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Quote from: Mikel7 on Today at 05:44:48 AMYou could also try the makeup pads instead of the tape/gauze.

The make up pads on the Amazon link are different now. They are a triangle shape. Do you think those will still be good?

Also, you can disregard the question I had about wrapping twice.
Quote from: Pfract on Today at 12:40:36 PMHey CalmnCool:

Please have a look at my diary. I went through the same struggle. I have pictures and detailed accounts of what i went through.,17356.msg150174.html#msg150174

I am currently not doing traction but at the time, there were a few things that worked for me.

I'll take a look. Thanks

I actually reread through the Restorex manual and realized the clamp is supposed to sit right after the ridge of the glans. This has been very uncomfortable when trying so far.

I'll have to experiment more though.
Penile Implants / Re: Dr. Hakky Implant Journal ...
Last post by Pfract - Today at 12:47:47 PM

Congrats on having the procedure done! It takes a lot of courage. But you are still healing and so fresh into recovery. Please stay calm. You are in amazing hands with Dr. Hakky!

You will have to physically and mentally adjust to a "new penis" and that will take time. I don't have an implant but i can tell you that the tips being like that is a good thing. That means the implant has been properly sized. You can take cialis before sex or even MUSE tablets throught the glans if you are concerned about your glans not filling up. Please are different and not everybody gets an engorged glans after this procedure. But again... stay calm for now and focus on healing. Follow all his instructions to a T!

Please stay with us, and try to read the diaries from other implantees on the board.
Hey CalmnCool:

Please have a look at my diary. I went through the same struggle. I have pictures and detailed accounts of what i went through.,17356.msg150174.html#msg150174

I am currently not doing traction but at the time, there were a few things that worked for me.
Quote from: Mikel7 on Today at 05:32:04 AMI purchased a second base and another set of tension rods for this one purpose of switching positions quickly. You could do 15 minutes of straight stretching then 15 minutes of side stretching. With continued use you should see some improvement.

Where did you purchase the second base and set of rods?

So do you think I should work on the side curve for the first 3 months and than do traction on the upward curve after that?
Penile Implants / Re: From 90 Degree bend to str...
Last post by Pfract - Today at 12:37:36 PM
Hey Roddy!

Thank you for checking in, despite not having done so in a long time. In the past i would feel somewhat sad that the members would sort of, not stick around.... but as time went by i understood that, that's actually the way to go. You come by, you get support and hopefully you will find success in treating your disease whilst sharing your progress with us as you encourage other members.

You did just that. Explained in detail what you went through and showed others where they could get support as well. I commend you for that. Now you get to enjoy, and distance yourself mentally from those dark days you went through.

Thank you, and all the best!
Penile Implants / Re: From 90 Degree bend to str...
Last post by Roddy - Today at 12:18:42 PM
Hi everyone.

Today is my 5 year anniversary of my Impant Surgery. I'm sorry to report that I rarely check in at all on the forum anymore but it struck me just now, when I saw the date today, that I could give many men the hope they search for by logging in and sharing that I've had 5 years of complete success from my implant. It was and still is entirely life changing. Like many on here, I was in a very dark place with an unusable penis (downward 90 degree bend that made penetration impossible) until I had nothing to lose and agreed to surgery here on the NHS in the UK (Glasgow, Scotland). My recovery from the surgery was painful and difficult, physically and emotionally (all documented in this journal), but through the strength of many on this forum, I kept positive and the outcome from 4 weeks onwards was unbelievable - and still is. If anyone ever needs any advice, I'm contactable still as the forum sends me an email when anyone sends me a message.

Take care,

Quote from: Mikel7 on Today at 05:44:48 AMIf you are uncut it is recommended to pull your skin back and use the special tape/gauze to wrap your glans in before clamping down.

So I would have to wrap twice then right? Once around the glands, and once around the part where the clamp sits? If I don't wrap where the clamp sits, I get slippage and skin damage.
After having two placations, the second one leaving from my 5.9" erection in the very beginning to the second one mentioned in another post, that has put me down to 4 inches.  I cannot get good penetration. Stroking is a problem. Friction is a problem. Yes I am straight, but its good for nothing. It took almost a year from my second placation to heal the scars.  I also had to have treatments to get rid of the scars. This last Dr. also I believe pinched a nerve between the gland and the shaft and he said that the pain will never go away. 
I do believe in my het that it can be done.  I know scars can be done with since the way I was last left like a porcupine to a smooth and normal looking skin, just too short. 
I have caution you, the small dick does mental depression to the thoughts of ones elimination of one self even with therapy.  I doubt there are may women that want to look at a 4" erection.
Please, recommend a Dr. or any Dr. willing to take this on.  Willing to send Pix or consult.  The goal is to take out the restriction knots and anchors, and give me back my length.  I do not have much left in this lifetime, and it has been almost 2 1/2 years since the last surgery.... Tried intercourse 3 times in the last couple of years.  its a joke.  I need the length.   Please. 
Just came to post this morning and say that I'm actually pretty encouraged and optimistic at the moment. Feelings come and go, but just wanted to share this moment on the forum.

Yesterday I read a lot of research papers and feel motivated and determined to improve my condition. I am going to up my dosage of CoQ10 from 100mg to 200mg and eventually 300mg (I was scared to go straight to 300mg lol). I'm also going to be taking 900mg of Propolis. I watched neomans video on supplements yesterday and read the research documents he shared. Both CoQ10 and Propolis showed great reduction in plaque as well as reduced curvature. I may also start adding in some pine bark extract. I think the supplements combined with using restoreX the correct way will yield me some results.
If possible I'd also like to have a strict keto diet and mix in some fasting. I think diet is a huge factor in overall health and if anything would help prevent my condition from getting worse. I eat fast food all the time so it's a change I need to make anyways if I want to live long.
This morning I have had like 5 erections that were harder than any I've had in months. (Like, as hard as an erection could be, not just compared to my "normal"). I think restoreX is working after just 4 days of use as well as just having a positive mindset. I took pictures again this morning and will eventually share them. Sorry to keep promising that and never delivering.

Forgot to mention that I also stopped taking finasteride two nights ago. I'd imagine that it would take a while for the fin to leave my body and for any negative side effects to go away, but it's worth mentioning. Still taking minoxidil.