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I can't believe I found this forum and that such a forum exists.  Wish I knew about it years ago.  My wonderful husband has been suffering with this disease for years.  Being a "nagging wife", Ok I admit it, I wanted him to go to a doctor about 5 years ago when I noticed his abnormality.  He was in his 50's and it didn't bother him much so he ignored it.  The curve got worse and googled what he had and told him that it was a disease with a name.  About 1.5 years ago he went to a Urologist, at my request, and got a special cream.  He religiously used the cream and nothing happened.  The doctor for some reason told him to wait things out.  My husband put our sexual relationship on the back burner and his sex drive and interest just decreased over time.  :(       I had to again push him back to the doctor- I asked him to go to someone else who could be more agressive with treatment.  I am the one pushing and he doesn't really want me involved in his medical care.   Finally after this turtle of a doctor putting him off he is now discussing Xiaflex with my husband.  My husband is freaked out and would rather stay in denial about his disease.  I am the one who is frustrated and I am trying to be supportive with him.  Please.  Advice needed on Xiaflex, maybe changing doctors, and ME being patient about how my husband is choosing to deal with his disease and living in a loving no intercourse relationship.


I, personally, have no experience of Xiaflex. However, there is a thread on the site dedicated to the subject.

Re your husband. Your husband needs to understand that this won't just go away. Left untreated, it may well progress. It's unfortunate that a) he waited so long before seeking medical advice, and b) tha this Urologist advised waiting. The disease is best, and most effectively treated if dealt with early.

He needs to be proactively fighting this. His disinterest in sex may well be due to feeling inadequate, or unable to perform. No man wants that.

I would ask for an ultrascan to establish the extent of the plaque and if there is calcification. More effective treatment can be determined from there.