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Hi all, I've been reading this forum for some time, and have just make the leap to post. I'm 23, and I've noticed changes to my penis. I don't know when it happened - maybe a year ago - it hasn't progressed as far as I can tell thankfully. I've just kind of been in this denial mindset about it, assuming it had always been like that or that it would sort itself out.

There's a semi-circular band below the glans which is paler than the rest of the skin. At the top of this band, just below the glans - is a nodule. It is very small and not very hard - I only found it because I was really searching for one - I couldn't objectively say whether it is new or whether it has always been there. I cannot see it, I can only feel it and I cannot find it when I am flaccid. There is no bending/curvature coming from the nodule, and there is no pain.

My whole unit points to the right roughly 20 degrees off centre when I am erect and I let go of it - but not in a bent/curving way - the shaft is as straight as it's always been, the whole unit just points off centre slightly. This doesn't seem to be typical - I understand the bend usually occurs from plaque location (unless there is a plaque I haven't found at the base).

There has been no pain thankfully. I don't have the hourglass effect - if anything I have the opposite - being thickest in the middle and tapering off towards the glans and base. I know the base has always been like this - but the glans... I'm not sure.

I've been down the chronic illness road before - I have a rare illness that limits what I can do in life - so I'm keeping the anxiety in check as best I can this time, as I learned long ago that anxiety only doubles the negative life impact of any given illness. But to say I am unaffected completely by this would be a lie.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



I don't understand from your post if you have been to a Peyronies specialist.
If not, you have to see one.
I am also proposing you instead to be in panic, read the link bellow:
Peyronies Survival Guide - Information for New Members - Peyronies Society Forums
You may read also about the older and new available treatments on the forum and see what other forum members experienced.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Advice?  The best advice I can give at this stage, is get yourself to a doctor. Get an appointment to see a competent urologist, and get a diagnosis. I, and others, have said many times on this forum that until you know what you're dealing with, you can't recommend treatment.  


Well, the first gp I saw sent me on my way. I've just seen a different GP earlier today and he agreed with my suspicion, I've been referred to a urologist, the waiting list is 3 months. Is time of the essence? Is it worth going private? (I'm in the UK).



Difficult to answer to your question:
QuoteIs it worth going private?
Depends on how much money you have. In my opinion, as we are talking about your dick, you should go private if you can afford, to the best urologist/andrologist you can find. Maybe Dr. Kuehass?
QuoteIs time of the essence?
The answer is simple: YES

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I was pretty distressed about the diagnosis, so I went back to my GP earlier. I discussed going private, he told me there's nothing that can be done unless it is really bad and then it is an operation to remove the scar tissue, but may potentially create more in doing so. I asked him about Pentox, he said it may also create more scar tissue. Not a great set of options.

Right now I'm taking Vitamin E, L-Arginine, L-Carnitine, CO Q-10 and Omega 3. Something in that supplement cocktail does seem to be helping erections, could easily be placebo though. I am willing to spend whatever it takes to get the best outcome, but from what my GP said, it sounds like it may not pay off going private.

Did you have success with Dr. Kuehass, James?



I don't have personal experience with Dr. Kuehass except a prompt answer to my email I sent to him in the past, but other members that meet him reported very positively.
A search on the forum main page for Kuehass giving 16 posts.
You may want to read them and the associated posts, it will give you an idea why I am proposing him.
You have other alternatives here:,4063.0.html

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum