Thoughts on the New Forum Layout

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Like all renovations it will take some time to familiarize yourself with the new layout.  Our "Read This First" rules and instructions will have to be revamped to reflect our ability to create topics and to replace wording (boards Vs Topics).

Some few topics like "A New Theory" just got dumped into a topic and some of these need to be fine-tuned as well.

One advantage is that the "HELP" menu button now will correspond to our layout and how to navigate the forum.  Before it only led to the confusion of new members.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I definitely think that it gives more scope for expanding on topics and it should be more self explanatory for new users. It might be a little more confusing for existing users and people no doubt became accustomed to the old setup, even if it was a bit unorthodox.

My initial thought was that it looks familiar (as in comparable to other boards). The only negative for me other than what you mentioned is that the main peyronies discussion area is somewhat overwhelming, with over 20 boards. It's not that the number on the entire page is too much but rather them being all under one heading "Peyronies Disease Discussion Boards".

Maybe the actual treatments could be placed under one heading (ved, traction, oral, surgery, verapamil, etc) the psychological and histories under another etc, just to break it up a bit...  Here's an example of a site with lots of categories but split in such a way that it's easy to find your way immediately:

If we switch to the new layout, I get the feeling that it's going to take a little while for people to figure out how to adjust their posting habits from the past to this new format. It would certainly make it more straightforward to locate and contribute to conversations of interest. For instance, if somebody sets up an LDN thread, that would make it very easy to track the progress of that particular endevour without reading of interupting other conversations. Right now, lots of what we posts can get lost..


Quote from: newguy on August 21, 2009, 03:19:19 PM
The only negative for me other than what you mentioned is that the main peyronies discussion area is somewhat overwhelming, with over 20 boards. It's not that the number on the entire page is too much but rather them being all under one heading "Peyronies Disease Discussion Boards".

Maybe the actual treatments could be placed under one heading (ved, traction, oral, surgery, verapamil, etc) the psychological and histories under another etc, just to break it up a bit...  Here's an example of a site with lots of categories but split in such a way that it's easy to find your way immediately:

If we switch to the new layout, I get the feeling that it's going to take a little while for people to figure out how to adjust their posting habits from the past to this new format. It would certainly make it more straightforward to locate and contribute to conversations of interest. For instance, if somebody sets up an LDN thread, that would make it very easy to track the progress of that particular endevour without reading of interupting other conversations. Right now, lots of what we posts can get lost..

I tend to agree with splitting this up into categories.  I though I would like to look at it a bit to see if natural divisions jumped out.  Your suggestions are good.  I had been considering divisions like Traditional treatment, Non-Traditional Treatment, Alternative or Adjunct treatment.  Problem is that line between these is vague and always changing.  For the sake of professionalism I would like to find a logical way to tuck some topics like DMSO to a secondary level of prominence simply for the professionals that have told me they monitored our site.  This plan of division of boards will take some thought.  I already had one complaint about the way the topics are prioritized.  However they are simply alphabetical at this point.

I also expect this format to promote the flow of conversation.  We avoid the interruption factor where a post on a different subject pops up dead in the middle of a posted conversation.  Being able to place locked stiky posts at the top of each board is helpful since some boards like VED have protocols and construction plans people can never find.  If resources are related to just one board, I am moving them from the Resource Library to that Board as a a locked sticky post.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I am considering merging Open Questions and General Comments.  It would make a board with lots of posts but I expect that area to slow down since members can make topics.

Those two are really the same and are a catch-all topic.  It would reduce our Boards by 1.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


There are no doubt a few different ways to split the boards, and I do like the idea of merging those the general and open questions boards. I can see your point regarding "DMSO AND DMSO Based Solutions". I definitely see it as a potential area of promise, but its prominence could cause problems, especially at a time where we are set to contact a great many urologists about the site. As long as people can still access it, I don't suppose it matters if it's a level deeper than some other boards.  


First it is essential that everyone know that EVERY post from our old format is still under a topic with the same name as before.  Every post made it over during the migration.  The new board names are the same as the old topic names so it should be very easy to find. The old migrated topics within the board has the exact same name it always had.

The boards are in alphabetical order as opposed to changing order every time you post.  Topics within a board change order, boards do not.

The old migrated topics are still alive and well.  You can post in them or make new topics just use common sense and use a descriptive title.

I am going into a few boards and pulling recent posts out of the migrated topics to make a few more topics in that board.  The new topics I make will have old posts but you can still reply or post in them. Pulling posts (splitting posts) to make additional topics is slow and annoying so do not expect me to do a lot of this anytime soon.  In fact I may not do any more of this it depends of effort vs results and my own priorities.  I started with the ED board because of its relatively low post count.  You can look and see a few topics there.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



The highlights for surgery for peyronies is 3 years old.   ???

With the advancement of implants and the AMS 700 LGX for those of us that have peyronies and severe ED is not even mentioned.

The implant has helped me and many others. Since I have been on the forum there are several men that have been helped by the advancement in implant surgery. We find each other on the forum and then discuss many items by PM to keep the confidentially of users.

Me I am an open book on the subject of implants. I am not bashful about what it has done for me. The biggest thing is I have now regained 90% of my length lost to Peyronies Disease and ED.

IMHO this subject needs better visibility for those coming to the forum for information.




jackp - Many of the highlights sections are a bit long is the tooth. I don't think it's speciically related to implants. Nothing at all has been removed from the forum, just moved around a bit :).

Perhaps this would be a good opportunity to share your knowledge by creating a thread in the Surgery section relating to implants, and/or the specific implant you have. If you feel like you're going over old ground you could copy and paste some of your previous words on the subject. I'm sure that with its own thread there would be much wider scope for people to follow the flow of the conversation, to ask questions etc and generally gain a greater understanding of if an implant would be right for them.  



I echo New Guy.  It is hard to fathom the work load of heroic portions it took for Angus to cut and paste those highlights out of 20,000 (thats twenty thousand) posts.  Keeping them updated is tough and I salute the work and the man.

The entire point of our new format is to give a bit more flexibility to the member.  If you want a topic on Implants, go to the surgery board, click on it, and rather that clicking on one of the topics in the board, click "New Topic".  Post a full account or several posts of incremental accounts.  Some may join in the exchange.  You have flexibility to title it and arange it as you like.  Play around and if you need help just ask.

Happy typing  :)
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I don't know if its just me but the new forum layout seems to be more overwhelming, the 23 topics that were just one additional click away under the main peyronies discussion forum, seem more confusing and overwhelming. I feel as if we should comebine them to reduce the number now, but many topics have nothing in common.

All the other boards remain the same, just in a different order, but still requiring a click to get to all the topics in the board.  I guess if new members can't figure out to click under peyronies main forum to get to the 23 topics this is better and easier for them to find, but i dont understand how...  ???



ComebackKid - There have been efforts to combine some of the topics ad that has gone quite well. As you correctly state, many of the topics are too diverse to combine. I think at some point the boards will be rearranged and recategorised somewhat so that there isn't one long list of them. That will make ot less overwhelming. People will also eventually tend to create threads rather than all gather in one long thread. The transition between how to use the old structure and the new was never going to be conpletely straightforward.

The ability to create threads relating to specific treatments or points or something that I feel will became appreciated by us once we're into the swing of things. So many times the flow of a conversation can be interupted by other unrelated contributions, or comments will be pushed down the page and ignored if they are not part part of an ongoing discussion. Now it will be easier for people to engage in completely uninterupted conversations and be able to have very specific flowing conversations. If some of the new threads are irrelevant they will get pushed down the page, if they really hit on something important they will be regularaly contributed to. This should ensure that the most pertinent points/discoveries/ideas are given much more prominence than less relevant ones. Of course this isn't something that will be immediately apparent as it's understandable that people will be somewhat tentative about the new format for a while.


With all due respect,

I don't see how we can combine anything under the new format.  I just logged in and went to oral treatments, I see hawk has added some topics that make sense under there like  pills to encourage nighttime erections, however I feel that with this new format we will be under pressure to combine topics, even if they don't make sense, for instance now under oral treatmens is causes of peyronies?!!?! this is not an oral treatment, I believe the old format left things better organized, a few members via pm have stated to me they find this new layout confusing.  I'm willing to give it a try but I very much liked the old format, I think it was more efficient.



    Comeback, I want to take your concerns one by one and respond because maybe others have some of the same concerns

Quote from: ComeBacKid on August 25, 2009, 05:55:47 PM
I don't see how we can combine anything under the new format.  
I am not sure what you could combined before but you can do the same now.  
Quote from: ComeBacKid on August 25, 2009, 05:55:47 PM
I just logged in and went to oral treatments, I see hawk has added some topics that make sense under there like pills to encourage nighttime erections,
Actually what you see is a redirection post moving a discussion on pills to encourage nighttime erections to the ED board.  That is exactly what would have happened under the old format.  I did that almost daily.

Quote from: ComeBacKid on August 25, 2009, 05:55:47 PMI feel that with this new format we will be under pressure to combine topics, even if they don't make sense, for instance now under oral treatmens is causes of peyronies?!!?! this is not an oral treatment,
I think the contrary is true.  Now there is little pressure to combine topics because instead of being confined to the 22 original topics members can create topics within boards.  If anything this will divide topics and not force you to combine them.

What you see is a topic called A NEW THEORY on causes of Peyronies Disease.  This is a largely dead thread that George had a keen interest in so I put it there pending a decision to relocate it.  It deals with insulin resistance, AGE etc.  A good debate could be made for why it DOES fit or why it does not, but it has little to do with our new format.

Quote from: ComeBacKid on August 25, 2009, 05:55:47 PMI believe the old format left things better organized, a few members via pm have stated to me they find this new layout confusing.  I'm willing to give it a try but I very much liked the old format, I think it was more efficient

I am disappointed individuals would PM and not post concerns.  It is the only way to address them, change things, explain how to use a feature etc.

The new format has given us just to name a very few.

  • Our history area has no more unauthorized discussion
  • Our history area can be scrolled in alphabetical order
  • We can have direct links to Our History in the signature line of our posts.  See mine at bottom of this post.
  • The Newly Diagnosed Highlights are conspicuously displayed at the top of each board
  • Conversation can finally flow.  Go to Open questions and read "Grunt-Major Problems". This uninterrupted conversation would have been impossible under the old format.
  • We can now have board moderators to help in individual Boards (as Comebackid does).  
  • The "HELP" menu actually applies to the forum.  Before we had no help menu because it was misleading.
  • New members find a familiar forum format and I do not get 3 to 5 emails a week asking "How do I post".  In a week I have not gotten one.
The truth is this is the way Off Topic and Advocacy have ALWAYS been setup.  The real problem is that I was probably wrong to ever set the forum up in the old unorthodox manner in which I did.  I see the error of that now.

If you open your mind, take a breath, and click around it will become second nature in a matter of 30 minutes.[/list]
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


This new format has me a bit confused.  I was looking for the child's board on the list and it's not there.  I even clicked on a link on another post and got an error message that said perhaps this area is "off likmits" to me or has been removed.  Help please.



A member Pm'd me commenting
QuoteNow the topics on the discussion board are in alphabetical order. Before if no one made a post to "On the light side" for two months it would be on the bottom of the list. If I just now made a post on "Surgery" It would have be at the top of the topic list. I like that way as then you can see what is the hot topic. I understand the recent post thing but liked the top of the list better.

Actually the topics within the boards are still sorted by most recent post unless you click on the subject column to resort them by the subject etc.  What you see sorted in alphabetical order are the Boards that contain topics not the topics themselves.  It has always been this way.  Our Off Topic board, Awareness Board, Read This First, Peyronies board or Resource Library never popped to the top of the other boards when someone posted.  They always stayed in their fixed location.  Topics within these board would sort according to post date just like now.  The difference now is that all the unrelated topics are not dumped into one board like before.  Another difference is that most boards currently have few topics in them.  This will change as members make new topics.

For clarity of conversation, a forum layout is as follows:

FORUM (Our entire PDS Forum)
 Section (Special Boards, Peyronies Boards etc)
        Boards (VED, Oral Treatments etc)
                 Topics (VED Construction, VED Protocol, VED Highlights)

The boards themselves do not and cannot be sorted according by post date.  If they did this post would make this board jump up above the "Read this First " board resulting in total disorganization.  Members have to get used to looking for the Dark contrast in color that highlights or flags the pyramid symbol to the left of any board with a new post.  When they click on the highlighted board they will see topics within the board listed by most recent post just like always. The alternate method of seeing new posts is to click on "View the most recent posts on the forum." under Forum Stats at the bottom of the forums main page.  All posts will be listed regardless of the topic or board.  If you click on one of these posts it will take you straight to the topic.

While I know this may mean getting in the habit of scanning the boards differently or clicking in a new spot ultimately it is just as easy.  It is only a matter of habit.  While this forum was originally setup with a couple hundred members, it now has almost 3000 members.  Our old layout caused far more problems and  complaints, especially from new members.

I will look to see if I can by chance find a customized modification to the forum programming code that would sort boards by post date within categories like (Peyronies Section, Special Boards Section etc.  This is not real likely to happen however and we need to just take 30 minutes to retrain our habits. Frankly I have never see an active forum on the internet that is NOT set up as ours now is.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Old Man

Note to all:

For those having trouble seeing the latest posts on the forum, try this: log in as usual, locate the ''SHOW UNREAD POSTS SINCE LAST VISIT'' which is directly under the Hello line in the left side of the page. Click on it and it will show all the new posts you have not read since your last visit.

Then, if necessary, select any other topic you might want to explore and follow through with clicking on any that might show an unread "new" logo in the text line, etc.

Old Man
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


Wow!  Old Man does it again.  That one post will save me at least 20 minutes a day.



I still can't find the child's board


There is no more "Child Board".

We came up with a much better solution suggested by New Guy (as I recall).

Each topic in the Newly Diagnosed Highlights (the child board) was placed directly at the top of the board it was associated with.  For Example

Erectile Dysfunction BOARD
"Highlights of Erectile Dysfunction" (Child board)
"Erectile Dysfunction" (Topic migrated from our old format
Various other member generated new topics associated with Erectile Dysfunction

When you click on the Erectile Dysfunction board look at the top and you will see the Highlights stuck to the top or the topic list.  it is the same on every board.  

Please let me know if this makes sense and if you found the Highlights.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I don't know if this can be done like the old peyronies discussion board, but I think it would be helpful to have recently posted in topics in the peyronies discussion board would kick to the top of the list, I think this would make the new format and layout easier to read.



Quote from: ComeBacKid on August 28, 2009, 01:16:14 AM
I think it would be helpful to have recently posted in topics in the peyronies discussion board would kick to the top of the list, I think this would make the new format and layout easier to read.


PLEASE read this thread.  About 2 of my posts down (about 6 posts in all), I made a lengthy post about this.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums

Old Man


There is no more Childs Board. It has been replaced by the new format which contains topics within the several boards. You select a board and the "new" posts are always at the top of each sub topic for want of a better word.

So to help find new unread posts easily do this:  when you first log on to the forum, locate the heading in the left side fo the page under the Hello line and you will find the line "show unread posts since last visit". This way, click on the link and you will see the latest unread posts (by you) of any and all you have not read, etc.

If you want to find a specific topic or word, use the search link in the home page or any page you have displayed on your computer screen. It will take you to what you want, etc.

Old Man

PS: Reminder to everyone! Please review your inbox regularly and delete enough of your saved incoming private message to stay within your authorized limited number. Many private messaages do not get sent due to members' inbox being filled and not accepting new PMs. In addition the same applies to your outbox. Eliminating the extra messages, allows for more space on the forum server.
Age 92. Peyronies Disease at age 24, Peyronies Disease after
stage four radical prostatectomy in 1995, Heart surgery 2004 with three bypasses/three stents.
Three more stents in 2016. Hiatal hernia surgery 2017 with 1/3 stomach reduction. Many other surgeries too.


I missed your comment on the "boards" jumping to the top of the list.  I was implying the same exact thing that poster said, it would be nice if what we now call "boards" would jump to the top, assuming this can't be done, every board has "Last Post" bolded so when I scroll down it all looks new to me.  

It would be nice if there would be a way to make last post regular font and make anything posted today or yesterday bolded, so only one item was bolded in that block section of information containing date, time of post, and poster.  This way someone could scroll down and just see anything with bold in it is a hot topic to post on. Actually this would be a very similar  format that is now used in the "topics" when you click on the boards, right in this section of topics. There is no "last post" you either have an unbolded date or Today or Yesterday would be bolded.  I think if we made this small change, people would find the main boards easier to navigate and they wouldn't care if they didnt kick to the top, the system us veterans are used to seeing for the previous years.

I understand keeping everything alphabetical keeps an order that you could memorize over time, however I like to jump in to the hot topic, and usually just post in that section of the forum.



Are you also aware that there is a link at the top of each page that will show the posts you have not personally seen yet?

At the top of of the page just click on .........

"Show unread posts since last visit"
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


I initially indicated that the boards would be fine-tuned.  I have listened to some suggestions and I will begin immediately putting all the treatment boards in one group and the non-treatment discussion boards in their own group.

DMSO will go under alternative treatments as a topic or a child board.  I will likely try both to see which I prefer.  In either case DMSO will no longer be its own separate primary board so look for it under alternative treatments.

I appreciate your patience and trust me, it is easier being on your side of this than it is on my side.   ;D

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I am interested in thoughts about the way the boards are now sorted under a:

  • Treatment Boards Category

  • Other Discussion Boards Category
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


It's a logical and clean layout. Thanks for taking the time to undertake this, and for updating the forum software, fixing bugs etc :). Thumbs up!

Any thought from anyone else?


Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Have spent a lot of time researching recently and was sure you had a 'women's only' forum - am I mistaken? And if anyone can help direct me I would appreciate it, Am pretty miserable with very uncommunicative husband awaiting surgery. He wont let me speak to anyone and I can understand but I don't know what to do.


Go to HOME

and scroll nearly to the bottom.


Women Speak Out about Peyronies Disease - PUBLIC Forum
Women ask questions about Peyronies Disease and provide their insight/perspective to help others.


Kinda confused as to why I can't see a link to the treatments section of the forum. Am I missing something very obvious?

I am at the oral treatments section -,28.0.html

Yet when I click to go to the Peyronies Disease TREATMENT Discussion Boards  it just takes me straight to the index.

There seems to be no way to get to the section of the site that lists the oral treatments, traction etc sub forums.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]



I do not know what you are talking about.I do everything from my phone. Al is good can navagate and read everything. MIght be a temporary glitch!know sometimes I have to press the plus or minus. I do not mean the keyboard but what is on the board.



Yep my fault, had somehow minimised it, hit the + and all was good. Cheers fubar.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Cheers ,  what happens when the mastermind decides he no longer needs to navigate?leave everything to chance? Kind of reckless when you have so many following a whim of a dream.We have greater problems loosing a network of friends.We as a group are always here to help all that come here how do we do this when wefall victim to detachment . Really hits you in the ribs.Hope this never happens again.
