alprostadil - need help

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Hi guys, I'm sure someone on here can help me who has exprience with the drug I need. I need to start using a drug called alprostadil caverject but my urologist keeps referring me to damn psychiatrists (who charge a fortune and get you nowhere) as he thinks theres somehow a chance they can change the psychological reasons for my underlying ed - he's wrong, I've never been able to get an erection in the situation I want to be able to because of my unique sexual orientation where I'm aroused at the wrong sex (psychological deficit ed). I'm 31 years old and I feel he thinks I'm too young, but there is no other option but this. I have the lowest possible dose of this drug 5mcg and suspect I would only need to titrate to half the dose. Is there anyone on here thats been shown how to do this who can talk me through the process.
Can anyone help?


From what I understand you don't want to mess around with that unless you absolutely have to.  The injections over time will cause issues.

What do you mean you're aroused at the wrong sex?  You can get erections but just not at the right time you want?

I believe someone on here even thinks they got peyronies through the use of this drug/injections.  


I've never been able to get an erection in the situation I want to be able to because of my unique sexual orientation where I'm aroused at the wrong sex (psychological deficit ed).

I agree with guyincog. What does this mean?

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Also have your tried oral ED meds already Chris.  Thanks for posting !
When you are in tune with the unknown, the known is peaceful.


Quote from: guyincog on February 08, 2013, 04:38:59 PM
The injections over time will cause issues.

What issues? I know about Peyronie's. There really is no other option, I tried all the oral drugs already. I'm basically a gay guy that's always wanted to be straight and so I'm prepared to take the risk if it means one on one with a girl is possible. Has anyone here used caverject before?


Just so I'm clear: You are aroused by men but not women so you want to use alprostadil  to force your penis into an erect state so you can have sex with a woman? If so, that's fine.

The issue that concerns guyincog and just about everyone else in this forum, is that injections into your penis could lead to Peyronie's, which is gonna make your life far more difficult. I think Hawk, the founder of this website had used Caverject and that's how we all got a forum for Peyronie's. You may wish to ask him.

As for the injection process, your doctor should have given you all the info necessary. If not, the manufacturer might be able to help you with that info.

Lastly, you could also consider Muse, which is a pellet that you push into your penis. I have 6 applications sitting in my refrigerator but I have yet to use it since I haven't had the occasion for it. The biggest complaint for Muse is that some men experience burning in their urethra from it.
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Quote from: MattFoley on February 08, 2013, 05:25:49 PM
Just so I'm clear: You are aroused by men but not women so you want to use alprostadil  to force your penis into an erect state so you can have sex with a woman? If so, that's fine.

The issue that concerns guyincog and just about everyone else in this forum, is that injections into your penis could lead to Peyronie's, which is gonna make your life far more difficult. I think Hawk, the founder of this website had used Caverject and that's how we all got a forum for Peyronie's. You may wish to ask him.

As for the injection process, your doctor should have given you all the info necessary. If not, the manufacturer might be able to help you with that info.

Lastly, you could also consider Muse, which is a pellet that you push into your penis. I have 6 applications sitting in my refrigerator but I have yet to use it since I haven't had the occasion for it. The biggest complaint for Muse is that some men experience burning in their urethra from it.

But correct me if i'm wrong, as i might be, but isn't it just a small percentage of men that use caverject that develop Peyronie's. The instructions with the drug are missing a few points: Like do you inject all at once and should the needle be all the way in and at an angle. Stuff like that. My doctor just sent me to a urologist for initial titration, who in turn sent me to a psychotherapist, who basically did nothing.

I read that Muse can tear the urethra on insertion, is it a needle like caverject?


I'm not saying that it's a guarantee that Caverject will cause you Peyronie's but you have to understand what forum you're in when you bring up this topic.

You should contact the manufacturer's rep. in your region and ask about how to properly administer the Caverject.

Here are links on how to do it:

As for Muse, it's not a needle. It's a plastic applicator that you very carefully insert into your urethra and release a tiny pellet of Alprostadil. I can tell you more about it after I use it myself. I think I may try it this weekend.
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Quote from: MattFoley on February 08, 2013, 05:56:34 PM
I'm not saying that it's a guarantee that Caverject will cause you Peyronie's but you have to understand what forum you're in when you bring up this topic.

You should contact the manufacturer's rep. in your region and ask about how to properly administer the Caverject.

Here are links on how to do it:

As for Muse, it's not a needle. It's a plastic applicator that you very carefully insert into your urethra and release a tiny pellet of Alprostadil. I can tell you more about it after I use it myself. I think I may try it this weekend.

Cheers Matt you've been a great help, I think I'll ask Hawk about administration of the drug. I came to this forum with trying caverject in mind as I figured most everyone here must have tried it and would therefore know how to inject it.

Muse I think starts with 10mcg doesn't it. I reckon that might be too much for me, but at least it lowers the risk of developing Peyronie's. I'd love to hear back how you got on with it man so I can decide for myself.


You're welcome.

The Muse dosage is different than the Caverject, at least it is here in the U.S. The max. dose for Muse is, I believe, 1,000 mcg. I have 250 mcg dosage pellets. 10 mcg. of Muse wouldn't do anything.
Got Testosterone?


Quote from: MattFoley on February 08, 2013, 06:27:45 PM
You're welcome.

The Muse dosage is different than the Caverject, at least it is here in the U.S. The max. dose for Muse is, I believe, 1,000 mcg. I have 250 mcg dosage pellets. 10 mcg. of Muse wouldn't do anything.

Yeah I just checked it out. 125mcg is the lowest available in the UK. Is it manufactured by Pfizer too? Only here in the UK it suggests its another company on one of the websites. Here in the UK you can buy these drugs online without a face to face doctor's prescription, I don't know whether that's the case in the US / Canada.



I suppose one injection MIGHT not hurt you.  I developed Peyronies Disease however starting right in the injection are from using Trimix.  I will only say that injections are in the base 1/3 of the penis either at the 10 o'clock or 2 o'clock position.  The needle should miss any visible veins, and it is critical that you apply pressure to the injection site by pressing on the injection site with a thumb and finger for 3 to 5 minutes.  Blood in the tissue can trigger Peyronies Disease.  Typically a small insulin needle is used.

If you develop Peyronies Disease nothing that happens the day of the injection will be worth it.

You might want to hang out on FT. org which is an ED only forum.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums