Alternative Treatments for Peyronie's Disease

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Quote from: Hawk on April 09, 2009, 10:14:59 PM
While you are refreshing our minds on the forum guidelines, I suggest you note the automatic ban rule that applies to anyone that double registers.  


Listen closely, I run nothing here!  You are laboring under false misapprehensions if you think otherwise.  
As I previously posted, "since McBaba has not been back here to defend his post, (some people don't feel the need to check this site every day), I am speaking up for the post he expressed.  I am not speaking for him as it were."  So we should probably put to rest that conspiracy theory.  

Here we go, I am going to correct you and I suspect correcting you will get me banned.  Another poster called it; administrator/dictator practice. Actually Hawk you are not the only one to "call out" other posters.  I do have a right to "call them out."  As a responsible poster here I do not like to see posters posting ad hominem attacks or unsubstantiated gossip.  Now you gun ban me.  

Thank you hawk for also calling for an end to the ad hominem attacks.  



Quote from: skeptical on April 09, 2009, 11:15:54 PM
Now you gun ban me.  

Thanks for the suggestion Skeptical.  Consider it done!!!

Skeptical IS BANNED!
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


What happened to all the people that were in the latest Xiaflex study and their updates/comments on how the trial was going?   ???  



the information you seek is under the topic "Developmental drugs & treatments - Still in trial or not approved for Peyronies "
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


"What the hell are you talking about.  Ballet videos on youtube?  That kind of unsubstantiated talk can get you banned Tim.  I work for a software co. I can do internet searches with better efficiency than you.  There are no youtube ballet videos.  See the petty gossip you started tim."

Now, as I assume most folks know, this is a post from someone who is frustrated and angry for reasons not at all clear.

But, FWIW, it does appear that someone named AliMcBaba does, in fact, appear to like ballet on YouTube. Nothing wrong with that.

Of course, being identified as liking music would not normally be considered an "attack". Too bad that the enthusiasm that the AliMcBaba posting on YouTube has, is not present here.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Thanks Hawk! I appreciate the direction.  



Sorry for double posting but before I spend $50, I just want to hear if anyone tried this:



This statement just makes me roll my eyes  ::)  
QuoteThis video presents detailed instructions to stretch and improve the six basic types of Peyronies Disease deformities:
    1. Twist
    2. Curve
    3. Bend
    4. Dent (also called a ding, depression, or hinge)
    5. Hourglass
    6. Bottleneck
Further, additional information is included that explains how to successfully stretch a combination of distortions, since very often two or more penis distortions appear together.

Assuming manipulating one's penis could improve it (which is a huge assumption), where would one even begin to get the knowledge on how to manipulate these various deformities and combinations successfully ???  There are no pioneers to build on, no such research.  Did he try several methods with dozens of patients for each method and fail?  Did he just have the gods of penis health smile down upon him so he got right on the first attempt what has elluded mankind for several hundred years?  What percent of patients respond, 100% ???  Did he use objective measurements to verify the results ???   If so why aren't the particulars of that data displayed in large bold flashing print ???   Has he even met enough Peyronies Disease patients in person during his life-time to comprise a decent study assuming he had the design criteria for such a study ???

Does he just assume this might work, and if so why didn't he clearly state that  :-\

The entire thing just leaves me shaking my head !
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


From personal experience, I know that even tried to tested traction methods are not always safe, for all of the people all of the time. Therefore when I hear of videos like this is worries me, because it no doubt encourages people with penile health issues, to bend twist and stretch their penis in all manner of durections. There's no research to back this up and as such I'd say that it's probably as likely to cause further harm, as it is to offer improvements. Manual manipulation is surely very variable in the amount of force delivered and as such it's both difficult to research and possibly dangerous.

I think people should stick with the VED and/or traction devices where you have at least some idea of how much pressure you're applying. I haven't seen this video, but I suspect that it's as much a business venture as it is an effort to actually help people improve their condition.


Great to see we got a discussion going here.

Let me tell you what I think about Herazy.

There is a good reason to think this guy makes easy money by selling vitamins from his vendor friends, writing books that present recessed information, and by running a blog where he discourages conventional medicinal treatments.

Now, having said that, his treatments at least make sense. Vitamins and herbs have always been used in other cultures, particularly in China. In addition, he is giving accurate advice on the dangers of modern medicine for Peyronies Disease - such as surgery, injections, and even traction/VED.

He has a conservative approach, and from what I understand - his stretching technique is designed to prevent trauma. He is a licensed chiropractor, so I presume he knows a little bit about stretching.

But I'm not defending him entirely. I don't appreciate his sponsorship of Neprinol - that thing is garbage and costs a ridiculous amount of money. If he wanted to be objective, he would not associate with them. And the whole "virtual" existence of the "Peyronies-Disease-Institute" without a patient office for live consultations just doesn't seem like a genuine thing. Though it is a GREAT retirement plan. Easy money, work from home, and no need for a warehouse. We are niche market guys. There's not a lot of competition and we are vulnerable to anything.

So I have a middle of the road approach to his services. I tried everything by the way. The large plans, all those pills - I was taking them for about 6 months, religiously. Didn't help me. But then again, maybe it could help someone else.

I would like to hear more from people who used his products, but properly used them - not for a week or a month.

As for the video, I'll probably give it a try. I threw the FastSize in the garbage after it literally added a twist to my curve. The ring at the base exerted pressure on the shaft....I should have known better.


Believer - Sorry to hear about your bad experience with the fastsize. Mine ws no better, or at least has the potential to be worse. It's ongoing. Tick tick tick :-S. I notice that none of these treatments go at lengths to point out the potential downsides and risks involved for those with these conditions.  As for the discussion at hand, if what you say is accurate, then at least he's suggesting a conservative approach, so maybe I was a little harsh. I still doubt that he truly knows what kind of results his techniques will bring though.



I'm with hawk on this one, just browse the site it is all re-hashed information.    And is he a doctor, how many patients has he seem?  Has he ever seen a real life case of peyronies? Where is his evidence, does he have one shred?  This guy is a joke, I wouldn't buy anything from his site.  Hes just taken already known info and copied it onto his site with all other potential treatments.  But if he knew anything about peyronies he would definately have pentox on there... unless I missed it, I didn't see it on there, how could you not know about that?!  Why buy anything from him? Don't let your desperation interfere with common sense man.  I used the VED and I got a slightly worse bend but gained size.  I'm still convinced that you need to somewhat soften the tissues before you can stretch it.  Sounds like you had a similar experience?



As far as the FastSize goes, I wonder how no one had the same result I had - after wearing it for long periods of time, I basically got a twist at the base because that plastic ring was pushing hard on the shaft. I need to get a dual duplex to see what's in there, but I AM DONE with that medieval piece of...

With regard to Herazy, I think he is running the site primarily for financial gain, but offering logical ideas...


Hi Guys,

I am not promoting the use of this hormone that can be bought at Vitamin Shoppe or on line.  It is called "relaxin"  I noticed that this purchasable hormone has never been discussed on this board before.  Here is just one link to an explanation what relaxin does for lung fibrosis:
I only included the one link but you can key word search "relaxin and tgf beta" and there is plenty to read.  I believe I will order this and I'll let you all know if it works at my fibrosis.  Again I'm not suggesting anyone else try this.

I see tims links:

The McBaba in tim's link lives in Europe, United Kingdom to be exact and that person is 21 years old.  That ain't me honey.  I also recall tim said I was sceptical who tim says hails from Illinois.  I guess tim you overlooked the location discrepancy or you were that malicious to intentionally disregard the geography difference.  Forget it tim, I forgive you and I'm sure sceptical forgives you also.  Will the other members here forgive your malicious gossip is another question.
Quote from: Tim468 on April 11, 2009, 10:23:56 AM
But, FWIW, it does appear that someone named AliMcBaba does, in fact, appear to like ballet on YouTube.



The article on Relaxin cited by McBaba is certainly interesting.  I saw it when it first appeared.  But the problem is where to get Relaxin.  McBaba notes that it is available from Vitamin Shoppe and indeed it is, or it certainly appears to be.  But then, on closer look, one finds that the Relaxin sold by Vitamin Shoppe doesn't even contain any Relaxin.  Read the ingredients:  Relaxin from Vitamin Shoppe.  What DOES contain REAL Relaxin is whey protein products.  But I would imagine one would have to consume a lot of whey protein in order to get a significant amount of Relaxin.  The other caveat when it comes to Relaxin is how did the researchers administer it?  Some of these things only work when administered intervenously.  Also, in the abstract, it mentions recombinant relaxin, that would seem to indicate that they did something with the relaxin before they administered it, like somehow they modified its structure.  So this is certainly very interesting, but a bit out of reach at this point, since no one appears to be marketing the real thing.  - George


Recombinant simply means that it was created by artificial means instead of extracted naturally. Usually a biologic amplifier system is used (ie bacteria) to create lots of the chemical.

I cannot get to the full citation online from home, but it appears that they used a knockout mouse model that lacks the relaxin family of peptide receptors, and demonstrated increased fibrosis is a mouse model of airway fibrosis. The relaxin was probably given by a parenteral route (based on other articles he has written). The fibrosis that occurs in the airway is probably quite different than that which occurs in the tunica, but we have talked about this before here. The important paper in Nature by Gonzalez-Cadavid that has been linked up here before talks about relaxin as one of the receptors that might be blocked in attempts to block the effects of TGF-beta.

His article is here:

The niacinamide in the herb mentioned has been associated with portal fibrosis - but I doubt that this form of "relaxin" will do much one way or another.  
52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.

James Cho


I have had Peyronies Disease since last 9 years, started at an age of 23. A thick band of scar tissue developed on the right side of the penis, and then another one on the left side of the penis. Result, Penis shortening,scarring and distal softening.

Medicines tried-
Pentoxyfylline, vitamin E, vitamin e oil, Penis traction, L-arginine, Carntine, Nattokinasse,Quercitine, Bromelain, Homeopathy etc. No result, but the scar worsended.

Then a discovery, Peyronie's can be completely cured with Acupunture.There are special points and needles are used to dissolve the plaque. Needles on the penis and on other points on the feet and the hands. I just have one sitting and penis got hardended and the lenght got increased by 1/2 inch.Think that the palque got softended, I have been guaranteed that I will get completely cured, and seeing the results in just sitting, I am sure I will be cured. Not jsut normal accupunture, but a special technique of rotating the needles through a special machine. Try it out, there is a cure out there, complete cure.No need to take any medicine.They are jsut useless.This is indeed a discovery.


You'll have to excuse me if I seem a bit skeptical. Are there any other facts to back this up? I've seen absolutely nothing on acupuncture and Peyronies disease. Even if I believe what you have stated, it seems like this was from your fist visit and in your own words you state that you "think" the plaque was softened.
Think that the plaque got softended

I hope whoever guaranteed this can deliver on their promise. I'm sure we will all be anxious to learn of your progress on your next visits.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History

Thin Man

Well I'd be skeptical that anything is a "guaranteed" cure for Peyronies Disease, and I wouldn't just dismiss other treatment options. That's a very strange conclusion to come to James, especially based on only one treatment.

HOWEVER, I can say from experience with many treatments that acupuncture has helped me to some degree with ED, at least on a short term basis - it has definitely increased bloodflow, and has also helped me with depression. I would hope that it helps to some extent with Peyronies Disease - it could be that it helped me with my first bout of Peyronies Disease about 14 years ago - I bounced back somewhat then and I wasn't taking any oral treatments. The Chinese doctors I've seen tell me there's really nothing specific in their literature about Peyronies Disease, but it seems to help my heath and well being overall without side effects.

I would also agree that going to a practitioner who uses the Chinese technique of heavy needle stimulation involving rotation is helpful - it has a much greater effect than the westernized watered down version of acupuncture which is very mild in comparison. I don't know what you mean by a machine to do this. I've seen at least 6 different practitioners over the years and nobody has ever stuck an acupuncture in needle in my penis! Nor has anyone ever suggested doing so. If they had I would have told them no. I've read elsewhere that's not recommended, sorry I don't recall where at the moment but considering the scarring I and others have got from needles that would seem to be common sense.

Thin Man


I can't see how sticking acupunture needles into the penis of someone with peyronie's is going to cause anything other than further scarring.

James Cho

Well Peyronie's cases have been registured sometimes without an injury as well.So, it is something related to major parts in your body which start malfunctioning and the body reacts in the form of an inflammation.This acupunture techinique involves capturing the malfunctioning with an aquagrapgh. All the major parts lungs,heart, spleen, stomach etc are auqagraphed through a acupunture points scan. They then stick needles on the points where the aquagraph shows weak energy(mainly , those points have the graph blue in colour). Now they also stick needles to the acupunture points in the penis to dissolve the scar. This scar is nothing but fibrosis in the penis, and fibrosis has widely been treated by acupunture.

I have had my second sitting today, and results are jsut the same as where i was yesterday. It will take some time to dissolve the scar. However Ed due to distal softening is gone, and there is an increase in the penis lenght by 1/2 inch.

My intent was to let you guys know of something which can be benefitial to the Peyronie's patients.


OK James Cho:

Where do you live and where do you go for care? We list the doctors we see and tell others about their techniques so we can potentially share in the bounty.

So who does this? What papers, if any, have they written? Is there any controlled studies, even in the Asian alternative medicine literature, that tells us how it works?

I am curious.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.

James Cho

Hi Guys,

Am through with 10 sittings today.The thick band of scar tissue on the right side has been reduced to half of it's original size.The one causing the distal softening inside the penis on the left side has shown no change. I am planning 10 more sittings.Erection and length has also increased. I am scared though about the end result as it is hard to beleive that results are coming .


Interesting James. I've read about the needle aponeurotomy surgery for Dupuytren's. Other than both procedures using needles, I don't know how similar they are. Both are "minimally invasive".


I had needle aponeurotomy on my left thumb 2 weeks ago. It was severely contracted and the surgeon was able to get a partial release, which helps a lot.   Needle aponeurotomy is a lot less invasive than conventional surgery, but a lot more invasive than needle sticks. The surgeon goes under the skin with a very small instrument resembling a needle with a tiny cutting blade on the end, then (literally) saws away at the contracting band of collagen. He repeated this in about 8 spots. It was rough, and it hurt (like hell at a couple of points)  but it's w-a-y preferrable to surgery, which I've had twice.

Could something like this be done for Peyronie's?  Maybe that what the semi-legendary "Lariche Technique" was really about, but Peyronies Disease is somewhat different from Dupuytren's. The hand surgeon made his cuts and then pulled hard on my thumb, trying to snap/release the contracture, many times. My thumb  still hurts 2 weeks later - no way could someone get that rough with a penis, it's much more fragile.  And Dupuytren's contractures are fairly hard, sharply defined structures, while Peyronies Disease tissue seems to be more integrated with its surroundings.

Still, perforating it in enough places might make a difference.


What James is describing here sounds a whole lot like the Lariche Technique.  I have little question as to its immediate effectiveness.  The big question is whether or not the cure will be durable.  I certainly hope that it will and I am interested in hearing more.  So James, please keep us updated on this.  And, at some point, you will need to tell us where you are getting this done so that others may benefit if it proves to be effective over the long term.  Also, any information that your practitioner may know about this would be interesting if you can come by it.  - George


I tend to agree with George. I'm sure in the short term of may well be possible to to see some improvements, but in people prone to peyronies I would be concerned that it could frequently/occasionally result in further trauma, which may not immediately be apparent. Maybe in combination with oral treatments to help against any potential problems it could be useful?

Also, in some people plaque is seemingly dispersed within normal tissue, or not even noticable. In such cases I don't see how this treatment could work. Still, please do keep us informed. All knowledge and experiences help us build a better idea of what works and what doesn't.


I'm pretty skeptical.  To get any significant release or increase in elasticity you'd need a heckuva lot of perforation.  Imagine a small square of rubbber cut from an innner tube.  Poke a needle through it 10 times. Is it stretchier? I doubt it.


It may be able to stretch further, but the little strands between holes become quite fragile.


The published data on the LAriche technique are hard to find or read. The data on the similar technique in Dupeytren's is easier to find.

The idea is that a needle is used to scrape back and forth to break up the contracted and scarred tissue. If the tissue that is being broken up is a matted up lump, that makes sense. If it is hard to palpate and find, it probably will not work.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


anyone familiar with the process of calcification? does every plaque/scar tissue area eventually calcify?  In my case, injury induced scar tissue on the top of my penis (and some on the bottom) below the head. It has been 2 months since injury, and although the pain has  subsided alot, the scar tissue really shows no signs of ever going away. I am learning how to live with it, but I am worried about what the future holds in regards to calcification and related problems.


Many guys worry about things like calcification and possible corporal fibrosis, but these things are not all that common.  Most guys with Peyronie's have neither.  So I wouldn't lose a lot of sleep worrying about them at this point.  And if you can get started with Pentox, Pentox is known to prevent both.  There is at least one documented case, in fact, where Pentox was able to reverse existing calcification.  Also, vitamin K is known to prevent soft tissue calcification.  So you are not doomed to calcification just because you have Peyronie's and even if you were, there are things you can do to prevent it.  - George


james cho,

So ur acupuncturists is using an acugrapgh to measure energies and work from there? also can u go into detail regarding putting actual needles within the penis? is this neccesary. I will be meeting with an acupuncturist/TCM doctor at my medical school in regards to my issue and wanted to explore such avenues for possible treatment of myself. Where have u been treated, when did it start? etc. Looking forward to hearing from you.




p.s as others have stated, can you please explain the dynamics of acupunture. needle stimulation? and the idea of putting the needles through a rotating machine? Just trying to understand everything to talk with a TCM practicioner of your findings. Thanks again


Quote from: George999 on July 04, 2009, 10:23:45 AM
Many guys worry about things like calcification and possible corporal fibrosis, but these things are not all that common.  Most guys with Peyronie's have neither.  So I wouldn't lose a lot of sleep worrying about them at this point.  And if you can get started with Pentox, Pentox is known to prevent both.  There is at least one documented case, in fact, where Pentox was able to reverse existing calcification.  Also, vitamin K is known to prevent soft tissue calcification.  So you are not doomed to calcification just because you have Peyronie's and even if you were, there are things you can do to prevent it.  - George

I agree that Pentox can help. But I was on Pentox and my plaque still started to calcify. And I believe that the odds of calcification starting may a higher than you are implying.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


lwillisjr - Is it continuing to calcify even now? Have you tried vitamin K2? You might want to take vitamin D if you think you are deficient, or take less of it, if you're already supplementing. Some studies I read suggest that too large OR too small amounts can encourage calcification, which is something I hadn't previously thought. Getting your levels tested might be worthwhile. Aside from this, I really don't know what I'd suggest.  


I agree, peyronies keeps getting worse, but its very slowly overtime.  One thing I observed that makes it worse is alcohol, you need to avoid this like the plague!!!  Alcohol in heavy amounts has also shown to cause fibrosis in the liver!  Why pentox may work for some and others I don't know?  Perhaps you werent on it  long enough?  I'd say more like a year, not six months, thats to short!  Maybe your body just didn't respond, or you got on it to late, who knows.  I don't know if I'm calcified or not, cause I can't geta  doppler ultrasound, at this point I don't know if I want to find out, might just make me depressed.  I just keep taking pentox, working out, and avoiding alcohol at all costs!



I understand the rational behind avoiding alcohol completely. But, I seriously doubt getting drunk two nights a week carries any weight in regards to affecting peyronies.  


Quote from: newguy on July 04, 2009, 08:26:36 PM
lwillisjr - Is it continuing to calcify even now? Have you tried vitamin K2? You might want to take vitamin D if you think you are deficient, or take less of it, if you're already supplementing. Some studies I read suggest that too large OR too small amounts can encourage calcification, which is something I hadn't previously thought. Getting your levels tested might be worthwhile. Aside from this, I really don't know what I'd suggest.

Thanks..... but if you have read any of my posts you might recall that I had surgery. The plaque was successfully removed and my erections straightened. So even though it was calcifying at the time, it is no longer a concern.

New posters here however need to understand that calcification is an issue, even with the oral drugs. And Dr. Levine feels little can be done once calcification sets in short of surgery.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Quote from: ComeBacKid on July 05, 2009, 12:42:08 AM
I agree, peyronies keeps getting worse, but its very slowly overtime.  One thing I observed that makes it worse is alcohol, you need to avoid this like the plague!!!  Alcohol in heavy amounts has also shown to cause fibrosis in the liver!  Why pentox may work for some and others I don't know?  Perhaps you werent on it  long enough?  I'd say more like a year, not six months, thats to short!  Maybe your body just didn't respond, or you got on it to late, who knows.  I don't know if I'm calcified or not, cause I can't geta  doppler ultrasound, at this point I don't know if I want to find out, might just make me depressed.  I just keep taking pentox, working out, and avoiding alcohol at all costs!


I was fortunate to live close to Chicago and found Dr. Levine. I simply followed his directions. Tried the Pentox, the Varapamil injections, etc. He thought 6 months was long enough to show a positive response. None of these worked for me and the next logical step was surgery. Which did work very favorably.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Alcohol? Really?

Is there any truth to this or is this just "we don't know anything at all so avoid anything that might be bad" scuttlebutt? How is cirrhosis of the liver related to corporal fibrosis? What is the comorbidity for Alcoholic Liver Disease and Peyronie's? Wouldn't we have heard that one causes the other already if this were true? I can't think of a better way to get a man to quit drinking than to tell him it will painfully shrink, contort and bend his junk. I'm sure the medical community would highlight this unpleasant potentiality if it were true. You might also expect to see more patients diagnosed with Peyronie's instead of the oft quoted 3-5%

So, I would like to know the facts on this if anyone is privy to them. This condition has sucked enough joy out of my life, and probably yours, as is, and now we can't have a drink?  >:( Next thing you know Peyronie's will be worsened by sunshine, puppies and walks on the beach.


Excessive alcohol use -> increase in weight gain -> increased risk of metabolic syndrome -> lowered testosterone levels -> increased risk of Peyronie's

Personally, I don't want to do anything that even remotely affects my Peyronie's in a way that might make it more aggressive.  Thats why I avoid alcohol just like I avoid sugars.  Enjoying life to the "fullest" has its risks.  - George


Sure.......   When you are drunk you are more likely to try a creative/risky position that could cause injury.

Sorry.... couldn't resist. Should have posted under the "on the lighter side" thread.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Quote from: lwillisjr on July 05, 2009, 04:17:19 PM
Thanks..... but if you have read any of my posts you might recall that I had surgery. The plaque was successfully removed and my erections straightened. So even though it was calcifying at the time, it is no longer a concern.

Oops, apologies. Yes, I remember now. You're certainly one of the success stories here!


Will one night out with three drinks make your peyronies worse, maybe not?   Why risk it?  Binge drinking will I can tell you that! My peyronies really worsened when I was drinking heavily in college, but no more than everyone else was which is still a lot.  After stopping and going on pentox it got significantly better.  Alcohol will dehydrate you and caue fibrosis of the liver, look it up!  Avoid it like the plague, it is bad if you have peyronies!  Drink a lot of water, work out, and take pentox, thats what I'm doing now, and my peyronies hasnt gotten any worse, and i've seen more improvements. I've had this headache for 10 years now, so I've learned a few things over the past decade...


James Cho

Well Guys,

Aquagraph is to see and decide the areas in the body where they need to put the needles.Once they see the graph, they decide on the strategic points.The don't insert the needles blindly in to the penis, but they insert the needles in four strategic points which are meant for penis deformities.There is no blood,nothing. Rotation with hand can be painful as they need to prick those needles at all of those points for 20 min. I am getting acupunture on 14 points, this includes the 4 points in the penis as well. So we you maually stimulate each of these points, it is going to take 280 minutes for the entire process, 20 min per point, and it is painful as well.Instead, what they do is that they electrically simulate each of these points by putting wires with a small plcuker to stimulate these points. All of the 14 points are covered(in the feet, penis,hands etc,specially responsible to remove fiborsis) in just 20 min, and the process is not at all painful. It is essential to give acupunture in the penis as it is area which is affected, when you give needles at those strategic points, it strengthens the blood which has becomes weak in that area due to Peyronie's palque.It is the blood which gets strong, dissolves the plaque. Am not saying this is magic but will take atleast 3 cycles of 15 days each to show significant results.I have received around 15 sittings, erection has become strong and there is an increase in the lenght by 1/2 inches.plaque has softened which was a thick band initially, there is reduction in the distal softening as well. This is going to take time, atleast two more cycles of 15 days, but I guess this is the only option which has shown result, and I will go with it .

For the place from where I am getting this treatment from, I will share the doctor's details once I am cured to atleast 90%.  


I respect anyone who decides to abstain from alcohol as part of their personal regimen to stay healthy. Good for you and keep at it. Excessive alcohol consumption is unhealthy in general and as lwillisjr humorously noted, may encourage poor decision making that leads to further injury. However, I have seen no evidence establishing correlation between alcohol consumption (moderate or excessive) and the development or exacerbation of Peyronie's. The only fibrotic conditions I have seen linked to Peyronie's with any certainty are Depuytren's and fibrosis due to complications from diabetes (I assume from poor circulation, low blood oxygen). I have found articles, such as the one below, showing no significant correlation between alcohol and Peyronie's:

(See page 12, bottom of paragraph 3):

I am very happy I found this forum because of the generally good information I find. What baffles me though, is I'll see posts discussing physical manipulation of the penis by stretching and pulling or the insertion of needles to deliver medication or for acupuncture therapy, but these things have known risks. Some of us got injured this way through administering injections for ED or by just plain getting bent in the wrong direction during sex, yet here they are as gospel. I like hearing about what other people are doing but we need to do better than telling people to avoid this or do that at all costs based on nothing more than anecdotal or personal experience. There's so precious little actual information on this condition that we owe it to ourselves to do better.

Frankly, having a glass of wine over a nice dinner with my wife or sharing a beer with good friends after a tough day are some of the little things in life that I don't want to give up right now because this disease has made my world a hell of a lot smaller. If you'll allow me to be the devil's advocate, I'll mention that we know moderate alcohol consumption is beneficial for the heart and circulatory systems and that the hops used in beer (a plant in the Cannabaceae family) have anti-inflammatory properties. Alcohol is also a vasodilator (more blood flow to those capillaries!). Am I telling people to head down to the pub? No. I'm just saying we should give the best information we have to new users of this forum.



Skjaldborg - I think some people find themselves in a place where they really don't even want to risk putting a foot wrong. For that reason I tend to try to have a very clean diet, and go months at a time without drinking alcohol (more out of habit, than intention). For what it's worth I don't personally think that the occasional drink is going to tip the balance, or cause you massive problems. If your overall approach is balanced and proactive, then that is the main thing.

Use of the VED has proved helpful to many members, and done sensibly it's a good option to go for. The benefits certainly outweight the risks. There are some powerful studies relating to traction which suggests that it can be helpful in those with a stable condition. You're right to state caution though, as there are several mentions of traction causing issues for people. It's all about taking a gentle approach, but yes there will always be an unfortunate few who do everything right, but somehow manage to inflamme their condion. In my experience, people here are quite dubious about injections, and do not universally sing its praises. As for the recent acupuncture posts, I actually think that many members are a little perplexed by them, but are trying to keep an open mind in relation to the experiences of others.

James Cho

Also to let you guys know that he has also been practicing Homeopathy since last 40 years.He has given me a combination of 6 special medicines to remove the fibroids in the body.He also told me that the objective of acupunture is to trap the scar tissue at one single place and then to dump it outside the body as waste.Francally speaking I do find the entire band to be accumulating at one single point and rest of the area has become very soft. The scar tissue is contracting and getting consolidated at one very small location. I will ask him tomorrow as to what is happening.


Hi Everyone: Can anyone share their experience with traction devices like X4 labs or fast size? which one is better? Is it worth ordering one? Apparently, dr. levine belives in it.
