
With great sadness we report the passing of Old Man - Obit here

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Hey guys, starting now and throughout this year I'll be uploading videos, answering questions, and opening up the discussion on Peyronie's disease. Subscribe if you would like to get updates!

This is a personal channel and my opinions and views do not represent that of the entire forum.



Just liked this on YouTube and left comment, God bless you  :)
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.


I agree with Neo on absinence. It has benefited me and I think without it I would have been in a worse place. Listen to your body. If your dick hurts after sex/ masterbation then your body is telling you something. I can now masterbate with NO pain afterwards. Consider that a good sign.


Thanks so much for the support guys, I really appreciate it. I'm not sure where this is going and I expect to re-do a lot.

I uploaded a new video, and now both are set to "public."


Neo, I am a video professional if you ever have any questions or need guidance just DM me


Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.


Thanks again guys! I don't know anything about video recording, or editing, so I do appreciate the help Swiss.

I just realized that I need to make it clear that my opinions, and attitude, etc do not represent the "forum's opinion."

I wrote this up top, but I have to make sure people don't confuse this. I do need people to understand I am simply an individual and happen to be a moderator.

I plan to make it quite uncut and non-mainstream, but if any of you think I should be more formal, less crude, etc, I will still be interested in hearing your thoughts.


I think it's good bro. What are you filming on? Your cellphone?


A constructive observation, try and get some screens for background, that way I/we can focus on YOU, I find my eyes roaming otherwise, probably just me, but hey  :)
By the way what is your weight and height stats?
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.


Yes my phone for now. A camera and a screen would be really nice, thanks Paolo. Sadly I'll have to make these very low budget at first, but I'll consider it all part of a long process. :( thanks a lot guys.

I may re-do certain topics as well, particularly important ones, but now just getting used to talking, hah!


A phone is a great option now a days because of its ability to shoot in 4k. The quality is really wonderful on the iphone and other upper end models of phones.


Very true, I might be getting a new phone soon too, which will help. I am also getting a new laptop in a few days.

The weekend is coming up and I will be recording multiple videos, again as practice, and just to get the conversation (and my thoughts) flowing. Thanks again for the support on this.


Hey Neo, I'm relatively new to the boards and I really enjoyed your videos. I'm really looking forward to learning more about the manual traction as that seems to have really helped with your curvature (if I understand correctly). Thanks for taking this on and being willing to put yourself out there, it's really helpful!
Please go to PROFILE then FORUM PROFILE to replace this signature line text with your profile info such as
age, date of onset, symptoms, treatments tried,
relationship status, etc
*** You will waste less time in both providing and getting answers ***


Thanks for the comment lmn25,

I've been getting a bit busy as I switch jobs, and have been pretty mad at myself for not recording last weekend! Well, this weekend is nearly here and I can't wait to record and upload some more. Thanks again for your support man, I will make a video on manual traction for sure.


A very brave step towards a world where men don't need keep their problems to themselves or talk in whispers.

Well done bro.


That's some good stuff man! good luck with the project!


Thanks a lot lmn25, PeetyPeet, and pfract, I really appreciate it.

I uploaded a new video which is an update and discussion on masculinity.

I lost my phone, which means I can't make the traction video very well to show how it's done. I'll make the video anyway the best I can, and will re-do it once I get a camera! : ) thanks guys.


These two recent videos seem to be blurry for no reason, hopefully I'll fix it soon. They may also automatically fix, but I'm still looking into it.


Great posts.
I think hand stretching is working for me. If I become too erect I find helicopter stretch helps the erection subside. I also believe you need to mix it up with your stretches and tensions in order to maintain stretching benefits.
Two things, don't favour one hand over the other and be aware of erection quality (EQ) after stretching, if your EQ is less then take rest days, or lesson the session.
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.


Awesome Paolo! I know the video was way too long, but I hope it covered my ideas on the subject.


Thanks for the videos! Will try that soon.

You really need some home decoration xD


Tychy thank you! YES I need a lot of things right now haha.

New video on porn usage, peyronie's and your default neural mode (DNM).


Yet another

More on the "masculine ladder" vs "through the wires" as I have phrased them.



one of the truest guys on the site, hope these vids grow to be popular man, good luck


Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


Thanks so much guys! New video today on insulin and peyronie's



New video on mitochondrial mutation as the CAUSE of Peyronie's disease.

90% of men with Dupuytren's were shown to have mitochondrial mutations, and mitochondrial mutations are found in Peyronie's plaques. Mitochondrial disorders are now being treated with a ketogenic diet, because glucose causes mitochondria to "fragment" and undergo heteroplasmatic mutation. A ketogenic diet causes "heteroplasmatic shifting" which reduces the number of mutated mitochondria in your body, and reduces symptoms of every mitochondrial disorder. This thereby reduces ROS and tgf-beta, getting at the root cause of Peyronie's and fibrotic conditions.


Fascinating, and you only inherit your mitochondria from your Mother, thanks NeoV for another great posting  :)

Do you have any thoughts on the sugar D-Ribose, or any experience with it?, it is supposedly very good for cardiovascular health  :-\

For anyone interested in Ketogenics read
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.


Thanks so much for this has a keto-diet affected your Peyronies Disease?
Born 1960, Diagnosed 2013
Initial 40 degree bend, 1" loss, Xiaflex 3 rds of 2 injections
Current 25 degree bend, no palpable plaque, 1/4" loss
VED 5-6 days/week, traction daily,
TRT 20 ml twice weekly, Cialas 3 mg - No ED - Doing Well!


SORRY, NOW my video on mitochondria is available. ><

My deformity has improved so much in the last year since being on a low insulin and ketogenic diet. Also, my penile numbness is gone, and my penis is much harder and feels less "swollen" and basically like it used to. My scars have never been so soft and I hardly notice them at this point.

Keto produces betahydroxybuterate, which is also anti-inflammatory and blocks tgf-beta. That is one thing I did not mention in my video, but will try to make a more exhaustive video on this kind of stuff eventually.



So glucose is bad, I can accept that. What are your thoughts on something like Manuka Honey which has been shown to benefit many different conditions, even cancer due to the high mineral content in it?


For what it's worth in the past I have spent (a lot) on Manuka honey, never noticed significant benefits, and its still a sugar source. I was one of those gullible people sucked into the hype  >:(

All honey is hygroscopic as it's an inverted sugar, that means it attracts moisture, and that's why it's used on wounds.
A lot of honey is 'adulterated' with syrup, so be careful if you purchase any Manuka, companies are making millions of profit  :(, it is literally 'liquid gold'.
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.


Hey NeoV...are you using MCT oil with your keto diet? It is suppose to enhance ketosis. Thanks again!
Born 1960, Diagnosed 2013
Initial 40 degree bend, 1" loss, Xiaflex 3 rds of 2 injections
Current 25 degree bend, no palpable plaque, 1/4" loss
VED 5-6 days/week, traction daily,
TRT 20 ml twice weekly, Cialas 3 mg - No ED - Doing Well!


Manuka honey, although having amazing antioxidant potential and anti-cancer, fungal, viral, etc, still causes too high of an insulin response for me to consume much of or regularly. I would have to try it again to confirm this, but any carbs and even too much protein can cause issues for me.

When my insulin resistance symptoms were the worst, I was eating quite a bit of raw unfilted manuka honey. To be fair, manuka honey is an amazing alternative to a lot of other carbohydrates, and likely is LESS insulin triggering than a slice of bread. Even candy, chocolate, or a spoon full of sugar causes a weaker insulin reaction than a slice of whole wheat bread, which I very odd but true. I could certainly try it again, but to stay in ketosis I generally have to prove to my liver that there is very little glucose available.

I have no more cravings for any kind for glucose. It takes a little while for your gut biome to change, and therefore your gut neurons to change. I crave butter and fat now, but no longer carbs whatsoever, even if I smell cookies or see an image of a huge chocolate cake. The book Wheat Belly talks about this, and describes how the gut is called the "second brain" due to it containing billions of neurons.

In the end, I assume it's a very personal issue. How metabolically adapted one is, their mitochondria, and how they even experience all of this. I know people can be very insulin resistant or have hyperinsulinemia with no symptoms, which is pretty worrisome...

You could try intermittent fasting to kick your liver into ketosis and properly fuel your mitochondria for a day or two. Even fasting just in the mornings and having some butter coffee is a great way to slowly adapt as well.

I should mention that studies have consistently shown that those with insulin resistance, after fasting or a ketogenic diet, are less insulin resistant when coming off the diet later (be careful when coming off a fast or keto, seriously!). However, these individuals were not studied for mitochondrial issues.

Crooked, I cannot believe it but I have yet to try MCT oil! I have known about it for quite a while and will order some as soon as I can. Apparently true 100% MCT oil would cost 200 dollars or so, and even the brands are merely mixtures, but I think they may be better than just coconut oil or butter as far as the actual fats. I'll try it!


For those who care about the planet, and who doesn't ensure 100% caprylic acid MCT C8 oil is RSPO certified.

The higher purity of this oil (99.6%) eliminates odour and taste, while also reducing the typical gut symptoms experienced with other MCT oils.

A quick website search found such for under $50.00, I get mine from a supplier in the UK.
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.


NeoV...Paolo is correct, you can get near 100% C8 MCT oil for about $38 US. Search Amazon or others. Also saw this article yesterday about an altered form of COQ10 that is suppose to bind to your mitochondria and can increase dilation of arteries by 42% in six weeks.....I have not researced it further but plan to. It is expensive.
Born 1960, Diagnosed 2013
Initial 40 degree bend, 1" loss, Xiaflex 3 rds of 2 injections
Current 25 degree bend, no palpable plaque, 1/4" loss
VED 5-6 days/week, traction daily,
TRT 20 ml twice weekly, Cialas 3 mg - No ED - Doing Well!


Honestly at this time you would be better using Ubiquinol, MitoQ (mitoquinone) has some reported issues with Heart palpitations and stomach upset. It seems that dosage is vital consideration as otherwise it becomes a pro-oxidant, studies using mitoquinone as an antioxidant should be interpreted with caution.

Don't think I will be getting MitoQ anytime soon, CoQ10 or Ubiquinol (over 40 Years of age) way to go but you need to find your own dose levels, hard to do.
If taken in excess both CoQ10 and Ubiquinol could pose sleep issues, always take in the AM (morning)

Having said all that it is an interesting supplement and if you do try it please open a post on benefits and downsides please  :)

Remember the adage 'one man's medicine is another man's poison', so do YOUR research and be careful  :)
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.


Wow that's awesome! I'll try it out.


These videos are great!  Thank you for taking the time to do them.


Crooked is right. There are plenty of people out there that had Peyronie's after finasteride (Post finasteride syndrome). Keep this crap out !!
26 yo from Italy.
Peyronie's since abt 2014
Abt 20-25° bend, w/ a moderate twist to the left
ED for 4 years and getting worse
From pornstar-like to moderately depressed - still fighting for a solution.


Neo, first of all I want to thank you. When you began this YouTube channel, it was literally a week before I figured out I had Peyronie's. Through your channel I was able to straighten out my curve via daily manual traction in the crucial acute phase, and gained a plethora of knowledge. You also led me to this amazing website, so I don't know how well I would be doing without your help, and I'm serious about that.

Even as my "disease" has progressed, I continue to find your videos helpful. I have the VED video ready to go for when I start the therapy, and just as I was considering a ketogenic/intermittent fasting diet, here you come with a video on the topic! Even the "pre-ronies" video was right on point and helped me gain a better understanding of our condition.

I have a request if I may. Your first video was titled something like "Hard Flaccid Forum Response". I'm currently dealing with hard flaccid and chronic pelvic pain syndrome and was excited to return to the video for any tidbits I could pick up, but it seems you deleted it. If you could re-post it or create a new video on hard flaccid, CPPS, deflated glans/cs, and pelvic tension in general, that would be amazing!

Oh and one last thing, someone in this thread mentioned the TV behind you was distracting. I actually miss it in your videos; it's really cool to see that retro video game as the backdrop with japanese text; I felt like I was in Japan with you when watching the video (as weird as that sounds), which was awesome. Again, thank you very much for all you do. I'm so grateful to have found your channel, and subsequently this forum, and I'm trying to give back to the community in my own way, as you have. I'm so glad to see that your channel is getting thousands of views, and I wish you the best of luck in life!
Do your homework before attempting a prolonged fast. JS1991 Timeline - Peyronies Society Forums (updated)


I have not tried gainswave, but I have had the P shot. I can do a video on my experience with it for sure! I do NOT recommend either of them honestly, but both could have benefits.


Love your YouTube channel man.
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


Recognize that what you tell us makes us gain a lot of knowledge in using these knowledge.


NeoV - sometimes I go to the 'improvement' section of this forum and read your story - it gives me hope.

Thanks a lot for doing the videos.

Have been on pentox and doing the manual stretching - i noticed I get better erection right after? Not sure if that's normal.

I just wanted to know whether your progress has been permanent?

Thanks again!
34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm +1cm RTE, Partial revision 27th June 23 (fix pump, remove 10ml reservoir).

Mr man

Your a top man. Putting yourself out there (on YouTube). Your helping lots of guys. God bless.
Latest routine. Started l-lysine 3mg daily, l-proline 5mg daily. Increased vit c intake. Accompanied with almost daily vacuum therapy. Pumping to 100% Exercise caution! Made good progress. L arginine supplements and prescribed potaba are helping.