Should I Inject or Take Pills?

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i too have ED and slight scarring, although my uro couldnt detect it. I got ED from an oral med 17 yrs ago. and scarring developed this yr after injecting only 12 times within a 4 month span, injecting once or twice every 2 weeks.

my penis is curved to the left by 25 degrees. i've been given a 2nd prescription for injections under caution from my doctor to be careful and lower the dose cuz of my curve. i met a girl who wants sex. cialis works but takes 3 hours to work. i got the option to inject. what do you think is best? should i inject, which gives great erections but may increase scarring, or take pills though the pills take a while to work?


You have tried Viagra? It effects my erection fast, after 30 minutes to one hour.
In my opinion, if injections made you already scars, better not to continue. Others may think different.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Just use the Cialis. It last up to 36 hours, but it seems to take a while for it to kick in for me too. Just take it in the morning or afternoon on the day you'll be meeting her.


Quote from: james1947 on December 06, 2012, 05:46:31 AM
You have tried Viagra? It effects my erection fast, after 30 minutes to one hour.
In my opinion, if injections made you already scars, better not to continue. Others may think different.


hi james... i tried viagra.. but it gives me a splitting headache. also, cialis and viagra both take a long time to take effect.. like 3 hours.

one question for you.. are you completely impotent? and when you take viagra, are your erections hard? i ask cuz my erections have become weaker and softer.. and this is freaking me out.


Be sure to take the Viagra on an empty stomach or at least without having consumed a fatty meal within the last 2-3 hours before taking the pill. I like to spike it into my system with some caffeine, like a Coke.

I do the same with Cialis and it works quickly.

Stay away from heavy carb meals like pasta. Pasta will slow your metabolism down and inhibit the work of Viagra/Cialis.

For an extra boost, consider buying 2.5 mg Yohimbine HCL. The Primaforce brand is the best quality. As a warning, Yohimbine is a sexual stimulant. It will give you lots of energy and make you aggressive but it can also cause anxiety. If you do take it, it must be on an empty stomach in order for it to take effect. Within a half hour to an hour, you will have incredible energy and if you couple it with Viagra, be sure to have your partner there to satisfy you or go to the gym. Otherwise, you'll be bouncing off the walls.

The effect of the Yohimbine can last for several hours so be prepared.

Good luck and God bless our penises.  :)
Got Testosterone?


No, I am not completely impotent and with the treatment I am making get back some girth also.
With the 5mg daily Cialis I have some night, morning and day time erections, 60% from what I had before Peyronies.
100mg Viagra that stop helping in the past helping again for an 80% erection, last longer also and less headeach.

The Viagra effects after one hour more or less, best as MattFoley wrote, no heavy meals. If too many drinks or heavy meal the effect is almost nothing.
Question: Is Yohimbine HCL a food additive or prescription drug? I would like to have this energy I had when young. 8)


Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum



2.5 mg Yohimbine HCL was once a prescription drug (I think you can still get it that way) but now is available from a number of sources as a supplement. I trust the PrimaForce brand because they have high quality products. Here's where I get mine:

If you Google it, you can find other sellers but I highly recommend PrimaForce no matter where you decide to buy it.

If you noticed, I didn't list that in the supplements I take regularly because there's no way I can work in the office and be on it at the same time. I get hyper-energy and if I couple it with Viagra, I need to have sex or be going to the gym. Some people call the combo of Viagra and Yohimbine, "Sextacy" because of it's sexual stimulating effects.

It's not expensive at all and I recommend it to anyone who doesn't have heart problems or afraid of the possible side effect of anxiety.

Let me know how it works for you.  :)
Got Testosterone?



Thanks for the information, it sounds good.
I am moving house so I will order it just at the beginning of January together with other supplements I am out of.
I have bookmarked the www.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum

Bud luck

James, what treatment are you doing to recover girth?
My first symptoms started early in 2019
I tried Traction device, Pentofixiline, Q10, TRT, L-Argenine, cialis
I have narrowing/dent/hinge on the left side of my shaft
My ED is getting worse
Had a PRP shot Aug 2021
I have a girlfriend
Age 46


This topic is from 2012 and is no longer up to date. Thread locked.