Has anyone used Restorex?

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This is supposedly developed at Mayo clinic and requires a lot less time per day in traction.  It expensive ($500), so wondering if anyone has tried it and whether it works. Link to commercial site deleted by moderator  I'm newly diagnosed and looking for a traction devise that works but I don't have to rearrange my life around.  Thanks


I have not, but I'm also curious. I emailed back and forth a couple of times with the creator, Dr. Trost. He's pretty engaged with it and helping the community. I am wavering on the cost but will probs end up buying one. Because it is new and not yet proven, and requires less time than normal devices, I might use it as directed and then fill in extra hours with an existing device.


I bought it and have been using it for over two weeks.  I think it's great -- possibly a game-changer.  It is specifically designed for Peyronie's Disease and the online video does a great job of explaining how it works.

The best part is the clamp, which looks painful but isn't.  As they say, it mimics the grip of your hand and it's very easy to use.  The device gives an excellent stretch and with the springs, keeps that tension level as the penis stretches out and lengthens.  You do two 30 minute stretches a day.  The first is for straight-ahead lengthening.  For the second, the device bends the penis in the opposite direction of the curvature.  It seems like this would be very effective and no other device offers it.

I previously bought an X4 device, which is a total ripoff.  I don't understand how anybody can use it.  And I hate the sleazy website that preys on desperate people.

I just received a Penimaster Pro but I can't figure out how to get into it.

In addition to Restorex, I'm using a Soma Correct VED according to the protocol on this website.  I just finished my last round of Xiaflex (disappointing) but I think the combination of these two forms of traction (THREE if I can figure out this Penimaster Pro) and the Pentox I'm taking might get some results.

My only doubt about the Restorex is whether only one hour a day of traction can achieve a remodeling of the penis.  Dr. Trost compares traction to braces for the teeth, but you would never get anywhere wearing braces for only an hour a day.

In any case, I will report my results and as soon as I get some time, I'm going to post on my story up until now, with pictures.  I think it could be helpful.  I have benefited so much from this forum.

Back to the subject -- I recommend Restorex highly.


Look forward to your continued updates.  


So far there is zero evidence that Restorex works, and a lot of evidence that existing traction devices do work (at a much lower cost). I know what I would be buying right now.

Apparently the makers are running a trial, I would wait until that information is available before buying.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Please share here, many of us are very interested.  I'm thinking of trying before the results are in, what could it hurt?
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


The straps are actually a lot easier to wear and move in than the rod extender frames that both RestoreX and PeniMaster Pro actually are.
The problem with straps is that there is no way to measure or to provide guidance on setting the tension you should, or need to be safely under. Also, when you move around with the strap option, especially if attached to your leg in the downward stretch option, the tension would obviously vary hugely rather than stay constant. In some cases it may get too high in my opinion (depending on your movement and position of the leg). When trying it, I have had a few occasions where I thought "Ouch, that was too much". OK it's a very temporary over stretch but personally, I'm not a fan of that. Also, the opposite applies. Some positions, like sat on the sofa, there is no tension and you have to discretely 'disappear' to make an adjustment to the strap.

I have the PeniMaster Pro rod extender (which has a strap option included) and yes, the time you have to wear it is very cumbersome and in some cases impossible (as you can't wear any rod extender when you leave the house really) to achieve every day. Having said that, I am very skeptical about the extremely short RestoreX wear time.

Few reasons :

1. The only different thing it is doing is providing the option of a stretch that directly opposes (over an axle) your bend angle. It's still just traction but slightly increased at the axle point of the device

2. I was always under the impression that traction can get results mostly due to a Physiological response to a phenomena called 'time under tension' .... used in everything from Bodybuilding to Sports Injury Rehab. This has mostly been proven with penis extension/enlargement results from traction devices worn for the long periods recommended

3. I personally got no results from traction until I jumped from 2 hours/day to 4 hours/day ( I do intend to go longer but just working up the time period incrementally)

I'm not a 'stick in the mud' though and will be really interested to hear people's results with RestoreX and the published Mayo results. It certainly will be a game changer if wear time goes down to the level they propose

As an after thought, it would be very interesting to study whether RestoreX gives a better result in a new post Xiaflex modelling protocol due to it's ability to bend directly against the plaque / injection site for more sustained periods than the recommended manual stretching against the plaque  


I've just ordered one.

I'm only about a week into using an Andro, I have it adjusted so it's reasonably comfortable, but I know there is no way in hell I'm going to keep up with it for 8 or 9 hours a day for 12 to 18 months.

So, I hope the RestoreX program will work on my angle. I'm not as concerned with getting my lost length back, it seems more reasonable to me that wearing a traction device for many hours a day over a long period would be the best for that.

It's pretty expensive, maybe I should have waited for the trial results. But it looks to me that could be maybe 9 months or a year away.


update: they aren't cleared for sale in Canada yet, so they had to cancel my order.


Been using RestoreX for about 2 weeks ,so far no problems with wearing it or with the clamp. Emailed Dr. Trost ,theres a link on website for restorex that lets you email him so i did  and he emailed back in less than 24 hours. He told me that data  for a 3 months   study was coming out in March and that results were very promising. Results for 3 months showed 3 to 3.5 cm gained back in length and improvement of 15 degrees in curvature. This is using twice daily for 30 minutes each session.  


That is encouraging, did he say how many were in the study?
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Quote from: basscatter on January 15, 2018, 03:47:34 PM
This is using twice daily for 30 minutes each session.

Does anyone understand why only 1hr can yeild such results and you dont get the same results with PMP? What is the major difference?


2 years of development with Peyronie's disease in mind while engineering. Keep in mind that the Dr has a long list of credentials and has been treating Peyronies Disease patients(among many other male anatomy related issues) and is very familiar with what's already on the market. The controlled, consistent and calibrated tension while using is also key. Amount of tension is probably more than one would guess and is safely applied. I've had great improvements as well. All recorded by Dr Trost at my last appointment. Mayo Clinic and PathRight Medical may have just hit a home run with this one.  
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pey ron

does anyone have a link to the clinical trial for this?
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I have been using the RestoreX for about a month now.  I recently completed an entire cycle of Xiaflex which (I'm estimating) reduced a simple dorsal curve of about 75 degrees to 45 degrees.  Now I'm on Pentox, daily dose Cialis and a whole lot of the supplements that are usually mentioned here.

I use RestoreX for an hour a day.  Here is my "protocol".

1.  5 cycles (pump up and release) on the Augusta Medical vacuum device with the medium cylinder.
2.  30 minutes with Restorex (straight-on stretch)
3.  5 cycles VED
4.  30 minutes RestoreX (downward curve stretch)
5.  5 cycles VED

Other than when it's in the VED, my dick has a Hot Hands glove warmer tied onto it, or in my underpants.  That's all day, before and after the stretching.

This is, if I say so myself, a genius protocol.  The penis comes out of the RestoreX looking pretty much like a smashed-up ball of grey dryer lint (although that is to be expected).  With the first pump of the VED, blood flow is completely restored.

My dick comes out of this feeling great.  Erections are better than ever.  (Other than the curve, which I feel and HOPE is diminishing.)

I'm 54 and was experiencing some ED and general poor performance before Peyronie's came along.  If I would have known the benefits of this kind of traction, I would have begun spending an hour and a half a day doing these crazy traction exercises.  They're that good!

I'm taking pictures and I'm going to post a comprehensive report as soon as I have some time.  I'll keep tracking my condition with pictures that I'll post.

But what I have to say about RestoreX is that I think every guy with Peyronie's should buy it immediately.  Yes, there are a lot of questions about it and it has not been "proven".  (But remember that nothing other than surgery has really been "proven" to treat Peyronie's.)  RestoreX is the only device that is designed to treat our condition.  It is the only thing that will bend the penis against the curve.  Nothing can beat the stretch it gives.

The only two potential negatives I can say about RestoreX are:

(1) You could perform a much too intensive stretch and aggravate your problem.
(2) Those intense, directed stretches for only one hour a day may not be as effective as many hours of low-level stretching.

Also, the device is cheaply made.  They desperately need to come out with a "beta" version.  I've had failing clips and stripped screws, etc.  But they're customer service is great.  I have the personal email of their representative and he answers any email I send within an hour.  They ship out replacements overnight BEFORE you send back the defective unit.

This company is clearly dedicated to making an impact against Peyronie's disease.  They are 100% on our side.  I wouldn't spend another dime on sleazily-marketed "Penis Extenders" like X4, Andropenis, and that ripoff piece of junk called Penimaster Pro.

I think it would really benefit our community if we could get a big thread going here of guys reporting their progress with RestoreX.


Quote from: Monty on January 16, 2018, 08:16:31 AM
anyone know if you buy this in UK.

Someone mentioned they couldn't get it in canada. But, you could call and see.
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BadChetta- are you using the RestoreX in 30 min intervals? If placed properly, the penis in the clamp, you should be able to use it without restricting blood flow(grey penis?) Make sure you use the 3m wrap around the glans for comfort. Have you adjusted the height on the clamp itself? There are three different positions. Make sure that you have pulled all of the scrotal skin through the bottom of the ring, where that extra opening at the bottom is. These things will give you a better and more comfortable stretch. One other thing. At my last appointment I was told you can wrap some gauze around the penis were it comes in contact with the device while doing the angular stretching to avoid any friction.

As far as the device feeling "cheap in quality", it was explained to me that some things could've been made differently to make it "better"(not in terms of effectiveness) however it would've driven up the cost and they wanted to avoid that. A lot of time went into this and the price reflects that.  
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I'm doing everything you said and everything exactly according to the instructions.  I think I exaggerated when I said my dick looked like a smashed ball of grey lint when it came out of the clamp.  I think the clamp is a great design and it is not uncomfortable to use for an hour.  I was just making the point that any clamping on the penis is going to restrict blood flow to an extent, and using the VED immediately after pumps those empty vessels full of blood.

I can appreciate the monumental task the designers and engineers faced in designing and mass producing the device.  When I said "cheaply-made", I meant:

1.  The spring-locking mechanism occasionally fails (not a big deal).
2.  One of the screws was stripped so you could not expand the clamp.
3.  The plastic mechanism that holds the clamp shut broke (but could still be used, kind of awkwardly).

In all cases, customer service was GREAT!  Responded to emails immediately.  Sent replacement parts out immediately with return packages for me to send the defective parts.  All of my feedback goes to the engineers as they are genuinely interested in fixing whatever weak areas this, and any new product, will inevitably have.

None of the criticisms is anything close to a deal-killer.  I think every guy on here should buy this thing now and I honestly believe it's going to be the go-to treatment, or at least the go-to adjunct for treatment, for Peyronie's Disease in the future.


Gotcha! I've had the same expierence with a few issues. I bought it on the first day it becamce available. PathRight is awesome with turn around. I've received a replacement and the return box, with a free return shipping label within 1 business day. Of the 3 isssues you mention, they're being addressed and should be resolved sometime soon. Possibly this week! So you have tried the dry gauze in conjunction with the self-adheasive wrap that's inclueded? And are you doing hour sessions? Or two, 30 min sessions per day?  
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Quote from: basscatter on January 15, 2018, 03:47:34 PM
. Emailed Dr. Trost ,theres a link on website for restorex that lets you email him so i did  and he emailed back in less than 24 hours.  
basscatter - i couldnt find the Doctors email address - can you share ?


Removed. Trial link in new thread.
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Is there any way you can get it sent to croatia? :D


Not sure. Someone on here said they'd purchase it and send it out to someone. I don't recall who. Otherwise, call the company and see if there are plans for international shipping.  
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unfortunately they haven't CE MARK at this moment.  They say to me that they try to have it by the end of this year


First, let's establish the fact that that there have been NO clinical trials that compare Restorex to other traction devices.  The fact that a urologist that happened to work at some specific hospital and later developed and marketed a product does NOT mean that product is endorsed by any hospital.  On its face, it certainly is not proof it works any better than existing solutions.  For that, you need independent, large-scale, randomized trials.

Next, let's look at the theory behind it.  As I understand it, the idea is if your penis bends to the right then bending it to the left under traction will somehow stretch the shortened fibers or tissue more than a straight pull.  This is utterly illogical and in my mind, has the earmarks of a gimmick.

Let's say your penis was 6" and the tissue on the right was replaced with scar tissue that caused a curve to the right.  When you try to stretch your flaccid penis now you can only stretch it to 5".  Ask yourself why you can only stretch it 5" instead of the original 6".  The answer is clearly because the non-elastic scar tissue on the right is restricting further stretching.  In other words, the scar tissue on the right is stretched to its full capacity of 5" long before the normal tissue on the rest of the penis can begin to reach its full stretch.  If you were to try to stretch it under force to 5.25 inches, 100% of that torque would be FOCUSED on the scar tissue on the right side of the penis.  None of that torque would be placed on the tissue on the left side of the penis that is still far under its maximum stretch length.

FACT: You can place enough torque on the penis with traction to actually cause discomfort, pain, and even tearing.  Pulling the penis at an angle or around a corner is not going to place any more focus on the scar tissue and it will not apply any more torque to the scar tissue than any standard traction device.

None of this even addresses hour-glass deformity or the typical Peyronies Disease penis that has plaque distributed in more than one area of the penis.  Standard traction focuses on the shortest, most limited side of the penis PERIOD.  To illustrate this all you have to do is to hook 5 rubber-bands of different lengths over your finger and side a pencil through them and stretch.  The shortest bands are under stretch tension before the longer bands even have the slack pulled out of them.  Pulling them around a corner is NOT going to change that!  You can illustrate the same thing with scotch tape (representing scar tissue) on a ballon.  Stretch the deflated balloon in a straight line and the torque is placed on the tape.  Stretching around a corner is a gimmick with zero proof it is an improvement and zero logic to support it.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


So far there is some trial info and some members sharing their personal expierences in this thread. That's what the OP was asking for.

Yes. As far as we know, it hasn't been tested against other traction devices. It's a new device that is still undergoing clinical trials on it's own. Seems like a good starting point. I don't believe it has been mentioned that RestoreX is endorsed by any hospital. Also, I don't believe the product is marketed by any Dr. The product became available in October, so it is logical to come to the conclusion that there hasn't been enough time to prove that it works better than any existing solutions. Large independent studies are needed for that kind of proof, and again, that takes time. The clinic appears to have a nice list of affiliations and is quite active all over the globe. I'm not saying that has anything directly to do with this study, but it sets the tone when you look at the bigger picture.  Now, we have very limited trial info, but it looks promising in my opinion.

As far as the theory behind it goes, it's not just left,right,up or down for curvature correction. Keep in mind that my understanding is simply anecdotal as a user, but the logic is apparent. The clamp location can be adjusted to three different locations to address the area of curvature more directly. These locations are based on measurements taken described in the instructions that come with the device. Given the different locations I have had to correct, I could/can feel the difference in the targeted location based upon the setup. To test it, I have moved it to a different spot, after using it in the correct location(15mins per insturctions), and I could feel the tension more in a different location, while bending.

Regarding the 6" penis with scar tissue on the right and only stretching to 5"...isn't the point to break up the tissue and help regenerate healthy tissue, which traction has proven effective? And as it breaks up, becomes more elastic, form-able, etc- through time under tension, everything stretches out, eventually leading to torque being placed evenly on both sides? Assuming we are talking about a standard straight stretch with the 6" and 5" scenario you've given. If the curve is corrected, you'd be back to 6" and even torque. The bending against would be more effective, especially if it's more localized. Same concept as hand modeling with xiaflex treatments.

"FACT: You can place enough torque on the penis with traction to actually cause discomfort, pain, and even tearing..."  

Anyone who has used traction has a basic understanding of this concept. And, as stated above, I feel this is where there is a difference. But, you're entitled to your opinion.

I had hour-glassing and a dent, upon starting traction. I also lost sensation in the area where it buckled. My hour-glassing is gone and I have regained sensation as well. The original dent also went away.  I have recently developed a new, small dent, and have been instructed to start up regular traction again. Now, was hour-glassing and the dent corrected due to the device alone? I believe it helped, along with generic viagra at bedtime.

This is to be taken lightly, but I'd hope a little more science and engineering went into this than a Jr. High science lab day. I understand your logic with rubber bands, a balloon and some tape. I don't feel it holds as much weight.

Now, you can check out for yourself how this clinic operates. I'm not saying I fully understand it, as it is very complex. Funding, Drs, scientists, trials, data, and their objective to overall health and science and contributions to so many things dating back well over a century. They've helped the military in many ways that are rather surprising. Remember the anthrax scare? Their biomedical team developed a DNA test that could identify someone affected in under an hour. Existing tests took 1-3 days for results. They sent this out regionally for free. It also was developed to eliminate having samples sent to other labs for diagnosis. And it was done fast. That's just one thing and there's plenty more impressive public contributions just a google search away.

For all of their contributions and successes, I find remarks such as "a gimmick" and "illogical" to be, well, illogical. I'm not saying this is the right device. It could be a flop. It could also be a real success. It could also be the right step with great things to come in terms of non-invasive, at home therapy. Time will tell. It's still very early in the game.
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Hey guys

Wish I didnt have to meet this way. But you know how that goes.
My curve seemed to come from absolutely no where while MB'ing. One day I was fine, now here I go.

After research, I ordered a traction device despite the crazy price.
Are there any success stories on here from actual users? Is this going to help??

Newbie here, trying to stay calm.


would someone be willing to send and sell a restoreX to Europe?
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55 - Onset May 2017.  38 degree bend up.  Failed Xiaflex treatment.  Still functional so I decided to stop treatments.  Only take 400mg Co-Q10 and occasionally use Restorex


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55 - Onset May 2017.  38 degree bend up.  Failed Xiaflex treatment.  Still functional so I decided to stop treatments.  Only take 400mg Co-Q10 and occasionally use Restorex


Well, I can't speak to results yet as I've only been using it for a few days but I have to say this product is insanely easy to use. I'm having zero major issues. The clamp is just starting to get a tiny bit uncomfortable with the tape but I've heard just putting s little toilette paper on the head first resolves that. If it has any positive effect, I'll count is as one of my better purchases for peyronies.  


I found some slipping when I used a little gauze under the tape. I picked up a thicker self adhesive wrap and it made things more comfortable. Might be worth a try.  
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I am using rolled gauze from CVS (Cvs brand).  That has been the most comfortable.  I buy the 3" thick roll and cut a piece about 5 inches long.  I then cut that horizontally so I go from one piece 3" x 5", to two piece of 1.5" x 5".  I use one piece each time I use the Restorex under the self adhesive tape.  Its been working well ...
55 - Onset May 2017.  38 degree bend up.  Failed Xiaflex treatment.  Still functional so I decided to stop treatments.  Only take 400mg Co-Q10 and occasionally use Restorex


Greetings all!

This is my first post here. I will leave my introduction to another post.

I got my Restorex in Mar 2018 and used it for a about two 2 weeks. I was actually afraid it would do more harm after trying it so I stopped using it.
Sometime in May I felt more confidence in the treatment after reading posts here and the pre-study that was published.

So I started the treatment again but I had lot of problems with the my friend slipping out of the device. I tried the tape that was supplied but my friend didn't feel to comfortable wearing it and there was still some slippage.
Then last month, I started to use a natural soap that left my skin somewhat sticky. This gave me the idea to clean the two plates on the device and my friend with the soap. I can now wear the device with near maximum pull with out slipping out and it doesn't feel to bad at all.

I use Restorex 2 x 30 min a day and I have seen some slight decrease in 2 months (maybe around 5% less), still have another 35% to go though. Also I feel the girth has grown and my length is coming back. I am taking Acetyl-L-Carnitine, C0Q10 and Vitamin E on daily basis also. The name of the soap is Heno de Pravia Jabon Natural.

Give the soap method a try, it helped me a lot!


Hello, I'm curious about any positive results that you have had with the RestoreX product.  It looks like you were initially happy with the product.




I'm new to the forum and have developed shortening and Peyronie's due to the robotic prostatectomy surgery I had done in May of this year.  Funny how doctors fail to discuss these items as possible side effects of surgery.  In either case, I knew that ED was a side effect of surgery, but I learned the hard way about the other side effects.  I do thank God that I'm currently cancer free, so I can't complain.  I've been using a VED device to help with blood flow, as well as taking generic Viagra, and that's when the obvious shortening and significant curve presented itself....not good! And before surgery I was probably a good solid 8 or 9 out of 10 in regards to potency.  In my search for treatment, I've read about traction devices and I'm leaning towards the RestoreX device, even though it's the most expensive.  If I pull the trigger, I will report back with my findings.  I appreciate all of the information on this forum and the honest comments you gentlemen have published.  For the record, I'm 58 y/o, retired firefighter.  
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Hey man. Please read the threads on the erectile dysfunction board. There's plenty of information on your situation to help you out. Stay with us please.  


I received my RestoreX last week and have only been using it 5 days, so still too soon to tell if it's going to help my situation.  As a result of Robotic Prostatectomy surgery earlier in the year, I suffered penile shortening and, even worse, a significant downward curve.  My urologist mentioned temporary erectile dysfunction as a side effect, but NEVER mentioned these other potential side effects.  I'm still trying to understand why the procedure causes these problems, and will ask my doctor the next time I see him.  In regards to RestoreX, the first time I used it was definitely cumbersome and uncomfortable, but with a few uses under my belt, I've gotten much better at applying it.  They include 1" coban wrap that is necessary to keep your penis from sliding off the clamp. Every day, it does seem like I can apply a little more traction, but I still have not achieved the amount of traction they recommend, (where the white lines on the extension rods "disappear".  I am following instructions as to 15 minutes of straight traction, followed by 15 minutes of counter bending, twice per day.  I cannot imagine having to wear such a device for hours, as some devices require.  I will report back in the future with updates on my progress.  If anyone has any words of wisdom, please share.
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29 year old. I was taking 400 Mg spironolactone to treat hair loss. Xanax withdrawal in combination with spironolactone shrunk my penis from 6" to 4".
I am seeking information about the sliding technique.


Several post here have asked about results of using the RestoreX device.  This was my experience.


12/2019 - (my first indication of a problem)

Noticed a stretching or pulling sensation on my penis when erect
No known injury to my penis

01/2020 - (my first Visual indication of a problem and confirmation by a Urologist - RestoreX treatment begins)
Early January 2020 - Noticed upward curvature starting with an indentation mid-shaft
Mid January 2020 - Diagnosed with Peyronie's by an Urologist
Late January 2020 - Started using the Restorex (also started Cialis)
Curvature at 40 degrees prior to initiating RestoreX treatment

02/2020 - (four weeks of using RestoreX)
1 cm increase in length of penis
Curvature the same or maybe worse
Dorsal plaque measured at 2.2 cm

03/2020 - (eight weeks of RestoreX treatments)
Penis length unchanged
Curvature increased to 55 degrees
Plaque increased to 3 cm

04/2020 - (twelve weeks of RestoreX treatments)
Penis length unchanged
Curvature increased to 60 degrees
Plaque diameter the same but felt thicker

This completed the recommended initial use of the Restorex.  I continued to apply it daily as directed (2 x 30 min) for a total of six months.

08/2020 - (Final Results)
Penis length 0.5 cm longer than pre-treatment in January 2020
Curvature increased to 65 degrees
Plaque diameter much larger and oval shaped going down both sides of my penis

Final Thoughts on My RestoreX Experience

It did not work in my situation

Pros:  My curvature may have been much worse if I went completely untreated (no traction)

Cons:  My biggest concern was that if "micro trauma" caused the original issue, could the RestoreX be repeating this type of trauma.  Specifically, if the injury was still healing, did the extreme traction cause a secondary injury that also needed to heal.  That might explain the continued increase in both curvature and plaque size.

I mentioned this secondary injury question to my urologist but he did not have an opinion.
The clinical trial that I reference when choosing the RestoreX involved men with Peyronie's for an average of 34 months before treatment.  (https://www.auajournals.org/doi/10.1016/j.juro.2018.03.103)

I started traction treatment only one month after noticing symptoms while the disease was in the early active stage.  This might explain the negative outcome.

I hope this is useful and sorry if I post it to several related RestoreX questions.

Note: After a month of no treatment I am switching to the Penimaster Pro (start 10/2020).  If anyone is interested in the difference between the two or results after a month or two of using the PMP let me know.  Thanks and good luck in your recovery!
59 year old
Diagnosed on 01/16/2020
Currently treating with PeniMaster Pro and Cialis - 75 degree bend

Mr man


Last contributor. Really appreciate you relaying your experience with Restorex..Sorry it didn't work for you.

I'v been using restorex for about 4 months. I'd describe my peyronie's as late stage and settled.

Restorex made is nominally better. I'm probably a little disappointed with Restorex. I perhaps naively bought into Restorex claims. Now I feel an all day stretcher is the way to go.

Have ordered something from totalman. Hopefully, it will give better results. Planning on traction for 6 hours daily.

I have to say. I feel if I know now what I knew when I first got peyronie's. I would be cured.

My advice to you is to not use a traction device. Your in the acute stage. You have a fresh wound.

Firstly, give your penis a week off from any traction. To settle. Then start manual traction. Before bedtime. Do just 1 to 3 mins. See what results happen in the morning. If no change increase the amount of time you do manual traction. By 3 minutes every night. Untill you start seeing positive results in the morning. Then stick to that amount of time as a daily routine.

So for example if you've increased your traction time to 15 mins. The next day you see some improvements. Stick to 15 mins manual traction before bedtime.

If you no longer see results. Give traction a break for 1 night. Then continue the next day. You should start seeing positive results again. Now you know how frequently you need rest.

For example. If you stop seeing results in day 3 of your 15 mins nightly traction. Use day 3 to rest. That's 2 days traction. 1 day rest. Then 2 days traction again. 1 day's rest. That should be your routine. Hope that makes sense?

I believe your right. Restorex is too harsh for someone freshly diagnised with recent symptoms. I believe it's made your symptoms worse, but they can get better.

Take my advice. Start gentle manual traction. You should see positive results. Don't push your penis too much by using a traction device. If my method does not work. You can always start using your new traction device later.
Latest routine. Started l-lysine 3mg daily, l-proline 5mg daily. Increased vit c intake. Accompanied with almost daily vacuum therapy. Pumping to 100% Exercise caution! Made good progress. L arginine supplements and prescribed potaba are helping.


Everyone has there own experience but research shows traction as being helpful in the acute phase for most men.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


I have used it for 3 months.  It has proven effective for me and I will continue to use it twice daily (for a total of 1 hour) for the another 3 months. Each of the two daily sessions last 30 minutes: 15 minutes on a straight stretch and 15 minutes bending my penis away from the plaque (on the right hand side for me).   My bend to the right was at about 30 degrees when I began.  It is now about 20 degrees.  The dent on the right side of my penis also seems to be filling in somewhat.   The device took a little getting used to but now is something I can put on and adjust easily.  By following the instructions, I was able to precisely target the stretch to the plaque I have on the right hand side of my penis.  The tension on my penis can be adjusted to keep it constant as my penis stretches.  The Restorex is expensive but I think it was worth the money.

One final note: I am going to talk with my urologist about combining Restorex traction with Xiaflex injections.  A study done by the Mayo Clinic found that the combination of the two treatments was more effective than just the stretching.  I hope this helps.  
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Beginning to think that this site is sponsored by Restorex. Anyone have pics of their success?
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Quote from: T6pilot on January 23, 2021, 12:16:41 PM
Beginning to think that this site is sponsored by Restorex. Anyone have pics of their success?

I do not think that is the case, it is just a very effective device to reduce curvature, esp. together with Xiaflex injections apparently. I have considered adding photos to my post in the Improvement-section but haven't yet... But yeah Restorex is working.
Early 30s, diagnosed with Peyronies in 2017 after trauma during sex. ca 15 degrees upward curvature. Restorex, VED, 5mg Cialis, Pentox, L-arginine, Coq10, Propolis, Vitamin E. Underwent 12 rounds of Verapamil injections 2021-22


I had very good results with RestoreX. It was my first-line device when i started traction.
Within weeks it reverted my length loss. The only problem is how it clamps on the glans of the penis. I actually have scar tissue at the very top and i think restorex made it slightly worse. In general the very top is hard to treat with traction.

I would still recommend it, except if you have scarring at the very top right at the glans or right below it. In that case i think it might make things worse.

I combined RestoreX with Totalman rod extender. 60-90min RestoreX and 4-6hrs of rod extender DAILY. Started VED a bit late but in general traction did nothing for girth i've only been seeing improvements on girth from VED + DMSO.
Injury in April 2020. Onset of ED.
Started RestoreX and VED 2 months after injury.
Taking 10mg daily cialis, pentox, coq10, vit-e.
Traction (+1 inch)/VED/PGE-1/DMSO+X


 I have a restorex device for sale. I literally took it out of the packaged and messed with it once, but decided to just go ahead and do the Plication surgery. I had the plication done with dr lipshcultz in Houston 10/20. Let me know if anyone is interested, thanks!
34 Yr old. Peyronies for 2 years. Hour glass dent with 15-20 degree Curve. 8 rounds of verapamil injections. Also oral medications with no affect. Plication surgery 10/20.


Hi guys,

My Restorex device has been a real blessing for me over the past year and a half. I'm done my Peyronies Disease treatment now and I'm ready to pass on the device to anyone else who needs it.

I just made a listing on eBay for those who're interested. https://www.ebay.com/itm/RestoreX-Penile-Traction-Device/164674062617?hash=item265756c919:g:XZkAAOSwSIVgFLp4

See https://imgur.com/a/vf6TQAJ for my progress.

Feel free to PM with any questions or concerns.
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How does the restore X compare to the andropeyronie? I live in the UK so the andro is much easier for me to get. However want the best out of the 2 for the hourglass deformity. Anyone with experience in both? Thanks JD
39 yr - hourglass 1 inch from base
-5 mg Cialis
-All Supplements from survival guide
-BlockBuster All Clear: Serrapeptase
-10 min VED
-Gentle Manual traction