question on peyronies

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As far as I can remember my penis has always been bent slightly but also it points to the left and not centre. Is it a sign that i will get peyronies?

When I was palpating my glans while erect i noticed a hard bit under the glans on the front side. Is this normal?

and i have had long term pain in my glans. Its a dull ache which happens after i apply pressure. I read it could be scarring which causes such long term pain. Is it really?


Probably not.

If you are concerned get to a doctor ASAP.  They will do ultrasounds and also they have expertise.  Many do, anyways.

Do you ever remember injuring yourself?  How old are you?

If you have pain have you tried leaving it alone for a period of time?  The body needs time to heal.  You definitely want to get to a doctor if you have pain if not to rule out any other things which may be causing it.  A doctor will know best what it might be and can refer you to a specialist if she/he doesn't - and then we can help you depending on what your diagnosis is.

Many penises are naturally bent.  



A natural bend in your pens has NO ASSOCIATION with a risk for Peyronies Disease.  If it did most men would get Peyronies Disease rather than 10% of men because, most penises have  a bend, curve, or irregularity.  This is natural just like your skull has irregularities, or just like a person's right and left ears or breasts are not identical.  What a boring world if we all had cylindrical straight penises that only varied somewhat in size.

There is no reason for someone with no indication of a progressing deformity, loss in size, or pain, to be spending time palpitating their penis in search of plaque.  If you have symptoms, or if you had a recent injury, go to a good urologist for an evaluation, otherwise relax, think about something else and enjoy life.

Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Here is my concern:

I am 28 yrs old. A few days ago while masturbating, I must have slipped or something and felt a sharp pain. I stopped masturbating and the pain was only evident when applying some pressure. There was no external changes I could see like bruising. A few days on the pain has improved a lot but there is a dull ache and pain which happens when i press the penis. It is not always there. In fact i managed to masturbate and did not feel any pain just a slight ache.

I am worried about two things. First of all, I never used to look carefully at my penis so I have no way of comparing what it was before the accident to now. I keep looking at it and thinking it looks like there is a lump where the penis is curved. It also feels a bit tender there.

The other worry is that before the accident, I had experienced long term pain in the glans area deep inside for many months if not years. It was not very painful it was completely tolerable which is why i did not bother seeking any further advice. But after the accident a few days ago this pain has increased and now I am worried it will go on and on again for many years.

I am trying to rest the penis in the meantime. What could explain this long term pain?

Could the minor accident a few days ago cause scarring? What kinds of masturbation injure the penis even if there is no pain?


I'm actually concerned about another thing. I have some quite large bulging veins on my penis towards the base when erect. Is this all normal?


Quote from: qunia on October 09, 2012, 03:17:41 PM
I'm actually concerned about another thing. I have some quite large bulging veins on my penis towards the base when erect. Is this all normal?

Could be but I doubt it. I have those too and they appeared after my injury/ries with PE exercises. My bulged, gnarled veins dont look and dont feel normal or healthy.

Its your penis while flaccid relaxed and... flaccid or its contracted and cold?  


Quote from: Sargonnas on October 09, 2012, 04:23:53 PM
Quote from: qunia on October 09, 2012, 03:17:41 PM
I'm actually concerned about another thing. I have some quite large bulging veins on my penis towards the base when erect. Is this all normal?

Could be but I doubt it. I have those too and they appeared after my injury/ries with PE exercises. My bulged, gnarled veins dont look and dont feel normal or healthy.

Its your penis while flaccid relaxed and... flaccid or its contracted and cold?

yes its relaxed and flaccid while flaccid. I dont notice anything odd except the shape and curvature as I said earlier.


Dude, if it's within a few days get to the ER.  Or if you don't want to do that go to a doctor TOMORROW.

Now, to calm you down - you most likely do NOT have any major issues.  This is probably just you straining something and it causing pain.

There is a thing called a penis fracture but that's very, very noticeable and you'd be in a ton of pain.  That being said it could be a microtear or any other number of things.  Peyronies is just what comes up in google when you type 'penis, pain, lump' etc.

I highly, highly recommend NOT masturbating until the pain goes away.  Pain is your body's way of saying 'stop'.  It's hard to ignore because we all have sexual urges but put it this way - let's say you had a small cut on your hand, it hurts when you touch it.  The scab that forms would be hard.  If you keep poking and picking at the scab it's not gonna heal right.  If you have pain, I really think you should leave it alone and let it heal up.

But again SEE A DOCTOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  Every minute you wait is time that they can't tell you its BLAH and the cure BLAH.  They have the knowledge you need.  They have tools to see inside your body like ultrasounds or MRIs.  GET TO A DOCTOR TOMORROW.  No insurance?  This is probably worth spending the money on.  What price are you willing to put on the health of your penis?


Quote from: guyincog on October 09, 2012, 09:50:08 PM
Dude, if it's within a few days get to the ER.  Or if you don't want to do that go to a doctor TOMORROW.

Now, to calm you down - you most likely do NOT have any major issues.  This is probably just you straining something and it causing pain.

There is a thing called a penis fracture but that's very, very noticeable and you'd be in a ton of pain.  That being said it could be a microtear or any other number of things.  Peyronies is just what comes up in google when you type 'penis, pain, lump' etc.

I highly, highly recommend NOT masturbating until the pain goes away.  Pain is your body's way of saying 'stop'.  It's hard to ignore because we all have sexual urges but put it this way - let's say you had a small cut on your hand, it hurts when you touch it.  The scab that forms would be hard.  If you keep poking and picking at the scab it's not gonna heal right.  If you have pain, I really think you should leave it alone and let it heal up.

But again SEE A DOCTOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  Every minute you wait is time that they can't tell you its BLAH and the cure BLAH.  They have the knowledge you need.  They have tools to see inside your body like ultrasounds or MRIs.  GET TO A DOCTOR TOMORROW.  No insurance?  This is probably worth spending the money on.  What price are you willing to put on the health of your penis?

I would want to see the doctor and get tests but what are they going to do? They are not going to treat this with any urgency. They will just say rest it right?

Otherwise surgery but that is ridiculous. I know i dont need surgery for what i have now.


Also its a bit embarrassing saying this was brought on through masturbation. Is there a way of telling them how this happened without mentioning that?


Quote from: qunia on October 10, 2012, 12:17:48 AM
Also its a bit embarrassing saying this was brought on through masturbation. Is there a way of telling them how this happened without mentioning that?

Urologists have heard it all and more. Masturbation does not even come close to embarrassing. Imagine if you'd hurt it while having sex with the suction port in your hot tub.
This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]


Thats good that you dont have hard flaccid. I dont think you have nothing serious either but obviously better get it checked out quick.


What is the raised bump on my penis though? Its  where the penis bends slightly to my left. And where it bends, I can see and feel a slight bump. Its not hard but you can feel it with your finger.


Let me be plain.  Stop calculating 30 options and possibilities.  GO TO A UROLOGIST.  That means do not sit and consider how to tell him you injured it while masturbating, don't ask us what your bulging veins are, don't think about the non-existant possibility of surgery, do not wonder what good it will do you, GO TO A GOOD UROLOGIST.

No one here and no urologist could diagnose your veins, pain, etc over the internet.  I am not trying to be rude but Until you have a valid diagnosis there is nothing to discuss.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Would a gp be able to diagnose it by feeling it? I cant see a urologist immediately without seeing a gp first.

And if it was a scar causing the bend, wouldnt the scar or lump be on the inside of the bend? In my case its on the outside. I have palpated the inside too but theres nothing there as far as I can tell.


Most GP's know nothing about Peyronies Disease. Even many urologist know little.  That is why you need a good urologist.  In the mean tome treat inflammation with ibuprofen, maybe some cool compress, protect from trauma.

Read this study Levine Survey - Lack of understanding about Peyronies by PCP's and Uro's - Peyronies Society Forums

Almost 50% of US GP's think Peyronies Disease resolves itself.  !7% think no treatment is recommended.  Many think men under 40 don't get Peyronies Disease.  What good does it do if you go to one of those guys?
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


I think i am going to leave it to be honest. They can do all kinds of tests but it comes down to what will they suggest I do? Its very likely they will just tell you leave it alone and see if it gets worse.

If I take a picture and post it can someone say if it looks fairly normal or not?


Quote from: qunia on October 10, 2012, 09:49:32 AM
I think i am going to leave it to be honest. They can do all kinds of tests but it comes down to what will they suggest I do? Its very likely they will just tell you leave it alone and see if it gets worse.

If I take a picture and post it can someone say if it looks fairly normal or not?


If you choose not to go to a doctor then look at your own penis to see if you think it looks normal.  You know what a normal penis ooks like and you are there with it.  We do not diagnose people from posts, pictures, or in person.  
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Heres another question. If peyronies is a disease which involves improper wound healing, what normally happens if you have an injury to the penis? My understanding is that any injury will always result in a scar and this is normal. Am I wrong?


If you cut your arm you get a scar.  If you have a would healing issue and cut your arm you get keloids or hypertropic scaring where the scar over-runs normal tissue.  The resource library shows a man with scars overrunning his chest from a few infected hair follicles.  That is an analogy for Peyronies Disease vs regular wound healing in the penis.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


But my question is, do you get an inelastic scar tissue forming as a result of every injury? And if this were to continue wouldnt it eventually lead to something similar to peyronies?

What if a man masturbates continually, over time could this eventually lead to scar formation without him knowing?

How much wear and tear does masturbation cause and what kind of techniques are safer than others?



I get the sense I might be conversing with someone who is obsessing here.  If you masturbate with a hammer you can scar your penis without ever getting Peyronies Disease (which is a PROGRESSIVE DISEASE).  This means it continues to lay down scar tissue long after the injury and far from the site of the injury, maybe for years.

Back yo my analogy of masturbating with a hammer.  Over time you would have scar tissue all over and scar tissue is inelastic.  The penis however is designed for sex.  As a penis owner you have to decide if the penis can withstand diving on a vagina from 10 feet away.  I think that is too rough.  I think only standard well lubricated missionary position is too tame.  Somewhere in between those two you cross a line.  As an adult, it is up to you to define the line.  You cannot have a sex coach tapping you on the shoulder telling you ""a little more gently" or "losen up, have some fun".

I can be no more specific and this is my last post on this topic.

Good luck.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Dude, you live in the UK.  You have free healthcare.

GO TO THE ER.  They take penis injuries VERY seriously.  I went there with a book in hand thinking I'd have a hour or two wait and they put me in the most urgent line possible - I was seeing a doctor in 5 minutes.  The penis CAN be repaired if there are fractures but it has to be done very, very quickly.


If you are young like me you are used to the internet having lots of answers to questions - wikipedia, reddit, google, etc.  Medicine is not like this at all.  Doctors spend years studying and training for a reason.

You have found this forum because it's what comes up for penis injuries in most search engines.  You very likely do NOT have peyronies.  There are a million things that could be wrong with your penis that Google will not tell you about.  GET TO THE ER OR A DOCTOR ASAP.  Again, the ER is likely the best place - at worst they will do an ultrasound and tell you 'nothing wrong' and you can then just go to a GP -> specialist.

Here's a reddit thread: IAMA 39 y.o. guy recovering from emergency penis surgery last night. My injury occurred during vigorous sex with my wife. AMA and yes, prepare for TMI. : IAmA


You think they'll just say 'nothing we can do?'.  That's what I thought and I continued to have sex and aggravate things and now I am in a really rough spot.  If I'd gone to a doctor early I would have had the ultrasound done, they would have given me advice.  Your penis doesn't heal like most parts of your body.  You need PROFESSIONAL advice, not just anecdotal advice from people on the internet.  At the very least the ER can rule out a fracture or other conditions like cancer or whatever else is out there.  Did you even know about Peyronies until you started checking the net?  Guess what, there are a million other 'conditions' that probably don't show up in Google searches that you could have and only a doctor can tell you what is and isn't going on - again with tools like ultrasounds or MRIs.

What on earth are you waiting for?  What is your hangup?  Just worried about people touching your penis?  Embarrased that you injured yourself masturbating?  I injured myself masturbating too.  I didn't go ASAP to the medical professionals and I greatly regret it.



Well maybe its not that serious enough to go? There are many injuries. If you rub your penis too much it will get sore. Do you get an ultrasound for that?

What is your story? how did you sustain an injury and what happened?


Quote from: guyincog on October 10, 2012, 12:12:31 PM

You have found this forum because it's what comes up for penis injuries in most search engines.  You very likely do NOT have peyronies.  There are a million things that could be wrong with your penis that Google will not tell you about.  GET TO THE ER OR A DOCTOR ASAP.  Again, the ER is likely the best place - at worst they will do an ultrasound and tell you 'nothing wrong' and you can then just go to a GP -> specialist.

Here's a reddit thread:

That thread is about a fracture. That causes pain and bruising and obvious symptoms. Mine is not a fracture I didnt have such severe symptoms. Whatever has happened in my case is either too mild to treat or just a case of resting it. Thats why I dont want to go.  



I will second Guyincog. You must to see a Peyronies specialist to understand what you have and to begin a treatment.
QuoteWhatever has happened in my case is either too mild to treat or just a case of resting it.
Exactly what incompetent doctors are telling to patients!!! And this is exactly what you don't want to do!!!

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Quote from: qunia on October 10, 2012, 02:01:54 PM
Quote from: guyincog on October 10, 2012, 12:12:31 PM

You have found this forum because it's what comes up for penis injuries in most search engines.  You very likely do NOT have peyronies.  There are a million things that could be wrong with your penis that Google will not tell you about.  GET TO THE ER OR A DOCTOR ASAP.  Again, the ER is likely the best place - at worst they will do an ultrasound and tell you 'nothing wrong' and you can then just go to a GP -> specialist.

Here's a reddit thread:

That thread is about a fracture. That causes pain and bruising and obvious symptoms. Mine is not a fracture I didnt have such severe symptoms. Whatever has happened in my case is either too mild to treat or just a case of resting it. Thats why I dont want to go.

That guy did not have bruising or severe symptoms.  He had a tear in his urethra and the blood drained out through there.

I went to a urologist who says I had a fracture even though I didn't have any bruising, just mild pain.  He said fractures near the head are much less dramatic.  At that point it was too late to do anything about.

I kind of give up on you.  I'm highlighting one possibility where you need to get to a doctor asap.  It could be peyronies, it could be cancer, it could be a tear/fracture, it could be a lot of things but you definitely can't just read on the internet and hope for the best.  Put it this way - there's nothing to lose by going to the ER and getting it checked out or a doctor and getting proper medical advice.  At best they will just tell you to leave it alone.  At worst they will do surgery on you.  Modern medicine is pretty amazing - for example for fractures the success rate (no pain, heals well, fully functional) is 95% for people that get to the ER right away.  For those that don't and do 'conservative' management a.k.a. you it's roughly 50% that it doesn't end up in ED/chronic pain/deformity.  Now again, maybe that's what you're scared of and is what's making you not go to the ER but look at those really want to play 50/50 with your future sex life?  When there is a treatment (that the guy in the thread did) that can lead to a full recovery?  Get to a doctor ASAP - at the very least you will get answers to your questions and OPTIONS while the injury is still fresh.

Injuries to the penis are VERY time sensitive.  It doesn't heal like normal tissue. Every moment you waste is another moment where you could end up developing a problem that could lead to no longer being able to get it up.  

Trust me - they will take it very seriously.  Like I said I was put right at the front of the line, literally 5 minutes from talking to the nurse I was talking with a doctor.  I have never had that happen before, usually a trip to the ER is a couple hours wait.

Your penis is really important.  If you screw this up you could end up in a very serious state, unable to have sex or with constant pain.  It's not something that happens overnight, it happens over a long period of time but by then it's too late.  Again, I give up on trying to convince you. It's your funeral.  At the very least you are putting yourself in the running for a Darwin award.



Read Guyincog post carefully!!!
If I did as Guyincog is advising you to do I would not be on this forum today.
I had almost no pain that passed in two days and I didn't go to ER.
Today my penis is shorter with 2", half of the girth and two bends. :(

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Quote from: qunia on October 10, 2012, 01:54:37 PM
Well maybe its not that serious enough to go? There are many injuries. If you rub your penis too much it will get sore. Do you get an ultrasound for that?

What is your story? how did you sustain an injury and what happened?

I got mine through masturbating.  I was jerking off a lot.  It was actually at the point where I said 'gee maybe I should give it a rest'.  Around that time I hit my penis on my desk standing up.  There was some mild pain around that time.  It's hard to say when the pain started - around the time I hit myself or when I was jerking off a lot.  Part of the reason I didn't go in to the ER at the time I hit my desk was because I associated it with jerking off too much.  I've heard stories (on reddit) of people rolling over in their sleep with a nocturnal erection and injuring themselves that way.  You may associate this with jerking off a lot but you don't know that's the reason why.  All you know is you have pain and from my personal experience and what I've read pain = get to a doctor ASAP.

Like you I tried to diagnose on the net - what a mistake that was.

You have NOTHING to be embarrassed about.  Something like 50% of penis injuries happen from masturbation.  It's very common.  It's why so many people DON'T go to the ER when they injure themselves.  There is an element of shame I guess that we jerk off or hurt ourselves during 'private' time.

Trust me, the ER has seen much much much worse and weirder.  Piercings, things in the butt, weird sex injuries you can't even imagine.  Marathon masturbators.  Whatever. They don't give a crap about how you hurt yourself or your personal habits.  They are not going to judge you at all and they will just want to make sure that if you have something they can heal you get the proper attention.  

But it only works if you get off the internet and go talk with a professional. Like I said I give up on you and don't really care at this point.  If what we have all been saying isn't registering yet or giving you the kick in the ass to go see a doctor I don't know what will.  I only wrote what I did because I wish someone had given me that kick in the ass a year ago.



You cannot diagnose me from my posts can you? No. So you are wrong to try to alarm me when you do not know the full facts.

Even your own story doesnt make much sense. Did you hit it while it was erect? How hard? and in what way did it hit the desk?

And you claim it was fractured while there was no pain, no bruising, no external indications, nothing? Either it was not fractured or you suffered far more symptoms than you claim. Otherwise doesnt make sense.


Quote from: guyincog on October 10, 2012, 07:08:05 PM

That guy did not have bruising or severe symptoms.  He had a tear in his urethra and the blood drained out through there.

He says the pain was intense. He went into mild shock. He says :The next day I notice some pretty impressive bruising on the underside of the upper shaft and knob.

Have you read the thread carefully? where does it say he tore his urethra? I dont see that.

My incident was nothing like that anyway, yet you are causing alarm.


Quote from: guyincog on October 10, 2012, 07:30:08 PM

You have NOTHING to be embarrassed about.  Something like 50% of penis injuries happen from masturbation.  It's very common.  It's why so many people DON'T go to the ER when they injure themselves.  There is an element of shame I guess that we jerk off or hurt ourselves during 'private' time.

Sorry, I don't agree. You may "feel" that way because of things you read on the internet. I've never seen any data or study that would support your statement.

Developed peyronies 2007 - 70 degree dorsal curve
Traction/MEDs/Injections/Surgery 2008 16 years Peyronies free now
My History



If you are willing to risk your future sexual function due to embarrassment then that is your decision.

It is a stupid decision, but yours to make.

The OP has all the info he needs to make the correct decision (go to a doctor). No need for any more replies really. I certainly won't be.

This is an emotionally destructive condition, we all have it, let's be nice to each other.

Review of current treatment options by Levine and Sherer]