Congenital Curvature

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sorry for my poor English

I`m 24 years old . and i have downward curvature (not peyronie`s) also I have a very premature ejaculation, Less then 1 min, so i do not have any intercorse yet. I`m am single and have no GF.  Its all broken in my life because of my case .

The last 2 years i took medicine for the premature ejaculation named (confido) by Himalaya healthcare , and after 5 months things got worst.  I got ED and the premature ejaculation was not solved, also my hear fall down ..and more

After that i went to the Urologists here in my city and after checking me by rigiscan, it showed E3 erection and they say everythings is normal and there is no side effects from the medicine i used for premature ejaculation, but you must make the Surgery because you have downward curve more then 40 degree and that is what they wrote in the reports :

( anxiety mediated venogenic impotence congenital penile ventral curvature ) and i asked them to give me the report .

This year i went to Germany for some work and i took my reports to some Urologists there but they told me DO NOT DO the Surgery now because they said its not peyronie`s its just congenital and maybe it will damage your penis in the future and you should have done it before, not now, something like age 13-16 years old. They prescribe drugs for me like viagra and cialis (its really worked) and they told me also get married now and everythings will be clear for you.

but my Q is what will you do if you are in the same situation like me? Do you have the Surgery or just do what the other doctors say about getting married ???

sorry for long message but I really need a help from some people like me that have more experience than I have.


Welcome Kziko,

I understand you to say you have a downward congenital curve and that your erections are good and that your erections are even better if you take Viagra, or Cialis.  Doctors in your city want to do surgery to correct your curve but the doctors in Germany say you should not take the risk.

Since you do not say how much of a curve and since you have never even tried intercourse, I would say to listen to the German doctors.  If you find later that you want the surgery, then you can find a VERY GOOD surgeon to do surgery at a later time.  You may find that you can have intercourse very well an you may decide to never have surgery.

If you start by having the surgery and it damages or destroys your penis, you can never go back.  Try to live a happy life the way you are and do not worry so much.

Good Luck
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



i dont know how to thank you man its really great that some one understanding what i feel

since the day that the doctors said i must make the surgery and there is no way to live my life like a normal ppl my feeling getting worst and i thought this the end of the world  and there is no women will be understand my situation and dont forget that beside the curve i also have premature ejaculation so its really hurt man thats also didnt helped me to know if i can make intercross without any problems for me and my GF or wife but when i go to germany i got some wishes from there to back to my life and moving forward

by the way i have more then 40 degree curve...

that what the docs said in the report .

thank you Hawk  and thanks for this forum its really great to know theres some body listen to you , try to advice you and i`m free to say what i`m feeling



You are welcome.

You are also welcome to post on the main Peyronies Disease section of the forum any time.  If you search, you will find things that you can do to help with premature ejaculation.  Hopefully you will find an understanding mate that will work with you.  If you find that you want to try surgey later, find a very good surgeon that specializes in these surgeries.  There are very few surgeons good enough to trust with your penis.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



please can you tell me whats that meaning exactly :

[  anxiety mediated venogenic impotence congenital penile ventral curvature  ]

thank you



I am not a doctor or an expert, but I read it as two distinct conditions

Anxiety mediated venogenic impotence - Your anxiety over your condition causes or contributes to impotence (erection loss) caused by blood flowing out of the penis through the veins (venogenic).  Normally blood flow out of the penis is almost completely shut down so the increased artery blood flowing into the penis caused the pressure to increase.  This makes a more firm erection.  Anxiety or stress releases adrenaline.  Adrenaline causes the entire erection process to shut down.

Congenital penile ventral curvature - a condition that was there or in place from birth (congenital), causing the penis to curve down (ventral)
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



believe me man your the best and i will pray for you to have long long life with best healthy  :)

there is too much doctors and experts but few of them could know what we are feeling  inside so it didn't help you at all

thanks alot

IrishB OCD

Hey Kziko I know I'm a little bit younger than you and having some other major psychological issues right now, but I think I owe it to everyone on this board to help others rather than just bring my own drama.

I'm right with yah on the congenital cuvature.  I have near 90 degree curvature to the left (dorsal?  I think is the specific term).  The one difference between us, is that I didn't have your german doctors.  I went to one Uroligist (know for being a real prick but well known in my area as being a very good experience uroligist) and he said to do the surgery and I went for it.  And I'mm facing some major issues right now with the damage do to the surgery that you were talking about.

After surgery I'm 1 inch shorter, and still have about an 80 degree curve to the left.  But, one or both of the major sutures from the plications have ruptured, and I now have pain and major brusing along with a pretty good bump ( i think filled with blood flowing out of the penis during erections).  So surgery is not always the answer.

Give it a shot with a woman.  You said you had not had intercourse due to the condition, and I'm right there with ya.  I'm in the same boat.  But that's a huge mistake.  She's probably not the love of your life yet the first time you have sex/show her your penis (depending on how long you wait), and if she responds too negatively to it than she doesn't deserve to be.

I'm telling the girl I'm dating this week about it because I'm tired of waiting and not knowing what will happpen, but I not only get to telll her about the curvature, I also have to explain the major brusing,, swollenness, and why I can't have sex or "recieve anything" for a I'm right there with ya.

So see if you can have sex with the curvature hopefully that will help relax you and help the premature ejaculation.  But mostly know what everyone else here keeps telling me.  Your not's true.  I just need to understand and accept that myself.

Best o' luck to ya.



thank you man ..its really great to know that i`m not alone

i`ll try to find the right girl and try to move in because i know now ( this life does not deserve our pain )

i`ll go for it , you 2 my friend must fight and if there is no way to have it thats ok we tried so no one will blame you or me and we must thanks god for that

thank you all

IrishB OCD

Heck ya buddy, us congenital curvature guys gotta stick together!  I think we're the 1 percent in a group of guys that are 1% of the rest of the guys in the world ;)

I'll let you know how the conversation goes depending on when it is lol I'm hoping for this/next week but typical that'll kind of end up being up to her lol.



cool man i`ll be waiting  ;)


Hey ODIrishboy

I am also in the same boat but didn't have surgery yet. Do you think the complications you had were because you just were a difficult case (too much curve, etc..) or simply because your doctor made mistakes? Would have done anything different knowing what you know now?

I'm 25 years old and I have ventral (down) congenital curvature, about 75 degrees. And's hell!
25 years old, congenital curvature. (not peyronie's)


Downward curvatures are harder to fix with the NEsbit, IMO. That would be a curve that one might try to fix with a VED - though same caveat applies.

Newer surgical techniques are going to make this something that can be fixed IMO.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


thank you Tim468 for the information

i'm going to thailand maybe next two weeks and i will see what they have for our case .. the Treatments and the operations and what the medicines they used for it.  you all know thailand have good experience in urology :) and i will tell you all about it

so if anybody knows good doctors or clinics please send it to me



"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."

IrishB OCD

Hey adam sorry man, I haven't checked this one for a while.

Um, actually i don't think that it has anything to do with the congenital curvature, rather than peyronie's.  Actually in my personal uneducated opinion, i think surgery should work better for us.  Because it's not sutures fighting against plaque that may grow in the future, we are just fixing the actual penis.

Actually my penis is both curved, and it is pretty severely twisted (about a 90 degree rotation) and the doctor fixed most of the curvature, but didn't fix any of the twisting.  During the surgery they put a turniquet type object to hold the penis from moving, and in my (uneducated) guess is that held the twist straight so he never saw that to fix.

The one complication that I can't explain, however, is that most of my sutures busted returning almost all of the curve to the penis.  But again, i don't think this has anything to do with our specific condition.  If you look at case reports and studies on the internet in most of them this happens to at least one person who recieves the surgery (out of 40-50 patients).  So it's jsut a possible side effect of the surgery.

But with your curvature, many doctors opt for a grafting and excising surgical procedure (slits are cut and skin grafted from your body put into them, extending the shorter side rather than shortening the longer side as in a nesbit procedure).  And if that's the case, you won't have to worry about shorting, but there's a chance that sometimes people have issues with erectile dysfunction in that surgery.

Hope that helps!


im back from thailand yesterday and i went to some doctors there , ask them about Peyronies Disease and congenital penile curvatur and what they can do for it ..what i saw there is the same here (i'm talking about drugs and Treatments) but they have medicine there i dont remember the name its chinese drug and its more powerful than viagra .., they advice me to use it but i dont want take this risk yet maybe after who's know

if anybody want the drug name i can email them and ask the name for you all




What did you go to thailand for?  What treatments that we have here did the doctor you saw there talk about?  Did they mention pentox or the VED?


I was told by a uro, That if you can have sex without hurting your mate or without to much difficulty, Don't have the surgery. I have some congenital curvature about 25 degrees and have been married for over 20 years. We had our kids and everyting was fine. When i hit 45 i developed Peyronies Disease 90 degrees now. I can no longer have sex its almost in possible without pain on my partner. Now I'm trying to make sense of it and thinking about the surgery. I am no where ready for that step yet. I would not have surgery if i was able to have sex. Even with premature ejaculation. Just make sure you please your partner before sex. I had similar problem's with premature ejaculation I just make sure my partner was completely satisfied first. I don't know if this helps at all just remember your not alone in this. I used to be called the 3 pump chump. The way i look at it. It was better then what i have now. Good luck.


Do you mean it works better than Viagra?  What is in it?  
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


Not sure what you are referring to Liam - unless a post was deleted that I missed.

JTL - interesting point about the premature ejaculation. I noticed two things happening with the development of Peyronies Disease. First, the upwards curve place the head of my penis in closer friction with the anterior vagina wall and led to more direct stimulation, which decreased my staying power considerably. Second, as mild ED developed, I had to "strain" to stay hard, and that leads to earlier ejaculation imn many of us guys. So a combination of more friction and needing to strain (or tighten up, depending on how you look at it) can lead to sooner ejaculation.



Your mailbox is full so I cannot PM you.
52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



thats what they told me and i dont know what is in it but they told me its take all the day not like viagra takes 4 or 5 hours in the day and its Cheap than viagra

but for me i dont want try it becuase i`m not trust of that drug i`ll use viagra for now


thank you man i really Respect Opinion and also the doctor said like you , i will do that


i went there for holiday its wonderful place really you all must see it and about the treatments they used same drugs and same Technical surgeries ,,

i heard some of them talking about VED but nothing about pentox

i send email for the doctors to know the name of this chinese drug and still waiting .

i love this fourm and all ppl here who try to help each other

IrishB OCD

If you have congenital curvature go read my post in the surgical section in the main posts area.  Some important information that partly I was told, and partly just dawned on me.  Regarding getting a nesbit if you have congenital curvature.

In case your too lazy to go look, let me some it up for you: Don't.



I have revamped this topic for our members who have had a curve since childhood.  It is not that comments are not welcome on the main Peyronies Disease board.  They are!  It is because there are conditions and situations unique to CC.  You guys deserve a place to focus on this.


This is a simple to understand explanation of a complex problem:

A congenital curvature of the penis can be caused by several things. If your curve was to one side, it might be due to a disproportion in the length of the two tubes inside the penis which hold blood under pressure during an erection. These tubes are called corpora cavernosa. Ventral or downward curvature like you are describing is seen in association with hypospadias because the scarred or underdeveloped urethral tissue tethers the penis toward it. In the case of congenital scrotal webbing, the scrotum is adherent to the underside of the penis which causes curvature toward it. Acquired curvature due to scar formation, as you may know is called Peyronies.

"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


I hope I am posting in the right spot, I posted a few weeks ago regarding my boyfriend having a downward curve.  I thought it was a congenital curve and came to this sight for help and insight on how I was going to talk about it with him.  Liam, you were so right, he obviously knew all the time and actually brought it up before I got the chance.  He is so relieved that we can talk about it!!    He would like to see a Dr.  and I am  wondering if anyone can recommend  someone in the NJ/NY area?  Thank you for your help again!!



This is a perfect place to post.  I am so glad the subject is out in the open now.  He is very lucky to have someone like you.  I'll let someone else recommend a doctor.  If you made it past this hurdle, you can do anything together.  Post any time and any place.  If it doesn't fit, wasn't that the reason you came here to start with ;), we will make it fit :D.

Best wishes. Keep us informed.

"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


Hi!  I posted here over 1 1/2 years ago regarding a possible congential curve that my "now" fiance had.  After posting here for assitance and doing extensive research, we found a Specialist relatively close to our area.  Well I am happy to report that he is now 3 weeks post surgery and healing well.  That being said, we could still use a bit of advice if anyone has any to offer.  He is a bit concerned about the sutures that were placed under the skin to "tether" to counter the curve.  He can feel the bumps and right now they are also very noticable to they eye.  Something we were made aware of, but I don't believe he expected to SEE the bumps.  Perhaps it is because they are not healed all they way.  However, we were wondering if massaging the bumps or, vitamin E,etc. would help avoid additional scar tissue build up and perhaps would reduce seeing them.  He is also a little worried about the site of the incision where he was degloved (circumcision incision)  the skin is a bit bumpy where he was stitched together. I know its a small price to pay considering where he was prior to the surgery but it does bother him and I do understand.  Again, any oil or creams that would help in breaking down the bumps.  Its a little early for massaging the two areas (I think) but I wanted to get some advice or recommendations.  Thanks for all your help.  


Sounds like he had what is called the Nesbit procedure where sutures are placed opposite the curve to straighten the erection. I also had surgery but a different procedure so I am all too familiar with the de-gloving part of the process. Vitamin E oil on this scar on the circumcision line may help. My scar tissue was also a little bumpy and was also "less flexible" than the surrounding skin. This takes time to heal and around 3 months or so post surgery I couldn't tell it was there any longer. No one would even notice the scar now unless I specifically pointed it out.

As far as the Nesbit sutures, I would talk to your uro first. I'm not sure rubbing these would help and in fact might aggravate the surgery site. There could still be some swelling there. Things didn't get back to normal for me until 4-6 months post surgery.

But it worked and I would do it again if necessary.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Yes that was the procedure....Nesbit. I am happy to report that he is doing fantastic.  The UR said to leave the non-disolving sutures alone for now and give them about 4 - 6 months.  He stated that in all probability he will not really feel them after that unless hi is specifically "feeling" for them.  I will tell him about the vitamin E.  Thank you for your advice.  Hope all is well with your recovery as well.    Thanks!!   Lynn   :)


Be careful with the vitamin E, its a blood thinner and shouldn't be taken around surgeries, I'd ask the urologist if its ok to be on it before starting it, just to be safe!



Do you mind posting the Dr's name and the area he is in?  People on this board are always looking for good doctors to go too as they seem hard to find that specialize in Pyronies treatment and/or surgery.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Quote from: lynn on March 25, 2009, 10:12:25 PM
Yes that was the procedure....Nesbit. I am happy to report that he is doing fantastic.  The UR said to leave the non-disolving sutures alone for now and give them about 4 - 6 months.  He stated that in all probability he will not really feel them after that unless hi is specifically "feeling" for them.  I will tell him about the vitamin E.  Thank you for your advice.  Hope all is well with your recovery as well.    Thanks!!   Lynn   :)

Hello  Lynn,

I had teh same situation.  Got the surgery, now almost 2 years since i had surgery.  I can still feel the sutures but mostly if i am feeling for them and when i am not fully erect.  Don't worry much about them, it is mostly a mind game.  Make sure that you both keep away from the area at least until maybe a month and a half from surgery.  Keeping the penis in a comfortable place will allow for the most healing capacity.  I am not sure if massaging the suture sites is advisable but may be something to look into wwith your urologist.

I would DEFINITELY say get off the Vitamin E.  Seriously.  It is a blood thinner and may help to stretch out the tissue that has been plicated together, thus causing a bend again.

After about 6 months, i noticed that i was regaining some of my downward curve.  Now have about a 10-15 degree curve downward, seems like it is stabilized there.  Re-surgery, although stated by some urologists to be a readily available option, is really not, as gouging out those permanent sutures and putting new ones in is very difficult and costly to your overall health.  So now i may be considering using Vaccuum therapy to help maintain and stabilize as strait an erection as possible.

i will keep posted here.

I used neosporin on the stitches and then a product called Mederma after that.  The circumcision area looks and feels good now.

Time will tell how everything works out for you guys but it is nice to know that you are there for your fiance.



Did you ever try pentox before or after surgery?



Pentox would have NO application with congenital curvature.  The penis is curved not because one section is diseased.  All the tissue is completely healthy, there is just one area that genetically formed shorter than the other.  It would be like a person with a heathy straight penis trying to enlarge it with pentox.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



To be honest we can't be sure if anyone who has congenital curvature really has that, seeing has almost 95% of baby boomers and millions others in the world were circumcised as a baby. This could have caused some damage or a bend.  For instance I know a guy who was cut so tight his dick was bent, but when he slightly stretched what remained of any foreskin he had left, just to get some slack his erect penis went straight.  So really if you are cut, your penis was operated on before you can remember, and you may not have congenital curvature, but a bend caused by an operation.  Since most people can't really tell the difference some of these cases are questionable.  Whats interesting about youngling's case is that his bend came back, which actually might be evidence of peyronies.  

But i'm just curious if he went on pentox before the surgery or not, i'm not saying it will help congenital curvature.  Specifically did he try anything before his surgery? Youngling  now says hes going to use VED therapy, but this really shouldn't help true congenital curvature...



Sorry but I have a hard time believing that someone would develop a curve due to a botched circumcision. There would be enough flexibility in the skin around the base of the penis and pubic area to stretch that much. And I think the skin would stretch well before the penis would bend in an erect condition. I'm sure there are exceptions and botched circumcision horror stories that none of us know about.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History



You don't have to have a "botched" circumcision to develop a curve.  But, yeah your right in the aspect that many men in the usa are "cut" and have no curve.  However, check a foreskin restoration site, I've talked to a handfull of men who were "cut" to tightly, or high and tight as they call it.  This little to no foreskin on the penis and causes a bend, which could be mistaken for congenital curvature. I talked to one man specifically that just restored a little bit of skin, just so he penis straightened out again, he was quite happy with the results.  All I"m saying is we really can't truthfully determine if one has congenital curvature or not if they've been operated on, their penis has technically been altered since they have been born.  This is a valid point to consider.  



I am confused by the direction of this thread.  And do not want to hijack the one congenital curve thread from these men, however I will add that congenital curve or curve from a too tight of a circumcision (assuming that is even possible) would not be affected by Pentox.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


No I did not try Pentox, and it is irrelevant.

Further, My curvature has returned not because of any type of peyroines but because as the sutures healed, in combination with the countless erections that were pulling the suture sites apart throughout teh course of that healing, the wound healed with a slight GAP so to speak, thus allowing for the top of my penis to yet again be slightly longer, and thus creating the allusion of a new curve, although it is the same curve.

As for VEd, I hope to only help develop a more healthy, strong, and even penis... by that I mean that i still feel a bit of lumpage, and will hope that repeated exposure to very low pressures will help me achieve this goal. over time, i hope to achieve a penis that is perhaps straighter, but more than that, healthier and fuller overall.  


Pentox will help you get "fuller" erections it has similar effects to viagra in that manner, I know fore me it has much improved my erection quality.

Good luck!



This is speculation based only on my application of principles of physics as I understand them, but I do NOT see how a VED or traction could be beneficial after a Nesbit procedure.  I think just as you mentioned the failure of sutures to hold from erections, that tension from any source would likely stretch or break the weakest link first.  I suspect that the area of tissue suture would give before any other tissue.  My guess is that you are far more likely to accentuate a return to the natural curve you were born with than you are to "unnaturally" lengthen the short side of the penis.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk, the short side will be under more tension no matter what - but one issue is that the "weak link" may give first. But, it may not be true that the sutures are the weakest link in an expanse of tunica, or that they will "give" under pressure.

Also, the VED has helped men after the Nesbit to avoid shortening of the penis. In that regard, a period of healing and sexual inactivity may lead to overall shortening, and the VED may help that.

OTOH, if someone has a congenital curve, and the pressure is applied to it to pull it straight, then why would it NOT stretch out the short side more (provided that the cylinder is narrow as per the protocol)? If "penis enlargement" works (and it well may despite claims it is all quackery), then why not "single side enlargement" using the VED protocols we recommend?

Provocatively, Tim
52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Quote from: Tim468 on April 08, 2009, 05:00:45 PM
Hawk, the short side will be under more tension no matter what - but one issue is that the "weak link" may give first. But, it may not be true that the sutures are the weakest link in an expanse of tunica, or that they will "give" under pressure.

Tim, I agree with your statement with emphasis on "  it may not be true that the sutures are the weakest link in an expanse of tunica, or that they will "give" under pressure.[/quote]"

On the other hand it may BE true that it is.  It already succumb to the pressure at some point post surgery.  It could be just pre-healing weakness or it could be chronically  weak.  In some earlier discussion I suggested that IF I decided on VED or traction I would only do it under strict adherence to:

Take objective, accurate, measurements of length and curve prior to beginning.
Proceed with a VERY conservative approach
Monitor for any pain at suture site
Evaluate objective measurements frequently so I would recognize the first sign of curve change (for better or worse)

Tim, you made a statement I do not think I was aware of.  I know the VED is prescribed by some docs for post op use after excision and grafting, and after the procedure employing multiple relaxing cuts.   I don't think I ever knew it was prescribed post Nesbit.  Are you positive about that point?
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


The current question thus is:

Will VED post Nesbit Help in establishing a more rigid, and/or straighter, and/or healthier penis overall.

I think that with very moderate and very conservative low pressure narrow tube exercises, this could help me achieve a more even erection.

As for the "weak spots" at suture points, I think that i woudl assuredly stop at any sign of pain or other sensations at suture sites.

Does anyone have experience with this?  There must be someone out there who has underwent a NESBIT for congenital curvature and then used a VED.


Quote from: Tim468 on April 08, 2009, 05:00:45 PM

Also, the VED has helped men after the Nesbit to avoid shortening of the penis. In that regard, a period of healing and sexual inactivity may lead to overall shortening, and the VED may help that.

I'm inclined to agree with this. Regular full erections are encouraged post nesbit procedure, hence I can see how the VED may possibly be of use. The problems is, when is use it? I can definitely see scope for the occurence of injury if someone is too gung-ho in a fragile post operative state. There's not really any available guidance for how to use the the VED in these circumstances. I can't really see a place for traction though.


Hawk, I am positive about that point. I posted a link written a few years ago by a Seattle urologist about using the VED post-op to prevent recurrence.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Hi, this is Lynn.  We are now 6 weeks post op and I think we have a serious problem.  :-\   My fiance had a downward congential curve which caused significant pain during intercourse.  He decided to have the nesbit plication proceedure performed.  His procedure consisted of degoving the penis by making a circumcision type of cut (he was circumcised as a baby) where the skin was cut around under the glan/head of the penis, then degloved and pulled down to the root.  Two non-absorbable stitches were placed to teather up and straighten the penis.....which was successful.  Surgical site healing is going very well.  We just returned from our 6 weeks post op appoint.  He explained to the Dr that he had numbness in a small part under the glan/head of the penis. An area which originally had a lot of sensation for him.  The Dr. said that it could take up to 3 or 4 months for the nerves to regenerate and re-attach and that 95% of the nerves do regenerate.  We were given the go ahead to have sexual intercourse.  We have and He has now found out that he has numbness or lack of sensation in the penile shaft.  He gets an erection but really feels nothing durng intercourse except at the glan/head of the penis.  Intercouse gets him no were even with a full erection.  I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this?  It has only been 6 weeks, is this loss of sensation temporary?  I have heard that intercourse should really not  be resumed till 8 to 12 weeks.  Does anyone have  any suggestions on suppliments/topicals/vitamins,etc. that would help stimulate and promote nerve regrowth and regeneration?  I heard massaging helps as it creates blood flow which promotes healing.  I feel so bad for him, does anyone know if it will get better.  He did this for us  UGH!!! :-\    Please Help.  Thanks  Lynn


I am offering only a  general opinion.  I have no experience with penile surgery.  I do have experience with various types of surgery where there are damaged nerves.  As the doctor said, these usually do regenerate but slowly.   Usually there is slow return of sensation for several months then even slower, very gradual improvement for over a year.

You are at the very initial stages.  I would not worry at this point.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I think he needs more time.

Sex is OK but no gymnastics, I think. Some docs now prescribe the VED after surgery to prevent a scarring down of the incision - but that is for guys with Peyronie's, not congenital curves.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


I agree with Hawk and Tim (I usually do  ;) ). Anyway, I had similar surgery (excision vs. plication) but he procedure is somewhat similar. We were also given the OK after 6 weeks, but to be careful. No gymnastics as Tim already stated. I can tell you for me it was more like 7-9 months before everything felt "normal" again. The whole healing process takes some time.

When they tell you 6 weeks to recover from ANY surgery, it never means back to 100%. Full healing takes much longer. I can remember when my wife was yougner she had a hystorectomy. Was told she would "back on her feet" in 6 weeks. Well we found out "barely" back on her feet in 6 weeks. And it was more like 9-12 months before sex/intercourse felt good again for her.

Take it easy and slow.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
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