Do I have peyronie's?

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Not sure where I should post this but may be someone may be of help.

I have penile deformity in three places, however my MRI, Ultrasound and physical examination as shown no plaque.
The specialist says that it is not peyronie's as plaque needs to be present for diagnosis and the pain/deformity is probably related to my chronic pain disorder-fibromyalia.
I have deformity in both flaccid and erect state but more so in flaccid state. I feel that exercise/ physical activity has may it worse. I have had both deformity and pain for 1 year. My question, is there any other diseases that can cause penile deformity and can some cases of peyronie's not be caused by plaque.


(Moved this from another area)
I'd be very interested too, first urologist found a plaque, second agreed without examination and said "what else can it be" then refused tests, third, fourth and fifth failed to find it but agreed to tests, and nothing has shown on MRI or ultrasound for me either.


I feel that may be we are suffering from something else. Is your deformity bad? I find mine is not as sharp as deformity caused by plaque. I also feel that the pelvic floor may have something to do with it. On the bright side if there is no plaque then the damage may not be permanent.


Mine is a ventral bend, as proximal as possible I think, if I were to lie down with an erection (hard to come by these days ;) ) whereas before Peyronies Disease it would point towards my head, it now would point directly up at the ceiling, this is partially why I'm not getting recognition as having a bend, as some urologists think that it looks normal (in photos, I fail to respond to the caverject in tests).
So not bad as in prevents penetration but does mean adapting position for penetration, and length loss seems significant (I don't really want to know)
I've started to think mine might be fibrosis of some sort with possibly some sort of structural damage from an accidental trauma but who knows, I also suspect it might be permanent and I'm still trying to come to terms with it before my wife kicks me out  :)


How long have u had it? Do you experience any pain? If none of the tests show inflammation, scare tissue or plaque then it is very unlikely to be fibrosis. I understand what u mean about the change you have experience being recognised as normal by urologist as I had the same experience. But that has to be positive to some point because u have mild deformity or the urologist would have picked up on it.


While an "official" diagnosis of Peyronie's/Penile Induration may require presence of detectable plaque interfering with the Tunica, if you have deformity and pain (especially during erection), then even if the label is different the effect is pretty much the same.  Treatments designed to address the plaque directly would be of little to no use, however other treatments...anti-inflamation, circulation improvement etc...are probably still a good idea.  I would consider an anti-inflamation diet to start with.


I have tried an anti inflammation diet and this did nothing. Would a ultrasound or MRI not show inflammation? My deformity does improve with an erection. I  also suffer with semi erections when seated most of the time and a hard flaccid when stood. Maybe the pelvic floor muscles are the issue. I also find that any form of exercise/physical activity worsens both pain and deformity.


In your position, I would seek some very detailed examination of circulation to the penis and definitely explore pelvic floor issues.  If you sit much, consider a hemorrhoid cushion.  Also, consider casual walking as a good exercise. Many exercises designed for muscle building or cardio are actually harmful in the case of even slight circulation or structure irregularities.