Penile Implant Surgery

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Old Man

This topic is being started to give those members considering the "last resort", penile implant, in therapy or treatment for ED and/or Peyronies Disease an opportunity to gather information relative having implant surgery. Please post any and all comments pertaining to your experiences or information pertinent to having the surgery done.

Please copy and paste posts you have made on the previous format of the forum on this subject to this topic.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Penile Implant Surgery

I am not a computer geek but I will try to copy and past some of my comments to this board. But first a few thoughts:

Today it has been 10 months since my implant surgery by Dr. Douglas Milam at
Vanderbilt.  My implant is the AMS 700 LGX that expands in length and girth. Thanks to the VED exercise before surgery and the implants continuing length expansion I have gained back 90% of my penile length lost in 1995. This can only be done with the AMS 700 LGX.

I have an erection that would make a teenager jealous. I can have an erection for as long as I want, any time I want and for as long as I/she wants.

The best part of having an implant is now I feel NORMAL again.

There are still doctors that want to implant other implants in peyronies patients. These doctors simply are not up to date.



Original Post 8/20/09

I have chatted with a couple of gentlemen that have had the surgery Dr. Milam suggested for you and are quite pleased with the result. Unfortunately these men come and go once they get the result they desire.

I stay on the forum because I want to help others. I was helped by Old Man, Hawk, Les, Tim and others. If I can help one person deal with this affliction I will be glad to have stayed here.

Todd Doran is a great PA. He probaly thought you were talking ED issues when discussing the VED. You can read my history to see how it helped me.


This is a copy and paste from Dr. Abe Morgentaler's blog on traction.

Dr. Abe Morgentaler of Men's Health Boston on Traction

Last week in the office I saw two young men who had experimented with new techniques to expand penis size. The first was a 33 year old married accountant, who used a traction device he obtained online for several months, and now complained of a variety of symptoms, including penile numbness, several areas of chronic discomfort, and a change in urination. This device attaches behind the head of the penis (the glans) and the other end pushes against the pubic bone, with various model-specific methods of stretching the penis away from the body. The user is instructed to wear this device for several hours daily for "optimal results." If this device were applied to an al-Qaeda terrorist, is there any question there would be protests in the street against this inhumane practice that violated the Geneva Conventions? Yet men actually purchase this device voluntarily and pay more than $200 for this penile version of The Rack.




I strongly consider this surgery.  I have held off for two main reasons.  One is that I had a diagnosis I have not shared with the forum that put Peyronies Disease on the back burner.  With some luck, it looks like that may be behind me, at least for a while.  Secondly, with ED drugs I am able to barely overcome ED enough to function, but not in any kind of free style event  ;D

I may start looking in the NE for an exceptional surgeon.  If not I may head south to Vanderbuilt.  There are some other renown penile surgeons like:

GERALD H. JORDAN, MD  (757)  457-5125
special interest is reconstructive  GU surgery.
Devine-Tidewater Urology, Norfolk, VA

Tom F. Lue, MD
Professor and Vice Chair Urology
UCSF Medical Center, San Francisco, CA 94143-0330

I am not sure how many implants they do but they do lots of reconstruction, grafting etc.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



I can relate to having problems that had to be addressed before implant surgery. I had an implant scheduled for late 10/06, just before doing the pre op I had chest pains and had to have heart stents. My heart doctor said wait a year. 10/07 the "best urologist" in my area messed up my first implant attempt and punctured my urethra. It had to heal at least 6 months.

1/08 I had to have back surgery and that doctor said wait 6 more months. July August 08 I was in the hospital for 10 days and the complications when the doctor punctured my esophagus, collapsed my left lung and put my heart into A-fib I had to wait until 10/08. During this time I went to 3 other local urologist before being referred to Dr. Milam at Vanderbilt.

After the heart stents I was 99.999% impotent. The pills did not help at all. The Doctor prescribed a VED. The instructions were not good and did not help the pryronies at all. After the failed implant I found this forum and Old Man put me on the correct VED exercise. I started to regain length. I can truly say this forum and Old Man helped me keep on going.

Today I have regained my sexual function, gained back 90% of my loss to Peyronies Disease and feel Normal for the first time in years.

I know you do not want just any doctor to do the implant for you.  The only Implant that works for ED and Peyronies is the AMS700 LGX. Some doctors still try to use the old CX and others,  but it has now been shown that the LGX does a better job.

As for your other diagnosis I wish you a complete recovery and Gods Speed on your journey.



When choosing a doctor to do a penile implant do some research first. If you read my history I failed to do that with the first doctor that tried and messed up.

There are very few doctors that are Male Sexual Function Specialist. And those that are are often hard to find. Also a doctor that does multiple implants daily may not be right you want to check out his patient satisfaction and infection rate.

This is the reason I suggest that if you are looking to have an implant do some simple research. One excellent place is Bob Bacons Blog The other is a graphic at

Some doctors still insist on using the old implants like the AMS CX for peyronies. This is old school now that AMS has developed the AMS 700 LGX. There are several of us that can attest to the LGX working on peyronies and ED.

I am available to answer questions and do not mind using common language to describe our condition.  You can contact me either on this forum, PM or email (my email is posted with my profile).

If all else has failed and you want to keep or renew your sex life the implant may be the right option for you, it was me.

Always remember never-ever / never-ever ever give up. There is help.  Some ask have I been cured of peyronies? My answer is NO but I have looked the beast in the eye, and overcome.



This is a cut and paste from Frank on the implant group.

Who would ever imagine that a "Bionic Penis" would be the encouraging mechanism to send men and women into the gyms to improve their cardiovascular health and fitness.

For a change, a disclaimer as to side-effects as on TV, would be a "Positive" side-effect, LOL.

It is true that it also sent me to the gym to improve my fitness and cardiovascular health. I now walk at least 2 miles 5 days a week.

Now I can have a rock hard erection any time, any place for as long as I/she wants. Ejaculate and keep on going. Let a 20 year old try that.  :)  :o



Hi jackp

My name is chris and i have been having ed for about 6 years, the doctors say it a venous leak blood goes in just as fast as it goes out. He also told me I have a very mild peyronies that he felt near the base of my penis. I have tried all treatments of pills, injections, and a actis ring nothing works and im only 25 years old. If you could can you answer me a couple questions regarding implants.

You mentioned that dr milam is now recomending the use of LGX implants for the new implant for peyronies disease. Did he state why this implant is alot better and is it as durable as the others?

Since you had your implant, your back to almost your original length before peyronies? Do you think this is because the use of the VED that it streched the peyronies scar to maximixe the biggest length for the implant?

How is intercourse with the implant, are women satisfied with it? Does it compare with sex when you were in your 20s, can you do any position with the implant.

My doctor recommended I should consider the implant but being so young its really a hard decision because im going to have alot of revisions in my lifetime just trying to get alot of info from people who have one.
Dr Milam seems like a really good implant doc I might have to check him out. You mentioned on one of your previous blogs your other urologist reccomended you go to a urologist in texas as well, do you know what doc they were talking about because im 20 minutes from houston.
Sorry mr jack for all the questions.



I will be happy to answer any question you have. If I miss one or you have others do not hesitate to ask.

Dr. Milam recommends the LGX for all implant patients. IMHO by the time most men reach the point of needing an implant they have started to have loss of penile size. The AMS LGX is the only implant that expands in length and girth all others only expand in girth and have an average loss of 1" in length.

Yes the VED exercise was a great help. It is the only thing that helped keep my penis healthy while I had to wait.

When you first take "The Plunge" with the implant there is a slight learning curve. Intercourse is like, well for lack of a better word Normal. I can do thing most 20 year old's can not, erection/sex any time any where for as long as I/she likes, ejaculate and keep on going. Yes you can do any position including oral.

With your condition the only thing that will work is an implant. Your doctor is steering you in the right direction. IMHO Dr. Milam is the best implant doctor there is. He did things for me no other doctor could.

The other doctor in Texas is Dr. V. Gary Price in the DFW area. There is a up and coming doctor in Houston. I will forward your email address to Frank in your area and you can chat with him about him. Frank had his LGX implant in May and is very happy.

Chris, do not be sorry for the questions. I had a supervisor about 45 years ago tell me, Jack the only stupid question is one that you do not ask.

Good luck, keep me posted on your progress either on the forum or my email is in my profile.



Hi Jackp

My doctor told me I have mild peyronies, that he felt a scar on the base of my penis. I have a little small dent in the middle of my penis. I gave him a picture of my erection when i took a 100mg viagra and he said the curve looks normal and that it wasnt that bad at all. When you had your peyronies can you describe the effects you had, did you have a very noticable curve. What did the peyronies feel like were it was curved. Because it worries me that you lost length with peyronies.

I have a very hard time with erections I can get one on viagra, but it goes down within a few seconds. The doctor reccomended a implant in the near future but its a really hard decision to make because im only 25. Have you talked to anyone who has had a implant for 10 to 15 years, or has had a couple of revisions. Because me being so young I would probually need alot of revisions. I dont know what to do. Can you give me some advise.
Thank you mr jack
P.S  Thanks for emailing frank for me, he prefered me to a good urologist in houston im going to check out.


ptowncp84 - If you are manually stimulating yourself is it possible to retain the erection for longer, or did you already fact that in to your reply below? I can understand that this must be very frustrating for you. Some people have euccess with a l-arginine and pycnogenol combo. Maybe viagra and l-arginine and pynogenol would help. Maybe your condition is beyond such solutions though, as you state that you have tried so many options.  


When my peyronies started I had about a 30% up curve from just behind the glans (head). Yes it felt like it was curved and there was a plaque there about size of a quarter. The short side of the curve when you crook your finger is approximately the amount of size you will loose. To combat the loss of length start on the VED exercise ASAP.

At 25 you have a lot of life in front of you. The only medical procedure for Peyronies with severe ED (where pills do not work) is an implant. I do not agree with the statement that if something better comes along you are out of luck. The implant is easily removed. Why wait 10 - 15 - 20 years for something that might come along.

I do not know much about Franks doctor in Houston. I do know that Dr. Milam and Dr. Price do 100's of implants. You can read My History for what Dr. Milam did for me.

I am going to send Art in Indiana your email address. He has had an implant since an early age and several revisions. He is now considering Dr. Milam because of his reputation and the fact that he only uses the AMS 700 LGX.

Frank said you were considering a doctor in New Orleans. I have heard of a doctor in New Orleans for peyronies but nothing on implants. Let me know what you find out.

Keep in touch and let me know what you decide. There are very few doctors and hospitals that are good at this.



Hi Jackp

Have you heard from any doctors of how long the ams lgx implant on average last?
Because at 25 years old I do have alot of life in front of me and im probually going to have alot of revisions, do you think i can still have a implant at the age of 65 if I get one at 25?

Can you be active with a penile implant, say like lift heavy things, stand 12 hours a day on a job, bend down all the time. The reason I ask is because I work in the construction field at gas plants and its a labor job will these things cause the implant to malfunction sooner. Once you get the implant do you have to live like your made of glass.


Quote from: ptowncp84 on September 15, 2009, 09:04:55 PM
Have you heard from any doctors of how long the ams lgx implant on average last?
Because at 25 years old I do have alot of life in front of me and im probably going to have alot of revisions, do you think i can still have a implant at the age of 65 if I get one at 25?

Can you be active with a penile implant, say like lift heavy things, stand 12 hours a day on a job, bend down all the time. The reason I ask is because I work in the construction field at gas plants and its a labor job will these things cause the implant to malfunction sooner. Once you get the implant do you have to live like your made of glass.

Like any surgery in 6 weeks you can do all the things you did before. After 6 weeks I was lifting 30 pound jugs of Freon with no problem. The only caution that applies is like for all men avoid being hit hard in the genitals.

You sound like me intent on waring the implant out.  :o  With a normal life expectancy of about 15 years. I am retired from the HVAC industry and we tell customers the average life expenctancy of an A/C is 15 years. Some last a lot longer and some not as long. I know of A/C systems over 30 years old. Another way of putting it is; you can buy the best quality A/C on the market but it is only as good as the installer. This applies to implant surgeons also.

I am almost 67 and if in 10 years I have to have a revision so be it, I could also last as long as the implant.

No you do not have to live your life like you are made of glass with an implant. Just live, work and make love normally. The only way anyone would know you have an implant is if you tell them.

At 25 you did not say if you were married of single. If single you can romance a lady, discreetly inflate the implant during forplay, have sex and she would never know it.  

I understand your concerns. Just remember with an implant no more pills that may or may not work, no getting up and using the VED and putting on a restriction ring. You just keep the moment going. And you can do one thing your buddies can not, ejaculate and keep on going for as long as she likes.  ;)

Hope this give you a little insight into my prospective.



Chris and all other young men.

There is a new story about a young Marine on Bob Bacons Blog

It relates to you younger men better than I can.



Thanks Jackp, this is great reference for youngsters such as myself. As for surgery, I'm not quite there yet as my functioning is good so far but, as we all know, Peyronie's is unpredictable. I may need to make this choice down the road and it's very helpful to read stories like this.



Quote from: ptowncp84 on September 15, 2009, 09:04:55 PM

Have you heard from any doctors of how long the ams lgx implant on average last?
Because at 25 years old I do have alot of life in front of me and im probually going to have alot of revisions, do you think i can still have a implant at the age of 65 if I get one at 25?

ptowncp84 check out post by caddyman & art on the below board. Art had his first implant @ 26 and is in his 50's now.. goin in for his 7th revision. Caddyman is young just like you and me & had implant 2 months back. The below thread is the update thread you can search the main thread and read all the details.


hey jackp

You said dr milam only implants lgx implants?

How many of the ams lgx implants does he implant a year?  Do you know what his infection rate is?

Because im going to get a referal from my uro to get a appointment with him.




Yes Dr. Milam told me he only implants the LGX.

He does over 100 a year. He did 5 the day I was there. He told me his infection rate is less then 1/2 of 1%.

IMHO he is the best implant doctor around.  I has having a conversation with Elizabeth Rea with AMS several weeks ago. She will not refere you to any particular doctor (ethics).  I was talking to her about my problems and what Dr. Milam did for me. She told me that Dr. Milam is highly successful with the most difficult cases.

Good Luck, Let me know how it turns out.



It definitely sounds like patients are in safe hands with this guy. Thanks for sharing your knowledge on these matters JackP. Without your input those interested in implants would be very much in the dark.


Does anybody know of Urologists in the UK who are well regarded in the field of Implant surgery?


Quote from: Wintercookie on September 22, 2009, 03:41:52 AM
Does anybody know of Urologists in the UK who are well regarded in the field of Implant surgery?

David Ralph is highly respected I believe. At least Levine recommended him to me. He is the biggest implanter of penile prostheses in the UK (and teaches prostheses fellowship programmes).

As you're in the UK, you should be able to get an NHS appointment with him through your doctor. That way if you have to undergo surgery of any kind I "think" it won't cost you anything. It will probably take quite some time to get an appointment (a couple of months), and I would imagine that your condition would have to be stable before undergoing any procedure. I am happy to have another UK poster here, as we are quite a rare breed. Goodness knows why, maybe most suffer in silence.

Ralph works at the andrology clinic though if you want to contact them I'd advise you to call rather than use the web form on the site. Also, you can check out his resume (pdf) and see if you think he's up to the job. I am actually going to compile some UK patient urologist experiences at my UK peyronie's disease blog, so if you eventually undergo this process please do report back. One other guy here (this guy --> UK) has been an NHS and private patient of Ralph, so maybe drop him a PM or reading trough his experiences? It's worth noting that he hasn't has surgery, but he may have insights and observations to share with you.

Around these parts JackP is the go to guy for implant discussions, so he may be able to help you too :).

EDIT: I found David Ralphs direct email address, so if you need that let me know. It's probably best not to post it openly on the forum.


Also, I have found David Ralphs Andrology email address, so if you'd like that I can PM it to you!  


yes thankyou for that newguy,  I had read about Mr David Ralph and he has published a number of medical research papers regarding various complex procedures in implant surgery i.e Peyronies Disease, priapism, upsizing.  I think if I was to have a penile prosthesis he would be the surgeon most qualified to implant it.  In the UK context it is I am told difficult to get funding on the NHS for penile implants depending on the PCT and would come under the exceptional circumstances rule, even if a Consultant indicated it.

The NHS does however fund implant surgery in some instances for both semi rigid and inflatable devices.  These patients have usually failed other conservative measures and are generally older 50+.  The UK also has a higher than average revision rate of about 25% which isn't very encouraging.

The other option would be to pay for the surgery privately at considerable cost.


Wintercookie - The revision rate is not great, but bare in mind that it probably accounts for implants across the board. If David Ralph is the goto guy for this then I would think that his success rates are higher than that. The same goes for getting any type of penile surgery from anyone oher than the top guys. People quote percentages that typically do not apply to the top guys.

You mention that most implants are carried out on those aged 50+. I would initially thnk that being younger and in the same condition would be an advantage, but I do understand that there are two ways of looking at the age factor. They may hesitate in fitting a young person with an implant, but if you have truly exhausted all other options then I really don't think that you're asking too much.

If there any way you can gain clarification on whether you'd be agiven the thumbs up to go ahead with this procedure? I wonder if there is a way to find out which area performs the most procedures of this type.

EDIT: I quick glance at a few PCT sites reveals that many of them stipulate that they do not carry out the procedure for cosmetic reasons, with wording along the line of "Reconstruction following surgery for non-aesthetic reasons (eg cancer ormajor trauma) is not affected by this policy." One of two stipulate cancer as the primary alloweance for reconstructure but do mention exceotion cirumstances too, so please don't give p hope. From what you say, you have been dealing with this condition for a very long time, and have tried various options, so maybe that will work in your favour?


I have gotten a few questions on blood flow to my glans.

First the implant has nothing to do with the glans. There are men that are showers and men that are growers, I'm a grower. The flaccid size of my glans is normal and the erect size of my glans is normal.

If you watched Dr. Oz today, he was talking about women, but the same applies to men. Enhanced blood flow to the glans increases the sensitivity of the nerves. That makes ejaculation easier for those of us that have a hard time ejaculating.

I have coronary artery disease (CAD). After heart stents 10/06 I was put on blood thinner. Last October a week before my implant my heart doctor took me off blood thinner.

While in the hospital for 10 days last year I was given blood thinner injections. As bad as I felt it made the nerves in my penis more sensitive.

After doing some research I came to the conclusion that my CAD was the problem and needed help. My primary doctor wanted me to talk with someone with more knowledge. Todd Doran and Dr. Milam agreed with my prospective and prescribed 5mg daily of Cialis. I can tell you for me it works.

No, Cialis or any of the other pills helped my ED, the venous leakage and corporal fibrosis was too bad. All it helps with is enhanced nerve function to the glans.

For men on testosterone gels, get your blood thickness checked. My arthritis doctor always complained that my blood was too thick. After I went on T shots it went back to normal. I think that the thick blood caused me to need heart stents.



Hello  everybody,  hello Jackp....

sorry if my English is not perfect. I'm Italian man and I read this forum again and again.  Thanks " with my heart " for the wonderful service. I would be happy if Jackp answer about my question . I'd be really happy to know what you think, Jackpot ...(I hope to write my story  with understandable language) ...

I do not respond to injections   already, and unfortunately I have developed ( two years now) a scar for use of alprostadil. so now I only use Viagra. But this is important: My scar is a small "dent ", is a "DIMPLE". I have no nodule, i have only a small dimple in the center of my penis. The result is small shrinkage in that area. I have no shortering and  small curvature ( 20 degrees about)..

Fortunatly I have a big penis. My girth is about 6 1/2   and in  dent area there is a small reduction of girth (few millimeters).  I would like
to know  this ,dear Jackpot:The inflatable penile implant  FILL the dent? the dimple ? ( hope " fill " is the exact  word....  ).Important: the dimple is visible only  when penis is100% erect. with flaccid penis this is minimal. the penis is tottally soft, there's no hard tissute...fortunatly..

what do you think  Jackp about the implant results ??

Jackpot Thanks I hope you will answer my question.


From what I have read, if you can achieve functional erections then penile implants are definitely not recommended.

This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]



If you have a suitable erection to complete intercourse you probally are not a candidate for a penile implant.

If the pills, L, C, or V are starting to fail you then you need to go to a Male Sexual Function Specialist not a general practice urologist for an evaluation.

Do Not try shots in the penis for ED. In most men they cause problems that include, but not limited to, peyronies and corporal fibrosis.




Your English is fine, I get the meaning of what you are trying to say.

First Welcome to the forum. Any way we can help we will be there for you.

Your statement on alprostadil (PGE1) Is why I tell men to stay away from penile injections for ED. They cause many problems and only made my condition worse.

First let me tell you to go to the VED board and start the exercise to help with the curve and stop the penile shrinkage. Old Man is an expert on the VED and helped me when I first came to this forum, either he or I will be glad to answer any question on the VED there.

You do have a nice size girth that is larger than normal. Yes the dent can cause a reduction in size.

The AMS 700 LGX can straighten the curve and over time increase your girth and length back to your normal size. As for the dent/dimple I simply do not know.

The results of my implant are amazing. See my recent post on my one year post op at Vanderbilt. Another place for factual stories is Bob Bocons Blog and for a good graphic of the LGX go to

Any questions you have I will be glad to answer. You can either post it here on the forum, or send me a private message if you want to say something private.

Glad to help.



Quote from: jackp on October 13, 2009, 11:08:22 AM

If you have a suitable erection to complete intercourse you probally are not a candidate for a penile implant.

Isn't that what I said?
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Quote from: jackp on October 13, 2009, 01:05:43 PM

Your English is fine, I get the meaning of what you are trying to say.

First Welcome to the forum. Any way we can help we will be there for you.

Your statement on alprostadil (PGE1) Is why I tell men to stay away from penile injections for ED. They cause many problems and only made my condition worse.

First let me tell you to go to the VED board and start the exercise to help with the curve and stop the penile shrinkage. Old Man is an expert on the VED and helped me when I first came to this forum, either he or I will be glad to answer any question on the VED there.

You do have a nice size girth that is larger than normal. Yes the dent can cause a reduction in size.


Tank's for your response Jackp. I live in Italy but I want to  solve my ED problem  absolutely. I have consulted with some people in Europe (even with complex peyronies ) who have had surgery with a famous European urologist-surgeon ( he work in Serbia ). His name is Perovic.
In Europe he is considered number one for Peyronie's and penile implant.   After I meet him, I will inform you about what he recommended for my situation

Thank's so much



One tip that help the doctors visit go easier. Have a printed list of questions. That way you will not forget to ask something and it tends to slow down the busy doctors.

Also before seeing the doctor have a print out of your urological history. Give it to the nurse or PA when you check in. That way the doctor can review your history and be knowledgeable of your situation.

Hope it helps. I worked for me.



I have been receiving messages recently about "floppy head" (glans) after reading some blogs on penile implants.

I do not have "floppy head" (glans). I have the AMS 700 LGX implant that expands in length as well as girth. Most men on these blogs have implants other than the LGX. If you look at the graphic at you will see that the implants extends into the head, the other implant the CX does not.

During my exam last Friday at Vanderbilt I pumped up my implant. The doctors showed the intern where the ends of my implant extended about 1/2 way into my glans. The implant holds the glans just like the erect corpora's.

Also during the exam Dr. Milam asked, "what is the most common complaint of men with peyronies." Loss of length and girth, that is why they recommend and use the LGX.



Quote from: jackp on October 13, 2009, 01:05:43 PM

As for the dent/dimple I simply do not know.

Scuse me Jack, I have another question for you: you told me " As for the dent/dimple I simply do not know " .  

I read in your story that you had  "scar"  caused by injections, as me. Fortunately, after penile implants, your  "girth" coming back. So I ask you this: your lgx implant has filled your dent,  okay? Your corpora scar  has not impeded the inflation of implant ?

if  these my considerations are correct, then I can think positively for my situation , too....

ps :  you've had dimples, like me, or just scars?




I did not have a dent. All I have now is the scar on top of my penis just behind the glans.

The scar has not been a problem with the implant. An yes my girth has returned to my normal size in my late teen and early 20"s of approximately 6 1/4 inches.

As I understand the process the scar tissue in the corpora's is replaced by the implant.

FYI When I inflate the implant my girth increases to almost double the flaccid size.

Any questions I can answer I will be glad to.



How do you inflate the implant? Is there a switch and is it internal or external?

Does the implant ever run out of batteries?
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]



The implant is a hydraulic device. There is a pump in the scrotum that moves saline fluid from the reservoir to the tubes in your corpora that create an erection.

To make the penis flaccid there is a release button on the pump that when depressed lets the fluid move back from the corpora's to the reservoirs.

There is  good graphic at

No batteries required.



It was looking at that graphic that prompted the questions :)

So you manually squeeze the pump, which is the part located in the scrotum? And the bit near the abdominal wall is the reservoir?

Does the reservoir ever need refilling? Is it at a set amount or does it draw fluid into the reservoir via an osmotic membrane?
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]



Yes you squeeze the pump located in the scrotum. The reservoir is located by  your bladder. No you can not feel it.

It is a closed hydraulic system. It does not need refilling. The size of the reservoir is determined by the size of the tubes in the corpora's. The 12 and 15cm get a 65ml, the 18 and 21cm get a 100ml.



Thanks Jackp, I have a much better understanding of how it works now
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


I was at my hometown urologist today for my annual PSA and DRE. I also had X-rays this morning for my kidney stones.

I have a very large stone and I will have lipo on the 23rd.

Dr. Walzer was the doctor that sent me to Dr. Milam at Vanderbilt. He asked about the implant and then examined it. He asked if I go to use it and I told him YEA!!!.

We talked a little more and then I told him Dr. Milam said he did a ton of reversions. Dr. Walzer said Yes because a lot of doctors get it wrong. You had problems that is why I sent you to him.

My implant, the AMS 700 LGX, continues to expand and the wife and I have a very enjoyable sex life. 5-6 times a month for a couple 67 & 69 who would have guessed.



I was luck enough to fall in love with and get married to a wonderful lady 41 years ago. Through the years we had our problems and worked them out.

One thing I learned with this lady is that there is sex and then there is making love. Two completely different things.

After my failed implant I lost my focus. I just wanted to have sex again. Fortunately she helped me bring my focus back to making love and not sex. There is a lot more to making love than just intercourse.

Today with my implant I have been able to renew my lost ability to have an erection. But I still remember her words to me during my darkest hour, "Jack, I did not marry you for your penis."

With the renewed ability to have intercourse with this lovely lady it has made making love the pleasure that God meant it to be. Not me not her but us.

For you men thinking about do I want to have the surgery or not remember if making love to your lady is your desire the reward will be greater than you expected.

Just my thoughts.



I am new to this forum and I posted this on the off topic forum as I'm not sure where I'm allowed as I don't have Peyronies Disease.  I had penile implant surgery one month ago due to ED from Prostate Cancer surgery.  I had also developed scar tissue and some curvature due to penile injections.  They have the implant 3/4's inflated and I have it supported with an athletic support. I'm having difficulty with my stream as it goes in all directions.  I also experience pain in my penis as soon as I have an urge to urinate.

Are these things normal and do they get better with time?  They have not deflated the device as yet due to inflammation but the major pain has subsided.



See my other response. Get to your urologist asap.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


I had my new toy last Christmas. It was new and like any new toy there were things I did not fully understand.

Some toys we put on the shelf or just leave idle. As my new toy became more and more a part of me I now understand how blessed I am. I can be normal again after years of pills, shots and botched surgery.

This toy is something that gave me back the intimacy with my lovely wife I had missed for years. The gleam in her eyes when the Doctor told her the implant was a success was worth more than gold.

The benefits of the toy are many. Erection whenever or whereever  wanted, for as long as wanted without worry about time constraints. No more cold to the touch, just warm and natural feeling. The return of a lot of lost size from peyronies and all the other complications is a big moral booster. Can do things now even a young man would envy.

The toy I received last Christmas is not one that you put on a shelf or disregard. It has now become a natural part of me.

The decision to go for the implant was not an easy one. There were many obstacles to overcome. Faith, hope and a lovely and caring wife helped me through the obstacles.

This Christmas I can say I am surely blessed. I have gift that keeps on giving.



Jack I am happy for your success although I do know you had a bunch of issues / problems before you received the implant. This disease offers few options. If a man has a slight bend and normal erections they can still function. Some men have had some success with medications, ved and we are still waiting for a medical break through. Some men have to have surgery to try and correct the problem as sex is not possible do to the degree of the disease. Surgery has it's risks but if it is the only real option then I feel it is the right choice. I fall into the class that meds & ved has not helped and I am not able to have sex. My option at this time is to have surgery and I am ready for that but, with no insurance coverage and no cash I am out of luck. I have come to accept that my sex life is over and the distance that grows between my wife of 37 years is the way the chips fall. It sad that there is medical help for conditions that people have but money talks and bull **** walks.



Not sure if you are in the United States, but if you are in the US and of a certain age, you are Medicare eligible. It is my understanding that Medicare does cover sexual dysfunction surgery. Maybe some of the other members can weigh in here.


Too young for Medicare. I'm self employed and do make a living so can't get free homeless health care. Business is real bad and if I close my business ( real small business ) I can't even get unemployment benefits.



Wow do not know what to say off the top of my head.

Some men have had success in negoations with the doctor and hospital. That got the cost down to about 1/2 of the normal fee. 1/2 normal fee is usually more than the insurance companies pay. My bill at Vanderbilt before Medicare was $33,000.00. Medicare paid them $9,000.00 with my supplement paying 20%. Also some doctors will operate in the morning and let you go home that afternoon. That would save cost.

If you do not do heavy lifting you should be able to go back to work in a week or so depending on how you feel.

Yes, you are correct when the pills and everything else fails the implant is the only option left.

Good Luck
