Alternative Treatments for Peyronie's Disease

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I'm one of Levine's patients. I've used the Fastsize. I don't think it helped any with the curvature so I ended up with surgery. But it did help regain some lost length. I continue to wear it when I can. I thin most of the devices work off pretty much the same desing principle. You used to get a $30 discount I think on the Fastsize if you put LEVINE in the promo code.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History

James Cho


My right side plaque is now 75% gone.Thick calcfied plaque has been reduced to a size of a peanut.I still have scarring on the left side though.Don't waste time on any other discussion.Try acupunture and see the magic. I am seeing after 9 long years of suffering.


Quote from: James Cho on July 28, 2009, 01:51:19 PM

My right side plaque is now 75% gone.Thick calcfied plaque has been reduced to a size of a peanut.I still have scarring on the left side though.Don't waste time on any other discussion.Try acupunture and see the magic. I am seeing after 9 long years of suffering.

Any curvature changes? Do you have photographic evidence of any of this, or information concerning the person treating you?


Quote from: James Cho on July 28, 2009, 01:51:19 PM

Don't waste time on any other discussion.

James Cho,

I have a request!

Please, do not post any comment resembling the quote above on this forum ever again.

I think your posts are unbelievable, unpersuasive, and harmful.  

It's one thing to make an undocumented, anecdotal assertion about a treatment
and quite another to dismiss this forum's voluminous discussion on treatments that have changed others' lives for the better.


Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


I've heard other men say fastsize like devices have increased in length.  I tried the VED and don't mean to cut down the fastsize, its possibly it could be incorporated with other devices and medication for a better all around therapy.  Personally though I believe the VED gives a good stretch cause it fills up your penis like a cylinder.  Assuming my plaque seems to be all around my penis, like it is in a cast. I want to pump up my penis and try to stretch that cast, break it, or just thin it as much as I can.  For me and my application, the VED is the best option.  I like you saw size gain, but no reduction in curvature.  In fact my curvature may have gotten slightly worse, but this is hard to visual measure.  I wonder if the plaque is to hard if it just won't stretch out?



I wore the Fastsize because it is part of Dr. Levine's prescribed therapy. And I was following his advice to the letter. He also wanted me to wear it post surgery for a few months to keep the graft stretched.

Bottom line is we each use different things depending on our situation. That's why we need to be cautious when traction or a VED works for one person, it might not for another. Mine was in preparation for pre and post surgery.

I still want to try a VED just to improve overall penile health. Just haven't had the extra money to buy one yet, and I prefer the medical grade over a home built.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History

James Cho


That is it, am not going to post anything now.after suffering from peyronie's for 9 long years,with plaque all over on the right side of the penis.I saw mine disapperaing like a meek enemy which appered so strong at one point of time. I thought of sharing things which I guarentee that will change anybody's life,but you guys are just not interested.Any point of time when you think that you wanna get rid of peyronie's,contact me and I wil help.Am not going to get any benefit, but want to help you guys who don't know the value of what I am saying.Take care guys..James will not bug you anymore.thanks


James Chao,

Maybe it is getting lost in the translation. We have been asking for information. We've asked for a doctor's name, a web site reference, a study of some sort..... and we get nothing from you. You just keep saying that "this is it" and to look no further.

We are not trying to be skeptical, but you are not the first who has made such claims. And they always prove out to be false medicines and practices. So if there is something to it, then provide additional information. If not........   thanks for the memories.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Anybody with VALID information concerning Peyronie's will be willing to share it openly on this site.  Others who visit this site are simply engaging in astroturfing and spamming.  They want guys in pain to contact them privately so they can rip them off.  Don't fall for that!  They are like the people from Nigeria who offer you large sums of money IF you just CONTACT them and bite down hard on the hook.  DON'T believe everybody who drops by here to post sweet nothings.  Listen to the people who have been around here for a while and have proved themselves over time.  They might not be telling you what you want to hear, but they are not trying to scam you either.  Think twice before you contact someone you meet on this forum directly!  - George


Quote from: James Cho on July 29, 2009, 03:31:01 PM
..James will not bug you anymore.

I hope you're sincere about that statement.

Your last post only strengthened my position that your claims are unpersuasive and harmful.  

You fold at the "thinnest" of criticism.

good bye!  Oh, and work at pretending to be an "English is my second language person" because your posts reek of impersonation!

Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


James cho - where are you based - if you have a cure let us know - pLEEEEEESE!!!


Quote from: George999 on July 29, 2009, 04:51:08 PM
Anybody with VALID information concerning Peyronie's will be willing to share it openly on this site.  Others who visit this site are simply engaging in astroturfing and spamming.  They want guys in pain to contact them privately so they can rip them off.  Don't fall for that!  They are like the people from Nigeria who offer you large sums of money IF you just CONTACT them and bite down hard on the hook.  DON'T believe everybody who drops by here to post sweet nothings.  Listen to the people who have been around here for a while and have proved themselves over time.  They might not be telling you what you want to hear, but they are not trying to scam you either.  Think twice before you contact someone you meet on this forum directly!  - George

You took the words right out of my mouth.

Couldn't agree more.

James Cho

I don't want to contact anybody privately, and then intent to rip them off... This is one thing which I waana clear.I have not given any information of the doctor because I am myself not 100% cured.Just one calcified plaque is 75% gone, and I have scarring on the left side as well.And who is asking to take treatment from my doctor.All I am saying to try acupunture, and I can tell you the points where you need to take acupunture on.I have spoken to my doctor as well. I am the first case of peyronie's he has ever dealt with, so it is not that he has been curing peyornie's since ages. He take it a simply fibroids which can occur at any place in the, he is giving me treatment to remove fibrioids which can appear at any place in th body.Am going to a hospital which deals with only acupunture, and specialize specially in curing incurable diseases.


James Cho,

It is really hard to tell if you are a goof or for real. Usually, here, I have learned that when it is hard to tell, I err on the side of assuming someone is a goof (meaning a person who is making things up for fun, or for profit).

The things that you say do not make sense. I don't mean the acupuncture stuff - that has never made sense to me, but I can still accept that it works for many things for reasons I do not understand. But smart as I am, I cannot really tell you why the light comes on in my office when I flip the switch, either. I am willing to simply accept that others do understand it well, that it works, and that if I pay my bills and flip the switch, the light will come on.

No, I am not talking about acupuncture (more on that later). Rather I am talking about the other stuff that you say.

For instance, you say that you don't want to say his name because you are not 100% cured yet. But have you noticed how none of us are "100% cured" here by doctors? Yet that does not keep us from posting their names and addresses. I am not afraid to tell someone to go see Dr. Lue or Levine by name, although they don't usually completely "cure" anyone's Peyronie's.

For instance, you say "I thought of sharing things which I guarantee that will change anybody's life, but you guys are just not interested."

Huh? We keep asking you for details. Is that not "interested"??

There is a grand tradition of medical care offered by Acupuncture, and treatment of Peyronie's is not part of it. Never has been. So, you have a doctor who is winging it. Maybe it is helping to break up the plaque in the way the so-called Leriche technique does. We have no clue because you don't really tell us anything near good enough to know what is done to you (never mind when, where or by whom).

Nope, most of what you say makes no sense at all. Most of us would like to believe that a fix is out there for us, waiting to be found, or made available to us. Most of us are hopeful.

So, name a doctor, name the hospital, name the place, and tell us how much it cost, and then it would be a bit more believeable.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


James Cho's posts are classic red flags of fraud and deceit.
Learn to Recognize the Red Flags

Before you even consider spending your money to try a new product, look for these warning signs:

"Products or techniques that are promoted through interactive online communities.

Although most online communities work hard at trying to keep spammers out, a few do occasionally slip through the cracks.  Spammers will try to infiltrate any health-related community site.  

They may show up in blogs or SharePosts, comments, forums and message boards.  Frequently they claim to be someone who has been healed or at least greatly helped by a particular product.  

They invite you to visit a Web site or give you an e-mail address or phone number where you can get more information.  Although they seldom admit it, most of the time these people are affiliates of the company selling the product and their primary motivation is making money, not helping you.  

The best thing you can do when you come across a questionable post is to notify the Web site host or forum moderator so the post can be deleted.  "

Unfortunately, James Cho is still a a member of this community and accessible by private message from any forum member.  IMO, JC has infiltrated this forum and he/she is fraudulently benefiting from his/her membership status alone because of this forum's private message feature.

IMO, JC's postings entitle our forum moderator to the presumption that JC is purporting a fraud/scam.  And because of our forum's  private message feature, JC's membership should be quashed until he/she overcomes a burden of showing (for example, establishing that he/she is "more likely than not", i.e. more than 50%, or a more stringent "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard) to the moderator that he/she is not purporting a fraud/scam.


Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


I am not sure, cowboyfood.

He is not recommending a specific person, and his rationale for that *seems* to be related to not wanting to be a spammer. That may be a legitimate thing. He has not hinted that he will help others through PMs, either. I think that if others start to report that he is sending them to a classic rip-off center (and they are out there!) via PMs, that would cinch it fo rme. Similarly, if he engaged in an open dialog about who he sees and where, so we could judge it, that would also convince me (the other way).

I will leave this to Hawk. I think that we always try to focus on openeness here and that may not always work well. But when we voice our skepticism openly, without censorship, I think that helps others even more.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Quote from: James Cho on July 29, 2009, 03:31:01 PM
Any point of time when you think that you wanna get rid of peyronie's,contact me and I wil help.


JC may be legitimate, or he/she may not be.

Our forum's "openness" is certainly an important and significant forum interest.  

However from what I understand (see forum rules), it is not the forum's only important and significant interest.

I'm simply making the claim that JC is a fraud, as evidence by his/her postings and the methods of internet spammers.

Is he/she a fraud? I don't know.  But, I am also claiming that JC's posts entitle a reasonable person to come to a conclusion that JC is a fraud.  At what point should our moderator should act in the interest of protecting our members from being taken advantage of is within his discretion.

I'm offering some reasonable guidelines in dealing with suspect posts.  For example, shift the burden of showing "innocence" to the poster after some defined conduct.

Free speech is not unlimited, especially in the private sector.

Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


Quote from: James Cho on July 29, 2009, 03:31:01 PM
Any point of time when you think that you wanna get rid of peyronie's,contact me and I wil help.

Quote from: James Cho on July 30, 2009, 01:16:01 AM
I don't want to contact anybody privately


JC may be legitimate, or he/she may not be.

Our forum's "openness" is certainly an important and significant forum interest;

However from what I understand (see forum rules), it is not the forum's only important and significant interest;
prevention of intentional deceit  for financial gain (type of spam) is another interest.  In fact, it's such an important interest that anyone suspected of this type of deceit faces a possible immediate and permanent ban.

I'm simply making the claim that JC is probably a fraud, as evidence by his/her postings and the methods of internet spammers. See the quotes above: JC impeaches himself/herself in his/her last two postings.  

Is he/she a fraud? I don't know.  But, I am claiming that JC's posts entitle a reasonable person to come to a conclusion that JC is a fraud.  At what point our moderator should act in the interest of protecting our members from being taken advantage of is within his discretion.

I'm offering some reasonable guidelines in dealing with suspect posts.  One remedy is to shift the burden of showing "innocence" to the poster after some defined suspect conduct.  For example, statements resembling  "the magic of acupuncture has cured 75% of my peyronie's disease, contact me if you want me to help you" could be construed by a reasonable person that the post is fraudulent, and would ban the poster until he/she demonstrates to the moderator that they are not deceitful.

Free speech is not unlimited, especially in the private sector.

Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


There IS at least one explanation as to why acupuncture might by helpful aside from the Leriche explanation.  That has to do with the association of acupuncture with endorphen release.  The release of endorphens which is stimulated by acupuncture has an extremely powerful anti-inflammatory effect.  The problem I have with this theory is that this effect generally lasts for no more than 30 hours.  In the case of Mr. Cho, this would mean that he would have to be getting daily acupuncture treatment for this explanation to be valid.  I also see no reason to believe that even if it IS working for him, that it would also work for anybody else as he asserts.  The whole thing just doesn't sound right to me.  I want to know WHERE he is getting this treatment so that I can hear the same thing from at least one other person, a real person, not just someone posting anonymously on a message board.

ALSO, cowboyfood has just made a good point.  WHY is Mr. Cho telling people to "contact me" for more information.  OBVIOUSLY he wants to hook a fish here.  That is, he wants a private audience whom he can feed carefully chosen information to and KNOW that what he says WON'T be subject to scrutiny from multiple people on the forum.  This is NOT a good sign.  There is indeed something VERY wrong with this approach.  Additionally, like some banned members in the past, he forever promises to go away, but never does, and never will, until he is ... banned.  And then he will probably return multiple times with different aliases.  Its the way these scammers operate.  - George


Sorry for the "double post!"  I was trying to make sure I included JC's contradictory statements from his/her last two posts; and IMO, significant contradictions.

FWIW, the following is an article on acupuncture.  I cannot vouch for it's credibility:

Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


Quote from: sgtnick on July 30, 2009, 09:11:26 PM

You guys should not be so hard (no pun) on Bro Cho  

Well, I've pretty much laid out my entire argument why JC should be banned.  But, I take a little exception that I was being "so hard" on JC.  I would characterize it as critical (and, in it's mildest form).

It's possible that JC is completely legitimate and all of his claims are fantastically true, while at the same time sounding ironically similar to internet scams alleging "complete cures to incurable diseases." (although oxymoronic - it's one of my favorite James Cho poetics!)

Correct me it I'm wrong, but I was the first one to "challenge" Cho's claims after Cho alleged he had recently been 75% cured of Peyronies Disease in six weeks.  Others simply inquired for more information of his hopeful treatment.

My "mild criticism" consisted of stating that I found his claims (1) unbelievable, (2) unpersuasive and (3) harmful.

I thought they were unbelievable (oh, and he concedes this in one of his first posts, "hard to believe" this is true) for the simple fact that he claimed to be cured in just six weeks.  (I guess Cho took it the wrong way; I meant it as in "Wow, six weeks, unbelievable!").

I thought his claims were unpersuasive because he does not respond to member inquires and offers no scientific documentation other than that it's acupuncture.

And most disturbing to me, I found his posts harmful because he encouraged others not to waste time discussing any other treatment.  

Legitimate criticism IMO.  

But, Cho uses this challenge as a pretext to "leaving us alone" and to contact him if anyone one reading his posts wants to be cured.

IMO, the invidiousness of that particular post is offensive and telling.

Sure, it's entertaining fodder for some.  But, it was only a few months ago I knew absolutely nothing about this condition and I was susceptible to anyone's suggestion for relief.   The psychological impact this condition may have on one is enormous.  I assume that many other forum readers are in this vulnerable state of mind; again, please correct me if I'm wrong.  They are the ones I thought about after each JC post.

I could be wrong.  So, someone more open minded than me might want to alert Auxilium of the "discovery" (sorry, too little too late) and inquire about any investment opportunities (get completely cured and rich).

Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


I guess I pretty much agree with Sgtnick that there's no real reason to ban "Bro Cho" just because he offers a possibility. On the other hand, I commend anyone who points out the flaws in his comments & dares to hold him accountable to scientific proof. That is certainly part of what this forum should be here to do. I used to work for years in the health supplements industry & if I learned one thing above all else it was that people will take anything (& to excess) if they think it will cure them no matter how many warnings you give them. On balance, we all have to accept responsibility for our own choices & if we fall for a scam - especially after being cautioned & warned - then we do. The old addage "you can't protect people from themselves" applies here.


He stated no one had asked or IM'd him. So I IM'd him. Said I'm very interested and need more information. I asked for references, diagrams, acupunctures points..... anything. I've heard nothing.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


In future if someone states a treatment that sounds too good to be true and refuses to state the information publicly, we should just assume that they are stringing us along and take it from there. Lots of time appears to have been dedicated to this person in a thread about alternative treatments. Maybe we could do with a disputes thread where we place comments regarding issues with users intentions (spammy, sock puppet accounts etc)? Or in an existing thread... perhaps in the site intregrity thread:,563.0.html


Hi, am new here but after reading some of this thread thought I should chime in with one little tidbit re the acupuncture thing. Skin needling has been used for scar reduction in the acne community for quite some time with success. I have heard about scar reduction via needling from many sources.

Definitely not saying that any of what he claims/says is true, and I should note I've only really read these first two pages of the thread, but thought the information on skin needling might be interesting to some.

Won't post links of course, but just google skin needling scars or something similar and you should find some info.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Has anyone tried leeches yet?  I hear they are helpful for a lot of problems ...


  Anyone wishing to make multiple posts and promote a product please read the forum rules:
"9. We allow those selling items for profit to declare their intent and make statements and answer questions about their product after making full disclosure to the administration.  However, anyone suspected of posing as a Peyronies patient to influence a commercial transaction (a shill), is subject to an immediate and permanent ban.  Spamming the forum with promotions, links, or trolling for membership will not be allowed."


I might start using rosehip oil as an alternative treatment. Part of what I am doing is prolonging an erection for quite awhile, and I could just as easily use rosehip oil for lubrication as anything else.

As it has scar softening properties, it might be a good addition.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]

Thin Man

Hi Skunkworks,

Do you know what you're taking specifically that's helping to prolong erections? If you're taking many supplements it can be hard to tell, but what's your best guess?

Thanks once again,



Quote from: Thin Man on August 19, 2009, 03:03:50 AM
Hi Skunkworks,

Do you know what you're taking specifically that's helping to prolong erections? If you're taking many supplements it can be hard to tell, but what's your best guess?

Thanks once again,


Well I am taking horny goat weed and flax seed oil, but in this case when I say prolong an erection, I mean i am using my hands in a fashion that may make me go blind, but not letting myself 'boil over' until I have been very hard for about 45 min at least.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]



Quote from: Iceman on August 24, 2009, 01:46:58 AM
why isnt anyone posting anything?????????

You mean in this board or on the forum ???

The forum has had a high number of posts.  In other boards.  If you are having trouble finding them I will try to help.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Iceman - Show Unread posts since last visit (top left, below the site logo)

If you glance under the 'Main Peyronies Disease Discussion Boards' you'll see that several boards have been contributed to today. The new layout is a little confusing at first, but the new.gif at the end of the updated threads should alert you to the fact that people have posted :). I'm sure you'll get used to the changes.


thx guys - just as an update ive been trying curcurim and its giving me an allergic reaction - my question is:

1_ how long do I sat on pentox for - ive been on it for well over 15 months now and ive got 4 months supply left - so is this a never ending intake - there must be a limit to this...what do I do
2) see above - re: larginine + ALC

much appreciated ( at least the pain has gone  - yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy) - i can believe its finally over:)


Iceman - I've seen some urologists suggest that most benefits from pentox can come without six months. Really though, they are probably just matching this somewhat to the lifecycle of a typically case pf peyronie's. See how you feel in 3 months. If there are no additional physical changes or pain, then maybe you could stop taking it if you don't feel comfortable. In research posted here, for some conditions pentox has been taken for around three years, so that should give us an idea of how safe it usual is. I appreciate the point of not wanting to stay on medication for extended periods of time though.


I was worried about a similar thing, Iceman.

It can't be good to have your liver constantly having to process pentoxifylline. I don't know how toxic the drug is, but since we're required to employ longterm use, what's the risks to our overall health?


I do see a risk of relying on more and more medications to treat this condition, and that's where learning all you can about everything you take is a good idea. Pentox has been around for ages though and is safe to take for many years (or at least three years: I don't really see a scenario where peyronie's sufferers would need to take it for longer than that anyway, unless there is a noticable negative effect when doing so.  As for the liver, well pentox is actually useful for people with certain liver conditions, and I haven't heard of any liver issues caused by pentox.

In some ways I do share your concerns. Although I don't take many prescribed drugs I'm on an awful lot of supplements. I think it's human nature to feel slightly odd when taking lots of pills each and every day, but realistically we are likely improving our overall health and reducing the chance of several nasty illnesses and diseases by taking these supplements and by making dietary changes. The last four messages would probably be more at home in the oral supplements board.  


I started using HGH 1 month ago. 2 units daily, Wanted to heal the injuries I suffered July 12th. Within days my pain was way down. I just wasn't healing and was tired of it. The HGH definitely helped me heal. I feel like I 100% healed now and now I can move on to the next phase and hope the calcification doesn't get worse that I see on ultrasound.

During the HGH treatment, I saw no change in curve, But noticed pain decrease as it healed.

I also added hyperbaric chamber two weeks ago and that helped within 2 visits. Pain is now a 2 as compared to a 7. This was hospital grade unit at 2.5 atm. All that oxygen and HGH healed it. I think this should be standard treatment for penile injuries to avoid chronic wounds that scar. I started this within 2 months of my injury, so maybe thats why it helped. Wish I had done it day 1 and might have avoided any curve.

I also added the hyperthermia in spa and that reduce my curve somewhat, although is harder to really tell if its permanent as it might go back to 25 degrees if I ever stop. Its now at 10 degrees.

But I am more optimistic than before as the pain level is so low that I can function again.

I take the standard regimen also of Vit E A D K C, ALC, and use castor oil on my unit daily.

I am unsure if these treatments are helpful for plaque and calcium, but for those in the active phase, I do recommend them for healing. I have seen some suggest that HGH heals you to fast. I doubt it, it helps you feel like you are 18, thats it. I like healing like an 18 yr old. It also might not help younger people as you already heal fast. You might be better off with hyperbaric chamber and its mega oxygen dose. The chamber gives you so much oxygen that you don't need red blood cells at all to even breath. Your blood is so saturated with oxygen that it goes everywhere, even where blood cells can't go. perfect for the penis and tunica that is hard to reach for red blood cells. But this is only true for medical grade units, the 1.3 atm don't cut it. You need +2.0 atm to really benefit. I did 2.5atm at first and now do 2.0 atm.

I have a doctor in Oakland, CA who might prescribe it for you. He had never tried it for this, but was great and wanted to try it. Couldn't hurt he said. He wanted to see how I did on it before he would write it up as a possible treatment. He specializes in Hyperbarics. He is hoping the pressure and oxygen will create new blood vessels through the calcium deposits and help break them up. I have linear bands of calcium through the cavernosa at the injury, but no large solid plaques that you can feel. But even if it doesn't work on that, the healing powers of the treatment was awesome.




Quote from: young25 on September 30, 2009, 05:18:53 AM
Has anybody tried homeopathy for peyronies? ???

Who knows? Has anyone tried eating grass and 4 month old dog feces to treat Peyronie's? It would probably be just as effective and quite a lot cheaper.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


The efficacy of most treatments for Peyronies Disease, oral or otherwise, seem to be so subjective.  There doesn't seem to be any objective results available for anything so it's just like taking shots in the dark.  How can one sufferer be objective about the effect of a treatment on pain for example or in it's affect on the progression or arrest of the fibrotic process?  


[I had a large bladder stone bothering me for about 3 years before I gave in 2 months ago to having it blasted away with laser surgery. About 7 or 8 months ago I noticed that my penis became curved on erection. Also, I noticed that upon ejaculation, it doesn't really shoot out. It just kind of of comes out a little delayed. It sounds like Peyronies's Disease. I did some groundwork and was wondering if anyone knows if Acetlyl L Carnetine is helpful. I'm 53 and perhaps this is natural for ejaculation at a certain age?


Quote from: Wintercookie on September 30, 2009, 03:35:09 PM
The efficacy of most treatments for Peyronies Disease, oral or otherwise, seem to be so subjective.  There doesn't seem to be any objective results available for anything so it's just like taking shots in the dark.  How can one sufferer be objective about the effect of a treatment on pain for example or in it's affect on the progression or arrest of the fibrotic process?  

I agree, it's a tough situation to pick apart. The fibrotic process is a healing process really, so if and of itself it isn't negative, but people understandably view it as such. So we can have a situation where something may be working, probably marginally, but from the patients purspective the opposite will appear to be true. Some drugs may help to reduce these fibrotic processes so that's one window of opportunity. Primarily I believe that we will KNOW for sure that something works when we're able to administor a treatment to those new to peyronie's and within a very short space of time the inflammatory process will stop. As in 'in a very short time', no ambiguity, no 'i think' this might be working. That is the only way we're going to 100% know that we've hit the jackpot. Kill off the inflammation and we can heal with any scare tissue formation in a more effective way. This will be of limited impact to those with damage for x number of years, but one of the key problems even in those groups is the problem of flare ups or progression of their disease beyond a point that is seemingly typical of peyronie's patients (if there is a typical), so it will help everybody. I think the Oxygen Therapy approach would be a worthy of studying for those with the condition for a very short time, and with very active inflammation:,961.0.html If it does n't work, we cross it off the list. We need to be exhaustive in covering all the bases, even if it doesn't benefit us personally.


Quote from: Sfabian on September 30, 2009, 05:54:17 PM
[I had a large bladder stone bothering me for about 3 years before I gave in 2 months ago to having it blasted away with laser surgery. About 7 or 8 months ago I noticed that my penis became curved on erection. Also, I noticed that upon ejaculation, it doesn't really shoot out. It just kind of of comes out a little delayed. It sounds like Peyronies's Disease. I did some groundwork and was wondering if anyone knows if Acetlyl L Carnetine is helpful. I'm 53 and perhaps this is natural for ejaculation at a certain age?

I don't believe that diminished ejaculation is associated with Peyronies Disease. I'm 53 and mine has also diminished somewhat over the years. For me it me it seems to have more to do with how much foreplay there is before climaxing.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Quote from: lwillisjr on October 02, 2009, 08:13:58 PM
Quote from: Sfabian on September 30, 2009, 05:54:17 PM
[I had a large bladder stone bothering me for about 3 years before I gave in 2 months ago to having it blasted away with laser surgery. About 7 or 8 months ago I noticed that my penis became curved on erection. Also, I noticed that upon ejaculation, it doesn't really shoot out. It just kind of of comes out a little delayed. It sounds like Peyronies's Disease. I did some groundwork and was wondering if anyone knows if Acetlyl L Carnetine is helpful. I'm 53 and perhaps this is natural for ejaculation at a certain age?

I don't believe that diminished ejaculation is associated with Peyronies Disease. I'm 53 and mine has also diminished somewhat over the years. For me it me it seems to have more to do with how much foreplay there is before climaxing.

It could well diminish the force of ejaculation though, as it has to go round a bend.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


skunkworks / Les

I will be 67 tomorrow and over the last several years have noticed a natural reduction in ejaculate.

After being diagnosed with kidney stones last March I started drinking more water and added a glass of Cranberry Juice daily.

It does two things for me. Helps me control my weight and has increased the amount of ejaculate. Also urine is a lot clearer.

IMHO Peyronies Disease does not have anything to do with the amount of ejaculate we have. We tend not to drink enough water.



Happy Birthday!!  I'm coming up on mine on the 17th.

Where did you find that information about cranberry juice? I think I'll give it a try.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


I worked in the natural foods / supplements world for about 10 years & can absolutely support the use of cranberry juice (as well as plenty of good old aqua pura) to help with kidney function. While on the topic, I too am 67 & have been taking a saw palmetto & pygeum supplement for years & have never had any problem with my prostate. Much of what is sold in natural products is hype but, on the whole, you can't find a better preventative step. You won't usually find a "quick fix" as you might with prescription drugs but, over time, you can reduce or eliminate many problem areas.


Since we're talking cranberry juice, I might mention pomegranate juice, as well.  Both my Dad and I have recently started drinking 8oz of "POM Wonderful" pomegranate juice after reading a lot of studies the company commissioned that show its juice to help with everything from prostate health to diabetes, artery blockage, erectile dysfunction and more.  You might want to check it out. Unfortunatley, it's ridiculously expensive (like $10 for 48oz) because they're the only source of 100% pure pomegranate juice, but it tastes pretty good and I think it's worth trying.  

Interestingly, my Dad has been diabetic for 30+ years and I am vigorously working to stave off diabetes myself, having learned that I have a blood sugar/glucose intollerance issue myself.  So I stay away from fruit juice and when I saw POM Wonderful has something like 32g sugar per 8oz, I figured NO WAY.  But strangely, for both my Dad and myself, we've monitored it closely and when taken with our evening meal, as recommended, it causes absolutely no rise in blood sugar whatsoever.  Pretty neat, and it allows us to give this new "wonder juice" a try.

51 yrs. old, multiple auto-immune conditions. First episode of Peyronies Disease in 2002. Recurred a couple times since. Over the years I have tried Topical Verapamil, Iontophoresis, all the supps and Cialis + Pentoxifylline. Still functional, always worried.



Kidney and prostate problems run in my family. I have known about cranberry juice for over 40 years. My dad's doctor put him on it and it helped lots.

I also take Saw Palmetto for my prostate. About 1996 or 97 I was having prostate infections and enlargement. After two TUPR's a year apart and on the Rx meds I did not like the side effects. After the last TURP I found out about Saw Palmetto and asked my urologist at the time. He told me, "Jack that is good stuff I take it myself. Get a good quality from a source like GNC." I did and threw away the Rx meds. Within 3 months my prostate was back to normal size.

I got a wild hair the first of 2008 and quit the Saw. When I had the ultrasound for my kidney stones the doctor said my prostate was starting to enlarge. He offered me a Rx which I refused. Told him I was going back on Saw. He said OK.
