use it or lose it? seriously.

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My problems occurred after a long period, maybe a month and a half of avoiding erections.  after this period of time i masturbated about 6 times in a day.   the pain i now associate with peyronies started shortly after that day.   the next day i believe.  since then i've been avoiding erections like the plague and they've been happening at night more frequently than ever before.  Could my body be telling me to get more oxygen to my penis??

after thinking about this today i read this article: Use it or lose it: Yes, it's true -

a quote from the article also might be intersting to those who had protatectomies: "Some research has suggested chronically low levels of oxygen in the corpora cavernosa tissue might reduce its flexibility and gradually turn it into a sort of scar tissue that won't respond well to chemical signals during sexual arousal.

Oxygen-deprivation might also explain why some men lose erectile functioning after prostatectomies -- and never recover it."

it seems to support my hypothesis now i need to see if i can reverse it.  i'm going to try to have an erection every day.   no masturbating or sex though, don't want to further damage the tissue.  Does this sound plausible or silly???  maybe i'm grasping at straws but i'm not ready to give up.


Obviously this wouldn't be the cause for everyone, but maybe for those like myself who have had no injury that they can recall.   My penis has looked grey recently. Unhealthy.  When erect it has lost length (maybe an inch) and looks swollen unhealthy. maybe this is from lack of blood flow.  


Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


I think the first article I ever posted for reading in our Resource Library board was on that topic Oxygen / Collagen Connection - Physiology of Erectile Dysfunction - Peyronies Society Forums

Use it or lose it has been a well established principle after PCa surgery.  In fact any condition resulting in ED can result in fibrosis whether from, low testosterone, diabetes, or nerve damage.  That is why you have twice the chance of Peyronies Disease after treatment for prostate cancer.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



Blood flow is the key for penis health. This is our conclusion on the forum.
QuoteUse it or lose it
as Hawk wrote.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


OK so i understand and it makes sense to me.  BUT i got an erection a few days ago during the day in an effort to increase blood flow.  The pain while flaccid is now greater.   I did not masturbate but only had an erection.

Do i lay off the erections for a while until pain goes away???  If the pain is increasing thats bad right???  
I'll also throw in that i measured my penis during erection.  The second erection my penis was an inch longer than during the first erection. Clearly i need the blood flow form the erection but is it just doing more damage to me??  It's bearable but it increases the pain for sure.



Getting erections is a good thing and you want to get as many as you can it will not do more damage too you.  


Phatcat, I avoid masturbation because like you it seems to cause inflammation and pain afterwards but I get regular long lasting erections every night during my sleep, most likely thanks to the Cialis and Citrulline Malate, which is similar to L-Arginine. That way I get the benefits of good blood flow but without the inflammation I see following masturbation.

I don't see how you can avoid erections during your sleep though if you have good circulation, which you need to heal from Peyronies. Many men who get Peyronies probably had less than ideal circulation before, which made them more susceptible to injury. The inflammation you are seeing may ease over time.  
Dec 2013 - Replaced all prescribed medicines with plenty of fresh vegetables, sleep and exercise


So a little update. i don't see how getting erections during the day can be good for my injury.  I was trying to have erections a couple times a day for a few days.  My pain increased every time.  

On monday i noticed a radical change in my bend to the left.  It was at least 45 degrees without full erection and was a banana curve.  I have never had a banana curve.   The pain has gotten worse.   I re-injured the area for sure.  I would caution telling people in the acute phase or at least early acute phase that they should get daily erections.   I'm done with that.  

The night erections should have been fine by themselves.  i should have left it alone.

Things are looking pretty bad right now...



Pentox is the medication that helped and helps many regarding pain.
Some gets immediate response, some takes time.
It also makes the red blood cells flexible to be able to enter the smallest veins.
And as they are carrying the oxygen to the organs in our body, is a big contributor to penis health also.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


I have the same problem as you phatcat. I'm really not sure what's the smarter decision. To have erections or to avoid them. I never feel any pain immediatly after erections. Just during arousal (sometimes a tearing sensation) and in a full erect state I don't feel anything. Hours later I feel an inflammation then.


i understand that James and I'm taking the pentox as prescribed.  But my main concern now is erections during the day.  I think they are a bad idea for me.  

They have increased my deformity.  It may have been too much too soon.


Just because you have erections during the day and your deformity increased is not evidence that the erections caused the deformity.  Unless you have something significantly wrong with you you cannot stop erections, especially at night.  Day-time erections are no worse than NTE's.  Absence of erections causes fibrosis.  Your deformity got worse because the Peyronies Disease is progressing.  You have also been breathing during the day, and you have been combing your hair, taking showers while your deformity got worse.  These things did not cause the worsening any more than they did not start it.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I realize i can't stop nighttime erections and that was silly of me to think that way.   i suppose i'm now only referring to daytime erections.  When i have daytime erections the pain increases for the rest of the day and days after.    

When i don't have daytime erections but have nighttime erections i don't have an increase in pain and it's not very noticeable.  i realize you might be right hawk, but breathing combing my hair and showering are not stretching my damaged tissue.

The daytime erections are fuller than the nighttime erections.  Is this bad or perhaps my body knows when to stop without further damage?  The nighttime erections by themselves keep pain to a minimum.  if my daytime erections are fuller is it not possible they are pulling on the tissue and causing further damage??

If daytime erections equals increased pain and pain equals progression does it not make sense that my daytime erections are causing the Peyronies Disease to progress??


Sorry if these posts are frustrating to you guys.  I'm just trying to work through this in my head.

Hopefully i'll get my blood tests back on Monday. Maybe this is a testosterone problem.  


Phatcat, are these spontaneous erections during the day or through deliberate stimulation? In my case I find night time erections while sleeping cause me no trouble with inflammation afterwards and I'm pretty sure they actually help. My inflammation always feels best after a good night of sleep.

Where I do find a problem though is if the erection comes about through masturbation because that will invariably lead to inflammation for several hours if not the whole day. Strangely enough it wasn't like that before but nowadays I realise it doesn't want to be squeezed, prodded, pinched, stretched, examined, massaged or stroked, so I'm just trying to leave it in peace.

On a side note I remember noticing I was getting very few night time erections around the time my Peyronies became apparent and it's not a good sign. I also found my penis frequently felt cold, which is really unpleasant and a pretty good sign that circulation was poor but Cialis sorted that out. I hope I can stay on it a good while longer because it definitely helps.  
Dec 2013 - Replaced all prescribed medicines with plenty of fresh vegetables, sleep and exercise


Deliberate stimulation.  I also find that i feel better after a good nights rest.  I'm going to see my urologist monday.   i'm definitely going to ask him for Cialis.


I hate to say it but your thinking is totall confusing me.  You are trying to prevent erections, but you are going to ask for Cialis ???
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


No, Hawk i'm not trying to "prevent" any erections.  I'm  thinking i should not have stimulated, intentional, daytime erections.  They  seem to cause me more pain.  When i wake up from nighttime erections i don't have the pain.

I'll stop with this conversation i don't think it's very productive.  I just feel mentally exhausted from thinking about the Peyronies Disease all the time.  Prolly why i'm not making any sense.


I thought you were getting spontaneous erections during the day that you were concerned about or erections from psychological stimulation.  So then, if I understand you, it is not the erections that are causing you problems but masturbation.  Is that correct ?
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums