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I'm 45 years old and started to notice a downward curvature about 18 months ago. My urologist diagnosed it as Peyronies about 6 months later. I've been on pento ever since. My penis has straightened quite a bit, but the rigidity hasn't and I now have two indentations, one at the base and the other about midway down the shaft. I guess this is what is referred to as the hourglass effect?  My plaque is palpable near the top of the shaft and has become more pronounced over time. My urologist seems knowledgable, but doesn't have answers to most of my questions. Glad to be amongst others in similar situations.


Well, you seem to have found a clued up Urologist, at least. Which makes you better off than many here. Pentox is considered to be part of front line treatment.

Is your dick usable? I mean can you have sex with your remaining degree of curvature, without discomfort?  Can you maintain an erection?  If so, you may want to look at VED to try and sort out the hourglassing. I would also ask your Uro about Xiaflex - you can read about that here on the site.

There are also other oral supplements that may be beneficial. Again, you can read of the experiences of others here. Be aware that every case is different. This disease can be very elusive, and what works for one doesn't for another.