CIALIS, VIAGRA, LEVITRA, STENDRA Effects, Questions, Availability, Prices

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I switched Viagra for Cialis a few days back. A concern was that I wasn't getting all that many nocturnal erections, and that Viagra is somewhat time limited too. The switch has been something of a mixed blessing. The nocturnal erections are now pretty frequent, which I'm happy about, and erections throughout the day are good too. The downside is that I appear to be one of the unfortunate minority to get pretty bad low back pain from Cialis. I will try reducing the dose to see if this helps, but it's a concern. Is there any chance that if I stick with it for a few weeks, the side effects will reduce somewhat?


Cialis is what I take. I don't know about the back pain. I haven't had any side effects. My insurace only covers 8 pills per week, so I cut my pills in half and take a "half pill" every other day. Seems to work fine for me.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Thanks for the reply. I think I'll try cutting the dose down, and seeing if that helps. When I took vaigra previously, the side effects (blocked up nose, slight headache) went away after a few days. I can usually tolerate drugs well. Heres hoping that it's the same with Cialis, a I believe it to be a preferable choice due to its long half-life.


I get occasional low back pain with Cialis. I am able to combat it with ibuprofen very well. I also cycle off for periods of time. I have not tried vardenafil which may be a good choice too.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Tim, I'm curious, why do you cycle off Cialis?  I have heard others say they believe the various PDE-5 inhibitors can build up a tolerance with consistent usage, but that cycling off for a while seems to result in restored efficacy.  Just wondering if that's what you're doing? ...

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.


I'm very happy to say that after the first few days, which were pretty rough, the back ache has now gone away totally. It appears that my body has adjusted to Cialis and all is well now.


I don't have a good single answer to why I cycle off medications or supplements. I get bored, discouraged and forgetful sometimes. At other times, I decide to take a break to see how I am doing without something. At other times I create scientific justifications like breaking down tolerances. But it's probably a bit of all of the above.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Cialis was a killer for me  in the back pain department.  I switched to Levitra
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: Hawk on September 18, 2009, 10:00:13 PM
Cialis was a killer for me  in the back pain department.  I switched to Levitra

I was actually quite shocked at the level of discomfort I experienced. The pain was pretty bad, and even seemed to extend into my legs, though the back pain was the most intense. I'm surprised that it went away so fast really. Now I have no side effects from it at all. Whereas with viagra I occasionally used to get blocked sinuses. The good news I suppose is that, with three options the vast majority of people will find one option that works for them.


In young men with peyronie's disease, and I assume some with other conditions where ED is present, viagra can of course be very useful. It is probably the one drug though that I worry about taking for a prolonged period of time. It's not that I have any reason to as such (aside from the documented rare cases of hearing and sight loss) but I appear to have concerns anyway. Do you think that these concerns are warranted?  There are alternatives of course (l-arginine + pycnogenol and so on) so it's not as if they aren't other options, but they likely aren't as powerful. Are there any longer term studies of daily use phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors which highlight side effects / concerns?  


Quote from: newguy on October 15, 2009, 09:53:34 PMAre there any longer term studies of daily use phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors which highlight side effects / concerns?

Depends on your definition of long term. Mine is 25+ years, but for some these 6-12 month studies will qualify.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


I can get erect without viagra right now, but it's not a good erection and  I read a few people here are taking viagra daily - and I sometimes see these commercials about "viagra for daily use" too.  How much viagra is in the PAV cocktail...and is it meant to be daily or every other day?  Are you supposed to have sex/masturbate right after that, or is the benefit just in taking the pill?

I can get an erection that is about 60-70% of what I had a year ago in terms of size and hardness.   If I am with someone I am really into, maybe it'll go up to 75-80% but it's still not the same.  Viagra makes it about 80% - but I only have taken it for certain occasions. ..not daily.

I am I would ideally somehow restore things to normal, rather than being on viagra I guess that's why I was wondering if my body can become dependent on it.  

Right now, I just started with all of this (it took some time to get diagnosed officially and to stop being in denial) so I have pentox, arganine, a VED device on its way in the mail, vit E, and Trazadone.  I had viagra prescribed before (before I knew i had Peyronies Disease officially...when things just "were small and not working right") and I have refills...but I never took it on a daily (or semi-daily) schedule.  



You make a great point that I hope more here will try to understand. As I got older and my erection wasn't what it used to be, I was in denial about it. This was even before my Peyronies. What I was in denial about was that I was having mild ED and refused to admit it. As long as I was "hard enough" for entry/intercourse then I thought every thing was fine.

What I didn't realize is that in this "weakened" state, even though we could have intercourse, it was making me more vulnerable to trauma. This is definitely one of the conditions that causes Peyronies Disease and is what I believe caused mine. Any time your erection is less than 100% rigid, it is my opinion you are at risk of trauma or further injury. So don't fool yourself about being adequate or hard enough. If I were you I would use the viagra. You can either use it when you know you will need it, or take it in small doses to help blood flow and erection quality. I take Cialis but I still cut it in pieces and take it on a more regular basis. Mu insurance would not pay for the daily dosages.

I also have 100 mg Viagra and am able to cut it into 4 pieces (25 mg each). You can take this daily or every other day at your discretion.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Can anyone tell me if there are generic brands of viagra, cialis and levitra online that are trustworthy? Thanks


Yes, there are trustworthy places online. I ve been buying Viagra, Celebrex and etc. For over a year and havent had any problems. If you would like to PM me I will give you the details.



Hey Woodman - My name is Ken and I think you and I have the same Urologist, as I also live in the Houston area. Anyway Dr. Lipshultz put me on daily Viagra, its very expensive since my insurance doesn't pay for it. Can you provide a little more info on the online sites? I would greatly appreciate any data you could provide, Thanks.




I have taken viagra from 25 - 50 mg and have had pretty good erections, but I have also had the bad side effects (headaches, flushing, congestion...had to take migraine med 1 time after viagra - pretty rough migraine).  

I took cialis at 20 mg for "36 hour use" and had zero side effects.  It lasted 36+ hours.  I thought I was 15 years old again based on how many erections I was having (from practically nothing).  

So, going forward, I have a few questions...

My urologist had a cupon for 30 2.5mg or 5mg "Cialis for daily use" tablets or 3 "10 or 20 36-hour cialis" tablets.  He wrote me an Rx for 3, 36 hr cialis (for free).  I didn't drop it off yet because I realized that the 30 tabs seems to make more sense for Peyronies Disease than the 3 long-acting tabs.  All these meds help oxygenate the penis and I've read posts where people say it can have benefits for Peyronies Disease especially with Pentox, Arg, Verapamil, and fast-size (I'm attacking from every front).  

So, should I go back and ask for daily-use cialis or can I split the 20 mg "36-hour" tabs up?  I can only really split them in I'd only have 6 days worth.  I'm not sure if the tabs can be split but it doesn't say "do not crush or split this tablet" like some meds.  

Have any docs given people cialis for daily use instead of viagra?  It seems to be less intense of a drug & if it still benefits Peyronies Disease, then I'm onboard.  If only the 20 mg would have a benefit, then I'll just fill the Rx.   What have been your experiences?  


I've been splitting the 20 cialis in two. It's pretty much impossible to split it any more than that. If you get the 2.5's you can always double up (or triple,etc.)


I'd go back for the 30 day script mate. It is a pde5 inhibitor and works by the exact same mechanism as Viagra but with a much longer half life, it should be just as good for Peyronie's if not better than Viagra.

Far better to have it in your system for 30 days than just a few, and make sure you're having arginine for hte best result. I'll bet you see pretty much as good an erection with the 5mg once a day as you did with the full 20mg dose.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


I have a question too. If there any evidence at all that people can build up a slight tolerance to these medications over time?  


Quote from: newguy on May 14, 2010, 04:53:43 PM
I have a question too. If there any evidence at all that people can build up a slight tolerance to these medications over time?

There are a few reasonably long studies out there done on Viagra daily, and nothing was reported about building up a tolerance. Actually I remember the result of one was that a pretty good percentage of the participants regained the ability to have an erection without Viagra at the end of the study. That is from memory though, might be an idea to hunt them out and have a read.

The only place I have heard of people building up a tolerance is on forums, and in my experience anecdotal evidence is not something that should guide your actions.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Hi to everyone
I am just last week diagnosed and signed on as a member Tuesday. Have had lots of help from The Old Man and great correspondence with fubar.
For what it may be worth , my Urologist took one look at the photo I brought with me and said he would not even consider any kind of surgery for 1 year. Hopefully it will have cleared up by then. Let's hope!!
It first appeared about 5 weeks ago - just out of the blue.
He prescribed a daily 5 mg dose of Cialis. Plus use a vacuum for 5 - 10 minutes every night.
I am a heart patient so had to get clearance from my Cardiologist this week , because I carry Nitro but have never used it.
I can take the daily Cialis provided I don't use the Nitro if Angina strikes. He said get to a hospital and tell them no nitro.
He is one of the best P.D. Urologists here in Ontario and has over 20 years experience treating it. He has gone through several standard treatments and discarded most of , apparently ,them in favor of the above. But all I know is what he is doing with my case.
The Cialis has caused me to have multiple night time erections - curved of course. But I understand that is good so will stay with this treatment and hope it works for me.
Thanks for your time fellows.


I've read several posts in these forums about men taking viagra or similar drugs.  I'd like to understand more and see if it is appropriate for my man.

He is able to get and sustain an erection sufficient for (satisfying!) intercourse.  He's not as hard or big as before but that's okay (with me at least, not him necessarily).  Therefore I thought Viagra was not appropriate, because it was for treating ED.  

However am I reading correctly that there are therapeutic benefits to the drug?  His doctor did not mention this, but we can push for a prescription if it is valuable.  

So my questions are:
- should he take it?
- should he take it daily or just before sex?  (which for us would mean once or twice a week)
- if daily, how much?  I assume a much smaller dose than the 50-100 mg one would use for ED
- My pharmacy charges $20 per 100 mg pill!!!!  (Yes, I know this because I take Viagra.  If you are curious about that, send me a private message.  I don't have Peyronies! : :) )  They say there's no generic version available.  However the internet insists there ARE generics for sildenafil for $1-2 a pill.  Are these legit?  Are there trustworthy online pharmacies?
- Are there any studies (ideally double-blind placebo, but even open label or case studies would be helpful) showing therapeutic benefit to viagra to help convince the doc to prescribe?
- Has anyone had any luck getting their insurance to cover viagra, especially if a daily dose is required to treat a diagnosed non-ED condition?

(I have a ZILLION more questions so maybe everyone will get sick of me asking but I hope you will be patient.  I do try to read forum highlights but often they don't cover my specific questions.  Thanks!)

(Oh, edited to add, he's currently taking Colchicine and Pentoxifylline)


As far as therapeutic benefits, Pentoxifylline is similar to Viagra in that it increase blood flow to the penis. However.... you stated something in your post that caught my attention. You stated his erection is "hard enough" but not as hard as it used to be. I can tell you for me, that this is what I feel caused my Peyronies. I refused to admit I might have slight ED, and my erections were also "firm enough". But what I didn't realize is that my erection was more vulnerable to trauma/bending in this state. And some slight trauma can trigger Peyronies Disease. So my advice would be to use either Viagra/Cialis/Levitra and advise him to keep his erection as hard as possible. My preference is toward Cialis in that is lasts much longer than the Viagra does.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Personal experience here - your mileage may vary...

I like Cialis over Viagra for several reasons.

The biologic effect is the same - the Nitric Oxide effect on erection is also thought to positively affect wound healing. I do note, though, that some docs I consider more current and "state of the art" no longer are using it. For instance Tom Lue in SF did his first case report on Pentox for a guy who was also given Viagra. I think he no longer adds that in as it does not seem to add to the benefits from pentox.

It is important to remember that Pentox and Viagra do different things to the body, and "improving oxygenation" or "vasodilators" or "blood thinners" is not either what they primarily do, or what their putative mechanism for helping Peyonrie's disease is.

Secondly, the dosing can be spaced way out. It is my experience that the benefit to erection quality grows over time with Cialis. NOw after taking it for about two years, I note that I dose it only every 5 days or so, and the benefits (in terms of hardness and "quality" no longer washes out within 36 hours like it used to. There are now published reports that long term use of this class of drug can lead to improvement in baseline function in men with ED.

Third, I can save money by using Cialis as I can space it out more (if I buy a 20 mg tablet and break it into fourths and take 1/4 every three days, it can work quite well. I sought out and found a good source of cheaper Cialis over the internet and saved more that way as well.

Finally, the side effects with Viagra are worse for ME (headache and flushing) so that affected my choice as well.


52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


I'm with Tim on this one. I found that I experienced more side effects on Viagra than Cialis - headaches, clogged sinuses etc. I did initially have problems with Cialis in that for a few days it gave me bad pain in my lower back. After that however it was plain sailing. I like that Cialis has a very long half life, and figure that the longer something is in my system the more opportunity it has to do good. I also agree with Tim on the point that, after taking it for many months, now if I miss a dose for a few days, my erections still seem to be much stronger than they were pre-cialis. There are indeed studies to back up the claim that after a long time on these medications, erection quality is greater even after you stop taking them. Whether this is physical or psychological (or both) I do not know, but that is less important to me that the occurence of the erections.



I was wondering if you would be so kind as to give me a pointer to these "trusted places" where you can buy medications.
I have been a lurker on these forums until recently but I really cannot afford $18/pill anymore :(


ps: Woodman, your pm box is full.


Quote from: ccc on October 10, 2010, 04:31:27 PM

I was wondering if you would be so kind as to give me a pointer to these "trusted places" where you can buy medications.
I have been a lurker on these forums until recently but I really cannot afford $18/pill anymore :(


ps: Woodman, your pm box is full.

At least viagra is one drug where it's possible to know whether it works or not. Of course though, there is always risk, there are no certainties. I have personally bought Cialis from . I know a few people here use too. Both seem to be reliable. As luck would have it the quality of my erections appears to have improved somewhat over recent months. It isn't a wholly anticipated development but it's welcome nonetheless. Therefore, I plan to reduce my useage of certain drugs over the months.



Riverpharmacy worked for me 3.00 $ something rather than 24.00 a pill here in the US.woke up today with annoying bent erection!



Quote from: fubar on October 15, 2010, 09:31:51 AM

Riverpharmacy worked for me 3.00 $ something rather than 24.00 a pill here in the US.woke up today with annoying bent erection!


I'm glad others have positive experiences with them too! Yes, there's certainly a potential saving there for men who have been paying more previously, for one reason or another.


I'm new here and would like to keep my wife happy.  Noticed nodules/beginning of bending/indentiation about a year after surgery for rectal cancer.  I have no problem getting and keeping an erection, but since surgery I have trouble fully emptying my bladder without straining, and I no longer get spontaneous, overnight, erections.

My urologist has me on Vitamin E, daily cialis and l-arginine, which he says have off label anti-oxidant effects.  After 30 days he'd like to introduce another drug (trentinol??).

I have it in more than one place.  Have heard about the surgery connection.

Any thoughts?  I keep seeing stuff about pentox and ubiquinol.


If momma ain't happy, nobody is happy.  LOL

Trental is a brand name for pentoxifylline, aka pentox, and is considered to be a first line medicine.  400 mg tablet, 3 times per day, with food, is common.  Generic is cheap.  Vitamin E is considered to be a waste of time.  The L-Arginine and cialis are to encourage night time erections, which increase blood flow and full vascular filling.

Quote from: gm on November 23, 2010, 06:33:50 PM
I'm new here and would like to keep my wife happy.  Noticed nodules/beginning of bending/indentiation about a year after surgery for rectal cancer.  I have no problem getting and keeping an erection, but since surgery I have trouble fully emptying my bladder without straining, and I no longer get spontaneous, overnight, erections.

My urologist has me on Vitamin E, daily cialis and l-arginine, which he says have off label anti-oxidant effects.  After 30 days he'd like to introduce another drug (trentinol??).

I have it in more than one place.  Have heard about the surgery connection.

Any thoughts?  I keep seeing stuff about pentox and ubiquinol.


I'm beginning to see a correlation between my use of Cialis and painfull inflammatory flare ups of my Peyronies.  I use the Cialis only occasionally to induce nocturnal erections.  After Cialis I am extra sore for 2 or 3 days.  Perhaps the erections with Cialis are too strong and strain the already compromised tunica.  It's not a popular opinion on this board but I suspect the use of all these ED drugs has caused a hugh surge in Peyronies occurrences.


you may have a point.  I think that's one reason a lot of doctors are hesitant to prescribe them, especially if you have no physiological ED.  I don't have any problems getting an erection unless its psychological from the anxiety of having Peyronies Disease.  I notice that when i take something as mild as L-arginine to help with this, i sometimes get pain.


It does help with prevent scarring in animal models, so in situations where it appears to bring on more pain, I guess it comes down to the individuals decision. It's sometimes hard to know what to do. In those new to peyronie's without ED, there might even be an argument for cialis there, due to its anti fibrotic effect (granted some/all of that might be due the erections but who knows). If I had recently developed peyronie's, I think I'd throw everything but the kitchen sink at it (in terms of things that we know might help).


I agree Newguy, I think anything that helps induce erection will have an anti fibrotic effect on peyronies, since the increased blood flow is getting into more tissue to carry nutrients to it, and the erection itself will keep the scar tissue stretched.  However I have a fear about taking these drugs(cialis,viagra,levitra) for Peyronies Disease sufferers with no ED.  One of the risks of taking these is priapism, which men that have no ED are much more prone to, since there is nothing wrong with our erectile quality in the first place.  My concern would be nocturnal erections that are priapistic in nature, and since you're sleeping, you may not even notice it.  This would seem to me to worsen or aggravate the disease greatly


Quote from: chefcasey26 on December 03, 2010, 06:04:42 PM
I agree Newguy, I think anything that helps induce erection will have an anti fibrotic effect on peyronies, since the increased blood flow is getting into more tissue to carry nutrients to it, and the erection itself will keep the scar tissue stretched.  However I have a fear about taking these drugs(cialis,viagra,levitra) for Peyronies Disease sufferers with no ED.  One of the risks of taking these is priapism, which men that have no ED are much more prone to, since there is nothing wrong with our erectile quality in the first place.  My concern would be nocturnal erections that are priapistic in nature, and since you're sleeping, you may not even notice it.  This would seem to me to worsen or aggravate the disease greatly

Chef - Some very good points. I feel that people should certainly listen to their body when making choices. If a man taking ED medications finds that his erections are lasting loing than he'd like them too, then it may be risky - in terms of priapism. I think many men with peyronie;s have varying degrees of ED so I haven't heard of cases of priapism here, but it's certainly something a persons hould consider when starting on a treatment. It's a very valid point that its hard to know how many erections you have to night and how long they last for. The only obvious measure would be more often an individual wakes up during the night, or in the mornings with an erection, but that's not a perfect representation of what happens during the night. If erections lasted for ages though I'd expect that the man would wake up with penis pain.  


Priapism is something that is very painful when  having erections for an over extended time. Usually over three hours. I did experience ed for a time ,now I do not.I still use cialis every now and then to keep a good erection to promote healing. The drug is different than viagra no instint hard on.

I feel  being a heart patient that it is very safe. You should always consult a doctors advice though before taking matters in your own hand.



I have been on a short course of low-dose Cialis for 4 weeks now as part of my post-surgery treatment. I had tried full-strength Levitra when I wasn't having any erections after the surgery - and the stuff made me too sick. The low-dose Cialis, which is taken every day, had a couple of nasty side effects the first week and a half, and then settled down. What it has revealed is that there is nothing wrong with my libido, and I expect I will have very little trouble with ED after the 6 weeks are over. I didn't really care for the side effects much - initially I had stomach upset and crashing headaches, but the only one I am left with is a tendency to have a hot, dry face. For 6 weeks, I can live with that. And my doctor was a brick - the Cialis low-dose samples come in 2-week packages, so I do not have to pay for a prescription unless I want to continue beyond the initial therapy period.

I have not had any evidence of priapism with this approach - but then, I was never much prone to nocturnal erections or emissions.


I initially had bad side effects too. Pretty nasty indigestion and bad lower back pain. Luckily this settled down after a couple of weeks and neither has been an issue since.


My case of peyronies is due to multiple fractures, I guess you could say, that took place when I was very young - I'd guess 14-16 years old. I'm 26 years old now.

My penis has had a very slight bend for many years since the trauma. It doesnt seem to have gotten much worse over time. However, in the last 3.5 years I've experienced ED. 3.5 years ago I could have sex without drugs. Now, however, I cannot - I need pde5 inhibitors just to get an erection adequate for penetration. In fact, I even struggle to masterbate successfully without them! Never imagined I'd be in that position!
It's taking a severe mental toll on me. I assume these problems are due to the plaque caused by peyronies. There is some noticable harder areas where the bend and the trauma occured.

I have seen contradictory information on peyronies and pde5 inhibitors. Some say they are bad or make it worse. Others say they are good because they stimulate blood flow.

Anyone have any ideas, advice, or experiences?


IMHO anything you can do to stimulate blood flow to your penis is good for you.

The pills and shots id not work for me. I used a VED for years before having my implant. Dr. Milam said to keep up the daily VED exercise until the day before surgery. I firmly believe that helped my outcome.



The oral treatments that actually "work" for Peyronie's are Pentoxifylline and Ubiquinol/Ubiquinone, and Acetyl L Carnitine and Potaba.  They are the ONLY treatments that actually have research study support showing significant benefit for Peyronie's.  With the exception of Pentoxifylline, they do not improve blood flow.  They are rather powerful anti-oxidant/anti-inflammatories.  Pentoxifylline improves blood flow and blocks the immune system reducing inflammation as well.  The first two are undoubtedly the best choices.  PDE5 inhibitors work for ED, there is no question about that.  Lots of research data behind that.  AND, if your Peyronie's is accompanied by ED, fixing the ED with PDE5 inhibitors will be helpful for the Peyronie's, but it will not benefit Peyronie's problems directly.  So don't try to substitute Peyronie's treatments with PDE5 inhibitors.  If you need both, use both.  But attack Peyronie's directly if you want the best outcome.  - George


Quote from: George999 on January 08, 2011, 10:39:22 AM
The oral treatments that actually "work" for Peyronie's are Pentoxifylline and Ubiquinol/Ubiquinone, and Acetyl L Carnitine and Potaba.  They are the ONLY treatments that actually have research study support showing significant benefit for Peyronie's.  With the exception of Pentoxifylline, they do not improve blood flow.  They are rather powerful anti-oxidant/anti-inflammatories.  Pentoxifylline improves blood flow and blocks the immune system reducing inflammation as well.  The first two are undoubtedly the best choices.  PDE5 inhibitors work for ED, there is no question about that.  Lots of research data behind that.  AND, if your Peyronie's is accompanied by ED, fixing the ED with PDE5 inhibitors will be helpful for the Peyronie's, but it will not benefit Peyronie's problems directly.  So don't try to substitute Peyronie's treatments with PDE5 inhibitors.  If you need both, use both.  But attack Peyronie's directly if you want the best outcome.  - George

Are there serious side effects to pentox and ubiquitol? I have heard that many doctors are hesitant to prescribe them.


Quote from: jackp on January 08, 2011, 08:32:50 AM
IMHO anything you can do to stimulate blood flow to your penis is good for you.

The pills and shots id not work for me. I used a VED for years before having my implant. Dr. Milam said to keep up the daily VED exercise until the day before surgery. I firmly believe that helped my outcome.


It seems like you are satisfied with the implant. If that's the case, I'm happy for you. Anyone who gets through these problems and ends up with a satisfactory outcome is a ray of hope.


Quote from: ShadesOfBlue on January 08, 2011, 01:15:28 PM

Are there serious side effects to pentox and ubiquitol? I have heard that many doctors are hesitant to prescribe them.

Ubiquinol is over the counter...i dont think there are major side effects.

Pentox can cause insomnia, sleep disturbances, anxiety, and stomach upset in susceptible individuals.  Generally, people don't experience any problems.  When I took it, it messed up my sleep somewhat & I woke up a lot during the night.  Some others on here have reported this as well - and so it's best not to take it close to bed time... which makes it hard to take 3 divided doses.  The best solution for people w/ problems on pentox is probably to just take 2 pills a day instead of 3 (all at 400 mg, which is the only dose it comes in i think) w/ breakfast and maybe then no later than 6 pm or so - depending on when you go to bed.  The pill is naturally "time release" from what i heard anyway, and your body maintains a certain level of the drug in your blood for a while - so even timing your doses may not help if you are very sensitive to it.  


I take Pentox three times a day.  I NEVER take it after 6:00PM and usually my last dose is around 5:00PM.  I take it breakfast, lunch and dinner and have never had any problem with sleep disturbances probably because by the time I go to bed it is pretty much out of my system.  - George


I have a prescription for Cialis (20mg) which I've used (5mg dose) when I know I am going to have intercourse to gain a firmer erection (and hopefully prevent again further injury). I have not been using it on a daily basis or every other day basis for two reasons. First, cost. Second, I am a little concerned about the long-term impact of taking this daily.

That being said, I've seen the evidence for the PAV cocktail and am thinking about moving my intake to a daily basis. To save costs I'm wondering about splitting the pills six ways (~3mg/dose) and only taking once every 48 hours? Cialis seems to run about $1/mg so this would bring my daily cost to about $1.50 which is much more manageable than the $5/day I'd be spending taking a 5mg pill daily.

Any thoughts on this strategy?


@dannyocean - I bought generic cialis - Tadalafil - and split the tablets.  Am taking 3mg - 4mg daily.  Works great from an erection perspective, also can tell while flaccid that the bloodflow is much increased.  You can get generic cialis for about $2.00 a tablet....


Apologize, can't seem to find the post I read recently that had a link to results of a Cialis study for Peyronies.  Can someone post again please?  Can't seem to find it on Google search either.
