My Peyronie's - Dorsal Vein & Artery

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My Peyronie's plaque inhabits a thin strip at the top of my penis. It interferes with the dorsal vein, thus giving me venous leakage, and quite possibly arterial dysfunction as well. I also have a 75-80 degree bend. I do not have hour-glassing.

I'm wondering if anyone else has that as well and if they've seen their doctor about possible treatments and outcomes.

I literally have a thin layer of skin and the plaque is right beneath it. Why is it not feasible to simply have a doctor numb the skin and then use a small gauge needle/scalpel to repeatedly pierce the plaque and destroy its' integrity, allowing the Pentox to penetrate and destroy?

I would appreciate any thoughts or recommendations. Thank you.

Got Testosterone?


Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk, thank you.

Interestingly enough, the Leriche technique was the one that initially attracted me to looking at non-medicinal solutions. I reviewed the link you posted and it bears some excellent information.

I guess this is another question for Dr. Lue when at some point I can get the referral to see him.

Thank you again.

Got Testosterone?


Oddly, I was just looking for a place to make a post describing my situation which is almost identical.  There is somewhat of an upward bend to my penis but what is most noticeable to the eye is when I press back in the pubic area to full expose my penis there is a definitely bend and near the base is a shallow concaved area about the width of my thumb.  I also have some kind of lump which I think is collagen or maybe just hardened inflamed vein or tissue just beneath the skin on the dorsal area.  I can feel something as if it an artery or vein.  When  I have an erection this hard lump seems to get larger.  When flacid there seems to be a spongy mass with it which I can massage and it seems to go away or lessen in viscosity but still leaves a very hard thread or rod like lump in the dorsal area.  A week ago it felt more like it was to the side of this area but not it seems almost certainly located in the dorsal vein area.   Also, today my testicles have felt a bit swollen and a bit of discomfort.  One other thing is that at the base, in the pubic area extending toward my scrotum I feel swelling on the right side which is also the direction of bending.  This swelling is definitely an egg shaped puffiness in a well defined area.  
    In my introductory post I have described that my girlfriend is staying with her mother who is pretty much on her death bed.  It is a 4 hour drive up there.  I have one theory that driving that distance may have created or contributed to this problem because of my clothing or underwear constricting blood flow for hours at a time while driving since it tends to creep into my crotch and become tight in that area.  To relieve this problem I now wear loose underwear at home and sleep nude.  Today I've not felt well for the first time since starting herbal remedies.  Last night was the first time I've taken CoQ10 but I have upped my dosage of nattokinase.  Since I'm experiencing some problems I will eliminate all but the CoQ10 and aspirin from my regimen until this nausea subsides.


BillyBob2, long term driving can aggravate the prostate as well so you should probably get that checked. Also, at the Dollar Store, they sell bladder infection testing kits. Buy one and check your urine for infection. I'm sure you're fine but for a buck, what he heck?

As for underwear, I no longer wear any and I always sleep in the nude.

Let me know when you wanna hear my testosterone speech and I'll hit you with that as well. But I warn you, raising your testosterone levels is a double-edged sword. You get very, very horny but if your woman is not around to satisfy you, you'll be prowling around for that surrogate you mentioned.  ;)

Got Testosterone?


Go for it!... The surrogate can be on call, no problem, if needed.  I've got a couple of rejected girlfriends ready and willing.... and honestly, I have my doubts about the current one wanting to continue our relationship.  Tomorrow may be a different story but today I just don't give a damn.
   As for the prostate check.. did that when I went to the doctor with this a month ago.


Matt, I would like to hear the testosterone speech please.


Quote from: BillyBob2 on February 04, 2013, 02:17:43 AM
   As for the prostate check.. did that when I went to the doctor with this a month ago.

Unfortunately the "prostate check" is just to rule out cancer.  You may have bacterial or abacterial prostatitis which is common and can cause pain, especially when sitting for long periods as Matt suggested.   I also have this problem, so you may want to discuss with your doctor.  
When you are in tune with the unknown, the known is peaceful.


Quote from: MattFoley on February 04, 2013, 02:14:33 AM
Also, at the Dollar Store, they sell bladder infection testing kits. Buy one and check your urine for infection.

Would you elaborate on this?  This is a new one on me.  what exactly does it check for and how?
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Hawk, it's called, "Urinary Tract Infection Test Strips" by New Choice. I bought a box from the Dollar Tree. You urinate on a test strip and it checks for "both Leukocytes (white blood cells) and Nitrate". Both are indicators that you may have a urinary tract infection. Kinda cool. :)

Got Testosterone?


I checked online for the urinary tract infection test kit at Dollar General and Dollar Tree... no results... but I did find them at Walgreen's, 3 test strips for $11.99  azo urinary tract infection test strips| Walgreens
I should not have UTI since my doc did give me a script for ciprofloxin while there and I took every pill right on schedule.


    2. Lifestyle

    a. Get at least 8 hours of sleep.

    b. Do not smoke at all. Smoking murders testosterone (see to moderate your drinking since drinking alcohol decreases zinc levels in your body.

    c. Have morning sex (if you partner is willing, of course). Just having an erection increases your testosterone. And you already get a surge of T when you wake up, so this will bump it up even further. If you need it, take Cialis or Viagra. I prefer Cialis because it lasts 36 hours. I try and take a low dose of 5 mg. everyday.

    d. Try to avoid Xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens are man-made estrogens that are found in things like pesticides, artificial growth hormones & steroids, air fresheners and plastic containers and these xenoestrogens will increase your levels of the female hormone estrogen while lowering testosterone so eat more organic fruits & vegetables that are free of pesticides and if you do buy your fruits & vegetables at a regular grocery store make sure you wash them to lower your chances of consuming any xenoestrogens and eat more naturally raised meats instead of eating beef, chicken, pork and even milk that was raised using artificial growth hormones and steroids and use glass products to store food & water instead of plastic since plastic products tend to produce xenoestrogens that'll get into your water & food especially when heated and even some canned foods contain plastic coatings that contain xenoestrogens and don't use any perfumes, colognes, or air fresheners that have parabens listed as one of the ingredients. Parabens are xenoestrogens.

    Please note: It'll be fairly hard for you to 100% completely avoid all xenoestrogens but if you follow the other tips you'll still be able to naturally increase your testosterone while getting rid of excess estrogen without having to worry so much about trying to avoid xenoestrogens. Also note: Since most xenoestrogens accumulate in your body fat - your best defense against xenoestrogens is to lose body fat.

    3. Diet

    a. Eat a serving of good fat. As your fat intake goes up, so do your T levels. Aim to get at least 30% of your calories from fat and spread your consumption of it throughout the day. Mono-saturated fats, the kind found in nuts, fish, olives, olive oil, seeds, and avocados-are particularly beneficial to your testosterone level (and your health). (( Also, don't be afraid of saturated fat; that whole business about it raising your cholesterol and causing heart disease is a bunch of rubbish. ((

    b. Eat a serving of animal protein. Vegetarian diets have been proven to lower your T levels. ((

    c. Eat a serving of cruciferous vegetables. Veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, turnips, cabbage and brussel sprouts contain Diindolylmethane which helps balance your estrogen and testosterone levels and increases the amount of free circulating T in your body. Avoid grapefruit since it makes it harder for your body to break down estrogen.

    Here's an example of something I do:

    Spinach/Spring Salad Mix. This is the base of my salad. Spinach and other leafy green vegetables contain minerals like magnesium and zinc, which have been shown to aid in testosterone production (study on magnesium, and another; study on zinc)

    Meat. Meat, particularly beef, provides our bodies with the protein it needs to create muscle (more muscle = more T) and the fats and cholesterol to make testosterone.

    Nuts. Usually a handful of Brazil nuts or walnuts or almonds. Nuts are little fat bombs that provide the cholesterol that Leydig cells need for T production. One study suggest that the selenium in Brazil nuts boosts testosterone. Just don't go crazy with them.

    Avocado/Olives. Avocados and olives are a great source of the good fats we need for healthy testosterone production.
    Broccoli. Every now and then I'd throw some broccoli into the salad. Broccoli contains high levels of indoles, a food compound that has been shown to reduce the bad estrogen in our bodies that sap testosterone levels.
    Olive Oil. I topped my salad off with lots of olive oil. Research suggests that olive oil helps your Leydig cells (which produce testosterone) absorb cholesterol better. And as I've mentioned a few times, our Leydig cells need cholesterol to make T. More cholesterol absorption = more testosterone.

    Balsamic Vinegar. Mostly for taste. It's also supposed to help keep your insulin in check.[/li][/list]

    d. Do no eat anything with soy in it. You're going to have to read labels. It will blow your mind how many things contain soy these days.

    4. Exercise

    Do resistance training. Lift some weights and do compound exercises like squats, dead-lifts, dips, rows, and pull-ups. They'll boost your testosterone more than bicep curls. You also need to use heavy weights and short sets.

    Conclusion: The end result of all this was my testosterone increased by 60%, my mood changed to positive, I'm in better physical condition than I have been in almost 15 years, and my libido is great.

    I suggest everyone get their testosterone levels checked and use these ideas to boost their testosterone naturally. If you have Hypogonadism, these may not work so the alternative is testosterone replacement therapy. Also, HGH replacement therapy should be considered as well. That's my next focus in March.

    Additional References:
    Got Testosterone?


    I couldn't get everything in one post so I split it up.

    As men, our bodies use testosterone and HGH (Human Growth Hormones) to heal, build muscle, maintain low body fat, libido, energy, etc. While testosterone levels can remain normal throughout your life, by the age of 55, our HGH has decreased to levels about what an 80 year old can produce (see Notice how long it takes for you body to heal as you get older? (see

    Doctors are starting to see a correlation between a drop in testosterone and HGH and Peyronie's (see In my case, it's undeniable. My testosterone dropped dramatically and soon afterwards, Peyronie's struck. My HGH is already dropping as per my age but the drop in testosterone was the final nail in the coffin.

    My doctor ran a full blood panel of the following:

    Testosterone Free
    Testosterone Total
    Thyroid Panels (T3, T4, TSH)
    CMP Profile
    Lipid Profile
    CBC w/Diff profile
    C-Reactive Protein
    Vitamin D

    The results were the basis of a horror story. Bad cholesterol was high, good cholesterol was low, testosterone was low, blood counts were terrible.

    Since testosterone and HGH are important to helping the body heal (see, my doctor immediately suggested that I needed to get my testosterone levels up. He recommended diet and exercise but nothing specific so it was up to me to figure the rest out.

    Here's what I did:

    1. Supplements

    I started taking the following supplements. These supplements are designed to boost testosterone and nitric oxide. They will naturally raise your testosterone. Within a short period of time, you should feel a surge in testosterone that should raise your libido, give you firmer erections and could very reasonably have a positive impact on your Peyronie's:

    D-Aspartic Acid

    Produced in the pituitary gland and the testicles, this amino acid (also known as D-aspartate) stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone, which boosts testosterone production and acts on Leydig cells (special cells in the testicles) to increase testosterone production as well as the production of sperm. One study, published in a 2009 issue of the journal Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, found that subjects who had taken a D-aspartate supplement daily for 12 days increased their testosterone levels by more than 40 percent.

    Suggested use: Take 3 grams in the morning

    Tribulus Terrestris

    This herb, also known as puncturevine, grows in North America and Asia and has been used for centuries to treat sexual dysfunction. The active compound in Tribulus is a saponin called protodioscin, which increases the release of luteinizing hormone from the pituitary gland, thereby boosting testosterone production by the testicles. But protodioscin has also been found to boost immune function, which is important because higher testosterone levels often suppress the immune system. By taking Tribulus, you can boost testosterone levels without increasing your risk of getting sick and missing gym time.

    Suggested use: 500 to 1,000 milligrams 30 to 60 minutes before sexual activity and/or workouts. Use for 6-8 weeks, then go off it for 4 weeks before cycling back on again.


    Native to southern Europe, this herb is often used in cooking. It boosts testosterone levels because it contains high amounts of furostanolic saponins, similar to those found in Tribulus terrestris. These phytochemicals boost test production by increasing luteinizing-hormone secretion. One study, published in February 2011 in the journal Phytotherapy Research, showed that healthy young men taking a fenugreek
    supplement for six weeks experienced a boost in their sex drive, sexual performance and energy levels. The researchers concluded that this was because of a positive effect on the guys' testosterone levels. Another study, published in the October 2010 issue of the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, reported that trained men taking fenugreek for eight weeks almost doubled their increase in bench-press and leg-press strength, as compared to those taking a placebo, and they also lost a significant amount of body fat, while those taking the placebo did not.

    Suggested use: 500 to 1,000 milligrams an hour before sexual activity and/or 30 to 60 minutes before workouts. I use Solaray Fenugreek Extract -- 350 mg.


    Also known as Turnera diffusa, damiana is native to Mexico and Central and South America, where, for centuries, it has been used as an aphrodisiac. Recent research from the University of Mississippi reported that damiana contains the active ingredients pinocembrin and acacetin, which are potent inhibitors of the aromatase enzyme. Aromatase converts testosterone into estrogen, so by blunting it, damiana keeps testosterone levels higher.

    Suggested use: 50 to 500 milligrams 30 to 60 minutes before sexual activity and/or workouts. I use Solaray Damiana Leaves -- 370 mg

    Long Jack (Tongkat Ali)

    Raises testosterone by stimulating Leydig cells. Second, it frees up testosterone in the bloodstream. Third, reduces levels of the catabolic hormone cortisol.

    Suggested use: 100-300 mg of eurycoma per dose and take it in the morning, 30 minutes before workouts and before bed. I use Long Jack PowerMax 200 -- 200 mg


    Directly stimulates Leydig cells. Activates the enzyme, adenylate cycclase, which stimulates testosterone production and fat loss. In a study by the University of Kansas (Lawrence), subjects taking forskolin for 12 weeks experienced higher testosterone levels and greater fat loss than those taking a placebo.

    Suggest use: Look for products that supply 20-50 mg of forskolin and take it 2-3 times per day before meals. I use Forskolin 50.

    Vitamin D3

    Vitamin D is produced in the body from cholesterol, as is testosterone, it follows that higher vitamin D levels can encourage higher testosterone levels in men. In fact, Austrian scientists from the Medical University of Graz reported that men with higher blood levels of vitamin D had significantly higher levels of testosterone.

    Suggested use: 5,000 IU per day, taken with meals, to maximize all D's benefits.


    Zinc is very important for the production of natural testosterone because Zinc prevents testosterone from being converted into estrogen (the female hormone) by making the enzyme aromatase not work plus Zinc itself turns estrogen into testosterone and Zinc helps produce healthier sperm and higher sperm counts so actually low levels of zinc can cause low testosterone levels. Foods high in Zinc include oysters (a natural aphrodisiac), liver, seafood, poultry, nuts & seeds.

    Suggested use: 100mg of Zinc daily.

    Omega-3 Fish Oil

    Fish oil has been shown to lower SHBG and increase production of Luteinizing Hormone (the hormone responsible for triggering the testes to produce T).

    Suggested use: I use Mega EFA® Omega-3 EPA & DHA Fish Oil -- 2,126 mg per serving


    This amino acid is so closely related to arginine that in the body, it is actually converted into arginine. However, citrulline may boost Nitric Oxide (NO) levels even better than its cousin because cells in the digestive tract are always starving for arginine, and they tend to grab it before it can get into the bloodstream and be converted into NO. The intestines are not interested in citrulline in the slightest, however, which means that it passes straight through them and into the bloodstream. One study, published in 2008 in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, found that when subjects took equal amounts of citrulline and arginine, the citrulline increased levels of arginine and
    NO in the blood more than taking arginine did. Check this out: [url]

    Suggested use: 3 to 5 grams 30 to 60 minutes before sexual activity and workouts.

    Glycine ProPionyl-l-carnitine

    GPLC is a patented compound that combines the amino acid glycine with a form of carnitine, which has been modified to provide the body an extra source of energy and to assist with uptake by muscle tissue. Glycine and carnitine are known to boost levels of nitric oxide in the body, most likely by increasing the activity of nitric-oxide synthase, the enzyme that creates NO. In fact, a study published in December 2007 in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition reported that trained male weightlifters supplementing with GPLC for four weeks had 30 percent higher NO levels than when they were given a placebo.

    Suggested use: 3 to 4.5 grams 30 to 60 minutes before sexual activity and workouts. I use GPLC Glycine Propionyl L-Carnitine HCl-GlycoCarn 1000 mg PLC per serving


    Extracted from the French maritime pine tree, this patented flavonoid is a potent antioxidant. That means that one way that it can boost NO levels is by neutralizing the free radicals that break down NO. But research shows that Pycnogenol also boosts NO levels by increasing the activity of nitric-oxide synthase, allowing for more arginine to be converted into NO and keeping levels of NO higher for longer.

    Suggested use: 50 to 100 milligrams 30 to 60 minutes before sexual activity and workouts. I use Pycnogenol® -- 100 mg

    Horny Goat Weed

    Yes, yes, get your chortles out. Those of a scientific bent know this herb as Epimedium, but its common name is pretty fitting — horny goat weed has been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac. But it was only in the last decade that scientists figured out exactly how it works. Researchers from the University of Milan discovered that horny goat weed contains a phytochemical called icariin that inhibits phosphodiesterase-5, an enzyme that normally breaks down NO. By inhibiting this enzyme, horny goat weed helps the body maintain higher NO levels for longer. Because this is the precise mechanism by which drugs like Viagra and Cialis work to boost erections, horny goat weed can truly be called herbal Viagra.

    Suggested use: 500 milligrams 30 to 60 minutes before sexual activity and workouts
    Got Testosterone?


    Thanks Matt.  One thing I've noticed lately has been an accumulation of white flaky "stuff" which I assume is white flaky skin in my ears.  This has been going on since a few weeks before my peyronie's showed up.  For all I know it could be from infrequent baths as a result of not working coupled with cold weather and girlfriend leaving to take care of her mom.  I'm saving a copy of your post to read up on and will seriously attempt take steps to raise my testosterone level. What would / will be extremely difficult is to stop smoking.  I've tried and just get crazy as hell when I can't get a cigarette.  it's the worst damn addictive drug known to mankind.  The only thing I can compare it to is sex and an 18 year old boy full of testosterone and a hard pecker.
    One thing I've done since finding out my cholesterol & trigs are elevated was to stop eating my every morning typical southern breakfast of bacon or sausage, eggs, biscuits and usually gravy.  Now I have either honey nut cheerios or oatmeal, usually with blueberries, and instead of sugar I sweeten the oatmeal with either honey or sorghum molasses.... the sorghum is one thing I've never seen in any nutrition articles.  It is a really good source of potassium, magnesium and manganese and has 2% DV of selenium per tablespoon.  For those who have never tried it, Sand Mountain Sorghum Molasses is undescribable.  Is t is wildly sweet and the only thing I can think of to describe the taste is maybe burned or charred sugar.  The only places I know you can buy it is parts of  Alabama and Tennessee but it can be ordered on the internet.  It is definitely a treat for a sweet tooth.

    Serving Size   100 g of Sorghum syrup

    % Daily Requirements

    Total Calories   290   14%
    Calories from carbohydrates   290   

    Total fat   0 g   0%
    Trans fat   0 g   0%
    Cholesterol   0 g   0%

    Total carbohydrate   75 g   25%
    Dietary fiber   0 g   0%
    Sugars   75 g   

    Protein   0 g   0%


    Calcium   150 mg   15%
    Iron   3.8 mg   21%
    Magnesium   100 mg   25%
    Phosphorus   56 mg   6%
    Potassium   1000 mg   29%
    Sodium   8 mg   0%
    Zinc   0.4 mg   3%
    Copper   0.1 mg   6%
    Manganese   1.5 mg   77%
    Selenium   1.7 mg   2%


    Thiamine   0.1 mg   4%
    Riboflavin   0.2 mg   10%
    Niacin   0.1 mg   1%
    Vitamin B6   0.7 mg   34%


    Nice write up Matt. How has your peyrononies reacted to this. Is it getting better or have you just stopped the progression?  


    Hey Bilybob. Take comfort in knowing that quitting cigarettes isn't a choice. You have to quit.  For the sake of your peyronies battle. Quit cold turkey. Hardcore I know, but you've got a better chance of beating this thing before it goes too far.


    egghead, I agree that not smoking is an imperative. It was the combo of testosterone dropping and starting to smoke cigarettes for the first time in my life that created the perfect storm for Peyronie's. Yep, I did it to myself.

    As for my condition, I'm taking 2,400 mg/day of Pentox and have been doing so for about a month. I have been taking Pentox at the 1,200 mg/day level steadily since July 2012 and I increased my testosterone level to a high degree in July 2012 as well. I had a solid 90% bend but it has improved significantly. However, my erections are still not any better than what achieved in the summer. The plaque is still obstructing the dorsal veins' ability to constrict properly. I'm hoping that the addition of HGH, Xiaflex treatment, and other assistance from Dr. Lue (still waiting to see him) will make a difference.

    BillyBob2, consider looking into using Chantix to stop smoking. It's a wonder drug that should help you break the habit. It did for me. Please check it out.

    It's so disturbing how little doctors know about this disease and the methods that can help, and even more importantly, how to prevent Peyronie's.

    I keep going back to what both my urologists said that it's in your early 50's when most men get hit with this nightmare. That's when HGH levels are bottoming out and testosterone levels are reaching new lows. Maybe testosterone replacement therapy (if natural techniques fail & you are free of prostate cancer) and HGH therapy is the solution to keeping men healthier, free from Peyronie's, and happier in general with their lives as they avoid Andropause.

    Got Testosterone?


    Quote from: BillyBob2 on February 05, 2013, 01:26:33 AM
    Thanks Matt.  One thing I've noticed lately has been an accumulation of white flaky "stuff" which I assume is white flaky skin in my ears.  This has been going on since a few weeks before my peyronie's showed up.

    You may or may not find any value in this, but that is a symptom recognized by Traditional Chinese medicine that I had (and have at the moment, actually. not good!)


    QuoteYou should research Chinese medicine, Sargonnas. I think it has a lot to offer you, though I of course would not stop exploring all methods of treatment. I have, at times, horribly dry flaky skin on my head, behind the ears, etc, and in Chinese medicine this is a sign of a corresponding imbalance in the lower body, with inflammation.

    edit because I forgot to add:

    I've been eating some sorghum molasses lately too (I live in a nearby state), because it's available at work (I'm a cook) and money has been so tight I almost literally haven't had a dollar for food, so I've just been eating there. But it does have a lot of sugar (I mean it kind of is sugar, isn't it?), which NEEDS to be limited in the diet. I really need to cut out the sorghum, though it's really only been a couple days of it, though yeah, it's quite good. :) 75 g of sugar per serving (going from your info posted) seems like a lot, so it's something to consider.

    I drink I've made for a long time and taken in the morning is a shot of apple cider vinegar in water with a spoonful of blackstrap molasses. The blackstrap molasses supplies a lot of the nutrients you mentioned. Even when I was deathly ill with an intestinal parasite and had cut sugar out of my diet I continued to drink this at times, because I believe the benefit outweighed the amount of sugar I was taking in.  


    Guys, as swolf mentioned, please try to minimize your intact of sugar no matter what the source because extra sugar has little to no value in our diets and can actually cause additional health problems.  
    Got Testosterone?


    Sugars increase my pain and inflammation swiftly and substantially, reducing them has helped more than the numerous supplements I take.   Most of us are over-nourished not undernourished in the USA.
    When you are in tune with the unknown, the known is peaceful.


    I would say calling sugar nourishment is a pretty loose use of the word.
    Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
    After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
    Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


    Well said guys.

    And just to add to that: Sugar kills testosterone.

    "Eating too much sugar effects the testosterone and estrogen levels in the body. Researchers have discovered that eating too much of both fructose and glucose turns off the gene that controls the levels of testosterone and estrogen working inside the body. The researchers estimate that each person in North Americans eats around 33 kg of refined sugar and 20 kg of fructose in the form of corn syrup per year. Table sugar is generally made from glucose and fructose. Plus fructose corn syrup is used in sodas and other sweetened beverages, syrups and low-fat products."



    "Past research shows that a high level of insulin, the hormone primarily secreted after eating, is related to low testosterone levels. Like eating, glucose intake causes blood glucose (sugar) levels to rise, which stimulates secretion of insulin. Hayes and her colleagues examined the impact of a standard dose of glucose on testosterone levels in 74 men. The researchers administered the oral glucose tolerance test, a screening test for diabetes that involves drinking a sugary solution (75 grams of pure glucose) and then measuring blood sugar levels.

    Of the 74 men, 42 had normal glucose tolerance on the test, 23 had impaired glucose tolerance (also called prediabetes) and 9 had newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes.

    The authors found that the glucose solution decreased blood levels of testosterone by as much as 25 percent, regardless of whether the men had diabetes, prediabetes or normal glucose tolerance."


    Keep in mind that 75 grams of sugar is not hard to do considering a couple packets of oatmeal is about that. So, please watch your sugar intake and make a conscious effort to cut out as much of it as possible.

    And, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating 100 g of sugar (think three cans of soda) significantly hampered the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria for up to 5 hours afterward.

    Got Testosterone?


    Another good article regarding Peyronie's and testosterone.

    The following excerpt is from:

    "A significant body of evidence exists, suggesting that androgens regulate the structure and function of penile nerves, vascular endothelium, trabecular smooth muscle, connective tissue matrix, and the tunica albuginea. Further, androgens regulate differentiation of precursor cells into trabecular smooth muscle and inhibit differentiation into adipocytes. In humans, androgen deficiency manifests itself in clinical pathologies, such as 1) inadequate development of the penis and 2) loss of erectile function in patients with prostate cancer or benign prostatic hyperplasia managed with medical or surgical castration or antiandrogen therapy. Androgen supplementation in hypogonadal patients improves sexual function. These clinical observations, together with the preclinical data, suggest that testosterone restores tissue structural elements and improves penile hemodynamics."

    I'm curious how soon after the 4/2013 completion date they will have the results to this trial:
    Got Testosterone?