DMSO, DMSO based Solutions and TOPICAL Treatments

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Anyone attempt a transdermal collagenase/xiaflex?

Saw a report on someone diy-ing this with duputrens with success
Started at around 16-17 w/ dumb exercises

Have tried all the supplements for 15+ years, things I'm a believer in:

-Dong in clean canteen w/ 104 degree water, intermittently Ice testes
-Transdermal collegenase
-Resveratrol makes mebig


Quote from: kuaka on July 25, 2017, 11:54:35 AM
Something to consider when working with vitamins.  Commercially produced Vitamin C is ascorbic acid.  Vitamin C is much more than ascorbic acid, which is only a small part of the actual vitamin.  This is also true of D.  The commonly available D3 is actually a hormone, and not a vitamin at all.  For ANY vitamin supplementation, source a natural, whole vitamin.

Most of us are magnesium deficient, which contributes to all fibrosis conditions among many other modern health conditions.  

Magnesium supplements to avoid are:
carbonate with citric acid

Magnesium supplements to use are:
Oxide - small amounts are ok, but still not great
Sulfate - epsom salts...soak in a bath
Taurate & orotate

Hi, why not magnesium citrate? I here mean as pills and not DMSO.
Congenital curvature plus injury during sex - dec.2019
Curve to the left increase plus pain ~35degrees - nov.2020
Pentox (400mgx3) + Cialis (2.5mg/day) + supplements - dec.2020
Traction - jan.2021 onwards (curve now ~22/25degrees)


Interested to know if you are still here on the Forum.

I have suffered with Peyronies Disease for the last year and Xiaflex injections (2x rounds) has been an expensive waste of time that has (potentially) led to a second injury and new bending.

So I am now focused on DMSO and Lugols (Iodine) that I wish to apply topically along with taking Idorol orally.

Do you have any update on your thoughts for best mixes of DMSO + 'X' and any feedback on my intended next strategy?


Replace this text with critical info about your case
such as age
first symptoms (deformity, Erectile Dysfunction)
official diagnosis
treatments tried
relationship status


AtalanteanWolf, could you tell me who the Dr was that administered your Xiaflex shots?
*45 y.o.
*25° lateral curve
*Lost about 2cm in length and some girth
*2 sessions of PRP - made things slightly worse
*Currently taking Tamoxifen(low dose), L-Carnitine, COQ10, Vitamin E, Cialis (daily 5mg) and TRT


Quote from: AnonDoc on October 29, 2020, 02:55:42 PM
Anyone attempt a transdermal collagenase/xiaflex?

Saw a report on someone diy-ing this with duputrens with success
I also have interest.
I am Bumping this to see if anyone has any first hand knowledge or otherwise of this or similar transdermal approach?  I recall a few years ago there was a post of someone seeing an ND in Washington state who was using a transdermal with Pentox in it.  Again, the same question.  Thanks


Hi gents, I've been reading a couple of threads on DMSO + X (skipped some pages) and as far as I can tell, it looks like DMSO + either Magnesium, Castor oil, or Vitamin C seem to have worked for many people (not cured but a lot better). Do correct me if I'm wrong.

I am a fairly apprehensive guy in general (so half my doctors and therapists told me). I would love to try the oil but had a bad experience with oil on a completely separate application. I used to coconut oil for my skin and hair, ended up clogging my fair follicle and my face pores clogged and I broke out badly. I had a bottle of castor oil that felt even more waxy, I ended up giving it away. That was years ago.

Now, I do want to try out DMSO + Castor oil but won't it get in there and clog things up? It's quite high on comedonegenic scale:
Age: 40's
What: Approx 30 degree left from mid shaft, 45 degree clockwise torsion.
How: PE (June 2021)

⁍ Pentox 400mg (3 x daily)
⁍ Tadalafil 10mg (2 x daily)
⁍ Verdanafil 100mg (1 x 2 days)
⁍ Arginine/NAC/Vit-E/Ginger/Berries/Kelp


I've used **DMSO-based solutions** a few times for muscle soreness and joint pain, and they really seem to work well. It's cool how DMSO helps the active ingredients in other treatments get deeper into the skin, so you feel the effects faster. That said, it's definitely something you want to use carefully—I've heard it can cause irritation if not applied properly. If you're considering it, a quick chat with your doctor is probably a good idea, just to be safe.
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