Undo, reversing Nesbit`s plication.

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HI Guys, I have been reading this forum for months. I am 24 y old, have always had a congenital curvature, plus the Preyronie`s, which started three years ago. 4 months ago, I had a Nesbit procedure, with success in unbending but I am not completely satisfied... Now I wish I had paid some more attention to advices here and trying to stabilize tle plaque before going to surgery.

I see my penis straight, but I had congenital to the right direction curvature, and then Peyronie`s came, 3 years ago, rotating my gland to the left. I am not completely satisfied with the results, it`s straight, but with the gland slightly rotated to left. And I want to see, if tunica albugine have ot healed yet, which would be the consequences of getting the dots and stitches out?

I`m planning, to go to UGRS international, in Mallorca, Spain, where Dr. Kostas Konstantinides could do a microsurgery operation fullfiling the too short part of my penis with collagen tissue for 12.000 euros. I really think, this is the only knd of surgery that can cure my case with success. But for that I need to get to the original state of my dick.

Just, despite the butcher and bloody image I could see, is it possible to get Nesbit`s undone now it`s soon and it hasn`t healed yet and have my original shape back? Does nesbit procedure only folds tunica albuginea or the skin too?

Please, any help would be greatly appreciated, don`t want to wait to plication to be stabilized and then will be too late.

Or maybe it`s too late, and I should accept it?


I has nesbit plication surgery in October.  85 degrees is now 15 degrees.  It is PLENTY straight enough.  When flaccid, I can feel the sutures under the skin.  The skin scar has all but gone away.  It is much flatter than originally.  The discomfort from the sutures pulling when erect has gone away too.  I am very happy because I can have penetrative sex again.  


I don`t know how many degrees had previous to the operation, maybe 120 or so. As I said, my case was maybe not adecuate to get Nesbit surgery, I had congenital and Peyronie`s at the same time, it looked like a loop.

The problem is, yeah, it`s straight, but it has loosed the cylindric form, I know lump has to go with time, but, it is no cylindric, it makes difficult to jerk off, although I know I will can have penetrative sex. The shape isn`t horrible, but it`s far to be to what a normal penis shoul look like. Also, my Peyronie plaque was in the left down side of my glans, very near to this. Now, it`s straight, but the glans is rotated maybe 15 or 20 degrees in the direction of the plaque, and the place where the plaque was, is like is not filled, maybe due to sutures in the plaque.

I keep asking, could I ask to reverse the process, or it would be too dangerous?


Do you mean you would rather have a 120 degree loop ???
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Interesting question. I've never done much research on reversing this type of surgery. In theory, the Nesbit procedure uses stitches to place a 'tuck' in the Tunica to shorten it up on the long side. Various doctors use different type of suture styles (6 dot, 12 dot, etc.). So it would seem that removing the stitches would simply release the tuck. But I would think the length of time since the surgery would be a factor. Because if the tuck has been in place for some time then it might be more difficult to get that part of the Tunica to stretch back out again.

I would really be interested in why you are looking to get the surgery reversed. Are you having other complications since surgery.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


I think I would choose to keep a straighter erection with a twisted glans and able to have penetrative sex, then to have it reversed back to a 120 degree loop and not able to have sex??

What am I missing here? Why would you want it reversed? Very few erections are perfectly straight and porn star proud. Everyone's is slightly bent, crooked, maybe twisted a little. I think I would rather have that instead of a 120 degree bend.
Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History


Well, maybe yes. It was impossible to me to maintain sexual relationship with that curve. But maybe, I had too much hurry on getting Nesbit so I could have sex normally.

Now, I look at it, and I think this is not how I want my `little boy` to look like.

I would rather have a 120 degree again, and have time to think a best approach to the situation.

As I said, the UGRS Institute, a German one, with an office in my country, supposedly could deal with the problem using microinjerts in the short side and in the plaque to make it look straight and natural at the same time.

Home - UGRS International

And maybe, I`m entering into a panic attack, but would like to know how much insane would be thinking in undoing plication after 4 months.


I second that question. What is it that you are unhappy about with your surgery? Our reason for doing it is to get straight. You seem to have done that. What do you not like?  
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!


It looks like a mushroom, or a snake... Dear God, is this the best solution to our problem?

If I could link a picture, then you would understand me.


It was done 4 months ago.

I can say it`s straight now, o almost already.

I`m concerned, because, now it looks weird, like a snake or mushroom or something like that. Plus, it has loosed it`s cylindric form, makes masturbation difficult, and under the glans, to the right is more swallowed, and to the left there is a kind of corpora cavernosum depression, making glans twisted to the left. It keeps me thinking, when one girl sees this, what the hell she will think? Nowadays, it doesn`t look like a penis

.I don`t know if we can hang images here, but it`s kinda strange. In the other part, I can`t know if another surgeon could do it better...


First you have to acknowledge that a 120 degree curve (loop) is huge.  Any treatment that would have possibly reduced the curve by half would have still left you with a 60 degree curve that would have made intercourse difficult or impossible.  You can always look for a GREAT penile reconstruction surgeon that could assess you and recommend a better solution.  That could mean anything from graft, implant, etc

The assessment of your current problem and the exact recommendation of reconstructive surgery are beyond our ability to provide.  I don't think it makes much sense however to run and get the Nesbit reversed then try to find a solution.  If you are unsatisfied, I think a Great surgeon would deal with the entire problem at one time.  Keep in mind we are just guessing here because in the last decade I have never heard of anyone on a forum that wanted to undo a Nesbit so I feel pretty unqualified to express a real opinion.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


This is the continuation of two merged topics by the same member on the same topic.  One in this board and one in the introductions board.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums



Maybe you can post your photo on the child board of "Surgery for Peyronies Disease" board.
Others can comment on it.
I check out the link you have posted regarding UGRS. It sounds a serious organisation, I would like to have opinion of people that were treated by them.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Thank you all for your answers  ;)

I wil try to find some photos preOP I had and take some pictures of my actual, and will share them.

I`m worried about the psychological component of my satisfaction grade. Sometimes I think, bah, it`s just ok. And others, I just get crazy about it. However, I have not decided anything yet, although, my urologist surgeon has not meet me since surgery.


Still looking for the previous photos, I got them in a pen, or user? Damn memory! :D

Despite of all this, I'm thinking, everything will depend on what exact technique he used (which I will ask him for).

As far as I know, there are several variants of the technique. I guess, If he did excision of the tunica albuginea, there will be nothing to do on this. BUT, if he did incision, or another thing that did not implie hurting or removing/drying out the tunica albuginea, it's reasonable to think, it can be repaired with absorbable dots (other thing would be to know if, even placing dots on tunica's incisions wont's prevent to scarring/calcification in those points, leading to multi peyronie's points).

I'm soo confused about this. Until I don't see my surgeon, won't have a clue about anything.


Sorry for being absent so much time. I will post/send the users who replied photos tomorrow or in two days.

Besides I'm busy now, I try to not think on this too much. I'm frozen right now about all this, it's like a horror story come true. Still thinking, Nesbit surgery was a total mistake for my condition. I wish I had waited and thought with my head and not with my second-head.

I hope to get help on this, I can't live with this my entire life.


I hope you are doing well.   Many years ago I had a bad Nesbit procedure that introduced hourglass and greatly reduced rigidity.

I had the sutures removed.  Five of the six areas expanded back to normal, but I was left with a knot of scar tissue at the location of one of the sutures.  I can still feel very minor bumps where the sutures were removed, but the tissue seems fine.

It is possible to have them removed if the doc did not excise the tissue, but there is no guarantee it will work.  


It has been a long time. I chose not to think on this issue in a so obsessive way, so I absented from the forum because it made the situation harder, being reading bad experiences daily and that. I decided to give myself a break and let that obsession of getting the sutures removed as soon as possible dissipate. I needed to think as coldly as I could. Now I'm back much fresher and more logical, it does not overwhelms as I understood I have the key to fix the things that make my experience so disgusting.

I've come to understand so many things about penile surgery. I'm sure for example, I've lost sensitivity due to various factors (apart from the "horrendous" bumpie form and the junk surgery I got):

1) Foreskin circumcision, which leads to glans keratinization.

2) Frenulum cutting (the most sensitive area in the whole organ)

3) The plication itself. I have a theory to explain why some dudes don't get almost any sensation loss on Nesbit's while others suffer a major loss of it. The corporoplasty or plication only modifies Tunica Albuginea, right? But, what happens then to the outer layers? Nothing, they get unmodified. BUT, by cause of the Tunica shortening, the penis loss volume, but all the layers remain with the same longitude and shape. They remain there but now are not as filled as before. Dartos layer, neurovascular bundle (which is layer shaped too) become wrinkled, because of a lack of tension, volume or "filling".

I discovered one day, after having random sensation in the shaft over the days as I masturbated (some days I got the exact feeling I used to have before and others, it was like if it was not mine: no sense at all. but that told me it was not nerve damage, it was something else and more simple), the neurovascular bundle part which belongs to shaft is specially sensitive to pressure, unlike the glans, frenulum and all the other parts which are more sensitive to brushing. That combo of touching the shaft and brushing the glans gives sense to the entire sexual stimulus. That said, I can assure, the wrinkled tissue is the reason for the bump on Nesbit's surgery. It needs to be in tension to be functional. That could get achieved undoing the plication dots, that would let the Tunica expand again and refill the neurovascular bundle.

So, depending on where the penile convexity is placed, you can be or not an ideal candidate for Nesbit's. Clearly I was not.

Hopeful7, thanks for posting your experience, you've thrown a big light into my darkness :)

If you don't mind to answer some doubts, please!

- How many time passed since the surgery and when you got the sutures removed?

- Were the sutures absorbable? Not the one or two exterior stitches that almost always are non-absorbable, but the internal sutures that made the plication process.

- There were any pain or Erectile Disfunction or more sensitivity loss because of the plication removal or just the scar knots?

Thank you very much  ;)

Now I'm starting to think there's always hope. ALWAYS. I will talk to my surgeonin order to know if I had excision done. Time to pray or something.

Best regards.


Have you read/heared something about collagen micro membranes for treating peyronie's and congenital? They would been matched with patience by the surgeon, reconstructing the form to make it straight?

I'm trying to find more about that. Seems better than implants. I would need a very wise surgeon about penis shape and function, but would it be possible?


I broke my penis. The scar tissue allowed my penis to bend at a 45 degree angle, which made intercourse virtually impossible. They never told me that I would loose 1 inch per suture. I had four sutures! So from 9 1/2 down to 5 1/2. I there any way to get these sutures out? If so, will things go back to normal?