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In spite of your hopes, that made NO sense to me.  I am not sure whether what you were attempting to say agrees or disagrees with what I am about to say.  I do not have an Andropenis but this is my take.

The base of most traction devices is not symmetrical.  They actually has a sculpted recess in the base at the bottom of the base to keep pressure off the urethra.  I cannot envision or be sold on the concept that the base should ever be rotated so the bottom is not on the bottom.  If that were the intent it would have a symmetrical base.  

Next, I do not believe the science of physics would support that the position of the bars in relationship to the curve has any impact on the distribution of tension.  What probably would have an impact is if you torqued or twisted the penis under traction but I think that is so dangerous it would be absurd.  Until a study is conducted that shows that there is greater response in how you rotate a traction device, I think it only makes sense to put it on as designed,  tighten the harness, and adjust the strength of the traction.

It makes no difference where the curve is, if you pull straight out on your penis (with your hand or a device) the plaque on the short side will reach its limits and be under tension before the the other tissue in the penis is under tension.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I'm with you. I guess my mind isn't creative enough to grasp the concept here.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Dear SizeMatters,

I understand the idea of rotating the device, but my argument stands that this places discomfort as a higher risk, and may pinch. But what I do NOT see is how this would place a differential force on the affected side.

ASCII art.. not as pretty as yours...

 /                    \
<                       \  B
\__________         \
                  \         \
               A   \         \

This represents a bent penis...

Imagine ANYTHING that stretches out the bent penis straight - do you not see how a greater force is exerted on the short side (the "A" side), no matter what?

I do not think that there is any reason to expect a better result by rotating the device, and I KNOW that there are no data to support this idea in any medical literature.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


I have no doubt you are telling us what you believe.  I have no doubt that that is how your company has told people to use it.  I have no doubt that that is your companies designed protocol.  None of that however offers a shred of evidence that it is a true principal.

Many studies suggest that a VED or Fastsize or any tension device may increase size.  I see no such evidence that even suggests that turning those devices improves the results.  The ONLY thing that could establish that is using the same device  with two large groups with the only variable being that one turns it and one does not.  

The fact that your company does not offer such studies makes one wonder how in world they ever came to the conclusion it was "better".  If they give advice without scientific basis it seems to undermine their image not enhance it.

PS: You have about reached your link limit to your company.  If you cannot respond with out links, it is best not to respond.  I evidently was unclear in the detailed explaination I gave you about spamming us with links when I sent you a PM.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I agree with Hawk and I actually read through the reports. A couple of them were based on the Andromedical traction device. But I don't see anything about turning or rotating the device. I understand that it may be the stated way that one is instructed to use the device.

I believe these reports are valid, along with several others there are available on the internet. The problem with all of them is that they are based on a small number of participants. One report listed was based on a study of 8 men, while another was based on a population of 15. And of these only a few state positive results. And again this is only an "improvement" of curvature and not a total curvature correction. So at best the studies are proof of traction devices providing some improvement in curvature and that they might help a few individuals. So traction is an option for therapy and might help someone. Keep in mind that there is a considerable investment of time as the people in the study wore the devices in excess of 5 hours per day for 4-6 months.

Beyond applying traction I don't see how any one traction device is any better than another IMHO. I went to the Andromedical device site, and I'm sure it is as equally good as other devices. The Fastsize and the Andromedical device seem almost identical in design to me. I just don't see how turning the device increases any traction. And all the devices have the ability to increase traction by simply inserting additional lengthening rods.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Quote from: lwillisjr on April 07, 2009, 02:13:32 PM
Beyond applying traction I don't see how any one traction device is any better than another IMHO.

I agree with this.  I have heard that allegedly some are made of higher grade materials but the site that compared them had a dubious look to it and I suspect it was a cover site for one brand.  These devices are so similar I even suspect that these companies do not machine all their own parts and they may even have the same supplier.

I have found ONLY ONE issue with devices, conventional noose or wider "comfort strap".  My view is the wider strap is more comfortable.  One system (X4 labs) has the option of switching back and forth or using the system you prefer.

What more can be said about one device over another?  I am sure they all ship in a discrete box, all have support forums, etc.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


You seem to be in touch with the traction devices.  How long have you been using yours and have you seen any results?



Dear Sizematters,

I think it is a language barrier type of thing, but what you said does not make sense to me. Yes, I get it that putting a greater stretch on the short side is a good thing, but I do not see how rotating the device would add much to it's effectiveness.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


I agree with the below posters. I do believe that traction devices can be useful, but I think that they are basically all very similiar. This leads to a competitive element between the companies where they try to convince people that there is a fundamentally vital reason why their product is better, or a technique that they have perfected etc... and talk of "cures" and the like.

These companies are as much in the dark about peyronies as everyone else, and to them, we're just another market to conquer, so I would take all of these claims with a pinch of salt and instead try to just concentrate on the actual research that's taken place, some of which is valid and promising.  


Quote from: ComeBacKid on April 08, 2009, 01:02:07 AM
You seem to be in touch with the traction devices.  How long have you been using yours and have you seen any results?


I have a traction device (4x labs) which I am very satisfied with.  Several months ago after lamenting that few monitor objective results and report precisely on them for the group, I began such an endeavor.  I logged my observations, and measurements for a little over a month.  I think I had a solid 1/2 inch gain in length.

Unfortunately, I subsequently encountered life style changes and personal priorities that pushed this to a very low priority in my life.  As I have often warned those that think that life revolves around Peyronies Disease, that it only takes a few seconds for life to change so much that it can push Peyronies Disease way down the list of priorities.

Hopefully I will have the opportunity to follow through on my original plan.

PS: Check my last entries on this thread #204 & 228.  I made several detailed posts on this thread.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Ok, Husband has been using a Pump now since Jan, every day , the exercises given on CHild boards by Old Man, he has missed here & there a day (probably 3 times a month only) - but I got to be honest, this does not seem to be doing anything yet.  Is these Traction Devices any better?  I want to hear from men who have done this for MONTHS, how many hours a day, what their curvature was, what it has  become, any problems, which Device they are using (Fatsize,etc) and IF they recommend?   Results , if any.   Very willing to try this but hate to spend more $$ if it really doesn't deliever results.  Please feel free to send me a private message about your experience, thank you all.  


I had planned to provide a full write up further into my traction therapy but your post has prompted me to offer up something now to give you some hope. I have been on traction with the Andromedical device for 11 weeks. I have averaged 7.4 hours per day with a minimum of 6 on most days, and on one day I did 1 hour as I ran a half marathon. I get up at 6am most mornings to get a 3-4 hour session in before work.
Its coincidental you as a wife posted today as it was a pivotal day in my treatment. I devloped a sore below the glans where the noose sits (I have only used the plastic noose until now) and was devastated at the thought of my treatment having to take a break. My wife calmed me and used cotton wool to fasten the noose and all was OK and even better, the device felt "comfortable", I couldn't believe for 11 weeks I had undergone mild discomfort using just the noose. I resorted to the noose as everything else seemed to slip off. With the cotton wool it now actually feels more secure.
It was also pivotal that for the first time in a long time I was in the gym and felt confident enough to wander around naked without too much fear of someone noticing my deformity (my flaccid deformity went side by side with erect, curve and indentation).
I've definitely had length and girth and curvature improvement. I can't say too much right now as the physcological scars of this disease is not allowing to measure with my full erection being maintained long enough. Also believe it or not I have no idea what my pre-Peyronie's measurements were but I did have a slight congenital upward curve (nice I thought) and no girlfriend even mentioned it and I didn't even know penis' could be perfectly straight - thats how much attention I paid to that. I don't want to be vague either as I know whoever embarks on traction would benefit from stats but right now subjectively I've made great progress and girth and flaccid length are for sure more than pre-Peyronies. Girth flaccid is up 1cm, girth erect 2cm, flaccid length over 0.5cm. Curve to left when erect has gone from 15 degress to 1 or 2 degrees. Upward Curve which was 45 degrees I'll report back on but there has been change there as well as fullness around indentation and the pool queue effect and pinched effect from the scar went quite early on and are almost back to normal.
It's not been easy as the noose sometimes on a new length slips constantly for a few days and I have spent a lot of the time standing.
One more thing I was on Pentox from November but stopped about 4 weeks into the traction in February (4 months). Maybe I should have given it longer but the thought of putting drugs into me and not knowing if they were doing anything was driving me crazy -I was short of breath and tight chested as well and that stopped coming off Pentox. I have long standing fibrosis (non-calcified) but would have given it longer if I was in the active inflamed phase or calcified as that is where I have read there is evidence of improvement.
I still have a long way to go but am optimistic enough to continue at this rate, I guess as the traction force and length increases then the effect on the scar should be more dramatic (I hope). with the early weeks having been building up to the current stretch.
Hope this helps, I'm still a long way out from being back to normal but based on my 11 weeks I would defintely give it a go, can't compare it to the VED as I did not go down that road as I could still get erections which were somewhat weaker but now massively improved also.
If I did get fully improved I think the physcolgical scars will take longer to heal. Question back to the forum, if curvature and length were restored and the scar was still palpable but maybe smaller or remodeled would you consider yourself cured (from this episode of Peyronie's - I know you could develop later somewhere else?) I think with me there is no coincidence that the scar is 3cm (the size of my thumb print), located dorsal just below the glans where I had a slight congenital curve (weak spot?) - and somehow feel that it was induced by masturbation whilst trying to avoid getting my wife pregnant during drunken nights of passion.
I think one or two positive if I did get through this is I might end up with a bigger penis which was not something I would have set out for without the Peyronies and the likelehood of getting Peyronie's where the remodelled scar is unlikely so one less thing to worry about into my old age.
Anyway wrote far more than I had intended. Over and out.



  As of yesterday, April 24, I have now worn the FastSize device for 1449 hours. Beginning on Sept. 17, 2007, I have probably averaged about 2.5 hours a day. For the first 6 months I completely "psyched" myself up and truly believed that this metal and plastic hangman's noose was going to cure me completely. I followed the break-in period precisely, and gradually built up the length of extension to almost 7 inches (my erect length when Peyronie's struck was 6 1/2" and they say you have to stretch over your erect length up to an inch). I was wearing it 4 to 6 hours a day. My initial curve was about 15 degrees upwards just at the head and a slight bend to the left.
  After 6 months of wearing, one day I had an erection and almost fainted. The curve was 40 degrees upwards and I had lost a little over an inch in length. Just like that. However, I did notice that the girth was increased noticeably.
  So, does traction work? For me, it's tough to say. Maybe if I had not worn the device I would have lost even more length and had a greater degree of curvature. I will never know. But the traction certainly did not stop the progression of Peyronies Disease nor did it do anything to "cure" it.
  After the crushing blow to my psyche of seeing the results after six months, I have continued to use the FastSize for about 2 hours a day and cut the stretch length back to 6 inches. I have gained an inch in erect girth, from 5 1/2 inches to 6 1/2 inches. But no change from the 40 degree curve and no increase in length, still 5 1/2.
  As for UK's 7.4 hours per day average wearing time, all I can say is he must be very motivated and be wearing some extremely large trousers. I find it impossible to wear the thing under regular pants (and jeans? fuggidaboutit!) I currently work at home, so I wear it under flannel lounge pants and try to confine my movements, usually wearing it while reading or watching tv in a semi-reclining position.
  I will continue to wear the thing as I am afraid not to. Thinking I may reverse any gains or make things worse.
  I have come up with an analogy that I think may be useful in thinking about traction as a treatment for Peyronie's: Say you wash a cotton sweater on hot and dry it on high in the dryer. You pull it out and see that it has shrunk two sizes. Then you wash the sweater on cold and hang it up to dry, pulling and stretching the garment as much as you can. When it dries it is larger, you can even wear it, but it is not the same comfortable fit, nor will it ever be.
  I am sorry your husband did not respond to VED. I bought one in January, but have yet to use it after an initial session. However, now that we are finally getting warmer weather I will be adding the VED to the traction.
  As far as FastSize vs. Andro? I think they are about the same. I would go for the least expensive. Also FastSize is touting a new device using "NASA technology" coming soon. You may want to wait and see if it really is "revolutionary" or just a bunch of BS.  


Again, I think we see the 'double edged sword' nature of traction. An area that urologists pushing ithese devices ahead of the VED do not highlight often enough. The current traction devices seem a little clumsy to me and few people here seem to be able to stick with them for the number of hours I believe could be useful to us. It begs the question, how come those within studies appear to get right into their stride with traction devices as if they are incredibly natural and ever so easy to use.

I don't wish to come across as negative. I just think that people should be aware that traction doesn't appear to be for everybody, and is not particulaly easy for many people to get used to. On a more positive note, it does appear to be logical that those able to take to the device and have no problem with using it for several hours a day, do often reduce curve / increase size etc. I can see the logical behind traction, but as those with peyronies have an existing issue, if people are too gung-ho it can aggrivate their condition as much as help it. There needs to be a better way of ensuring that an exact meaurement of the force exerted can be calculated, or ensureing that the device is comfortable around the base, and around the head of the penis. These seem to be issues for many people using traction.  


For most people 3-4 months is not enough time to evaluate success with the VED.  As a minimum, finish the 6 month program.  If there are still no noticeable results after 6 months, my advice is not to quit but to keep at it for at least a year.  Do not expect immediate results with the VED or any other treatment for this disease.  


A couple of weeks ago I had a telephone consultation with Dr. Levine. After sharing the background of my situation he encouraged me to try the traction.  Plus 20 minutes with a vacuum pump twice a day.

I have not yet stepped up to purchase a traction device but mainly because I haven't decided which one.

So, my question to those of you who are using one or have tried to use it--what is it really like?  The darn things look really uncomfortable.  I happen to not be circumcised and notice that all the sketches and diagrams seem to be of fellows who have been circumcised. I anticipate that it might be difficult to get the noose or whatever to really hold on to the tip of my penis...

Those of you who have tried it but given up, if you had it to do over again would you choose to do so?

Also, I don't spend a lot of time watching TV. I'm wondering how I will find the time to wear the thing around the house. Has anyone here been able to sleep while wearing one of these devices?

Also, has anyone combined use of one of these with the heat therapy discussed on one of the threads?

Looking forward to any info others may be able to share...


Quote from: souldigger on April 26, 2009, 08:28:05 AM
A couple of weeks ago I had a telephone consultation with Dr. Levine. After sharing the background of my situation he encouraged me to try the traction.  Plus 20 minutes with a vacuum pump twice a day.

I have not yet stepped up to purchase a traction device but mainly because I haven't decided which one.

So, my question to those of you who are using one or have tried to use it--what is it really like?  The darn things look really uncomfortable.  I happen to not be circumcised and notice that all the sketches and diagrams seem to be of fellows who have been circumcised. I anticipate that it might be difficult to get the noose or whatever to really hold on to the tip of my penis...

Those of you who have tried it but given up, if you had it to do over again would you choose to do so?

Also, I don't spend a lot of time watching TV. I'm wondering how I will find the time to wear the thing around the house. Has anyone here been able to sleep while wearing one of these devices?

Also, has anyone combined use of one of these with the heat therapy discussed on one of the threads?

Looking forward to any info others may be able to share...

They are ackward and uncomfortable to wear. Some have had success with it while others have not. I did wear one post surgery to help regain some length back from my Peyronies disease.

Since you are not circumcised I would think that you will need to slide your foreskin back when you wear the device. There is a cushioned loop goes right below the Glans, and I think you need that ridge on the edge on the bottom of your Glans to give the noose something to hold too.

I believe many of the traction devices are the same, or at least very similar in design. If you get the Fastsize you can put in the word "LEVINE" in the discount code. Fastsize used to give a $30 discount I believe.

You are not supposed to wear the device overnight. The instructions are clear not to wear it more than 2 hours at a time without taking it off for a 15 minute break to restore bloodflow.

Yes... I would do it again.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History



  There are a few traction devices that have a wide, padded collar that may fit you better. There is also one that has a double noose. And then there is one I have seen that was like a sleeve, it was made out of some fabric and covered the entire penis. Looked about like a cast. I would just do a google search and see what you come up with.
  With the FastSize, I can't imagine how an uncircumcised  penis would be able stay tethered under any sort of tension. You could fit it in under zero tension, but once you started adding length I would think it could constantly pop out.
  I can say with certainty, that for me, the FastSize is very cumbersome and awkward. It can also be really, really cold in the wintertime or if you like your air conditioning on high. And you can pinch your unit in the silicone ain't a pleasant experience.
  One of the things  that has always puzzled me about these studies is how the participants manage to wear them so long.
There was one study I read where they averaged 9 hours a day. 9 hours would translate to 12 hours when you factor in taking a 20 minute break every 2 hours. This does not seem realistic to me. Maybe if you wore a kilt.
 Also, something that is conflicting is the break time itself. FastSize says take the 2 hour break, yet AndoPenis seems to say that you can just harness the rascal in there and leave it. Others say the same thing. Perhaps FastSize is just being extremely cautious to avoid a law suit. I could see it now on the court docket: Mr. Strangled Penis v FastSize.
  But no traction device maker ever says it is ok to sleep in it.
  If you can find a device that fits and decide to try the traction, I would proceed at a very slow pace. If you go to some of the penis enlargement message boards, there are all these guys saying how they just cranked that sucker out till their eyes watered, but by God, they were getting one heck of a stretch on. All kinds of macho posturing. Slow and steady is the way to go, just like with VED.
  As far as heat therapy with traction...when it was cold I used to warm it up with a warm washcloth. But if you are thinking about some sort of heat source like uv light, I would say nyet. It would be sorta like the  very first Levi's jeans that the cowboys and prospectors used to wear. The jeans had a brass rivet at the crotch and when they were sitting too close to the camp fire the rivet got extremely hot and...youch, barbequed trouser snake.
  Best of luck.    


This message board is a tremendous source of encouragement and solace. Peyronie's feels like a heavy burden which we have to carry by ourselves and this board, all the great information, the opportunity to hear what others are experiencing and what they are doing to heal themselves and so forth is very encouraging.

Thank you gentlemen.


I'm a bit confused by your post. When you put on any traction device, your penis will be under tension and will be stretched to almost it's erect length. That is why I suggested to souldigger that he simply pull back the foreskin when putting on any traction device, and then once under tension it will appear as it would when erect. You add traction as you can handle the tension "comfortably". Make sense?

I am circumcised and after wearing the traction it has not only stretched my penis some, but has also stretched my skin surrounding the penis slightly. When the device is off and it's flaccid, it is still obvious that I'm circumcised, but there is now some extra foreskin that wasn't there before.

For someone who is not circumcised.....  I would never add the traction device with the foreskin surrounding the glans. I think it must be pulled back first when in the process of attaching the device.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History



1) I am uncirumcised and as lwillisjr pointed out correctly the foreskin is pulled back and the device harnessed to the glans
2) the Andro manual does in fact say breaks are MANDATORY
3) As to the hours if you want to get improvement you give it a go, I'm getting up at 6am and getting 4 hours in before work, the remainder in the evening, I wear it at home standing most of the time, yes its not practical outside of the home, but I am getting results which is driving me on. I'm finding if you want improvement you need to make the sacrifice - all depends how desperate you are. If you want an instant result then go for surgery.  


It's good to get some contrasting views on the subject. They are perhaps TOO constrasting :), in that it's hard to know what action to take based on the opinions below. Still, keep them coming :)

EDIT: Also, does anyone have any documentation relating to the typical or possible amount of force exerted by fastsize and similiar devices?



  You stated that when you put on any traction device your penis will be under tension and stretched to it's erect length. That is not quite true to my experience. For instance, with the FastSize, when you are beginning your break-in period (which if I recall correctly is 40 hours) you aren't supposed to use any lengthening pieces, just the metal spring-loaded rods with the plastic headpiece. From the base of the unit to the top of the headpiece is just 3 1/2". This is nowhere near my erect length (and I hope no one else's either). So one would have to go quite some time, following FastSize protocol of gradually adding length before they got to their erect length. Thus the penis is under zero tension (or almost) until you get near the erection point.
  I understand what you are saying about pulling back the foreskin, etc. for the uncircumcised and I guess in theory it will work, but it just seems to me there would not be anything to get a good grip on using the conventional single noose traction device. My circumcised unit slips out all the time, that is why I confine my movements when wearing it.
  But what the heck, each to their own. I was just relaying to souldigger my experiences and what I thought may happen. I could be (and hope I am) wrong and a noose traction device will hold souldigger tight as a drum. I was not saying don't try it.



  I am glad the Andro works for you. Carry on and best of luck taming the Peyronie's monster. A couple of things though: Nowhere in the Andro literature I have read does it say breaks are "MANDATORY." Far from it. Their info on the Fitzz website says "We do recommend a rest period every 2 hours...You need not follow a rigid rest period. This depends on the sensativity of the patient." Is that a mandate? Also on the Andro website they recommend wearing their device 4-9 hours a day "taking a break when needed."
  Also your remarks about "sacrifice" "desperate" etc.; again from the Fitzz website, Andro literature says, "2 hrs. daily for 12 months gives the same final result as 12 hrs. daily for 2 months."
  So, according to Andro, you need to wear their device 9 hrs a day to get results, but then...opps...not really, 2 hrs. will suffice. Hmmm.      



From Page 9 in the Andro manual that came with the device "Every 2 hours you will need to remove it and let the tissues relax for a few minutes. Rest periods are mandatory. In the advanced stages you must rest ever hour or hour and a half.

From Page 6 "It is not necessary that you wear the device for 4 or 9 hours in a row, but you must comply with the daily number of hours".

I really don't have a preference for a device as long as it works. I went for the Andro as that was recommended to me by my NHS Urologist in the UK, and it is also a European Union approved medical device. I am sure it is resold by various websites and they all have their own write up but as far sa the manual goes it is explicit in relation to breaks and hours you should wear the device.

I am far from "cured" however if I get as much result in the next 3 months as I did in the first I might be in a position to continue with the rest of my life without this condition taking much of it up.




Please read or look up the instructions for the Fastszie device. If your penis is longer than the minimum length of the device (Rods with the springs).....  it makes no sense to hang the device on your penis and let it dangle. You need to add lengthening rods until you at least get a minimal, "comfortable", tension from day one. I can't speak for the uncircumcised but I would think that even minimal stretching of the penis would caus ethe foresking to retract over the glans. Then work your way up from there.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


I bawt a device for 100.00. Can't see a diff between it and ANY other device for ANY other price. However, about traction generally, I found there to be a one to one relation betwee the pulling--the traction--and the pinching, or the harnessing. Notwithstanding several types of sleeves or cuffs or a double "noose", this formula, for me, renders "traction" a no-go. The stronger the traction, the stronger the grasping must be, and this is where the danger is. I saw an ad for weights, rings, which are modeled after the penis-longering fetishistic tricks of certain "tribes" in certain nether parts of the planet, who use stones dangling from their beleaguered members--and these rings, or stones, seemed no less potentially effective than the needlessly expensive "medical" traction devices endorsed by Uro Doc Levine and others. The weight rings (or stones) require standing or walking (avoid jumping-jacks!) for the main thing being noosed here is gravity. I like the traction concept of stretching plak, as long as it doesn't cause bleeding (and perhaps more plak), but the traction machine method is no less primitive than the stone or steel weights, and is possibly no less uncomfortable to use.  
Live Long and Prosper \\//


Has anyone gain length using the Fastsize device?


staa-Fastsize is perhaps the best known traction device, in part due to its association with Dr Levine, but most of the devices are "much of a muchness". A few members here have made gains from use of such devices, though a couple have also experienced injry from traction (oh what fun!). This leads me to believe that it's maybe not as safe as VED use. I see extended use of such devices at very low tension as the way to minimise risk of injury and get the most benefit from the device, but they likely jut aren't for some people. There are various studies out there are I definitely think it's a valid route to go to reduce curvature if you take to traction use. The devices are cumbersome and don't suit everybody, but as a long term treatment (many months) it's one of the more attractive options out there.


Quote from: newguy on June 15, 2009, 05:52:02 AM
I see extended use of such devices at very low tension as the way to minimise risk of injury and get the most benefit from the device, but they likely jut aren't for some people. There are various studies out there are I definitely think it's a valid route to go to reduce curvature if you take to traction use. The devices are cumbersome and don't suit everybody, but as a long term treatment (many months) it's one of the more attractive options out there.

I agree with your comments about wearing it a low tension. Levine will advise you to wear the device to a "comfortable stretch". When I wear it I don't even compress the cylinders. I can comfortably wear it to the point of just beginning to make the cylinders begin to compress. It is not necessary to follow the program that comes with the Fastsize that instructs you to keep adding length to the extension rods every few weeks. I wear it until I realize the tension is not as great (meaning I've gained some length). I add the extensions at my discretion as I am able to handle it.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Does anyone know of any valid $50 discount codes for the Fast Size device? (


I once read on here that FastSize did not come in discrete packaging, and that it was very blatant. Is that true? What has been the experience of others ordering this product, and where can I order it and be assured the packaging is discrete?


Quote from: jackisback on June 23, 2009, 01:10:40 AM
I once read on here that FastSize did not come in discrete packaging, and that it was very blatant. Is that true? What has been the experience of others ordering this product, and where can I order it and be assured the packaging is discrete?

jackisback - Hmm, I don't quite remember, but I think I would've if the packaging had not been discrete. I don't think it would be a good business move otherwise.

According to the fastsize site "We respect your privacy! All orders are shipped in unmarked packages."


Jackisback---Very, very discreet.  Having "heard" the same complaint/concern, it was an issue for me as well.  When mine arrived  3 months ago, it was in a completely non-descript package.  No need to worry!


I have to think all such devices arrive in discrete packaging .  It is simple marketing that determins if their product will sell or not.

My X4 extender arrived from Canada with "Tool Kit" indicated on the package.  I prefer the optional strap and noose system of that extender.  If I did not want  the option to change the strap system I would opt for the wide comfort strap and not the traditional noose.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Good to hear. It seemed crazy to me. The good thing about labeling it (from a company's marketing perspective) is that people would see it and think, "oh, people actually use that!" The bad thing would be that those same people wouldn't buy it if they knew it was labeled.So I couldn't understand how that could possibly be true. But yeah, in the link below, the post right above it somebody claimed he bought one that read "adult novelty item". Good to know that doesn't appear to be true. I think I'm going to buy a FastSize soon.,575.msg14700.html#msg14700


Quote from: jackisback on June 23, 2009, 10:47:54 PM
But yeah, in the link below, the post right above it somebody claimed he bought one that read "adult novelty item". Good to know that doesn't appear to be true. I think I'm going to buy a FastSize soon.,575.msg14700.html#msg14700

I recall that there is a discount if you put LEVINE in as the discount code.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


It was a $30 discount IF you mention Dr. Levine upon ordering.  That was in April of this year.  J.


I have quite a good news. It seems that traction have REALLY relieved some symptoms. I had in two months, 6 hrs a day less curve, more erectile function, more girth a a bit more length.
I am hopefully that this device will for sure put me in better condition (but not cure me at all).
Physical impact is moderate at this time but in my mind I'm happy that finally I've have something to improve my condition. I use also pentox and hydrocotyle (oral).
Vacuum don't works for me, think the cylinder is too large.
Just give time to it, hope it will helps you likeit did for me !


Quote from: Ben on July 22, 2009, 05:37:16 AM
I have quite a good news. It seems that traction have REALLY relieved some symptoms. I had in two months, 6 hrs a day less curve, more erectile function, more girth a a bit more length.
I am hopefully that this device will for sure put me in better condition (but not cure me at all).
Physical impact is moderate at this time but in my mind I'm happy that finally I've have something to improve my condition. I use also pentox and hydrocotyle (oral).
Vacuum don't works for me, think the cylinder is too large.
Just give time to it, hope it will helps you likeit did for me !  

Thanks for the follow up post. Other's have had limited success with traction. So just another example of different therapies work for some and not others.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


I've been lurking this forum for a bit and since I think I'm ready to make some real decisions now, I figured I'd post. I'm 21 y/o and my penis has been curved for the better part of my life. I'm sure it's not congenital because I have memories of it being straight, and I don't think it's actual Peyronie's since there has never been any pain, hourglassing or plaque (to my knowledge.) But my curve is pretty extreme- if I had to estimate I'd say it was about 75-80 degrees all the way through.

Since I've lived this way for so long it didn't really occur to me until about two years ago that this was a serious problem. I've been doing reading about penis health and luckily I stumbled upon this forum about a year ago. Thanks so much for all of the informed opinions and how open you seem to be to new people.

After a lot of considering, I think I want to try a StaticStretcher. Anyone have any specific opinions on these?


caligula - If you have peyronie's it doesn't necessarily mean that you have palpable plaque, hourglassing or pain. The appearance of curvature can sometimes be sufficient. However, as there appears to be some ambiguity over how this curvature came about, it is really most sensible to get this checked by by somebody qualified to diagnose this. That way you'll better be able to decide what treatment avenue to go down (for instance the VED does reduce curvature in some peyronie's sufferers, but may in my view be less successful in those with a congenital condition).  There are worse options than traction, but you really should get an expert opinion. I'm sure others will chip in with their thoughts. Welcome to the forum and it's great that you've plucked up the courage to address this issue.



Although it may be a congenital curve, noone knows if traction or the VED will help that. I think its never been done - but doesn't mean it can't work.

I have no experience with the brand you mentioned.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


I appreciate all of your responses. I'm still considering which method I want to invest in. I tried searching Thunder's Place for more info on the stretcher I was considering and that place makes your discussions look like a Pentagon roundtable! It actually disturbed me to find so many men interested in lengthening their penises (when many of them seemed to have an ample amount in my opinion) and the seemingly extreme lengths (no pun) they were willing to go to achieve this! Really crazy stuff, to me anyways.

I'd really like to look into seeing a urologist, but I don't even have general health care at the moment :-\


I had an injury maybe 2 1/2 months ago which has resulted in peyronie's.

I had pain and loss of function. That has passed and I now have a fully functional bent penis.

I am taking vitamin E, flax seed oil and horny goat weed, and my penis is feeling pretty good, especially after the flax seed oil. I am also using a traction device.

My question is this, could it be too early to start using a traction device? My injury was just a few months ago. I have been using it for a couple of weeks now and it seems to have improved my erections to be honest, but I would hate to injure myself again by starting too early.

This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


If your fully healthy why not get on pentox early?  Stay on that for about three months then try kicking in the traction.  Its hard to tell you what to do, we don't know your case, like how bad is your bend or ED?  I'd just take pentox, if your bend isnt that bad I see no reason to fire up traction right now.  I tend to think the harder and more progressed the plaque is the more likely it will need some kind of re-modeling like VED or traction to change it, but I could be wrong.  No two cases are the same, this disease is like a wildcard everytime...



Quote from: skunkworks on July 31, 2009, 04:12:17 AM

My question is this, could it be too early to start using a traction device? My injury was just a few months ago. I have been using it for a couple of weeks now and it seems to have improved my erections to be honest, but I would hate to injure myself again by starting too early.

Traction is marketed as a device to lengthen the penis anyway. I would start using it right away. If you wait then the plaque can get worse causing the bend. I would start the traction as treatment to keep any plaque from forming in a fixed "contracted" position.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


  I would add L-Arginine to your intake as well. It is cheap, no prescription needed and it does work, at least for me and many others here. Horny Goat Weed makes me suspicious because you never know the potency of the stuff.
  Now for traction, I think you should take it very easy with the ol' hangman's noose. Just stretch to the point of slight resistance for the first 2 months or so. Then very gradually add on. It's a marathon race, not a sprint.


Yeah I am using a very low setting, and will continue to do so. I have not had any issues with the head losing feeling or circulation though, as i discovered that if you twist the rubber ends of the noose a certain way, they bend to form a shape which has been a perfect fit underneath the edge of the head of my penis. can wear it with no discomfort indefinitely.

Hmm the horny goat weed I have is good quality, and it definitely had an effect on erection strength so there must be a reasonable amount of the active ingredient which means nitric oxide goodness.

What is Pentox? Does it have a lot of side effects? How effective is it?
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Quote from: sizematters on August 25, 2009, 11:43:31 AM
I created the above mentioned forum to help fight disinformation. There are so many errors out there, so many half truths, manipulations, lies, etc... that I thought it was important to provide a place where people with questions on the Andropenis could get an official answer.  

I do appreciate that for some men with peyronie's traction can be of us,  so I guess it's better to promote a traction device than say, somebody coming on here and selling magic peyronie's cure pills. I checked out the peyronie's board on the andropenis forum and it appears that many of the men (and teens) there actually have congenital conditions, as they talk of having a curve "for as long as I can remember". That's not to say that traction won't help them, but I see no mention of a possible congenital condition in replies to them. Also, one man with worsening peyronies is told by the admin that peyronie's is "a degenerative disease, it gets worse and worse as time goes on". That's a bit alarmist, as many men with peyronie's have stable conditions after a year or so. In a sense there is probably more logic to those men being here, rather than our members going there :).

I also keep seeing references in the admin comments there and your previous comments here, relating to how there is a need to wear the device in a specific way depending on the nature of the curve. I don't see any logic to this at all. The curved side will always feel the stretch first regardless of how the device is worn. It is shorter, hence it will be stretched before the normal tissue. It worries me somewhat that there seems to be a lack of knowledge as to the nature of the condition in people marketting products to sufferers of peyronie's. If you stick around the forum a bit more maybe you'll be better able to advise people in future :). That will benefit the your business and ensure that people receive information that can better help them decide on a treatment approach.


I have to tell that we have doctors, pharmacists, physical therapists, engineers, and chemists here and i do not think that one person well grounded in Peyronies Disease would ever buy the concept that the direction of the device has ANYTHING to do with the direction of the curve.  Frankly speaking it just maks zero sense.

attach a long and short rubber band to your device.  Extend the device. No matter how it is turned in relation to the bands, once it is attracted and extended the short band receives the stretch before the long band.  It is simple physics.  It makes me question the legitimacy of any doctor of "expert" that does not grasp this concept.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums