AndroGel (topical testosterone): Off-Label Use

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Hey guys,

Before I started testosterone injections, my doctor had prescribed topical testosterone, Axiron and AndroGel. I think there was some value in Axiron but I thought the AndroGel was perfectly useless. Although I ran out of the Axiron, I still had lots of the AndroGel and while I was doing some research on AndroGel, I came across this guys' post about how he was using AndroGel for penis enlargement. I thought the guy was nuts to play around with AndroGel but since my first two urologists (this was before I met with Dr. Lue who subsequently concurred with my first two urologists) mentioned the benefit in testosterone in helping to heal Peyronie's, I figured, what the heck. Although the application info on AndroGel states that you're not supposed to put AndroGel on your penis or your testicles (definitely don't put it on your testicles), I thought let's see what happens if I put some on my penis.

These are the ingredients of one pump of AndroGel:

Testosterone: 12.5 mg
carbomer 980
ethyl alcohol 67%
isopropyl myristate
sodium hydroxide
purified water

So here's what I've been doing for the last week:

Every morning and before bed, I rub one pump of the AndroGel all over my penis being careful not to get any on my scrotum.

Here's what's been happening:

Within 24 hours of doing this process, my penis has been hanging fuller. Usually when it's cold or right after masturbating, my penis shrinks down however that's not been happening. I don't know why. I have no idea if this is because of the testosterone or perhaps because of the other ingredients but after giving it a few days to rule out coincidence or placebo, it hangs and is clearly fuller than ever before both before and after masturbating.

There has been no change in either the quality or the quantity of erections. I will keep watching for any benefit in this regard.

Please keep in mind that this is strictly off-label use and I do not advocate or suggest this to anyone. I'm simply posting this as info to share about what I'm doing in dealing with my Peyronie's.

My next step is to get the VED prescription filled and use both at the same time. Hopefully there will a synergistic value to using both at the same time.
Got Testosterone?


I wonder, but have no clue, if part of the reason for the warning is for the sake of a sex partner.  I'm sure the wife of any guy slathering testosterone on his penis would be pretty well shocked at her side-effects from cross contamination.

Kinda like if she slathered herself in estrogen.  I'm sure you would not be happy with the side-effects.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


LOL. True. :)

There's no doubt that the AndroGel stays on your body for a lengthy period of time. After applying it, you're supposed to wash it off your hands so you don't get it on your woman or on any kids. I've noticed that if I don't wash it off my hands right away, it remains on my hands for hours. I found this out when after applying it, a few hours later I washed my hands either after going to the bathroom or starting to make something to eat, I could feel the slickness of the gel coming off my hands. It's a weird feeling.

Perhaps the holding of the gel to my penis is responsible for some of the fullness. Again, I don't know but as long as I don't see any adverse effects, I'll stick with it and hope that there's some positive action on the Peyronie's.

Got Testosterone?


I thought about buying this stuff.  Does it work long term?  



Before buying this stuff, I am proposing you to read Hawk post bellow.
From forum experience, no dermal applied treatments are working.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Androgel works short-term to increase testosterone. I don't recommend it long-term because the body has a way of balancing things out. As far as applying it directly to the penis, it is not indicated for that. I'm experimenting with it. However, it is a transdermal product so it will penetrate the skin and get into the penis. Whether is helps beyond that, I have no idea but I do apply it everyday as part of my own protocol.
Got Testosterone?


An alternative is Clomid, originally used as a fertility drug for women.  For men, it will block the feedback loop that says "enough" to the testosterone production in your own body.  Clomid is used in cases of mild Low T, particularly in younger guys who should be able to make more.  

Steroid users take it after a steroid cycle to get their natural testosterone production back up & I think it does something else to benefit them (blocks estrogenic effects maybe?)... the steroid websites talk about it a lot.  

Like all the T supplements, there can be some side effects.  I'm not totally sure what happens when you go off...I guess you just go back to normal in theory, but since it is off label - I don't know if it has been studied much.


Mike, well said.

Yes, Clomid is a med that bodybuilders use as part of their Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) that begins after the last steroid has been eliminated from the body. It's used to protect the gains the bodybuilder has achieved and to protect against estrogen rebounding and to help stimulate natural testosterone production.

Clomid can also be used by non-bodybuilders to help re-balance testosterone and estrogen.

For those that are looking for natural testosterone stimulation, I've posted a whole list of some excellent supplements that can help achieve that goal.

Lastly, if you're looking for a non-steroid type of drug to help stimulate natural testosterone enhancement, I recommend something called, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). HCG is injected using an insulin needle sub-q into your belly fat. You inject every 4 days. It will boost your Luteinizing Hormone (LH) level.

When I inject, within a couple of hours I become very aggressive and angry and it raises my libido a bit as well. One odd side effect is how my pubic hairs explode and grow rapidly over the course of the next couple of days. It is an essential tool for any bodybuilder who is on steroids for any moderate to long term period. It keeps the testes producing testosterone which in turn keeps the testicles from shrinking.

If you're suffering from low testosterone, there are any number of tools to help someone get back normal levels.

*** I'm gonna duplicate this post in the testosterone thread to help anyone looking for more information on testosterone issues. ***
Got Testosterone?


Matt, that's interesting... do you know where the thought that T and Peyronies Disease are linked comes from?  I didn't have any success w/ clomid after several months.  Dr. morgentaler  (not who I saw - but who promotes T heavily) seems to think it benefits for some reason.   I just got transient acne and it seemed to affect my sleep negatively.  My T levels went to about 110% - 125% above the top of the range for 3 months or so.  



There are some links here that I posted in the testosterone topic I started. Take a look for it and if you can't find it, let me know and I'll locate it. I made reference to it in my last post below.

There was an ongoing trial with testosterone to see what effect it would have on peyronie's. For some guys, it may make a huge difference but I'm thinking for most of us that it's just one weapon that needs to be used against Peyronie's.

Clomid is a good tool to stop estrogen production and by that function alone, it allows testosterone to rise. Clomid is not what I would consider to be a long term tool nor should it be relied upon exclusively to raise testosterone or beat Peyronie's.

If you're considering testosterone as long term therapy, you really need a doctor who knows how to handle this stuff. I eat, breath, and sleep this stuff so I'm actually able to teach my doctors. It's a specialty onto itself like Peyronie's.

You may also wish to take a look at HCG as I mentioned as well.

In the meantime, the basics like Pentox, L-Arginine, traction and/or VED and some of the other supplements mentioned are the priority. Also, the list of testosterone supplements I have previously posted are an important consideration.
Got Testosterone?


I was looking through your posts but didn't find anything...Do you mind pasting it in?

Have you seen improvements w/ T in Peyronies Disease or in other aspects? (if this is on your other thread, i'll just read it there).  I noticed a mild libido increase and maybe an increase in aggressiveness...but I can't tell if that's placebo (only 25 mg clomid every other day...still gave me 110% T levels).  Acne definitely happened.  I was sleeping more and had weird dreams (and a female friend of mine w/ fertility problems told me clomid itself gives people weird dreams - she had them too).  So, that was my experience with that.  The doc I had said no T-gel for me.  Docs seem skittish about prescribing these things.  It sucks bc I think a lot of problems men have with energy and sex drive are hormonal - not psychiatric like we're being told all of the time.


Hey Guys, I got interested in the Anti-Aging products several years ago when I was reading the sports page and saw a 67 year old Dr. that was ripped like a 20 year old. Did the research, read all the books and came down with prostate cancer before I could make a move. After about 2 years out and cancer free I revisited the subject. First I did HCG and lost 30 lbs. Then A cocktail of HGH and testosterone (Sottopelli form) which I'm still on and off 3 years later. Morgantaler's book is great and breaks conventional wisdom. The asterisk as all my posts reveal is that I got Peyronies in the midst of all this! During the first cycle of HGH I regained the length I lost as a result of the prostatectomy. I believe that T and HGH will produce new cell growth in the penis and replace the scar tissue, hence I'm starting another 6 month cycle of HGH. I have no clinical studies to footnote, just the experience. I can assure you this: T will increase your libido and self-esteem that was tarnished by Peyronies and cause you to go the second mile in desire and performance. I will report after I get further results from my experiment. Regards Inkhorn


1) what is 'T'
2) where do i buy hgh

i will try anything -  


Iceman-Sorry I just abbreviated testosterone with "t". As you know that is readily available today in many forms, from injections, to pellets, to the Gel mentioned in this post. Any Urologist or Anti-aging doctor can prescribe that after blood work to determine your levels. I chose to do the pellets that I have put in once every 4 months. I don't know if that does anything to directly fix the bad tissue in the penis, but it does wonders for your energy,mood and overall attitude which is key to fighting any disease.HGH or human growth hormone on the other hand will and does produce new tissue and cell growth. This, as all alternative treatments is not without controversy,because body builders and athletes have abused it over the years and taken it in mega doses. Ronald Klatz a pioneer in the Anti-Aging movement wrote the primer on the subject."The official Anti-Aging Revolution". Also a great read is Andrew Morgantaler's book "Testosterone for Life" that someone else referenced earlier. Here is what has to be considered: Peyronies is not a respecter of persons, it hits the young and the old. That being said the way to make sure if these things will help is to do the research, and go see a doctor who's into this cutting edge technology,and have your levels checked so the proper and safe amounts can be prescribed. Hope this helps. Regards Inkhorn


iceman, I tried a 6 month cycle of HGH and it had no affect on my peyronies. Just a FYI.


HGH, HCG, and testosterone are all tools that we have at our disposal in an effort to heal from our Peyronie's. There's no guarantee that any one particular therapy is best for everyone. You simply have to keep on trying various things. The 3 that I just mentioned are powerful tools not just for dealing with Peyronie's but also with improving the quality of your life.

The Dr. that inkhorn mentioned is also the same person who inspired me to get back into the gym, eat high protein, use testosterone, and other supplements as well. I have seriously modified my body and I'm in incredible shape at the age of 49. The only thing I haven't added as of yet is HGH because of the cost but I hope to do so in the next few months.  HGH will definitely have additional positive effects on my body and I hope it will have some bearing on the Peyronie's as well.
Got Testosterone?


Please be very careful with using testosterone. Long term use will impact on your natural production and shrink your balls.  


LMP, I agree. If someone is going to use testosterone, he had better be sure what the heck he's doing.

I've spent countless hours on research and have been able to determine what is going to work best for me.

If I was doing only testosterone over the long run, I would definitely have testicle shrinkage. But in addition to cycling the testosterone, I also inject Human Chorionic Gonadatropin (HCG). That makes the testicles produce natural testosterone so shrinkage is totally avoided.
Got Testosterone?


DHT has some effects on flaccid penile size and could i increase overall size but only temporary i quite sure. I cannot see how you can correct PR with androgens.


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PxD 2 yrs 9/16.  Failed all treatment. 9/11/18: excision, grafting & implant Dr Karpman MtnView Ca, AMS CX 18cm + 3-1cm RTEs.
Pump failed.  2/11/20 Dr Karpman installed Titan 22cm +1cm RTE.


Beware, clomophene has the side effect of increased cranial blood pressure. That is why I would take a 1/4 clomid tablet instead of a whole. When there were no migraines, it could take headaches to a new level.  No need for an aneurysm blow. Clomid makes your balls full again when on testosterone replacement therapy. I need some more. Out.

Now to T.  AndroForte creme is my favorite. Much cheaper than Axion or AndroGel which I thought was crap. It took about 3 bottles a month of that crap to bring my T up. AndroForte from Australia did it in a little dab.  Comes in a tube, smear it on your ball sack. Dick liked it too.  I've not purchased any in a while because insurance is covering my testosterone cypionate but it used to cost me $140 for 3 months worth of AndroForte.  If insurance would buy it, I would go back to it.  NO THIS IS NOT AN Advertisement. Just stating what has worked for me.  
Milam 1/13/16-LGX 21cm - BAD service & surgical outcome Hated infrapubic.
Kramer revision 3/1/17 Titan 22cm + 1.5 cm extenders


I believe that topical dht cream will reduce tgf beta expression in my dick.
I dont do it for testosterone replacement therapy.

I posted a video here about a doctor who give high dose of testosterone with dht crem and low dose hgh
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Bubba dawg

I have been using Androgel for a year now. I have increased muscle mass. Not much improvement in energy level but I have not gotten worse. Shrink your balls is the least of your worries if you get extremely low T. I have a physical job. Low t started to effect my spine. Low t can lead to breaking bones as well as mental problems. My t was just in the low range. I think 200 is extremely low. Good luck feeling like getting out of the bed at that range. I just dont want mine to get worse. Not interested in super T
5 Rounds of Xiaflex. Good results.

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