Alternative Treatments for Peyronie's Disease

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Newguy, I have not heard until just now much talk against Viagra for Peyronie's sufferers. I have not liked using erection aids. I always felt they made my penis do more than it should be doing, and after using I feel weaker usually.  Even when I do use it, it doesn't really seem to do that much sometimes in terms of giving me back a good rigid erection.

Oldman, you do not have anything against people using Pentox though, right? Even though (forgive my scientific/medical ignorance) I thought the two drugs worked similarly.


I know of NO rational argument for not using Viagra.  While it may contain a COYA warning because the FDA Trials did not include Peyronies Disease patients, I have seen no data linking it with Peyronies Disease problems.

Keep in mind that one of the more effective Peyronies Disease treatments is the PAV cocktail (Pentox,Arginine,Viagra).

I suspect that the initial ED is a result of Peyronies Disease and when Viagra is taken, you began to see the developing symptoms that were already in motion.

Just my opinion!
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: Hawk on December 11, 2008, 01:29:44 AM

Keep in mind that one of the more effective Peyronies Disease treatments is the PAV cocktail (Pentox,Arginine,Viagra).

Yes, I use the PAV cocktail myself. I will factor in all opinions, but at present half a viagra tablet a day or every other day, does help greatly with erections, so unless the tide turns in terms of opinion, I will stick with it for the time being.


do you mean that the ED is one of the very first symptoms of peyronie's? shouldn't it start later in the "stable phase" (if such a phase exists...)?


Old Man
With all my complications from peyronies the only thing that helped short of implant was the VED exercise you sent me. Thanks
As to the subject of ED drugs and VED. I tried them all, no help. Did not cause any damage that I am aware of. The only thing is do not use the VED with injection therapy (trimix). Trimix was useless for me and only caused more damage with corporal fibrosis.
My doctor said to continue the VED therapy up until a couple of days before the implant. He said that the VED was very helpful with peyronies patients.
Surgery is a last resort. My problem was not the VED but I had to use the tight constriction rings for sex.
I know don't shout but Do Not Use Injection Therapy for ED!!!
Keep up the good work. IMHO if you have peyronies you should be on proper VED therapy.


Quote from: didi20031 on December 11, 2008, 02:21:13 AM
do you mean that the ED is one of the very first symptoms of peyronie's? shouldn't it start later in the "stable phase" (if such a phase exists...)?

I think there are few consistent patterns or sequence of events with Peyronies Disease just like there is not a consistent pattern with a tooth cavity or metastasis of cancer.  Do people discover a cavity from feeling it with their tongue, seeing it, getting a tooth ache, or from an exam?  The answer is that it depends on a host of issues.  In the case of Peyronies Disease it depends on the location, size of the plaque along with other factors.  For instance, it makes a lot of sense to me that plaque may form in an area that it causes venous leakage.  If there is no pain with your Peyronies Disease (which is not uncommon), then the first symptom one may notice is an erection which is not what it once was.  The typical response is to assume you have ED from some other age related condition and reach for an ED drug.  Next you see evidence of Peyronies Disease and .....

I think it might be possible for plaque to interfere with erections in ways other than just venous leakage (nerves, arteries)
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I often look for alternative "operating principles" to the standard explanations. For example, I dare say many sufferers, if their erection causes pain, let alone shame, have developed an almost instant attenuation--a flinching-like response--a conditioned reflex--to their erection. While an erection is "blooming", as soon as pain is felt the body recoils and the erection is nipped in the bud, so to speak, and the penis quickly reposes to a more tolerable degree of tumescence. Perhaps after a few dozen of these episodes the attenuation occurs early, long before pain begins. And, as with me, a "just-enuf" boner is artfully maintained--my, they shrink at the drop of a hat-- until one's sad spasm is done.

The implication to me is that what is perceived as a "variation" in the condition are actually variations in one's erections, caused by this conditioned response to pain. You cood indeed call this "erectile disfunction", yet the Peyronies per se, has not directly caused the "impotence" ...  
Live Long and Prosper \\//


hawk and ironman
thank you for your responses! quite an interesting theory, ironman...



I couldn't agree more with the idea that ED can be a result of cognitive recognition that we dislike what we see when an erection "blooms". After all, arousal begins in the brain.

I  believe that the best true test of ED in the case of Peyronies Disease sufferers is the incidence & strength of nighttime erections. At that stage, hopefully, we have removed the conscious from the unconscious. All 3 urologists I've seen independently agree.  


I probably have plaque on the underside of my penis and have lost most feeling there where I used to feel a great deal of pleasure.  I am assuming the plaque may be blocking some nerve endings.  The other areas where I have plaque cause me a great deal of pain.  Nighttime erections are either nonexistent or are laughably soft.  Sometimes I achieve a "harder" erection and it is noticeably curved downward.  My girlfriend says she has not noticed it to be so though but we have never had sex so I don't know if she would have felt a difference. Whereas it used to point at a regular angle upwards it is now very noticeably dipped downward to me.  I am assuming this is because what feels to be the largest amount of plaque is on the underside of my penis.  All the other areas are much smaller but seem to be growing.  I am on Trental.  The other areas of plaque/scarring whatever else lead to a very prominent hourglass indentation that eventually feels up with blood if I wait long enough (my penis does not get hard, the indentation simply goes away) and a lumpy area that is on the top of my penis that looks like a cord and is right in line with my urethra.  Generally after I pee it hurts.  There is also a lump near the base of my penis on the left side that is probably causing venous leakage there as my erection is never as full as it should be despite me being incredibly aroused by my girlfriend.  

So, I'm not really sure where to classify my ED.  All I know is the inability to have sex and severe displeasure when it comes to sexual situations is very unsettling.  


There doesn't seem to be one theory that explains everyone's symptoms. But there seem to be more and more posts that it was the Peyroines that led to the ED. Whereas the "traditional" theory is that as we get older (Peyronies Disease seems more prominent in those over the age of 40) our erections don't seem to get as hard. This is caused by other factors and not necessarily by Peyronies. However, as our erections are not as rigid as they used to be (although still well hard enough for intercourse) makes them more susceptible to bending or damage to the tunica. This in turn can trigger the scarring associated with Peyroines.

So it is the early onset of ED that made one susceptible to the Peyroines scarring. Just felt compelled to list the traditional Peyronies Disease theory.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Hey all.  First off, I haven't posted here for a while and part of that is because my condition seems to have stabilized or even improved in recent months.  The last time I had an erection I actually thought "Damn, I might be cured!"  Turns out that I'm not and I'm hesitant to post to the improvement forum because I haven't taken pictures or anything and it's possible that it's just my perception.  Anyway, I'm not taking any medications right now and not doing much else other than focusing a lot on nutrition (heavy into raw foods, superfoods, etc.) and believe this could play a big role in healing (as it does for most forms of illness).

Anyway, I do have a question and that's whether anyone has found stuff that's good for encouraging circulation in the penis/groin region.  I think that I have poor circulation here and the evidence of this is that I normally don't hang very "full" when I'm flacid.  I've noticed this problem increasing in recent years in conjunction with the onset on my Peyronies (I was diagnosed in early 2007).  

From my understanding, one of the things that Pentox does is help with circulation.  I don't want to be dependent on prescription medication so I've stopped taking that (which was also the recommendation of my MD).  However, I'd love to work to encourage blood flow to this region.  I've been doing a lot of yoga and while that *should* help it hasn't really seemed to.  I've also done some self-massage of the groin area and that seems to help a fair amount.

I'm wondering what else some of you may have found to help with this and if indeed getting good blood flow to that area could be helpful to curing Peyronies.  Also, are there any reasons why circulation to this area might be limited?  I exercise frequently and eat a very healthy diet so I'm pretty sure it's not either of those things.  Maybe stress?  Anything else?

Thx all!!


What you describe sounds like Venous Leakage. The other possibility could be nerve damage in your back. Do you have back problems?
Get it checked out for venous leakage as it progresses you loose night time erections, ED gets worse, then corporal fibrosis.  I don't want to scare you but after that penile shrinkage starts.
That is what happend to me. Also peyronies, as far as I know, can not be cured but managed.


whats the difference between Peyronies Disease and corporal fibrosis?


Peyronies effects the outer layers of the penis with plaque. As it develops the plaque can get larger and in about 33% of men the plaque will go away (12-18 months) but leave scar tissue (happend to me).
Corporal Fibrosis is fibrosis in the corpora as a result of injection therapy for Ed, PGE1 or trimix. Also loss of night time erections and severe ED lead to corporal fibrosis because of lack of oxygen to the tissue.
The best way to help yourself is VED therapy, I wish I had known that years ago. In my case and about 33% of the guys that the curve straightness on it's own with Vitamin E therapy it will leave you shorter than pre peyronies. As a doctor explained it to me, when it straightens your length will be the length of the short side of the curve. To demonstrate that curve your finger, look at the short side, when the curve straightens that is what you will have left. This happend to me in 1995 and the doctor then did not know what to do.
T took vitamin e 400iu three times a day until heart trouble in 2006 when I had to start Plavix. When I had to have heart stents I had an implant scheduled for the next week that had to be postponed for a year. Uro Rx a VED but the instructions were for sex only and I used it all wrong and caused a bruise that took weeks to heal.
10/07 found this forum and Old Man gave me a single cylinder exercise that I used for over a year. I did gain about 3/4 of an inch of the 1.5 inches lost to peyronies but after all that time the peyronies scar would not let me gain more.
With peyronies you need to be on VED therapy. If I had been in 1995 I do not believe I would have lost so much.
I did not intend to preach but this helps me get this out of my system.


Quote from: DannyOcean on December 28, 2008, 08:19:09 PM
Anyway, I do have a question and that's whether anyone has found stuff that's good for encouraging circulation in the penis/groin region.  I think that I have poor circulation here and the evidence of this is that I normally don't hang very "full" when I'm flacid.  


If I understand what you are saying I do NOT think this is venous leakage.  Venous leakage is when the veins that drain the penis fail to seal off during the erection phase even though the arteries which lie much deeper in the penis are allowing a good blood flow to enter.  You indicate your erections are not the problem but that routine flow into the penis seems reduced.  I have experienced this myself, more at some periods of time than at others.  If I understand the "increased circulation" aspect to pentox, it actually changes red blood cell characteristics to make them more flexible an able to get into areas they normally could not reach.  While Pentox may help in other ways I don't think it addresses general blood flow.

Other than obvious issues with the heat rate etc., general blood flow is affected by artery dilation.  Some things dilate arteries and some things constrict them.  Locally, heat dilates arteries and increases blood flow.  Locally cold and restrictive clothing can have the opposite effect.

Systemically, L-Arginine is the best natural substance to increase blood flow by relaxing (dilating) arteries.    Body builders take it for a general "pump" and to get nutrients to muscle tissue during a workout.  There are other substances but to my knowledge, they all pale in comparison.  L-Arginine is taken at a rate of from 1000 - 8000 mg per day in 2 or 3 divided doses.  You may see a visible result within an hour of the first dose although it is not always that obvious.  L-arginine is a Nitric oxide (N.O.) precursor and N.O. is a key element in the first phases of the erection process.   Viagra (1/4 of 100mg tab) would also help because it inhibits PDE5 which kind of stops the process that N.O. starts.  PDE5 incidentally is only found in the the penis so it is specific to that area.  Keep in mind that all of this may help the strength of your erections but the intent is to just increase routine or periodic blood flow.
There are a few things that can generally depress blood flow.  One is several antihistamines that unstuff the nose by constricting blood vessels.  The also counteract the effects of injectable ED drugs.  In the case of pripism caused by an injected ED drug, the first line of defense is to take 2 sudafed.  Second line of defense is to inject neosenepherine (sp), so stay away from these things. They actually attach to adrenalin receptors and constrict blood vessels much like an adrenalin surge (fight or flight syndrome).  Anxiety and stress can also produces adrenalin and constrict blood vessels (and kill erections).

Finally, be aware that low blood pressure can be exacerbated by things that dilate the blood vessels so if you have low blood pressure proceed with caution.

Hope this helps!

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks Hawk.  I really appreciate that.  Starting up on L-Arginine again is probably a good idea.  I was on it before when I was doing the Viagra/Pentox/L-Arg stack per doctor's orders.

As for Viagra, I'm wondering if Horny Goat Weed is a good sub here.  From my understanding it's also a PDE-5 inhibitor.  I think it needs to be taken in much larger quantities than Viagra (I seem to recall that 10 capsules of HGW is about the equivalent to 25 mg of Viagra) though and I'm not sure if that's safe in the long term.  Also, I'm trying as much as possible to stay "natural" these days which is why HGW appeals to me relative to Viagra but if that's a non-sensible mindset please let me know. :)

Finally, I am wondering about stuff like massage as it's fairly well-established that massage assists with blood flow and circulation.  I've never really come across much about massage for the groin/inner-thigh area which is probably due to the fact that most reputable massage therapists never touch that area.  However, it seems like if encouraging blood flow/circulation in this region is important then all of us should be engaged in some form of this massage on a regular basis.


you'd probably need a high potency extract of HGW to see an effect


I used 500 mg doses of HGW (I later noticed after reading the label more carefully that TWO capsules equaled 500 mg of HGW). So, for me, 2 caps equaled 5 mg of Viagra, and so 20 capsules would equal 50 mg of Viagra. Pharmacologically, I did not find it quite equivalent, but that many caps did give me a Viagra-like effect. Side effects were worse in order (worst to least): Viagra, Cialis, HGW.

I managed to purchase some Cialis in bulk online and like it much more.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Standard potency for HGW, by the way, is 10% icariin.  Icariin being the active ingredient in HGW.  I think I would avoid anything claiming a higher potency than that because you really don't know how they are extracting the icariin and the extraction process itself can introduce toxicities.  This concentration and purification process really becomes a pharmaceutical process and it should be left to the expertise of reputable drug companies, not supplement manufacturers whose expertise and resources on a bio-science level tend to be much more limited.  - George


First of all, excuse my english. I'm not natural english speaker.

I'm form Spain. I use to read some post in this forum and I have found it very useful, and supporting.

I have something like peyronies since 2008 spring.

First I started to have painful erections, and then my penis create an upward curve.

I found in a Spanish Peyronies Disease's forum a woman who explain a "solution" for Peyronies Disease. It came from Natural medicine.

She said that with red argile or "clay"  cataplasm made with malva florer boiled water, the hourgass deformity and the plaque dissapears in 1 or 2 months.
Once made the argile or "clay" cataplasm, it must be placed arround the penis where the plaque is, during all night.
No metalic or plastic things must be used to made the argile. A rag can be used to surrond the penis during all nigth.

And take E vitamin with all tocopherol's gamma.

It's safe and cheap, so I done it for 2 months.

3 months after, the doctor did me a penie echography. I was the first time that my penis been ecographyated, but the doctor says that no calcified plaque, no pre-liquid bag or something similar were found, 8 months after I have my first painful erection.

I stil have a 52 degrees upward curve, but the next step is to do massages with aloe vera and
calendule oil.

Here you can find this post:

I Hope i can help people w/ hourglass deformity. She said that her man reached it using these technique in 2 months, and I think I have erased my plaque, and now is the time to gain elasticity to my tunica albuginea.



Yes Ralf3, Malva is the name of a flower. The blue one.

I use plastic, yes. People said that the red clay loose properties but sicerely, I can't find another way to surround it to my penis.

In Spain, red argile or clay 3 euros 1/2 kg. (Enought for 2 monts)
Malva flower 1 euro 1 bag. (Enought for 2 months)

I use it every night for 2 monyhs, and then, in a penile ecography, the doctor did'nt find calcifications, disordered colagen bag or something like this.

Another man (his wife) post also this results. In 2 months the hourglass deformity dissapeared, and the plaque can't be founded.

I hope you improve!
Please tell us if you found it useful. No problem if you want to ask me more


Welcome Danim!

The results you offer are very interesting. There is another possibility, though.

1) Pain usually goes away. Thus, it may be that your pain would have gone away anyway.

2) Calcification usually comes late. Thus, it may be that you would not yet have calcification anyway.

3) The curve is no different from your report.

Thus, it is possible that you have done nothing different than what one would see with taking just the vitamin E.

I think this is not likely to work, or to work for many people, because the ability of anything to go through the skin and to soak deeper into the tunica, is very difficult. The blood to the skin would carry away most chemicals (of any sort - natural or not). Only with something to drive the chemical deeper such as iontophoresis or DMSO, would we expect something put onto the skin to get deep into the penis.

I recommend that you keep searching and working for improvement as you are doing. The VED should be started soon.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


Has anyone heard of or tried  a device called peloop?

It uses Germanium, Tourmaline and Magnets to stimulate bloodflow to the penis. The maker of the product claims it will generate cellgrowth and result in a larger penis. I'm not sure if I believe that, but can anyone with a scientific background go to the Website to look at his claims about how the magnet will affect bloodflow and the cells of the penis.  

The device cost $40, which is not that much. I know it won't replace traction or VED usage, both of which I use, but if it works on the blood as he says it does the peloop can be a great way to keep a beneficial flow of blood going.

I imagine that it works much in the same way the wrist magnets do. I'm looking forward to your responses, especially from forum members with medical and science backgrounds.




Trust me, this is trash science (actually no science) and snake oil extraordinaire. Magnets do not spin blood cells.

After spouting utter trash they fill up their page with such obvious remarks as blood is the difference between a flap of skin between your legs and a hard healthy cock.  Needles to say that is obvious but it has nothing to do with magnets or ions.  They sell what is nothing more than a constriction ring also known as a cock ring which will probably trap blood in your penis like any constriction ring or band.

I disabled your link to the product because links boost a page in search engines.  This is not a site we wish to promote.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Thanks Hawk,

I'm glad you set me straight. I actually did some research on the product after I posted to the forum and all of the comments or consumer reviews were negative.


Guys, this is not the oral treatment topic.  I move all the pentox posts to that topic.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



I tried to find some info on this forum about Physion, but I couldn't find anyone who actually used it. From what I understand, it must be used in conjunction with verapamil injections.

More info can be found here:

Anyone used this?



If you use the forum search to search iontophoresis, I am sure you will find information here.  Tim, Combackid and others here have us iontophoresis which is what physion sells.  It is used with verapamil cream but not injections.  The concept is to draw the verapamil into the tissue with a very small electrical current.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



I actually saw pictures of it coupled with a needle...not sure if I'm right though..TV is obviously garbage..


Click on "Search" on our menu bar.  type in physion

then be sure to check "Show results as messages"

do the same thin with ionto

Often it is abbreviated in forum discussion.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


It uses Verapamil solution, not cream. An electric current causes the charged molecules to pass through the skin and to an unknown depth - hopefully into the tunica. I had mixed results. It did not help my longstanding disease, but when I had an acute injury during sex a couple of years ago and developed a 45 degree bend to the left within 3 days, I hit it hard with iontophoresis driven verapamil, and it went away.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


I'm on old man 3 cy. with good resalts.Grand son cut forhead pretty bad after surgery  hild surgeon gave him cream to rub on it for 3 time a day said it would help sherink scar? He still has scar but not as bad as it was so how no?


Old Man,
Interesting. Not only can we not get our penis in such a machine, but also the Peyronies scar is not externally accessible. I have to wonder how much the cocoa butter also helped.

I've rubbed vitamin on external skin scars also with great success, but vitamin E did nothing for my Peyronies. Just another indication that the word "scar" is defined broadly and we should be cautious about comparing Peyronies scarring with something like a cut through our epidermis.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


I dunno Old Man... about this access issue.

You could get a "therapist" to rub cocoa butter on your penis vigorously for fifteen minutes a day, but it might get you in hot water with your wife, and the police. I think they call that prostitution  ::)

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


In regard to the current conversation.  One can discuss access at length, but there are so many other variables at play here that it boggles the mind.  Things like, for example, when you are talking about different tissues, you are talking about differing levels of oxygenation and blood supply.  This can potentially alter reaction to external stimulus as to whether it can achieve a tipping point of making things better.  Other things would be the question of whether or not the condition is in an active state or a stable state and what level of immune activity is going on within the scar.  There there is the degree of damage, in other words the density of the scarring in question.  A scar could be thick, but not very dense, henceforth more amenable to massage.  On the other hand it could be very thin, but also very dense and perhaps irreversible by any means.  Other factors could be differences from person to person in terms of surrounding metabolic environment.  But Freddie aside, I have seen no convincing evidence that massage and ointments can cure or even be of significant help for Peyronie's.  But Old Man is right, it might feel good.  And Tim is also right in that you had better be careful how far you take it.  - George



George999, Oldman, Tim468 posting and stroking each other every day here.   You guys are pathetic.  

Quote from: George999 on March 01, 2009, 11:19:51 AM
In regard to the current conversation.  One can discuss access at length, but there are so many other variables at play here that it boggles the mind.  Things like, for example, when you are talking about different tissues, you are talking about differing levels of oxygenation and blood supply.  This can potentially alter reaction to external stimulus as to whether it can achieve a tipping point of making things better.  Other things would be the question of whether or not the condition is in an active state or a stable state and what level of immune activity is going on within the scar.  There there is the degree of damage, in other words the density of the scarring in question.  A scar could be thick, but not very dense, henceforth more amenable to massage.  On the other hand it could be very thin, but also very dense and perhaps irreversible by any means.  Other factors could be differences from person to person in terms of surrounding metabolic environment.  But Freddie aside, I have seen no convincing evidence that massage and ointments can cure or even be of significant help for Peyronie's.  But Old Man is right, it might feel good.  And Tim is also right in that you had better be careful how far you take it.  - George


"McBaba" - why are you here - again?

Trolls are not well tolerated here because, although we goof a bit, and joke around sometimes, this forum serves a purpose. It provides support (and sometimes humor) to men with Peyronie's Disease. I doubt that you have it, or if you do, that you are here for any positive purpose. You have posted twice about "anti-tnf trials" (there are none currently being done vis-a-vis Peyronie's Disease), so it appears that you have a more than passing interest in this subject.

And yet, you come in and flame and taunt. Why would that be? To what end? What grudge do you bear?

I ask, but frankly, am not that interested in the answer. I am interested in hearing what smart things that you have to say, but not much in the snarky things. I guess we could ban you, but I find it better to see if we can find a way to engage someone who is chronically angry to contribute. You seem to love ballet dance videos on YouTube, so I see that you are not negative about everything. Why not bring to us your best, instead of your weakest words?

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.



Tim stated it well and certainly does not need my input but here it is for free.  You have made 4 posts all of which are full of inaccurate and often foolish comments that are totally off topic to the conversation.  You have violated rules by posting large quotes rather than specific quotes and then addressing those points.  You are also pushing rules by tending to attack individuals rather than issues.  After 4 posts there is no indication of why you are even on a Peyronies Disease forum.

Unless your next posts show you to be something other than a random troublemaker with no ties to Peyronies Disease, and with no interest in support or education, you WILL BE banned.

You have been formally warned and your PM capacity is restricted to 1 message so you must keep them deleted if you want to get messages
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: McBaba on March 29, 2009, 07:50:26 PM

George999, Oldman, Tim468 posting and stroking each other every day here.   You guys are pathetic.  

Each one of those members has contributed a great deal to this forum. They aren't "stroking each other" , there is simply a mutual understanding that we are a community where contributions are valued. Maybe you should take the same approach, rather than needlessly sniping at people.


Quote from: Tim468 on March 29, 2009, 09:32:46 PM
"McBaba" - why are you here - again?

Trolls are not well tolerated here because, although we goof a bit, and joke around sometimes, this forum serves a purpose. It provides support (and sometimes humor) to men with Peyronie's Disease. I doubt that you have it, or if you do, that you are here for any positive purpose. You have posted twice about "anti-tnf trials" (there are none currently being done vis-a-vis Peyronie's Disease), so it appears that you have a more than passing interest in this subject.

And yet, you come in and flame and taunt. Why would that be? To what end? What grudge do you bear?

I ask, but frankly, am not that interested in the answer. I am interested in hearing what smart things that you have to say, but not much in the snarky things. I guess we could ban you, but I find it better to see if we can find a way to engage someone who is chronically angry to contribute. You seem to love ballet dance videos on YouTube, so I see that you are not negative about everything. Why not bring to us your best, instead of your weakest words?



What the hell are you talking about.  Ballet videos on youtube?  That kind of unsubstantiated talk can get you banned Tim.  I work for a software co. I can do internet searches with better efficiency than you.  There are no youtube ballet videos.  See the petty gossip you started tim.    

I think Baba is saying that your thread was very weak.  I read the thread that Baba refers to.  You, george and oldman going back and forth as a form of social recreation mostly.    

I am a new member here and I noticed many reserected topics that seem to be made for what?  So you can come here and have something to post everyday?  Give it a break tim.  No one is forcing you to post here every day.    Why don't you go do some research tim, find a potentially new treatment option, and then post about that.  Otherwise tim, you seem to be diluting the quality of information here.


Please, mo.

I won't do you the disservice to assume you're McBaba using the common troll trick of forming a new user ID to "back up" the old user's trolling. That's what it seems like, but I'll assume you really feel the way you do.

Tim, Old Man and others DISCUSS things and try to form a dialectic about this disease to better understand it. Sometimes we all engage in a little navel-gazing from time to time, but it's in the interests of a greater good.

Your posts have so far offered nothing of interest. I wouldn't think Hawk was being authoritarian in banning you (probably for the 2nd time). I will be ignoring everything you post from now on, and I suggest if you have a problem with other posters you do the same rather than trying to antagonize them.


I spotte this is my local supermarket last week and I wondered to myself whether it'd be better for peyronie's than the oral version. Of course it's no miracle medicine, and not something a person would stay on for longer than a couple of weeks, but for those in the initial stages of peyronie's I wonder if it could be of use?


Quote from: Tim468 on March 29, 2009, 09:32:46 PM
I am interested in hearing what smart things that you have to say, but not much in the snarky things...You seem to love ballet dance videos on YouTube, so I see that you are not negative about everything.
Tim it appears to me you stuck your foot in your own mouth.  You protest "snarky things" and in the same breath (you) post a snarky comment.  

According to the the society's rules this thread is to being continued in the forum; General Comments (that won't fit under any of our other topics),54.msg19299.html#msg19299




when the same person posts exactly the same garbage over and over under different names to try to get noticed.  Its getting a little bit boring.


Quote from: George999 on April 09, 2009, 05:34:26 PM
when the same person posts exactly the same garbage over and over under different names to try to get noticed.  Its getting a little bit boring.

I don't recall reading about topical ibuprofen over and over in this thread.  It doesn't seem boring to me.  Topical, avoids taxing the liver and gets right to the sight of the injury.  Good post newguy.

Quote from: newguy on April 02, 2009, 10:08:47 AM

I spotte this is my local supermarket last week and I wondered to myself whether it'd be better for peyronie's than the oral version. Of course it's no miracle medicine, and not something a person would stay on for longer than a couple of weeks, but for those in the initial stages of peyronie's I wonder if it could be of use?


skeptical - Thanks. It was just something that occured to me as potentially useful. Just to add, that if you want to play a meaningful role here, then I think everyone would welcome you. You must not create multiple usernames though, or attack forum members, or make duplicate posts. We need to keep things friendly around here and be at least somewhat optimistic about the future.


Nice state. Has good service providers - Comcast and Illinois Century Network (the latter serves schools) give good service.

Not too hard to see when someone is changing names and IPs to flame others.

Skeptical/mo - why do you let me into your head rent-free at all?
52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


I will look for topical ibuprofin on line.  I like the direct approach.  Thank you for making me feel welcome.  

As for "attacking form members,"  lets face it, someone had to call tim out on the carpet for his rude and gossipy comments.  And since McBaba has not been back here to defend his post, (some people don't feel the need to check this site every day), I am speaking up for the post he expressed.  I am not speaking for him as it were.  

A handfull of posters show their kitty cat claws on the pages here because others posted a strong difference of opinion.  Speaking for myself, I don't couch my language with touchy feely terms.  If you want touch feely, go on Oprah.  In fact I am going to post a new topic under General Comments (that won't fit under any of our other topics).  Would any member here be willing to go on Oprah Winfrey and talk about peyronies disorder?  
Quote from: newguy on April 09, 2009, 07:31:35 PM

skeptical - Thanks. It was just something that occured to me as potentially useful...I think everyone would welcome you...We need to keep things friendly around here and at least somewhat optimistic about the future.




Listen closely,  You run nothing here!  You have got an awakening coming if you think you are going to show up and start telling members what to post, how often to post, or "call them out.  If you or anyone has problems with the members on this forum you can address it to me or a moderator.  If you do not like how the forum is run , the rules, or how the rules are administered then feel free leave and seek support or stir up trouble elsewhere.

I speak for the VAST majority of this forum when I tell you that Tim's contributions in his single worst post have far surpassed all of your combined posts, as well as those of McBaba, and MO who you take it upon yourself to represent.  Evidence suggests there is good reason for you to see their point of view.

While you are refreshing our minds on the forum guidelines, I suggest you note the automatic ban rule that applies to anyone that double registers.  

Your standing here is conditional on a behavior change.  Me, the Advisory Board, and the members overwhelmingly reject your demeanor.  You will be in a warning group until such time that you display an intent to learn, seek support, or share valuable information, rather than displaying an agenda of confrontation, disruption, and general rudeness.

As a member with an official warning you can have no more than 1 private message in your box or you will be unable to receive more. You are restricted from the member roster and other areas of the form.  You will have your warning status displayed under your name as a non-voting member.

It is expected that this status will be changed to either a normal voting member or a banned member depending on your conduct.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums