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I also take testosterone and hcg. I started to notice a significant difference in my erection quality shortly after starting hcg. Not sure if its related or not to the progess I've made.
Quote from: sammysosa17 on May 30, 2024, 02:56:39 PMGlad to hear about your positive results. How much of curve do you/did you have? Also is your curve downwards? Upwards?

I curve to the right and slightly down. When I started I think I was around 30 degrees or just passed the 2 on a clock.It might have been a little worse. I used to take pictures but when I would look at them they would really upset me so I deleted.

I also pump. I normally would be stuck to the right side of the pump as soon as I get in it. I do still touch the right side but not near as much as I did. 
thymosin beta 4
Glad to hear about your positive results. How much of curve do you/did you have? Also is your curve downwards? Upwards?
I've started consistently using the ResoreX device for 3 days now. The first two days I did 2 twenty minute sessions. My curve is downwards so I did the first half of the session straight and the second half bent upwards. Until yesterday I didn't know how to use the device and I was just stretching by moving the device upwards until I reached the max number of clicks. I visited Dr. Trost's website and saw that you can push the device down which releases tension. I tried that for the first time yesterday and my penis is feeling a bit sore. Not sure if soreness is a usual side effect of using the device properly. In just the 3 days of using it I've notice a big difference in erection quality. I'm waking up with really solid erections. I took some pictures yesterday and compared them to the pics I took back in February. Everything looks pretty much the same. I don't expect to see results this quickly, but I am at least glad that nothing seems to have gotten worse.
I did notice that I was getting erections less frequently and they didn't seem to be solid. I had avoided masturbating for the most part over the last month (probably only did it 4 times total). I'm relived to be having solid erections at this point.
Someday I would like to get Xiaflex injections but I don't think my plaque is concentrated enough for it to be effective. I don't really feel a lump where my curve is. My thought is that I have lots of small plaques in the area rather than one big one.
Any comments or questions would be greatly appreciated. I intent to be updating this thread frequently with updates.
My last few posts were about me considering selling my restorex.

 I'm so glad I didn't.  I wasn't using it correctly. Once I did use it the right way I started to see an improvement in my curve to the right. My curve starts very low. When I was using it I would go to the 2nd click and when I would, the following morning my curve was worse.

 Once I started only going to the first click it wasn't worse in the mornings and my erection quality got better. I now have been using it consistently at the first click for 4 months or so and seeing a noticeable difference.  This has been a huge moral booster for me and has made me in general a happier person.

I do use it a little more than prescribed and I never miss a day. I look forward to using it now.

I also have a pmp and haven't used it in months.

I felt like i have a responsibility to share this experience especially since I was a bit jaded about the device before and talked about selling it because it was having a negative impact on me.

So glad I didn't sell it.

It's "extended" benefits, provided by a private health insurance company. Most employers provide the coverage, and the plans all differ. Usually covers dental, eye glasses, hearing, physio, and drugs that the National Plan may not cover.
Ironically, they paid for the actual Verapamil drug, (which is cheap anyway), but wouldn't pay the urologist to inject it!

I might get some reimbursement for the a Restorex device, but I doubt it.
I have not used PMP but I have read about this on various forums. You are not the only one who complains about the new sluices. Ever since they updated to this ''universal'' sluice model a lot of people are complaining on different online forums. Hopefully they listen to the critique.
Hi All,

I bought the PMP about a year ago because I was intrigued with the concept of prolonged stretching. I have about a 35 degree curve, had some pretty bad ED that I struggled with way before Peyronies. Don't think I ever had phases of Peyronnies, so I think it's just an injury from Finasteride and not "true peyronies".

Anyway, A year ago the PMP did wonders for my EQ. I used to not be able to get natural erections and after using the PMP for 6+ hours a day for 2 months straight, I now have natural erections. It's like Peyronies gave me a win.

But the latex sluices were of a somewhat weak material. People often complain about them and if they get a tiny hole in them, they are useless. I had to order new ones a couple months ago and its a totally different Latex. Way more durable but less suction/force and I think it takes away from the efficacy of the device. It used to be like a thin condom looking latex and now its a thick gray.

Anyone else observe this?
Fire guy: It's the usual. When things go south, that's when you see the real side of these doctors.

I am surprised you had extensive health coverage? What benefit is there if healthcare is free in Canada, if I may ask?