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One common medicine that doctors prescribe to men with erectile dysfunction (ED) is called Vilitra 20 mg. The active ingredient, Vardenafil, helps increase blood flow to the penis, enabling stronger and longer-lasting erections during sexual activity.

It belongs to a class of drugs known as PDE-5 inhibitors, which work by relaxing the blood vessels in the penis and improving circulation. On the other hand, Tadalista Professional is a powerful treatment for ED that contains Tadalafil. This fast-acting tablet dissolves under the tongue for quicker results. You can also buy Tadalista Professional online for an effective and discreet solution to erectile dysfunction.

Men choose the Vilitra 20 mg tablet for its proven effectiveness and safety. It starts working within 30-60 minutes and can last up to 5 hours, providing a reliable solution for ED.
Dating sucks and I've about given up. I've got a regular escort and visit the local Asian Massage Parlor a couple times a month. What an excellent value. Not only are you treated like a king, but everyone knows what everyone wants ahead of time and gets it. I realized that a woman's motivation for having sex with me is irrelevant. I don't care if she's doing it because I'm funny, smart, whatever, or if she's doing it because I'm just okay, but she knows she's getting paid.

Why spend just as much on a date with such an uncertain outcome? It doesn't make sense, at least economically.
The best treatment for Peyronies costs nothing, because changing your perspective is free.

I was pretty upset when my 90* upward curve started several years ago. I started taking 5mg of Cialis every day, testosterone replacement, and regularly use my Restorex. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten much change with any, maybe a little more girth, but I'm not discouraged, mostly because I'm not getting any complaints from women. Apparently I'm as good as ever and that's all that counts. I've never had any pain or ED.

You guys with a 45* curve don't really have much to complain about. I would be overjoyed to get to where you are. I've got a really nice dick, it's just got a hell of a curve in it.
Hi All,

does any one know where to get a SOMAcorrect in Germany?
Additionally did anyone receive a prescription?

BentKnob, can you tell me which VED device you use? I'm interested in getting one myself.  I'm worried my curve will prevent me from using the device but I'm still interested in trying
Quote from: 305made on November 17, 2023, 05:19:31 PMBut after doing a lot of research on peyronies for months on end. I've came to the conclusion that a lot of the young men hear sonic. actually have had some type of Penile  trauma or maybe even fractures.

But the good news is that Dr. TROST says that this is actually sometimes easier to treat because the wounds or scoring or plaque whatever you wanna call it. Have a better chance of healing, or being re-absorbed into the body than that of Peyronie's disease, which typically is more dysfunctional if that makes sense.

It's not difficult to believe this. Young people do heal faster. Also, the urologist that administered Xioflex for my injections believed in starting earlier rather than later. We didn't get a near-perfect result from Xioflex, but there was some improvement that put me in the best possible condition for the plication surgery that was performed by another urologist.
freastone, there are not many options. There's doctors' opinions, traction, & surgery. The least expensive way forward is to simply buy & use a "good" traction device. If $$ is not critical, then I'd get some doctors' opinions. I'd select two that have lots of experience and with slightly different mindsets. For example, I'd make appointments with Trost in Utah and Gelman in Califirnia. It's even possible to have a video appointment with Trost. Trost developed the Restorix. Therefore, it's easier to trust his opinion when he says Reatorex is not useful. Both Trost and Gelman are recognized for surgery skill. Gelman is very pragmatic. One of the best things he ever said directly to me is something like, "Well, if it's determined surgery can help you, it's not necessary to proceed because such condition is not life or death."
Simplex, I recall some sensation loss following pliction surgery. Eventually, sensation returned to normal.

Will share additional note. I was a hell of a lot more concerned earlier in 2024 when my right hand & wrist were paralyzed following a nerve injury. Not only was my hand useless from wrist down, there was constant "needles & pins." 

It's a lot easier to get along without a penis than it is a hand. But, I think you'll be okay.
I'm in a similar boat. I try to adjust my thinking and be grateful for what I have. Any time I feel these pains, I remind myself to grateful that I have a pain response so my body can let me know something is wrong and prevent me from reinjuring myself. I may have suffered a ruptured, but at least I still have a penis that is capable of ejaculation. Some people are born with penile malformations or micropenises. In the grand scheme of things, we Peyronie's sufferers are very fortunate to retain most of penile function even with the occasional pain and ed. You are also very lucky to be young, with all the advancements in regenerative medicine I am certain that there will be a new cure some point in the future.