Can over use of Ed druges cause Peyronies Disease

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This may sound like a dumb question but I was wondering is the common use of Ed druges might have a causeing some of the Peyronies Disease s. You knw they claim if the rection lasts longer then four hrs can cause serious problems . I dont knw just asking....


It can make you extra hard and if you're not careful during sex, you can fracture you penis by banging it on your partners pubic bone.  


OK, I have been on Peyronies Disease forums for close to 10 years.  I have never heard of a penis banging on a partners pubic bone because it is too hard.  That is utterly misinformation.  If anything it is the penis that is not fully erect that is prone to injury and poor healing.  If hard penises got injured banging on anything, every teenage boy would have an injured penis. Nothing could possibly make my penis or most men's penises more rigid than they were the first 30 years of their lives.

A possible problem with Viagra, especially if it is taken by someone that does not need it is priapism (prolonged erection) which can damage the penis if it lasts over 4 yours without at least a momentary interruption in the erection.  Again however, no one here has ever reported having incidents of priapism much less having them preceding their symptoms of Peyronies Disease.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk. One of us is right and the other one is you. It can and does happen.

Have a chat with any ER doc in busy hospital. They even have code names for it..


Egghead, that is UTTER NON_SENSE.  They do not have code names for penises that are so hard from Vuagra that they bang on female pubic bones.   It is in fact so silly I don't even know how to take the time to address it.  A doctor would laugh someone out of his office for asking such a question.  Any urologist, gynecologists, and most plumbers or electricians know that human anatomy does't allow for such.  Hard penises do NOT bang on pubic bones.  I am almost embarrassed for your insistence on this matter and would be happy to just let it go if we were in a one on one conversation, but I cannot let such misinformation be spread to those that might be clueless.

Of course with woman on top position a penis can come out and a female can drop the full force of her weight down on a penis but that injury has nothing to do with a penis being too hard.

I have two very close friends that are doctors.  I talk to one almost daily. While he is not a urologist or sexual heath doctor he knows anatomy, as does anyone that ever had a really hard penis and had intercourse with it.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk. As a matter of FACT, it can and does happen. Especially to those among us with peyronies. Why?? Because when it's dark in a bedroom, our penises no longer end where they did pre-peyronies. You pull out and go back in thinking you'll land in the right spot, and BAM. Cracked penis. Major swelling and hematoma. Scar tissue and more loss of size. Could it have happened without viagra? Sure. Being super hard just helps the snap.

I don't care if you don't believe me. I do care that you think being "on the boards for years", means that you're the authority on all peyronie matters.

Years may be too long...


Please read the original question.  "Do ED drugs cause Peyronies Disease?"  

Nothing you have said has anything to do with ED drugs or a penis being to hard.  It certainly does not even address the question if PD5 inhibitors can cause Peyronies Disease.

You state:
QuoteEspecially to those among us with peyronies. Why?? Because when it's dark in a bedroom, our penises no longer end where they did pre-peyronies. You pull out and go back in thinking you'll land in the right spot, and BAM.
That also has nothing to do with Viagra or a penis being too hard, or Viagra causing Peyronies Disease.

I have no clue what your point is but it has nothing to do with this topic.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



Your sentence:
QuoteI do care that you think being "on the boards for years", means that you're the authority on all peyronie matters.
Years may be too long...
Is not in place. Those veterans of the forum like Hawk, George, Old Man and many others (not talking about myself as I am not one of those veterans) that invested their time (and some also their money) to help others have experience accumulated during years from contact with thousands of other Peyronies sufferers and their own experience. It's just not fair from your side that until now your contribution to the forum is close to zero to write such a sentence.
I am telling you that very softly. Hope you will take a minute (or two) to think before you write.
By the way, the link below explains woman anatomy:
I didn't notice any bones in the way to go in :(

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Fair enough James. I went back to my corner out of respect.. I enjoy reading posts from all you old salts.



Don't go back to your corner and just read posts. It was not the intention of my post.
Be active and contribute with your ideas. That's what this forum is about. :)

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


To my mind ED drugs have nothing in common with Peyronies Disease, at least there's no evident data on this issue. You can read more about the variety of available ED medications at (LINK DISABLED by moderator Angus) , where you besides can compare prices or make a purchase.


I think the key to the original question is "what is over use"? Any medication used in excess to the prescribed amount, can cause a multitude of side effects. I to have never read or heard any link between Peyronies and ED meds, with the exception of it being prescribed to increase blood flow, to break up plaque. I think they say Viagra should only be used once a day. Frankly, I don't like some of the side effects I feel from it, but use it for sex never the less. If your worried about over use try 5000 mg of  L- Arginine an hour before sex. Regards Inkhorn



You have bought already products form dutypharmacy?
Are they having the "real staff"?

All members
Someone else bought from dutypharmacy?

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Some say they can cause Peyronies Disease, but they also can help in other cases, so I think each case needs to be examined individually.   Personally  I would take it if I had ED, but if not I see no point.  I do not think it will help with scar tissue unless you are unable to have nocturnal erections without it.

Can viagra cause peyronies disease? | Viagra FAQ
When you are in tune with the unknown, the known is peaceful.


I don't remember the study right now but should be on the forum also that low dose Cialis (2.5mg) daily (2.5mg is not for ED treatment) together with 3*400mg Pentox may reduce and dissolve plaques.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Okay that is confusing. .

So where is the proof that Viagra causes Peyronies Disease. I was considering starting up on Cialis due to the studies regarding plaque reduction.


There's no proof that Viagra or Cialis cause Peyronie's.
Got Testosterone?


Quote from: egghead on March 19, 2013, 11:45:33 AM
It can make you extra hard and if you're not careful during sex, you can fracture you penis by banging it on your partners pubic bone.

the penile fracture comes about from the medication itself, not from banging ur penis against ur girl's pelvic bone. medication like cialis or other non-sexual medication can cause penile fracture. there was a case of a man who experienced it with viagra about a month ago.

no offense, but refrain from making ridiculous assumptions without proof.  


guys, lets remain cool...

med drugs dont appear to cause peyronies. they do cause penile fracture. but, theoretically speaking, continued use of med drugs on top of penile fracture can cause peyronies. again, its very possible.  


Let's see:
ED Drugs cause penile fracture? Yes, if you got a good erection and bend your penis. Same as you got a good erection without ED med's and bend your penis. The only way to make a fracture is by bending your penis. Same as one will bend his arm or you will bend a wood stick to the breaking point.
How one can bend his penis? You can bend it by using your hands, you can bend it by pushing it against something hard like a door, a wall, a bad or some body part of your sex partner. It can be also the pubic bone.
Don't have any evidence that using oral ED drugs may cause Peyronies or ED.
Have many evidences (not trials) that some medications my trigger Peyronies, like some antibiotics and some drugs that may cause ED like Finasteride that on the box is written that may cause ED. All those issues are discussed here:
Causes of Peyronies Disease - PDS - Peyronies Society Forums

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum



viagra itself has been shown to produce penile fracture without any physical trauma. the fracture occurs from internal pressure against the walls of the corpus Cavernosum produced from overdose of male enhancing medications such as viagra or other non male enhancing drugs such as respridol. penile fracture is now considered one of the potential symptoms of viagra and other types of drugs. the evidence for such occurance is detailed in the links below. peyronies may manifest itself as a result of medication-induced penile fracture (MPF) since scarring to a large extent is produced. however, no one to my knowledge has developed it from such medications. however, this DOES NOT rule out the possibility. anyone contradicting such secondary effects is utterly ignorant.

Man's penis amputated after Viagra overdose - Americas - World - The Independent

Could Viagra cause Fracture of penis? - eHealthMe


Misuse of viagra might cause a fracture in a person with poor vascular health or who engages in risky behavior or who is genetically predisposed. However, viagra and cialis provide some protection against Peyronie's in that the inhibit the growth of scar tissue. Penile injury or fracture does not always equal Peyronie's disease. Only scar tissue equals Peyronie's.



Dear Mr. Koolx

First, I would like to say that I am appreciating very much your level of understanding of medical (or not so medical) articles. :)
My understanding is much much less, as English is not my mother language and I speak also other 8 languages so everything is mixing up in my head sometimes. :(  

I suppose I am ignorant as you say. What can I do? In any case, I never offended somebody, even I have posted more that 2000 posts on the forum. :) It's because I have read and remember the forum rules. ;) And we are doing our best to keep this forum as it is mentioned in the rules because we think that this is the way the forum should continue to be. Bellow the link to the forum rules.
Forum Rules and Member Rights - ALL MUST READ AND FOLLOW - Peyronies Society Forums

Regarding the links:
The first, is mentioning people that had priapism because of overdosis. They reached to help very late. Erection of more than 4 hours should be treated in hospital immediately. The problem is not the ED drug itself, it is the delay to reach for help.

The second is mentioning a penile fracture during intercourse while taking 100 mg Viagra. It happened to me and many others without taking Viagra. And ED drugs like any medications if taken without doctor advice and without reading what are the health issues that forbidding it's usage it is dangerous. The end of the article: However, we do not suggest that patients prescribed ViagraTM should be specifically warned of this hazard, as it may occur with any tumescence.

The third is mentioning that from 32,500 people using Viagra 11 people had penile fracture. It is stated that all the fractures occurred in people that had used Viagra for less than one month. The report does not mention how the fracture occurred. Interesting, no?

In any case Mr. Koolx, thank for the enlightenment, I will do my best to be less ignorant in the future :)
I would be also happy if you will fill the age in your profile, it may help me to give you even more respect.
In my country, we have very deep respect to elders, same as in some parts in the US.

Best wishes
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum



After reading these articles I would like to say that men with peyronies should be very careful during intercourse. With or without ED drugs.

Being careful with sex for missionary put the girl's butt on a pillow. That changes the angle and allows for better penetration and movement, without slipping out. Sex should be with a rigid penis and good lubrication is a must to prevent new injury.




that depends on the dosage of viagra, frequency, etc.


you greatly misunderstood me. in no way was i implying that youre ignorant. as a matter of fact, i'm glad that you brought your disagreement to light so that others may know the dangerous potential of certain meds upon the body that many should be educated upon to help guard against possible permanent injury. therefore, theres no need to rehash forum rules. youre referring to the last statement of my latest post. that statement was targeted to all of us including those who possess a high level of acumen upon the subject.

i appreciate your compliment but i'm no smarter than a lot of people here. constant reading, research, experience and conversations with experts in the field have kept me abreast of the latest developments of this increasing issue. disrespect was never my intention. i always welcome your opinion since i consider you a valuable member of this forum and appreciate your presence on it. thank you.

Bud luck

Trimix will cause you Peroynes, but not viagra or Cialis. I'm been taking Cialis for 9 years, and I never had any problems. I took Trimix twice and I got Peroynes, don't inject anything in your penis  
My first symptoms started early in 2019
I tried Traction device, Pentofixiline, Q10, TRT, L-Argenine, cialis
I have narrowing/dent/hinge on the left side of my shaft
My ED is getting worse
Had a PRP shot Aug 2021
I have a girlfriend
Age 46


Bad Luck,  Do you realize you posted on a topic that has been dead for 7 years?
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I don't think so. I don't know any studies that list Peyronies Disease as a side effect of these drugs. In fact, it's probably the opposite: these drugs improve blood flow to the penis and constant blood flow may improve penile curvature - I speak from personal experience.
Psychogenic ED (coital anxiety), 40+yo. Current regimen: udenafil 200mg, oral phentolamine mesylate 40 mg, Seredyn.


Quote from: koolx on October 17, 2013, 01:01:45 AM

viagra itself has been shown to produce penile fracture without any physical trauma. [...]

Very interesting, I had no idea. But like you said, it's a rare possibility.

Frequent blood flow is essential to penile health and in my case, harder avanafil-induced erections and better intercourse have definitely improved my curvature. The latter was probably NOT Peyronies Disease and it was not congenital either. I believe it was caused by trauma, maybe masturbation.
Psychogenic ED (coital anxiety), 40+yo. Current regimen: udenafil 200mg, oral phentolamine mesylate 40 mg, Seredyn.

Bud luck

It wasn't the injection itself; it was the fact that I was hard for over 3 hours with extreme pain that caused the damage.

Priapism seldom does any tissue damage unless it lasts for well over 4 hours.  If you were erect for only 3 hours, I think it is likely that was not the cause of and following penis problems.  I and many others have had 3-hour erections with sex without negative results.  
My first symptoms started early in 2019
I tried Traction device, Pentofixiline, Q10, TRT, L-Argenine, cialis
I have narrowing/dent/hinge on the left side of my shaft
My ED is getting worse
Had a PRP shot Aug 2021
I have a girlfriend
Age 46


Didn't think you could get a penile fracture from just taking Viagra/Cialis, and a lot if us take Cialis every day...

Does this mean you could get the fracture without even having had an erection during the time the fracture occurs?
Age early thirties, peyronies 4.5 years


It is of course possible to get an injury in a flaccid penis but you certainly cannot fracture a flaccid penis.

Having sex with a semi-erect penis can injure it.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums