Diabetes of the Penis: Peyronie's and Diet

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Fascinating phenomenon, thanks man.

That's another info supporting fasting... Which, by the way, is considered quite safe even by hard science: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5819235/
- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


Interesting article.
Of note, fasts one greater than one day (less than one day = IF) were medically supervised twice per day.  Any fasts were discontinued if problems arose (noted by patient or MD).
Also, it sounds as if all meds were d/c'd except thyroid meds tittated appropriately.
I believe this is why extended water fasting is recommended to be done under a doctors care and includes bloodwork to screen for appropriateness (as all were in this study)
Good news, intermittent fasting seems pretty straightforward without needing medical clearing or monitoring throughout as does dctrnded water fasting.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Very good point Tony!

It's pretty clear that if you are know as diabetic or fragile in this or that metabolic field, you shouldn't fast without medical precaution; that's common sense. But for anyone said to be healthy (apart from Peyronies Disease of course...), or, better said, without specific syndroms, I do believe fasting alone can be totally safe as long as you investigate it first and get well prepared (with mineral water + electrolytes, an activity planning, good food to break your fast anytime you fell like it, etc.).

That is pure theory from now, as I've just made one 3 days fast so far (everything OK); I'm beginning a 7-10 one from tomorrow, I'll let you know what comes out of it :-)
- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


Thank you whyisthishappening,

No surprise but very useful find!


Totally random thought, but it's kinda like the penis is the canary in the coalmine. First thing to show the hurt when things get too toxic.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Personally, even if healthy (could be underlying issues one was Unaware) I'd go no longer than 7 days without medical supervision.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


L-cysteine supplementation upregulates glutathione (GSH) and vitamin D binding protein (VDBP) in hepatocytes cultured in high glucose and in vivo in liver, and increases blood levels of GSH, VDBP, and 25-hydroxy-vitamin D in Zucker diabetic fatty rats.
L-Cysteine Supplementation Increases Blood Levels of Hydrogen Sulfide and Nitrite, and Decreases Insulin Resistance and Vascular Inflammation in Zucker Diabetic Rats
Can L-Cysteine and Vitamin D Rescue Vitamin D and Vitamin D Binding Protein Levels in Blood Plasma of African American Type 2 Diabetic Patients?
guys what do you think about l-cysteine
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee

pey ron

i think both hydrogen sulfide & nitrite are gonna help a lot, so i am gonna get on L-cysteine soon!
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ron DO NOT try L-CYSTEINE i can elaborate later not now

 this disease is Not us simple as we try to understand it

  i am focusing now on WNT2 PROSTAGLANDINS and prostaglandin receptor abnormalities(thats why some got Peyronies Disease after alprostadil although its antinflammantory(PGE1)  prostaglandin receptors with abnormalities could give signal as it is PGE2 a pro inflammantory and start inflammation cascade ) also HEPARINASE 1 and 2 should have our attention also i am making a link why   thc and cbd are bad for us even if for many is antiinflammantory
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee


Structural and dynamic characterization of human Wnt2-Fzd7 complex using computational approaches.
 "Wnt and Frizzled (Fzd) family members play crucial roles in the self-renewal of tumor-initiating cells. Until now, only a few studies have addressed the distinct mechanism of Wnt-Fzd interactions. In this study, we suggest a possible interaction mode of Wnt2 with the Fzd7 CYSTEINE-rich domain (CRD)-both of which are up-regulated in some types of cancer"
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee


PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.

pey ron

NAC is a very powerful antioxidant.

I believe PGE2 would be anti-fibrotic. And I wonder if PGD2 wouldn't be profibrotic.

WNT is scary as hell, I believe it is proliferative and profibrotic. Well, I believe PGE2 is proliferative as well but oddly antifibrotic.

I also believe that some PPAR's can be strong antifibrotics despite being proliferative.

I would love if someone were able to get to the bottom of these.

Profibrotic = inducing fibrosis
Proliferative = making cancers grow
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no man pge2 is pro inflammantory (prolonged inflammation=fibrotic cascade )

"If same effect, how is it a "cheat"?"      tony i do not understand  please explain
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee

pey ron

why are you making statements in the present indicative about PGE2 being pro-fibrotic?

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it is proinflammantory  and prolonged inflammation in tunica albuginea is bad
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee


Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Link between Diet and DNA Methylation
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee

pey ron

Prostaglandins are not as easy as that: they also resolve inflammation. PGE2 has an extremely short half-life, in the order of minutes. And not all PG's are born equal. There are several pathways and sometimes a given PG can extert both an anti-fibrotic and a pro-fibrotic effect, depending on the receptor it docks to. For example PGD2 is pro-fibrotic when it docks to the CRTH2 receptor, but anti-fibrotic when it docks to the DP1 receptor. So, blocking the CRTH2 receptor via setipiprant/fevipiprant would be ideal. Dig deeper, keep an open mind.
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i keep an open eye also
 Penile fibrosis in intracavernosal prostaglandin E1 injection therapy for erectile dysfunction.
"Penile fibrosis is hence a significant complication of intracavernosal PGE1 therapy"
The long-term safety of alprostadil (prostaglandin-E1) in patients with erectile dysfunction. The European Alprostadil Study Group.
"Penile fibrosis occurred in 4% of patients"
CAVERJECT IMPULSE®(alprostadil) for injection, for intracavernosaluse Initial U.S. Approval: 1981
"• Treatment of erectile dysfunction in men with fibrotic conditions of the
penis, such as anatomical deformation, angulation, cavernosal fibrosis, or
Peyronie's disease (4)"
Peyronie's-like plaque after penile injection of prostaglandin E1.
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee

pey ron

1) the needle causes trauma every single time it pierces the tunica
2) PGE1 is not PGE2... PGE1 belongs to the family 1 of prostaglandins, PGE2 to the family 2 of prostaglandins. Most humans have predominantly PG's from the family 2 -- with the sole exception of Eskimos that due to their diets very rich in different kinds of fatty acids have a completely different proportion of ecosanoids.
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it is not only the needle enthourethral alprostadil is prohibeted also, check the instructions. we can make a thread about prostaglandins or erection injections lots of people here ad them and i think we hijack this thread

 because this is about dibetes of the penis
 in cadavid 2015 igf increases the most after tgf stimulation in plaque ,that is in active Peyronies Disease phase what you want to avoidthe most besides another injury is insulin spikes neos hypothesis is solid

alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee


The effect of Ferula elaeochytris root extract on erectile dysfunction in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat.

" FE recovered neurogenic and endothelial dysfunction and decreased glucose levels in diabetic rats."
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee

pey ron

yes this thread should have been split off a few posts ago...
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An excellent and pedagogical resumen of the ubiquitous influence of insulin resistance and the benefits of keto/IF about the multiplicity of pathologies involved: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRPqYqa3oLA (title is obviously ironical!)
- 35 yo, Peyronies Disease with chronic pain, general hourglassing with girth and length loss since 09/01/17.
- Pain almost cured with Hirudoid cream and diet/lifestyle changes (see my topics on this); deformity still here, but partly reduced with traction + VED.


The negative effect of the adverse systemic milieu on adult stem cells.


Goal: Autologous adult stem cell transplantation is frequently unsuccessful in repairing the targeted problem. Our results suggest that the toxic systemic environment, i.e. hyperglycemia or hyperlipidemia is impairing the repair capacity of adult stem cells via epigenetic modifications. The goal of this study to clarify the underlying mechanisms and determine new biomarkers that can predict stem cell damage before transplantation
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee


alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee


check this FQ and DM
Can antibiotics cause, or make Peyronies Disease worse? - Peyronies Society Forums

Acute metabolic amplification of insulin secretion in mouse islets is mediated by mitochondrial export of metabolites, but not by mitochondrial energy generation

Defining and characterizing the critical transition state prior to the type 2 diabetes disease

Multiple Biomarker Prediction of Type 2 Diabetes

Identification of Biomarkers for Type 2 Diabetes and Its Complications: A Bioinformatic Approach

Biomarkers for predicting type 2 diabetes development—Can metabolomics improve on existing biomarkers?

Predictive biomarkers for type 2 of diabetes mellitus: Bridging the gap between systems research and personalized medicine

Study of Protein Biomarkers of DIABETES Mellitus Type 2 and THERAPY with VITAMIN B1
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee


My Peyronies Disease was caused by Trimix injections. So...
Snake Diet + 5-day fasts + pentox + NeoV's stretching routine + Mito Red Light. Curvature 99% gone.

I also used Todd Capistrant's "Fascial Distortion Model" to help my curvature. Start slowly.


Hey guys,

Does this low carb/keto/fasting-like diet only concern the people who are genetically predisposed (i.e. diabetes, parents) or can anyone with Peyronies Disease can benefit from it? I ask because I don't have diabetes, etc. and I also experience no pain since having Peyronies Disease. I know take care to avoid any inflammatory foods and thus my diet is definitely already ketogenetic-like. The problem is that I only have Peyronies Disease for a maximum of 3-4 months and thus still am in the acute phase. So eating meat, especially red meat, and cheese could cause inflammation. Is it best for me to eat low-carb and anti-inflammatory right now? Or would going on a carnivore diet be beneficial to me as well?

I hope someone can shed some light on this, All the best
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There are no hard and fast rules.  Any anti-inflammatory like diet that you can maintain will benefit-but be sure to add other treatments such as pentox, low dose nightly cialis and traction or VED.
PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Quote from: NeoV on July 04, 2017, 11:41:25 PM
Myostatin is a major driver of fibrosis and a member of the tgf-beta family. Myostatin is found in the Peyronie's penis and plaques (2008 study).

Hey NeoV,

Any update on plaque appearance and diet since this post? Does the low carb diet help abolish the plaques? I seem to have a couple little plaques in my penis with no history of DM. I eat fairly healthy organic food. I do eat a good amount of brown rice. I dont divulge in refined carbs much.
32 yo. Unknown cause. 1st plaque proximal left base near pelvis 9/19. Expanded and shrunk after 8 mo by 50% (still working on it). Minor bend but malleable. 2nd small plaque 5/20 superficial distal right just under tip. Currently growing. No bend.


I never ate refined carbs and still got all these issues (as did my dad). Only brown rice basically. The difference between brown rice and white is like comparing a can of coke to to 3/4s a can. Yes my scars softened and the scarred areas became more normal and plump. My penis is better than ever lately, for which I am very thankful!


Quote from: NeoV on June 28, 2020, 10:03:28 PM
Yes my scars softened and the scarred areas became more normal and plump. My penis is better than ever lately, for which I am very thankful!

That is a good analogy for the rice. Awesome to hear about the current news. If I understand your language correctly, when you say "scarred areas are normal and plump" and "better than ever", it sounds like things reversed into a malleable stage...but it sounds like there is a possibility that the plump scars have the ability to harden again? It sounds like the diet and Coq10 have been a constant for the past 3 years since your last post?
32 yo. Unknown cause. 1st plaque proximal left base near pelvis 9/19. Expanded and shrunk after 8 mo by 50% (still working on it). Minor bend but malleable. 2nd small plaque 5/20 superficial distal right just under tip. Currently growing. No bend.


I actually stopped taking supplements for the last three years! Once I went keto I felt it was best to stop and I also feel that I no longer need them.
I have experimented with some supplements such as MSM and pynogenol and others, but I have not taken them like I did before.

Traction changed the structure of my penis so that trauma during sex or masturbation is very unlikely, while the diet seems to simply prevent any inflammation from entering my penis PERIOD. If I ate badly (SAD diet) and had rough sex and drank alcohol, I'm sure these areas could become fibrotic again, but the traction alone, the results of which are permanent, would have me protected from serious worsening most likely.


Nice! so you no longer drink alcohol or have a pizza? also do you still sue the VED even with a straight shaft?
32 yo. Unknown cause. 1st plaque proximal left base near pelvis 9/19. Expanded and shrunk after 8 mo by 50% (still working on it). Minor bend but malleable. 2nd small plaque 5/20 superficial distal right just under tip. Currently growing. No bend.


"We report a very high prevalence of Peyronies Disease in a population screened by sophisticated techniques in a young population of heterogeneous ethnic males. The high prevalence of Peyronies Disease in this population prompts concern regarding the true prevalence, etiology, and associated factors of this disease. We searched for but did not find an association of Peyronies Disease with MS but did find that very uncontrolled diabetes (HbA1c >8.5%) was associated with higher rates. This high rate of Peyronies Disease in an expertly evaluated population of males may indicate the need for earlier screening of Peyronies Disease in younger patients presenting to men's health clinics with various complaints."
Peyronie's Disease is common in poorly controlled diabetics but is not associated with the Metabolic Syndrome
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee


I've been eating a carnivore diet (only meat and water) for the last 6 months. As soon as I eat anything else (dairy, vegetables etc), my dick gets inflamed and my condition worsen. It's crazy how my condition was stable for about 3 years but then as soon as I got off an antidepressant I had been taken, along with Pentoxifylline, the condition immediately worsened. Anyway, manual stretching and a carnivore diet is what helps at the moment. Meditation and pelvic stretches as well, although I don't do them often enough.

I wish I would've started doing all this immediately.


Quote from: NeoV on June 28, 2020, 10:03:28 PM
I never ate refined carbs and still got all these issues (as did my dad). Only brown rice basically. The difference between brown rice and white is like comparing a can of coke to to 3/4s a can. Yes my scars softened and the scarred areas became more normal and plump. My penis is better than ever lately, for which I am very thankful!

Did you ever lose size with Peyronies? And when you say it's now better than ever, does that mean you gained that size back?

Enjoyed watching your youtube videos by the way. Started manual stretching thanks to you, I've added 1-2 cm already (been at it for about 2 months).


That's great to hear JayGould! Try keeping it on the therapeutic side and you'll likely see more results.
Yes I did lose some length due to the curvature and dents, but I gained it back and then some.


This is an old thread, but it fits me. I'm a T1 diabetic. I agree with Stabler that, other than a very few findings of newly diagnosed children being able to be made to go into remission by a strict diet, adult T1 diabetics will be dead in a fairly short time without injected insulin.As stated by others, the amount of insulin is directly proportional to the amount (and type) of food that gets crammed in the pie hole. All that said, I believe my T1 diabetes, along with an inherited mutation that causes mitochobdrial disease and promotes tumorigenisis, is behind my peyronies. I have Dupuytrens contracture in both hands, I have plantar fibromatosis (Lederhosens)in both feet. ALL of this appeared about the same time as when the peyronies started.
Age 63
T1 diabetic. circumferential scarring, very narrowed erection & 1.5" length loss, and 80° bend to left. Also have L&R Dupuytren's, L&R Lederhosen's and R adhesive capsulitis. Had 25° congenital left curve before Peyronies, but functioned fine.


Quote from: NeoV on February 20, 2018, 08:25:40 AM
Big update here.

The main gene thought to be responsible for Peyronie's, and Dupuytren's has been cited to be HLA-B7.

i think this might be spot on, i am definitely getting tested for HLA-B7. Do you have any more research regarding HLA-B7? I read an article about it before seeing this and it might be actually very related.


Curious if there is more on that gene link to Peyronies Disease.

I find curiousity in catagorizing Peyronies Disease as diabetes of the penis since traditional DM2 is not known to cause fibrosis and can be eliminated through lifestyle and diet (and not only going keto, but eating healthy, exercising and using portion control with times of the day). its like having a good hand of cards and playing them poorly and ending up with DM2. Unlike DM1 which is having a poor hand and playing it strategically to make the best.

Plus, I read in this forum that nutrients from supplement may not reach the tissue of the penis as it all circulates in the body. which brings to question, is diet doing anything to the penis? I read inflammation can be controlled but is there a pathalogical target? What I mean is, is diet addressing the specific "unknown" cause? Because if all dieting does is help with inflammation, than that is cool but doesnt address the underlying cause. I am still skeptical that this pathology is due to a specific gene.

However in my case, in the past year, I have had multiple circular fibroids surface in the tissue in a seemingly interesting pattern. Most are at the base of the shaft near the grundle/taint area and 3 fibroids make a striaght line up the shaft next to the corpus spongiosum.

Highly doubt trauma is a cause, I have been healthy most of my life, lab tests are mainly normal, diet is mainly vegitarian with lean meat and occasional breads and sweets. This could be labled as inflammation in the tissue. But will get some DM tests done out of curiosity like the ab1c test, eyrithrocite sedimentation for inflammation (doubt i need this since it is inflammation) and might do a fasting serum insulin test (doubt i need this because I have no issues with insulin).

So characteristics of this being DM of the penis i think could use more investigation, at least with my presentation
32 yo. Unknown cause. 1st plaque proximal left base near pelvis 9/19. Expanded and shrunk after 8 mo by 50% (still working on it). Minor bend but malleable. 2nd small plaque 5/20 superficial distal right just under tip. Currently growing. No bend.


I have been strict carnivore for almost a year now, so zero carbs. The diet definitely helps, but it hasn't eliminated my symptoms. I can still get flare ups with pain/inflammation and subsequent worsening of scar tissue.

It happens less often for sure, but I don't think that for me, this is all about the diet. I have reactions to environmental toxins too.



Since no one knows exact cause of Peyroines, treatment options are designed to only treat the symptoms- plaque reduction through Xiaflex with traction to remodel the shape of the plaque, or surgical options. Everyone is free to experiment if they like with diet or vitamins, Pentox, ED drugs, etc, VED, dry traction, whatever, but there's no evidence that these alternative therapies work,  or the evidence is terrible. How can you expect otherwise in trying to treat a disease the cause of which is unknown? It's likely cause is genetic predisposition plus microtrauma, but that's not that great of an explanation.

I know everyone here knows of Xiaflex and surgery, but that's really about all the specialists have to offer (go ahead and take the Pentox and cialis, they surely won't make the condition worse. Anything like that is worth a try).  All I've ever said is these off label use of these drugs is not guaranteed to do anything. And Peyroines can improve on its own anyway, so it would be impossible for anyone to say these drugs were effective.


I just spent the last hour reading your posts and comments. I don't mean this to ridicule you or to insult you in any sense. I am genuinely concerned. You seem like a narcissist. Have you ever been seen by a psychologist regarding this?

Right now, for example: "All I ever said was..." is what you state when it fact it wasn't "all you 'ever' said...."

A common trend in your interactions is that you place yourself on a pedestal of superiority under the guise of "science," when what you really are referring to is "traditional" allopathic medicine and FDA regulations. At the same time, you denounce other evidence that is "off-label" (which has to do with FDA-approval) and have made other claims without specificity that you are making a claim pertaining to your own experience which leads others, and understandably so, to understand you as having made objective claims.

These errors in communication permeate your interactions which result in "clashes" with others and "dysfunction" in your attempts to communicate with others. Yet, you, in your own "reality" or view of the world, are NEVER wrong.

Have you noticed this consistent pattern in your interactions?
03/06/2018: Forceful-downwards [from the penile base] injury) > Affected PSL (Penile Suspensory Ligament) > Pelvic Floor Dysfunction > ED (tentatively assumed venogenic) > Peyronies (07/01/2018)



Autoimmune disorders and Peyronies.

Just look at psoriatic arthiritis. Oh my F^@$!ng god. Diabetes is two times as prevalent in peyronies patients but psoriatic arthritis is almost 20 times more prevalent with the same confidence interval. I might not even have normal peyronies. Why the F~@< is there no one going to doctor about this? It is a huge quality of life downgrade and i don't want a psoriasis dick, are people actually that scared to take action on this? 20 times? jesus christ.

Tortão Pra Direita

Quote from: jan.schaller1958 on November 24, 2020, 10:21:27 PM
Pfract, how are cialis and viagra different as to different half lives?
Their main mechanism is PDE5 inhibition, but they also affect other PDE's.

Sildenafil (Viagra) inhibits PDE6 much more than Tadalafil. PDE6 is also found in the eye. This is why there are accounts of viagra causing vision problems.

Tadalafil inhibits a PDE (can't remember exactly which) that isn't so inhibited by sildenafil and it causes back pain in some men.

I consider tadalafil safer than sildenafil.
1993 born. Brazil.
Peyronies since Sep 2019.
Penis developed curvature, lots of plaque, loss of size and axial rigidity. Severe peyronie.
Mar/21 TEP + Titan Touch 20 cm + 1.5 RTE.

Surgery done by Dr. Marco Tulio Cavalcanti, in São Paulo.


Quote from: Hontas on November 24, 2020, 08:31:11 PM

Autoimmune disorders and Peyronies.

Just look at psoriatic arthiritis.

Peyronies Disease is a difficult subject to pinpoint. There was another article in this thread that mentioned Peyronies Disease was found in those with DM2 but having Peyronies Disease didnt mean you have a metabolic disorder or had any relation. Im sure there is some correlation between diet, the body and Peyronies Disease since Peyronies Disease is in essence, inflammation and then a keloiding response ( at least for me with multiple little bumps. lol I have 3 little pea shaped balls in a straight line on my shaft...not sure how that happens. What makes Peyronies Disease so tough to grasp is its presentation. Some people have bends and hour glass shaped dysfunctions and others have plaques in various shapes and sizes.

In essence, It would be good policy to eat healthy, limit carb intake, exercise, read up on Blue Zones and nutritarian diets or even soft keto. Keto is one option but needs to be taken seriously and not as a 5 month trend then back to before. There are individuals who have had success with diets and fasting in extreme ways but thats not my area.

No one wants any kind of dick other than the kind with healthy tissue and works well. However there are a ton of factors at play in which we have no control over. but what we do have control over are our decisions and actions. So despite the lack of evidence on this matter, we can still treat our bodies the best we can to help it heal. However that may look to you.

lol alrighty ive blabbed on enough. Try not to get overhyped on the medical literature. Science basically means "we dont know and we are learning"
32 yo. Unknown cause. 1st plaque proximal left base near pelvis 9/19. Expanded and shrunk after 8 mo by 50% (still working on it). Minor bend but malleable. 2nd small plaque 5/20 superficial distal right just under tip. Currently growing. No bend.


Pathway Enrichment Analysis of Microarray Data Fom Human Penis of Diabetic and Peyronie's Patients, in Comparison With Diabetic Rat Erectile Dysfunction Models
Microarray identified 182 differentially expressed protein-coding genes. Pathway analysis revealed similar enrichments with different analytical tools. Down regulated pathways include development, tubular structure, sprouting, cell death, ischemia, angiogenesis, transcription, second messengers, and stem cell differentiation. Erectile Dysfunction patients, who have diabetes, incur significant loss of normal regulatory processes required for repair and replacement of injured corpora cavernosal tissue. Combined with loss of apoptotic regulatory mechanisms, this results in significant architectural remodeling of the corpora cavernosa, and loss of regenerative capacity in the penis.
alc ,vitamin e, propolis,pde5,NAC,nsaids,olive oil massage,nsaids,aspirin,essential oils cockteils,keto,IF,green tea,coffee


Quote from: skunkworks on April 14, 2019, 12:31:35 PM
Totally random thought, but it's kinda like the penis is the canary in the coalmine. First thing to show the hurt when things get too toxic.

This is a great statement.  Really makes you think!

Best to all.
I have a girlfriend
Age 48, No injury
Diagnosis January 2022  
Six plaques
Hourglassing when flaccid and semi-erect
Only have my congenital curve
Massaging with vitamin E cream twice a day 
5mg Tadalafil, Healthy diet
Discomfort/aching sometimes