Alternative Treatments for Peyronie's Disease

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Old man im a bit confused. You sent me a private message a while back about exercises. I know the penis pills are fake of course. Look back in your sent messages. Here is part of the message you sent me:

"Yes, I did develop a stretching exercise, but it is done with the VED. Usually, it is recommended to be done after several months of regular VED use.

However, there is another stretching exercise that is called jelqing. It has helped a lot of guys, but it can add more trauma/plaque or nodules if not done correctly and with moderation.

I will give you what is called the basic jelq, but please be careful in using it. It goes like this: Lubricate your penis real well and then using either hand that is comfortable for you, form an "O" with your first finger and thumb like an OK sign. Slide this O down over your penis all the way to the base and as close to your body as possible, then squeeze fairly tight with the OK grip and slowly slide your hand up toward the head of your penis. When you have gotten the penis well filled with blood, hold this for about 15 or so seconds, release and repeat this cycle for 5 to 10 minutes based what is comfortable for you.

Just be careful not to use too much pressure, but enough so that the blood is held in the penis head area tight long enough to stretch the tissue, etc. Takes a little practice but it will fall into place real soon. It works best when your groin area is warm and/or wet, so you might get better results while taking a shower or hot tub bath. Practice doing it and you should see any results in a week or two. Have no idea how much if any results this will do, but others had said it worked well for them. I never did it for any length or time and saw no results."

So isnt this a simliar exercise that the penishealth site offers? Im just a bit confused, maybe I didnt fully understand the penishealth site? Im not trying to insult anyone, I jusy wanted some info on that particular site. I thought these type exercises could help if done right but also if done wrong could cause serious problems. Anyways sorry for the misunderstanding.



Many of us do things to help ourselves that are "unproven", and sometimes not even things we are aware of doing. Stretching my penis out periodically is something I have done for years. I try to remember to not do it at major public events - reaching in my pants and rummaging around can seem odd to others, for some reason.

I do not know of any data that states or proves that stretching out my penis in a lengthwise fashion is "helping". But I have known for years that, for ME, a sense of shrinkage is closely associated with activity of my Peyronies Disease, and that shrinkage is best battled by warmth, relaxation, exercise and tugging. Best of all have been erections and sex - but I pursued those with perhaps too much attention in years past (sometimes with negative consequences for my emotional health).

I love the VED because it is easy, it stretches me in all dimensions instead of just length (as tugging or Jelqing would do), and it does not involve screwing anyone willing to screw - NOT to imply I ever might have done that!

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Thanks Oldman and Tim. I tend to be really optmisitic sometimes, so I just thought maybe those could help. I guess the VED is the clear best exercise to do. Anyways thanks for helping me out, its good to know this forum is here to keep me from running into possible damaging techniques. If it wasnt for this forum I would really be lost on battling this Peyronies Disease.


Quote from: howcanthisbe on November 18, 2006, 12:21:15 PMI tend to be really optmisitic sometimes, so I just thought maybe those could help. I guess the VED is the clear best exercise to do. Anyways thanks for helping me out, its good to know this forum is here to keep me from running into possible damaging techniques.

With all due respect to Old Man and everyone else here I'm not so easily convinced that it's "VED or nothing" when it comes to trying to improve Peyronies Disease.  Here is my reasoning:

1.  Based on the messages here, VED is about the only thing that offers hope for help in curing Peyronies Disease.  Several people have mentioned VED as helpful and even though that's anecdotal it seems to trump anything else here in terms of usefulness.

2.  Based on what I know of VED and manual exercises they seem to work in somewhat the same fashion (attempting to engorge the penis with blood and stretch the cells).  So to say that the VED is OK and manual exercises are bad seems a little strange.  I'm not saying that the VED isn't great but rather that I think we've closed the book on manual exercises too quickly.

3.  There is at least one other poster on these forums who claimed that manual exercises *only* cured him of Peyronies Disease (although it ultimately re-surfaced later on).  

4.  While there are a *ton* of scammers trying to make a buck on penis enlargement sites/pills/etc., there are also some good communities dedicated to this with thousands of members claiming positive results.  Certainly all these could be made up but if you take a look around these communities I think you'll claim to the same conclusion I did...that manual exercises can help to increase length and girth (although for me it was never worth the trade-off in time).

5.  Some of the drugs that we are taking (including Pentox) aim to help improve circulation.  However, that's ultimately what penile massage would do as well and would seem to be more targeted.  Massage in general is one of the best things for improving circulation and so it seems that a steady diet of penile/groin massage would probably be good for Peyronies Disease sufferers.  Yet, that has been talked about very little here.

6.  We've spent countless time debating things like medicines and supplements and (IMHO) precious little time talking about what seems to me like a potentially promising area of Peyronies Disease treatment.  Every time it is brought up it is almost instantaneously dismissed as "a scam to make people money" or "a great way to hurt yourself."  However, as we all know, the VED also makes people money (as does all the drugs we're on) and you can definitely hurt yourself by doing the wrong things with the VED or your medication.

OK, I've rambled on long enough but let me say one final thing.  I love this community.  The fact that we've bonded together as a virtual group of brothers is amazing.  And to be honest, I'm not going to stop here until we figure some stuff out that helps fewer people have to deal with this in the future.  So I'd encourage us to keep an open mind to all sorts of new and potentially beneficial forms of treatment and to have honest and constructive dialogue about each, regardless of what the prevailing opinion might have been in the past.


    D.Ocean you make some good points. Many members of the community here have been on other Peyronies Disease message boards years ago that in time became a bewildering mass of good thoughts, good ideas and trials and a good number of spam ads, spam posts and many outrageous posts with strange, goofy things claimed to fix Peyronies Disease. Some spam posts about jelquing (have no idea if I spelled that right) were posted there. This caused a lot of people to write off jelquing as a scam based penis enlargement thing. This may explain why some here appear skeptical, although there may be other reasons as well. A few pioneered the VED and gave it a chance to help with Peyronies Disease and reported good results so it is being explored as a reliable fix. A few more tried it and it worked for them and so on. Manual exercises could very well be a compliment to the treatments being explored here. Techniques would have to be tried, results recorded and then discussed. But someone needs to forge ahead and give manual exercises a shot; change techniques or make up new ones. This could become a stand alone treatment for Peyronies Disease or a complimentary therapy to the VED, but no one will know until someone tries it. I for one would love to hear that someone tried it and that it works by itself or maybe alongside VED therapy. It seems it would be a long term therapy (1 year or more) to produce results much like the VED, but we don't know until it is actually tried and given a chance.  


I am considering trying it.  I need to do a fair amount more research and also commit myself to a program.  This also depends somewhat on whether I'm able to convince doc to write out a script for the VED next time that I see him.  If he does then I might go that route first.  If not, I may roll the dice with some manual exercises.  I think done properly (with warm-up and not overdone) these could be effective.


Can someone shed some light on what VED stands for I have Peyronies Disease and i am new to the Forum


Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


The VED Dose this show so hope to fix Peyronies Disease?
I really don't understand how this my help Peyronies Disease.
has anyone seen improvement of Peyronies Disease with this device?
Thanks Jim



There are over 700 posts on this forum on VED's.  Rather than repeating that information, I recommend that you do some time reading.  To make it easier for you we have started a section for new members to get a quick over-view.  Thanks to Angus, the VED section is one of the sections that has been completed.  Just go to this link and click on highlights of the VED topic.  Start at the top and read down.,18.0.html  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I don't know if anyone has seen this yet but, i decided to join the forum to simply post a message on a very interesting clinical trial. There is hope yet. Here is the link:

I would highly reccomend everyone to take a look before diving into the surgery option. Side note: i have had Peyronies Disease for 6 months. Cheers.


Wow thats great news. Thnks for letting us know. It looks like we have some hope now.


I read over the link posted by frankiewa. Does/has auxilium shown any hope for reducing shrinkage? I was a bit unsure of there info. Do they mean that if you contact them they will send you the product to try at home? I would be very keen to give anything a try.


frankiewa, jtl, gibson,
If you go to the Developmental drugs topic on this forum, you will find all kinds of info on Auxillium and the AA4500 drug. I don't believe at this time they are offering this drug as trials to anyone that requests it. It is in ongoing clincal trials that are under controlled conditions. crs


Hey all.  Just wanted to post on something that I think is helping quite a bit.  Starting a few weeks ago I begin doing a lot of self-massage in the groin/lower abdomen region.  As anyone who has studied massage knows, it's incredibly helpful for increasing circulation.  Since I couldn't find a (reputable :)) masseuse who would massage that region I figured I'd give it a go myself.

A few weeks later I'm hanging better than ever and having more frequent erections than I can remember in years.  Even though I haven't noticed any big changes in Peyronies Disease yet I do think that improving circulation and bloodflow in that region would make a ton of sense (after all, that's what Pentox does right?) and I don't think this could hurt.

Another thing that's interesting (and unrelated to Peyronies Disease) is that there is a theory espoused by many bodyworkers that "issues get trapped in the tissues" and throughout my life I've struggled with anxiety and a good deal of guilt/shame.  What I've noticed from yoga is that my hips/groin area is very tight and I was wondering if there was a connection.  Then I came across an instructional massage DVD that talked about this very fact and helped to confirm my theory.

Anyway, I'm rambling right now but this seems to me something that most likely won't hurt and could produce some great conditions for the healing of Peyronies Disease.  Let me know if any of y'all notice similar results to what I've noticed.


Thanks for filling us in.  Actually I have talked to one other fellow (can't remember his name cause it was so long ago) who was doing the massage in the groin area.  He at that point had not seen any results, but it was early on in the game.  Keep us filled in and if your seeing more positive results as time passes. Are you taking any supplements such as l arginine, that may help your circulation goal as well.  Are you on the pentox?  When I started it I noticed an increase in bloodflow almost within days, it was pretty amazing you can tell its working or at least doing something.  I think we should look more into yoga and the potential benefits from that as well.



QuoteSince I couldn't find a (reputable ) masseuse who would massage that region

I would love to hear that phone conversation  ;) ;D
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


It's interesting because I'm doing all those things (pentox/arginine/yoga).  I guess I just noticed the fullness since I started doing the groin massage but my guess is that it's probably a combination of all of those things.  I'm going to make 20 minutes of groin/lower abdomen massage a regular routine going forward.  It's a pretty accepted fact that massage helps a lot with other forms of injury so I don't see why this would be any different.  

Quote from: pudder135 on December 14, 2006, 08:05:31 PM
Thanks for filling us in.  Actually I have talked to one other fellow (can't remember his name cause it was so long ago) who was doing the massage in the groin area.  He at that point had not seen any results, but it was early on in the game.  Keep us filled in and if your seeing more positive results as time passes. Are you taking any supplements such as l arginine, that may help your circulation goal as well.  Are you on the pentox?  When I started it I noticed an increase in bloodflow almost within days, it was pretty amazing you can tell its working or at least doing something.  I think we should look more into yoga and the potential benefits from that as well.



Is there a web site or something that describes the technique for massaging "that special area"?  Are you saying to massage the area where the legs meet the body and the pubic area below the abdomen?  What about the penis itself?
"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."


Hello All!  A few days ago I spoke with a secreatary who works for Dr. Gerald Jordan; she told me that Dr. Jordan will be involved in a clinical trial regarding a medication for Peyronie's Disease - she explained it of being a medication that is injected.  Dr. Jordan will begin these trials in Jan/2007.  This was all the information she gave me.
Does anyone here know what medication this will be?


More info under:

Developmental treatments and drugs for Peyronies Disease (Still in trials)

In a hurry,

"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."



I'm glad your noticing the same fullness I am, in better flaccid hang, and totally full erections, its like I'm on an ultra-viagra since I've started the pentox.  I've noticed this fullness from the pentox alone.  It would of been interesting if you had just started the pentox first to see if that gave you the fullness first, then added in the l arginine/ viagra/ groin massage.  I just say this cause there are so many variables in regards to this disease, and treatments. What you may conclude(that your massage is causing fullness) could be totally different than what I conclude( that pentox is causing my fullness).  Nonetheless my philosophy is if your on a protocol and anything is working- stay on everything and don't change a thing! Keep us informed if you continue to see positive results- us desperate folks like to hear the success stories! ;)



Quote from: pudder135 on December 17, 2006, 01:02:18 PM

I'm glad your noticing the same fullness I am, in better flaccid hang, and totally full erections, its like I'm on an ultra-viagra...

I'm sure it probably is a combination of factors.  One of the reasons why I suspected that the self-massage was helping was that I noticed the dramatic increase in fullness within a few days of starting the self-massage (even though I've been on Pentox for several months).  Also, when I am massaging that area I get very full even if I am not touching the penis itself.  This could simply be a stimulation thing but either way it's cool by me. :)

As for technique, I'd offer two things.  First, if you're not feeling pain you're probably not causing any damage.  The other side of that coin is that if anything does hurt then I would immediately back off.  Second, go to a massage therapist and get a deep tissue massage.  Notice how they massage other parts of your body and then try to imitate that on the groin and lower abdomen area.  

I'm actually contemplating starting massage school later this year because I think that there is a huge amount of benefit that massage brings to overall health.  So I hope to know a whole lot more at the end of 2007 than I do right now! :)

IrishB OCD

I considered putting this in the light side subject.  But I was doing one of my nightly searches on this topic and came across this page:

It seems completely ridiculous to me, but I'm curious is there any truth to this at all?


"I don't ask why patients lie, I just assume they all do."

IrishB OCD

Maybe I'll send everyone PM's with this link offering to increase their "manhood" ;)


Quote from: IrishB OCD on December 20, 2006, 12:39:48 AM

It seems completely ridiculous to me, but I'm curious is there any truth to this at all?

This specifically might be absurd but I still haven't given up on the theory that some of the "penile enlargement" exercises might be very helpful for Peyronies.  I've spent enough time on some of the PE forums to be convinced that these exercises can and do work (at least for a significant number of people).  Prior to Peyronies Disease it was never worth the investment of time these guys make.  Now with Peyronies Disease I'm re-thinking things.  And especially given the the positive experiences many have had with the VED and my own positive experience with groin massage I'm think that things that increase circulation/bloodflow might be very helpful (which is exactly what exercises like jelqing purport to do).

Bottom line = I'm not convinced yet but I also think that throwing the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to PE exercises might not be very smart for us.


Has anyone ever had any success using Potaba ? I have been taking 12 grams/day religiously for 3 months.In addition I am taking arginine,L-acetyl carnitine,lysine,proline,and of course vitamine E. I cannot say i have seen any improvement.
I am requesting that my uro get educated on Pentox and Peyronies,however he does not generate a lot of revenue from Peyonies 'customers" thus I seem to be the teacher here....

Comments ?........




Welcome my friend.  I was on acetyl l carnitine for awhile, it definately did not make my peyronies bend improve at all, but it did seem to take away pain.  Right now I"m on the pentox and l arginine and doing the VED.  The pentox is giving me very full erections and improved flaccid hang, its definately helping, whether its reducing the plaque or not I really don't know- can take a long time though, like a year for someone with calcifications.  The experience you had with your urologist is not uncommon, I've experienced the same.  What I would suggest is printing out the pentox study done by Dr. Lue and taking that in with you, or mailing it into your urologist.  The L arginine you don't need a prescription for, and the viagra I don't see why your urologist wouldn't prescribe it.  The more scientific studies you go in with, the more likely he will be to prescribe you the pentox. Just go in with a very respectful attitude, I know how difficult it can be to deal with a doctor or urologist who has an ego- on the other hand there are many doctors who really listen and are open minded about things, good luck.



I took 12g/day Potaba for over 18 months and it did not cure Peyronies Disease. I can't really say that it did anything in my case.
However, I have read on this forum that it does help in some cases, particularly in preventing the disease from progressing further.
Should we conclude from this that Peyronies Disease sufferers should take Potaba for life in order to keep it in check? At a working dose of 12g/ day this would be a daunting prospect!
Good luck.


Quote from: DannyOcean on December 26, 2006, 09:14:11 PM
Bottom line = I'm not convinced yet but I also think that throwing the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to PE exercises might not be very smart for us.

Well - speaking of babies - if the VED really made our dick that much bigger, all we'd be able to do with it is put it over our shoulders and burp it.
52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Thought I'd share this with others in case it's helpful.  I'm currently doing a 20 minute routine each day which consists of three things performed simultaneously:

1.  Groin massage - Massaging the area around my penis similar to the way a masseuse would work on someone's shoulders or neck muscles.
2.  Deep breathing - Slow and deep breaths from the lower abdomen.
3.  Meditation - Just a simple counting of my inhales and exhales.

I don't have any evidence that these things are working but it would seem that #1 and #2 would help with circulation and all three would help with relaxation.  If we assume that there is some connection with circulation and stress associated with Peyronies then this would seem to be helpful over time.  Best part about it is that it's totally free. :)  

Anyway, if any of y'all adopt my routine I'd love to hear how it goes for ya!


Anyone here ever tried Wheatgrass spray. I have heard it can heal scars pretty well sometimes. Also for those of you wondering how the mind healing was going with me....well it was going good. I saw some improvments. I was really really excited until I started having really weird things happen to me from too much energy. Anyways I am taking some time off, because getting too much energy can be scary. I don't wanna go into details of what too much energy can do to you, but I  had to take some time off. Im gonna pick it back up in a few months. The energy work really works im telling you,  my erections are harder and my dent is a little less noticable.  Anyways I just wanted to see if anyone has tried wheatgrass spray.


Well... wheatgrass spray, groin massage, and mind therapy...

At least the title of the thread is correct - these are certainly alternative treatments!

time for bed...   Tim
52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Quote from: Tim468 on January 14, 2007, 11:08:40 PM
Well... wheatgrass spray, groin massage, and mind therapy...

At least the title of the thread is correct - these are certainly alternative treatments!

time for bed...   Tim

"All truth goes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally, it is accepted as self-evident." -Schoepenhouer :D

Tell me more about wheatgrass spray.  Any links to study that show its effectiveness?


Remember that all falsehoods are also appropriately ridiculed, so  ridicule is no sign of truth.  In fact, even that quote is false.  I can think of many truths that were not initially ridiculed but rather applauded.  ;)
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: howcanthisbe on January 14, 2007, 04:43:51 PM
Also for those of you wondering how the mind healing was going with me....well it was going good. I saw some improvments. ... my erections are harder and my dent is a little less noticable.  

HCTB: I find your above quote unbelievable and you without credibility in view of this quote from you on the BTC just yesterday under the topic "Mind to control P D"
QuoteI am only 23 and I know I can beat this. Im not even worried to be honest as of the last say 5 months. My condition continues to slowly worsen it seems. After I realized that my negative thoughts worsened my condition it made me realize that I could improve it potentially with the power of the mind. I have a few things I wanna try. First would be healing through lucid dreaming. ... I posted this on and everyone thought I was crazy. ... My staus right now is my Peyronies Disease is slowly worsening.

If you wish to continue this type of posting I encourage you to do so on the BTC or in our off topic area where you will be given a little more leeway.  You have exceeded the limits of inconsistency, lack of credibility, and posting on baseless claims with no theory, studies, or even Peyronies Disease claims to support them.  This board is for posting that have at least some frail data to connect them to Peyronies Disease treatment.

Please seek the non-Peyronies Disease help that you need.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk, yes I did post that yesterday. I didn't explain the whole situation in both post because the importance didn't relate to doing so. I saw improvement when I first started doing the mind healing methods. I recently had sex with a girl about 12 days ago and injured myself. I am slowly worsening again. However, the mind healing did make some improvments. I don't even know why im trying to explain myself, I have nothing to hide. I can try and try to tell you guys that the mind can help our conditions but none of you will believe me until I fully heal my condition. I see they removed my topic on the biospecifics forum.... wow. Im sick of people not believing me to be honest, but it only gives me more fuel to prove you guys wrong. Anyways with that said, please delete all my topics if you wish. I don't know much about the wheatgrass spray, I haven't really looked into it. Hawk, why don't you try Quantum Touch? You will see its all so real if you ever try it, you will feel it 100% sure. Its ok if you don't, leave it to me. I will prove you guys wrong eventually, right now I have to take some time off though.


BTC did not detete your post.  It just got buried under 100 spam posts made yesterday (14th)  Your post is on the 13th.

I am likely moving this exchange to the off topic area.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


oh my bad Hawk. You can move this to off topic its cool. I will just keep trying and see what happens. I  wish us all luck, something will come along to cure this mess.


Dear HCTB,

I find your claim to be likely untrue. That does not mean that mind power is useless or that you cannot heal. Rather, I think that *you* are unbelievable.

I'm not sure why I feel that way, but I am certain that if I devoted some thought to it I could explain it adequately. It boils down to consistency in thought and deed. There is so much in the way of avoidance of truth here, like not going to a doctor, making assumptions about what can work and what cannot work without direct experience of it... but in the end, we have to decide whether or not a person has credibility.

For instance, George has credibility with me. I do not know one thing about his "training" in health, science or biology, but what he says - when I check it out - has consistently proven to be of value to me. And, what he says has consistently proven to be true. And when he has mis-spoken and had it pointed out, he has quickly recognized and admitted it. These things demonstrate credibility to me. But it is a fact that he could be a pimply teenager with nothing better to do than to screw with us here and he is making it all up!

But I doubt it...

So perhaps you have Peyronie's Disease (it seems that you probably do), and I accept that you are determined to take care of it using alternative methods, including quantum touch therapy, postitive thinking and maybe wheat grass spray (or something like that). But see, even in that out in left field realm, there are ways to be more believeable. When I was twentyfive, I read "Anatomy of an Illness" by Norman Cousins, and how he fought off ALS with positive thinking and laughter and by God if I did not start to visualize a straighter penis and to watch Marx Brothers movies to laugh hard, and all the other stuff he recomended. It didn't make my Peyronies Disease better, but at least I tried. Who knows, maybe what you want to try will help you. But I don't see much a LINK from what you want to do, to healing Peyronies Disease, explained.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Ok Tim. I see you have tried some of these methods. The problem is really visualizing something and truely believing it is really hard to do. I do not expect to do it within my first year. Quantum Touch on the other hand is a bit easier for me. Anyways im sorry if you do not believe me. Why would I lie? Im not trying to sale anything. I really don't even wanna talk about this anymore. Im a bit hard headed I admit, but I won't stop until I have given it my full 100 percent. Like I said before... I saw improvments in my conditon for a while before the recnt injury. Lets not discuss it anymore, im sorry I brought it up. I will only post now about other alternative methods. I know everyone is sick of hearing about this mind healing.


I am new to this forum, and am wondering if anyone has tried the herbs advertised for Peyronies Disease on the web. One site offers a 60-day money back guarantee, so it seems like there's not much to lose there except time. Bit I remain skeptical, especially since no one on this forum has mentioned it.

Also can anyone let me know why the Thacker Formula thread is no longer active. Is that because people have given up on that method?

Many thanks for all replies.


Watch out for money back guarantees.  I know of at least one operation that was offering money back guarantees and selling up a storm.  The only problem was it turned out they were operating out of a mail drop and when everybody came back for their money after discovering the products worthless, the seller had vanished.  I am not saying this is the case with this operation, but I am really, really, skeptical of near miracle cures for Peyronies.  Peyronies is an extremely difficult disease to treat, let alone cure.  I strongly suggest that if you are really interested in what works in terms of herbs and supplements, that you go to the supplements thread and read it from beginning to end.  You will learn more there than you will ever learn from websites that are trying to sell you on a treatment plan.  You are really desperate to get your Peyronies under control and they are just as desperate to get your wallet under their control ... BEWARE!!!!

- George


Quote from: jwelw on January 16, 2007, 05:47:10 PM

Also can anyone let me know why the Thacker Formula thread is no longer active. Is that because people have given up on that method?

Many thanks for all replies.

  The Thackers/DMSO formula has been cussed and discussed for many years now. A very few reported improvement with its use, but the general consensus over the years is that its efficacy is "busted", or doesn't work for Peyronies for the vast majority. It has been tried by many desperate men with Peyronies, myself included (long ago), and for me personally the only change it made in me was to cause bad breath. The formula was a mess to mix and use, and there are many unanswered questions on how DMSO affects humans that absorb it (long term or otherwise). There are many other ways outlined here in the forum to attack Peyronies Disease with more credibility, improvement and safety for the user, IMHO.  


Hi All,

I can say without reservation that the Thacker formula does indeed work. I use it in conjuction with the ved and the pav cocktail and they seem to work synergistically.

I was abroad over the holidays and I only took my pav cocktail ingredients and had to leave my ved and Thacker ingredients at home and my condition got markedly worse. The key to Thacker is that you must use it regularly and for 2 hours every day. It is not difficult to prepare or use and it does soften the plaque, I have no doubt of that.




When you say your conditon got worse? Can you tell me more on that.... also you have been using the dmso(thacker), now for sometime, does one have to use it for ever...

I did use it for awhile, and with the dmso cream got the same reaction I felt from the pav or gingko, better hang ect.... which to me was more blood flow into the area, and I must admit when I used the thacker with the dmso I was getting some results... when I mixed the pentox in with the mix is when I found I had problems with the rash looking spots on the head of my unit, I discontiue the dmso and ved and stayed on the pav, which now I can say my hour glass is a little worse.... from my experience with the dmso, it seems to add blood flow(circulation) to the effected area and is known to soften scar tissue... but once again I don't feel comfortable in putting this in my system for the rest of my life.... if you can soften the plaque with the dmso and then remold with the VED, then this is good, but haven't you been doing this now for sometime, why did it go backwards again?

"The Sun Also Rises"


Hi Rico,

I noticed that when I was on holiday without my ved/Thacker that my plaque became harder and I had less bloodflow. I was away for a few weeks and next time I will just have to risk being emabarassed at the airport and take the ved and Thacker ingredients with me. :-\

I have been using Thacker for many months now but Thacker said that it might be necessary to use it for up to 18 months. In any event, it works. it's cheap and easy to use so I will stick with it, plus ved and pav cocktail.



Ok I was about not to post this because I know you guys are tired of hearing about my weird ways of potential healing. My results doing this method are just too good not to post. I was googling and found something called Kegels. I know everyone here has probably heard of them and tie them into penis enlargment scams. Well I was reading a article that was describing what muscle to flex to do this exercise, its the muscle that stops urine flow when you are urinating. Like you know how when you stop midway through urinating and it stings, well its that action. I decided to try it for a few days and all I can say is wow! I feel like I own a new penis! I mean its almost like my penis is back to normal slash the dent. My penis now has big veins on it and all just like before. I have only been doing this for 4 days and I swear its the most incredible results ive ever seen for any treatment ive tried. I don't know if alot of guys here have tried this or not, but I swear my erections are rock hard now. Its only been 4 days but everytime I try to get hard im rock hard now, a huge difference from before. Maybe this works good on me for some reason? I guess everyones different.



Evey man that ever had a radical prostatectomy (several men on this forum) have done kegels to regain urine control.  I have done many thousands of them.  I can assure you they have nothing to do with Peyronies Disease.  As a matter of fact, men with prostatectomies (the same men doing kegels) have a much higher rate of Peyronies Disease than others.  All kegels do is isolate and strengthen a specific muscle.  No muscle can be strengthened in a few days so your perceived improvement and vein development in the last few days is not connected to this very common exercise.

I have also never had it sting when I cut off a urine stream so you may want to have that checked.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums