NeoV on July 08, 2016, 12:59:35 AM
I would rather marry and live with a hot girl with a vagina shown shut than with an overweight girl. I asked my wife the reverse question, and she said she would rather not have sex at all than have sex with someone who was overweight. Obviously reality is always a bit different, but this is a useful thought experiment. You are misunderstanding how important all aspects of a man are. You can be with a beautiful girl and go down on her and do other things for her. She ultimately doesn't want sex, she wants to conquer sex in her mind and wants a man who has conquered it in his. It's amazing how the more you want something, sometimes the less you need it. Many people who are sex fanatics will ultimately not even need it once presented with it.

There are other ways to enjoy eachother's bodies that doesn't involve any kind of penetration or using your penis or vagina.

I think it does matter. Looking at your picture, it looks like your penis length would nearly double if you lowered your body fat. Then it would come down to rehabilitating your penis and just trying to get the best result possible. Imagine yourself in five years, ten years. Imagine what a perfected version of you would look like. I think there is a possible end result that makes you satisfied with yourself and I don't want you to give up. I want to see you succeed and I am certain you can.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 08, 2016, 11:01:09 AM
What is it I said that is incorrect? In terms of Implants, no I'm not an expert. But I never really considered myself a candidate for that, especially when peyronies is still progressing and it can cause scar tissue. Research what? It seems to be a poorly misunderstood condition anyways with A LOT of conflicting information.

I'm still working on losing weight. However, all I can really do is walk.  I don't have money to buy weights, every cent I have goes to supplements and I've resorted to selling off personal items, some that mean a great deal to me, in order to continue taking them. Walking does make plaques bigger, in my case. But so does anything else that puts pressure in the area so it's impossible to avoid.

From what I understand, most people have 1 plaque, maybe 2. I have lost count. Some of them are so close they could maybe considered the same one. I don't know how noticable they are in the photo. Some are on the sides and the back.

I know for a fact that rubbing the plaques, checking them, etc. makes them much worse. I did that a lot earlier on because I was so obsessed with it I made it worse. So think about that. I have plaques all over, and because it's buried they are always being touched and prodded by my own skin.  So, even walking as my package moves around these plaques are being bumped into. When I walk the friction from my legs can do that as well. Every step I take is very careful and calculated to prevent more injury and I have to walk bow-legged.

Tbh, the thought of being here in 10 years is horrifying to me. This has been gradually getting worse for almost 5 years now.

Being with someone in a relationship, being able to touch and feel them, kiss, etc. but not being able to release also sounds horrifying. I honestly get sad seeing a hot woman on TV or on the internet. Having one in bed next to me and not being able to complete the job would be horrifying. I genuinely think I would rather not be attracted at all physically to them and just love them for who they are as a person than having a beautiful woman but not being able to have sex. Sounds very frustrating (sexually) to me.

That would almost be like back to being a child. When I was attracted only visually.

Imagine this scenario.  Sitting on the table is food #1--your absolute favorite. And then food #2 is just alright.

You are told you cannot eat food #1. You can just look at it. Food #2 you can actually eat. You can only pick one.

I'd go with #2.

That's what that sounds like to me honestly. Someone putting chocolate cake on the table and saying sorry, you can only look at it.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: Pfract on July 08, 2016, 01:11:01 PM
-almost everybody is a candidate for an implant, but only a doctor can tell you for sure. That's what. They use for end organ failure patients and people exactly in your supposed case on which peyronies is so bad, that the only way to fix it is with an implant

-arousal has nothing to do with having an implant

-you don't need weights to loose weight. You need a proper diet plan which you have to follow, and learn how to make conscious and healthy nutritious choices, and get outside and jog or walk

-touching your penis does not cause plaques.

-the photo you showed us, doesn't show anything me which you talk about. The photo is small and has no lighting. Fix that and take a new one.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: popopo on July 08, 2016, 01:21:54 PM
I get what you're saying. I also don't want women anymore unless I get rid of this disease. There are a lot of different things you can do in life without sex. I also think it's not good to sell things you really like just for some supplements that don't have THAT much effect honestly.. If I where you I'd try to accept that there is nothing to do and try to prepare for the day you can do somethibg about it. Peyronies sucks, but it doesn't stop you from succeeding in other area's in life. Life scares me too, but so does death. And I know it scares you too.. let's assume you're too afraid to kill yourself (which is a good thing because it means you're still sane enough to know death is never nice) and you'll still live in 10 years.. would you rather be fat, poor, druggie, homeless, in a mental hospital, etc. AND havr peyronies. Or would you rather be succesfull, in shape, rich etc. And have peyronies?? Those are the only options beside death. Settle for less than perfect and you might get closer to perfection than you think right now. This is a struggle for me too, but I know I want life to be BETTER in the future not worse..
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 08, 2016, 03:56:38 PM

Rubbing, feeling, touching, prodding whatever you want to call it definitely worsens the already present plaques, at least in my case. I know this for a fact. Much of the issue I caused myself earlier on by messing with the already present injuries. I don't think that caused the bulk of the issues, but I'm certain that rubbing or "checking" the plaques has worsened my conditions. Most my initial injuries happened during masturbation. This is the sort of thing I'm talking about when nobody seems to understand the uniqueness of my situation. And I'm not the first person here who has talked about checking plaques making it worse though. I've read people here who also had issues from the doctor just doing a check up and being too rough. I obviousy don't have a normal dick even before peyronies. So looking at the norm is not always the answer for everyone. I am not a crazy person nor have I lost in touch with reality. I don't see or feel things that aren't there. But it is very sensitive and easy to be injured/reinjured. I have gotten plaques from masturbation and I wasn't being rough at all.

Everything I'm reading says you lose the ability to lose a natural erection with implant. But I'm not getting my hopes up. It took me this long just to get any sort of imaging. But first and foremost, biggest issue is pain because it's going far beyond a sexual issue at this point. I would be ECSTATIC right now if pain went away even if I couldn't have sex for time being because I am no longer able to do much and can't enjoy anything. I have very extreme debilitating pain even when on painkillers.

I brought up weights because others have suggested, especially with preventing loose skin. My diet is better than it's ever been however.

I am losing weight. But I have to walk at slow paces, jogging is out of the question even if I was an otherwise active person. I walk outside everyday, but I can't for very long. I know for a fact from my own experience, the plaques grow from simply moving in certain ways. I know though that I still have to keep moving, but I'd be dumb to intentionally make this problem worse when pain is already unbearable to the point of planning my own death. Everyone else's penis hangs loose, mine is tucked in. So the plaques are rubbed when I move, I don't know how else to explain it. Bending over or sitting down is an even bigger issue. Everything I do, I have to be careful.

I've lost 5 pounds in the past week. But I do not feel better because penile pain is worse than ever. 

Here's a rundown of my diet on a normal day:


Either egg whites, or cereal with almond milk. Usually bran cereals: Special K and that sort of thing. Or oatmeal with blueberries thrown in.

I snack on bannas, blueberries, strawberries, or whatever other fruit are around the house. I'll also snack on pistachios, walnuts, etc. I've read nuts have l-arginine.

For lunch I'll usually have tuna or on somedays just do without.

Dinner, depends on what is available. If my mom is making something that I feel is beneficial in some way, I eat it. If it's fried junk, I make myself a salad. Usually don't even use dressing. I get spring mix usually with spinach, kale, chard, etc. I've cut out red meat. I've cut out soda entirely. I drink water and occasionally juice. I eat a lot of raw broccoli, carrots, watermelon, tomatoes, etc. I eat very little meat now,

Thing is I live with my folks and have no income. So I can only eat what is available here. I screwed up July 4th and ate what I want. But other than I don't see issue with my diet, considering what's available. Some days I do without and actually do fast because there's nothing here that isn't bad.

I wouldn't be surprised if they find out I have one or two things along with Peyronies. Maybe that's why my situation is different. But I know from years of dealing with this what does and does not seem to worsen it in my situation.

Title: Re: I give up
Post by: NeoV on July 08, 2016, 09:27:31 PM
While I understand what you mean, I have to remind you that it's entirely selfish. The girl does not care if you ejaculate or orgasm. If she knows you care, she might care about it but naturally they want to come themselves and that's very important to them.

I know how powerful the desire for sexual release is, but I'm just telling you that you need to reverse your purpose here. Make your purpose to give to women and provide them a powerful emotional structure to lighten up their worlds. In the end, this will lead to you finding release, even if your penis is twisted in half. Imagine you with an implant some day, in the best shape of your life, and with very strong emotions with a lot of women, or one good woman, in love with you. Implants work great, and you never lose your erection, it's pretty damn cool. Your diet sounds like it's alright, you're eating some healthy stuff. Don't worry about exercise too much and just focus on a strict diet. Be careful of cereals, and consider alternate day fasting.

You have a fine point, that loving someone genuinely without judgement is a solution. I agree with this, but I am going off the idea that in the end you do want some kind of sexual gratification from a girl you deem attractive.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 08, 2016, 11:18:44 PM
I know it's selfish but it's just the reality of it.

If a beautiful woman came up to me asked me out, I would have to turn it down.

I want a companion, life partner yes. But what I'm saying is if I'm sexually ruined, and I am as of now, I'd genuinely prefer to not be physically attracted to the person. And I never cared much about that sort of thing anyways and I have low standards. I don't care about size or any of that. I'm a sexual person, with a lot of kinks. But now that I can't be it would be much easier to find someone who is not interested in sex very much. I would still do what I need to do to please them, but right now the pain is so bad it's extremely difficult to get out of bed let alone going out and meeting people. I have actually sought out asexuals.  Right now a real relationship would not be feasible anyways, even if I didn't have Peyronies due to other issues. Right now all that matters is that they share the same interests, worldview, etc.

A year ago I had very distinct goals. I was working hard on the weight loss with the specific need of finding someone. I had just got out of a long distance thing and I wad dead set on finding someone to feel that void, and that's the main reason I even started losing weight. But then I had several other injures which has made this unbearable to deal with.

The implant does sound nice at this point. However, right now pain is the biggest concern for me. That needs to go away because it is absolutely debilitating. I quit my job because of this pain. Sitting is awful so I can't even go to the movies which was my favorite thing to do. I would love to find a girl, even if I had no dick at all, to take her out go on dates etc. But pain levels like this I literally can't enjoy anything. It's just hard to completely separate the idea of romantic love from platonic love if sex is not involved. I have male friends who I genuinely love. The only reason I would not want to be with them is because I don't want to have sex with them. But again, I still want a partner, even if it never does feel the way it should. But that's so far removed from the present it's not worth thinking about. I'm far from being in the right shape physically or mentally to be with anyone even.

I know I'm basically ranting at this point. But it's just a very drastic situation and I honestly don't even know how I'm gonna sit in the car for an hour to get the appointment, let alone ever find a job, a girl who accepts this, etc. I don't know how I'm gonna get through tomorrow let alone plan any sort of future.

Title: Re: I give up
Post by: Jack1909 on July 09, 2016, 02:54:52 AM
I do not how people can say medicine is moving forward and suggest to get an implant at the same time..implants are from 1970 or something like that. But this is not the point, the point is if you feel so much pain I don't see how you can wear an implant, as it would increase the pain rather than diminishing it. Moreover if you are on kind of never-ending active phase..

I can understand most of the situations you described. Wearing loose trousers, can't moving or doing sports...I have similar problems and it's incredible how this disease can take every single piece of your life and leave you with nothing.

Title: Re: I give up
Post by: Wiaam on July 09, 2016, 03:54:18 AM
brother i want to tell you something. im 20 years old im from Israel
couple of years ago(around 7th grade) i felt much hopeless when i started to understand english back then i started reading topics and got alot in  forums about the penis problem,
eversince then Iused to go with my friends to the beach lets say i used to be ashamed and not take a shower in the mens shower because i had a buried penis problem which when i wear underwear it appears like  i dont have one atall , and severe hypospadias with chordee problem, more than 80 degrees downward, i eversince opened the subject to my dad r.i.p
he made me appointments with a urologist which he started taking care of me and explaining to me what problems i had I LITTERALY felt hopeless on 10th grade and tried to kill  myself beucase i thought im alone in this world with this problem, but they stopped me. they told me the relation with a girl is not based on sex, trust me with this one  loyal girls dont care for sex,(the ones for longterm i mean )i continued with the urologist and had 4 surgeries and the urologist always said they worked, but i always had that mental psychological problem with being afraid of trying with girls , i hadnt had any yet was still hopeless, as i went tooo deep in the subject of urology and what type of surgeries  there are  , i was amazed. so far not less than 7 procedures as far as i know, i had a fistula problem which in the middle of the penis shaft a hole that leaks piss, made my situation worse, couldnt pee standing. i told the urologist about it he is like my friend. making me all those surgeries since 7th grade like he raised me, he told me  i will have a fistula closure procedure and the same time, i will simply try my best and correct your curvature , i had faith in him i trust him with my life now, i had the surgery week and a half ago brother i think it worked my penis is till swallen and bruised but it looks very correct and finally i think im happy,
do not lose hope brother we are here for u . there is always a solution and new procedures. DONT LOSE HOPE i promise you have my word, your problem is fixable and there are plenty like u outhere  and about your family, i think i didnt really start the subject right with them confront it with the one closest to you im sure they will support u , and killing yourself wont make it easier , u think they hate you but when u kill yourself they might hurt themselves too, the world is full of surprises sometimes comes to your side sometimes against, u just have to have faith and wait, there is still time, (i dont know if what i wrote will help but i tried my best)
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 09, 2016, 10:46:19 AM
You nailed it Jack. This is why I meant when I said I didn't think I was candidate for implant.

It was relatively stable at one point, around last year.

I keep getting *new* injuries and basically restarting the process. There is something obviously going on that makes me very prone to penile injuries. I had ED as far back as highschool. I was on Atenolol when Peyronies started. But I would masturbate flaccid until I got fully hard I know now this was a bad idea, I didn't know it could cause harm at the time. I had been doing that for years actually before I had the initial injury which I still remember. However, that initial injury did not cause me a severe problem in itself. But now I've had several of these and it's always the exact same feeling, the exact same pain.

Basically, it's remain celibate and never ejaculate ever, or cause new injuries. Because most of them happened during masturbation. Aside from the initial injury 4-5 years ago I was not dong anything seemingly unsafe. Some of them have happened while ejaculating and completely out of my control.

If you can still get injuries with the implant, it might would be a temporary fix at some point. And it certainly would *look* better but as soon as I start to use it I would probably still keep getting injuries.

I'm starting to doubt in my case there even is an active phase. Some of mine seem to calcify very quickly. And then no matter how much I try to avoid it I get more.

There are bad days and even worse days with the pain. For instance, last night was absolutely brutal. Right now it's slightly better.

I'm still getting the doppler ultrasound in 16 days but I'm not gonna be surprised at all if it leads to another injury. I'm gonna make sure this time they know how bad the pain is. I never got to fully explain my symptoms to Dr. Shridharani last time. I can tell from research he is a good doctor however there seems to be some confusion. I have a rash/infection too, or did at the time and he gave me cream for it. He seems to think that's the source of the issue which just doesn't make sense. That was a completely different problem. However he did schedule the doppler after some convincing. That is more of a skin issue. This is clearly under the skin and there are lumps inside my penis.

Right now I just wish it would be stable and pain free. THEN I could focus on somehow fixing the actual curvature or how to work with it. But even if I ever get out of the so called active phase, I'd be afraid to do much of fear of restarting everything. It really is a living hell.

When I get results of the doppler I will share them here. Maybe it will look better with a full strong erection at least. And I'm really unsure how they are going to do the flaccid ultrasound anyways. Do they have something to stretch it? Or do I have to hold it out the whole time? I've very confused about that because it's completely hidden. I've had ultrasounds on my leg before, I understand how it works. But I don't really understand how they would do that exact same process on my dick. I have a feeling they might have to skip the flaccid ultrasound and just do it erect...
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: Wiaam on July 09, 2016, 11:04:13 AM
when u get to the appointment with your urologist, explain to him everything u just said here doesnt matter if its silly examples or ununderstood words, say everything, pictures help , if u find cases on the internet like yours  show them. in my appointment they needed to see my penis erected i always used to go there when my penis wasnt.  so i took a pictures at home at full erect and showed them from every angle. which helped them understand and make a better procedure. if u have money, professor Chertin Bores in israel jerusalem he is in this more than 20 years he is very professional i can speak with you in private   if u are interested including links and everything u want, i recommend him 
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: JohnWright on July 10, 2016, 04:14:03 PM
Hey Peyronny -- If you're still reading this post, I offer these thoughts:

- You're a man. An American man, no less. This is problematic. We are so coddled in this country that it can become difficult for us to retain ownership over our minds and bodies. From your tone in your initial two posts on giving up, you may have stepped over the line. By your own words, you're giving up. As a man, you have an obligation to own your body. If you don't like the results you have in hand, what will you do to change the results? And, change isn't a microwave oven kind of thing. You don't get to just pop a pill in and get a new thing out instantly. You have to make a plan, which likely will include months if not a couple of years, and you must stick to the plan. What areas of your life must change in order for you to reach your goals. The Nanny State isn't going to fix you. Give up on that. Only YOU can fix you.

- The human body is complex, and the male dick is no less complex. I learned a long time ago that just because the letters, M.D. come after some Joe's name doesn't make him or her the right Joe who should be looking at my body. Also, just because someone Joe claims they are a urologist 1) doesn't make Joe all knowing, assuming they know something, 2) shouldn't cause you to trust every Tom, Dick, or Joe just because they are a urologist -- don't do it, and 3) it doesn't mean they are passionate about the penis. Urology is a broad topic. Only some urologists are passionate about the male dick. Only some.

In my own recent experience, I visited three urologists for palpation of my curved erect dick for the purpose of me gathering data for me to develop my own year 2016 plan to change my life. I got FIVE different answers to two questions -- from urologists!!! And, a random opinion thrown in from a general practitioner. But, I was okay with all that, because here's what I know:  It's my body. I own it. It is my responsibility to gather data from people who ought to know (but even they are on a learning curve[!], it is my responsibility to assess the data and make a decision. If I don't like the data, or if I'm not confident with the data, that's okay. I don't even have to like the urologist. As the owner of the body, I just need the data.

We live in an exciting time in world history -- there is so much medical and scientific information available about the dick. And, the info is accessible via the Internet. Read, read, and read some more. Resolve to visit doctors for the purpose of gathering information -- not to be treated. Just gather data. One of the things you ought to gather data on are the urologist themselves: a) Do they listen and incorporate your comments into their narrative or are they rude and cut you off? b) Do they ask clarifying questions of you? Good doctors will. c) Do they give you a sense that they're willing to partner with you to gather more info? e) Does their office run smoothly? Does it feel like you're walking into a world-class establishment? Is the staff friendly and knowledgeable?

With data in hand, you can make informed decisions to build out your plan.

It may be America, but you're a man. Own it. Own your body. Educate yourself in the midst of the pain and crud. If there is change that needs to happen, only YOU can make it so. You.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 10, 2016, 06:05:21 PM
I've taken all the known supplements here that are reommended. I trust this forum much more than the average doctor. So I don't have much faith in them anyways, and I *always* go with my gut over what a doctor advises. He did not see me with an erection. I have seen me with an erection many times, and I know it wasn't like this the other 22 years of my life.

I've gone with the most common recommended treatments that are available to me without a prescription, along with pentox. I probably started pentox way too late. The initial injury was already calcified before I started my treatments. But I've been taking everything suggested here and everywhere else online

Carninine, Pentox, L-arginine, PABA, Vit. E *not the synthetic kind* (only thing doctor recommended)

Stricter diet, anti-inflammatory foods etc. I am losing weight. Checked last night I'm at 278. A few days ago I was over 280. But none of this is helping my penis.

So I do have a plan. The plan just failed and its actually getting worse. Plan B is looking into the other treatments like Xiaflex but haven't heard a lot of good about it. I'll also ask about surgical options and all that. But I know that there wll come a point that if this continues to not only not improve, but to keep getting worse than I have to go with plan C. Because there are only so many known options. And I'm a special case because my dick is already borderline a micropenis. If it gets shorter from surgery, there simply would not be enough left to even have intercourse even if it was straight.

I just wish they could axe it and give me a transplant. Everyone I talk to about this elsewhere keeps telling me about this one person who had this done as if it's some sort of viable option, when that guy had cancer.

The Nesbit surgery might have helped me actually like 2 years ago. But now I have so many they'd just be removing my entire penis.

for ED:
gingko balboa

I'm not expecting overnight results. But aside from magnesium I have been taking these for for quite some time. They may have helped with getting nocturnal erections at one point because I was getting them every night for a while. I no longer get them because the Peyronies has progressed rapidly.

As far as doctors, I've never put complete stock in them. However, I do think if I follow a treatment plan they advise to no avail I should not have to pay them at the very least. If you get a bad haircut you can complain and not pay. If your food is undercooked you can get a replacement. If a doctor gives you crappy advice they still make bank.
I have lost all faith in the medical industry. So I'm not expecting a doctor to just fix me. But if they do not offer anything helpful, than I'm out of options.

Only reason I'm going is so I can get this doppler and to inquire about my options. But as far as things that can be done from my own home, OTC, I don't know what else there is to research.

So I've been following a plan. Just not working. Now I'm doing Plan B. If plan C does not work, I go forward with my initial plan

Title: Re: I give up
Post by: mrg91 on July 10, 2016, 06:15:01 PM
hey peyronny,do you think to phalloplasty? i mean total penis reconstruction?
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: nowhereman on July 10, 2016, 10:15:00 PM
If you read some of my prior posts you will see I was/is in a similar situation, when it comes to pain and insane inflammation that never ends. I don't have peyronies, I have some other weird crap going on. It makes it very hard and frustrating because you have to get doctors to believe you are an outlier with a rare problem, so far only my GP was totally on board, because he was there to feel the inflamed lump I had. Alas, he moved away.
When I made the problem really bad (march 2013), it was insanely inflamed, tender, a fly landing on the injury would hurt. my dick skin turned red and some peeled off. I would put my dick in ice water to cool it down. F^@$!ng NUTS. Erections were like swollen blobs, like there was water under the skin.The vibrations from a car, touching the seams of my boxers and any movement whatsoever would hurt. The only reason I didn't have to quit my job was because we wear really loose soft pants. I couldn't wear jeans. Didn't jerk off for 2 and a half years. erections felt like ripping. I urinated sitting down, shaking it was completely out of the question.
I thought about killing myself every minute of the day for at least 2 years. I slept 14 hours a day. People at work thought I'd went insane, though I held it together in front of people who mattered. I no longer cared about being able to have sex or a woman, I just thought I'd be so lucky if I could just go about my day without the pain. Because chronic physical pain really is the worst.
Anyway, the reason I wrote that stuff is to tell you that for at least the last several months, I have been able to go about my day without much pain in my penis whatsoever, and because of that, I no longer think about killing myself. Now, I still have some pain with erections and masturbating, and I'm scared I'll make it bad again. I tell myself I'm a piece of crap loser like 50 times a day. BUT I NO LONGER HAVE ANY WANT WHATSOEVER TO KILL MYSELF. I must add I do have other diagnosed chronic pain that started a year ago that is crippling, but not compared to when it's your dick. That crap messes with your mind.

I agree with the others that point to medical/technology breakthroughs, we live in the greatest time in history and you live in a comparatively rich country. At any other point in human history, you would have indeed been screwed. But in our lifetimes we may witness indescribably wondrous things that to even us living today will seem like magic. No matter the state you are in, it's worth sticking around to see if it comes true, rather than squander that chance.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 11, 2016, 12:34:48 AM
I must say, I haven't seen them previously but when reading some of your posts just now, my jaw literally dropped. It's almost exactly my experience to a T---at least in regards to the pain. But I have been diagnosed with Peyronies, and do have a curve that was never present in my teenage years or earlier 20s. I saw in your posts even that you share similar experience with "thisismyusername", I actually messaged him yesterday because the way he describes the pain is also very similar to mine. The way you describe it though is borderrline spooky. Are you me? *kidding* Nobody else here seems to have pain in this way. Do you  have a diagnosis? It may be for a completely different reason, but as far as pain those are my exact symptoms. When you said you get pain just from boxers touching I couldn't believe it or from sitting down, etc. It's certainly possible I could have something completely different along with Peyronies. I can relate to just about everything you've said in your posts about any contact whatosever causing pain.

BUt I also have a buried penis.So the thing is---there is always contact from my own fat. I'm hoping to improve that with continued weight loss and possible surgery. But, just like you, even walking causes worsening of the pain. So it's easier said than done. This is what I've tried to explain to people around the house about why I can't do certain things, it has ruined my relationship with my entire family. The thing is my own scrotum when I move around touches the inflamed areas. That's why, while I'm still losing weight, it's not at the rate it was last year when this was relatively stable. I have loose skin so everytime I stand up, since it's buried, everything sort of pushes in on my penis.
Off topic, but I know about the issues with Canada's health system all too well. My grandma lived up north and was very sick.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 13, 2016, 08:08:13 PM
So called the other day to check on my appointment time and found out it's actually the 15th, not the 25th. So in 2 days. I'm glad because the waiting has been killing me (almost literally) and I need to figure out what exactly is going on because reading and doing more research I'm convinced this isn't just peyronies I'm dealing with. Could even be a number or things. I had circuation and ED issues way before I had peyronies so most likely contributed. I'm not diabetic and yet I have neuropathy-like symptoms in my feet. Point is I have a lot of medical issues that could be contributing. BUt I've been sticking to anti-inflammatory foods.

But I am still worried about the injection possibly exacerbating the issue along with the pressure from the test.

So everyone pray wish me luck or whatever.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: dplookin on July 14, 2016, 07:56:46 AM
Good Luck !   dplookin
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 15, 2016, 08:36:09 PM
Just got back and I'm very confused.

When I got there I told about the pain and severity of it. I talked about the lumps in my penis that seem to be the sources of the pain. The doc did an examination and felt nothing. When I pointed out in a photo one of the lumps which has been giving me discomort he said that it's normal and from my circumcision....This lump just appeared about 2 months ago. The uro who referred me did confirm a Peyronies lump nearly 4 years ago. I remember the specific injury. I was masturbating in the shower flaccid..yeah, I know bad idea.

EVERY single time I get an examination on my penis it always feels very bizarre for the entire day. This happened at the oringal urologist who diagnosed me with Peyronies as well. Kind of rubbery and numb. I don't normally experience this, just happens during the examinations. Anyways, when I got the injection I didn't feel erect at all. Honestly if I didn't look down I wouldn't have even known. I've had some sporadic off and on numbness over the years but it always returns so I dont worry about it too much anymore. But I do have complete loss of sensation on some of my toes, and that is still unresolved as well. Just gave up on it because this is a bigger problem. But I dont think a nerve issue would be easily confused as Peyronies Disease.

He did the doppler and said everything seems fine, and there's no issue  ??? I pointed out the curve and he says it's from excess skin due to weight and circumsicion.

I've pretty much had the buried penis for as long as I can remember, I've always been overweight. It wasn't there as a very young child, but it's been there my entire teenage years. I've masturbated pretty much every day since I was 12 until I had my injury(s) so I'm pretty sure I know what my dick looks and feels like normally prior to the issues. The buried penis never caused me discomfort UNTIL these injuries. Now, maybe I'm completely wrong about it being Peyronies. But I do know my penis used to be completely straight and it's also significantly shorter. I do know I've had some type of trauma or injury during masturbation, first time in shower flaccid and other times during ejaculation or from rubbing on the painful areas too much. I've stopped masturbating for the forseen future but everytime I have in the past year or so I always feel fear ejaculating because that's when these injuries seem to take place.

He did set me up with a consultation to get the excess  skin removed to unbury it so my penis hangs normally. However no answers whatsoever in terms of pain or anything like that. This will surely help with pain sitting and what not at least. Or maybe not but at least it will look more normal. 

Can a doppler miss scar tissue? Do I have something completely different? I didn't have a congenital curvature....and why is he denying that there even is a curve? People here have seen it and recommended traction.

Have I really been treating the wrong thing for nearly 5 years now?I've actually read great things about him online though.  Can someone look at these photos and confirm that I'm not crazy?

I trust you guys here more, and nobody here claimed it doesn't look like Peyronies. I just don't get it.

These are not recent and my penis looks different from this now. My penis is basically ever evolving. I don't know what my erection will look like tomorrow morning, should I get one. There is no consistency. One day I think it's improving, the next it seems much worse. But all I know the pain is so severe the last several months I would rather have no penis if this never resolves.

Any advice at all would be appreciated. Because now I'm back to square one and may have been focusing on the wrong issue for so many years.

I'm still focusing on my diet and weightloss. But if anyone has any suggestions about what could be going on regarding my dick, if there's anything else this could be, because I'm at a loss. My pain does seem very different from the majority of people here besides a few. 
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: NeoV on July 15, 2016, 10:47:28 PM
Very confusing but not unexpected. It's quite strange that the Doppler didn't show anything like Peyronie's but it doesn't mean you aren't dealing with some sort of penile trauma. My scars are visible or palpable but clearly cause changes. I also have numb hands and feet and after sex even my face goes numb at times. That rubbery feeling your penis has, your one of the few other than me who has that or at least can describe it that way. I figure it's from diabetes or nerve damage from blood sugar issues, but I'm unsure since it appears to be whole body edema. Avoiding alcohol and abstaining have helped.

The active phase for me was similar, and my penis was just changing for a long period of time. That was the worst.

Anyway, I do wonder if they missed the mark completely or what. I think your case should be treated like any other case in which you try to improve the health of your penis, and that's about it. Cialis, supplements, traction and maybe VED. I'm honestly not convinced any other treatment works at all unless combined with these or for a last resort (surgery, implant).
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 15, 2016, 11:32:34 PM
Is it possible that there can be so much scar tissue, encompassing the entire penis that it goes undetected? The scar tissue has become the new norm with my penis. It is becoming increasingly difficult to indentify tissue that is NOT filled with lumps and dents. It's feeling more and more like liquid as time goes on. My dick no longer has any consistency when flaccid. . It's turning into silly putty. I am seriously deeply disturbed by all this. I genuinely thought I would get some sort of treatment options today. Silly me. Any contact whatsoever with my penis is painful and I lay in bed with no pants or underwear because any contact whatsoever is painful.

I have given up completely on a sex life. I don't like it but I accept it. But I do want to be able to at least go on dates and whatnot. This was the first time I've set foot in a car since the last appointment in May. I avoid all kinds of fun things I used to enjoy because I'm unable to do much without further pain and/or injury.

Pain is now, not surprisingly, worse than it was when it went in.  This is typical so I don't necesarily blame for that. Same thing happened at the urologist who DID say I have peyronies. Again, I don't buy that my penis was ever fully erect during this process. And I realize it's difficult due to other issues, but if it WAS erect he should have not been handling it in the fashion that he was. I really wish I took a picture of it when they exited the room.

I am extremely angry right now. It's almost preferable to the deep sadness though, I was starting to wonder if I could feel anything else.

I'm going to look in this doctor into this doctor in Knoxville. But for now my dick needs complete rest. Problem is it can't seem to get rest. No matter how hard I try my dick feels constantly inflamed, swollen, and bulbous.

I'm not saying I'm going through with it, but I really, truly wish I was dead. The entire way back home I kept hoping something would happen. How can you enjoy anything if it feels like your dick is on fire? How can you stay active when every step you take inflames it more? I live in constant fear of causing new injury, every move I make is calculated to not make this worse. The cute woman rocking her baby looked at me very strangely because of the way I had to sit in the waiting room. If it wasn't for the lumps and curvature I'd think it was a nerve issue.

Should I go through with the surgery for the buried penis? I'm not sure if it's a great idea when person who referred me doesn't even believe I have Peyronies Disease.

So, went to go pee and I have complete numbness. I've had off and on numbness over the years in my penis but it generally returns. I'm hoping this is temporary. I wonder if I could have some sort of penile neuropathy. This concerns me because I did not feel my erection after the injection.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: NeoV on July 16, 2016, 01:32:38 AM
How often do you masturbate? Please give us a bit to research the burried penis surgery. I don't recommend any surgeries unless it's absolutely necessary.

The liquidy, lumpy, and dented penis you describe sounds like severe lymph or vascular problems. The mushy feeling that makes it feel rubbery must be lymph blockage. I can't image what else would cause that, but certainly there could be scarring there which isn't being detected. Most urologists can't even see or understand what a lymphatic vessel is.

EDIT: Losing weight (all of your weight) will reduce any edema and swelling you have. I know you're working on that and it sounds good. Avoiding alcohol as well. If I even have one glass my edema is worse, significantly. Also, if your problem is actually mondor's or lymph swelling, abstinence should help or maybe ice.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 16, 2016, 03:20:04 AM
I am currently refraining from masturbation. It is not possible in any normal sort of way. I only lightly rub the back where there I don't have any lumps. When erect I am unable to retract the skin fully or at least with extreme pain because it runs over these lumps. I've lost a lot of elasticity. Last time I did was 2 and a half weeks ago and I vowed not to do it again anytime in the near future. When I ejaculate, there's always an EXTREMELY tight sensation, particularly around the area of the lumps.

The rubber sensation I talked about me reminds me of the sound and feeling of rubbing two balloons together...

He didn't say much at all about the surgery, just said he'll refer me to surgeon t unbury penis. It's completely concealed when flaccid. This could be putting more pressure on nerves. But I'm not sure about getting this done right now without a clear idea of what's even going on.

Now I'm concerned with this numb feeling. I'm wondering if plaques, which are more pronounced currently after the appointment could be pushing in on nerves or something. I've have had numbness before but not to this degree along with the pain; I do have nerve issues in feet, some of my toes are numb. My dick ALWAYS feels odd after a physical examination though. But usually I just go home after than and rest. This time I had the doppler right after.

I just can't catch a break and things are constantly getting worse. I'm trying to be postive but I just see this ending with me having complete loss of sensation, along with my deformed penis and nerve pain.

I seriously just want to be castrated. I'm over it and want to move on with my life. I could deal with the pyschologial crap later I just need relief. I went to pee and there is clear loss of sensation that was not there previously..

I'm currently feeling a pulsing/ tingling/shock type of pain on the upper left side of my penis just below the glans and a burning sensation all over.

Every time I go to the doctor for my dick issues they end up worse. I seriously think my penis was damaged during this process even more. Not from the injection, but the way it was being moved around during the procedure. Every thing I do, every decision I make turns out to be a mistake it seems.

I'm gonna try and get some sleep. Maybe I'll get a morning boner that at least I can feel. Maybe it's temporary because I have had then numbness problem off and on for several years now. I made some topics here about it even. But the rubbery sensation is quite new.

Anyways thinks for the patience anyone reading my posts. I know it's complicated.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: popopo on July 16, 2016, 12:46:22 PM
I totally get what you're saying but there is nothing else to do. Maybe you could stop trying whatever you're trying and just hope for a cure later on.. I did that personally and I hope I can still function a little when I'm back to get treated for the depression I'm in. I just can't seem to accept, but I don't want to die like this. One day we will make it right.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: nowhereman on July 16, 2016, 02:06:48 PM
"The liquidy, lumpy, and dented penis you describe sounds like severe lymph or vascular problems. The mushy feeling that makes it feel rubbery must be lymph blockage."

I can say I had all of these symptoms as well as extreme hourglassing mid-shaft, and I believe they can all be caused by extreme inflammation. Though the lymph is what should clear the inflammation out of the tissue and stagnation will stop that process. I DID have sclerosing lymphangitis, and a hardened vein, but I had those before I made my situation really bad that caused all the above mentioned symptoms, and still have them now even after all of these symptoms MOSTLY went away, though it took about 2.5 years. At first like I mentioned before, when symptoms were worst, I would wake up with erections that had the consistency of a wet sponge, liquid under the skin. It was insane. I do not have peyronie's.

"I'm currently feeling a pulsing/ tingling/shock type of pain on the upper left side of my penis just below the glans and a burning sensation all over."

For the first year and a half, this was every minute of the day for me (In the exact same spot, which is where my swollen lump was/is, coincidentally). I also believe those strange feelings are just caused by extreme inflammation. I also had some itching feeling.

For the first maybe, 1.5-2 years, The tender swelling I had, was quite large (about a square centimeter) and I thought it was Buck's fascia. As the swelling gradually got smaller/less hard and less painful/inflamed over the long haul, I was able to actually touch it/mess with it, as at the start a fly landing on it would flare it up (no overstatement, unfortunately). When it got small enough I could pinch it and pull it up with the skin, away from Buck's fascia. Interestingly, I could also pinch the skin above it away without pinching it. Hope that made sense. What that means is the swelling was/is in the dartos fascia, which houses the skins lymphatics and superficial dorsal vein/other veins.
The only thing I've ever read about this type of situation is a top US urologist mention when dartos gets injured it doesn't heal right.
The reason I typed this is we obviously have a smorgasbord of symptoms that are exactly the same. I have been cleared of peyronie's, though I already knew I didn't have it. And to an extent you have too.
Since you can feel (and see?) your lumps, I think you should make an effort to figure out yourself, what level of tissue the swelling/lumps are on (gently of course). Are they absolutely attached to/or part of the shaft, or can they be moved a bit. Dartos moves with the skin to a point (it is considered part of the skin, it in the foreskin as well), it is what allows the skin to slide on the shaft. And seeing it looks like you're uncircumcised, it should be easier to tell than if you don't have much skin to work with. If it were the case that you were in the same situation, I would absolutely hold off on having the buried penis surgery/having a bunch of skin removed. because if these lumps are in the dartos, you will need to get that skin/dartos removed.

It really is the best case scenario though, far better than the swelling being in Buck's fascia or deeper, especially since you have lots of skin to cover for the loss from surgery. Again, when the swelling was really diffuse and painful, it REALLY seemed like the swelling was part of the shaft. I cannot overemphasize this.
Correct me if I'm wrong guys, but with peyronie's you can't actually see a lump right (especially flaccid), unless it was HUGE? Because it is deep in the tunica?  Obviously you can feel it, and you would see dents, angling, hourglassing....

You may not have the same thing as me, but thought it would be advisable to try to get a better understanding of what may be wrong before you get rid of a bunch of skin with the buried penis surgery, as it's possible you may need that redundant skin.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 16, 2016, 02:48:39 PM
You symptoms of pain and the wet feeling you describe are nearly identical to mine although My lumps are very clearly under the skin. But I think I could have several things going on possibly. Some of them aren't "lumps" Some of the plaques seem to have merged together. There is a big line across by penis, where it's sort of indented. Almost like I had a rubber band around my penis or cock ring for too long. The doctor said this is circumscision scar. Which is absolute crap because it wasn't there the other 25 years of my life. Another lump he claims is the head of my penis, under the skin.

I have a lumpy area on the left side right at the base, which is completely embedded into my scrotum. This is what's causing me the most discomfort and probably pushing on nerves. 

Right now off and on numbness, increases when I sit down. This has been going on since I had the examination.

I have pain to a degree that I'm out of work, avoid touching my penis at all costs. It is much worse sitting down. But also I can't get comfortable in bed either. So I basically have to stand completely still in one spot to get slight relief.

Everytime I feel pain I worry the damage itself and deformity or numbness is getting worse.

In regards to giving up on it, I really can't. It's either getting rid of this, chopping off my penis entirely, or ending it. I really truly want to have my entire penis removed so I can at least get a job, and date girls even if I can't have sex.

This started off as a fear of never being able to have sex. Then it got bad to the point I knew i couldn't. Then it became painful, but still could get aroused normally at least. Then pain became exrucisating. And now I have loss of sensation.

It hasn't been a sex related issue for me in a while...I'm not saying I've lost interest but as bad as it would be debilitating chronic agonizing pain is worse than celibacy.

Some thing WERE helping in the beginning. It's just I keep getting NEW injuries or re-inflaming previously healed injuries.

I'm trying to give my penis a complete rest but it's difficult to because I have to pee every so often, and just laying or sitting down puts a lot of pressure on it.

Thing is even if a cure is sometime down the line, I seem to have other issues along with the Peyronies. I could accept it completely, I would deal with the emotional pain later. I've been depressed before, I'm not even depressed now per se. I'm just being physically tortured, and it's so much worse than depression.

Next time I get a morning erection, if I do, i'm going to try and get a better lighted photo. Because then I could zoom in and more easily see.

This doctor says I don't have it, but my penis used to be 100 percent straight when erect..

All the pictures I have posted are erect or semi-erect. If I posted pictures flaccid all you would see is my pubic hair.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: NeoV on July 17, 2016, 06:16:46 AM
Peyronie's is usually under the skin and over the fascia, probably growing off of the fascia from my understanding. Like Dupytren's, I think the connective tissue itself is what becomes damaged and then it starts to grow and harden. Inflammation in general will surely result in lymphatic, vascular, and connective tissue issues, but the swelling is extremely frustrating...
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 17, 2016, 07:54:38 AM
Do penile nerves generally heal? I get mixed answers googling. If I could get things back to the way they were even a few months ago, after the hell I've been through now I could live with that because I was pain-free flaccid unless I were to rub on one of the plaques or every once in a while when I bend down or sit. I love movies, and I can't even go to the theater anymore.

I can''t feel my erections very much now. I woke up and wasn't aware I had one until I started moving. . Same thing happened at the appointment. I''m never going to do an examination again, I'll just bring in photos from now on. It always worsens things and leaves it feeling odd and numb. Usually just a few hours, it's been 24 hours though.

But there has to be something nerve going on. The doctor said I had a full erection and I felt nothing after the injection. Actually when he put it in it didn't even really hurt. Wondering if the burning pain I have been getting is neuropathy or something. When I pee and pull my skin back a very rubbery sensation.

I added B-12 and alpha lipoic acid and have been taking them.

I want to take pictures that actually are clear and show up well but but it's hard to get in a position where anyone can really see. And I have no desire on getting one on my own so have to wait until morning. I get more morning erections than I did as a teenager because I'm on so many things. I guess that should be considered good at least but they are just bulbous and uncomfortable and I don't see penetration possible unfortunately due to the lumps making elasticity nearly impossible.

When I told the doctor I couldn't make my foreskin move back completely when erect he said "I made it got back during ultrasound." But he forced it down, what I mean is during sex there wouldn't be enough elasticity. For every lump I pointed out he said either it's from circumsicion or it's fat. I've been fat most my life and never had hard painful lumps before.

I'm just not sure the right direction to take---I could go back to Dr. Sahaj who originally diagnosed me and tell him he didn't believe I have it and ask where to go from there. Or I could just go straight to a specialist like the one in Knoxville but that's around 2 and half hour drive and riding in cars is the worst for pain. I'm still convinced I have peyronies despite this visit because I have a curve that was not present the rest of my life until I started getting these injuries and now painful flaccid. In the beginning though I never had a painful erection. I have if anything less pain during erection but it is still there.

If I was pain-free or even in minor pain I would just go in with my life, hope for some sort of medical advancement and make the best of it. I would like to at least talk to women and go on dates but can't do much of anything. I wish I just had an exact guide to follow to get the best possible outcome from here on out. But it seems every decision I make is the wrong one.

Title: Re: I give up
Post by: NeoV on July 17, 2016, 11:06:58 AM
B12 and alpha lipoic acid may help, as well as ALCAR which can regrow nerves and dull pain. It's also an antidepressant which is nice.

Have you seen a real Peyronie's expert? I have to check who you saw. I find it very odd that they wouldn't have better answers for you. I'm going to have to re read your first posts.

Also I'm very curious about your case nowhereman.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: FriskyDingo on July 17, 2016, 05:06:40 PM
Did i read correctly in your first post that you smoke?
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 17, 2016, 06:37:12 PM
I'm on Acetyl L-carnitine. it's kind of a cheaper brand I've been using lately, not sure if that makes a difference. When I run out of everything next I'm gonna try to get bulk powder form instead.

I don't personally smoke. But I am around it quite a bit and have been all my life, I was just talking second-hand exposure and my area in general.

The doctor's Dr. Anand Shridharani in Chattanooga. Idk if he's considered a peyronie's specialist, but he does and has treated it. It's listed on his site. But he is confusing scar tissue, or at least some type of injury, as something that's been there all my life. Even though I'm fairly certain I have peyronies because the shape of my penis is completely different than it used to be, I could be completely wrong for all I know. But when he said the source of my pain is not coming from my penis at all and there is nothing wrong with my penis at all, I honestly wanted to smack him. I have pain in other parts of my body and they do not bother me very much. This is very distinct and very clearly my penis. I feel pain if I touch the areas and I felt pain during the examination. There are clearly lumps all over my penis, could be something else altogether. But they are distinctly under the skin because I feel them as I'm getting an erection. But my erections themselves are ever changing. One day I'll wake up and there's a curve to the left. One day it's completely straight. I think because I have several areas that are still not healed.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: FriskyDingo on July 17, 2016, 06:51:22 PM
Well if its up any consolation I had have been able to stop my pain and have been slowly regeneratiung the erectile function I have lost. I feel like I could tell you all that I have done, but you seem to be at the point where it wouldnt matter. There are so many people giving you all kinds of different advice that I can certainely understand your confusion as to what to do.

All I can say is that I will cure my peyronies. I have seen leaps of progress since my decision to do everyhing I can about it. I am getting to the point where I am thinking of forgoing the surgery I had planned to have in a year from now. And if all else truly fails in my allotted time frame, then theres always the dice of getting an implant

I hope my determination and progress can motivate you.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 17, 2016, 07:13:07 PM
I just remembered at one point he said I might at most have a calcified vein but never really elaborated. When I asked it it could cause pain he said he didn't know.

Title: Re: I give up
Post by: NeoV on July 17, 2016, 10:27:51 PM
Take the long drive to the specialist. By all means.

If you don't, ten years will go by and you'll still be wishing you did. Even specialists can't always do anything for you, but you can get a real opinion and answer. There's no guarantee even from the best specialists, but it's just something that has to be done. Having this disease really reinforces the narrow road we all must live. It's a series of check boxes that may or may not lead us to where we hope to to, but is guaranteed to lead us somewhere better than now. If anything good comes from pain, it's the ability to see yourself in third person. It forces you to become mindful and learn meditation and mindsets that will help you. I know how bad physical pain and deformity are, at times it just seems impossible...

Make a plan to see someone actually qualified to help you. Until then try some new things. Continue on with abstinence and try traction and VED if possible. Keep on a good diet or fast every other day. Drop the carbs HARD. There is a link between IBS and ED, so simply not being full may help you, as it does me.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: kuaka on July 18, 2016, 06:16:07 PM
While I only have penile pain during strong erections...which is rare for that reason...I have more than ample old-injury pain.  Pain sucks.  It prevents you from doing what you want to do, and makes you rely on some sort of pain management.  A good pain management regimen will include mental, physical and medicinal aspects in a balance. 

Hang in there.  Seek the best professional assistance you can locate.  Take better care of your overall will make you respond better to whatever treatment approaches you try. 
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: Dared on July 27, 2016, 03:28:45 PM
You just described how I feel verbatim. Like you I have had a hard life even before peyronies with various other health problems like epilepsy, hearing loss anxiety etc. I know how hard it is but the way I see it I don't have any other option but to push on because I'm not religious so for me this life is it. I do believe there will be a cure for this disease(or at least an effective treatment) the question is how long will we have to wait. I've also been fortunate enough to have a living partner who sticks by my side(so far) through this nightmare. I'm in the same boat as you. Started out with one or two plaques and made it worse with the various treatments(ved, traction) and also by having too much sex. I now have ten plaques my dick is basically a hanging piece of scar tissue. I think occupying your mind is a must. Stay busy and don't give yourself any time to think about it. That's what works for me anyway. Even if its something as simple as video games or some other hobby. I think weed helps in moderation but if you smoke too much it'll just make you more depressed. Anyways I know its hard but I hope you are able to see that you're loved and your life is valuable even if it doesn't feel that way right now.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on July 28, 2016, 01:48:09 AM

Were you on any other treatments besides traction and VED? i never did traction or VED, but I know I have made it worse early on just by obsessively "checking" the scars, rubbing, feeling, etc.

Have you been diagnosed? If so what advice did they give you? How long have you had Peyronies? Do you get erections at all? I still can, as of last week  at least, but they are unusable in any sort of normal way. Right now I'm not even sure erections are possible because it's worse than ever. It's amazing how this can get worse over night in my case. For every step forward I take 10 steps back it seems. I have loose hanging skin and when I stand up a lot of that pushes on my penis so I have to be careful. I woke up in middle of night a few days ago and had to pee so got up really fast and when that happend I felt a sharp pain. Now the lump on the base is twice as big as it was.

Sorry for all the questions. Just wondering if we can find a common ground on what seems to make this worse or improve it.  Because it seems there are some of us who have basically a recurring peyronies active phase.

I'm wondering if the penis can be SO FILLED with scar tissue and plaques that it becomes sort of consistent and hard to even detect.  My entire penis is also sort of swollen a little. It's gotten fatter when flaccid, even though I've lost a lot of weight. My penis is basically swollen and some of the plaques seem to be forming together or close enough to where they aren't as noticeable.

Because of my weight and the entrapped/buried penis it can cause injuries or worsen the already present injuries just walking standing up, etc. So I'm just sort of stuck. No matter what I do it gets worse. Go to the doctor it gets worse. Exercise to improve overall health, it still gets worse. Do nothing and things will improve a few days slightly at least with pain and then something will happen to set it all off again. I've been trying to keep busy with working on MTurk (I quit my real job because pain is so bad) but it's usually only 10 bucks a day at best. I use that to cover supplements, which I do believe were helping and it would be even
MORE worse if I weren't taking. But my own obsession with it in the beginning, weight, and other complications have made this progress from a minor setback in life to absolute misery.

The timing of it also is nothing short of traumatizing. I've always had social anxiety my entire life. I always wanted a girlfriend strongly but I figured I never could because of this. Last year I met a girl online, and I began to fall in love with her. It didn't end right but it did raise my confidence at the time and made me more of a social person and made me less afraid to be myself. I'm good at meeting and talking to girls online, I've noticed this all my life. But not so much in person. But she really did help me in that regard, even after the fight we had. I learned to be more like my online "real" self in person. For the first time in my life I really felt like I could easily find someone if I just lost the weight. That's what really made me want to lose all the weight in the first place. But during all this I had a minor case of Peyronies. But then, starting around October of last year it really went to hell. And it's been steadily getting worse ever since. Around April or May I really was reaching breaking point, and STILL getting set backs 3 months later. I feel like I'm being tortured. This isn't the way it was meant to be. For the first time in my life i actually applied myself, stopped procrastinating, had clear goals, and then my life get even more screwed up.

I think there are treatments that would probably help me. Problem is getting a doctor on board because, and this is the case for just about any issue, when you are overweight they always blame it on that. And for many issues it is the cause. But when I was nearing 500 pounds I didn't have Peyronies. And I'm the thinnest I've been honestly since early highschool and yet my peyronies is worse than ever. My weight certainly contributed to the WORSENING of it definitely. He says nothing is wrong with my penis whatsoever and it's just fat tissue and a circumscision scar. I'm pretty sure I didn't get circumsized 4 months ago when that area developed..

Every single decision I make seems to be a mistake. No matter what I do, it gets worse. The only way I can prevent pain, literally is laying in bed naked, with my legs spread apart or indian style. My family thinks i'm nuts and I just lay in bed naked all day with my door locked because even wearing shorts is painful. I specifically cut a hole in the pelvic region of old shorts to avoid anything touching the area. It's literally that excruciating.

The thing is though I can deal with pain, I have a very high tolerance of it. But when it comes from your dick, it's a whole different thing. Every pain I feel it's just a constant reminder, and also the thought of "now there's even LESS chance of it functioning normally."

I'm not suicidal anymore at the moment, but I still stand by that I'm not living like this the rest of my life. If that means having to end my life, or just completely removing my dick, it has to end one way or another. I'd rather not have a dick than live in constant fear of making it worse, and yet I still somehow do. I

I also feel like I'm spamming the board because everytime I make a post I plan on writing a paragraph and end up writing a novel of the madness that is my life.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: Dared on July 28, 2016, 05:18:13 PM
I'm also on alcar which I highly recommend, coq10, and pentox. I saw dr brandes who is a peyronies specialist and he gave me the diagnosis. I also made it worse by prodding. When I first got peyronies I was convinced it was a lymph issue and read online that you could drain lymph by wrapping a hot blanket around your dick. Well I believe I wrapped it too tightly and cause more scars. Then I tried traction and that worked at first but then I believe I may have done not damage in the long run. Either way, the best advice I can give someone w peyronies is that this is an inflammatory disease as such the number one priority is to reduce inflammation and if you're not doing that you're likely make it worse. Also, if you have a mild case of peyronies(1 or 2 plaques) like I did at first, leave your dick alone. Trust me you will be much better off. If I just would be left everything the F~@< alone I wouldn't be in the miserable situation I am now.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on September 01, 2016, 10:46:43 AM

I don't know what else that can be said that can help me. But at this point, I really don't see how anything but going through with my plan (to end my life) is an option. I'm in constant torment. This has gone far beyond a sexual issue. I don't even feel like the same person anymore. It's hard to believe I felt so awful last year when I joined this forum. Because I'd do anything just to get back to that. I didn't have the flaccid pain. I could still "flex" my penis without feeling like it's ripping through scar tissue. My own worry and depression at the time, and getting rejected by someone I was in love with may have contributed to my stress at the time and constant checking. But it doesn't matter now, it's done. I'm still getting erections when sleeping. But there's no way in hell I'd consider putting it in something, or touch it at all while it's erect for that matter. And after today's events I'm not sure how long that will last.

I have an infection also on my penis that has gotten much worse. To be frank, it's becoming increasingly difficult to wash my penis. I don't know what the hell is going on with that. As gross as it may sound it's hard for me to worry about this skin issue though when the actual function of the penis isn't working properly/unusable. But even if things got under control with this, my dick is probably permanently discolored. There are white patches. The doctor gave me a cream but am unable to safely apply it without further injury. Problem is same doctor denies I have any issue at all with penis aside from said infection. This is a recent thing, I've had peyronies symptoms for 4 years so I know it's not the cause. I wash the best I can but it's just not working. I'm embarrassed to ever go to the doctor again because of how gross it is. But I'd rather have this skin issue than make the actual peyronies or whatever type of trauma it is worse than it's already getting just from basic things one needs to do to survive.. I remember every once of the injuries and it's always from some sort of pressure to the area sometimes from something as little as coughing too hard.

I'm literally debilitated from this. I'm not sure what to do about it. I try to play computer games just to get by the day, try to sleep away the rest of the time. But there's so much going on I don't even know where to begin. I don't even feel human anymore. I'd prefer to be in a coma than to live like this.

I can honestly say I'm not depressed. I've been clinically depressed from other things in life. Bullying, loss of friends, end of a (sort of) long distance relationship/unrequited love. But that was never real or official. I just get attached extremely quickly and she probably thinks I'm crazy. I don't feel sad. I've reached the tipping point and I can't feel sad anymore. But I do feel mind numbing pain. Sadness/depression isn't even close to describing what I'm going through. My thoughts are all over the place and I can't think properly anymore because of pain. When I talk in person it's just as much all over the place as my posts are here. I wasn't always like this. It's literally driving me insane.

You know that moment, you feel of utter shock during some kind of crisis. Anything from loss of family member, car accident, etc. When it's just SO BAD it doesn't even feel real? Complete disbelief, perhaps as a coping mechanism. Everything slows down and it feels like a dream for a moment because this can't possibly have actually happened. This is the constant state of my life. I'm in a constant state of that type of feeling and that's the best I can describe it. Sad is losing someone. Sad is having a bad day at work, etc. This is a literal nightmare. I'm unhappy sure, but definitely not sad or depressed. I'm just in a literal horror movie.

Just to put this in perspective. Here is a list of things I can not due without causing a flare up of pain and/or worsening of deformity:

1. Bend over. I'm not sure if it's my stomach, which has some loose skin now, or if if it's just that it's surrouded by pubic fat but I just can't bend over for anything unless I want to make things worse. Everytime I have, I regret it. If I drop something I just leave it or have someone help me later. I can't get to cabinets where pots and pans are. I can't remove my own clothes from the drier. I have to use a back scrubber to wash my lower legs.

2. Wear clothes. I do not wear pants at all anymore when in bed, or underwear. I sleep nude without a blanket even if I'm freezing, at most I'll put a blanket on my stomach and upwards. There have been times when I wake up with a blanket on. I think that's because I wake up in the middle of night and am so freezing and am in sort of a daze so don't care like sleep walking. But I never go to bed intentionally with a blanket. I avoid any public situations at all, I only go upstairs and make appearances with my family to eat, go to the bathroom, etc. I eat standing up because sitting down in any normal position is excruciating. When I am around people, anyone that may be at the house at any time, I just wear extremely lose shorts and literally walk around holding my shorts out. I stretch my shorts out so it doesn't touch my penis whatsoever when walking. If anyone who is not aware of this issue is at the house, I just stand downstairs until everyone is gone.

3. Ride in a car. Every bump in the road is excruciating. And also the sitting position. 

4. Walk. That's right. Walking pushes in on these areas. I have a lump at the base and one right at the bottom of left side of my "shaft." I put that in quotes because it really has not consistency anymore and it's hardly a shaft at all. If my legs so much as lightly rub the side of my pelvic area as I walk it pushes in on that side lump.

5. Peeing, I have to ease it out slowly. If my bladder is completely full, I prepare myself for the worst. If it's a lot of pressure it flares everything up or reopens areas that are trying to heal.

6. Standing up from bed is extremely difficult.

7. Laughing, coughing, etc. or anything that puts pressure on the abdomen area seem to worsen the injuries or cause pain flare ups. I can't even laugh to cheer up. I know I've mentioned these things before, but this has to be the worst thing of all. Despite how miserable my life has become, I consider myself to have a good sense of humor. Due to social anxiety and now THIS  don't have many in person friends. But I have a ton of internet friends and I love making them laugh. But now I literally try to avoid any situations that would cause me to laugh. Anything that moves my stomach muscles like that our coughing I avoid.

This is why I say I have the worse case or Peyronies in history. I have an extremely small penis, even before my weight issues caused it to be hidden/buried/entrapped/turtle effect. So I got many of these injuries not from rough use of masturbation, etc.
but just from going about my daily life. I don't think I have the worst case, I know I do. I've never heard of a single person mention symptoms like this. I don't now what causes Peyronies for most people. But I think it's astherclosis of my dick. I think my arteries were so clogged from poor diet and lifestyle that these injuries were inevitable at some point. But I've changed my lifestyle completely and still same issues. Atenolol for BP may have contributed.

As I've said before, my life has always sucked, by normal standards. I have a history of depression, extreme social anxiety, etc. I've never had sex and I never will. Even if my dick was completely straight the pain levels are so bad I'd just rather not flare it up. I've never even been on a date. I've lost a lot of weight, and I don't think I'm an ugly dude (in the face at least) but now even when I've met girls online and got to talking to them if it ever seems to advance to wanting a date I have to make excuses about why I can't. Because I physically can't live a normal life anymore. I was much happier when I was nearly 500 pound. I feel cheated and robbed. Before I quit my job, when I didn't have this insane flaccid pain. I told one girl I met on OKCupid about this. Idk why, I don't even know her all that much. But she seemed obsessed with me and claimed to love me, so I told her about it. It was a moment fo weakness and I shouldn't have. I wish I felt the same way, because I think it's rare when a women would accept the gravity of my situation, but I never went this far into detail. But regardless I just don't feel any sort of connection, don't share same interests or tastes, etc. She doesn't know me at all, and I'm never really my true self when just meeting someone. So maybe she's just desperate (which I can relate) but she can't possibly love me after just texting short messages to eachother. Part of me wants to say okay and make it official just because I feel so lonely. But to be honest, I don't even like her as a friend. We just don't mesh well. She's not unattractive physically so idk why she's so obsessed with someone who doesn't seem interested, and also told her upfront has a broken penis. I don't feel I've led her one and I told her I can't date anyone at the moment, as much as I want to because of my own personal issues.

Something's just gotta give. Probably not on my original date, only because I'm too afraid to, but there's gonna come a point where the pain is gong to outweigh the fear. Everyone has a breaking point, most are just never faced with that. And this can't keep on going. I have no support system besides you guys and I think you all for even listening at this point, but what I need is face to face someone who understands and will tell me what the heck is actually going on and why I am getting recurring injuries in my flaccid state, not even from intercourse or masturbation, and what I can do about it. But I have no way of getting to one of the best, and  don't want to go to a doctor who will just make it worse like the last one.

It's a constant rollercoaster of madness. I get pumped, try to make the best of it and go out walking. Anything faster than walking is completely out of the question. And then I make one wrong movie and feel a sharp pain in my dick so go inside and lay in my bed and cry the rest of the day or take sleeping pills to knock me out as long as possible.

I believe in God but I'm becoming increasingly angry and have blasphemous thoughts. I've never been a religious type. I don't go to church and most people I talk to are atheist or agnostic. But I still believe in God. Maybe I am praying wrong. When I talk to God I just talk like I do to a normal person. I pray very informally. But I have an almost constant dialogue with God, and maybe he doesn't listen because of my personal issues with religion and the Bible. But I still believe and I think that should be enough.

I woke up one night mid-erection and had to piss so I stood up and it was probably the biggest mistake I've made since acquiring this. Nothing is worse than having one of these areas right on the base. Somethng else is likley going on besides just peyronies. But they say active phase is about a 12 months or more right. I get new injuries on almost a daily basis. I'll die of natural causes before I get out of active phase.

Only other thing I can think of is having it removed entirely, which would be devestating. But at least I could advance my life in other ways because right now I'm completely unable to.

I have taken up to this "game" Second Life to past the time. Because my real life is so miserable.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: QuackAttack on September 01, 2016, 10:33:43 PM
Look Pey,

I know what I am about to say is going to sound pretty harsh, but you need to snap out of it. As a God-fearing Christian, I am going to say wacking yourself isn't going to solve your problems. There is only one sin you can't escape with forgiveness and that is wacking yourself because you can't ask for forgiveness once you are dead.

Now as far as your skin condition is concerned, being an avid follower of Dr. Joel Wallach, I would bet dollars to donuts that you have a sever gluten intolerance. You don't get to the weight you are speaking of without having a major problem absorbing nutrients.  If you want to solve you skin problems you need to completely avoid the gluten. So, no barley, wheat, and rye. Also, you need to completely avoid oats because the protein in oats is called gliadin and it reacts essentially the same way in the body as gluten.

You say that you aren't depressed, but there is no way somebody would think of what you are thinking without having serious psychological issues. I say this as a means of help. You need to seek some counseling because you sound like you clearly don't like yourself let alone love yourself. If you can't love yourself, there is no way you can love somebody else, nor is that attractive to somebody else. Look, the mind is an extremely powerful force, good and bad. Everybody has the ability to take control over their thoughts. Once you do that, can overcome anything. There are people that are told that they have terminal cancer and they don't accept that fate and because they use their mind as a powerful life force, they are cured of their cancer. Dr. Lorraine Day is a perfect example of this.

On the peyronies side of it, why not go through a surgical option or Xiaflex?

Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on September 01, 2016, 11:53:44 PM
I'm 90 percent sure the infection is staph. I've had it recurring for years but it always was under control and in just one area. I think it has spread to my pelvic area.

As for diet, I've been on anti-fiammatory. It's just too little too late at this point. I'm not losing much because I don't move unless I have to and that's with great difficulty and possible further injury. Vegetables (mostly leafy greens, salads), nuts, Fruits, only fish and occasionally chicken for meat. I'm eating very little in general though because I sleep most of the time. Any time I'm awake, I'd rather be asleep. At least sometimes my dreams don't suck. I'm not saying it's 100% perfect. But I don't think  this is cause of my issues because my peyronies is worse than ever, and I don't eat anywhere near as bad as I used to. I used to literally live on fast food and soda. I hated vegetables and most fruit (and still do just make myself eat them) and have all my life. It's a complete 360 of my old ways. But if the oats are bad I'll drop those too. I was eating oatmeal with Stevia, or sometimes just plain if I have none or blueberries thrown in. When I lost the bulk of my weight I was eating Subway most days. Which I know isn't healthy just a lesser of two evils. But I'm just saying other than my weight I don't think there's much of a link because it's actually gotten worse in recent months with improved diet. I remember most these injuries, the early ones were from masturbation. But I've completely stopped that. The newer ones happen just from moving around, going to bathroom, etc. I've been offered surgery to correct the buried penis/extra skin flooding  over my penis. However, I'm a little reluctant to have anything about my penis going to surgery when the referring doc doens't event think I have any penile problems aside from excess skin and the infection.

Oats are the one thing I have been eating with carbs. I do this because it's the one thing that fills me up in the morning and I won't have cravings rest of the day. Usually right after breakfast I crash and sleep until dinner past few weeks. So I skip lunch. I'm still losing weight, just very slowly and it's not good enough. I lost 2 pounds this past week. But at that rate I won't even have a penis by the time I get to my desired weight. I know this is normal for weight loss to a degree, in the beginning it's easy to lose. I remember the days I was losing 10+ pounds a week. But I was walking for several hours a day. Now I can't really do that. It seems exercise is more effective with weight loss than diet for me at least. But my main point is my penis seemed a lot less prone to injury when I basically ate whatever I wants. My peyronies or whatever it is I have going on has all happened in the midst of my weight loss. It's worse and gets worse at a faster rate than it did before changing my diet. But these lumps I get don't appear out of no where.  It's always a result of moving a certain way which pushes on my penis. It's not like I wake up and there's a new peyronies injury. It's from trauma it seems because of my entrapped/buried penis. This is why I can't sit normally and all that. Because anything that pushes on my balls like sitting also pushes on all my scar tissue or other injuries.

For religion, I'm not sure what I even believe. I have issues with the concept of hell in itself, and if it exists I don't think it should. I don't even believe serial killers deserve to be on fire for eternity. But I do believe in God, even if I have doubts of that too sometimes. It's just hard for me to get behind someone going to hell just for wanting pain to end. Again, it's not something I'm doing now just because I'm too chicken. But just looking at the rate this has gone so far and how fast things can go south, it's the only direction I'm heading. My condititon gets worse on a daily basis. Some days the pain pills are effective to numb it so I don't think about it as much until I go to the bathroom and am reminded of how screwed up it is. But most days it's constant torment and I just take pills to sleep the day away. I still stand by that I'm not depressed. I'm miserable, but it's a completely different feeling. I've had clinical depression several times before, and it's a completely different feeling and emotion as to what I'm dealing with now.

As for surgery, my penis is like 2 inches erect. If surgery makes penis shorter, I don't know if anything will be left. Not to mention,  I can't get a doctor on board who even seems to think I have this or at least a competent one. I was diagnosed 4 years ago when urologist felt my lump. However he wasn't much help and just told me to wait and see and take Vit. E. The sexual dysfunction doctor he referred me to (after seeing him 3 times( says there is nothing wrong with my penis at all besides that infection. Which again, is new and developed after my peyronies symptoms. I basically seem to be in a never ending active phase. If Xiaflex was offered I'd take it but nobody is offering, and I'd hate to go to a doctor again just to be turned down of any treatment. The closest specialist is 2 hours away and I don't see anything on the forum about them so not sure if worth it. And every time I go to the doctor for this I end up worse than I was after they do the physical examination.

I'm told pain is never permanent with peyronies. And I believe that because my original injury from 4 years ago doesn't hurt now that I can tell. But if you are basically having recurring injuries on a weekly to daily basis it might as well be permanent because the process gets restarted.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: NeoV on September 02, 2016, 12:41:10 AM
I wish someone had firm answers for you. My neuropathy is getting very bad, moving up my legs now. I've had the rubbery feet, penis, and hands for a few years now and I'm convinced it's blood sugar related. I have yet to complete a quality fast or ketogenic diet but I'm quite sure it could cure or reverse it. When your pancreas is clogged with fat it cannot produce insulin resulting in high blood sugar which is toxic to nerves.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: redbullmaster on September 02, 2016, 05:07:34 AM

I think there several things you can do, first find a new doctor your comfortable with and who's an expert in

Second to your pain issues, look into chronic pain management.

Lots of people live with pain everyday, you need to learn how to manage it.
Look into Relaxation training, maybe even try hypnotherapy.

There's no easy answers, but what ever you do decide to do remember its final.
If you decide to have your penis amputated, wile maybe not final with recent medical trails going on with transplants at the moment.

You may end up without one for the rest of your life.
Or it could be in 10/20 years before your have a new one.
Point is there's no guarantees.

But the psychological issues your be dealing with afterwards may push you over the edge.
Also it may not solve your pain issue, if it neurological issues.

As for taking your life, by posting on here, it's a cry for help that you don't want to really die.
But I do respect you decision, its your life and no one can tell what you should do with it.

If you do go though with it please check every other option first, as how your feeling today may be different in 6 months time.

Also I know you don't feel like your getting the support from your family at the moment.
But its hard for them to know what your going though and don't take this the wrong way.
But I'm guessing your hard work to deal with on a daily basics.

I say this because of my own emotional issues, I've lost friends and have acted in a erratic ways hurting people emotionally in my life.

What your going though, not like a broken leg where in 8 weeks you fine and your back on your feet.
Its hard for people to deal with, remember your parents are people too with there own issues and anxieties.

Also because its of a sexual natural some people just can't face it.

Please remember they do still love you and anything you do will have an impact on them.

If you do take that last step please don't let your mum or dad find your body.
Leave them a nice letter explaining why you done, what you done.

But don't lash out at then, think of the impact your death will have on them and try to make it less distressing for them if you can. (if that's even possible)

I hope it doesn't come to that and you find some help for your problems.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: mrg91 on September 02, 2016, 10:59:24 AM
peyronny,hello my friend.(sorry if my english isnt good) I post this to say YOU ARE NOT ALONE,READ MY HORROR STORY: 4 years ago when i was 20 i felt anxious and embarrassment about size of my is 4.8-5 length and near 4.3 girth.i thought  to make it bigger,go to doctor and he recommend me F^@$!ng penis pump..if wanna say shortly i misused it(over pressure) and after using 5 days  i injured my penis horribly(before that i didnt have any e.d at all)
NOW; after incident JUST CAN SAY my penis become numb and lifeless and darker(cause under skin bleeding)..if i wanna be serious I DONT FEEL MY PENIS AT ALL,IT SEEMS I HAVE NO PENIS..WHEN TOUCH IT SEEMS I TOUCH MY ARM,NO ARROUSAL NERVE AT ALL..this is like horror movies,NOBOBY NEVER AND NEVER dont know what i say,it f'~c<+d up all of aspect of my life,i mean social relationship,love relationship,sexual desire,concentration on everything(music,feeling good of weather,playing or seeing sports,appetite,goal of my life,good dream and wish and etc)..till year ago i thought dead is better than this F^@$!ng life and didnt know what can i last i search and found penis reconstruction or (phalloplasty)... i dont know how bad is your problem but for me it is the last choice,i even cant feel my penis(like i have nothing) ,and i make a decision to go for this surgery,,i dont know about your situation but  I THINK YOUR PROBLEM ISNT WORSE THAN ME and you can think about somthing like that or just penile implant..about your pain you can go to expert andrologist  and tell that you have sever pain,i think surely there should be a solution to relief your pain. hope you get better and pass this problem.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on October 02, 2016, 05:20:28 PM
Okay, wanted to show an update of my current defomity. Pain is somewhat improved, though is much worse after having erections. I have been masturbating about once every 4 weeks at most. I've still been on another of supplements and Pentox:

Co Q10
Grape Seed Extract

Basically, I'm curious how bad this is. I know it feels awful and pain is constant to various degrees but most the curbes i seen are upward or downward THere's also the factor of my size, weight, and penis. But is this even usable? Should I try traction even when I have severe pain? And how is it possible with my size? Keep in mind I'm laying in bed so flipping it would be a more clear indication of me standing up.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: Pfract on October 03, 2016, 04:03:36 AM
Well.... given the amount of body fat you still have... if you manage to loose it all, or a good amount, your penis will definitely show more, so i would try if it was me to do everything possible to loose weight and push through the pain at all cost.

Second i don't know if your penis is flacid or erect but i presume flaccid state in the picture. I guess that you should be doing traction on a daily basis if you can manage that. You have nothing to loose, and everything to gain from that.

Also... what is your plan on this? the consultation to the urologist...? doing someting.....?

update us please!
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: QuackAttack on October 03, 2016, 07:21:18 AM

You have some hard choices to make. If you want to lose the weight, you have got to get off the GLUTEN AND GLADIN containing grains, which include: Barley, Wheat, Rye, Spelt, and Oats. These grains have been shown to cause intestinal malabsorbtion issues. Nobody gets to your weight without having a gluten intolerance. Get onto YouTube and look up Dr. Joel Wallach as it relates to obesity and gluten intolerance. At your weight, there is a possibility that you could have Celiac which is very common in obese people. If you follow Dr. Wallach's protocols and supplement properly you will lose the weight. The fact that you are obese isn't your fault, you have a medical problem; however, once you arm yourself with the knowledge, losing or not losing the weight is completely on you. It's your choice, you can complain and continue to complain or you can take control of your situation. If you have the will, there is a way to solve the problem. The record weight loss following Dr. Wallach's protocols is 250 LB in 7 months and that person has not gained the weight back in more than 3 years. If you want to get serious about the weight loss, you can PM me and I'll walk you through solving your nutritional deficiency problems.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on October 03, 2016, 06:28:21 PM
This is erect. The thing is you literally wouldn't see anything but pubic hair most likely if I was flaccid. I got the erection just to take the photo. Even if I somehow get this under control enough to where I can live a normal life, I'm going to have to find a very unshallow woman, but I'll have strap ons or whatever I need to make it work. Basically, I have no plan other than taking Pentox and supplements and trying to avoid further injury. The weight thing is something I'm still working on just not going as fast as I would've liked. I work a lot on the computer to make the little amount of money I have to afford the supplements. I even asked for supplements for my birthday it's so hard to keep track and I don't want to drop anything because at least they're helping me get erections.

What concerns me is even when I do reach my weight goal, (260 aiming for 190-200 or better) is I'll still be stuck with what appears to be an unusable penis. My motivation to lose weight in the first place was to get a better social life, girlfriend, etc. If I still can't have sex, or at least enjoy a sex-free relationship without penile pain, I have no motivation. My overall health doesn't concern me as much as my penile health, because frankly I want to die. I avoid contact whatsoever with my penis, even underwear and blankets. So I couldn't even foresee cuddling in bed let alone intercourse.

That doesn't mean I'm not working on it. I'm still on anti-inflammatory diet. Money is an issue though, and sometimes have to make do with what is available. But only for the little bit of hope I have left of living a normal life. If I have to live like this forever, it would suck regardless of what my overall health/weight is.

I want to do traction, but my penis is hidden completely without an erection. It's like a little stub. Micropenis or at least borderline. I wish there was a way to safely do traction erect, but doesn't seem like a good idea.

Pain seems decreased with an erection, until I lose it. As soon as it dies it's excruciating. I was trying to get daily erections (just not using them) but maybe that's not even right thing to do.

It is totally my fault I'm fat. I lived an awful lifestyle most of my life. I could make the case culture is part of it, but at the end of the day nobody forced me to eat the way I did. I used to be well over 400, and that's because I ate fast food and pizza all the time. I have to be honest with myself. Now I'm eating better than most people, and definitely better than my family and those around me. But I'm making up for the other 26 years of eating whatever I felt like.

The evolution of my diet is this:

First 20-23 years of my life basically eating what I want. Unless mom forced diet on me at times. I lost 30-40 pounds the Summer before my senior year of highschool. Still ate what I want. Strictly through moving more and calorie counting. Gained it all back after graduating.

A year or two ago I started being somewhat more sensible but still terrible diet over all. Started opting for Subway over the other fast food joints. My work schedule didn't help, getting off late and not wanting to prepare late meals. But really I was just addicted to fast food.

Last Summer I started exercising more actively eating salads more. Still ate junk at times as well. Largely motivated from girlfriend at time, who didn't complain about weight but wanted to look better.

Only since I've joined this forum though have I really got strict with it. But I'm losing less because I cant exercise as fast as I was before. And when you're 400+ it sheds off a lot easier anyways. Removing sugar and carbs is just a recent thing I've tried past few months though since starting anti-inflammatory. I've seen a slight reduction in pain on good days, and I'm not sure if that's from the diet or just natural progression. But either way trying to keep inflammation down as much as possible.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: QuackAttack on October 03, 2016, 09:41:38 PM

Subway is not health food, regardless of what JARED did. Subway meat is filled with Nitrates and Nitrites, both of which are inflammatory. Compound that with the gluten from the bread and you are't going to lose anything. You have to stop making excuses and just power through it. If you have an excuse for everything, you won't get to where you need. Have you watched Dr. Wallach on YouTube. That won't cost you anything.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on October 04, 2016, 12:02:56 AM
You're misunderstanding, I haven't eaten Subway or fast food in a while. I'm saying I went from eating complete junk, to Subway to currently anti-inflammatory. I have given up eating for fun. I grew up on a traditionally Southern diet. I'll proabliy never like the foods I am eating. BUt I still force it down. I was eating that though during the bulk of my weight loss, but I was able to do much more physically because my peyronies was stable. My point is right now, other than oatmeal there's not much more I can reduce in terms of carbs. I do not think my lack of current weight loss has to do with my diet, but decreased physical activity. I still walk but not in the same brisk pace I did when I was heavily losing weight. I try doing arm exercises, but I'm limited in what I can do. I'm not saying SUbway is good, I'm saying it's less bad that what I was eating previously. Last time I got a Sub was probably 6 months ago, but I was losing weight more then because was symptoms were less extreme and had a more positive outlook in general. IF it weren't for these issues I would be doing much more, and I'd rather not flair up pain because I've made small improvements in that regard by just taking supplements and trying to not touch it at all. By touch I mean anything from direct contact, to something as simple as my leg rubbing against it.

I'm on fruits, veggies, nuts, fish, chicken (occasionally). I haven't been eating carbs or sugar aside from Oatmeal in the morning. I add blueberries sometimes, or stevia. But no added sugar. I don't see a connection between my peyronies and weight, other than the complication of having it buried. Reason being is my peyronies has gotten much worse in the past year. A year ago I was 80 pounds more than I am now, and I didn't have flaccid pain and no major curve. I'm not saying didn't contribute due to other factors making it more prone to injury. Like I said, I cheated for my birthday, but I've been following this. Part of the issue may be I eat too late, as opposed to normal times. Also, we are on food stamps so I'm limited in the amounts of these things I can get. I could maybe use more variety because I do basically eat the same fruits and veggies over and over every week. But I have no income and am relying on what is available.

The things that flare up pain for me are unbelievable. I've had a cold past few days and simply sneezing hard sets things off for days. So you can understand the difficult in just trying to get by day to day trying not to make this even more worse.

I will reach my weightloss goal, even if it takes me much longer than I had hoped. That I know I can do, because I have much less to go than I have already covered. But I do not know that my quality of life will be any better, because so far I was happier 2 years ago when I was almost 500 pounds.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: NeoV on October 05, 2016, 02:00:03 AM
Indeed peyronny is doing good with his diet now, if not great. The connection between weight and Peyronie's has more to do with your blood sugar and diabetes than being overweight itself, though being overweight does make diabetes worse, since your pancreas will be clogged with fat and unable to produce insulin. The connection is very very strong then, to being overweight as well as your diet.

It may take some time before peyronny sees or feels a difference, but anti-inflammatory is the way to go for sure.

It seems like the biggest issue now is the infection, which his current doctor ignores. A different urologist or doc seems like the only real choice, even if one is pretty far away.

Tough times... there's nothing like having an infection or having penile deformity worsening and nobody able to even listen to you. I know it can get better, but now is probably the worst it can be, be patient. : ( You're doing the right thing with your diet.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: Paolo on October 05, 2016, 04:03:56 AM
NeoV/peyronny, a natural for reducing blood sugar is lemon.

Lemon juice is acidic, and it slows how quickly your stomach empties food so your body takes longer to break apart sugar molecules, causing a steadier rise in blood sugar levels. I take it every morning in warm water and add pink Himalayan salt 1-2G

Wishing you both the best  :)
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: Pfract on October 05, 2016, 06:09:15 AM
Hey peyronie: at least you don't try to lie saying the fault is not yours for being fat. That's good, but now try to change that. Why don't you go outside of your place and jog? Or walk? Just do something dude!
Also, you can use the ''penimaster pro'' on your penis even flaccid. You just have to catch the glans with the suction cup and then youre good.

Also, you said you were going to the urologist for a consultation. What happened, did you chickened out?

Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on October 06, 2016, 02:41:53 AM
The consultation was to remove some skin to "unbury' my penis. As far as I know this is mostly for cosmetic reasons in most cases, but since it seems to irritate the pain having the extra fat in the area is why I want to do. He doesn't even believe I have peyronies though. I'm worried to do anything surgical in that area when we're not even on same page. I was told though I'd need to have the surgery to unbury even after losing weight because generally it still remains that way even after the weightloss. I've had this basically most my life, and it didn't bother me much before when i didnt have peyronies along with whatever could be causing pain. Obviously I didn't like it but it wasn't like women were seeing it anyways so just lived with it.

Once I reach the weightloss goal (I'm shooting for around 190 or less) I'm going to have to have some skin removed from my legs and stomach anyways. I've been debating rather the procedure is worth it though when they arne't on same page about me even having peyronies.

Will Lemon Juice work as well? I've been adding a little bit lemon juice to my green tea sometimes.
I've been considering dropping to just one meal a day to speed up weightloss
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: Paolo on October 06, 2016, 03:17:03 AM
Peyronny, I find that having taken lemon juice it cuts my appetite almost immediately, also an alkaline body can fight off infections and reduce inflammation.
I sometimes take it with ginger root liquid extract just for a bit of variety.

Regarding weight loss, lemon juice helps to suppress your appetite and aids digestion and contains citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin, and limonene–that promote immunity and fight infection.

You seem to be in a good state of mind and I wish you all the best  :)
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: kuaka on October 06, 2016, 08:25:53 AM
The thing about weight loss and calories is this...

If you cut your caloric intake too far, your body will go into starvation survival mode and your overall metabolism will grind to a halt.

The way to avoid that is to not restrict your calories from non-carbohydrate sources.  A balanced diet is for a balanced body.  I look at weight loss dieting like foundation repair.  You only jack up the sinking portion of the foundation.  If you jack up the whole house don't actually fix the problem.

Also, the relative efficiency of the conversion of calories eaten to blood sugar depends on the calorie source.  As a general rule, simple carbs like rice and potatoes are converted at 100% efficiency.  Proteins at about 60%.  Fats (naturally saturated and naturally mono/poly unsaturated...NEVER eat hydrogenated ANYTHING) are only at about 11% efficiency.

This is a generalization.  All generalizations are dangerous...including <---.

At any rate, if you can work first on overall health, then specifically on penile health, I believe you have the highest probability of success.  It is a marathon though, not a sprint.

Never give up.
Title: Re: I give up
Post by: c90danwaiel on November 02, 2016, 02:37:52 AM
      I followed your posts a while back when I got a diagnosis of P.D., and just thought about you today. I'm glad to see you're still around and are hanging on.

I ended up with a false diagnosis of Peyronie's, and was falsely diagnosed with a few more disorders (prostatitis, then chronic pelvic pain syndrome, then pudendal nerve entrapment). I haven't really been back to this forum in a while. Thankfully, I've found something that worked for the severe pain I had in my penis and I'm doing about 70-80% better now. My life has gone from hell to back to normal in just a few weeks.

You've tried a lot of things, and have been through a hell of a lot. I wanted to maybe offer one suggestion of something to consider.

Let me start off by saying, I have no doubt at all that you have a physical condition. Peyronie's is real. What I've had is different.

In my case, I actually didn't have anything physically wrong with me. All my tests came back clear, but what sparked off my pain was a false positive on an STD test. I started noticing some minor (but still very worrying) pain in my penis, and then I got extremely worried about the pain, and the pain began to amplify. Needless to say, penis pain is hard not to get distressed about. At first, I thought I had herpes, then a rare antibiotic-resistant form of an STD found mostly in Sweden, then urethral cancer - my life centered around my pain and was full of distress over not having an explanation for it.

I eventually found out about something called mind-body disorder (also known as TMS), where stress and emotions can bring on pain in certain susceptible individuals - that's very real pain too (in my case, pain strong enough to send me to the ER and spend several thousands of dollars trying to fix over the past four months). Through a combination of lifestyle modifications (doing normal activities, exercise, eating well, meditation) and shifting my focus away from my pain, I've had great success at ramping down my pain.

What I wonder is if in your case, could your distress about your condition have amplified the pain that does come along with Peyronie's? You seem to have much more pain that many other people with Peyronie's have.

There's been quite a lot of research on the effect of emotions on pain. Worry and stress activate a part of your brain called the anterior cingulate cortex, which can significantly increase your sensitivity to pain. I've begun to realize that pain isn't just the nerves in the area that hurt, but has to do with your brain's interpretation of those pain signals. Your brain can learn pain in the absence of pain signals from your body, just like folks with phantom limb syndrome, who have pain in limbs they've lost. It can also amplify those responses, so even a minute scratch can feel horribly painful if your body thinks its something threatening (there's a great TED talk on google about this). Your brain can also develop odd conditioned responses, so certain, often unusual triggers can cause your brain to bring on or amplify the pain.

For people with mind-body syndrome, their pain can even spread and sometimes parts of their body can become hyper-sensitive/painful to the touch or numb - especially for folks with pelvic pain, who sometimes report spreading sensitivity in and around their genitals and/or sometimes numbness.

Again, I don't think you have Mind-body syndrome. If I had Peyronie's and someone told me that there was nothing physically wrong with them, I'd probably want to punch them. But I wonder if the same factors of anxiety/stress/negative emotions could have ramped up your pain levels so high compared to most men with Peyronie's?

Anyway, I just wanted to put that out there for you to consider. If you're curious about learning more, I could guide you to some resources that have helped me. If not, thanks for reading this far and I really wish you all the best, and I hope you can find some relief soon.

Title: Re: I give up
Post by: peyronny on November 27, 2016, 06:13:17 AM
Sorry I missed that most recent post.

I'm sure my stress can make it worse but I don't think it's the main cause. The pain causes me stress, which surely makes it worse. But it's clearly impacted by any sort of touch in the areas of the lumps, or sometimes even things such as coughing too hard, sneezing, etc. I know this seems weird, it's just my experience. Anything that puts pressure on my stomach that also puts pressure on my gut is painful and seems to make things worse. I literally try to stifle my own laughs because it can be painful in my dick. When I get these sharp pangs of pain during these episodes I usually go inspect my flaccid penis and the lumps actually look larger, similar to after masturbating (when I still was) But I can be extremely stressed out and feel almost no pain (compared to usual) and vice versa. Everything I do though I'm extremely careful to not aggravate it or I'll be in even more intense pain for days if not weeks/months. Erections aren't always painful, but the worst is when my erection deflates. It seems to take hours to go back to completely flaccid and if I have to pee it's really difficult. I get recurring numbness that always freaks me out for a few days but eventually returns. I think this is scar tissue pressing on the nerves. Sometimes i get this extreme itching sensation in the area of plaques that feels like a nerve. Areas of my feet are almost completely numb. If I'm on my feet for a long period of time I will sometimes feel a sharp stabbing pain followed by numbness and/or a swollen feeling. It almost feels like Peyronies in my feet. Maybe it's a nerve issue in my Dick as well, but the lumpy texture and curve wasn't there previously. First I thought could be ledderhose but this is mostly in my toes.

The whole thing is kind of confusing to me so I can't even imagine how it is for someone reading my posts from the outside. It's a constant battle of "oh I think it's getting a little bit better" to "oh crap now it's worse than it was before" every few weeks or more.

I was diagnosed with peyronies 4 years ago though when the urologist inspected a small lump at the time. He basically did nothing  and unfortunately I didn't know all the supplements and alternate stuff at the time, which have helped with getting erections. I can get erections easier than I did in highschool now honestly. Just can't do much with it and it's always looks like a swollen blob the last several weeks. It's getting shorter and fatter. My girth to me appears larger but not in a good way. Just like a swollen lump.  The lumps are clear in flaccid state when I pull it out to pee.

Anyways, I've been trying too much not to think about it other than in terms of what I can actually change. But I think I probably had early signs of this way before I even knew. I had ED, circulation and numbness issues before I even knew what Peyronies was. I think this, along with Atenolol and masturbating without solid erections is what led to the initial injury. Despite my weight my GP won't take this seriously that I could have some sort of heart condition. Sometime prior to this issue I was in the ER for chest pain and tightness, which they were treating as an asthma attack. However it didn't feel pulmonary at all to me. This tightness didn't go away for years and would come back time to time on exertion. I'm honestly not convinced I didn't have a heart attack or some other heart related issue that night but they were dead set on it being asthma. I've had asthma attacks before, this felt different. I actually initially went in because I had overdosed on my Albuterol which can cause heart issues, but they ignored that basically and gave me more albuterol.

I went to my GP this past Wednesday to get a Pentox refill, he wouldn't let me do it by phone this time because I haven't been in so long. I was looking to see if due to weightloss if my BP had decreased enough to stop taking some of the BP pills. He said I can quit taking the Atenolol, which I had already stopped taking anyways because it can cause Peyronies. He said my BP is still pretty high though so still take the Losartanz-HCTZ and Amdolpine. My weight was 260, kind of disappointing considering how much I've been walking. But my last visit, December of 2015 I was 326. I'm losing just wish I could speed it up. I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever be able to get off of them because I haven't been eating anything bad aside from Thanksgiving which was after that visit.

I've still been taking all the same supplements basically. The issue is though because of lack of money I have to sort of do them in cycles. There are long gaps where I'll be off of something, and idk if that makes them uneffective or not. My only income has been Amazon Mechanical Turk, which is easy and a nice way to earn some extra cash but on a good day it's like 5 or 6 bucks. Most I've ever made was $14 in a day and that was working around the clock. It's pretty pathetic wages but it's better than laying around in bed doing nothing and when I take breaks I make sure I'm at least moving.

But I was gonna get your guys opinions on this.

I've been trying to do this Anti-Inflammatory thing still. Basically veggies,fruit, nuts/seeds, fish, herbs, etc. As little meat and carbs as possible and no added sugar at all.

I've recently run out of Carnitine and didn't have enough to get anymore so looked up how to get it naturally from food. From what I've read it's mostly in Meat and Dairy. So should I incorporate meat and dairy again until I can afford it or is the inflammation not worth the Carnitine? I've been avoiding both of these like the plague except on rare occasions, been using Almond Milk over real milk. Sometimes it's hard to know if the benefits outweigh the risk. I'm on B12 supplements so I should be good there. But I also see stuff about Carnitine leading to heart disease, so just not sure.