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-26 years old and recently diagnosed with Peyronies Disease, symptoms for about 3 months

Background: about 3 months ago I noticed my penis taking on an hourglass shape in the middle while only urinating.  I didn't think much of it, no pain, and it didn't look any different erect. Then about 3 weeks later it seemed all of a sudden to get harder while flaccid and i could visibly see about 3 "dents" in the side of my penis.  I knew something was wrong and so i went to my doc who just brushed it off.  I began reading on the net and discovered Peyronies Disease.  I then went to a uro and he confirmed it, i was devistated.  

Psychologically: All I can say is it is devistating.  For those of you who have a stable relationship/ marraige, thank your lucky stars.  All I ever think about now is how to explain this to a new girlfriend since I'm single. I've never had a tough time picking up women, so now I have to bite my tongue, almost go against my instincts, because I know I'm not ready to let anyone in on this disease I have.  Some days are ok, some are not.  I now find myself not wanting to leave the house and make up excuses to friends on why I can't go out and meet women with the rest of them.  I guess my only option now is to just meet a great girl and be friends, and hopefully one will be understanding.  Yet I think the most thing that is mentally damaging right now is the fear that it will just get worse

As far as treatment goes: I have been taking vit e, multi vitamin, L-arginine, ACL, and flaxseed oil.  I have also been reading on here about how erections are much better than "leaving it alone", and I think my experience thus far confirms it.  luckily for me I can still acheive full erections with no pain.  So 2x a day I have been inducing full erections for about 20 mins.  This has seemed somewhat to be most effective in keeping it from getting worse.  In fact sometimes I can get my penis engorged to the point where I can't tell i have Peyronies Disease at all. perhaps this is something useful only in the early stages when the plaque is still soft and maleable? just a thought


Chefcasey - It is indeed hard to mentally get your head around this condition. For many men this is the toughest part, although in a sense it's the part that we have most control over. I find that taking a proactive approach to treatment is VERY helpful from a mental point of view. At times when I've been less proactive and have kind of sat back and attempted to "hope" my way out of this, I became quite down and sometimes tearful. Nowadays I tend to be as active as possible in what I deem to be a long and slow recovery. Your logic behind getting erections daily and for a decent period of time, is sound and in my view this likely help. You should also consider using a VED (vaccum device) as this has been shown in studies to reduce curvature in many men. It has certainly helped some men on this forum. Also, the primary oral treatment is pentoxifylline. You're well within the window of what is deemed by some to be the period of time where it's most effective. It may help to stablise your condition, and possibly reverse some of the damage done.


Quote from: ferenfar on September 09, 2010, 04:16:33 PM
I'm 19.

I might as well spit it all out, since this topic has been created created for expressing our feelings.

We were at a party 2 nights ago, at a friend's place. We were sitting in bed, my hands were wrapped around her as she lay her head on my chest. They left us alone in the bedroom so we talked. She told me how I was one of those very few unique people that she came across in her life, "truly authentic" she called them. I've known her for 4 years.

I was holding her hand and playing with her fingers, and I wished that I could embed that very moment into my memory forever, especially the touch of her skin and the warmth of her body. And then she said it, in the most elegant possible way a woman could say such a thing. I mumbled, but I finally uttered what I have always been programming myself to say: "No I think it's better if we just stay really close friends."

I said I could not really explain this to her. She replied that I needn't to, and that we shouldn't feel awkward and that she'll always be there for me when I'd need her. I kissed her on her forehead. I've never kissed a girl on the lips.

I don't know if she was aware of the fact that she was the least likely woman in the world to which I would have given That answer. In my long years of repressing any kind of feeling of attraction towards females I had never eventually failed. But the next day I cried like an idiot because I couldn't be with her. God, I love the way she smiles with her eyes.

I cried like an idiot throughout writing this post. Hell, it's getting kind of hard pushing through this.


We know the score mate. Been swinging in and out of depression myself again (going to update my 'your story' bit now I think after a few months away from the board).


Quote from: chefcasey26 on November 07, 2010, 01:03:04 PM
-26 years old and recently diagnosed with Peyronies Disease, symptoms for about 3 months

Background: about 3 months ago I noticed my penis taking on an hourglass shape in the middle while only urinating.  I didn't think much of it, no pain, and it didn't look any different erect. Then about 3 weeks later it seemed all of a sudden to get harder while flaccid and i could visibly see about 3 "dents" in the side of my penis.  I knew something was wrong and so i went to my doc who just brushed it off.  I began reading on the net and discovered Peyronies Disease.  I then went to a uro and he confirmed it, i was devistated.  

Psychologically: All I can say is it is devistating.  For those of you who have a stable relationship/ marraige, thank your lucky stars.  All I ever think about now is how to explain this to a new girlfriend since I'm single. I've never had a tough time picking up women, so now I have to bite my tongue, almost go against my instincts, because I know I'm not ready to let anyone in on this disease I have.  Some days are ok, some are not.  I now find myself not wanting to leave the house and make up excuses to friends on why I can't go out and meet women with the rest of them.  I guess my only option now is to just meet a great girl and be friends, and hopefully one will be understanding.  Yet I think the most thing that is mentally damaging right now is the fear that it will just get worse

As far as treatment goes: I have been taking vit e, multi vitamin, L-arginine, ACL, and flaxseed oil.  I have also been reading on here about how erections are much better than "leaving it alone", and I think my experience thus far confirms it.  luckily for me I can still acheive full erections with no pain.  So 2x a day I have been inducing full erections for about 20 mins.  This has seemed somewhat to be most effective in keeping it from getting worse.  In fact sometimes I can get my penis engorged to the point where I can't tell i have Peyronies Disease at all. perhaps this is something useful only in the early stages when the plaque is still soft and maleable? just a thought

I am close to your age and noticed the symptoms after waking up one day close to 2 years ago. My symptoms did not get worse from that first day, they only got better. I started on l-arginine and pentox regimen then added fastsize from January 2010 to October 2010. I have now finished up everything and I am 90% cured (no pain, everything normal, minor curvature).


That's great to hear chiguy,

I'm glad to hear someone with such improvements as yours.  It gives me hope and that's what keeps me going.  My symptoms change on a daily basis.  I have good days and bad days, so it's tough for me to judge if I'm getting better, worse, or staying the same.  At this point I would be extremely happy to reverse just 50% of the damage.  I just started ubiquinol and am trying to find a doc who will prescribe me pentox.  

Did you notice your improvement came from the pentox or the traction? or do you think it was the combination of both?


I started l- arginine about 2 weeks before the pentox. Erection quality greatly improved, but this was mostly mental, not physical as I later found out I didn't have any ED problem.

I started the pentox about 3 weeks before the traction device arrived. The pentox took away whatever pain was remaining which wasn't much. Then I started the traction. I made some solid gains within the first month. After that it became progressively harder.

I would say that pentox and traction is a good combination. Some people experience gains with one or the other. In my opinion, they worked well together.


I got this terrible affliction when I was 18.  Right as I left home for college and all of the opportunities for relationships, this happened.  I felt just like many of those who have posted here.  There was no way to have a relationship.  That I might be alone forever.  Some days I thought I could deal with it, others it almost defeated me.  

I found a woman I loved when I was 20, and somehow found the courage to tell her.  It was the hardest thing I've ever done, but she accepted me the way I was.  We've now been married 4 years -  I'm 28 now.  My situation has prevented us from having intercourse, but that hasn't stopped us from having a physical relationship or being happy.  I'm not saying this is easy for either of us.  There are good days and bad, but we're in it together.  I know not every woman is like this, maybe most aren't, but even if 1 in a 100 would accept your condition, isn't it worth going out there and trying to find her?  If you don't try you CANT succeed.  You doom yourself to failure.  Don't you owe it to yourself to try and find a little bit of happiness?  I wish you all the best of luck.  



That's a great story Manrico. A fair number of us were afflicted as a young age with peyronie's. Part of the afflication however is mental I think, and due to our (understandable) obsession over the condition.Often men hardly tell anyone about the condition, but realistically it seems unlikely that anyone could be as bothered and/or involved in the details of it as we arem other than wanting to help. They would either accept it, or they wouldn't. Of course I guess it can be a different situation for those with partners already, because they will have known the person (and the penis) pre-peyronie's, and as such, it is almost as if it has happened to them too. They may want to flee the situation, though certainly some would stay. I guess it depends on the person. It sounds like you boldy went into this, and your attitude paid off resulting in you having a great relationship and in fact a marriage.


Hi, i'm 27 years.
I have peyronie from 5 months.
I have made various treatments, no benefits.
Now i'm using penis strechter but with prudence, l-arginina,carnitina. The situation is not stabilized: 35 degrees right side, loss of size.
Pentox give me collateral effects and so i stopped him.
I've a girl, but i think to suicide every day. This condition will be for all life. I don't know if i will be enough strong to manage this situation.


What were the sides of pentox?

You could still try viagra with l-arginine, that has antifibrotic properties. Plus the VED comes highly recommended.  
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Quote from: skunkworks on May 13, 2011, 05:05:36 AM
What were the sides of pentox?

You could still try viagra with l-arginine, that has antifibrotic properties. Plus the VED comes highly recommended.

Nausea and diarrhea.
Why viagra and not cialis? I've not problems of erection...

Worried Guy

Manrico, this is a very sad story and I really feel for you.  I'm not sure why you have never had sex though!?  How bad is your situation and what country do you live in? (I know i'm lucky as I live in the UK and have the NHS)  If you live in the western world then surgery is a real option.  Sure your penis will be smaller than it once was but better to have a smaller penis than a penis which does not work at all.  If you have tried VED/traction and Pentox and it has not worked it is time to start thinking about surgery.  Xiaflex is perhaps 18 months away from being made available to us and could help millions of men including you.  If you have a bent penis then nesbit procedure can straighten things out with perhaps the loss of a few centimetres in length.  If things are more severe then an implant can be fitted.  You should really be having sex now after suffering with this for so long.  Please go and get help!  


dioporcolorisolvo I wouldnt feel so bad. Ive had peyronies disease since about 17 years old and I havent had sex once in my life and I cant have sex and im 25 years old now. Im an emotional wreck and ive seen positive results from pentox hopefully I can get passed this problem. I suggest going to see a peyronies disease specialist since other uro dont know much. Also the girls ive been with one girl knew I had peyronies disease I told her which was really hard and she couldnt accept it so got rid of me.



dioporcolorisolvo I cant have sex because my erections dont get hard enough and I lose my erections. It also hurts to have sex for me expecially if the girl is on top. My penis just feels out of place and I dont get right erections. On the left side of my penis theres a mass and my urethra is lumpy too and I have hardly any feeling on the left side of my penis. dioporcolorisolvo I feel your pain trust me tears come to my eyes when I think about this problem that effects my whole life and has ruined my life. I just say to myself that there is hope and try to move on with life. Basically I always think why did this happen to me at such a young age and it seems like I got targeted with the worst thing that can possibly happen. I dont know what to say...


Quote from: Noway on June 07, 2011, 11:13:41 PM
dioporcolorisolvo I cant have sex because my erections dont get hard enough and I lose my erections. It also hurts to have sex for me expecially if the girl is on top. My penis just feels out of place and I dont get right erections. On the left side of my penis theres a mass and my urethra is lumpy too and I have hardly any feeling on the left side of my penis. dioporcolorisolvo I feel your pain trust me tears come to my eyes when I think about this problem that effects my whole life and has ruined my life. I just say to myself that there is hope and try to move on with life. Basically I always think why did this happen to me at such a young age and it seems like I got targeted with the worst thing that can possibly happen. I dont know what to say...

Did you try to assume 20mg of Cialis first of sexual love? No benefits?
Did you try the 3cylinder VED?
What did your physician say to you about your peyronie and not hard erections?


I got a ved thing but not the 3 cylinder. I tried viagra and levitra it didnt work. But im on pentox and im seeing some results. I go and see my doctor in 2 weeks. Hes probably going to do something else. Im not getting hard erections because of the scarring hes trying to break down the scarring. I got better erections and strength of erections with pentox but its still not where it should be.


Quote from: Noway on June 08, 2011, 03:18:34 AM
I got a ved thing but not the 3 cylinder. I tried viagra and levitra it didnt work. But im on pentox and im seeing some results. I go and see my doctor in 2 weeks. Hes probably going to do something else. Im not getting hard erections because of the scarring hes trying to break down the scarring. I got better erections and strength of erections with pentox but its still not where it should be.

It would be strange if Pentox helps your erection and Cialis doesn't....which are your sympotms?

Worried Guy

Noway, I can't imagine how hard this has been for you at such a young age.  I'm 28 and this has hit me really badly and my equipment still works pretty well, just not quite as straight as it once was.  I think you need to be honest with yourself and realise that you are going to have to have an implant.  Pentox is not a complete cure and you have been on it for a year already.  An implant would give you a firm erection which will last as long as you want.  Your penis will be straight again!  There is not going to be a cure for peyronies related ED anytime soon so......  You can meet the right girl and discuss your implant with her.  I can imagine most respectable women would accept the implant as part of you.  You would still be able to have a family.  I can't say for sure, because I'm not in your position, but I believe I would get it over and done with and have the implant and get on with my life while I'm still young.  This is not something someone should rush into but you have been suffering now for 8 years!


dioporcolorisolvo I get good erections I just lose my erections. Cialis doesnt work for me because my bloodflow is restricted by the scar tissue. The pentox forces blood in there and makes the scarring less harder. On my symptoms I have alot of symptoms. I get painfull erections and my veins hurt. I also have a downward bend on occasions but the bend isnt a major issue. The big thing is I cant hold an erection most of time. My penis half the time doesnt get really really hard like its supposed too. Its painful if the girl is in top position. I feel like i have an erection  but my penis isnt hard. I will be masterbating I will lose my erection and it will go small and get really really tight and I wont be able to get an erection again and wont orgasm. I will have to wait till later. I get an erection and my penis is flimsy and theres play with it it isnt really hard. Also if I get an erection sitting down sometimes it will go downward bend really sharp and hurt like you tore ligaments in your knee. But I havent had that in awhile. Basically my problem is if I could get really hard erections and my penis would stay hard then im good to go. I got to find things to reduce the scarring but ive had 2 dumb uros that wasted my time and probably screwed my penis for good now.


Worried Guy the doctor right now is pretty sure he can fix my ed without surgery. Like pentox helped me alot and before I was even in rougher shape. Before I couldnt even masterbate to orgasm now I can. My erections are really straight too I havent had a bad erection in awhile. Before I rush to surgery I will listen to this doctor hes a peyronies disease specialist and doesnt believe in surgery. If I would of seen this doctor when I first noticed peyronies disease I would of been better off. Ive seen 2 other quacks that basically just had an idea in there head that at my age theres no possibly way that this could happen. One of them didnt even know what peyronies disease was.

Worried Guy

I don't understand what you mean.  You say your doctor is pretty sure he can't fix your ED without surgery.  Then you later say you will listen to your doctor who does not believe in surgery!?  

I'm not really sure what your doctor can do if you do not respond to cialis.  I'm not an expert but I've spoken to one of the top urologist in the UK on behalf of a guy in a similar situation to you.  


Worried Guy its not totally that he doesnt believe in surgery he sais to me that you dont want people poking around down there. He said he probably could fix my ed without surgery but I do listen to what he sais and if surgery is needed I guess I will have to do it. Pentox is working for me so I dont know. I will keep you updated on to what he wants me to do next.


I have a book from my doctor on what is peyronies disease, all of the surgeries and procedures and all the medications. He just started me on pentox and see how it would work. Basically surgery is a last resort. For some reason the pentox im seeing positive results I dont know why levitra and viagra doesnt work. He told me you dont want to get surgery on your penis and he left it at that. Then he said we will fix your ed.


oops sorry worriedguy I meant to say hes pretty sure he can fix my ed without surgery. I think the reason why pentox works over cialis and such is because pentox makes the tissue softer and easily for blood flow to get in. It doesnt matter because Ive noticed results from pentox and not viagra and such.


That's just nuts does anybody listen? LOOK as a forum we can not validate or prescribe.Look anything you smoke is going through your lungs.right? So if you try remedy and it works is it negated by the means that brought you to the discovery. No you listen to what works and you go with it.

Do not  follow a leader but be leader push on. The weaker you are the more punished you are.Do not believe you are broken. When you are broken you are done.



Hi everyone.

Well I got diagnosed by my GP the other day with Peyronies. I'm 22 and think I have had this for 2 years.

One thing this isn't going to do is destroy me. I have booked to see a urologist who specialises in Peyronies in a weeks time. What sort of questions do I need to ask him?

My symptoms are quite strange, in the fact I do not really have any curvature; I have a lump on the shaft of the penis and the right hand side of the penis doesn't seem to get erect. Whereas the left hand side, that seems fine and normal! I suspect this would prevent sex as I have ED on one side but havn't tried since getting this so can't really say. I don't really have a bend because of this, its just that the right hand side I think suffers from ED.

Has anyone got any ideas of ways to improve this? Does the fact that I have no curve and in fact ED on one side mean treatement options will be different? Or will it be the usual VED, Pentox, Cialis, Viagra etc?

I'm glad that I spoke to my GP - its better not putting up with this on your own. I was scared after he told me for a few hours but then realised worse things can happen and whilst at the moment there is no cure, there are ways to improve the condition!


england_J im 25 and and I have the same problem. I hardly ever get a curve penis. Thats good you noticed early... if you just have ed like me pentox and cialis works the best Ive tried viagra and levitra and trust me cialis once a day is prime choice.  More than likely though over time you might notice a curve every so often. Well I do anyway and basically have the same problem and symptoms as you. If your going to see a peyronies disease specialist your in the right hands. I would bring photos of your penis soft and erect. If its just ed and thats the main problem he will more than likely put you on pentox to start. Im seeing a peyronies disease specialist and thats what he did then he put me on cialis and its working really good.


Noway, thanks for your reply.

Would you say the Cialis and Pentox work well enough to be able to have sexual intercourse?  


Im experiencing my second bout of peyronnies.

Had a nesbit procedure 14 months ago to correct a 30 degree kink at the base.  Have now developed a new curve to the left/twisting and a lot of pain all around the base area along with ed!

The first time around i didnt really feel too bad about the whole thing and assumed the surgery would sort me out, the second time now i know i've been down the surgery route is pretty soul destroying.

Ive also this week been prescribed pentox and cialis daily with an appointment again in 2 months to see where im at.


Quote from: chris26 on July 28, 2011, 01:10:39 PM
The first time around i didnt really feel too bad about the whole thing and assumed the surgery would sort me out, the second time now i know i've been down the surgery route is pretty soul destroying.

Ive also this week been prescribed pentox and cialis daily with an appointment again in 2 months to see where im at.

There is much information here. Don't wait. There are things you can do in-between doctor "wait and see" visits. Traction, VED, meds, etc.  
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Chris26, I feel for you.... I hope you exhausted everything before you got the surgery.


Quote from: Noway on July 30, 2011, 05:46:30 PM
Chris26, I feel for you.... I hope you exhausted everything before you got the surgery.

Didnt exhaust any really, was told the only options were vacuum or nesbit procedure.  I was told the nesbit would straighten the penis, which it did but ive still been left with the weakness at the base were the kink used to be.

This has a year on developed into a bend to the left, twisting and pain.

The first sign of my peyronnies was ED which ive had since the age of 21, i tried everything to rectify it lost 3 stone in weight/quit smoking but nothing helped.  Eventually i regained some ability to get an erection which is when i noticed the curvature. It was then around 3 years later after seeing various doctors/having all sorts of tests that i had the surgery.

On the psychological side of things the hardest part is people wondering why ive never had a proper girlfriend at 26, i dont know how i could see someone at my age who i cant have sex with. Its also a lot to put onto someone you've just met.  Its effected my confidence with women in a big way.

The only people ive told are a couple of friends and my family.    



Yeah one doctor ive seen said the samething to me that the only thing that will help peyronies disease is surgery im glad I didnt do it but still might have too. Im 25 and have ed bad too but no bend really. cialis and pentox works.  Your next bet would be to get a implant because you dont want to go through another surgery and have ed again or weakness. An implant will straighten out your penis some and give you rigid erections but im no doctor to say that. You should get on pentox and cialis and try that for a start... it will make your penis fuller and get better erections. Some doctors are clueless but think they know what there talking about.



About the girlfriend I have the same problem not much you can do about it till you get things sorted out. I have the same problem my friends and such ask me why I dont have a girlfriend and bug me and also pick on things I do to say this is why you dont have a girlfriend when I could get one. I cant have sex its frustrating and its not worth drinking over. My father knows but theres not much your friends or family can do they want to help so it frustrates them more but its always nice to talk to someone about it.



I believe I Pm'd you not long ago.I believe I gave you the same advice as Noway.But sometimes I am unable to send. Anyway he is giving you sound advice.You definitely can not afford another grafting surgery.Hang in There .Definitely consider his advice on the supplements and adding traction or Ved therapy. I also suffer ed A I am sure I was injured because of it.So all this the supplements traction or Ved therapy will keep your junk healthy and prepare you for implant surgery.Hope it does not come to that but for many of us it will be the answer.

You might want to read Jackp post or visit his blog on the web.He told me not long ago a 26 year old had an implant earlier  this year.Using traction/ Ved all help your stretch for the best possible fit.The Ams 700 lgx is the only impant that expands In length and girth it is the best possible for a normal looking penis and you will be straight and never have a problem having an erection for at least 15 to twenty years.You definitely have to find a talented and best qualified surgeon or you may be sorry.

Like me and all men with ed that can not be treated or resolved ,this is the only way out.If your ed can not be resolved.It is of most importance that you do not create more trauma to your member.So if you can not maintain a healthy erection do not have sex.




The 26 year old young man that had an implant last year has had a great recovery. HE had peyronies with hourglassing and ED. In a recent picture he sent me you can not even tell he ever had any problems.

He now has a girlfriend and she tells him that with him she has the best sex ever.

Any man, young or old, that has peyronies and ED should seriously consider an implant. The nesbit or other procedure will not help the ED. Why go through 2 surgeries. A AMS 700 LGX with modeling, during surgery, has a terrific out come. But it has to be done by of very talented doctor.

Those of us from around the world that have been to Nashville and had Dr. Milam do the surgery say he is the best in the world.

There is more information on my blog. Anyone that would like to ask a question please send me a PM or email. I will be happy to help.



Hi guys,

Starting to think the implant is going to be the best option for me.  I dont have private health insurance but my parents are reasonably wealthy and they said they will cover the cost of anything in order to get me fully functioning.

Im just worried that due to my age my urologist will continue on with the wait and see/try this try that approach.  Which is easy for them to say as there not impotent in their 20's!  Ive been on cialis/pentox for arround 3 months now and havent seen any improvement to my condition.

Im still having outbreaks of pain that last a few days which gets me down and my erectile function has actually got worse.  Seeing my uro in 2 weeks time and am going to ask about the VED as im pretty sure im still getting smaller down below and that should help keep everything as flexible as possible for the implant.


Im just really annoyed lately after so many years im still living with this because its stuck to me. Also the length of my penis is bothering me that it wont be the same size as before or as good.


chris26  Keep on the pentox and cialis  because it takes about 5 months or even a bit longer before you noticed any good results from pentox your doctor should of told you that. If you only have been on for 3 months then you wont notice anything. That was the case for me too. Also if your in alot of pain sustain from masterbating for a couple of days then go really light too. Also how many are you taking a day or pentox?


My penis was actually good when I was on cialis but as of late I ran out of it and its not as good. But pentox is still working somewhat and my penis hurts midly every once in a while.  


Quote from: Noway on December 18, 2011, 02:12:39 AM
My penis was actually good when I was on cialis but as of late I ran out of it and its not as good. But pentox is still working somewhat and my penis hurts midly every once in a while.

Noway, how many times a day do you take Pentox? I started 3 times a day, and didn't notice improvements. Went down to 2 times
a day, and just once a day now. Physician says 1 a day is good enough. I am going to start 2 times a day again. Just curious
on your daily amount.


Im on pentox 3 times a day and 5mg cialis once a day.

Not having any side effects from either apart from bad facial flushing if i have any alcohol. Got a 3 month prescription so carrying on with it.

Not masturbated for over a month now was is pain for 2 weeks after the last time so not worth it!

Got a date tommorow night gonna have to think up some excuse if we end up back at mine  :(.

Chin up guys.  Merry xmas!


Pd_sucks i take two of pentox pills a day because taking three I was feeling side effects but wasnt sure if it was from the pentox so my doctor said go down too two a day.  I know consuming alcohol makes it worst also for me anyway the next day or the day after.


This sucks I have lost so many girls because of peyronies disease and im not a bad looking guy sigh. So many nice girls I could of had. Alot of girls I didnt talk too because of my problem. screw my life.


It is really difficult for young guys to deal with losing our sexual functioning.  I know that even as someone who was a virgin until recently I took a lot of pride in the flawless functioning of my penis.  It made me confident even if the only thing I was using it for was to masturbate.  I felt like even if I was single, when I met the right person I would have so much to offer.

I finally met her and of course I had to get peyronie's disease within weeks of losing my virginity.  It seems like the world hates me and doesn't want me to be happy.  Fortunately she is understanding and still wants to be with me but I can't stop this constant paranoia that she will leave me.  She comforts me and I feel better but then it comes back and I don't know how to stop.  And I don't think I could deal with the idea of trying to date again with this condition.  I really feel pathetic now.  

Sexual pleasure is such a healthy and integral part of life.  Not only am I scared of being less valuable to a partner because of lack of satisfying sex, but I'm afraid that I'll just be so depressed that nobody would want to be with me.  I don't really know how to overcome this except hope that in time I am better able to accept it.  But there are so many constant reminders of sex.  

This condition basically takes the best thing in life and makes it the worst thing in life.  What an evil disease.  


27 here, i have had this condition for about 13 yrs.  had 3 surgeries a few yrs back and finally see major improvements this year.  been through depression, extensive research / thinking, you name it.....im refraining from sex / masturbation and taking serrapatese / vit E + traction device when i can, this seems to be working dramatically!  

talk about some of the hardest years in my life.....as weird as it may sound, im kind of glad i have had this condition for this long.  i have learned so much and proud of where i am today, it has shaped me into a better person.  stay positive and dont let this disease consume you
Age 37


@jackp: But an implant needs to be replaced every 10-15 years or is that not the case anymore? At such a young age I'm also wondering if there are any long term data on implants. There is a risk of infection after all...
"Without health life is not life; it is only a state of languor and suffering - an image of death."



I know many young men that have implants, some as young as 20.  Yes  an implant is a mechanical medical device and tend to ware out over time. I am hearing now that the AMS 700 LGX has been available for 10 years. Most problems were surgical mistakes or uses other than they were intended for. With my mechanical background I estimate it will last up to 20+ years.

I inflate mine every day. Some thought I was warering it out too soon because of it.  I sent Dr. Milam an email and he told me to "Ware myself out trying."  In testing it is cycled over 200,000 times without failure.  

You buy a new car and over time it has to be replaced. You had fun waring it out. Same with an implant HAVE FUN TRYING TO WARE IT OUT. Just like cars implants get better with each new model.  

Why wait 15 years?  Your sex life is important now.  You will say, like most of us, I wish I had this 10 years ago.

Yes there is a risk of infection.  The new implants have an antibiotic coating and that risk has been redused to less than 1%.  When I had mine Dr. Milam's nurse told me she had been with him for 7 years and he had not had an infection in that time.  Implants are best done by high volume surgeons that do over 100 a year, and in a center of excellence.

Don't put off your sex life for fear of having it replaced in 15+ years.
