Very Worried - please advise

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Hello everyone,

Though I have not been diagnosed with peyronie's, I fear that I do have the condition, and that it will likely worsen if I do not begin some kind of treatment.
It all started about a month ago when I injured myself during masturbation. I ejaculated, but with a great deal of numbness on the left side. Shortly after, I noticed my flaccid penis leaned more to the left than before, and it was quite sorry for a couple of weeks. During the first, my morning erections disappeared completely, and it became difficult to become aroused. I visited my doctor, he could find no lumps, and dismissed my worries and lack of arousal as anxiety.
Though now I have some morning erections again, they are much less full than before. I've also noticed a slight indention on the left underside of my penis where my finger was placed during masturbation, around which there a few tiny veins that are much less prominent than on the right side. When flaccid, the shaft leans to the left more so than I noticed before, when semi-erect, it can remain slightly to the left, but straightens when fully erect. As of now, there seems to be much less pain and the soreness has subsided, but overall my fully erect penis seems less full than before, possibly showing an hourglass deformity.
Though my girlfriend notices no difference, my biggest fear is that this will continue to progress during the next few months. Is the lack of soreness a good sign, or might the plaque still be developing? Any advice would be much appreciated.


The best advice is to go see a urologist as soon as possible.  It might get better on it's own, but do you want to take that chance?


I will second BrooksBro
To stop Peyronies progress and even reverse it you have to begin treatment as soon as you can and before to be diagnosed by an urologist, preferable Peyronies expert.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


First, it was an injury that caused your first symptoms. There are penile injuries and there is Peyronies Disease. They may look alike, cause the same problems, and they even are treated the same. But there are no clearcut rules for Peyronies. It's as individual as the person. I think you need to get to a good urologist and get checked out. Regardless of which ailment they name it, I think the consensus on this forum is to act quickly. You need to do lots of reading on this forum and decide on a course of action. That your pain and soreness is diminished is always a good sign. But it doesn't mean things won't get worse. I have no pain at all, no soreness, and I have a 75 degree dogleg left. The pain was gone after six weeks. The curve continues to this day. Doctors will tell you that it takes a year before the plaque stabilizes, so just wait.  That is a generalization. Every man is different. I do know that most docs won't touch you in the first year just because they all adhere to the one year rule of thumb. If you wait, that is one year of treatment that you have wasted.
I am not a veteran to this forum, but I am a veteran to Peyronies Disease. I've had it over two years. I wish I had not listened to my doctor. I wish I had taken decisive action to treat. You will find all types of treatments described here. There are pills and injections and devices and surgeries and therapies. You have to arm yourself with knowledge and make an informed decision. Anyone here will help you, but the choice is yours. (If any of you old timers feel I am giving him any bad advice, pls let me know. I certainly don't want to send a guy off in the wrong direction.)
Plication Surgery Dec. 2013. Straight Again!



You should read Norm post and follow his advices!!!
The key to tackle Peyronies is to start treatment as soon as possible. I have spent three years doing nothing and I am very sorry about it as I have lost 2" in length and same in girth!!!

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


And do not do this alone or based on just the internet.  Doctor, doctor, doctor, doctor.  


Yeap, find a real good urologist or andrologist. Someone that can do an ecography etc to your penis and specify the possible problem and how to treat it. It seems Pentox its something that rarely fails in at least lessening the symptoms. The reality its, me for example, I live in Spain and here doctors are very ignorant and usually moronic (large experience with them) so the last uro sent me to a peyrone specialist... but in 2 months. They doesnt really care, he saw clearly how I was suffering and I told him I had ED and no orgasms since 18. What a lowlife.

Paying for a private one seems wiser. At least that one will hear you since you are paying. But my experience with private ones havent been pleasant either. The last one injected me testosterone (it was MY idea  :( ) and later resolved I should use Caverject for the rest of my life. Injectable viagra. He injected me a dosage to see how it went. My penis got a huge erection that was very painful of course. When I told him he simply slightly pressed the base of my penis and said "yeah there is a bit of tension here" A bit of tension?! My whole pelvic area was in pain! Bad luck.

I got my "peyrone" also from a penis injury, induced by very very very stupid penis exercises. It have been slowly degenerating until today that pain its no longer the exception and I feel a considerable pressure with erections. So thats why we need a real good doc, to make you tests and diagnose if you have scar tissues or what. From knowing what you have, its porrible to draw a strategy.

Hope you have better. Doctors have made me lose years, literally. I have been in at least 7 different uros in 2 years. Yeah not much, I got discouraged and I hadnt penis pain and that time, focused in my other problems. Point its, only one of them, the last, touched my penis extensively and discovered I have an inflammed corpus cavernosus. So I would say dont lose time and look for the BEST in your country/region, and make sure he has experience with penis disorders and its not an antidepressant/PD5-inhibitor type of doctor. Otherwise, you will need to wait until your condition its so obvious they cannot longer say its psychological.


Thank you for the advice, everyone. It's good to know there is such a supportive community out there. I am going to see a urologist this week. I can pretty much predict that they will tell me it's all in my head again. The plaque isn't easily found (it sometimes feels like a thin hard plate on the upper-left side of the shaft, but changes throughout the day, and is often completely unnoticeable...I'm just not sure at this point.) I'm going to request an ultrasound to be sure.

In the meantime, I would like to start taking supplements. After reading some posts, it seems many people have had some luck with L-arginine, which, regardless if I have peyronie's or not, I think might help the quality of my erections (though, my extreme anxiety over the issues has undoubtedly caused problems in that area). Since I'm pretty ignorant on what to look for, would anyone have any suggestions as to what would be a good brand? Also, most vitamin E supplements seem to be soy-based. Could this actually cause more erectile problems?



Quote from: Sargonnas on October 07, 2012, 04:51:08 PM
You could want to stack the L-Arginine with Pycnogenol, thats what I am gonna do.  ;)

Treatment of erectile dysfunction... [J Sex Marital Ther. 2003 May-Jun] - PubMed - NCBI

Keep us updated on how that goes. :)

I took l-arginine for the first time the other day, just 1000mgs at first to make sure there were no immediate severe side effects. I had a spontaneous erection about a half hour later (which I don't think I've really had in weeks), but I'm sure this must have just been the placebo effect. However, I took another one in the evening, and the same thing occured. Maybe just the idea of taking something alleviates some of my anxiety, but I'm really not sure.

Has anyone seen long-term improvement with L-arginine? I've been reading a lot of the posts, and it seems like for a lot of members there seems to be initial improvement, but later on it stops having any effect on the quality of erections. Clearly I'm no expert on the mechanism, but I've read that l-argnine assists in the production of nitric oxide, which is essential for erections. After long-term use, would your body become dependant on the l-arginine to produce this chemical, and would you eventually become numb to the effects and produce less on your own without the supplament? I picture this as being similar to the way a heroin addict ceases to produce their own dopamine, and has a long-term problem after getting off the drug. Hopefully this is not the case.


I finally got an ultrasound scheduled. My ugologist was very reluctant to give me one, as he did not feel any lumps that could indicate peyronie's. He also said that some curvature when semi-erect (before injury or not) is not a cause for concern, though I'm still quite worried about it because it can curve quite a bit when about 1/3 to a full erection. He also said that though the ultrasound can detect plaque, it may just cause me more concern than needed (such as if they find something abnormal that isn't actuallly harmful but leads to some unnecessary action) and was worried I would do something too extreme. I didn't ask for sure, but he seemed to imply that the only real line of treatment they were offering for peyronie's were injections to reduce the plaque (which i'm not interested in all, should they find any, because from what I've read the results haven't been that great for most people).

I also got a perscription for viagra for my erection problems. All the doctors seem to think it's in my head, and I'm sure a lot of it is, but I'll feel much better when I'm able to get full nocturnal erections again. I'm also set to get my testosterone levels checked, but I doubt that's the problem.


I think you are also facing an incompetent doctor if his opinion is that the only Peyronies treatment are injections.
But he have also some positive remarks/deeds:
QuoteHe also said that some curvature when semi-erect (before injury or not) is not a cause for concern
QuoteI also got a perscription for viagra for my erection problems
Anyhow, you will be more smart after the ultrasound. Let us know the results.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Quote removed per forum rules - please read

FYI ultrasounds may not find anything.  I have very definable lumps but all my ultrasounds have come back completely normal.  



If you can feel the lumps by physical examination, a competent uro will see them by the ultrasound made on flaccid penis. From my experience and others on the forum.

Age 71, Peyronies from Jan 2009 following penis fracture during sex. Severe ED.
Lost 2" length and a lot of girth. Late start, still VED, Cialis & Pentox helped. Prostate surgery 2014.
Got amazing support on the forum


Quote from: james1947 on October 20, 2012, 05:57:50 PM

If you can feel the lumps by physical examination, a competent uro will see them by the ultrasound made on flaccid penis. From my experience and others on the forum.

I agree, I know of no instance where an individual had diagnosed Peyronies Disease and an ultrasound did not detect palpable plaque.
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Much to my frustration, on the day of my ultrasound a few days ago, the hospital called me telling me they don't do penile ultrasounds...I still don't have any idea why, since I got a testicular ultrasound from the same healthcare provider. I don't know if this is common, but it's starting to look like I'll have to go outside of my healthcare to get one, which I'm sure will be quite costly, but I'd rather have one to know for sure. Not really that much improvement so far other than the pain subsiding since about a month ago, but my flaccid state looks kind of strange at times -- longer, thinner, and more rubbery than I remember it was before. Maybe I'm overthinking it, but it doesn't seem like a good sign.

Does anyone live in Northern California? There's a specialist department at UCSF dedicated to peyronie's research that I am looking into: Peyronie's Disease | Conditions & Treatments | UCSF Medical Center


If I lived on the West Coast to me it would be a no-brainer.  I would go to Dr. Lue Tom F. Lue | UCSF Medical Center

There is none better
Prostatectomy 2004, radiation 2009, currently 74 yrs old
After pills, injections, VED - Dr Eid, Titan 22cm implant 8/7/18
Hawk - Updated 10/27/18 - Peyronies Society Forums


Yes, thanks for sharing that, Hawk. I'm trying to get a referral from my HMO to be examined there because I don't have any other way of paying, but it'll be difficult seeing as they just keep telling me it's all in my head.



Go to Lue if you can, even if it's out of pocket. I went to him and he and his staff are great. I had my ultrasound done by him and they could indeed see the thin layer of plaque that I had. The ultrasound is not a bad experience (except for having a bunch of dudes touch your junk  ;D )

Good luck,



After getting full blood tests, I found out that my vitamin D is well below the minimum range (9 ng/mL) and that my cholesterol is very high for a 23 year old (250 mg/dL) along with LDL levels (180 mg/dL). I'm sure both of these have a lot to do with my weak erections, and I've started taking 4000 IU vitamin D daily since the past week. I'm really hoping that once I get my body balanced again, I'll start to heal faster from whatever physical trauma might have occurred.

Also, I plan to start a low dose of Cialis after if I get my cholesterol down. I've had a lot of anxiety with heart palpitations and I'm not sure how I'd react.