Live Now in Penile Implant Surgery - Hawk's Implant Journal

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Hawk - I will start a new thread with that post. It is a lot to take in, I know.

Still interested in your take on my one question though. Given the facts of my case (where the surgical procedure would be both excision/grafting and also implant), do you think Dr. Eid would be equally capable for that procedure? Or do you regard him as better for the implant procedure only?
Single and 58 yrs. old - first peyronies symptoms Fall 2015
Had grafting surgery by Franklin Kuehhas in June 2016 - complete failure
Borderline ED possible but not taking drugs, shots or using VED
Now evaluating options for next step


I just want to alert those that find value in this topic, that I just posted an implant journal by a gentleman named Merrix.  Because of its vastness, it is posted as a PDF attachment.  It is a comprehensive 80,000-word, 2-year journal on his research and journey with an implant.  It is brutally honest, comprehensive, and makes every other journal on the internet pale in comparison.  I am more than thankful to Merrix for his contribution to men everywhere suffering from ED with or without Peyronies Disease.  I also want to thank Pfract for alerting me to Merrix and this great journal.  I still refer to it often.

The Definitive Journal on Penile Implant Surgery - by Merrix - Peyronies Society Forums
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


im also interested in how much a visit would cost with doppler injection and taking measuress


Thank you for the  shout out Hawk. I appreciate things like this a lot, and i am so glad it is helping you so much, because right now it is the time where you need it the most. I've been following his posts since he did the sclerotherapy in 2014, which did not worked out and then proceeded to do the implant. Brought tears to my eyes many times reading it. It was a breath of fresh air, to see such an approach in a place like FT, from somebody not much older than me, also active at the gym.

As for your diary, i also enjoy following. It would be nice to read updates from time to time, even if monthly.

Reading through this alibaba post, it is one of my biggest concerns... the longevity of the implant. I wonder how many revisions i will need, and if the infection rate increases with each revision... or if it stays the same, and the outcome is more dependant on the doctor itself?


Day 41 Monday 9/17/2018
Sex, the entire point of the implant, continues to get better.  By better, I mean:

it is easier to pump up.  It is a one-handed operation with no pain and only slight discomfort as the skin is pressed between the bulb and the thumb.  I cradle the bulb by cupping my 3 fingers and letting the bulb rest in those cupped fingers while I press with my thumb. This prevents the bulb from slipping out of my grip under the significant pressure it takes to pump.  If that happens it can slip out with a lot of force and speed and hit a testicle which is not devastating but also not pleasant.

The last time my guess would be that we had intercourse for 20 minutes in 3 different positions and it was superb for both of us.  Again it was a totally spontaneous situation where my wife actually woke me up a 2 am just by snuggling in a way that set off enough signals that I woke up.  She was still asleep but after years of marriage, I knew what was coming.   I took15 seconds to partially pump up just to be ready because I was super deflated and did not want her grabbing my semi-flat penis with conspicuous folds in the new stiff cylinders.   If she had, it would have been no more than a blip but I could avoid that blip so I did.  I wanted to have some solid mas because I knew if she subconsciously put her hand on me in her sleep she would be awake within a minute.  I was right ;)          

While there was no pain or discomfort during sex, we are still reasonably careful.  For instance, I can go full force with straight intercourse but I would NEVER consider changing positions such as rolling onto our side or her on top while I was inserted.  That would be a killer at this point.  Although there was no pain during sex, I was slightly aware of some mild pain or burning in the glans a few moments during the night.  Today all is well.                                

My deflated angle is SLOWLY getting better.  It is at almost 5 o'clock but I still would not walk in a public shower at this stage,   It is very easy to accomidate in clothing during the day however (either up or down).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Day 42 Six Weeks 9/18/2918

I have hit the 6 weeks mark and feeling pretty satisfied with where I am.  I feel I am far enough along that I could live with the outcome even if I had no improvement, so slow, steady improvement is very acceptable from here on out.

I started a return to what is my full exercise routine today.  I only did one set of most things to see if I could do everything without strain or any discomfort.  The only area where I felt anything is when I did Bulgarian Split Squats with my right leg.  I felt some sensitivity in my left lower ab, where my reservoir is obviously located.  I did these split squats today with no weight instead of 45 lb dumbbells which I will work back up to slowly.  I did Seated dumbbell press, Bench Press, one arm cable, Pull-ups, seated row, face pulls, curls, Bulgarian Squats, and Lunges.  I have clearly lost even more strength these past 6 weeks than I expected.  Tomorrow I will see if it is feasible to do High-Intensity Training Intervals on my Schwinn Airdyne.  I am skeptical since it involves peddling and a bicycle seat, but we will see.

I seem to be developing a more natural hang.  It is almost good enough to walk in a locker room or public shower, but I am not quite there.  Where I used to be able to tolerate 100% full inflation for 30 minutes max, I can not take it for 45 - 60 minutes before I feel the discomfort and pressure encouraging me to deflate.  I also seem to notice that about 25 - 30 pumps are taking me fully inflated.  I think with the soreness and with the pump bulb softening up some, I am likely getting mine with each pump.

With full disclosure, the pump is the only part of this that is ANY issue at all.  The cylinders are great.  The reservoir is essentially undetectable. But the pump is right there and obviously an addition.  If there were a way to eliminate the pump, this would be the top item on every couple's Christmas list.  Having said that, it is not visible but is very noticeable if you feel your scrotum.  In reality, even though it is the weak link in the whole design, it is well worth it.  In fact, if the pump was twice this size and I had to have one testicle removed to accommodate it, I likely would.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Day 43 Wednesday 9/19/2018

Such a minor piece of progress but so nice to experience.  This morning I had to jump out of bed, slip on my pants and take the trash outside for garbage pickup.  It worked just like pre-implant days.  I pulled my pants on and my penis fell to the side and settled right into the left stride of my pants without me even touching it.  I zipped and bucked my pants and was on my way.  How cool is that to finally have a penis that performs on both ends of the spectrum just like a penis should.   :)

I am done wrestling it down or trying to figure out how to position it.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Someone asked me the question can a man have sex with soft glans?  Do the cylinders support the glans well and reach well into it? Or is it a problem if the glans doesn't swell to have sex?

Excellent question:
My Erectile Dysfunction had advanced to the point that a 100mg Viagra even with 3000 mg of arginine thrown in ahead of it, would not give me an erection. It would give me a chubby at the most. So, I had major concerns about getting an implant, not because I was afraid I could not penetrate but because I did not want to lose the engorged glans that I had from a VED, not to mention the length loss that would go with that. I talked to Dr. Eid about that before surgery. He told me that some men use MUSE gel or even a VED after surgery to fill the glans more. He said he guessed that I would be satisfied and do neither. At the time, I thought, " hmmm, he probably does not know my obsession with size after losing well over an inch in the past years." My loss was from prostate surgery, Peyronies Disease, and years of Erectile Dysfunction.

I am now 6 weeks post-surgery, and I have had sex 6 times in 3 weeks. That includes 5 different positions. I have not had one slight bit of problem with penetration and have not even thought about if that could be a problem. I have used some lubricant just because the first several times you are tender and don't need any extra friction.

I have noticed that subjectively at least, my glans seem more full all of the time as compared to how it was before the implant. This might be the one facet I did not spend enough time objectively measuring before surgery, but I think I do have glans measurements. I will check and get back on that point. I was afraid that it would be like my most flaccid glans sitting on top of a full erection. It is not like that at all. While it is not engorged tight and dimpled like it is still in a VED, it does not look unnatural. Two points worth mentioning. 1. I had a first-class high-volume specialist do my surgery. 2. Dr. Eid has said that pushing tips too far into the glans can actually force blood out.

At this point, I have failed to notice if my glans increase any when I am really aroused, such as actually having intercourse. I have just been way too distracted to care, but I should put it on my list of things to do. I have also noticed that I sometimes get low-level burning pain in my glans after having intercourse for a while. I read in Merrix's Journal that if he pumped to the max without arousal, he got some pain in his glans but not if he was aroused and his glans swelled from the blood. At this point, I am not sure if my discomfort is just a result of only being 6 weeks out of surgery or if it could be my glans not being engorged as much as it could be. I was actually going to discuss that with Dr. Eid or his office in the next day or two.

Here is the bottom line: I have no problem with intercourse in any position I have tried. I still obviously have some healing to do but compared to my last 10 years, if I never got any better than I am right now, I would NEVER go back. It is great! At weeks 3 - 5, LOVED the improvement in sex, but I felt like an old man (which I am :) ) I had to be cautious bending over to tie my shoe, sitting down, carrying a 40-bottle case of water in from the store, etc. I had not worked out for 6 weeks, to speak of on top of that, my deflated penis was a little annoying to manage. Now, I feel like I am back. While I have months before I am 100% healed, all those concerns are gone. My penis behaves as I want it to, both on and off duty. I am getting back into my workout routine and feel like a healthy man. - I hope that answers your question, and I will get back on any updates on this topic after I measure my glans, talk to Dr. Eid, and more closely observe my glans when aroused.  At this point, it looks like a normal erection, feels like a normal erection, the glans is not floppy in the least, but I can have some minor pain in the tip after a long period of intercourse. (over 20 minutes) (it has never been enough to make me stop however).
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Excellent to hear of your continued progress Hawk. Very encouraging.
Single and 58 yrs. old - first peyronies symptoms Fall 2015
Had grafting surgery by Franklin Kuehhas in June 2016 - complete failure
Borderline ED possible but not taking drugs, shots or using VED
Now evaluating options for next step


Hawk - I know you are still in the healing process, so this question may be premature. Here it is anyway. Do you have any sensation of "carrying around" something in your scrotum/penis? Do you feel any sense of a solid object being in that area?

Dr. Levine said it all feels very natural (after healing.) Wondering if that has been your experience thus far.
Single and 58 yrs. old - first peyronies symptoms Fall 2015
Had grafting surgery by Franklin Kuehhas in June 2016 - complete failure
Borderline ED possible but not taking drugs, shots or using VED
Now evaluating options for next step


I think it is a great question but it is a little premature for me to answer.  I can flop down wrong on the corner of a car seat etc and hit my scrotum and feel discomfort.  A whack on the penis or my small dog stepping on my penis kinda hurts.  I still get random little pains and burning sensations at times so I am very aware and still more protective of that area than men already are just by nature.

I am also reminded of my penis (or implant) just because it never shrivels up.  I never have less than a 5 7/8 " penis.  I often feel it against my leg and since that is new it draws my attention.  I consider that more of being aware of my penis than my implant, however.  There are times I am specifically aware of my implant.  That would be when urinating.  My deflated penis is bigger, stiffer, and I can feel the deflated tubes in it.  Just the act of shaking your dick after you pee is different because it is just not floppy enough to "shake" and more requires a milking action without a real "shake"

I know from other journals however much of what I just posted will improve.  The moderate increase in sensitivity to impact will be with me for several more months.  The cylinders will soften for months.  I am still at 5'Oclock  when totally deflated.  All that being said, I go for long periods and never think about it if I am busy such as a week ago on a gun firing range for 4 hours.  It never crossed my mind.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hello Hawk, thank you for updating us! I have some "embarassing" questions for you, so feel free to answer in PM if you don't want to make it public.

1. What about masturbation? Let's say that your wife leaves the country for 1 month because of her work and you want to masturbate when she's far from home. Is masturbation different from what it was before?

2. Let's talk about "less conventional practices", for example, anal sex. Does an implant make more difficult or impossible to make this kind of sex, or it is like it was pre-ED / pre-peyronie?

Sorry for the embarassing questions, but as you know, in a man's life, sex is really important and it is way more important to "feel free" to live sex as you want, so those are important questions to me.

Thank you!!
26 yo from Italy.
Peyronie's since abt 2014
Abt 20-25° bend, w/ a moderate twist to the left
ED for 4 years and getting worse
From pornstar-like to moderately depressed - still fighting for a solution.


I don't mind the question, but I may not be much help.   I am not big on masturbation.  My wife and I are both retired and always together.  I see no point in fantasizing about sex when I can actually have sex.  Obviously, we have foreplay, and I have been handled by my wife.  I guess in reality, in the first days before actually using it, I handled myself enough to know all the feeling was there, and it felt good and was going to be no problem.

I can only answer your anal sex question with logic.  There is NO reason that an implant would not work well for anal sex.  The main characteristic of an implant that differs most from a totally natural adult male penis is that it is harder and more rigid if you pump it to the maximum.  The main characteristic of anal sex is it requires a more firm, stable erection.  I could have never had anal sex with the VED.  I would have leaked blood with that kind of resistance or constriction.  There would be no reason my current implant erection could not stand up to anal sex.  The glans might still be a little sensitive to that much pressure/resistance until I heal more, but that is very temporary.

If you have a great surgeon, I cannot think of anything an implanted penis cannot do that a natural penis can do.  I can, however, think of several things a natural penis cannot do that an implanted penis can do.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Week 7 Post-op  9/25/18

Not much to report this week.  Any progress has been slow enough that nothing stands out.  Since I am at an acceptable level, I am content with slow progress.  As I said before, if this is all the better I ever get, I would still be happy with my decision.  However, in the spirit of full, balanced disclosure, I have a list of things I expect and hope will improve. I will list them.  This should not be perceived as a negative post, just a truthful assessment with a wishlist.

1. End of minor 1-second sticking or burning pains in my penis (mostly the glans) (Some minor skin sensitivity on the scrotum)
2  Decreasing the increased sensitivity to minor impact or trauma (both the penis and scrotum)
3. Similar to #3 - healing enough that we don't feel any need to be careful during sex.
4. Ability to stay FULLY pumped up for more than an hour without discomfort (no reason to need this since sex does not need or even benefit from being fully inflated
5. Restoration of full sensitivity to a small area on the underside of the base of my penis and continuing onto the scrotum (at the incision site)
6. Cylinders becoming more flexible, so that folded deflated cylinders feel less obvious, and I have a more natural 6 O'clock hang
7. Moving the pump slightly lower in the scrotum and maybe further back.
8. Having my Titan one-touch release (OTR) actually locking into deflating mode from one squeeze rather than having to be held during deflation.
9. Finding a solution to fully engorging my glans at least some of the time.

You will notice that the first 4 of these items all deal with further healing.  In fact, #5 actually falls under that same heading, so I expect these are a matter of time. Within the next several months, all of these will be incrementally resolved by degrees.  I also think # 6 will happen over the same period.  Number 7 & 8 are less likely to be perfectly resolved, but neither is a huge issue.  I am not sure if I could move my pump, I would not move it back.  It is just one of those things I wish I could rearrange to find what I like most as the "perfect" position.  On the topic of glans engorgement, my glans is not floppy in the least.  It looks full, and only if it were displayed side by side with MY VED engorged glans would look under engorged. It does not affect penetration or pleasure.  I just like the look of my glans about ready to pop.  I wonder if an engorged glans would reduce micro-trama to the glans from the tip of the implant, possibly pressing against the glans during intercourse.  Maybe this is part of what is causing #1, or maybe it is just a healing issue.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Week 8 Post-Op

I have had noticeable progress this week.  I will list the things that I numbered in my previous posted that I hoped would continue to improve.

1. I do not want to be premature but it seems all random penile pain has been gone for several days.  The same is true of the slight skin sensitivity on the scrotum
2. Decreasing sensitivity to impact -probably a little better.  I did smack myself in the penis rolling up an outdoor extension cord.  It was hung.  I jerked and the end came flying right at my penis.  It was a minor2 second pain.
3. Sex has improved noticeably as far as any discomfort or care needed.  I am not 100% but the last week has been a very noticeable improvement to the point it almost does not cross my mind during sex.
4. Have not monitored this as closely as I should have
5. Minor improvement.
6. Minor improvement
7. This one seems bizarre like a miracle. My pump seems lower and the right testicle that was hanging out in the center (with the pump on the right) has now reclaimed its rightful place.  My pump is in the center and lower with the bulb down and the deflation valve up and back at a 70-degree angle.  I have NO clue what brought this change but it is about perfect.
8. No change on this one.  I deflate fine as is but it just irks me that I can't seem to make the "one Touch" work.  What a misnomer for a feature name.
9. Another great experiment.  I used the Vacurect VED which has flat washers that must be used with the VED rather than bands that snap on the penis.  I just ordered a larger size washer/ring due to wanting the largest that would work and since I gained some size in girth since the implant, especially at the base of my penis.  I maximum inflated the implant and tried to pump up with the VED.  That did not work at all.  I got some discomfort but no blood flow in that I could tell.  I pressed the deflate button without squeezing my penis.  That lets off about 10 pumps but still leaves me with an entry level usable erection.  I then tried to use the VED again and it worked perfectly.  I totally engorged.  I then removed the VED leaving the clear washer/ring on.  Then I began to inflate my implant about 7 pumps.  I did not inflate to the maximum because it looked like my glans might explode or the veins in my shaft might be too stressed.  It looked very vascular and more engorged than I was prior to surgery even within seconds after coming out of the VED.  My engorgement did not leak down as it would pre-surgery and although I looked over-pumped, there was no pain or discomfort.

I was in a hurry and unprepared with a pen and paper but I quickly measured to compare to my objective presurgical home measurements using the same VED.
I measured and my length was only about 1/8" more than full inflation without a VED (6 5/8") but this is a good 1/4" longer than my Presurgery length immediately after removing the VED.

I measured my girth on the glans, right behind the glans, mid-shaft, and at the base. My shaft tapers from right behind the glans to the base with the base the largest. My glans, however, is as big as mid-shaft. Every one of these measurements were 1/4" to 1/2" larger diameter than they were pre-surgery straight out of the VED. I am sure I will experiment with this during sex. I do not think it will necessarily feel any better to either of us. but the visual is good, at least to me. The good part is it was clear this VED pump was not going to slowly lose volume like VED erection right before surgery. The other great thing is it did not restrict deflation at all. I hit the deflate button, my inflation immediately dropped by about 10 pumps and I slid the ring off with little difficulty.

I am all about precise objective measurements so I want to more precisely and document these measurements in the next day or two. I am going off of memory since I did not have a pen and paper this morning but I am sure these are accurate numbers.

The VED is not spontaneous as an implant alone but it is pretty quick and reliable so we will see how much we like the VED/Inflation version of the new implant.

One other thing that I have slightly experimented with on behalf of younger single guys.  I have tried inflating through my pants to see how awkward or doable it is.  I think it can NOT be done sitting down but it is not difficult at all to do standing.  I have tried it with medium weight Duluth Trading Firehose Flex work pants with no problem.  I have not tried it with jeans.  For what it is worth it is easy in pants to find a moment to sneak in a few pumps and have a fairly good partial erection in your pants.  in fact, one good enough for intercourse.  It is also not physically difficult at all to pump during intercourse.  Depending on how excited you are it could be a bit of a mental challenge.  It can be done discreetly as you reach down to guide it in or otherwise put your hand in that area.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk- As others have said... thank you for all your insight on your journey.  Hoping you may be able to help answer a question for me.  I currently have an approximate 30 degree bend upwards with significant plaque.  I have recently undergone stem cell treatment and am hoping for the best but if it is not successful I will consider an implant due to the curvature and lost length (approx 1 inch).  Do you know if an implant alone will take care of the significant plaque I have and thus straighten me out or will it require grafting as well.  I recognize that a final determination would have to made by a surgeon but am hoping you might have some insight.  Thanks in advance.
51 yrs old; diagnosed 3.5 yrs ago; 90 degree upward bend
But I had no ED
tried all pills, VED, traction, Xiaflex PRP, ESWT, H-100 & stem cells; IF diet. implant surgery with Dr. Eid 3/28/19
to correct deformity - 20 CM Titan 2cm RTE / 1 cm RTE


Curved, I suspect but do not know for sure that insurance and maybe even medical protocol would not approve an implant which is primarily a medical solution for Erectile Dysfunction in a patient that does not have Erectile Dysfunction.  There is no requirement that a patient has total Erectile Dysfunction, however.  Many men with partial Erectile Dysfunction have been approved for implants.  These are men who either intermittently have Erectile Dysfunction, get erections but cannot maintain them, or get partial erections not satisfactory for intercourse.  The patient is the primary person that confirms their own Erectile Dysfunction and whether or not other methods have worked sufficiently.  

I do think an implant alone would straighten your curve since I have personally spoken to a patient of Dr. Eid's that had a 45-degree curve and was totally straightened by an implant.  

I hope this answers your question.  If not, let me know and I will try to elaborate.

An update to this answer:  I have since found out that Dr. Eid has straightened 170 degree bends with an implant, incision, and modeling alone.  He has also used Titan implants to straighten deformities in men without Erectile Dysfunction.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thank you very much for the info.... very helpful! Much appreciated
51 yrs old; diagnosed 3.5 yrs ago; 90 degree upward bend
But I had no ED
tried all pills, VED, traction, Xiaflex PRP, ESWT, H-100 & stem cells; IF diet. implant surgery with Dr. Eid 3/28/19
to correct deformity - 20 CM Titan 2cm RTE / 1 cm RTE


Week 9   Post-op

While I am to the point that I don't think about my penis even most of the day anymore, there are still moments that I am overjoyed to be over post-surgical discomfort.  In honesty, I can still tell I have had surgery if I try but I have to experiment to find anything that causes any sort of sensation associated with surgery.  The one thing is if I do Bulgarian squats.  If I hold45lb dumbells I can feel a pull where my reservoir is when I squat on just the left leg.

I will update on my wish list of things that are not necessary but that I would still like to see improve.

1. Perfect - I can now say with certainty that all random penile pain is gone.  The same is true of the slight skin sensitivity on the scrotum

2. Continued decreasing sensitivity to impact - I don't think I can say my penis is no more sensitive to impact than before surgery but it is getting close.

3. Sex has improved noticeably as far as any discomfort or care needed. It is close enough to 100% that I don't even think about it.

4. I can now stay 100% rockhard inflated for over an hour with only slight discomfort.  This could be good and bad.  maybe it means there is no stretching / increase happening but I don't think so.  If that is true it is OK because I got a 1/4 " more than promised and as much as I had hoped for.

5. Very Minor improvement small numb area - this is not changing a lot.  Based on other surgeries I think it will take over a year to get the total feeling back in the underside of the base of the skin on my penis and scrotum close to the incision site.

6. Minor improvement on the cylinders becoming softer when deflated.  It is not an issue to me but it would be nice if it hung floppy straight down in the 6 O'clock position.  It is 5:15 -5:30 O'clock.

7. Perfect - Pump position is now perfect to me

8. One-touch pump deflation - No change on this one.  I deflate fine as is but it just irks me that I can't seem to make the "one Touch" work.  What a misnomer for a feature name.  I can now partially inflate my implant then use the VED and it works perfectly.  I totally engorge in the glans.  I then removed the VED leaving the clear washer/ring on.  Then I continue to inflate my implant about 10 pumps.  I look like my glans might explode.  The veins in my bulge  It looked very vascular and more engorged than I was prior to surgery even within seconds after coming out of the VED.  My engorgement does not leak down as it would pre-surgery and although I look over-pumped, there is no pain or discomfort.  I have not done this yet for sex because I am not sure of the benefit and just have not taken time with the new spontaneous sex thing happening.  I only do it to stretch when I cycle the implant each morning.

Being 9 weeks post-op is awesome because being 3 days post op is no fun  :)   Looking back, it is difficult to project the benefits that lay ahead when you are at 3 days.

Psychologically I think your response depends on your background.  If you had ED issues for most of your life you have to learn brand new behaviors of slowing down, experimenting, enjoying sex, giving pleasure.  According to Merrix's journal that improves quickly but can take years.  I was the other extreme.  I was more than flawless.  I was almost as good as having an implant for the majority of my life.  I never lost an erection even after orgasms or multiple orgasms if I remained inserted.  I could not even fathom ANYTHING could take that away.  My wife even said, "I don't care what happens to most men, I am sure you will be fine after prostate surgery".  We were fools.  The impact to me was horrific.  The only thing that saved me was the hope I would rapidly regain a functional penis as I healed.  While I never regained near what I hoped for I had enough progress that I never lost hope, at least not for a long time.  There were moments however when I literally silently sled tears in the dark during foreplay.  Times, when I felt like and in fact, did apologize to my wife after sex.  She would always say, "shut up, couldn't you tell how good it was to me"?  

So returning to beyond full functional is a short adjustment but I am not to the point, and I may never be to the point that I will ever take my penis for granted again.  We went out to eat the other night and I thought -hhhhmmm, all this food, I am not sure a Viagra is going to get absorbed if we decide to have sex.  Then in the same instant, it hit me that is no longer a concern to me.  It was a moment of contentment.  At another moment my characteristic male mind looked at the packed restaurant and thought, "I can screw any woman in here, in fact, every woman in here, at a moments notice."  It is the opposite of my low point right after surgery when I once looked around a huge room and thought, "Almost every man in here could screw my wife except me". I told my wife later about the thought in the restaurant and how I can sometimes pass a woman walking when I am in the car and the thought just hits me that "I could "DO" her".  It is an interesting thought for someone who is a totally faithful husband and has been for decades.  It still adds value to life however because it is like fidelity has little value if you can't really cheat.  It is like being restored adds value to fidelity and in some way, that adds value life even when you are not having sex.  If that makes any sense.  I would think it would be a difficult subject for a woman to grasp but my wife does seem to grasp it and appreciate it without being offended in the least.  I am a very fortunate man.

Later my friends
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hi hawkman what is the opinion of Dr Eid about Lgx and titan?
He listens to your preferences and lets you choose between one and the other?

Thank you
Please go to PROFILE then FORUM PROFILE to replace this text with your profile info such as age, date of onset, symptoms, treatments tried, etc


Sadguy, Dr. Eid implants many more Titans than he does AMS.  We may never know all the details of the exact reason why.  Does he believe it is a better implant?  Does he get a financial incentive from the company?  Does he operate on a high number of men with fibrosis?  

Dr. Eid does implant AMS LGX700 implants and has even done surgical events of some sort where AMS came in, and he scheduled his entire day to do nothing but AMS implants.

When asked, he will clearly list several advantages for the Titan.
1. Comes in 2 cm increments (18, 20, 22, 24, etc.) AMS comes in 4 cm increments. Thus, the Titan makes it easier to avoid RTE's
2. More rigid cylinders that rarely fail (other parts of the unit do, however) and are rigid enough to help straighten a significant curve or hourglass deformity OR give rigidity to a longer penis.
3.. Smaller pump
4. Girth is limited only by the limits of the tunica.  The LGX700 has a mesh barrier that limits its girth expansion
5. Softer distal tips that go into the glans
5. larger diameter fixed rear portion that goes into the crus (part of the penis in the body) that stabilizes the implant.

I think he would let a patient insist on either brand. I prefer to insist on a great outcome and let him choose the brand.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Week 10 Post-op

I can hardly believe I have almost reached the mythical, elusive, 3-month mark when Dr. Eid says many men aren't even aware they have an implant. I am almost there, especially with any negative issues.  I did go to Sam's club with my wife yesterday and as I was walking I could not help but feel my penis rubbing against my leg with every step.  I teased my wife that I was likely going to be getting in great shape because walking was going to be my new pass time.  Even when I was 8+" I never had that. I did find I can rearrange a little to stop that.  You can only take so much because it has you constantly aware and focused on your penis.

I had a little 1-day setback this week.  I pumped to total maximum for 1hour 20 minutes.  During about 20 minutes of that, I used the VED and ring.  I could feel afterward that I was sore.  Sore enough I was hoping for no sex for about the 4th or 5th time in 50 years of marriage. (in that regard I got lucky).  That night I roused a few times with some discomfort.  By the next day, all was well.  

I feel it has been so long since I have seen a flaccid penis that I am not sure I still have perspective,  I look in the mirror and think "If someone else saw this in a locker room would they think it was just a flaccid penis of a shower or does it look semi-aroused.  I might have to visit a local locker room just to get my perspective back.  When I got this I figured it would be the only one I would ever get due to my age and the fact that I am not likely to see 80 yrs old, maybe not even 73 or 74 in good health although I feel in perfect health now.  I did not like the prospect of a replacement.  If however this one failed tomorrow I would not hesitate to immediately do it all over.

I am pretty tired so I hope this post is readable.

Later my friends.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hey hawk. Awesome progress!! I was just surprised to see you stating you won't reach 80yo? Talk about wishful thinking!  


You mean wishful that I won't reach 80>  :)  I am just a realist.  If something else does not kill me first I expect to die of prostate cancer in the next 8 - 10 years (76-78).  Of course, it could be sooner.  Or, it could be from something else and be tomorrow, or by some stroke of good fortune I could beat the odds (miracles, new cures) but if you are taking odds, bet on 8 years.  Hopefully, I can get 8 years out of my implant.

On another note, it would really be a shame to drop from a heart attack tomorrow and end up burying a perfectly good implant.  :)
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


12 weeks Post-Op  Tuesday 10-30-2018

I am only a week from the magical 3-month mark when Dr. Eid says many men are not aware they have an implant.  Clearly, sex is only subtly different than before all my problems started.  That would, of course, be inflating and deflating.  There is no discomfort during sex.  I can potentially change from female-on-top to missionary position or a side position without ever withdrawing.  That is something I would have NEVER done at week five or six.   At a hard bone-pressed erect length straight out along the top, I am now just bumping 6 3/4", which is about 1/2" more than Doctor Eid promised me and well within what I was hoping for before I went into surgery.  I am still right at 1 1/2" lost to prostate surgery, Peyronies Disease, and erectile dysfunction.  I refer to that as the price of indecision and procrastinating my implant.  I doubt I will gain any more, but then I doubted I would hit this.  I did not look back, but I think I have gained at least 1/2" since about week 5.  Girth seems to be holding steady

I will update my wish list of things that are not necessary but that I would still like to see improve.

1. Perfect - I can now say with certainty that all random penile pain is gone.  The same is true of the slight skin sensitivity on the scrotum

2. Perfect - Sensitivity to impact is about as good as pre-surgery

3. Perfect - discomfort or care needed during sex is totally natural, like pre-implant

4. I can now stay 100% rockhard inflated for 90 minutes with only very slight discomfort.  

5. Very Minor continued improvement small numb area - this is not changing a lot.  Based on other surgeries, I think it will take over a year to get the total feeling back in the underside of the base of the skin on my penis and scrotum close to the incision site.

6. Minor improvement on the cylinders becoming softer when deflated.  It is not an issue to me, but it would be nice if it hung floppy straight down in the 6 O'clock position.  It is 5:15 -5:30 O'clock.

7. Perfect - The pump position is now perfect to me

8. No improvement - One-touch pump deflation - No change on this one.  I deflate fine as is, but it just irks me that I can't seem to make the "one Touch" work.  What a misnomer for a feature name.  I can now partially inflate my implant then use the VED, and it works perfectly.  I totally engorge in the glans.  I then removed the VED leaving the clear washer/ring on.  Then I continue to inflate my implant about 10 pumps.  I look like my glans might explode.  The veins in my pins bulge.  It looked very vascular and more engorged than I was before surgery, even within seconds after coming out of the VED.  My engorgement does not leak down as it would pre-surgery, and although I look over-pumped, there is no pain or discomfort.  I have not done this yet for sex because I am not sure of the benefit and just have not taken time with the new spontaneous sex thing happening.  I only do it to stretch when I cycle the implant each morning.

9- Reservoir awareness during a workout is Near Perfect.  (Definite improvement in the last 2 weeks.) - minor awareness of strain when doing Bulgarian split-squats.

I am beat, so this might be full of typos.  I will proofread it tomorrow.
Good Night.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hi Hawk, you say you have a 22 cm implant, that's about 9 inch, that's a big one!!!!!!!!!!
71 UK, ED from 2011, unable to get full erection, Peyronies Disease from  2015 acute bend to left, VED & hand traction + 20mg of Tadalafil twice a week, or when i'm feeling lucky, forum member November 2017. Fav Film&Song, TheGoodTheBadThe Ugly. A Day in the Life


Monty, approximately 1/3 of the implant is internal, extending into the crus (the perineum area)
Everyone is built differently and two men with the same implant can be considerably different in penis length and girth.  I do think that the larger frame you are the more that is likely to be internal.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


A short adendemn to my last update.  My erect angle is significantly lower.  Like Merrix, I would have to say that as my deflated angle got lower and more natural my inflated angle has also dropped.  Fully inflated I am almost parallel to the floor when standing, just slightly higher.  I am not sure there is a connection with these the inflated and deflated angles dropping over the same period of time but Merrill theorizes that you should keep you penis pointing up for months (especially the Titan) until the cylinders naturally soften so no pressure is needed to make it hang straight down.

This angle has no negative impact on sex but I prefer an upward 2 o'clock angle aesthetically probably became that was my natural angle.  In the early days around week 2 my inflation stood so upright that it was only an inch from my stomach which was a concern.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


It's a small price to pay? I will for sure miss not being pointing at one or two o'clock, like I do even right now. But the trade-off of having a hard erection on demand sounds very good to me!  


I am probably going to split this into its own topic starting with Alibaba's question.

Alibaba, this is my question.  If it becomes mobile after a time, my guess is at that point you could not hang a towel on it.  As I understand it.  Dr. Eid suggests that RTE's contribute to an unstable inflation.  The puzzling thing to me is why it would start off very stable and then become mobile.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk at what height would you say that your cylinders reach inside the glans? About 1/3 1/2 or 2/3?
Thank you

Please go to PROFILE then FORUM PROFILE to replace this text with your profile info such as age, date of onset, symptoms, treatments tried, etc


3 Months Post-Op
Wednesday 11-7-2018

I finally hit the magical 3-month mark when Dr. Eid says many men are not aware they have an implant in their body.  As I covered before, there is no caution or discomfort during sex. Sexually, I can do anything I could do at 20 years old.  At a hard bone-pressed erect length straight out along the top, I am now a hair over 6 3/4" which is about 1/2" more than Doctor Eid promised me and a gain of about 1/16 to 1/8" just in the last two weeks.  I am still right at 1 1/4" inches lost to prostate surgery, Peyronies Disease, and erectile dysfunction.  I refer to that as the cost of indecision and procrastinating my implant.  I doubt I will gain any more but then I said that a couple weeks ago.  I did not expect to hit this.  Girth seems to be holding steady with the original slight gain immediately after surgery.

I obtained another thing on my wishlist of unnecessary things but things that would make this the ultimate implant.  The "Titan One-Touch" pump has worked as advertised 3 of the last 4 times I deflated.  This was more a case of just being the "principle of the matter" for me rather than a functional issue.  It is still a bit of an effort but now one very hard squeeze locks the deflate valve open so you can turn loose of the valve and still deflate.  Another incremental improvement is that I can finally do Bulgarian Split squats with no sense of even an awareness of having had surgery.  That was the one move that I could feel right up to the three-month mark.

I will update on my wish list of things that are not necessary but that I would still like to see improve.  The list is now down to just 3 issues that will improve very slowly.  I suspect they will be one of those things where one day you just realized that they resolved without me even noticing.  If they never improve it would be a trivial issue to me.

1. Perfect - I can now say with certainty that all random penile pain is gone.  The same is true of the slight skin sensitivity on the scrotum

2. Perfect - Sensitivity to impact is about as good as pre-surgery

3. Perfect - discomfort or care needed during sex is totally natural like pre-implant

4. I can now stay 100% rockhard inflated for 90 minutes with only very slight discomfort.  

5. Very Minor continued improvement small numb area - this is not changing a lot.  Based on other surgeries I think it will take over a year to get the total feeling back in the underside of the base of the skin on my penis and scrotum close to the incision site.  I have to look for this to even be aware, but touching the underside of my penis near the scrotum with a soft brush I can sense a lack of sensitivity.

6. Minor improvement on the cylinders becoming softer when deflated.  It is not an issue to me but it would be nice if it hung floppy straight down in the 6 O'clock position.  It is 5:15 -5:30 O'clock.

7. Perfect - Pump position is now perfect to me

8. Perfect - One-touch pump deflation

9- Perfect - No Reservoir awareness during a workout even with Bulgarian split-squats.

I am so thankful for a great surgeon and a little luck.  I could not ask for a better outcome.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


At two weeks i feel like it will be a lifetime to get there.Although 3 months ago when I made the appointment for the surgery I thought I was never going to get to October 26th. Funny how looking forward and looking back are so very different. I'm sure that these fleeting twinges and odd pains will eventually disappear. The sooner the better. Thanks for your personal support blog the way.
Born 1952
RRP 6/1/18
Total ED since
Viagra stopped after RRP
Injections painful didn't work
10/26/18 Dr. Eid Titan 20+1


Dave, I was thinking of that same point of view this morning when I posted.  I wrote, "I finally hit my 3-month mark".  When I wrote that I started to take out the "finally" because looking back it does not seem like it was a long time or a big deal.  Perspective is a wonderful thing.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Great update hawk, today I was just telling myself to hang in there and see how it improves at 3 mos. Still only one orgasm so far due to loss if sensitivity from the excision and grafting.
Hereiam, you're pain is common, don't hesitate to take the pain killers the first 10 days of so, it gets better and soon!
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Sounds great Hawk. Maybe that "thing" is why you need more moderators than that other place. Occupied elswhere?   ;D ;D ;D ::)
Milam 1/13/16-LGX 21cm - BAD service & surgical outcome Hated infrapubic.
Kramer revision 3/1/17 Titan 22cm + 1.5 cm extenders


Quote from: TonySa on November 08, 2018, 10:11:44 PM
Great update hawk, today I was just telling myself to hang in there and see how it improves at 3 mos. Still only one orgasm so far due to loss if sensitivity from the excision and grafting.
Hereiam, you're pain is common, don't hesitate to take the pain killers the first 10 days of so, it gets better and soon!
I hope you are right, sometimes the pain is quite annoying, the package feels heavy when standing
28 yrs Old, Venous leak and fibrosis for 8 years
1st Nov 2008 Titan Implant Dr. Eid


Quote from: Sadguy on November 06, 2018, 10:40:57 PM
Hawk at what height would you say that your cylinders reach inside the glans? About 1/3 1/2 or 2/3?

Sadguy, I would say 3/4 of the way but it is pretty subjective.  As you, of course, know the glans extends down the shaft much further on top than it does on the underside.  Looking down from the top they extend in more than 3/4.  They only 1/2" from the very tip.  Looking from the side I would say about 3/4 of the way.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: Hawk on November 10, 2018, 09:39:14 AM
Sadguy, I would say 3/4 of the way but it is pretty subjective.  As you, of course, know the glans extends down the shaft much further on top than it does on the underside.  Looking down from the top they extend in more than 3/4.  They only 1/2" from the very tip.  Looking from the side I would say about 3/4 of the way.
How do you see where it reaches on the glans? My cylinders seem to go about 1/2 of the glans, maybe something else, not sure. I think maybe Dr. Eid could have put me 22 instead of 21 (20 +1)
28 yrs Old, Venous leak and fibrosis for 8 years
1st Nov 2008 Titan Implant Dr. Eid


@Alibaba haha who wouldn't be busy right?! 😃

@hawk great update! Amazing to see the outcome you had. Wishing you lots of fun with it!  8)


Hawk has increased your length (and thickness) from the first week after your surgery until today cycling? If so, how much has it increased?
28 yrs Old, Venous leak and fibrosis for 8 years
1st Nov 2008 Titan Implant Dr. Eid


Quote from: Hereiam on November 10, 2018, 06:14:06 PM
Hawk has increased your length (and thickness) from the first week after your surgery until today cycling? If so, how much has it increased?

Here is a link to my detailed measurements.  I increased about 1/2 inch in length from week one until week 12.  I increase very little in thickness after week one.  

Comparison: Natural Prime, Bionic, Pre-op - Peyronies Society Forums
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


FloppyNoMore's surgical notes piqued my interest so I requested my own and had them in my email within 5 minutes.  

I was a little surprised at what I read.  I had a slight 10-degree right curve before surgery and Dr Eid mentioned he might have to do a slightly different length cylinder so I was interested in any mention of having to expand the cavernosa etc since I suspected fibrosis in the cavernosa for years.  Instead, upon inflation, he found a dorsal angulation and had to correct it with all of the following techniques. "incision", blunt remolding, "excision", and stitches.  Though awake during surgery, I don't recall that or a discussion about it. If I follow this report he both made incisions to release an area under contraction and excised tissue to make a deficit and stitched up the excised area to contract it.  I was not even aware Dr. Eid does excision and incision prior to reading his surgical notes this week. The entire report is fascinating to read.  Here is an excerpt.


Examination of the penis with the cylinders fully inflated revealed the presence of a mild curvature to the dorsum.  The area of deformity was determined to be proximal near the base of the penis.  Using a combination of superficial incisions and blunt remodeling of the tunica albuginea, the defect is corrected.  Further dissection was done to expose the tunica albuginea on the side of the penile shaft near the base of the penis.  A series of small parallel excisions were made at the level of the corporotomy, and the resulting defect was closed with a running 3-0 PDS suture.  An erection was induced again to test the adequacy of the repair.  Marked improvement of the shape of the penile shaft was noted.  The cylinders were deflated and then reinflated and the patient's penis was reexamined.  The correction of the angulation accomplished, we turned our attention to the next part of the procedure.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I was recently asked the question in a PM of why would I, as someone who seems so pleased with his implant and who generally promotes implants as a great solution, wait 15 years to get an implant.  I typically do NOT answer Peyronies Disease or Erectile Dysfunction questions by PM for several reasons.  I made an exception because this member was trying to avoid debate or even distraction with other members jumping in. I am paraphrasing, but he wondered if it was ignorance, satisfaction with other solutions, or psychological rejection that I had to overcome.  After typing my reply, I wanted other readers with the same question to be able to read my response. I was undecided if I should post this as its own topic or add it to my journal.  I decided  I would post as its own topic then add it to my journal later.

Great question! I wish you had asked me on the open forum since there are probably others that have the same question. With sixteen thousand members, I have a policy of answering only PMs related to forum operation and not Erectile Dysfunction or Peyronies Disease. I will make an exception for.....(reasons that are part of a private discussion)

The answer is a combination of many things.  Some of them you identified.

In the beginning, immediately after a prostatectomy, I used injections.  The plan given to me by the rather well known Dr. Mulhall was that this was actually rehabilitation to keep my penis functioning and help with recovery since I supposedly had nerve-sparing surgery.  I was confident this would happen since I was absolutely unstoppable in the erection department before surgery.  Due to some combination of arrogance and ignorance, I could not even conceive that I could have Erectile Dysfunction long term.  At that point, injections worked perfectly.  I am not squeamish about needles, and the shots were painless.  I felt I could do injections for life if needed because the results were great.  After eight months, I developed Peyronies Disease.  It was enough for me to go against Dr. Mulhall's advice to keep injecting.  I relied on Viagra and/or VED, and got satisfactory results but not as nice as injections.  I did not like the prep time and the mechanics, but the erections were fine. For two years, I held out hope that my erectile ability would return since I was starting to get some barely usable erections at eight months right before Peyronies Disease first hit.  I was also starting to get some morning erections.

The Peyronies Disease killed the progress I had made with erections.  At two years I pretty much intellectually accepted that it was never coming back, but frankly, even then it was just difficult to believe.  I could write a long story (and have) about years later still reaching down to see if I had an erection when I was aroused and always somehow expecting that maybe one would be there.  I am guessing I was at least three years in before I even knew about implants.  The idea was vague; I knew nothing about them, no idea who did them, no clue what it would be like to have one.  I think it just sounded drastic, unnatural, and extreme.  I was prejudiced, so I never worked to find out anything about them.  To me, it was almost like they did not exist because I never even casually considered one. For the next several years, I had fair results with VED, Rings, Viagra, and l-arginine (sometimes stacked on top of Viagra).  I have a very stable, intimate, relationship with my wife, and while things were not what they were, it was not bad.  I gradually grew to accept this "new normal."

JackP's posts (the 1st man to post the only journal of an implant on our forum) started getting my attention on our the forum and I began to at least think about the idea and do some minor research. Somewhere in my reading, I read that men often complain about size loss and that the glans is left totally flaccid.  I read about the nightmare of infection and the false information that the surgeon removes all the tissue from the cavernosa.  Since I had already lost more than an inch from Peyronies Disease and since I got bulging erections with an engorged glans with a VED/viagra I felt it would be spending money and taking a risk when the best outcome was less than I had.  Other than JackP, there was little to no discussion on the topic on our forum.  If it came up, most guys speculated and predicted negative outcomes.  I never looked further.

A couple of years before my implant my Erectile Dysfunction worsened so a VED combined with L-Arginine and a cock ring in combination never worked as it often had.  I always needed the VED and sometimes I would have to re-pump in the middle of a very active session.  The truth was that when I took Viagra, it was contributing next to nothing to the process. Next, I got a small hernia from the VED drawing fat (I am reasonably lean) or other tissue into the one side of the base of my penis when under vacuum.  It did not hurt, but the tempory bulge was concerning.  Combined with my worsening Erectile Dysfunction, I knew I was ready to risk whatever I had to risk to have a healthy, active sex life back.  I researched more extensively and went to another forum.  I found Dr. Eid's and Dr. Kramer's sites.  I talked to a couple of guys on the phone who had implants.  I met two men at Dr. Eid's office.  One of them was 80 years old and had a similar history to mine.  He was in great shape and said he and his wife used the implant 400 times the first year.  Both men were ecstatic with the results, and I saw first hand how natural their penises looked.

As everyone knows, I had the surgery.  The result was size gain over my presurgery size with a VED.  We experienced spontaneity like we had not known for over a decade and firm, lasting erections in any position. Simply stated, the results were so good I felt like a fool. How ironic that I had founded and been the administrator of the largest forum in the world for Peyronies Disease and led discussions on our Erectile Dysfunction board.  Yet, I had missed what now seems like the obvious solution.  I think the rest is pretty much found in the first few posts of my Implant Journal.

I know I seem to be on a soapbox at times.  I plead guilty to that but I don't want others to look past this like I did.  I also don't want to feel responsible for giving the impression that we are the forum where patients can become educated about options and stupidly omit what is undeniably the very best option for many men.  I honestly think it is likely a better option for a deformity than Nesbit or grafting when a deformity is present even without Erectile Dysfunction, although I do not promote that unless asked.  

I hope this answers your question.  

PS: I add here that the delay process was no doubt lengthened because I am almost obsessive about researching facts.  I have been known to make charts and graphs with the ingredients of different house paints when choosing a brand.  One canoe outfitter used to refer customers with questions to me because I researched canoe design and materials and knew them better than the store owner before I bought my canoe.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I love my penis!  I am about 3months 1-week Post-op and This week I would say my hang is normal which means I can now rate 8 out of 9 items on my implant wishlist as perfect.

The only item left on my list is a light bit of numbness on the underside of the base of my shaft near my scrotum.  I am not at all aware of it unless I run a soft body brush along the underside of the shaft when I am in the shower.  I do this to evaluate any progress.  There is some but it is very slow.

I attribute the progress with a natural hang with a change in how I pack my penis in my briefs.  This week I started pointing my penis straight down.  I have never packed my penis like that and it seemed strange not to point it off to the side.  When I say "straight down" I was careful to let the very base point straight out from the body.  I wanted to avoid putting downward pressure on the portion of the implant that is in the crus because I do not want to compromise the slight upward angle of my erection.   In essence, I would bend it down in the shape of an upside down J, or even a backward C, out, down, and back toward my scrotum.  When I bend it into position (which takes 2 seconds) I pull up my briefs to snug it up and hold it in place.  It makes a little more bulge than pushing it to the side but It forms pretty well to the pressure of clothing.  I would say it really is not noticeable at all once you have pants on  

The point is that this has resulted in a very natural hang when nude.  I could be in any public shower and not look at all like I had the beginnings of a partial erection (chub).  I do look to have a significant sized flaccid dick (length and girth) but very natural.   Internet stats say the average flaccid penis is 3.6".  If true, my 6.4" (Bone pressed) 6" (non-bone pressed) flaccid is way above average.  I have no idea how long my flaccid was in my prime or even pre-surgery since flaccid measurement always seemed pointless and confusing.  My flaccid penis varied in size from moment to moment with a change in temperature, activity, thoughts,

Soooooo, to put my satisfaction in perspective, I tried to ask myself how much would I pay to go back to the superbly functioning penis of my prime.  That is difficult because I have lost over an inch of length in the years I put off an implant.  Next, I ask, ok, what would it be worth to go back to the natural penis of my prime except keep my current 6 3/4" BPEL.  It occurs to me that tells nothing because if I had a spare million I might toss in ten thousand dollars.  If I was living paycheck to paycheck maybe I would give nothing.  So last night I considered something many of us understand better than the money question.  If doctor Eid could promise to take the implant out and restore my current penis to its prime at the same size it is now would I go through the surgery and the same recovery as I did for the implant.  The answer is NO.  I can think of hardly anything I would gain. I would gain a little more engorgement of the glans, I would gain not having a pump in my scrotum (which I am no longer aware of).  I would gain not pumping an erection which is a non-issue with me.  In most instances, my wife doesn't even know when I pump it even though I don't make any real effort to hide it.   What I would gain seems so insignificant especially if I don't count concern over device failure.  If I add that, to be fair,  I would have to also add concern over future Peyronies Disease or erectile dysfunction to the penis of my prime.  I also have to consider a couple things I would lose.  I would lose flaccid size which I admit to liking.  I would lose total control over size and rigidity both flaccid and erect and every degree in between.  To me, it is about a tie.  It is at least close enough that I would NOT go through another surgery to swap this for the same size natural penis in its prime.  

To put this in perspective, if I were told today that I had to get a revision surgery every year or lose the ability to have intercourse I would not like it but I WOULD do that.  So while the surgery is bad enough I would not go through it to get a great natural functioning penis back, it is not so bad that I would give up intercourse to avoid annual surgery.   I end as I started.  I love my penis.

How much would it change my opinion if I look back to when I was single or if I knew I would be single in a month or two?   That's a tough one.  I would probably prefer the natural penis but I am still not sure I would prefer it enough to even go through a free surgery to get it.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Fantastic to read the results.  My penis not hanging center line is one gripe I have.  Last night I plumped it up and worked at modeling it holding it in an extreme opposed position to the bend for 60 seconds intervals twice. Stood in front of the mirror and it was straight and hung center. I was happy. An hour later it had the left curve and hung to the left of my balls again. One little bit of perfection given up procrastinating about getting an implant and then years of not knowing they existed.  It is kind of like the repo man. Ignore him rather than confronting the issue with all you have and you will find one day all your $hit's gone.

As to your youth, you have to ask yourself; if I have peronies or impotency, am I willing to accept this and a worsening condition from now on?  How bad am I willing to let things deteriorate?  I know it takes some balls to intervene. I went through a couple years trying to wrap my head around the idea of the surgery of no return but then many surgeries are that way, even though I knew it was what was needed.  Some days you have to suck it up, and take control of matters before the repo man does it for you. Cheers to all men striving to become boys once again.  
Milam 1/13/16-LGX 21cm - BAD service & surgical outcome Hated infrapubic.
Kramer revision 3/1/17 Titan 22cm + 1.5 cm extenders


It is very nice to read such a great account of improvement! Hope that you can be around for long, motivation and age wise to help out other folks in this journey into making the right decision like you did.  


Hawk as I follow along a bit less then three months behind I see issues starting to resolve themselves. The uncomfortable feeling of no place to put it has resolved itself to hanging down a bit past 5 o,clock. Now I can wear clothes with out shifting and rearranging things. My pain is down to a minimum the only part that is still tender is the scrotum area were I squeeze the  deflate valve. There was no doubt that week three turned a corner.
Born 1952
RRP 6/1/18
Total ED since
Viagra stopped after RRP
Injections painful didn't work
10/26/18 Dr. Eid Titan 20+1


Almost 4 months Post-op

Not much to update but I did something I have not done in many years.  We were having one of those once a month situations where I woke up having sex about an hour after going to bed.  We always jokingly try to pin it on their other person afterward so we don't feel like the inconsiderate one that woke the other one up.  :)

Anyway, we were out of sync.  I knew I was about to climax and she was at the point where she was running behind me but too far along to break the cycle.  I subdued the fact that that I was having a climax.  I am usually VERY obvious but I was afraid she would think I wanted to quit and it would break her build-up just enough to mess it up for her.  After my climax, I kept going for at least another 5 or 6 minutes obviously as rock hard as ever until she had her moment.   Since she is used to me being in sync or climaxing after her she was a little puzzled until I told her I went first.  She has told me a few different times since how great it was.  Before my 50's and prostate surgery I always was able to keep going and often have multiple orgasms from one erection.  If I have done that since my prostate surgery almost 15 years ago I don't remember it.  It is not a huge issue or something I will do often because I usually last as long as I want but it is just nice to know that I am fail-proof even on those occasions that my timing is off.

While I guess I could nitpick if I tried, There is really never a moment when I miss the penis of my prime.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I am at a few days past my 4-month mark.

There is not much to update since out of my 9 wishes for a perfect implant they have all been fulfilled except number 5 which is some minor numbness in the base of the penis right where the scrotum attaches.  This is, of course, the incision area.  I noticed today when I hit that area with spray from a new hand-held shower that some of the feelings has returned.  I would guess about 30 -40% of the sensitivity is restored.  This is nothing I am even aware of.  It is like I assumed it would be.  I totally forget about it then one day notice it is better and wonder when that happened.

The other issues I want to comment on are psychological.  My wife was watching an interview with Dolly Parton (an established retired country music star).  Dolly is energetic, funny and says whatever she thinks.  She said she is sure her husband has a secret fantasy of a threesome with Dolly and some actress she is staring within a movie (I forget the name).  Anyway, Dolly laughed and said, "But he can barely get it up to pee much less get it up for three,"  My wife thought it was very funny and called me to replay it for me.  I smiled, nervously wondering about her husband and my wife said I wonder how much her husband appreciated that remark?  ------  I tell you all of this because it speaks volumes.  It has not been long since those types of jokes cut deeply.  It seemed that when I developed Erectile Dysfunction I was shocked at the frequency of Erectile Dysfunction jokes.  While I stood my ground without showing it, I did not see the humor.  My wife sensed that and would have never laughed at an Erectile Dysfunction joke much less called me in to hear one, so it has had an equal effect on her.  While I feel more empathy for others it is now is like that never applied to me.  That might seem a small thing to some but it illustrated what this implant has done psychologically even for someone that fared pretty well psychologically with Peyronies Disease and Erectile Dysfunction.  

The other thing I want to mention is my almost constant awareness of my dick, not my implant, but my dick.  At over 6" flaccid (deflated), it is way above average and I feel it in my pants or against my leg.  It feels full and it feels good when it rubs against something.  It keeps my thoughts focused on sexual issues.  Frequently I reach down to feel it and just be grateful for where I am.  When I pee at home I usually drop my pants rather than bending it double to haul it out the fly of my pants.  It is very doable but just easier to unsnap the pants.  When I do I always look over in the mirror at my hang.  

I have an appointment with my local urologist tomorrow for my 6 month PSA update.  I hope his female PA is curious and asks if she can see it because I am in the mood to show it to her :)  I am indeed a proud, satisfied dude.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums