Live Now in Penile Implant Surgery - Hawk's Implant Journal

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My Peyronies Disease seems to have been stable for some time, but a radical laparoscopic Prostatectomy and later salvage radiation have left me with severe Erectile Dysfunction.  Viagra no longer works. The VED has always worked fairly well.  In fact, I have delayed an implant because I have been concerned with the further loss of length and the glans not engorging as it does with the VED.  I have some confidence these will not be real issues with a top-notch high-volume surgeon, especially when compared to the spontaneity gained by an implant.  

I have a video consultation set up with Dr. Eid for next week.  I have a list of questions, and I am obviously going into this pretty well informed, so we will see where this goes.  I have a pretty full schedule for the next two months, so any surgery will likely be at least a couple of months away.

I will discuss model options, but I am of the impression that Dr. Eid often decides in surgery when he fits the patient with the optimal implant for his anatomy.  I like that he induces an erection with full-measurement before surgery to assure the result will not be less than the patient had going in.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Please let us know how is going with the consultation.
Wish you successful outcome :)

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I had my 30-minute video consultation with Dr. Eid. I found him to be informative, reassuring, and delightful.

I asked if I would lose any length with a Titan vs. an LGX. He was very forthcoming and told me that regardless of the model, he guaranteed me that my post-op size would equal my preop injection size. He also readily told me that I would appear smaller than the artificial engorgement I get from a VED under a heavy vacuum (mostly because of a tightly engorged glans with the VED.) He, of course, went on about his campaign against Rear Tip Extenders (RTE) put on the end of implants to backfill any leftover space since these do not inflate, and the junction can cause some wobble in the erect penis and cause it to point downward in a 4:00 or 5:00 o'clock position when standing.  He prefers to go up one length in the cylinder and cut some off of the rear.

He also told me I would get a life-size non-working model of the pump to take home to learn and practice with. Finally, I was surprised that he said he would send me home deflated to prevent the scar capsule that starts forming around the reservoir from restricting its size. He said I would start gently cycling in 3 days (OUCH!).

Due to the obligations I have, I think this will probably not happen until about July.

PS: It was also good to hear a doctor validate that bimix does, in fact, cause scarring of penile tissue.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk: it's not often that we see people in this forum going to implant route. Based on all I've read and seen online, you are choosing one of the best, if not the best out there for this.

Good luck with the next steps!  


Thanks, pfract!  All of a sudden, I can't do this fast enough.  I have researched this pretty thoroughly and continue to do so.  I quickly narrowed it down to Dr. Eid or Dr. Kramer.  Both are very high-volume doctors.   I will let Dr. Eid choose the implant as long as he discusses his choice with me. He also told me I could be awake during surgery which I really want to do.  Maybe I can talk him into an extra inch or two during surgery,  :)  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Dr. Eid mentioned he prefers an epidural or spinal to general anesthesia. If I understood his reasons, I believe this is partly because of how it causes the blood to pool in the penis area, which is an effect you do not get with general anesthesia.

When I asked if I could be awake during surgery, he said, "if you want to." I think I am looking forward to that opportunity. I have a friend who recently got a knee replacement while awake. The surgeon was a mutual friend of us both. He said he could feel his upper body shake during some hammering and smell bone during some sawing. They would not let him watch, but he carried on a conversation with all of the staff. There is no doubt that penile implant surgery would be far less dramatic than orthopedic surgery to replace a knee.  At least no saws and hammers, I hope :)  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Yesterday was my first in-person visit with Dr. Eid. Driving to his office from the Lincoln Tunnel was a nightmare that took far longer than I expected. Since there is parking right next door, I got to his office only 2 minutes late. My first impression was that the waiting room was small and very unimpressive. Everything from that point far exceeded my expectations. I called the day before to confirm I would actually see Dr. Eid and not just some PA or Tech. The office staff almost laughed and assured me that Dr. Eid ALWAYS sees his patients, and he never leaves them to anyone else. After the nurse took my BP, I went to Dr. Eid's office to get acquainted, ask questions, and look at the Coloplast and AMS working models. Next, I went to an exam room and disrobed from the waist down to wait for Dr. Eid. Soon Dr.Eid stepped in and said, "slip your pants on. I have a patient 4 weeks post-op that is happy to have you present". It was a bit strange having the gentleman I met in the waiting room laying there with an erection, but I was far too interested to be uncomfortable. Dr. Eid showed me the utterly non-existent scar on the scrotum. There was no trace of trauma on him anywhere that I could see. Dr. Eid left, and I talked with the patient for 10 minutes.

After I went back to my assigned exam room, the door opened again, and Dr. Eid says, "I have another patient that is a year post-op that had a robotic prostatectomy like you. I think you should meet him" (I had some reservations about reservoir placement in prostatectomy patients). Dr. Eid said, "just wrap your paper sheet around you and step across the hall." Patient #2 was a fit, 80-year-old guy that looked 15 years younger. He was being evaluated for bladder sphincter surgery. As Dr. Eid left us to talk, we found we shared a lot of history such as; prostatectomy, Peyronies, use of traction, VED pills, and injections. He was exuberant about his life since his implant, which he said he and his wife used 400 times the first year. I could not detect the reservoir placement, and he said it did not interfere with any type of exercise, including abdominal exercise. I asked how long it was before he could drive 5 minutes to buy a loaf of bread, and he said "3 days," and neither patient ever took their level two pain relief pills.

I went back to the exam room, and Dr. Eid came in, injected me himself, and did a Duplex Doppler Sonography. The 20 cc of Tri-mix more than did the job. He measured me erect and recorded that along with the recording of my stretched flaccid length. I asked a few more questions about sizing and rear-tip extenders. He said he does not like RTE's and that when he can, he sizes up and actually trims the rear of the fixed cylinder tips down. I left and drove through Manhattan with a raging erection that lasted almost to the point of concern.

What I learned: After 15 years as founder of this site and many years reading FT and blogs, I went pretty well informed. The concept of placing the reservoir differently in robotic prostatectomy patients was new, however. I also learned that Dr. Eid said I could use the flat washer-like rings that come with the Vacurect VED (I took one to show him) if I was concerned with glads erection. In addition to saying I could use the Vacurect and rings, he said some men use muse but thought I would be happy without either. I learned that Dr. Eid seems far more interested in visiting with and serving his patients than he is with hurrying a maximum number of patients through his practice. IT WAS A GREAT VISIT! THANKS TO DR. EID AND TWO PATIENTS THAT WERE WILLING TO HELP A FELLOW BROTHER.

PS: Both patients had Titan implants and resolved any concerns I had about the deflated state. Dr. Eid said more often than not, he uses the Titan on my size penis. (Slightly over 6 inches - slightly over 7" if I risk pulling it off and impaling my pubic bone with a ruler.)
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk it sounds like you had a great experience.  Now maybe I am wishing that I looked around at other Doctors but I chose the best I could find within a couple hundred miles. I hope everything works out as you desire.


Thank you for the detailed appointment with Dr. Eid
Wish you an excellent outcome :)
Please update us when you will make the implant

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


 Hawk: this was an amazing read. Thank you for sharing it with us. It also means a lot to me, because I want to go there this winter. Please keep us posted!


You know I am praying and hoping for the best possible outcome for you.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Quote from: LWillisjr on July 24, 2018, 06:41:08 PM
You know I am praying and hoping for the best possible outcome for you.
Thanks brother.  I can use all of that I can get.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I had my second appointment with Dr. Eid yesterday. I love that guy. He did a cystoscopy to make sure I had no strictures. I, of course, had to get the reassurance of size outcome and try to get a commitment to squeeze out another 1/4 inch or so.  Sylvia, his nurse, already tried to assure me I was fine size-wise and asked if I wanted to kill someone with it.  :) Then Dr. Eid said, "I have in your notes that you are interested in reducing the length a little, is that correct." I said, "sure, Dr. Eid, I am the one guy on the entire earth that wishes he had a smaller penis." The humor relaxed me some and was followed by a serious discussion. Dr. Eid said he really gets many calls from men that say they went home and measured and got more than he did in the office. He pulls their chart and says, " I measured 6 inches. What do you get at home?" He said it is not uncommon to hear them say, I got 6 1/8 inches".  :) My response was, "hey, an 8th of an inch is an 8th of an inch. He told me that he is pretty sure I will take a 22cm Coloplast because, with AMS, he would have to go 18 cm and stack rear-tip extenders (RTE's).  It always makes sense to minimize RTE's because 1) they do not inflate and deflate 2) they push the tubing connection further forward, making it more difficult to conceal. He did say I might need 2 different size cylinders because of a slight curve, but he cannot be sure until surgery.

After the exam, I told Sylvia that I remembered a couple more questions, and she said, "no problem, I will get Dr. eid to come back as soon as he is finished with his other exam. Dr. Eid came back and seemed very glad to spend more time answering questions. I asked, what if I have questions a year from now about prolonged pumping or partially pumping it up or such. Dr. Eid said, " you have my cell phone number. I have men contact me 4 years after an implant to ask questions. Just text or call.

I have always said if I want love or understanding, I will call a friend or a priest. When it comes to doctors, I far prefer competence to bedside manner. Dr. Eid, however, delivers both. In just two meetings, I feel he is a friend that is interested in my welfare.

As a footnote, Dr. Eid said prolonged inflation and partial inflation are not good ideas because it can thin the tunica (I assume much like a malleable implant can migrate).
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


As I type this, I am undergoing surgery for a 3 piece Titan penile implant by Dr. Eid, a world-class surgeon in this specialty.  

Many gasped when I posted about my intention to be awake and alert during this surgery.  Why did I do it?  I did it for a few reasons. First, I wanted to be part of the process that intimately affects me and have the rare opportunity to observe and interact with a true master applying his skills.  Next, I wanted to reassure those that need and long for this surgery not to make it worse in their mind than it is, especially when you are in the hands of a truly great surgeon and a dedicated team. Finally, I gain the benefits of no side effects from general anesthesia, including activating my sleep apnea.  Stay tuned for any updates from the OR.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


my implant procedure is complete and i am the proud owner of a 22cm Coloplast Titan bionic  penis.  they are rolling me to recovery.  the actual procedure was fun.  i love Dr. Eid, the kind of guy i could just enjoy spending the day hanging out with.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Congratulation, Hawk! Thank you really much for sharing your story!
I would like to ask you: how long was your penis in full erection before the prothesis? And how much long will it be, according to Dr. Eid, after the prothesis?

I did not consider a penile implant yet - i'm too young, 24 years old - but in the future, if i will not solve my problems, i'll probably consider it. My problem is that i'm a "grower" and not a "shower". So, in full stretch, my penis sometimes is only 12-13 cm, while in full natural erection it is 17 cm, sometimes even 17.5 cm. (sorry i don't know the conversion in inches!).

My biggest fear about implants is that i would have a 12 cm long penis only and, if i'm unlucky, a scarring post-op may reduce even more my lenght, ending with a micro penis and more sad than before.

P.S.= What about girth? :)

Thank you really much!
26 yo from Italy.
Peyronie's since abt 2014
Abt 20-25° bend, w/ a moderate twist to the left
ED for 4 years and getting worse
From pornstar-like to moderately depressed - still fighting for a solution.


hey Hawk!! Good luck with the recovery and please, keep us informed on it.  


Keep us posted Hawk, those of us awaiting implant surgery need all the data we can consume!!!
UK-based, mid-fifties, 'complex' peyronie's with ED, awaiting graft + implant surgery on NHS


All the best for the recovery and best wishes for a good outcome. You deserve it.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


The implant will turn you into a shower rather than grower meaning both flaccid and erect you will be closer to 17 cm-not 12.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Quote from: Tsanchez12369 on August 08, 2018, 10:56:11 PM
The implant will turn you into a shower rather than grower meaning both flaccid and erect you will be closer to 17 cm-not 12.
To be fair, most surgeons measure the penis by stretching it in flaccidity (and from what I have been told they do not stretch very much or very hard) and that is the measure that can guarantee you after an implant.

So if his flaccid stretch is 12 or 13, the result is more likely to be that.
But, probably to that you can add what your glans grow when swollen


This thread will have some posts copied and pasted as I get around to making my formal Implant Journey Log.

Day 3 Friday - This is a landmark day after lying flat in bed ( no pillow) for surgery day plus two more, no shave, no bath, etc. I woke up at 4:00 AM well rested with lots to do. No bowel movement since surgery despite stool softeners and Milk of Magnesia, so this morning, I have to (1). Take a fleet enema (yippie). (2). I have to remove the catheter, (3). unwrap my new present, (4). Take my first hot bath.

!. Needs no details
2. uneventful except the catheter was a little bloody
3. I was shocked to unwrap a fully erect penis standing at 2:30 o'clock. This was not a chub, but something any 18 yr old would have been happy with as far as firmness. The size did look disappointingly smaller.

I was confused since I know Dr. Eid sends patients home deflated and eloquently argues why it is essential to do so. A call to Dr. Eid (this man is sooooo accessible to his patients) explained that I was NOT inflated. Rather than there being any fluid in the cylinders, my "erection" resulted from fluid, blood, and blood clots around the cylinders filling the cavernosa.

4. As I felt around my scrotum in the hot bath, I could not find the pump. Weird, did he forget it ??? Then I realize I am feeling my left testicle and the pump. It is my right testicle that I can't find. I even felt to see if it ascended into my body to hide from the pump. Finally, I located it to the left of the pump and lower in the scrotum, so it is; Left nut, right nut, then higher up and to the right the pump. I did not try to cycle this first bath but just got good and clean and loosened up to identify pump parts. I will remember to have my model pump next to me during my noon bath.

4A. I think I have this pump figured out. The ball is on top, and the release valve below. For some reason, I was expecting it to be reversed. I pushed the release valve hard, then harder, then even harder. I got no trace of feedback, so I was afraid to pump the unit until I was more certain I could deflate.

4B. Third bath. Dr. Eid assured me I should not expect feedback from the Titan OTR. I pumped 4 cautious full pumps. Now I see why men talk about this thing being hard as a marble. I pressed the OTR and squeezed it down. The pumping and the release both made the lining of my scrotum burn, but nothing unbearable.

Now that I am confident I can deflate, I will pump up more tomorrow on day 4.
PS: Dr. Eid told me to go to 600 mg of Ibuprofen 3 times a day since the pain meds were so constipating.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hey Hawk! Currently following your diary here and on FT, although anonymous there, since I was banned months ago. Keep me posted. Thanks for that information on the infection information!  


Day 4 Mon
I failed to post that I had a grandson drive me to SAMs Club yesterday, where I rode an electric cart while he loaded and unloaded it. It did not seem bad, but I think that, plus my first attempt to cycle, contributed to the fact I am more swollen today. It actually looks like there is fluid between the skin and shaft. Dr. Eid told me just to soak and skip cycling for the weekend. I am on Tylenol and Ibuprofen. I feel pretty uncomfortable.

Day 5 Sun.
Swelling clearly down. My penis shaft has just a little give in it now and will bend mid-shaft upward but not down. Still pointing at about 3:30 - On my 3rd soak at night, I gave a dozen pumps since all went well.

Day 6 Mon
Swelling still down today to day-5 level. Dr. Eid said to proceed with cycling but not necessary with every soak. He told me not to be concerned about swelling making me "erect." That it would resolve, on my last soak, I pumped 15 times by giving 2 or 3 pumps and waiting a few minutes. It seemed to be max pumps unless I was just cautious of squeezing my scrotum harder. No penis pain, but my scrotum is very sensitive while pumping. I think I might have maxed out in 15 pumps because of the swelling and fluid in the cavernosa around the outside of the cylinders. - Scrotum was burning when I got out of the bath. I took a Percocet 5/325 at 10:30 and went to bed. I woke up at 1:30 and felt like my package was ON FIRE. Took another Percocet. Was the worst pain since day two.

Day 7 Tues.
I am sore this morning and just soaked, which helped a lot, but I think it would be crazy to pump in this condition.

PS: After this post, I discovered on day 9 that I had not been totally deflating
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hoping for a great outcome/recovery, thank you for sharing the process with us.  


Day 8 Wed
I cycled once on my third soak last night after just soaking during my first two soaks. I pumped 10 times! Just enough to take all the folds out of the cylinders. I rested well, but when I woke up, I felt full and sore. As I got ready to get in the tub, my penis is at 2 o'clock. I felt the cylinders, and they were full of fluid. Somehow my Titan had to auto-inflate during the night because I am sure I deflated.

Day 9 Thurs
A day of wonderment. I finally actually deflated today after being convinced that I was deflated. Having never seen or handled a deflated Titan implant and being told I was deflated when I unbandaged on day 3, I thought I was deflating. It has been complicated by what seems to be widespread confusion over the use of the Titan Touch pump. In the past 6 days since cycling, I have depressed the deflate valve exactly like the Titan training film shows. I kept one hand on my penis, so I knew when I depressed the valve hard enough since it is a little challenging when your scrotum is still tender. As soon as I felt the pressure drop in my penis, I would release the valve and place both hands on my penis to squeeze out the fluid. It seemed I got some added deflation doing this, but in retrospect, I think that deflation stopped when I would turn loose of the deflation button.
Since I did partially deflate, I could feel a dog-ear-like fold in each cylinder. I thought that meant I was deflated, and the remaining fullness was swelling.

Today I held the deflate button while firmly squeezing my penis, and my penis collapsed flat. I could feel the cylinders crinkling and flopping around in my penis and a level of deflation I had not experienced. When I stood up, it was nice not to feel the weight of a mostly filled penis suspended in front of me. It was still almost at 3 o'clock but less full and less heavy.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Day 10 Fri
I feel bad because all I do is lay in bed all day and my day revolves around 3 forty minute hot baths that tend to drain me. Sitting is uncomfortable so I thought I would try walking. I walked around the block and felt I could have walked miles. Got back and took my grandson to a Dr. Appointment. This is the first I have driven a car and other than the sitting it did not bother me. Then I picked up a couple 6 lb dumb bells to do curls and presses. It seemed uselessly light but still felt better than laying around. My local urologist's nurse called today to set up an appointment to remove my sutures on Tuesday. They had been hesitant so it was nice to have that settled.

Day 11 Sat
Since walking went fine yesterday I increased to 4 blocks today and feel I could walk 5 miles. So it seems I am comfortable walking or in bed but not sitting. I am even more comfortable walking than standing. Since I am finally fully deflating it now takes at least 24 pumps to pump up which is a little challenging on my sensitive scrotum but all of this is progress so I feel am closing in on the positive side of getting this implant.

Day 12 Sunday
Now that I am finally totally deflating the extra pumps to inflate are taking a toll on my scrotum. I woke up last night at some point and had to take a Percocet for scrotum pain. First I have had to do that for about a week.

Drove about 20 miles today. I have a tendency to bear my weight by pushing on the floorboard with my quads and push my back into the back of the car seat rather than bearing the weight on my butt.

Day 13 Monday
I took a pain pill and pumped up in the tub on Sun night. I am only cycling once a day since I think that will do the job for now and my scrotum can't take more.

I slept well and did not have any pain through the night

Tonight I pumped up with no pain meds of any kind. Have not even had a Tylenol in over 24 hours. Tomorrow I get the sutures removed. On step closer to normal.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Day 14 Tuesday

I just had a beautiful nurse remove my 3 sutures. She commented on my "semi-erect state. I feel better every day but sitting, cycling the implant, and some other activities, like bending to pick something off the floor, are still rather uncomfortable, although doable.  I am most comfortable walking.

I am dying to start some light exercise. My mind is also drifting in the direction of putting this to use, but that is at least a week away. I guess when you are annoyed by minor things like stubble growing back, it is a sign you are making progress.

When pumping up, my penis lays flat on my stomach if I am lying in the tub. This is much like my natural erection before the prostatectomy. When I stand, it is at 2 o'clock with very little give to bend it down. When I pump, the pumping process goes from hard, to harder, to very hard, but I am not sure I have hit the max. The pump ball seems to get incrementally harder, but I have not felt it become as rock-hard as a marble.

Since I am at such early stages, I have really not measured. For one thing, the stiff 2 o'clock angle makes it difficult. I am assuming as I heal, I will be able to push that down to more like 3 o'clock without pain. My girth measurement unchanged, with one notable difference. I had a scoop, dent, or partial hourglass deformity on the left underside of the base. That seems to be totally gone, as is the slight right curve.

The steri strips the nurse glued on when she removed the stitches fell off on my first soak. I wanted to make sure my incision was completely closed, so I had my wife look with a magnifying glass. She could not find the incision. I looked and zoomed in with an iPad and could not find the incision either, even though I know exactly where it was. Incredible considering all the components I have installed.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Day 16 Thursday

Still cycling once a day. My discomfort of cycling is more about pumping than the discomfort of an inflated penis. So I pump once and stay inflated for 30 minutes. Dr. Eid said he is fine with that as opposed to inflating twice for 15 minutes. I will go twice a day but not right now. My big push now (no pun intended) is to gradually push this thing into a downward angle when deflated. I am at 3 o'clock deflated if standing naked and have been pointing it upward at an angle toward the crease of my leg when dressed. It is doable but not ideal, so this morning, I deflated some minimal fluid that had accumulated in the cylinders overnight and bent it down. It wanted to bend partway out the shaft, so I just placed a finger at the base and made the new, stiff Titan cylinders bent there. I went to Walmart to get some baby socks since some mention the irritation to the glans when the penis is putting force outward in the leg of your pants. I, of course, had to pick through pink socks and ones with bells or that said "Strong Like Momy."  :) I settled for a pack of white Gerber socks guaranteed to stay up. Nice and snug 70% organic cotton with enough stretch to make them snug. As a side note, I wonder if since I am circumcised if the sock covering will generate any noticeably increased sensitivity in the glans.

The new position seemed to annoy my penis where it was bent near the base, so today had its expected discomforts, but I stood and took a leak in the toilet. It was not real natural since I did have to press down, but it worked, so I will call that a minor milestone.

I do seem to get some auto-refill going on. I could easily deflate a few times a day, although the amount of fluid is not enough to equal more than 3 or 4 pumps. I am not sure if there is a way to prevent this.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Day 17 Friday

On my last hot soak and inflation cycle last night, I was taken by the fact I had a rock hard penis without a slight visual hint of surgery.  The scar just cannot be found at this point. It looked youthful., round, rock hard and rearing up off of my stomach about 2".  My wife walked in and did a double-take and said, "that looks like you just turned the clock back 30 years.  She bent over and gave me a well-placed kiss.

I inflate for 30 minutes and can now comfortably pump about 15 pumps straight before taking a few minutes break and giving it another 15.  The last 5 min I try to force a few more pumps in.  Laying there looking at a clock is tough at this stage so I try to make it from one iPad song to another or disrupt the nerve transmission of pressure by dragging a washcloth lightly across my penis or trickling water on it.  it seems to interfere with the nerve transmission of discomfort so I can extend my time inflated.  Anything is better than just looking at a clock and enduring the pressure on a penis that is not healed at this point.  I would not call it pain but more discomfort.  I do have some practice bearing discomfort from all the time I spent strapped into high torq traction device.  Thank Heavens that is behind me.

I am getting some auto inflation but only what I would call 20% - 25% filling that makes it a little more difficult to point down past 4:00 o'clock without a little pressure on it.  Some say this is normal and as long as I can get to 5:00 o'clock when deflated I will be satisfied.  I did mow my very level front yard today with a self-propelled walk behind mower.  I will save the side yard and the backyard for the grandsons.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Day 18 Saturday

I ran a lot of errands today and was feeling it and anxious to get in a hot bath at about 7:30 PM which is early.  Today is the first day since implant I cycled twice.  Dr. Eid suggests 30 minutes a day in two 15 minute sessions.  I have done one 30 minute session since the pumping caused discomfort in the scrotum that was worse than the discomfort of maintaining a maximum erection.  Today I started the day with a 15-minute inflation and ended with a 30-minute inflation.

After my morning session, I thought I would wrap a piece of stick-to-itself elastic bandage snugly around my deflated penis to keep all fluid in the reservoir and prevent any minor auto-fill.  I wore it for about 90 minutes.  I have no idea if there is a connection but after I deflated last night I stayed totally deflated all night long for the first time.

Friday night I was aware a few times that I just felt better if I flexed my body or tightened my groin muscles or moved around during the night.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Nice to read you are getting better in a daily basis! Keep it up Hawk. 😀 soon.... Peyronies will be a thing of the Past for you!  


Day 19 Sunday

I had less discomfort today than any day.  I sat (which is the toughest activity) in both hard and soft chairs for hours today.  I wore an athletic supporter over my underwear most of the day since I was out in public a lot and wearing a suit most of the day.  By evening I felt like I wanted to strip and get in the tub, so I did.  I still get periods of time when my scrotum burns where the pump is.  It feels almost like I dabbed some alcohol on the skin. My penis is now at an awkward stage where unrestrained. It is at about 4 o'clock deflated.  It does not ride well either up or down, but it is heading in the right direction.  It used to be at 3:00 o'clock deflated.

I am 2 days from Dr. Eid's minimum clearance for sexual activity.  The nurse said, "Don't do it if you are still experiencing pain.  You won't enjoy it".  :) :) :)  I said, "truly spoken like someone that never had a penis" :)  In reality, if I go for day 21, I am sure it will be kind of a very careful exploratory encounter, but you have to start somewhere.

Peyronies - All signs of Peyronies Disease are gone except the length loss from Peyronies Disease and Prostatectomy.  I had multiple changing curves from plaque.  First a downward, then a left, then a straight, then a slight right curve and a large dent the size of a teaspoon on the underside of the base.  For those new to Peyronies Disease, let me be clear.  When It went straight, it was not a sign of things getting better but simply more plaque on the right to counteract the leftward curve.  Each of these changes caused some size loss.  I am now straight with no dents.

Size - I have deliberately avoided this topic because I think it is almost useless to evaluate size at this point.  For one thing, it is difficult even to measure because it is painful to bone-press a ruler at this stage.  Next, the upward angle of a well-installed implant makes it difficult to measure at that angle, and it is painful to push it down to 3 o'clock when inflated.  That will change as it heals. Finally, I think I will have some gains from where I am now as things settle down.  I took VERY objective measurements for years and particularly right before surgery, so in time I will know exactly how my size compares to presurgery.  For now, all I know is that my girth is about 1/8th of an inch larger at a full, rockhard pump.  I also sense I have been well-sized, and my ultimate outcome will be restricted by my potential to regain size, not by the implant.  There are still some slight folds in the cylinders at 20 pumps, which is easily erect enough for reliable intercourse.  I can pump up to 35 times, but it is painful, and I would think a woman would think I was using a nightstick instead of a penis.  If I were to guess, I would say I am a half-inch shorter than  I was presurgery with a VED ring and my glans totally engorged.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


As I said, at this point, anything resembling accurate measurements will have to wait.

I can tell I will have at least what Dr. Eid promised, however, because he promised at least 6 1/4", and I am at 6" deflated.  So he delivered on his promise.  I have this obsession to break 6.5" because why?????  Probably because I am fighting every mm of loss after being over 8" at my prime.  I am beginning to see this rockhard, straight, full, healthy-looking penis, in a way that size is beginning to seem like a stupid obsession.  I clearly care less now than I did before surgery, and I have not even test-driven it yet.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Day 21 Tuesday - IT WORKS

Three weeks to the hour from arriving home and three weeks and 6 hours after surgery, I resumed sexual activity.  I tend to be a somewhat private person unless I think openness can help someone else.  This is such a situation.

My wife was not feeling great today, and I was a mix of apprehension due to ongoing discomfort and anxious to see how this will work.  I felt like someone just gave me a new Ferrari with a matching helmet and racing suit in the parking lot at the raceway, and they tell me to take it for a test drive.  I drive a hundred yards across the parking lot at 15 miles per hour and jump out with my heart racing and a big grin on my face.  That is what I was expecting from this test drive.

I told my awesome wife this was an experiment, and I very possibly might not be able to have a climax, and we have to be careful.  She was clear and communicated that she was ready but not likely in the mood to be able to climax anyway.  She was not into a couple of minutes of foreplay, and I was not up for 15 or 20 minutes of foreplay because I was not sure if my inflated penis might not get uncomfortable by then.  We got right to business which was a little strange, but it only took only seconds to realize everything felt great. After several minutes I wanted to try another position that was less than real easy with a VED ring due to venous leakage.  All was great.  Then I switched to a side position I know she likes, but that has not worked in a decade due to too much pressure causing leakage past the VED ring.  It worked great except for a little pain when she suddenly repositioned slightly for a more precise angle.  It was clear we were both into this test drive.  Ultimately we ended up back in the missionary position.  She climaxed, followed by me.  

I told her I hate to be one of those guys that cum and go, but I was heading to the bathtub.  I could tell my contracted scrotum was making deflation a new challenge, and I just wanted to hit the hot water to assess how I was doing.  A short soak, deflation, and I was basically no worse for the drive.  Psychologically I am stoked because I know at a few times a week, every time will be better and less restrictive than the last.  It was as good as before my Prostate surgery 15 years ago, other than some moments of discomfort. I had total confidence that I would not have to repump up with the VED or pick and choose positions or satisfy her with foreplay then finish.

I will be sending the good Dr. Eid a sincere Thank You note. ;)
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


52, 8 years, Married, 30 degree curve, Verapamil/traction/Xiaflex


I can't wait to hear more about this Hawk! Extremely useful information, and makes me gain a new appreciation for surgeons.


I am really happy things are going so well for you Hawk.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Man.... Is this a positive outcome! Congrats Hawk! Keep us updated on your journal. And by the way.
no pics? 😎


Day 22 Wednesday

Today I am just basking in the afterglow of yesterday.  I am no worse off for the test drive.  I can now pump the entire way up without a break.  By "entire way," I mean to a granite-hard stretching erection that is beyond what you would likely ever use for intercourse (35 pumps).  Keep in mind most of these are not full, wall-to-wall pumps.  The number of pumps may vary if my penis still stretches some either length or girth.  The firmness of the pump ball is astounding when you first feel it.  It takes strength to squeeze it before it gets broken in.  That, combined with soreness, in the beginning, means you are seldom totally collapsing the pump ball with each pump.  I can stand about 20 minutes at rockhard inflation.  The last 5 minutes are trying to distract myself from the discomfort.  By the last minute, I watch the clock second hand, ready to hit the deflate button.  The hope is that I will get some more size from this, and at the very least, it will prevent scaring to form around the newly placed deflated cylinders and reducing size.

I can now distribute my weight on a chair, so there is only minor discomfort.  My penis is still a hassle deciding whether to put it up or down since it would prefer I walk around nude with it pointing to 4 o'clock when deflated.  This is characteristic of the Titan cylinders until they soften up at a few months.  Again this is all doable. It just is not natural and takes thought.  No matter where you put it (down your leg or pointed up), there is the sense you are partially erect, so sitting or bending over to pick something up bends your penis in an uncomfortable way.  When a new Titan is totally deflated, the cylinders are like crumpled straws that have some pointed corners on them (dog ears) that are uncomfortable on your healing penis.  That also generally improves greatly in the weeks ahead.  The AMS LGX 700 has fewer of those issues since the cylinders contract and expand lengthwise (up to 20%) and give a more comfortable smaller deflated state.

I now have periods when I don't feel like I had surgery, such as lying in bed or a bathtub, or even on rare occasions when standing or walking.  Then there are those times when you carry groceries in and accidentally swing a sack of groceries into your penis or scrotum, and you immediately know you have a ways to go before you are fully healed.

I intend to start back at some exercise tomorrow.  I will start with some moderate Bowflex stuff and some pullups and see how it goes.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Day 23 Thursday

I resumed some "moderate exercise today.  Dr. Eid told me that I could resume exercise at 6 weeks, but when I pressed him, I said, "some exercises are not lifting, such as pull-ups, etc.." he said moderate exercise at 3 weeks.  So, I cut my weights in about half, reduced them from 3 sets to 2 sets, and increased the reps by a few.  I also cut my pull-ups to 10 on the first set.  I also eliminated some exercises to reduce the number.  All and all, it felt good to do something rather than atrophy.  I felt no strain but only did the upper body.

I drove to an appointment 1 hour in each direction with no issues other than unleashing my penis and did so but threw a shirt over my lap while driving. I always try to remember to put it away before I jump out of the car :)

I pumped up the second time for 30 minutes at about 9 PM.  I pumped so tight that it was one of those where I was literally counting off the seconds for the last two minutes until I could hit the deflate button. As I deflated, I soaked a little more to give my penis and scrotum a little relaxation.  I dried off and came to the PC, and my wife asks if I am on the forum.  I said yes.  Her response was, "you can't get lucky on the forum."  I have to admit that it took about 1 1/2 seconds even to figure out what that meant.  I have to admit that I was pretty nervous about pumping up again after my aggressive session minutes earlier in the tub, BUT I have never been one to turn down sex.  I did not tell my wife I thought we would give it a 2-day break.  I did ask if she honestly wanted to or if she was being nice and giving me a pity "F."  When I saw she was interested, I did what any good husband would do.  I pumped up.  She was interested in feeling it as it expanded and said it felt like I was getting a natural erection.

Sex was a little less uncertain and fewer moments of discomfort than on Wednesday's test drive.  Since this was not the experimental test drive, it started much more naturally and romantically with foreplay.  Afterward, I was able to deflate without being in the tub, but I did put a warm rag on my scrotum to relax it a bit.  I have to admit that I felt discomfort during the night and got in a hot bath the instant I got up first thing this morning without pumping up.  I also told my wife exactly how my routine goes and that until I heal, she should let me know she is interested before I cycle to the limit of my tolerance in the evening ;)

This thing is awesome, and I cannot wait until I no longer need to be careful!
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Misunderstandings abound.  Bad science and poor logic are everywhere.  It is difficult to find people to step up and moderate a forum much less demand they be expert in their opinions.  People constantly PM me for private advice as though they consider me an expert because I founded this forum.  I never give private advice because I am just another patient that has made many mistakes, including putting off an implant and going down a 15-year road of Peyronies Disease and Erectile Dysfunction as a result of my mistakes.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Thanks, James! It is great to have this decision and the surgery behind me and be on the road to recovery.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Day 25 Saturday

Every day is a slight improvement.  it is noticed mostly in a lack of pain in the scrotum when pumping up the device and greatly reduced discomfort in the penis when remaining inflated to the maximum for 30 + minutes.

I am now starting to pump up in the morning before my shower.  I shave, brush my teeth, then get in the shower and no longer take a morning soak.  I can deflate standing up and I feel like the entire soaking thing will be winding down within a week.  I am still not sure I can deflate when my scrotum is tight.  That was an advantage of the warm water.  Maybe it is just a matter of digging around more to find the pump valve.

While generally comfortable, I still have random stabbing pains like a pin sticking in me for a few seconds.  If I wear street clothes for many hours I still love to get them off and just free my penis for a couple hours.  Positioning my penis is still an effort although I notice the inflated penis angle dropping to about 2:00 O'clock and my deflated angle also dropping a corresponding amount.  It gives me the option to go up or down in my clothing but neither is real comfortable for hours.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Not only in recovery but peyronies free after so many years! And it also puts you in an amazing position to inform others, if they choose to have an implant to cure their peyronies and ed.



Day 27 Sunday

I am not sure if I pumped up slightly more or what, but for some reason, the evening session in the tub was intense during the end of the 30 minutes.  More discomfort than the last couple of days.

I finally have measurements for all those that obsess over such things as I always have.

My pre prostatectomy/pre-Peyronies Disease length was 8 1/8" 8 1/4" (15 years ago)
My pre-implant length the instant it came out of the VED was 6 1/2" BPEL (6" was the usable length from the VED Washer-like ring)
My Pre-implant measurement and promise from Dr. Eid was 6 1/4, maybe a little more.
My measurement at week 4 post-surgery is 6 1/4" maybe 6 3/8" (EXACTLY what Dr. Eid promised me)
          This measurement is without any arousal or engorgement in the glans like I had from the VED, and I am not prepared to use the VED at this point.

My girth pre-op the instant it came out of the VED was 5 1/8"
My girth at week 4 Post-op is 5 1/4" (a slight gain)

Considering that my VED size would slowly diminish after withdrawing from the VED, I have more usable length now than before surgery.  I have slightly more usable girth, and I have a MUCH more firm serviceable erection that can perform in any position indefinitely (as long as my body can hold out)  :)
If I use the VED to engorge the glans or other methods such as Erectile Dysfunction drugs (not likely), I think I would gain at least another 1/4"
I also think there is some chance my length or girth will increase in the next 3 months.  I am not really hopeful of this because of my well-established plaque and the fact that I could get no more, even with multiple stretching routines with heavy tension.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks for sharing your journey with us, fantastic news for you and It makes it easier for me going into the implant process in two weeks.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Day 28 Monday

For some reason, today was just an uncomfortable day in my clothing.  I wished I could be in a nudist camp :)

Day 29 Tuesday,

Mowed the front and backyard with a walk-behind mower.  Without a doubt, today was the most comfortable day since surgery.  I am getting more confident at pumping up and deflating outside of a shower or tub.  They were so helpful initially, both at soothing discomfort and relaxing the scrotum, and probably even warming the cylinders up.  I still get discomfort maintaining maximum inflation for 30 minutes.  I assume that means it is doing something like stretching the tissue.  Dr. Eid's office assures me I cannot pump hard enough to damage the implant or my penis.  Now that I hit 4 weeks, my understanding is that Dr. Eid is content if I only inflate once a week, whether for sex or to just cycle the implant.  The drawback in daily pumping (other than time) is that, like any man-made device, an implant only has so many pumps in it before something fails.  Since the pump is the most likely thing to fail, I might cut back to inflating once a day and hold for at least 30 minutes.  This gives me maximum time inflated and cuts my pumping in half.

To those that wonder why not inflate only for sex, my answer is: 1) To soften up the cylinders some so I can more quickly get to a more flaccid-like state when deflated.  2) at this early stage, I still hope for some expansion in length or girth.  I acknowledge that the likelihood is not great since I suspect my tunica is stretched to the max with years (off and on) of high tension traction and VED use and years of Peyronies Disease.  I think I will set a period of about 6 more weeks.  If I see no gains in that period, I will likely reduce inflation to sex (hopefully a few times a week.)  If I see any gains, I will continue for another 6 weeks.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums