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New member here.  So how did I get here?

Little background.
I'm 35 years old
185 lbs.
never married
no kids

Penis is about average: 6.25 BPEL x 4.50 EG

About 8 years ago I was seeing a girl that made a few comments about my size.  Never had any problems before that but thought I needed to do something to make myself better.  So I started looking into things on the Internet.  I came across some of the Penis Enlargement websites, I won't name names.  Anyway I decided to try some of their routines and like many folks I over did it.  

At first I was doing jelqing and stretching and didn't seem to run in to many problems with this.  I saw how many other members (no pun intended, ha) were having great success thru other means (hanging and clamping) so I decided to give both of these a shot.  I did get some vein thromboses at different times with these methods but I would always sit out until they healed back up and then start again.  

The biggest problem I had though was when I decided to do the hanging.  I bought a 'hanger' from somebody that makes these and sells them.  I followed his routines by the book and asked him and others for help along the way and they gave it.  But I ended up injuring myself.  I failed to listen to my body, and I should not have been doing what I was doing in the first place.  I was hanging up to 20 pounds off my unit at times and many times doing sets of 15-20 minutes each when doing so.  I ended up tearing some tissue on the underside of my penis.  

There is slight indentation where I had this injury.  This all happened in 2009.  For the most part it gives me no problems.  But sometimes I get sharp pains in my penis where the injury happened.  This can be totally out of the blue.  It does not occur that often, maybe once every 3 months but when it does it is noticeable but goes away instantly.  So it lasts maybe 5 seconds?  Seems to happen if I'm leaning up against the counter at work washing lab dishes.  But as far as sex goes the Peyronies has not hampered things.  I rarely notice it when I'm erect.  

I have seen 2 different Urologists for this.  The last one diagnosed me with early stage Peyronies Disease.  I told him of my symptoms, what I did to get this way, and any troubles I might be having.  He said for the most part since it seems my symptoms are little I should just go about my normal life and refrain from any Penis Enlargement exercises & devices, which I have.  He did do a hands on evaluation also.  He said you can feel the fiberours tissue that has built up in my penis and it's not supposed to be that way.

I guess the main reason I am here is I still have slight hope that I can make my unit slightly better and at the same time 'iron out' that indentation.  So I want to look at some of the regimens here and see if they are able to help.  I will be treading carefully as I do not want to have any further problems.

I do have a penis pump that I could use.  Looks like these are popular here?  Mine has a gauge on it too so I can make sure I"m not going too hi on pressure.  I"m also interested in a traction device as well but not sure that I can commit to the long hours that it seems you need to put in to get anything out of it.

So the PE never did really give me any gains, and actually set me back some as now I have Peyronies.  But who knows perhaps I would have developed the Peyronies anyway and the PE just sped things up.

So that's me.  Please ask if you have any questions and thank you for letting me be a part of this forum,




You are very lucky that from the penis enlargement protocols you get just mild or light Peyronies. Some on the forum were not so lucky and ended up very bad. I really don't understand those guys encouraging other to do stupid things that may damage they manhood for life. >:(
Regarding what to do:
* VED (pump as you are writing). It helped me and many others with indention's/hourglass. Just carefully not to over-pump. Pump to the level that you feel comfortable, not according to the gauge. Take in consideration that it is a marathon not a sprint. You have all the necessary protocols on the VED board. You may consider to send a PM to Old Man, he is our guru on the VED subject.
* I am proposing you also to find a Peyronies specialist, not a regular urologist that will make you an ultrasound to see the plaque and the situation.
* You may also be a candidate for Xiaflex.
It takes time, but I am proposing you to spend some time on the forum to get better understanding in this disease and the options you have.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Thanks James,

Yes I agree, I know I am quite lucky considering others have experienced much worse issues thanks to PE.  And I'm glad you hit upon that too, "for life".  Being young and dumb I was so focused on how much better things were going to be that I didn't realize, well what if you hurt yourself, and the long term implications that could result.  You only get one dick, don't mess it up, so to speak.  

I know in my original post I talked about still hoping to make 'gains' with PE.  I think I really need to just accept myself for what I am and be okay with it and try and take care of what I have.  I will look more into the VED.  

I'm going to look into a Peyronies Specialist as you say too.  I think my Urologist is pretty good, he was recommended to me by a friend of mine who is a retired physician, but I will look around and see what I can find.  I live in the Chicago suburbs.  I haven't had an Ultrasound done.  I did have an MRI done on my leg (I had a really bad Quad tear a few years back).  And on the MRI you could see the indentation on my penis right where I see it regularly.  My Urologist said that was too inconclusive to draw anything off that though.  

Not sure about the Xiaflex.  Just read a little about it.  Currently my bend is not greater than 30°.  But I'm aware that could change too.  

Do you know of any other members off-hand that experienced issues thru the penis enlargement?  I'm just curious if what they did that may have resulted in this or triggered it was similar to what I did?

Thank you for your feedback,



First about Peyronies specialist. You have one of the best available, world known, Dr. Laurence Levine in Chicago.
Phone: 312-563-5000. I suppose he will do a Doppler ultrasound to diagnose and evaluate you. I am proposing you to get to him as soon as you can.
Regarding size, I am now on 5&1/4" length (from 7") and circumference of 4" (down from 6"+) with left bend, upward banana curve.
I have wonderful sex with my partner and she also, that is more important for me than my own satisfaction. I think is a matter of finding someone that she is fine with what you have and feels to you. I am using Viagra as I have ED also (67 year old, Peyronies, prostate surgery, bladder surgery).  
I was thinking that real sex life is over for me because the lost in length and girth, but nothing really changed from the past. Again, you have to find the right partner.
VED, Pentox, low dose Cialis and now L-Citrulline Malate is my treatment, Ubiquinol in the past, can't afford it financially right now.
VED is the main contributor for the 3 hourglasses disappearance.
VED, Pentox, low dose Cialis were the factors that softened my plaques to the level that the doctor injected me the PRP easily into the plaques. They were calcified before and strong like bones.
I can't remember a specific post regarding penis enlargement (thousands posts, thousands topics) but a search on the forum main page for penis enlargement will give you 106 posts. You may want to read them.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I completely agree with James. Also ended up losing 2 cm but have accepted I am who I am.

Wife and I still please each other and sex is as great as it always has been. I had a 70 degree curve surgically corrected. i would do it again.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


I set up an appointment with Dr. Levine for July 1st.  Thanks!


Okay an update on my situation.  

Just got back from seeing Dr. Levine.  His that I do NOT have Peyronie's Disease.  That's a relief and actually it went way better than I thought it was going to.  He did a physical exam and in his write-up he noted that no scarring was found, no swelling, no tenderness, no discharge, no balanitis, no lesions, no plaque.  Everything was normal with the penis showing extra nl elasticity.

He did do an ultrasound and was not able to find any issues.  He said my penis is normal and healthy and I have nothing to worry about.  Erection was induced and no issues were observed.  

I am a happy camper.  I knew my situation was not as bad as most here, but I did have some issues going on initially and I guess I just wanted a more concise diagnosis to put my mind at ease, I'm kind of hypochondriac.  Also add to the fact that the 2nd Urologist I saw diagnosed me with early stage Peyronies a year ago.  So it was nice to get a correct diagnosis from Dr. Levine.

I have a new lease on my unit now and I am no longer willing to do PE exercise in hopes of gaining a bigger unit.  I'm thankful for what I have and just want to stay healthy.  Thank you all for your help on this board.  I wish you all well.



It is the skill of the conductor, not the size of is baton, which makes a symphony.  Stay healthy.



Happy for you regarding the no Peyronies diagnosis, especially because was done by one of the best specialists, Dr. Levine.
And your sentence:
QuoteI'm thankful for what I have and just want to stay healthy
Should guide all of us and not just regarding Peyronies :)

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum