sexual pleasure after ED

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I am asking partly out of curiosity and partly out of fear of developing venous leakage from peyronie's disease:

I've heard that guys who cannot get erections can still have orgasms and ejaculate with a soft penis.  I'm wondering if it still feels as good it does with a full erection.  Do you still enjoy masturbating as much as you used to?  Does it take longer than it used to?  What does it feel like to become very aroused but not get an erection?  To me the two are basically inseparable, so I wonder if not getting an erection makes you feel less aroused.  

I know personally that I have orgasmed with a less than full erection before and it usually is not as satisfying as orgasming with a full erection.  Obviously I hope that sex and masturbation will still be enjoyable after erectile dysfunction but I'm hoping for truthful answers.  Does erectile dysfunction really mean you can't enjoy sex anymore or does it just change things or make less enjoyable?  It seems like if you can still orgasm then if you can get around the negative psychological feelings and you have an accepting partner you could still have a good sex life.  



To your questions, from my own experience. Others may have different experience.
QuoteI'm wondering if it still feels as good it does with a full erection
No, is not. With a full erection I had much more enjoyable ejaculations.
Quoteyou could still have a good sex life
Yes, but with some limits because the shorter and not strong enough penis.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I have found that orgasms are not as enjoyable and take longer to achieve. However, since I have started my VED protocol and added supplements to my diet, I have been able to achieve more erections of greater hardness and experienced something akin to an orgasm of old. A work in progress, for me.


Gentlemen- I think orgasms are relative and what we get after time,becomes the "new normal". I have full scale ED since prostatectomy 4 years ago and a side effect "thru me the curve" of peyronies. I never get an erection without the VED. I can orgasm flaccid or hard. Sometimes really good and sometime half baked. After 4 years these are the only the orgasms I can remember. And so it goes. It seems to trim my loins and my libido is taken care of twice a week. Regards Inkhorn



A question: Did you libido stay constant through out the process for you? I'm fine with orgasms being different, but if I can' get excited about sex then the VED, Cialis, etc does me no good.


Arcadia- I can't say my libido was constant through it all, but I was driven to have what we called practice sex, to see if it would ever work again. Remember my ED was a result of prostatectomy, peyronies came later a side effect of that operation. My libido now is like a very young man because I do testosterone. It's kind of ironic, cause I want to get laid all the time, but have to pump it up to make it happen. But it's the only game in town. Regards Inkhorn


Wow! How different my experience is!

First of all my ED was immediate and total because it was not from Peyronies Disease it was from prostate cancer surgery.  I seriously doubt if anyone ever had a more reliable erection than I did.  Even as I got into my 50's I could often have more than one orgasm without losing an erection in between them.  I could always continue intercourse after orgasm even if it was only to satisfy my wife.

So that is how things were an hour before surgery.  My wife and I really felt if any human could overcome post op ED it would be me.  Even though I had nerve sparing surgery, one hour after surgery and for at least 2 month following I could not have gotten even a little bit of fulness in my penis if I had 4 women seducing me.  Words will NEVER convey the psychological impact of this sudden and total loss of what had always been with me from adolescence.  I too however heard that erection and orgasm have no real connection other than the fact that both are associated with stimulation.

When I put it to the test I can honestly say that for me the orgasm was so intense I could not have endure one that was stronger.  At first I thought sensitivity of sensation may have been increased because of traumatized internal tissue in the prostate bed but even years later my orgasms are at least as intense as ever and seem as intense regardless of whether I have an induced erection or not.

What does seem to limit the intensity somewhat is if I use a VED with a tight constriction ring.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I have to say that since I got Peyronies Disease my penis no longer has any feeling. I would never have imagined becoming impotent at this stage of my life with Viagra and such. Now, I can take 100mg of Viagra and it'll help a bit but it's really still a half baked erection. I have so much plaque build up that there is no place for blood to be stored. My tunica albagenia has been decimated.  


I understand how devastating this can be. Just understand that your Tunica is the tissue that surrounds your corpora chambers. And it is the chambers that fill with blood. So you could have other issues leading to your ED.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Thank you for your response. I'm not sure if I have other issues. I have a mild case of Peyronies Disease according to my Uro. However, lately I have lost all feeling where the sensitive nerves used to be. A kind of, numbness seems to have taken it's place. I wonder if anyone else has gone through a period of time where they lost the sensation. I'm hoping it isn't permanent. It has for the time being rendered me impotent.


I was 29 when I first got Peyronie's. My erectile functioning was fine, but for a long time I had diminished feeling in the glans; orgasms were much less intense, etc. It could have to do with placement of the scar tissue: mine is along located dorsally along the nerve bundle for the penis. This has improved somewhat over time as my inflammation has decreased. Also, it's possible that I am getting used to the diminished sensation. Sometimes in life it's hard to tell if things are less bad or you are just getting better at dealing with it ;)



There are many web sites you can explore concerning discovering your "new" sexuality without erections...or without erections hard enough for penetration.....The key is to have a loving caring non-judgemental partner...oral, manual stimulation, watching your partner use a vibrator can be a real turn on and actually be fun....I have had to learn to go with the flow although it's still a struggle..if I'm hard enough for penetration...fine...if not...that's fine too...I can still give and receive satisfaction through other avenues.....and believe it or not, I've come to really enjoy just cuddling naked with my partner caressing, etc.......It's worth the exploration believe me


Sklaldborg and DNBO,

I, too, am having lack of sensitivity with my glans. I am able to have decent erections with a variety of tools: injections, Cialis, VED, but the glans never gets hard enough for intercourse. Frankly, it is what is stopping my sex life. I had a case of priapism last January (long story) where the cavernsoum were rock hard, but the glans was soft and unresponsive. It's really freaking me out. Matt Foley found a link for something called Soft Glans syndrome, but there isn't a lot of case history. I feel that if my glans were more sensitive, I would be able get to the finish line. One thing that has worked, just once, was the Muse suppository. I used the 250mcg (smallest dose, I think) and while I didn't get very erect, the sensitivity came flooding back and I realized how much feeling I had lost. My uro's (Gelbard and Lue) don't have anything to say on the subject other than that is is a blood flow problem. I have tried to 500mcg twice to little effect, but they were samples from an endocrinologist that weren't kept refrigerated, even though it says clearly on the packaging to do so. I have two doses of the 1000mcg in my fridge that I am looking forward to trying. It might be something you guys could try.


Chris Overleaf

I'm using a pump and find it makes a big difference to my level of sensation which is, after all, pretty important! We can do all sorts of nice things to each other with our hands and fingers without me having a full erection, and both end up having orgasms, but my problem is that I lose sensation and so hardness when I'm inside her. The pump does help though, but I worry that my 'sexuality' is a diminishing pool.. and one that I love bathing in so will keep pumping away. Good luck with increasing the pleasure!      


It felt bad when you cant perform more in bed as you expected. Some of my friends shared with me there wife are not happy with them even they are doing oral sex. Their sexual desire is getting low now and its affecting sexual life.
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