DMSO, DMSO based Solutions and TOPICAL Treatments

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Has anyone here tried DMSO with peyronie's disease?  I read this was something that can help it.  But i read you have to ask a doctor because its dangerous?  I know you are suppose to apply it to the penis but has anyone tried it?  I see they have this on amazon.  It seems to be a cream that you apply on yourself and it heals but there are some hazards of it.


Anyone here that use DMSO and had it work?


Quick,  READ the post immediately prior to your post.  DMSO is NOT totally safe.  There are far better and more effective treatments.  - George


For what it is worth, in Ryan Wellman's book on Peyronies he says Thacker formular or Jonathans wright's version of it is his number one recomended natural therapy.  

From what I hear here it does not seem to yield very good results.


Has anyone else read this article and watched the video by John Parks? I can't post links here, but Google "sexually healthy man peyroine" and you will find it.

He says he had success in treating Peyronie's using a three-phased combination approach of traction, supplements, and topical treatment with DMSO, Potassium Iodide, and vitamin E. He also states that he was in the acute phase.

I agree with the comments below that one should not use industrial grade DMSO. Dr. Jacob's lab (Google "dr jacobs labs") sells high quality DMSO. The transdermal quality of DMSO certainly makes it attractive to try to deliver a catalyst to the plaque.  


I just saw Park's introductory video. He claims he is cured. Cured can mean many different things. Not sure if that is 100% back to normal or well enough to have sex without pain.  He uses Vit E and SSKI with the DMSO which is what Dr. Jonathan Wright suggests.  

I once used DMSO for tendonitis about 15 yrs ago.  I recall getting the garlic taste in my mouth within 1 minute after applying it.

I did not use it for long becasue of all the warnings against human use.  I don't recall it doing much to help my issue.  Since I could taste it so quickly there is no doubt in my mind it is a very good carrier.

I will add, in some people SSKI can surpress the thryoid or give an allergic reaction so people should be careful. Gradually increase its use and observe for reactions.

His story is compelling and I will read more on the site.


I spent a little more time on John Parks's site:

In summary he used a traction device, oral supplements and a topical jell that is DMSO based simultaneously. I know the topic is DMSO based solutions so I will limit this post only to that and create a new thread to summarize his complete protocol.The topical jell is similar to Dr. Wright's formular and is as follows.

70% DMSO gel with alovera.  "Size of a Dime" amount
Topical Vit E - He cuts open one liquid capsule of Vit E and applys it to the penis.  I assume it is 400 iu's as that is a very common value in a gel cap.  He does not state what brand, type or amount of Vit E. Just one capslule.
SSKI- super saturated potasium Iodide. 2 drops.

As a side note Wright's formular is a 50/50 mixtue of DMSO to SSKI.  (IMHO that would be alot of potasium iodide or very very little DMSO)

Parks also says this formular works good on reducing scars.

It does seem this is more convenient to use than  "Thackers Solution" which uses Castor oil/DMSO solution soaked in a flannel cloth and then suggests placing a heating pad over it.

Parks eye balls the amout of DMSO gel. Applys it directly to the penis along with the E and SSKI and massages in. It sounds easy. Not comment on how long to leave it on. However the standard comments about testing the skin for a reaction to the DMSO is there.

He does recommend specific brands of SSKI and DMSO to use and has direct links to purchase them on Amazon.  

Parks states he was cured in about a year of dilligently following this protocol.


Thanks for your thoughts and comments, goodluck.

I researched using Serratiopeptidase (Serrapeptase) combined with DMSO to deliver it. There was a study done (not specifically for Peyronie's, but for successful transdermal application) and it did work with DMSO. This restriction on posting URLs is a bit maddening, but I understand why it's done. If you google "Topical Formulations of Serratiopeptidase: Development and Pharmacodynamic Evaluation" you should find the study on the  NIH web site.

I just started taking the supplements used by Parks. I also mixed 90 percent Jacob's DMSO liquid with the contents of the serrapeptase capsule and applied it to the plaque and surrounding area. I know it's risky, but I'm desperate! I will report on progress (or not) in the coming weeks.

Another thought on DMSO: years ago when I had a very stiff shoulder, a friend gave me some intended for use on animals. It did help, but I noticed the garlic taste almost immediately. With the Dr. Jacob's brand I do not notice any garlic taste.


No,Why don't you take advice of your doctor first?



Let us know how it is working for you.  

I know many here don't think too highly of topical applications but that should not keep you from tying.

You have to try some different approaches if nothing is working for you.  

I was unaware about any restrictions on positng URL's . I am sorry if I pissed anyone off.  Thanks for bringing it to my attenion.




Do what you have to do.List resources everything.One of the rules of.this forum is not to use numbers I'm your user name.That he not stopped anybody using numbers.I think the most important thing is to keep things civil and keep curse words to a minimum.

Yeah topical remedys are not very popular it falls into the catagory like shock wave and laser treatment. Basically a rediculous remedy that has no weight.



Quote from: Pfree on August 09, 2011, 06:53:06 PM
Thanks for your thoughts and comments, goodluck.

I researched using Serratiopeptidase (Serrapeptase) combined with DMSO to deliver it. There was a study done (not specifically for Peyronie's, but for successful transdermal application) and it did work with DMSO. This restriction on posting URLs is a bit maddening, but I understand why it's done. If you google "Topical Formulations of Serratiopeptidase: Development and Pharmacodynamic Evaluation" you should find the study on the  NIH web site.

I just started taking the supplements used by Parks. I also mixed 90 percent Jacob's DMSO liquid with the contents of the serrapeptase capsule and applied it to the plaque and surrounding area. I know it's risky, but I'm desperate! I will report on progress (or not) in the coming weeks.

Another thought on DMSO: years ago when I had a very stiff shoulder, a friend gave me some intended for use on animals. It did help, but I noticed the garlic taste almost immediately. With the Dr. Jacob's brand I do not notice any garlic taste.

Good luck with that. I think I would want to try something like this before VI injections. DMSO is definitely known for a great carrier deep into the tissues, how far and how exactly it works, I have no idea. How could it hurt though? Could the DMSO cause scarring on the tunica? The last thing you want to do is cause more damage. And without proper guidence from doctors or studies, there is a chance you might cause more damage.

Chances are it won't do anything. And you could fluke out and actually "cure" yourself. Because using DMSO you have a good chance at doing something.  Just make sure you don't use too much and burn yourself or something crazy like that. Go slow and make a solid plan to follow through with. And study each ingredient very throughly before slapping it on your johnson.

Any updates?


It's been awhile since you posted this question. But there's another big thread on DMSO in the ALternative treatments section.

Here's the link:,39.0.html



What if you use dmso as a delivery and add veraprimil cream?



Hey Fubar,

Veraprimil is a vasodilator which is great for opening up the vessels and supplying more oxygen to tissue. The DMSO is awesome for penetrating the skin barrier, which combined with the veraprimil would allow it to do it's magic. DMSO is really good too because it does not damage the tissues... so they say...

It could be worth a try but I just don't know much about it and whether it even has a chance to help peyronies because your dealing with scar tissue. I'd say this kind of a topical could have a chance with an acute case of Peyronies Disease in the beginning stages of inflammation, which is why I'm so intrested in it.


The problem I see here is that verapamil *cream* is *not* pure verapamil.  It contains other ingredients *not* intended to penetrate the skin, ingredients that just might be *toxic* if transported trans dermally.  Thus I would be *very* cautious with something like this.  - George


Check out our verapamil study.  Theres no studies showing verapamil even does anything to help peyronies.  As far as I'm concerned its about as good as rubbing butter on your penis.  I think the verapamil debate has been over for a long time.  Pentox does work though.



Thanks for your comments, ComeBacKid, could you please tell me where the verapamil study is located that you mentioned?

On a related note, I went to a second urologist today. The first one was a "high power" urologist on "K" street in Washington, DC, late-thirties, whom I went to in June. He palpated the plaque for a few seconds then grabbed his prescription pad and scribbled quickly while brusquely saying, "Peyronie's Disease, look it up on the internet!" I was taken aback, but I continued to explain I have had some other inflammatory issues recently and I wondered if there was any correlation. "No!" was his answer. Jack Ass. So, urologist number two today was quite different. After examining it, he commented that the plaque was pretty large (it's about 5/8 inch wide and maybe a 3/16 deep or a little more). When I went to the first urologist in June, it was a third that size. So much for being proactive about one's health.

Anyway, he said there can be a connection to other inflammatory disorders. He explained that the scar tissue of dupuytren's contracture is identical to peyronie's when examined under microscope. I don't have dupuytren's contracture, but it is interesting to note. About two weeks before I noticed that beginning of the plaque, I developed a very odd skin rash called pityriasis rosea whose cause is not completely understood. It is a benign auto-immune disorder, and the same week I noticed the plaque I also developed strange swelling in several finger joints. I was diagnosed with sub-clinical hypothyroidism and have since began taking medication. (3 months ago.) I went to a rheumatologist and tests revealed none of the inflammatory markers for arthritis. It all really makes a person wonder if these things are related.

This doctor is conservative in that he does not recommend injections for fear of inciting even more inflammation. So, he prescribed colchicine which is a medication against gout, an anti-inflammatory. Long story short to this posting, I am going to try colchicine and Verapimil and use DMSO with the Verapimil to attempt to penetrate the barrier of the bucks fascia and the tunica albuginea. From the comments I've seen so far, I'm not very persuaded that it will help. I forgot to ask the doctor about using DMSO and mixtures of supplements like serrapeptase. I doubt that he would approve of high quality DMSO since it is not FDA approved. I started the John Park regime a week ago, and it is too early to tell. The plaque does feel a bit smaller, but I won't make a sure statement until I can definitively say so. It seems to change almost day-to-day.

Good luck guys, and let me know your thoughts.



I have a TENS unit (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) for pain relief on my shoulder. It works, and I recently tried placing the electrodes on and around the plaque. It is not easy to situate, and I wouldn't want to walk around outside of home with it attached, but it definitely has helped with the pain. I googled this and could not find many entries regarding it's use.

I notice that there is an archived thread about using a TENS unit for www DOT peyroniesforum DOT net FRONTSLASH index.php?topic=26.100 for iontophoresis (using a small electrical charge to deliver medicine transdermally). I don't think the TENS unit is designed for this, not sure, but it would be interesting to try delivering DMSO and medicines using this technique. Does anyone know anything about this?




I'll have to admit, you are gutsy.

I don't think you will hear alot of feedback about this, I've been reading the forums for a year now and not once have seen a thread about using TENS on Peyronies Disease. I don't see how using a TENS unit could possible help Peyronies Disease. What are you hoping using the TENS unit could accomplish? Blast the scar tissue into a million pieces so the body could get rid of it and then grow a fresh tunica in its place?  


Thanks crashbandit. I think I'm more desperate than gutsy.

I've noticed since I've used it that I haven't had the pain so I think it is working in this respect. I'm curious about the effective delivery of transdermal medications and wonder if a TENS unit could facilitate it. I did some more research and found that the iontophoresis unit is direct current and is not the same as the TENS. I don't expect the TENS to blast the plaque to pieces, although I sure wish it would!


George999, you have a very good point about Verapimil and DMSO. I read that the Transdermal Verapamil 15% Gel is a compound, and depending on what the other ingredients are, it might be toxic, or certainly less than optimal. I have a very limited knowledge of chemistry, but my understanding is that molecular weight is a critical factor in determining if DMSO can help effective transdermal application: if the molecular weight is too large, it cannot pass through the skin.  


The TENS unit is designed to provide a low stimulate to the nerve endings in your skin and essentially will mask the pain. It does not take the pain away and I don't see how it could possibly help with with remolding the scar tissue.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Quote from: Life Extension Despite decades of research and thousands of studies attesting to its health-promoting properties, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) remains virtually unknown to the medical professional and the public.

Full Article

Its an old article, but still has significance.  - George


What do you think about infiltrations of cortisone?
What are your experiences?


Cortisone has actually been tested on Peyronie's and results were not good for some reason.  It never worked out well.   - George


cortisone is a steroid anti inflammatory which also act as a immuno modulator. Every medicals experiences with cortisone failed to improve the condition.
Injecting steroid hormones (testosterone) led to total disaster like necrosis.

I try topical dexamethasone in the inflammatory phase with no effect.


Below is some more interesting info on DMSO from Dr. Shillington who runs the Herbal Remedy Yahoo Group.  There is more on the group for those who have interest in diving deeper. Interesting that he highly recommends against using DMSO that comes in plastic packaging as it will eat through it. Personally I had DMSO in a plasitc roll-on type of packaging for 10 plus years in my closet and did not notice anything to that effect.  That said, it is probally still good advice and you do have to respect its carrying and penetrating abilities.


DMSO is Dimethylsulfoxide and is processed from pine trees.  Commercial grade is used as a solvent and works wonderfully that way.  The pharmaceutical grade has been used very successfully with Down Syndrome children, Cancer patients, glaucoma, cataracts, and just about any other ill we humans have mocked up.  It is a catalyst second to none as it has the ability to permeate any cell wall existing, including bone and external eye tissue.  You can put a drop on your big toe and taste it in your mouth in anywhere from 8 to 12 seconds.  Amazing stuff.  One of its greatest characteristics is the ability to take herbal biochemicals with it when it passes through these cell walls.  This gets the 'goodies' where they are needed fast.  It also happens to be a free radical fighter without peer and bonds to free radical hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon atoms and neutralizes them instantly.  Most exciting to me is that it also happens to help realign DNA back to the original blueprint.

The above are the main reasons it is in my anti-plague formulation.  There are over 75 different sulfur compounds in Garlic which is a main ingredient in the Total Tonic Formula.  Garlic is "Nature's antibiotic" and used with the DMSO will get in there and knock off bacteria, viruses, and fungi at a tremendous rate.

You should be able to get the USP Pharmaceutical Grade at your local drug store or possibly at your local Heathfood store.  If you can't, give me a call or e-mail me privately.  A lot of "healthfood stores" carry a very inferior brand in plastic.  Do not buy this type.  DMSO will eventually dissolve plastic over a long period of time.  The USP Pharmaceutical grade is stored in brown glass with either a teflon or wax top.  This is the variety that is used by the Sierra Clinic to inject into Down Syndrome children to correct that condition.

Hope this helps.



Copyright (c) 2001 by Ian 'Doc' Shillington.  All rights reserved.

Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D.


I've had great results with diclofenac 10% in plo kit. Diclofenac is an anitinflammatory and it has totally halted my penis pain... Whether it causes more damage then not in the long run is another question. Celebrex worked great too for myself but burnt my stomach up badly, this topical stuff has not done that. I mentioned to the Uro about me using Diclofenac and he didn't say it was bad but didn't really say anything about it either.

I rub alittle of it on my troublesome left side of the penis shaft and it works fast, like 10 minutes. Just make sure to wash it off before intercourse. I'm sure it tastes horrible, not that I had to find that out the hard way  ;D (sorry ladies if you had to read that)



Hi Pfree
Your last post regarding TENS was in August. Did you continue with the TENS for your Peyronie's? Have some results you can update the forum?
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Well I personnally think the approach is not so bad after all.
I once read a study about ionto (cant find it any more) saying that they had similar results using verapimil plus something and a placebo. vs no treatment at all.
Conclusion: the electric stimulation was more effective than the drug. (although the results were very limited in all cases - something like 7% working out better in the groups having iontophoresis vs 0% in the group having nothing)
So probably (but thats only my idea) the electric stimulation could be  doing something



I wish to begin with application of dht gel.
it's an attempt.

Are there experiences in this forum about that?


I tried it, but didn't give it a chance to do anything.  I thought it was making my hair fall out so I stopped using it.  The hair loss may have been real or imagined, but I got scared and haven't gone back to trying it again.



Your last post regarding TENS was in August. Did you continue with the TENS for your Peyronie's? Have some results you can update the forum?


You can watch a drop of DMSO disappear.  In fact you can taste DMSO within seconds of getting it on your hand.  


I apologize for not replying sooner. Unfortunately, I stopped using the TENS unit after several weeks, so I can't say with certainty that it made any difference. I am tempted to start again, it is not exactly convenient to setup every day or other day. If I start again, I will definitely post an update.



Quote from: goodluck on September 23, 2011, 04:47:33 PM
Below is some more interesting info on DMSO from Dr. Shillington who runs the Herbal Remedy Yahoo Group.  That said, it is probally still good advice and you do have to respect its carrying and penetrating abilities.

DMSO is Dimethylsulfoxide and is processed from pine trees.  Commercial grade is used as a solvent and works wonderfully that way.  The pharmaceutical grade has been used very successfully with Down Syndrome children, Cancer patients, glaucoma, cataracts, and just about any other ill we humans have mocked up.  It is a catalyst second to none as it has the ability to permeate any cell wall existing, including bone and external eye tissue.  You can put a drop on your big toe and taste it in your mouth in anywhere from 8 to 12 seconds.  Amazing stuff.  One of its greatest characteristics is the ability to take herbal biochemicals with it when it passes through these cell walls.  This gets t happens to be a free radical fighter without peer and bonds to free radical hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon atoms and neutralizes them instahe 'goodies' where they are needed fast.  It alsontly.  Most exciting to me is that it also happens to help realign DNA back to the original blueprint.

The above are the main reasons it is in my anti-plague formulation.
 There are over 75 different sulfur compounds in Garlic which is a main ingredient in the Total Tonic Formula.  Garlic is "Nature's antibiotic" and used with the DMSO will get in there and knock off bacteria, viruses, and fungi at a tremendous rate.

You should be able to get the USP Pharmaceutical Grade at your local drug store or possibly at your local Heathfood store.  If you can't, give me a call or e-mail me privately.  A lot of "healthfood stores" carry a very inferior brand in plastic.  Do not buy this type.  DMSO will eventually dissolve plastic over a long period of time.  The USP Pharmaceutical grade is stored in brown glass with either a teflon or wax top.  This is the variety that is used by the Sierra Clinic to inject into Down Syndrome children to correct that condition.


I consider the sections of the above quote in italics and underline (by me) to at best have no clinical evidence and at worst to be the babble of a snake oil salesman.

Just as importantly is what it does not say.  DMSO's ability to transport a substance is entirely dependent on the molecular weight of that substance.  It will transport toxins, pollutants, contaminants, dyes, and any other trace particles on the skin or cloth provided they have a low enough molecular weight.  You cannot target where the transported substance goes, how it is processed, metabolized, or where it accumulates once it passes through the skin into the tissues and surrounding bloodstream.  The DMSO you can taste seconds after putting it on your contaminated big toe or penis is obviously not in the tunica.

If you use this, do not forget to say "Hokus-Pokus" or "Abra Cadabra" at the exact moment that you apply it.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I have read about a few different solution using DMSO. One was DMSO,Castor Oil, Vit E.  Another was, DMSO, vinegar, castor oil. Any experiences or suggestions on this?



I am proposing you two things:
1. Read Reply #288 by Hawk
2. Read all the posts in this topic (I have done it) and you will understand Reply #288 by Hawk
I don't remember no one that get help from DMSO except making the pocket lighter 8)

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Thanks James. I have read alternative opinions. Apparently, the active ingredient in this formula is the castor oil. DMSO merely facilitates it's absorption. I think the total cost is relatively low, and I'm willing to try anything. It makes sense to me that anything that is applied directly to the affected area will, if it works, be far more efficient than any oral remedies. These may well help, and I already taken many of them. However, you must ask yourself, how much of what you are taking will be used elsewhere in the body instead of helping the Peyronie's.

Incidentally, I have been trying Jelqing for a couple of months and found, that for me, it has increased blood flow to the penis. I have also found, in my case, that some Testosterone boosting supplements have increased libido. The curvature remains, however.  


I've been using DMSO with PABA and MSM from this site:


I've used it 12 times now (12 days). And before that I used my own DMSO + SSKI 5 times or so.

My current penis is like this. My girth all down the right side has shrunken. And the same on the top/middle part of the left side, but not at bad at the bottom on the left side. I've gone down from 5" to 4.5" girth at the top/middle. And the bottom 5" to 4.75" girth, mainly because the bottom left side is better intact. However at the bottom it use to be 5", so I am still losing girth.

Most of my girth on the right side and left got lost when my peyronies these last 6 months, has been really aggravated by a myriad of things. Especially by smoking, which I have now quit, but sadly too late. But things like eating pork would also aggravate it. Pentox helped a lot, but I hated the brain fog and bad sleep it caused, so I dropped it.

Also my dick bends to the right, but not so much on full erection.

Anyway after doing this DMSO, amazingly the other day it seemed like my girth had increased somewhere along the penis. Even though the girth measurements basically stayed the same, and didn't show improvement. It seems like the left chamber of my penis had increased girth visually while the right remained the same. How do I know this? Well when I had 5" girth, at my full erection my foreskin would always pull back. Since I had gone down to 4.5" girth at the middle/top, and 4.75" girth bottom, my foreskin never pulls back on full erection. Well this day the foreskin kept pulling back on full erection, must have been the first time in a year or 2. But then again my measurements were still 4.5" top/middle, and 4.75" at the bottom. But my left chamber did look a lot bigger. Or somehow DMSO is making my skin tighter. But anyway this happened once a couple of days ago.

However today, my girth looks terrible flaccid, and I'm really scared. I'm dropping the DMSO, and going back to pentox. I had a semi erection, and my girth is bending more to the right, and is now going around the 4" mark!

I've took 10mg of cialis, and 800mg of pentox just now, and hopefully I'll be able to get a full erection I can measure. I don't really understand why 1 days my penis actually seems bigger one day, and the next, it's much worse than before. This has happened a lot though when it comes to my dick.

One thing I will say, using DMSO/PABA/MSM (DPM), or DMSO/SSKI (DS), is at first it seems like your penis gets better. For example when I started with DS my erections were hard and more frequent, caused more veins, and was like a topical natural viagra. But eventually my penis soft tissue felt sore and damaged. And with DPM my penis felt soft inside and soft on the skin, but eventually the soft tissue felt sore and damaged.

I think my penis is just going through an inflammation phase maybe. But I think if DMSO is used, it might have to be used once in a while. Like 1 day on, 3 days off. Because continuous use in my case seems to damage it.

Whatever the case, I'm off the DMSO for now. Even with the 10mg cialis, I don't feel I might be able to get a full hard erection. BTW that increase in girth I reported earlier was a natural erection, no cialis.

Anyway I'm kind of panicking, because I feel DMSO might be shrinking my girth. I have no idea. But I'm going to get off it for a couple of weeks, and go back to pentox.  


DMSO is paint thinner. It was never intended to go on your body for any medical purpose. I would stay away from it. The only reason it is part of the formula is because it absorbs into your system and transports the other parts of the formula that do not absorb. I think the consensus of this group is that it is snake oil. Stick to the more conventional treatments. On a personal note, it made me stink to high heaven! People ran away from me!  
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!


I have used DMSO,following the Park's protocol averaging about 3 times a week for 6 months. Never had a rash or  any garlic taste. Regards Inkhorn



The DMSO and Park's protocol helped regarding your Peyronies?

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


James- It's hard to say, when I started treatment, I started everything at almost the same time. Traction, Park's topical protocol, Al-car,L-Arginine,nattkonise, serratose.(not at home so not sure the last two are spelled right). Alittle later I added CoQ10 and daliy VED, following Old Man's protocol. Prior to that I only used VED a couple times a week for sex.Lastly over the last few months I am doing a regiment of HGH, to help produce new cell growth. There has been so many things in the treatment, unfortunately I can't know which things worked. All I know, is I've had no side effects from the DMSO. When I started treament, I had a dorsal curve of at least 45% and a curve to the right at about 30%. The curve to the right is gone. The dorsal if not better(which I think it is) is at least arrested.Uro feels less plaque, and I'm now able to have sex in the missionary position over the last month or so. Regards Inkhorn


Great to hear you are seeing progress!! While we all wonder "what was that one thing that helped", the reality is that it is usually a combination of things. So I doubt any one single thing was the cure. Always good to hear when one of us is winning the battle over this crazy disease.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History



Thanks for the information and wish you to continue to improve.
Yes, with so many treatment components it is impossible to know what helps and what not, but as LWillisjr has said what is really important is the improvement :)

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I trained at jiujitsu in Philadelphia for several years and I can tell you that a lot of the practitioners used DMSO (Di-methyl Sulf-Oxide - probably spelt wrong) all the time for joint aches, especially in the knees. They would soak a small towel in it and wrap it around their aching joints and the pain would go away. I have used it myself and I can tell you that it relieved pain in a matter of minutes and reduced my swelling. It was like magic.


When I asked my orthopedic about it before my shoulder surgery, he knew all about it and unofficially, had no problem with me trying it. He told me a lot of his athlete patients, especially wrestlers use it all the time.

It is used as a carrier for other substances for transdermal application. It penetrates the skin very easily and carries with it most other substances applied with it, i.e.: Vitamin E as Mr. Herzay suggests in his site.

You can real a lot about DMSO on the internet but again, it is not FDA approved so proceed at your own risk.


OK guys, just to update you.

I haven't used DMSO for a long while, however my peyronie's pain and girth shrinkage I got from it continues to worsen.

Though I won't say a treatment with DMSO and a PABA/MSM or Iodine mixture is worthless, as other people seem to be having success. I will say however, that for some people, such as myself, it can considerably worsen the condition.

Realise I'm taking ALCAR, Omega 3, grape seed extra, coq10, ginger, and all sorts of other supplements too to help combat this condition. But ever since using DMSO, inflammatory is now common, and it's almost as if my corpus is left in a condition as it was exposed to a mild acid over time.

I'm not trying to scare monger. I just want to give a stern warning, that DMSO might leave you in a worse condition than before.

One example is hard flaccid. I use to get hard flaccid before this DMSO experiment.  But I cured my hard flaccid by messaging any pressure points/knots in the muscles around the penis area. I would no longer suffer with hard flaccid, my penis would be soft, but it was still scarred so I still had girth loss. Anyway after DMSO application, it feels like my penis has slight hard flaccid, but it's not hard flaccid, it's more of a raw feeling. Like I said earlier, it feels as if my penis has been exposed to mild acid over time.

At my current point, I'm at my worse point with peyronie's, and I blame it highly on DMSO.

Another thing, is I can't take low doses of cialis as this exacebates the pain, rawness, and loss of girth. Also I can't even take citrulline, as this too does the same thing.

My girth has gone around 4.25 at the top. And I use to be 5 inch all the way down before peyronie's.

Lastly. Everytime I feel this pain/rawness, my peyronie's does worsen, both look work, and less girth measurement wise. I've actually lost 0.5cm in length! Which never use to be effected. I took some pento earlier, which hasn't really helped at all with the pain/rawness. But I think I'll need to start taking it regularly, though I hate the brain fog and insomnia side effects. Also I'm going to try using hydro cortisone cream to stop the pain/inflammation. The pain doesn't bother me much, but knowing everytime I have this pain/inflammation, my condition does worsen a little bit more (as proved by my measuring). I notice by look too, because before it was just the whole of my right chamber losing girth. Then it started on the top left. Why I have 4.25 girth at top (lost girth on both sides), and still 4.75 girth around the bottom (lost girth on right side only). However I can feel my whole left chamber is becoming more inflammatory, including the middle and bottom.

I think one last thing I will add into the mix is gotu kola. I think my 3 tablets a day was really preventing it from worsening, even though at the time I thought it wasn't doing anything.

Anyway this is my stern warning. I honestly will not recommend dmso combination for your peyronie's. Like I said, I'm not saying it doesn't work for some people. But in my case, it made things much worse.

Also if DMSO is good for sore muscles, then it must be powerful stuff. But remember your penis is spongy tissue, don't forget that, try to treat it with mild, nice creams. Not strong chemicals. That's my advice.