
With great sadness we report the passing of Old Man - Obit here

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No results at all with the curve, only using PMP?
I saw results in my curve after I also purchased the Restorex and started using it daily. I had a 45* upward curve and brought it down to about 15 to 20* curve. Read the forum as there are others with similar results. :)
Hi, I still have to fill in my signature, that will follow, I just saw your post and wanted to reply asap (even though it is a couple of years old). From personal experience with large doses of Vit C I am absolutely convinced that it aggravates Peyronies. I am a case for penile implant now and I directly attribute this to Vit C. Of course, this is not scientific but only anecdotal...
Xiaflex Injections / Re: Xiaflex un Europe??
Last post by onemillion - February 10, 2025, 10:19:33 AM
I am also interested in having Xiaflex injecitons ... anywhere else rather than in the USA, it s too far for me.

Anyone can advise?
I have just completed a cycle of 6 verapamil injections, mostly 1 week apart from each other.
I have a problem with the anesthetic:

1st shot - LIDOCAINE - worked fine, zero pain, felt VERY dizzy
2nd shot - LIDOCAINE - worked fine, zero pain, little dizzy
3rd shot - LIDOCAINE - did not really work.. a lot of pain
4th shot - BUPIVACAINE (MARCAIN) – worked fine, zero pain, no dizzy at all - this is when my hopes went high
5th shot - BUPIVACAINE (MARCAIN) – worked only partially, pain, no dizzy at all - disappointed
6th shot – BUPIVACAINE (MARCAIN) - worked only partially, pain, no dizzy at all

In the end due to pain doctor could not inject verapamil all around/inside the plaque.. hence this issue is affecting the efficacy of the treatment.
I cannot believe that my body became immune to these anesthetics only after very few shots, it just does not make sense.
Doctor said that it might be due to the inflammation from having all these shots.

Please advise.. I plan to take another cycle of verapamil but if it cannot be injected properly there is no point.
Yes, I know, that´s why I´m interested in actual results.  :D

Did you se any results in curve?
Each man responds differently to traction and their own degree of deformity. It also depends on the amount of time you wear it each day after day. I started wearing the PMP between 6 to 8 hours every day and if I can remember I saw some results within 3 months in my length. Time and dedication.....This is a marathon and not a sprint.
With PNP, how long does it take to se results?
Reports says pretty good results three months...
Quote from: JoggerT on February 09, 2025, 03:13:33 PMIt's early days for me so I can't really give an answer regarding results. But I've used the PMP long enough to know that the PMP is a useable device. It's just a bit complicated to use at first. But after a month or so I got the hang of how to use it. I don't have much problem with slippage now, although I rarely go to 600g. I usually aim for about 500g. If I want to move about I use the belt system. But it's difficult to assess the tension with the belt system. I suspect I'm somewhat below 500g when using the belt. Good luck with your use of the PMP. I hope it works for you.

Okej, thanks for answer. But, one month in, don´t you se any result at all?
Xiaflex Injections / Re: Anyone see Trost and have ...
Last post by CurvesRforHighways - February 09, 2025, 04:04:35 PM
I had one treatment from Dr. Trost in December 2023, starting with a 90 degree curve. That was after four cycles of Xiaflex over the previous couple of years. I did have some hinging after the Landon's treatment, which made having sex more concerning since I was afraid of fracture. Now, 15 months later, the hinging is much improved. However, after almost not being able to have intercourse before treatment, the resulting 30 degree curvature is certainly something I can live with.

The first couple of days after treatment was the most painful experience of my life. I've had injuries that were just as painful, but the pain always subsided after a few hours. I can say unequivocally however, that if I had to do it over again, I would, but would have some prescription pain meds to take for a few days afterwards.