Semi Rigid Implant

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jean claude

Hi there. My name is Jean Claude. I'm 42, and this is my story of how my life was affected by Peyronies disease. This is week 4 out of hospital from surgery, where the plaques were removed and covered by "patches". I was affected with Ed aswell and had the rigid ams600 implants inserted, because Viagra and cialis didn't work. I had some positive results with caverject, but later learned that my doctor before prescribed me with the wrong cure. I shouldn't have taken caverject to begin with. Very harmful. My new doctor is fantastic.. On my first visit with her, she examined me and said that I needed surgery and asap to limit the damage. She diagnosed me saying I had a plaque on my right side of about 7.5 cm and on the left side 5cm. On my second visit she used Eco Doppler while flaccid and erect to see which type of implants to use(size)There was no third visit because I was already in the hospital ready for surgery.

I forgot to mention that 4 years ago I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I could have had this condition for years. Around 3 years ago, my girlfriend and I have noticed a shrinkage with my penis. So off to the first urologist, who says I have an enlarged prostrate. Ok I said can we cure the other problem to. This went on for 2 years with this a**hole, and made my situation only worse. That's when I found my new doctor. She is the best.

Sorry if this is long but I want to introduce myself and tell the tale of my experience so far. Anyways, we discussed my surgery even with my girlfriend, and the doctor told us that since they had to open me up, she would use rigid implants, and to regain size lost that she would perform the sectioning of the suspensory ligament, and circumcision. The operation was about 5 hours, and came out through with flying colours. The first couple of days was uncomfortable, and then came the pain. My stay was only 8 days, and sent home with stitches and staples to be removed in a weeks time. Now since then 2 weeks have passed, and the rest of the stitches have fell off. This is where I have problems and want to know if anyone else has experienced this or is going through with it. Last night my girlfriend(love her to death)and I tried for the first time since surgery. I still feel some discomfort, but not enough to cancel my pleasure. We were at it for hours, but I could not ejaculate. My doctor told me that I could have sex by the 4th week, but I could expect some discomfort for some time, and that It could be up to 3-6 months before an orgasm.

Has anyone had this surgery and how is it going. So far so good, no problems except for the ones I mentioned previously? Does it really take that long? After my post surgery visit she recommended me to take Cialis for 3 months once every other day to stimulate the remainder of the erectile tissue. The ones online are legit or are they trying to scam you out of money? because in Italy for 8 20mg pills costs 108 euros, and they are not covered. My surgery is covered but not the pills. Some input would be greatly appreciated.

To sum up my story, is that I would recommend the rigid implants, it may be a little uncomfortable always with an erection but I'm getting use to it. Size wise I gained quit bit even with the suspensory ligament cut, but lost just a tad width wise. That won't be a problem as the doctor told me that when I lose 10 more kg, she will do a liposuction of the pube area to enhance the length. This doctor has given me a new life, another chance, and have no idea how to repay her. Please anyone who has my same situation, find yourself a good doctor, and believe me this disease can be treated, and you also need someone who absolutely loves you by your side. Without my girlfriend who is my everything, who stuck with me through it all. Ti amo tesoro...I 'll post more on my recovery


Jean Claude

I split your post to a new topic that is your own to get more attention. If you don't like the topic name you can change it by editing your post.
First I would like to thank you for sharing your experience with us because we don't have too many members with the semi-rigid implant. I am planning to make the same implant as this is much cheaper and less complicated surgery.
I would like to ask you a few questions regarding your implant:
* You have mentioned
Quoteto regain size lost that she would perform the sectioning of the suspensory ligament
How is hanging after that? It is very interesting for me because I have lost more than 6cm to the Peyronies (now on 5cm less after doing VED every day)
* Did you lost also girth? If yes, you get back some girth with the implant?
* How is the feeling with the implant? Some people complained that with the semi-rigid is somewhat cold.
* How naturally the shape is?
Sorry bombarding you with those questions, I would like to get some information from first hand before making the implant.
QuoteIt could be up to 3-6 months before an orgasm
I read that many people experienced that, in most cases the time was shorter.
I am taking daily 4mg Cialis for nocturnal and morning erections by cutting the 20mg to 5 pcs. 8 pills will make 40 pcs so dividing 108 by 40 you get 2.7 Euro per day. Still very expensive, maybe some of our members living in Europe can give some advice.
I had also surgery for enlarged prostat that didn't helped with nothing except starting my Peyronies and ED. >:(

Welcome to the forum
Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum

jean claude

Hi. Thanks for changing the topic or where to post it. This being my first time on any forum. I gladly answer your questions. It has been 4 weeks and 2 days since the operation, and most of the pain is gone, I'm left with the task of getting use to the implants, it feels tight but, that sensation is getting better. I have not had any sensations of it feeling cold as the implants are silicone covered, but if I do feel it becoming cold I will post my findings. With the implants, my erection looks very natural, you can't see the difference, and it is harder than before. I did notice just a very small change in girth, but it's hardly noticeable, but as my doctor suggested it can be fixed, that is why she is having take the cialis, to help with the remaining corpa cavernosa. Due to Peyronies I too lost about 6cm, which all of us know is very depressing, but was fortunate to recuperate them, I'm small but seeing it bigger with the suspensory ligament cut increased it about 4cm extra. That is a real moral booster. I would recommend this surgery. So far I am very pleased with the outcome. Again I can not stress the fact that you need only positive people by your side, and never give up. 2 years before this my life was a mess, but my girlfriend was there with me, and is still with me. She summed it up by saying "good things come to those who wait"  


Over the years I have read many warnings about having the suspensory ligament cut to try to enhance length.  As I recall the warning revolved around minimal results and the fact that the penis would only hang down when erect and the possibility of being somewhat more prone to injury.  I never paid real close attention because I was never interested in the surgery.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Jean Claude

I would like to ask you regarding Hawk remark:
Quotethe penis would only hang down when erect
How is hanging yours with the implant?

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum

jean claude

Well it doesn't hang anymore. With the rigid implants it's erect 24/7. The lengthening by cutting the suspensory ligament doesn't make it hang. I'm not sure of techniques of other doctors, but when I had my surgery, they placed a silicone spacer between the pubic bone and penis. They molded the spacer to fit the void and anchored it with permanent stitches. I go to the bathroom normally, I just got to point downwards, it gets tricky at a urinal.. you have to stand back abit to avoid splashing. I go out jogging again, and going for long walks, the only thing I'm hesitant on  is going back to the gym, showering after. It's going to be hard to hide it, but don't really mind because I have been waiting for so long to get it back again like this. There are only 2 people who need to enjoy it.. Me and my girlfriend.  


Jean Claude

Thank you again for your answers. It is helping me with the decision.
I will see the local doctor that AMS is recommending at the beginning of December.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum

jean claude

Let me know. I will be posting more updates on how the surgery is going for me. As I said it's only be 4 weeks and 4 days up to today, and I love the way things are going. Oh by the way I also started to notice that with cialis it's starting to help with the girth. Oh and no the online sights are similar to the originals, but you never can know what they put in them. There are some online companies that sell the originals, but with shipping would cost the same buying them here in Italy. Let me know how it goes.



Quote from: jean claude on November 17, 2012, 05:27:02 AMLet me know. I will be posting more updates on how the surgery is going for me. As I said it's only be 4 weeks and 4 days up to today, and I love the way things are going. Oh by the way I also started to notice that with cialis it's starting to help with the girth. Oh and no the online sights are similar to the originals, but you never can know what they put in them. There are some online companies that sell the originals, but with shipping would cost the same buying them here in Italy. Let me know how it goes.


May I ask what implant you have Jean and how are you doing now?
ED - Congenital
2009 - VED - Painful ball sucking
2009 - Viagra as needed - Failed
2009 - Cialis as needed - Failed
2012 - Daily Cialis - Worked
2013 - Daily Cialis - Stopped working


Bioniclove: this is a very old post. Chances are you are never going to have a reply on this topic from these users..  


Quote from: Pfract on March 29, 2024, 10:15:47 AMBioniclove: this is a very old post. Chances are you are never going to have a reply on this topic from these users..

I understand! I saw a similar thread where someone gave an update after many many years, so tried my luck! It's always good to know the long term durability after surgery. Thanks for your message!  
ED - Congenital
2009 - VED - Painful ball sucking
2009 - Viagra as needed - Failed
2009 - Cialis as needed - Failed
2012 - Daily Cialis - Worked
2013 - Daily Cialis - Stopped working


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Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
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