Progression of Peyronie's Disease

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Woodman - It's a shame about pentox being out of the question, and the VED issue too, as this cuts down on your treatment options somewhat. I would suggest light traction, but if you had problems with the VED, maybe the same will apply here, making it a risky endeavor. I'm quite shocked that it has been two months since the injections and you are still bruised. Is this something that typically happens with other people? Maybe you will reach a stage soon where you've got about as much mileage out of verapamil as you're going to get and are entering risky territory. it's hard to tell though, as peyronie's can be so unpredictable.

Surgery may prove to be a viable route for you at some point, but until the condition has stabalised it's not something that should take place. To reach that place, getting the inflammation under control is a must. You appear to have taken signifcant steps in your bid to reduce inflammation, but with limited success. In your shoes, I might try to expand the oral treatments regimen, as this appears to be something with a bigger upside than downside.  


hi. not sure if i have got this, but my penis is softer and slightly narrower on one side, but fine on the other. i also notice that the veins on this side are more prominent. does anyone else get this?


hello - Have you seen a urologist? It certainly could be peyronie's disease but it's best to get a diagnosis first. If it is peyronie's, you may wish to state the benefits of pentoxifylline (,772.0.html) to your doctor (some sufferers take it alongside l-arginine and viagra - the PAV cocktail). A mechanical option such as a medical grade VED (Vacuum Erection Devices) should also be considered as a number of members here have found it to be effective.  



Its hard to say...I have been takin it for roughly 6 months but I stopped for a month during May.  My curvature has stabilized in the past two months but the pain and discomfort are still there.  Some days are worse then others.  It seems my curvature has had 3 or 4 bad episodes of deterioration since the onset a year and a half ago.  Im going to keep takin it in hopes it works.  What have you tried?



Newguy - Thanks for your time in ansewering my post. They say the bruising can last for a while. If I remember correctly I heard the Uros PA mention he has seen before the bruising last for one to two months. Iam going to e mail and ask him about it.


VAlex- I have been diagnosed with peyronies since i was 16 years old, so you are not the only young one that can get this disease. However our condition seems quite different for i only have a slight bend to the left and virtually no plague (so says my urologist) I am quite dissapointed in myself because i have only been taking full spec 400 Vitman E and Fish Oil and doing virtually nothing else to help my condition. My urologists tells me in 3 months that I should be back to normal but I sadly know that's not the case. He can simply not answer why i still curve, have pain, and don't have much sensitivity even though he says its subsiding. So I am very lost with this and can't help but still think I have something else entirely going on but he reassures me it is peyronies disease. Sorry if this post is more about me babbling on =P just want you to know your not alone man and keep at it! Don't be like me and virtually do nothing to gain better results. Im going to try my hardest to keep healthy and get this disease better for my self confidence. Best of luck!


Hi, I'm 24 years old and I've Peyronie's disease since I was 21 years old.  I saw a urologist a long time ago who confirmed it but he didn't really seem interested and more or less told me to live with it and tried getting me out of his office as quick as possible (To be honest I don't think he really had any idea about Peyronies Disease).  I have a pretty significant bend to the left.  I don't know the degree exactly but my penis is very much banana shaped and it's been like this for a number of years now.  Besides the bend I have had erectile issues for a while now.  I used to think it was due to the Peyronie's and it could be/some cases it can be but it turns out I also have hormonal issues (aren't I lucky?) going since a few blood tests I've taken have shown me to have low testosterone.  It got me thinking maybe this could be a factor since the disease commonly effects older men 40+ and generally that's when T levels start to dip.

Anyway if you could provide me with some advice on the course to take that would be appreciated.  I have an appointment with a urologist on Weds. for my ed/testosterone issue and will probably bring up the Peyronies.  I really want to see this thing gone.  What is the chance someone in my position can be helped?  Is there anything that can be done for someone like me or have I put it off for so long my only chance is going under the knife?  I'd rather not go down the route because of not only the risk and cons associated with it (like shortening).  I'm under the impression that there must be a way to reverse it even though it hasn't been discovered yet.  My feelings are that it is not sudden and severe like a fracture for instance, where the penis is literally broken.  The Peyronies Disease comes on slowly (I remember having a bruise for weeks) and therefore there must be a way to reverse even though I imagine it would be a slow process, just like when it formed.  I just wish there would be a breakthrough that's all because this condition really sucks for those that have it.  I have very poor self esteem and avoid women because of it.


Welcome Overcomer!  I would suggest that you thoroughly examine this website.  There is a lot of great information here.  I am sure that others will respond with good pointers for you, but you can speed up the process by snooping around here on your own.  It is not that we don't want to help, but it is really difficult to repeat the same information over and over each time a newcomer shows up.  Once you do some research here on your own, you will get your legs on the ground so to speak and be able to ask individualized questions not covered in the library and such and you will be able to move ahead much more quickly.  - George


Hehe I am much information!  All I really want to know is if there is any hope for me or If I'm beyond the I can be helped stage.  My Peyronies Disease has long been stable.  If there is anything that I can take I'd like to know so I can bring it up to the Urologist on Weds.

Quote from: George999 on July 17, 2009, 11:30:59 AM
Welcome Overcomer!  I would suggest that you thoroughly examine this website.  There is a lot of great information here.  I am sure that others will respond with good pointers for you, but you can speed up the process by snooping around here on your own.  It is not that we don't want to help, but it is really difficult to repeat the same information over and over each time a newcomer shows up.  Once you do some research here on your own, you will get your legs on the ground so to speak and be able to ask individualized questions not covered in the library and such and you will be able to move ahead much more quickly.  - George


Pentox a.k.a. Trental has been known to help even in stable plaques. Get on it ASAP, if you can find a doctor to write you a scrip. Also, even lazy doctors will write you a quick scrip for ED medicine like Viagra - most do it at the drop of a phrase: "I have problems getting erect"  

Not only will both medicines help with your ED issues, Pentox makes your blood cells more squamous and helps them get into the Peyronies Disease-affected area more easily, and Nitrous Oxide (the chemical that keeps you erect) has incredible healing properties in penile tissue.

Also, take a look at the VED boards. They're probably the most extreme treatment next to injections/surgery, and they're an investment, but many people here swear to them. I've just started mine, and hope to report good results soon!


Quote from: ocelot556 on July 17, 2009, 02:54:51 PM
Pentox makes your blood cells more squamous and helps them get into the Peyronies Disease-affected area more easily, and Nitrous Oxide (the chemical that keeps you erect) has incredible healing properties in penile tissue.


what do you mean by "squamous?"

Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


Squamous means "flat", and it's a term I picked up when I was first studying Pentox's effects in preparation for asking my uro for it. Being a fan of vocabulary, I guess I retained it. Ha, I'll explain better.

All that squamous means is that it makes your red blood cells more pliant, I suppose, or "squishy" so they can get into narrower places, such as capillaries and such that have been squeezed tight by the presence of the plaque.


Thanks guys and it's very appreciated.  Are there any links to some articles and stuff I can take with me on Weds. about Pentox?  When I bring it up I want to be able to refer to some things in the event he hasn't heard about it (Seems like a lot of Doctors don't quite know what to make of this condition).  I will definitely try to get my hands on Pentox.  Are there any side effects from using it?  When I get it and start treatment I'm gonna try to keep some sort of journal or something to track progress and I'll keep you guys posted.

Ted Williams

Just curious for thoughts.

I have an hour-glass deformity.  Recently, (last 6 months) I have been working out alot and I have gained about 10 lbs.  All muscle.  I see some reports that state that low hormone levels may cause a propensity to Peyronie's.  I know that with muscle growth comes increase hormone levels typically.  I have basically stopped all treatments... (I used to load up on neutri-ceuticals.)  I hit a bout of depression and I just stopped.  The thing that took me out of depression was the exercise and nutrition..  Basically, I take no meds.  

I have been improving.  I think it is from health, exercise and nutrition.  I have seen my length return some, my deformity improve and my plaques shrink recently.  I am going to re-start my aggressive neutri-ceuticals, get my script of Pentox and probably hit the VED.  (Got to order one.)  

Basically, what I am wondering... does spontaneous resolution actually happen?!  I am looking forward to "spontaneously" hooking up again on a Friday night.  Though I must say... I have gotten back to a point where I could probably explain to an understanding girl what is going on... I don't think for a second that my condition would impede the act of sex... I am just self-conscious of what once was.  Furthermore I don't need some girl blabbing about my condition.  (I'll have to hang out where all the English as a Second Language Schools are! ;-) Eventually they leave the country!)

Just curious... I like the idea of dramatic improvements followed by a shot of Xiaflex to finish it off... Any thoughts?



Ted - It's always good to hear positive news, and your improvement is certainly that. It's often so hard to let what has resulted in the condition worsening or improving but I certainly think that regular exercise, which likely brings about a more positive mindset, does help. If it doesn't, I doubt it does any harm. I certainly do believe that some people spontaneously improve and was surprised when I had a nose around a  Dupuytren's contracture at the number of people saying "I had penile curvature too, but it went away". Maybe it's the case that some conditions differ depending on how they are caused and some people are more likely to improve than others. Who knows?  

Since it appear that there may not be a gulf between those who improve and those who don't, it pressed the point even more of doing all that you can (oral treatments, VED, diet etc) to maximise the chance of the condition having a more positive outcome.

I think the jury is still out on xiaflex, but in combination with other treatments, who knows. Fingers crossed.



Does spontaneous resolution actually happen? The answer in my case was yes. After about 18 months my curve straightened. This was in 1995 &96. The doctor had me on 400IU of vitamin e three times a day and potaba. When the curve straightened I went off the potaba but stayed on vitamin e for years.

The bad thing about spontaneous resolution is loss of penile length. To tell what you will have after is crook your finger to the shape of your curve, the short side is what will be left. If I hand know then what I know now I would have been on the VED exercise to help keep the length. I lost about 25% of my length. Today thanks to the VED exercise given me by Old Man and my implant I am back to 90% of the size I was in 1995.


Ted Williams

Thanks guys,

jackp, I really appreciated the contribution you are making to this board.  You bring alot of insight.  I know I am looking at a situation that if the alternatives don't work in the next year, I will consider surgery... I know my condition is not horrible and it would respond well...

Do you think traction would have helped you in the length category?  I am about 2 years into this bullsh#t and I feel rather certain that calcification is not my problem.  My next step is going to be aggressive.  VED is a part, but I was thinking about traction at the same time.  I have a life that would allow for the 4 hour-a-day requirement and from what I see... Hour-glass issues seem to respond well to traction...

To stick with the topic, "Progression"... my original issues was a manageable plaque that was a minor problem, but not an impediment that over-night advance about a year later to a real problem... and has now receded to a problem... but it leaves me with a hope of continued recession.  

Thanks to newguy as well... I don't always write, but I read the posts frequently.  


If, WITHOUT TREATMENT, my penis simply resumed its former shape AND dimensions, I would call that spontaneous resolution.  Anything less I would NOT consider spontaneous resolution.  I really have grave doubts as to whether genuine spontaneous resolution EVER occurs in the case of Peyronie's.  I suspect a lot of docs assume spontaneous resolution once the patient stops complaining for whatever reason.  I really do not trust some of the conventional wisdom type "data" regarding this disease.  I think it has really had a negative impact on treatment for Peyronie's patients.  - George


Hi. I have got a slight curve/dent. I can also feel a small lump. There seems to be a cord-like thing from the start of my penis (i cant see where this initially starts though), that runs directly next to my vein and into this small lump, however, this cord-like thing is moveable, whereas the lump is not. Does anyone else get these symptoms, mainly the cord-like thing into the lump? Thanks!


Quote from: ukguy on July 21, 2009, 09:15:55 AM
Hi. I have got a slight curve/dent. I can also feel a small lump. There seems to be a cord-like thing from the start of my penis (i cant see where this initially starts though), that runs directly next to my vein and into this small lump, however, this cord-like thing is moveable, whereas the lump is not. Does anyone else get these symptoms, mainly the cord-like thing into the lump? Thanks!

Yes I have the same thing as this. My lump is on the left side in the middle of my shaft and the cord like lessions go to the bottom of my penis it attaches to the lump. I cant move the lump either.


ukguy -  
These symptonms are quite common, though i you haven't ever seen a urologist about this problem, now would be a good time to go. Here on the forum use of trental (pentox) is quite widespread, so I would suggest that to you. You can take evidence to your doctor concerning how it can be effective  -->,772.0.html .

Viagra (or similiar) may also be of use to you as well as arginine. This is sometimes known as the PAV cocktail (Pentox,Arginine,Viagra). Varios member of the forum as also taking other oral treatments in the hope that they will help. Discussions regarding those can be found here:,22.0.html

Mechanical treatments such as vaccum and traction devices may also be helpful in regaining size if/when any is lost.


ive now got a dent on my right side which has now given a half a  hour glass shape - i was cool with a slight say 30 deg curve upwards but now this - i take every kind of med mentioned here but I do fear that I may be getting worse - what do I do - dont get me wrong or anything - Im not panicking as I have learnt to live with this for the past 2 years and to be honest with you I cannot remember what my old dick used to look like - Im almost numb about this and it really doesnt phase me too much  - but I just cant help wondering whats next and whats in store in the future for me with this....  


My condition seems to be getting worse, I've been afraid to start Vitamin E because I take a beta blocker and having thin blood / tendency to bleed concerns me.  I originally had one bb sized bump, a second one formed just 1/4 an inch down, and then they merged.  It is hourglass shaped I suppose, but it runs down along the shaft not across it.  This is causing a very pronounced bend to the left, almost like if you had a banana on its side.  The head itself has about a 25-30 degree angle left as well from the first bump.

I am starting to feel more and more hopeless, as I have a disorder that prevents me from getting to downtown chicago to see Dr. Levine.  His telephone consult is $180, but I don't have much money right now.  I'm already spending over $100 a week on other medical treatment.  

I've gotten suggestions of Pentox, but I am also EXTREMELY medicine phobic.  I cannot stress this enough, it is not just a rational fear, it is an entirely irrational phobia of medications.  It took me a very long time to start the beta blocker because I was afraid of side effects, then I became too fearful to stop taking it.  Unfortunately Inderal is specifically identified as having a link to Peyronies, and I still take it twice a day.

I really don't know what to do, thing just seem more and more hopeless.  I can't understand why the condition is getting worse, I have not been sexually active.  I don't know if I'm supposed to try stretching or what, I really have no proper guidance and there are way too many "snake oil" type theories out there it seems.  Seriously this is getting me more and more depressed the worse it gets.  I can now see that I have lost girth on the top half, probably close to 1/2 of an inch.  It also seem shorter now.  I feel like I am being robbed of what makes me a man.



The VED exercise will help. It is non invasive and nothing goes through your system to cause any problems. My wife has anxiety related IBS and after years has finally found a drug that helps, but she puts it under her tongue, most meds that go through her system gives her problems.

The VED exercise is on the Child Board. It helped me after 13 years. There is also help on the VED thread.  

The one statement you made about your penis, "I feel like I am being robbed of what makes me a man." Your penis does not make you a man, It is who you are that makes you a man.



Quote from: necros on August 07, 2009, 03:26:24 AM

I don't know if I'm supposed to try stretching or what, I really have no proper guidance and there are way too many "snake oil" type theories out there it seems.  .


I agree with jackp.  From what I infer from your posts, you're not doing much, if anything, in the way of treatment.  Additionally, it sounds like you're worrying about it a lot.

At the very least, read all of the posts under the VED thread.  I began using the VED back in April and I believe it has had positive effects on my condition.  

So, you can start reading the posts, and get encouragement.

Currently:  L-Arginine (2g), Vit D3)


Peace Forever and Always, here's what happened since the last time

I saw a Dr. last week for my Testosterone deficiency.  He made no bones about the fact I need T theraphy.  I'm going to be applying Testosterone gel starting next week (have to take one more test).  Since the onset of Peyronie's I've developed some bad ED: don't get wood nigh-morning wood, have trouble getting it in general and maintaining it, have developed dribbing after going to the bathroom as well as premature ejaculation now *shakes head*. The latter two are new occurences which happened within the last year.  I think it has to do with Testosterone being low.  I'm hoping when I'm on it most of these symptoms will alleviate.

As far as the Peyronie's I've been given it some thought.  I'm taking simple Vitamin E now but am going to make an appointment today to see Munarriz again and ask him about Pentox.  I'm also interested in trying some sort of device for the plaque, either the traction or the VED.  Which do you reccomend?


Here is another issue I have which I can't really ignore anymore.  The plaque I have is on both sides of my penis but it only curves to the left, where the biggest scar is and it's just below the head itself. Because of the dribbling I became prone to infections and now my foreskin has become very tight.  i don't want to get it but I was told I need to have a circumcision done.  The foreskin is tight and literally chokes my penis if I get an erection, hence sex would not be too pleasurable.  The thing is if I'm going to get one I'm pretty sure they are going to slice across & place the stitches where the plaques are.  Is this safe?  The thing I fear is they end up botching this thing if I'm to get it because of the Peyronies and then I have another problem on my hands.


Overcomer - I'm pretty sure they will only cut the skin. Hopefully this will mean that there's little chance of anything nasty happening to the underlying tissue.  


I too think this is does not involve the underlying tunica.  Hopefully this will not turn into a crazy exchange over the evils of circumcision  ;D.

I would get a competent doctor that understands your sensitivity to penile trauma so clamps, catheters, hands, are used with caution.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


After 2-3 years of suffering from God's gift(why not ca. or something other terminal disease?) GOD IS DEAD!
Also our f..cked up medical system and drug companies. THink there was was a greater demand? There're would
be a cure or better medications.
If It wasn't for my benzos my doctors won't prescribe and have to buy on the street. I could not cope.
My heart goes out to the young sufferers, I after 30 years and close to a 1,000 encounters(no diseases)
I have at least memories. Doctors only care, if they profit.


I understand your pain at having to deal with this illness, but it is best to try to concentrate on either doing what you can for your own condition (surgery maybe??), or trying to help others. Many people claw their way out of this hole and manage to return to normality or something approaching it. Again, I do understand where you are coming from, but the cancer comparisons are not really fair on those with peyronies or those with a terminal illness.



I have sympathy for your condition but not your post.  We do not debate, curse, or preach God here, and we do not pepper our posts with slurs against entire groups of people or with four letter words.  I know good doctors and have just buried a sister from cancer not to mention having fought my own cancer.  I am not impressed with your tirade.

More of your problems seem to result from illegal drug abuse, and attitude than from Peyronies Disease.  We are here to support and help but NOT to subject ourselves to a total lack of consideration or lack of courtesy for others.  Please show some respect for others on this forum even if you have difficulty doing so for yourself or those close to you, and clean up your post.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Sorry it is hurting you emotionally right now ducard.

When a very dear friend died climbing, an old lady wrote to her father and said "Death is not too high a price to live for a life well lived."

Her life had been well-lived because she cared about others, and lived a life filled with compassion and love. She was also wonderful and beautiful and died at 22.

Her parents received over 12,000 cards and letters about her - that is how many people she touched. One person met her on the ferry from Britain to France for 20 minutes and wrote to say it had changed her life for the better.


And at 22, she had never had much of a sex life - yet.

Sexuality did not define her, nor does it define you. But her suffering, when it came, did not define her either.

One thing that helps me here is to vent less often and to listen and try to help more often.

Here, it is better to bring your message, not your mess.

Try it - it may help you.

52, Peyronies Disease for 30 years, upward curve and some new lesions.


I ve had Peyronies Disease for a little over two years now and have had chronic pain the entire time. I have three plaques. One plaque started my Peyronies is on the left side of my penis about one inch from the base. In the last few weeks the pain has increased and its become tight. I feel it pulling in both erect and flaccid states. It feels like when you pull a muscle and it stiffens up. If I move my penis to the right the opposite side of the plaque I feel it pulling it seems the plaque is drawing up. Then I have a ventricle plaque witch also has pain constantly.

Has anyone experienced constant pain like this for a little over two years into Peyronies? Has anyone experienced a plaque drawing up after this amount of time and this quickly over a few week period?

Ive been to two urologist in the past year or so and asked both of them what I could do about the pain. Both doctors told me theres not much they can do one offered celebrex the other just gave me a blank I dont know what to say look.

Has anyones doctor prescribed them something for the pain besides pentox? I tryed Pentox but I could not tolerate its side effects.

Thanks for your input



Quote from: Woodman on September 04, 2009, 02:02:30 AM
Has anyones doctor prescribed them something for the pain besides pentox? I tryed Pentox but I could not tolerate its side effects.

For me, curcumin (I get powder here) totally knocks out pain. I take 1200-1800 mg. At a minimum mix it in oil and take it that way (warm extra virgin coconut oil or olive oil). To increase bioavailability further, mix soy lecithin in warm water and stir. After a minute, put the curcumin oil mixture in there and stir, and you'll notice that the lecithin has broken up the oil into lots of little beads, perfect for absorption.



There have also good anecdotal reports and a small study indicating Acetyl L-carnatine 2 - 4 grams is good for pain.

Pain means an active flair up and these often return repeatedly over the course of the disease.

I would also try ibuprofen if you are not taking Celebrex.  it does not just mask the pain, if fights inflammation as does Celebrex.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Woodman - My situation isn't so different from yours. I had a previous bout of peyronie's disease years ago, and after some improvement I managed to injure myself through traction. I think peyronie's sufferers are occasionally very suseptable to reactivating their condition even if they do follow tried and tested routes (unfortunately). Since then on occasion an ache/pain appears to manifest regardless of any external influence. I note that in your case Dr Levine put this down to damaged nerves and stated that he would operate. I was slightly chocked at that, but maybe he's seen people with similiar conditions and has followed them up??

All you can do is to try to throw everything you can at it. Peyronie's has a natural lifecycle, and I really don't think we can claim at this stage to have a way to dramatically impact that in all people. Certain treatments do appear to work for some individuals, but nothing appears to be "the" soltuion to pain across the board. Also, since peyronie's bouts have a natural lifecycle, sometimes it is very hard to detach the effectiveness of a treatment to a natural dying down of the inflammatory processes. This confuses matters.

I would recommend pentox, l-arginine, and viagra (but I notice that you are unable to tolerate pentox). I notice that you also have issues with the VED, so we'll have to give that a miss for now. It may be worth trying topic ibuprofen, as there are less side effects, and it does penetrate to the deoth require (at least that is my understanding due to the studies relating to its use in people with knee injuries). It's worth following up on s&s' suggestion of curcumin too. If it becomes apparent that people are getting relief from low dose naltrexone, it could be something worth checking out. It's effectiveness in peyronie's is very much up for debate at this stage though. I'm going to try it so I'll let you know what it does for me. If you try (m)any of these suggestions and they work for you, be sure to let us know.


I haven't posted since June. Having begun this very unpleasant "adventure" about last November - I can state that matters have not progressed very well. The pain I experienced previously while flaccid has - for the most part - gone. However, when my penis is "erect" there is considerable pain and discomfort. Even when not painful - it has a very unnatural feel - a weird taut sensation -. I have most definitely lost around two inches in length - if not more. I saw a specialist (here in the UK you have to be referred by your GP) at the beginning of the year. If you read my "experience" in the urologist section you will see how badly that went. :-\  He muttered that 40% of cases "will resolve themselves". Well it ain't going to me. I was supposed to see  him again this month - the appointment has been cancelled twice and is now for early November. I have absolutely no faith in him and my GP doesn't really want to know. So, progress is not great. I am really in limbo. I try not to think about it all too much. Thinking about sex results in pain - now that's something new to my life as a man. Does anybody have any idea of when I can expect the painful erections to stop? Will they? ???


bertie67 - I'm very sorry to hear that your condition has worsened. I would say that the pain you are experiencing should eventually go away, but I'll let others chime in if they have a different view. It's frustratingly difficult to put timescales on any of this though, which to me is one of the hardest parts of this condition to deal with. Your urologist sounds unhelpful, maybe you can ask your GP to send you to a different one? After reading through your posts I notice that you don't appear to be taking any oral medications and that your urologist refused you pentox. If you are still in an active phase maybe it is worth your while gaining access to it. There are online options. You should also take l-arginine and maybe viagra depending on your ability to gain full erections.

If it does not make your pain worse, it's worth considering the VED, or perhaps traction. In an active phase I'd probably go for the VED.  



Have you tried ibuprofen(IB) for pain? I did not have pain when my peyronies started in 1995 but I was on 800mg twice daily for arthritis.

One thing is true in my case after 18 months the curve went away but I was left 1 1/2 inches shorter. I regained about 3/4" after starting the single cylinder VED exercise. Today with the help of the VED exercise and my implant I have regained 1 inch of the lost length. You can click My History link below for the whole story.

Since your doctor will not prescribe pentox try 400IU of Vitiamin E two to three times a day. Yes you could be one of the ones that the curve resolves in 18 months. You have 40% chance.

With the VED exercise you have a good chance of regaining some of your loss.



Quote from: jackp on September 06, 2009, 07:23:40 PM
Yes you could be one of the ones that the curve resolves in 18 months. You have 40% chance.

It is not my intent to discourage anyone but rather to give accurate information.  Spontaneous reversal of Peyronies Disease is very questionable at best and if it does occur, clearly occurs in less that 10% of the cases.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I think it is very telling that we have never seen anyone here on this forum ... ever ... that has reported any kind of spontaneous resolution of Peyronie's Disease.  I am almost to the point that I believe that spontaneous resolution is a medical myth.  The doctors tell the story because they are too terrified to confront their patients with the truth about this disease.  - George


Hawk / Georeg999

I for one had a spontaneous resolution of the peyronies curve. Even though the curve corrected in 18 months I lost 1 1/2 inches of penile length. Today I still say I have peyronies because of the scar on top of my penis.

This is a cut and paste from Dr. V Gary Price in the Dallas TX area.

Occasionally the condition regresses spontaneously with symptoms resolving themselves. In fact, some studies show that approximately 13 percent of patients have complete resolution of their plaques within a year. There is no change in 40 percent of cases, with progression or worsening of symptoms in 40 to 45 percent. For these reasons, most physicians recommend a non-surgical approach for the first 12 months

From my research most Male Sexual Function Specialist including Dr. Abe Morgentaler of Boston agree with this statement.



JackP and co - I think people are talking about two different things here really. 'Spontaneous resolution' to me is a description that is best used to describe a person who developed peyronie's symptoms only for them to completely go away over a period of time, leaving no trace. I think, if this does happen, we're taking about the single digit percentage range. If however a person has curvature, which disappears but leaves behind a 1-2inch loss in length, the actual condition has not resolved at all. The change is surely likely due to a shortening of the longer side (hence the straighter appearance, but loss of length). So in a sense, the curvature has resolved, which is potentially useful, but the condition has not.

Along the resolution theme, perhaps an interesting question would be has a condition resolved or improved in real terms as a result of prolonged pentox,-l-arginine, viagra use in early stage peyronie's? We have read in the Dr Lue pdf that a reduction in plaque size was noted in a great many men takin pentox, but did this always/sometimes/ever result in a noticable reduction in curvature? This info doesn't appear to be available, but are there any statements relating to this from noteworthy urologists? If so, I'd be eager to see them.



I agree that we are talking about two different things. Curve correction still leaves the peyronies side effects.

I also do not know of a  complete spontaneous reversal of peyronies, but I could be wrong.



As NeyGuy stated, resolution of curve with loss of length only means the plaque is spreading to the long side and ALSO shortening it as well.  I don't think anyone looks forward to such straightening or that they would call that resolution.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


The really sad thing that I see here is that NOT ONLY are doctors falsely optimistic about spontaneous remission, they are also failing to apply aggressive treatment early on and seemingly basing that on this false optimism.  IMAGINE if urologists applied cheap and effective Pentox at the first complaints of inflammation.  Huge number of Peyronie's cases could potentially be avoided.  This demonstrates a real problem with the way medicine is practiced in the world today.   - George


I think it is rather a huge problem with the lack of understanding of this disease.  I have no doubt that IF pentox was established clinically to be an effective treatment that they would readily prescribe it.  This is evidenced by how many offer cochcine, vitamin e, Celebrex, and other treatments in a feeble attempt to do something.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Quote from: jackp on September 06, 2009, 10:31:09 PM
I for one had a spontaneous resolution of the peyronies curve. Even though the curve corrected in 18 months I lost 1 1/2 inches of penile length. Today I still say I have peyronies because of the scar on top of my penis.

Jack, it sounds like you had contraction on the opposite side that changed your bend.




I am not sure of the explanation of why the curve suddenly straightened after 18 months. Just glad to be straight again but the loss of length was a bummer.
I asked the urologist I was going to at the time if he could do anything to help, he basically said no. That was 1995-97. Started me on Viagra the first week it was out in 1998.

The local urologist I use now and I were talking he said that about 1/3 of the cases he sees redponds this way but had on explanation as to why. I do not think doctors fully understand why.

He did explain that if you curve your finger to the degree of the curve that if you straighten you length will be that of the short side of the curve.

This is what I meant by spontaneous correction was the curve. I firmly believe that once you have peyronies you will always have some degree of peyronies of its side effects.
