
With great sadness we report the passing of Old Man - Obit here

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Yeah, I've tried it—decent effect, I won't lie. But honestly, Cialis (Tadalafil) alone does the job for me just fine. I get solid, long-lasting results without needing to add anything else.

If you're struggling with weak nighttime/morning wood, maybe it's worth experimenting with Pentoxifylline, but I'd say be careful—too much of a good thing can backfire. Priapism isn't fun. Always better to start slow and see how your body reacts.  ;)
Surgery for Peyronie's Disease / Re: PEG w/ Levine 8 weeks ago,...
Last post by Stepone - February 05, 2025, 11:15:04 AM
I had a surgery to fix my 45 degree angle, hourglass, and hinge, where I broke my penis.
It worked, except it left me with a reduction in length and girth. I was not happy. My surgeon lied to me, as he said I would not lose length or girth.
Several years later, I got an implant which restored and increased my girth, but only recovered about an inch in length.
I don't know if you have any other issues.
But needless to say, I wished I had not waited for the implant, nor do I wish I had the first surgery.
Hey, I've heard of it. I actually tried it myself, but honestly, it was a total waste of money for me. Didn't feel any improvement, no noticeable effects at all. Now I just stick with tadalafil—works much better for me. But seriously, has anyone actually had a good experience with the Phoenix? Or is it just a fancy paperweight?  :D
Surgery for Peyronie's Disease / Re: 45 hrs Post-OP 29 y/o PEG ...
Last post by PhillipG - February 03, 2025, 10:05:55 AM
Quote from: Casper28 on December 18, 2024, 07:19:20 PMHi Filippo, how are things going? I think you've started to live normally by now, did you get a good result? Did you lose length? Thanks for your testimony

Hey Casper,

Things are going well - I can have sex comfortably again and that's the main goal. I did lose some length but still have enough to work with - it's an adjustment for sure and I would strongly recommend seeing a therapist regularly while recovering. I haven't been able to use the Restorex yet due to where my plication is located and that it was still sore, but I feel like I could begin wearing it now if the doctor says it's ok and that there's even a point or possibility that it would work and increase length.

If you have a good surgeon, I would recommend going through with the surgery.  For what the surgery is the recovery is not bad at all - the most difficult part of recovery was the nighttime erections which were painful but I took it as a good sign that things were working how they're supposed to. And then abstaining from sex for the first 2ish months was hard.  After all this time fighting this disease and finally getting it corrected you want to get back to normal life again but it's important to give your body that time to heal
Quote from: Curvekiller94 on December 27, 2022, 09:49:44 PMThank you all for the kind words and I appreciate the replies.
@iwillbeatpd - you know my next step I'm not so sure what it is. So I have ongoing penile pain that no one can give me an answer for and I can't sleep from it on days where I use my penis, it gets worse after masturbation or sex of any kind and has been this way for about 2 years. One peyronie special said he would avoid an implant (dr. Trost) but then the implant specialist said in general he's unsure why peyronies related pain disappears with the implant in majority of patients(dr. Eid). My dick seems like it gets "hard enough" but the hinge affect near the base makes sex very difficult and it feels like I am Injurying further. The implant would definitely help the hinging but this biggest thing is pain without pain I think my erection would be good enough but I just can't seem to shake it.

Randomly signing on here and saw this in recent posts. Brings back memories for sure since I also had a hinge that stopped me from having sex. Also, I talked to Dr Trost back then as well and was legit told young people shouldn't get implants. I remember asking what options I have then and there was no answer. In my opinion, that's a terrible answer. I know Dr Trost is great but I don't think "don't have sex" should ever be an answer for a man who is struggling with Peyronies Disease. This is just for anyone who reads this- find a doctor who will provide you with real options-regardless of age. Like you will read from many of us here, I'd rather have sex for 40 years in my prime than miss out on 10-20 years of sex and shrink my dick in the process until I'm "old enough" for an implant.
I took Finasteride 1mg a day for 10 years.

I had lower libido, softer erections and smaller loads of ejectulation. At the time I put it down to age.

Once I started taking Tadalafil 5mg a day I couldn't believe how high my libido became along with harder erections and larger loads of ejectulation. It felt like being a teenager again.

I had a lot of sex in 2023 as I was having orgies at sex parties where I was taking large doses of erectile dysfunction medications.

I would take 40mg Tadalafil with 200mg Sildenafil combined and have sex for hours. The most women in one night being 7.

I believe it was this along with Finasteride that caused my peyronies.

I can share my experience.

I have been taking Finasteride for about 8 years every day 1mg.
No side effects, except less erections while sleeping/early morning.
Sex life perfectly fine.

When I was diagnosed Peyronie of course I thought it was related to Finasteride.. however, when I talked to my mother about this it came out my brother which is 7 years older than me also has Peyronie's disease and he never took Finasteride...  (I still have all my hair while he got bold..)

I recommend anyone to think carefully about whether to take Finasteride or not, there are many articles and stories about serious side effects, however, in this specific case it was just the wrong culprit.
So SullyDog have you actually used this new add on device? How much does it cost? Has it been clinically tested?
Are you taking it off every 2 hours, and giving yourself a 15-20 minute break from traction??
You should not be wearing the device consistently without taking a break every 2 hours.
Oral Treatments for Peyronie's Disease / Re: Dosis Acetyl L-Carnitine
Last post by BentKnob - February 01, 2025, 01:39:57 PM
Yes I've heard Acetyl L-Carnitine is better also.

I take 2x 500mg tablets twice a day. That's the recommended dose.

2g a day.