new from montreal, canada

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Hi my name is phil, im 25yo from montreal, canada

I believe im having peyronie problem for about 3 years now. I simply didnt bother before. But with time i just feel the curvature, down for me, goes worst and worst. Anyhow im thinking seing an urologist but i dont expect much from our lazy ass doctors.

Sometimes i feel pain but its rare, i dont have problem getting errctions neither, even tho i notice my lower side has become almost two time shortener than the upper one resulting in a 30-40 degrees down curvature. Sex is bit harder but still possible. Noticed i even orgasm easier than before altought my gf says it hurts her. i dont like it my current situation and feel very uncomfortable about it feeling it affect lot of things around me. I nought today a stretcher Andropeyronie, idk what to expect. Hopefuly lil improvements.

Its nice to see a place where i can talk and share about peyronie and penile curve problems. Well hi everyone!


Welcome man, sorry you've got this.

Please check these forums and locate a specialist in Canada. Check out the treatments on these boards, and definitely consider traction! Really helped a lot of us. Do everything you can to commit to this physically and emotionally and you'll come out alright. Definitely start oral treatment if you can, pentox, low dose cialis, CoQ10, ALCAR, arginine etc. You'll learn a lot here, don't give up.